View Full Version : Highest damage single melee hit build

2020-07-29, 12:25 PM
looking to build a samurai type character that focuses on one big hit like you see in the samurai movies when they duel. paladin seems like the obvious choice for smites but their may be some combos i'm missing. thanks for any input you can offer.

2020-07-29, 12:35 PM
Orc Zealot Barbarian using Great Axe and GWM and Orcish Fury hits pretty hard. That's 6D12+10+4+(str) + 2D6+10 on a Crit.

Always fun and satisfying to roll a handful of D12's

2020-07-29, 12:38 PM
looking to build a samurai type character that focuses on one big hit like you see in the samurai movies when they duel. paladin seems like the obvious choice for smites but their may be some combos i'm missing. thanks for any input you can offer.

Characters that focus on single large hits:
- Every build that uses Booming Blade as its primary attack ex my Arcana Cleric and Whispers Bard builds, etc.
- Rogue.

Characters that focus on large hits, not necessarily single:
- Paladins (all of them).
- Eldritch Smite Warlocks.

2020-07-29, 12:46 PM
What level are you talking about?

Rogue or Paladin is probably your best bet, although 5e doesn't support "one hit kill" characters, so don't go expecting that.

Assassin Rogue is probably the highest damage you can get without expending slots, but it's incredibly difficult to pull off and, even then, you're looking at about 7+Dex+(3.5*level), which isn't enough to kill any level appropriate threat.

At level 5 that's 32 damage, which isn't enough to kill a CR 2 Ogre, let alone a CR 5 Troll.

Even Paladin crits (which require spell slots and a natural 20) can't one shot most enemies. At level 5 you're probably dealing around 40 damage on a Smite crit.

2020-07-29, 02:59 PM
Largest single hit would probably be something like ...

Paladin 2/warlock 9/rogue 9 attacking using a rapier and booming blade

3d8 (bb) + d8 (rapier) + smite (level 5) + eldritch smite (level 5) + 5d6 (sneak)

Of course they could only do it once/short rest ... and that is probably not what you are looking for ...

On the other hand, the sustained damage without the smites is 4d8 + 5d6 if they can land the sneak attack each turn.

Iku Rex
2020-07-29, 03:12 PM
First, this is not going to be an "optimal" character.

I don't think Assassinate has the flavor you're looking for, though Sneak Attack does seem appropriate for the "one big hit".

IMO your best bet is the grave (http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/cleric:grave) (XGtE) cleric's Path to the Grave ability. The curse makes the target vulnerable to a single attack, meaning it takes double the regular damage. However, it takes an action to use and you can only use it once (per short rest).

Beyond that you just need to pile on the damage. A Paladin multiclass with Great Weapon Fighting style and the Great Weapon Master feat using Divine Smite seems like the obvious approach. Maybe with a smite spell on top. The Oath of Conquest (http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/paladin:conquest)(XGtE) Guided Strike ability could help ensure a hit.

If you want everything in one turn, a Sorcerer multiclass for Quicken Spell on Booming Blade could work. The Divine Soul (http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/sorcerer:divine-soul) (XGtE) Favored by the Gods ability helps you hit.

Edit: A Fighter multiclass for Action Surge is another way to get it done in one turn.

2020-07-29, 08:22 PM
As others pointed out some combination of stacking smites (warlock, whisper bard, paladin), sneak die, booming blade and shadow blade is the usual way.

2020-07-29, 08:56 PM
It's a travesty not to include at least one level of the Samurai subclass while Great Weapon Master offers a thematic way of beefing up a single sword hit that averages out to approximately what you'd get from extra dice. Fighting Spirit can make sure this isn't one big whiff.

2020-07-29, 10:12 PM
Orc Zealot Barbarian using Great Axe and GWM and Orcish Fury hits pretty hard. That's 6D12+10+4+(str) + 2D6+10 on a Crit.

Always fun and satisfying to roll a handful of D12's

how did you arrive at this?

2020-07-30, 08:57 AM
Paladin/Warlock make them elven.

Get the Elven Accuracy feat to allow a third roll.

Then you go Hexblade, pact of the blade.

Hexblade Curse allows you to crit on a 19,20.
Accuracy allows 1 extra roll.

You can double up the Paladin Smite and the Warlock Smite.

You could take Great Weapon fighting and Savage attack.

Would do really great damage.

