View Full Version : Ideas for an Adventuring Contest and its participants

2020-07-30, 03:39 AM
Matt if you are reading this, please stop, you're only hurting yourself!

I am writing a single player campaign in which my player, a battle smith artificer private detective, enters a contest to become the 'resident adventurer' of a mysterious city state, the empire. The empire is completely self sufficient and holds a neutral or tense relationship with all of it's neighbours, they have banned adventurers and trade so little is known of their inner workings. They are now expanding and are encountering problems which are too big for their professional military but too small for their big hitters so have decided to employ a permanent adventurer to handle them.

I have a solid story line once my player has secured the position involving territory conflicts but need more ideas for the first 1-2 sessions in which the contest takes place. So far I have some good encounters planned but need a few more, especially combat encounters that make sense.

My current ideas:

The person who gave my player their invite did not return from his travels, all the contestants who were invited by him are called in for further questioning.
When the contestants are settling in for the evening a number of thefts are discovered, who is responsible?
A tribe of militant hobgoblins are trying to set up in nearby territory. Ensure they will not cause any problems.
Scout out and secure a new mining location.
A patrol has discovered a wandering monster that's above their pay grade, relocate or destroy it.
A necromancer was slain recently, root out and destroy the feral undead.

For each I have tried to ensure there are multiple approaches that will work.

The other thing I need is a few ideas for other contestants. I have designed a rival for my player who should survive to near the end of the contest and a few rogue agents from neighbouring states but need some rank and file adventurers to fill out the roster. I'm not very familiar with 5e, this is the first game I've run since 3.5 so even simple ideas would be appreciated!

Thanks for any feedback, I'm looking forward to running this campaign and want to make sure it goes smoothly.

2020-07-30, 10:31 PM
Some other adventurers:

A street-kid Tabaxi Druid
A racist High Elf Wizard who considers Evocation beneath him
A kobold Barbarian, the last of his tribe
A half-orc Redemption Paladin
A Tiefling Divine Soul Sorceror of some cheerful happy god, like Lliira.