2020-07-30, 09:20 AM
A High Elf Swashbuckler Rogue, taking Booming Blade as a wizard cantrip from High Elf, Elven Accuracy feat for triple advantage on your sneak attack and 3 levels of Champion Fighter for crits on a 19 (10% crit chance, 19% with advantage and 27% with Elven Accuracy)
You could also go Arcane Trickster and take both Booming Blade and Shadow Blade at 8th level for even more damage but less opportunities for Sneak Attack, although Shadow Blade gets advantage in dim light or darkness, which would proc Sneak Attack.

A 17 Arcane Trickster / 3 Champion would be able to deal :

3d8 + 5 + 9d6 + 3d8 (+ 4d8) = 20-107

(+ 4-32) = 24-139 if the guy moves, in a single hit.

If you crit that's :

6d8 + 5 + 18d6 + 6d8 (+ 4d8) = 35-209 (39-241)

Shadow Blade is concentration though, so if you're hit often, you might end up weaponless. Still works fine with a normal weapon, just a bit less damages.

Crit builds in general are good for this type of character, Barbarians and Paladins particularly, solo Warlocks a bit less, but a mix of Hexblade Warlock and Vengeance Paladin is really good. Prefer Half-Orc for Barbarian and (Half)-Elf for Paladin and Warlock.

You could also go for an Aasimar character, they get to add their level to 1 attack/turn for 1 minute each long rest. Goblins can do it on 1 attack once per short rest but I doubt you'd want a Goblin Samurai.

And if you play with a big weapon, don't forget the Great Weapon Master feat.

2020-07-30, 09:42 AM
A High Elf Swashbuckler Rogue, taking Booming Blade as a wizard cantrip from High Elf, Elven Accuracy feat for triple advantage on your sneak attack and 3 levels of Champion Fighter for crits on a 19 (10% crit chance, 19% with advantage and 27% with Elven Accuracy)
You could also go Arcane Trickster and take both Booming Blade and Shadow Blade at 8th level for even more damage but less opportunities for Sneak Attack, although Shadow Blade gets advantage in dim light or darkness, which would proc Sneak Attack.

A 17 Arcane Trickster / 3 Champion would be able to deal :

3d8 + 5 + 9d6 + 3d8 (+ 4d8) = 20-107

(+ 4-32) = 24-139 if the guy moves, in a single hit.

If you crit that's :

6d8 + 5 + 18d6 + 6d8 (+ 4d8) = 35-209 (39-241)

Shadow Blade is concentration though, so if you're hit often, you might end up weaponless. Still works fine with a normal weapon, just a bit less damages.

Crit builds in general are good for this type of character, Barbarians and Paladins particularly, solo Warlocks a bit less, but a mix of Hexblade Warlock and Vengeance Paladin is really good. Prefer Half-Orc for Barbarian and (Half)-Elf for Paladin and Warlock.

You could also go for an Aasimar character, they get to add their level to 1 attack/turn for 1 minute each long rest. Goblins can do it on 1 attack once per short rest but I doubt you'd want a Goblin Samurai.

And if you play with a big weapon, don't forget the Great Weapon Master feat.

With my way 11 War/9 Pal

Hexblade Curse crit on 19, 20 using 3 dice with Elven Accuracy

Weapon damage +5 cha + 6 prof + 4d8 Pal Smite + 6d8 War Smite.

Damage: Weapon + 21-91

If Holy Avenger 26-106 but with Savage Attack and GWFS you will never roll close to 30 damage.

Great Weapon Fighting Style to reroll 1's and 2's with Savage attack to roll it all over and take the better roll.

Remember that Booming Blade only works if they move willingly. So it doesnt do damage on the melee attack.

2020-07-30, 10:18 AM
Vorpal sword and A weighted d20.

2020-07-30, 11:20 AM
With my way 11 War/9 Pal

Hexblade Curse crit on 19, 20 using 3 dice with Elven Accuracy

Weapon damage +5 cha + 6 prof + 4d8 Pal Smite + 6d8 War Smite.

Damage: Weapon + 21-91

If Holy Avenger 26-106 but with Savage Attack and GWFS you will never roll close to 30 damage.

Great Weapon Fighting Style to reroll 1's and 2's with Savage attack to roll it all over and take the better roll.

Remember that Booming Blade only works if they move willingly. So it doesnt do damage on the melee attack.

Well, it really depends on your DM's ruling, whether or not you can reroll smite dice damage with Savage Attacker and GWFS. Because the official ruling says no. For sure, it's hard to beat the DPR of a Paladin if your DM allows you to reroll smite dices.

Booming Blade does 3d8 damage on hit and 4d8 if the target moves at level 17. At first level Booming Blade only does damage if the target moves, but that changes as soon as level 5 (1d8 on hit and + 2d8 if the target moves).

2020-07-30, 08:10 PM
Well, it really depends on your DM's ruling, whether or not you can reroll smite dice damage with Savage Attacker and GWFS. Because the official ruling says no. For sure, it's hard to beat the DPR of a Paladin if your DM allows you to reroll smite dices.

Booming Blade does 3d8 damage on hit and 4d8 if the target moves at level 17. At first level Booming Blade only does damage if the target moves, but that changes as soon as level 5 (1d8 on hit and + 2d8 if the target moves).

You are correct that only damage from the weapon is rerolled. And that is why I said that 30 would be closer to your minimum damage.

But you cant count the extra dice on booming blade. Its not part of the melee damage and the secondary damage doesn't crit. Its a spell effect after the fact. The target has to willingly move and not a guaranteed damage roll.

2020-07-30, 09:32 PM
looking to build a samurai type character that focuses on one big hit like you see in the samurai movies when they duel. paladin seems like the obvious choice for smites but their may be some combos i'm missing. thanks for any input you can offer.

To get the theme and mechanic for this to work I'd say something primary rogue with a splash of paladin if you like. Inquisitive is about perfect for the keen eye and deadly single strike concept.

2020-07-31, 12:53 AM
Half-Elf Pal 2 / Whisper Bard 13 / Hexblade 5

The only feat you need is Elven Accuracy, then use other ASIs to max Dex (a little sub-optimal in most cases, but works here). Set-up is cast Shadow Blade with level 7 slot, cast Darkness for advantage with Devil Sight invocation, apply Hexblade's Curse, then stab 'em with Green Flame Blade (or Booming Blade, whatever) to trigger smites.

+5d8 psychic from upcast Shadow Blade
+4d8 force from Warlock Smite
+5d8 radiant from Paladin Smite
+3d8 from GFB / BB
+5d6 psychic from Whisper blades
+5 Dex modifier
+6 proficiency from Hexblade Curse
+2 Dueling fighting style
= avg 107

Plus you got the famous accuracy+advantage 3d20s crit'ing on a 19-20.

Note that you could play this pretty close to optimally... it's not just a theoretical exercise. Leveling up would be a little awkward 'cause you get fewer ASIs than normal, and your full power doesn't come online until pretty late. But you've got a character with decent defenses, the option to Eldritch Blast + bard shenanigans early on, and later as your melee abilities improve you'd have a lot of spell slots for powering paladin smites.

Edit: the original build I had was with Draconic sorc for extra damage off Elemental Affinity. It'd be easier to level up, but Whisper Bard gets the extra smite.

2020-07-31, 01:24 AM
how did you arrive at this?

For the D12s it'd be (Great Axe (1) + Orcish Fury (1))*2+Brutal Critical (1) +Savage Attacks (1)

As for the rest, well I'm not really sure but to take a crack at it:

10 (GWM)

4 (Rage?)

2d6 (Zealot damage die critting)

10 (Zealot flat damage @ 20th)

Though if this is at 20th level then this is actually pretty short since Brutal critical scales, at 20th a GWM crit would actually be 8D12 at this set up so:

8d12+10+4+7(Str)+2d6+10=90 damage on average in one hit

2020-07-31, 01:46 AM
A lot of multiclassing but a one turn hit with no prior prep:
2 grave cleric/2 fighter/2paladin/10 whispers Bard/ 4 levels to play with(I personally would do 3 levels assassin rogue and 1 level added to fighter to nab battlemaster maybe?)

T1 Bonus action upcast shadowblade, main action channel divinity path to the grave, action surge, cast booming blade and stack smite, psychic blades (and maybe sneak attack and a battle maneuver?)

+5d8 upcast shadowblade
+5d8 paladin smite
+3d8 booming blade
+5d6 bard psychic blades
+5 mod
+2 dueling fighting style

+2d6 Rogue sneak attack
+1d8 battle maneuver

Normal avg 83
With maybes avg 94
With channel divinity 166 and 188 respectively
And don't forget if you pick rogue assassin and get surprise or get a lucky crit the damage is even higher!

2020-07-31, 01:49 AM
Fighter 3/Cleric 2/Warlock 13/Paladin 2

Fighter 2 gives you action surge which you'll use to activate path to the grave from grave cleric.
Fighter 3 Gives you Samurai fighter which allows you to gain advantage.
Cleric 2 gives path to the grave which doubles the next hit on that target.
Paladin 2 gives you smite ability.
Warlock 11+ gives you 3 5th level slots.
Now Ideally you'll have grabbed elven accuracy during this.

I see about 3 different versions of this depending on set up time.

1st Turn.
Bonus action: Hexblade's curse
Action: Dodge
2nd Turn.
Bonus Action: Wrathful Smite
Action: Path to the grave
3rd Turn.
Bonus Action: Fighting Spirit
Action Attack hopefully critting.
Normal: 2d6+Str+Cha+prof+5d10+11d8=93 Damage
Critical: 4d6+st+cha+10d10+22d8=175 Damage
Oops sorry double that so 186 or 350 on a crit.

1st Turn.
Bonus action: Hexblade's curse
Action: Dodge

2nd Turn.
Bonus Action: Wrathful Smite
Action: Path to the grave
Action Surge: Attack.

Same damage as the 3 turn but with much less chance to crit unless you have advantage for some reason.

Bonus Action: Wrathful Smite
Action: Path to the Grave
Action Surge: Attack

2d6+Str+Cha+5d10+11d8=180 Damage

2020-07-31, 02:08 AM
Of course if you want to go with the nuclear option...

At least two levels of Grave Cleric for Path of the Grave.

At least two levels of Divination Wizard for Portent (must have a 20 available on one of the dice).

At least two levels of Fighter for Action Surge.

Play through White Plume Mountain and acquire the Trident Wave.

The sequence...

1: Use your Channel Divinity to place Path of the Grave on the target, giving them Vulnerability to all damage from the next attack that hits.

2: Action Surge.

3: Attack the target with Wave. Use the 20 from Portent to make the attack into a Critical Hit.

4: When Wave scores a Critical Hit, it does extra necrotic damage equal to half of the target's maximum Hit Points.

5: Because of Path of the Grave, the target is actually taking bonus necrotic damage equal to 100% of its maximum HP. Even if the target has one million HP, it's now below zero.

The higher the HP of the target, the higher the damage your single melee hit will do.

2020-07-31, 02:12 AM
Half-Elf Pal 2 / Whisper Bard 13 / Hexblade 5

The only feat you need is Elven Accuracy, then use other ASIs to max Dex (a little sub-optimal in most cases, but works here). Set-up is cast Shadow Blade with level 7 slot, cast Darkness for advantage with Devil Sight invocation, apply Hexblade's Curse, then stab 'em with Green Flame Blade (or Booming Blade, whatever) to trigger smites.

+5d8 psychic from upcast Shadow Blade
+4d8 force from Warlock Smite
+5d8 radiant from Paladin Smite
+3d8 from GFB / BB
+5d6 psychic from Whisper blades
+5 Dex modifier
+6 proficiency from Hexblade Curse
+2 Dueling fighting style
= avg 107


For warlock's pact of the blade, you can either create one with action, or use 1hr ritual to transform one magic weapon as pact weapon.

Therefore, the shadowblade cannot be used as warlock's pact weapon.
So you cannot use Eldritch Smite with it, and you cannot have Thirsting Blade's extra attack with it.

2020-07-31, 02:44 AM
Fighter2/Death Cleric 18
Upcast Hold Person on two targets.
Action Surge into 9th Level Inflict Wounds.
44d10+82 = 324 split between two enemies.

2020-07-31, 04:09 AM
Half-Elf Pal 2 / Whisper Bard 13 / Hexblade 5

The only feat you need is Elven Accuracy, then use other ASIs to max Dex (a little sub-optimal in most cases, but works here). Set-up is cast Shadow Blade with level 7 slot, cast Darkness for advantage with Devil Sight invocation, apply Hexblade's Curse, then stab 'em with Green Flame Blade (or Booming Blade, whatever) to trigger smites.

+5d8 psychic from upcast Shadow Blade
+4d8 force from Warlock Smite
+5d8 radiant from Paladin Smite
+3d8 from GFB / BB
+5d6 psychic from Whisper blades
+5 Dex modifier
+6 proficiency from Hexblade Curse
+2 Dueling fighting style
= avg 107

Plus you got the famous accuracy+advantage 3d20s crit'ing on a 19-20.

Note that you could play this pretty close to optimally... it's not just a theoretical exercise. Leveling up would be a little awkward 'cause you get fewer ASIs than normal, and your full power doesn't come online until pretty late. But you've got a character with decent defenses, the option to Eldritch Blast + bard shenanigans early on, and later as your melee abilities improve you'd have a lot of spell slots for powering paladin smites.

Edit: the original build I had was with Draconic sorc for extra damage off Elemental Affinity. It'd be easier to level up, but Whisper Bard gets the extra smite.

Not sure what this Whisper Blade damage is. Only thing I found on the internet is a +1 dagger. The damage listed is not part of the item I read.

Also using two weapons is cheating. Wink

Mine with two weapons would be just as good. Lol

2020-07-31, 04:24 AM
Elvish Hexblade 1/Arcane Trickster 19 is about the best you can do. You can do upwards to 100 points of damage with a single Shadow Blade Booming Blade Sneak Attack Crit and you have a 19-20 crit range with Elvish Accuracy and Familiar to Help you for your tridvantage. Of course, you're not one-shotting most things but you can hit really hard with your one attack (and you have access to Haste for your out-of-turn attack too).

2020-07-31, 05:51 AM
The assassin with some hexblade and poison would do some crazy damage.

2020-07-31, 08:14 AM
Elvish Hexblade 1/Arcane Trickster 19 is about the best you can do. You can do upwards to 100 points of damage with a single Shadow Blade Booming Blade Sneak Attack Crit and you have a 19-20 crit range with Elvish Accuracy and Familiar to Help you for your tridvantage. Of course, you're not one-shotting most things but you can hit really hard with your one attack (and you have access to Haste for your out-of-turn attack too).

Unfortunately, you can’t have SB and Haste up at the same time as both are Concentration.

2020-07-31, 09:58 AM
Not sure what this Whisper Blade damage is. Only thing I found on the internet is a +1 dagger. The damage listed is not part of the item I read.

Also using two weapons is cheating. Wink

Mine with two weapons would be just as good. Lol

This is for 1 weapon attack. Whisper Blade is a class feature of Whisper Bard.

2020-07-31, 10:33 AM
Unfortunately, you can’t have SB and Haste up at the same time as both are Concentration.

Indeed, SB is better for big single hit while Haste does more DPR overall. You can only have both with Glyph of Warding, familiar Ring of Spell Storing or similar. But just one or the other is worth it. Of course, you can also go for off-turn BB with Sentinel + War Caster.

2020-07-31, 10:50 AM
I did this a couple years ago (I think it was when Xan's came out) from a purely theoretical standpoint:

Assa 17/Grave Cleric2/Wiz1

Martial Adept
4 Feats remaining

Ring of Spell Storing(Banishing smite)
Rapier +1

Banishing Smite 5d10
Green Flame Blade 3d8 +Int
Rapier 1d8 +Dex +1
Poison 6d6
Sneak 9d6
Martial Adept 1d6
Absorb Elements 2d6 (absorbing something previous round)
Aasimar 20

5d10 +4d8 +18d6 +21 +Dex +Int

Assa autocrit ==>

10d10 +8d8 +36d6 +21 +Dex +Int = 55 +36 +126 +21 +Dex +Int = 238 +Dex +Int

Assa17 x2 damage ==>

= 476 +2xDex +2xInt

Grave Cleric Vulnerability ==>

= 952 +4xDex +4xInt

2020-07-31, 11:57 AM
I did this a couple years ago (I think it was when Xan's came out) from a purely theoretical standpoint:

Assa 17/Grave Cleric2/Wiz1

Martial Adept
4 Feats remaining

Ring of Spell Storing(Banishing smite)
Rapier +1

Banishing Smite 5d10
Green Flame Blade 3d8 +Int
Rapier 1d8 +Dex +1
Poison 6d6
Sneak 9d6
Martial Adept 1d6
Absorb Elements 2d6 (absorbing something previous round)
Aasimar 20

5d10 +4d8 +18d6 +21 +Dex +Int

Assa autocrit ==>

10d10 +8d8 +36d6 +21 +Dex +Int = 55 +36 +126 +21 +Dex +Int = 238 +Dex +Int

Assa17 x2 damage ==>

= 476 +2xDex +2xInt

Grave Cleric Vulnerability ==>

= 952 +4xDex +4xInt

We're not looking for the biggest single hit ever, we're looking for a build that hits hard in a single strike in combat, reliably.

Also not sure how this would work out tbh. The action economy is ****ed up, you relly on your allies for 2 of your abilities and you'd probably lose stealth and surprise round with Aasimar and Path to the Grave.

2020-07-31, 12:41 PM
We're not looking for the biggest single hit ever, we're looking for a build that hits hard in a single strike in combat, reliably.
per the OP i don't think so

looking to build a samurai type character that focuses on one big hit like you see in the samurai movies when they duel. paladin seems like the obvious choice for smites but their may be some combos i'm missing. thanks for any input you can offer.

Also not sure how this would work out tbh. The action economy is ****ed up, you relly on your allies for 2 of your abilities and you'd probably lose stealth and surprise round with Aasimar and Path to the Grave.

which allies are needed for what abilities?
that said, i agree you won't get surprise in a duel.

2020-07-31, 01:11 PM
The awsner is simple, a lvl 18 half elf champion fighter / lvl 2 barb with the legendary weapon Wave. Feats EA, max Strength, lucky and whatever you like. Reckless attack, action surge, that's 18 dices. Crit twice (on 18+) and you can down Tiamat in one round.

2020-07-31, 01:12 PM
per the OP i don't think so

which allies are needed for what abilities?
that said, i agree you won't get surprise in a duel.

He's looking for a build for his character. He wants to actually play the game, not do 1 attack and be useless until the next long rest. He just prefers one big hit over the extra attack feature.

He needs a Paladin to cast Banishing Smite on his Ring.
He needs an ally to cast a Firebolt at him to use Absorb Element (unless you can cast a cantrip at yourself but using a reaction on your own turn doesn't seem like a thing).

And I'm not specifically talking about a duel either concerning surprise.

Aasimar's transformation has a physical effect that could get you out of sneak, at least most GMs I know wouldn't allow you to transform while staying hidden. You could use it before an encounter, sure, but how do you know if an enemy will be there soon?

Path to the Grave isn't worded properly, we don't know how it actually works, do you just stare at the target, silently, unmoving, or do you actually have to move, talk, maybe say a prayer, or something?
Not to mention, when you target an enemy with it, you start rolling for initiative, and that's your first turn, so you can't actually attack after using it. Also, if the target rolls higher initiative than you, it's no longer surprised after its turn doing nothing.

2020-07-31, 02:52 PM
He's looking for a build for his character. He wants to actually play the game, not do 1 attack and be useless until the next long rest. He just prefers one big hit over the extra attack feature.

And I'm not specifically talking about a duel either concerning surprise.

I quoted the OP's first and only post on this thread... in which he wants 1 attack during a duel.
He doesn't mention: extra attack, long rest or playing the character.

He needs a Paladin to cast Banishing Smite on his Ring.
He needs an ally to cast a Firebolt at him to use Absorb Element (unless you can cast a cantrip at yourself but using a reaction on your own turn doesn't seem like a thing).

Aasimar's transformation has a physical effect that could get you out of sneak, at least most GMs I know wouldn't allow you to transform while staying hidden. You could use it before an encounter, sure, but how do you know if an enemy will be there soon?

Path to the Grave isn't worded properly, we don't know how it actually works, do you just stare at the target, silently, unmoving, or do you actually have to move, talk, maybe say a prayer, or something?
Not to mention, when you target an enemy with it, you start rolling for initiative, and that's your first turn, so you can't actually attack after using it. Also, if the target rolls higher initiative than you, it's no longer surprised after its turn doing nothing.

He needs a Paladin at some point prior. missed that, thanks
He can cast gfb the turn prior, target himself with bonus damage, trigger absorb elements. (kills surprise or needs faster ally for same turn activation)
aasimar xform doesn't break hidden by RAW (except scourge)
swap aasimar for goblin, action economy okay
grave cleric by RAW doesn't break hidden, but does mess with action economy (kills surprise)

we do know how assimar xform works... takes 1 action, cause change. it doesn't specify verbal, somatic component, there is visible effect.
we do know how grave cleric works.... takes 1 action, pick a target, next attack causes vulnerability. it doesn't specify verbal, somatic component, nor observable effect.

you can do reactions on your own turn, if you meet the trigger requirements (counter spell is common)

2020-07-31, 03:25 PM
I quoted the OP's first and only post on this thread... in which he wants 1 attack during a duel.
He doesn't mention: extra attack, long rest or playing the character.

He needs a Paladin at some point prior. missed that, thanks
He can cast gfb the turn prior, target himself with bonus damage, trigger absorb elements. (kills surprise or needs faster ally for same turn activation)
aasimar xform doesn't break hidden by RAW (except scourge)
swap aasimar for goblin, action economy okay
grave cleric by RAW doesn't break hidden, but does mess with action economy (kills surprise)

we do know how assimar xform works... takes 1 action, cause change. it doesn't specify verbal, somatic component, there is visible effect.
we do know how grave cleric works.... takes 1 action, pick a target, next attack causes vulnerability. it doesn't specify verbal, somatic component, nor observable effect.

you can do reactions on your own turn, if you meet the trigger requirements (counter spell is common)

Guess we won't know what OP meant until he comes to say it himself. But the wording hint at him wanting to play a samurai-style character because it was so specific for a playstyle. Might have been inspired by Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro.

Protector Aasimar also has eyes that glimmer and luminous incorporeal wings, which doesn't seem really sneaky. Fallen Aasimar seems fine though. Goblin is probably the way to go yeah. Plus you can hide better with small size, which is nice.

2020-07-31, 06:15 PM
I did this a couple years ago (I think it was when Xan's came out) from a purely theoretical standpoint:

Assa 17/Grave Cleric2/Wiz1

Apologies if I'm piling on at this point, but Path to the Grave and Assassinate/Death Strike are a non-bo. Assassinate only works if the target is surprised, and surprise only applies to the first turn of combat. If you take a turn to apply Path to the Grave, you've missed your window for assassinate. I suppose if you had a really generous DM, they could let you apply Path to the Grave First... but it's an ability that targets an opponent, and that should be the start of combat.

(this does sidestep all the problems of setting up surprise, but assuming it's given...)

The same applies for Absorb Elements; if an opponent attacked you, they're not surprised, and you can't assassinate. If you have an ally casting buff spells on you, that starts to open up a lot of options that seem outside the original task (ie, how do I build a team to optimize one character's one big hit).

Also I may have missed something, but where did the poison damage come from?

2020-07-31, 06:47 PM
It's definitely not a "build", as I said it was some theorycrafting I did a couple years ago.

I see that combining Path to grave with surprise would be tricky, if I thought of something back then I can't think of it now, the rest of the issues are easily explained though:

Round 1: Transformation
Round 2: Banishing smite
Round 3: Stealth
Round 4: Drop an alchemists fire on yourself (must make a dc 10 con save)
Round 5: Take fire damage as it starts (another dc 10 con save)
Reaction: Absorb Elements (only S component)
Action: Path to grave

This would kill surprise, so the attack next turn wouldn't benefit from surprise

2020-08-01, 10:58 PM
@LudicSavant, I think I might be a little slow but what’s the whisper bard high damage one shot build? Actually anyone can answer, my googlefu is seriously lacking I guess. I have looked at the Arcane Cleric build and love the concept but I have a character in mind for an upcoming game. I think a decently high damage whisper bars build would be fun.

2020-08-01, 11:25 PM
@LudicSavant, I think I might be a little slow but what’s the whisper bard high damage one shot build? Actually anyone can answer, my googlefu is seriously lacking I guess. I have looked at the Arcane Cleric build and love the concept but I have a character in mind for an upcoming game. I think a decently high damage whisper bars build would be fun.

IIRC it was basically just Hexblade 1 / Whispers X using Booming Blade and Hexblade's Curse and Banishing Smite and Elven Accuracy or something. You could probably pack even more damage than that into that single hit if you wanted to; high damage on a single hit wasn't really the 'goal' of the build just a thing it did as a side gig to being a full caster.

2020-08-01, 11:28 PM
Ahh ok, I was trying to get a viable character that can pick a punch and maybe hang with the martial classes a bit. Thank you for answering and answering so quickly!

2020-08-01, 11:57 PM
Ahh ok, I was trying to get a viable character that can pick a punch and maybe hang with the martial classes a bit. Thank you for answering and answering so quickly!

Sorry I think I might have given the wrong impression; I said that it was a multi-trick pony, not that it couldn't hang with the martials or pack a punch.

Ex: A Hexblade 1 / Whispers 17 / Paladin 2 can swing a 27.1% crit rate, and that crit will hit for 16d6+18d8+10d10+13+BB rider+Banishing Smite (banishes an enemy if they have 50 hp or less after this hit).

It also will be a tanky full spellcaster and accomplished skill monkey. Because Bard builds are like that.

2020-08-02, 12:04 AM
Not that it is super massive but it is reliable and also a pretty solid build.

Tiefling of whatever subrace you want really.
Take feats: Flames of Phelwhatever, Elemental Adept: fire
Celestial warlock 12, Draconic Sorcerer 8

Rapier: 1d8
GFB: 3d8
Normal stat: dex +5
fire damage so draconic: Cha +5
fire damage so celestial adds Cha: +5
Lifedrinker: charisma again +5
If you crit, throw in an eldritch Smite for an extra 12D8
Also can be quickened if you have to.

Also gives you a ton of self healing with celestial and other things.

Could just keep it simple:

High Elf who takes BB
Inquisitor rogue 17, Champion 3
Feats: Elven Accuracy, Lucky, Mobile, whatever else

Rapier: 1d8
Sneak Attack: 13d6
BB: 3D8, if they move, 4d8 more
Dex bonus: +5
That is advantage for 3 dice, a crit on a 19 or 20, and if if that still does not cut it, throw in lucky.
That is a very solid crit chance which would be: 8d8 + 26D6 + 5 = 132 damage roughly on a crit.

Very simple, too the point, and effective.

2020-08-02, 12:32 AM
Sorry I think I might have given the wrong impression; I said that it was a multi-trick pony, not that it couldn't hang with the martials or pack a punch.

Ex: A Hexblade 1 / Whispers 17 / Paladin 2 can swing a 27.1% crit rate, and that crit will hit for 16d6+18d8+10d10+13+BB rider+Banishing Smite (banishes an enemy if they have 50 hp or less after this hit).

It also will be a tanky full spellcaster and accomplished skill monkey. Because Bard builds are like that.

That’s a mean hit, but how does it look and play from level 1? I’ve never done a whisper bard/Hexblade build, and to be fair haven’t touched bard in years. I know the bonus to pally 2, and have played palidorc enough (they always feel starved for slots to me at least).

2020-08-02, 07:49 AM
That’s a mean hit, but how does it look and play from level 1? I’ve never done a whisper bard/Hexblade build, and to be fair haven’t touched bard in years. I know the bonus to pally 2, and have played palidorc enough (they always feel starved for slots to me at least).

How it plays:

Hexblade is obviously strong at level 1. After that you’re a (mostly) full Bard with medium armor + shield + Shield, Cha-based weaponry, Booming Blade, Hexblade’s Curse, Armor of Agathys, and sneak attack-like damage. You do Bard things and whack someone with a Booming Blade sometimes (not all the time, because psychic blades eats a bardic inspiration and you have important fullcaster things to be doing, but a fair bit of the time because you can do that 15 times per “standard adventuring day”). You max Cha ASAP (while grabbing Elven accuracy since it’s a +1 Cha half-feat) since you’re 100% SAD. Warcaster is nice too for BB OAs.

Paladin is something you take late if at all. You can already break triple digit damage hits without it, and have plenty of non-smite things to spend slots on.

You shouldn’t feel starved for slots because A) you have a bunch and B) you have good things to do that don’t cost slots (BB+ Psychic Blades + triple advantage, for instance).

Notably, the fact that all of your damage is on a single attack means it's easy as pie to get advantage. Stealthed? That single attack is your whole thing. Party has a familiar? One help action is triple advantage for your entire DPR. Etc. Basically you should have little problem getting Advantage about as often as you want to use Psychic Blades.

Booming Blade + Hexblade's Curse + Psychic Blades + Elven Accuracy hits for about 30 DPR vs AC 15 at level 6 (~39 if the enemy triggers the BB rider). Note that's after accounting for accuracy, and before counting your spell slots. If you want to compare against some kind of baseline, a level 6 Warlock using Hex + Eldritch Blast + Agonizing Blast has 19.1 DPR against AC 15.

2020-08-02, 11:56 AM
Thanks for all the input from everyone. My group and I started playing about 6 months ago and Im really enjoying the optimization aspect of the game, ill definitely try the hexblade/paladin build. might try the inquisitive rogue too.

2020-08-02, 07:50 PM
How it plays:

Hexblade is obviously strong at level 1. After that you’re a (mostly) full Bard with medium armor + shield + Shield, Cha-based weaponry, Booming Blade, Hexblade’s Curse, Armor of Agathys, and sneak attack-like damage. You do Bard things and whack someone with a Booming Blade sometimes (not all the time, because psychic blades eats a bardic inspiration and you have important fullcaster things to be doing, but a fair bit of the time because you can do that 15 times per “standard adventuring day”). You max Cha ASAP (while grabbing Elven accuracy since it’s a +1 Cha half-feat) since you’re 100% SAD. Warcaster is nice too for BB OAs.

Paladin is something you take late if at all. You can already break triple digit damage hits without it, and have plenty of non-smite things to spend slots on.

You shouldn’t feel starved for slots because A) you have a bunch and B) you have good things to do that don’t cost slots (BB+ Psychic Blades + triple advantage, for instance).

Notably, the fact that all of your damage is on a single attack means it's easy as pie to get advantage. Stealthed? That single attack is your whole thing. Party has a familiar? One help action is triple advantage for your entire DPR. Etc. Basically you should have little problem getting Advantage about as often as you want to use Psychic Blades.

Booming Blade + Hexblade's Curse + Psychic Blades + Elven Accuracy hits for about 30 DPR vs AC 15 at level 6 (~39 if the enemy triggers the BB rider). Note that's after accounting for accuracy, and before counting your spell slots. If you want to compare against some kind of baseline, a level 6 Warlock using Hex + Eldritch Blast + Agonizing Blast has 19.1 DPR against AC 15.

Awesome, thank you!