View Full Version : Methods of ignoring hardness

2020-07-30, 05:58 AM
any methods out there not including addy weapons?

2020-07-30, 08:05 AM
Hit really hard I guess?

If you want to be more specific, maybe we can figure out something.

The Shatter spell comes to mind.

Also Dark Speach is cool like that.

2020-07-30, 08:10 AM
Martial Study (mountain hammer), or do an initiator dip at level 5 (any, all of them have access to Stone Dragon).

2020-07-30, 08:18 AM
Stone dragon discipline from ToB has a lot of Manoeuvres (if not all of them) that grant 1 attack of ignoring DR or hardness and adding damage.

2020-07-30, 10:37 AM
Strength devotion does this a couple minutes a day if you get turn undead (or one if you dont)

2020-07-30, 10:54 AM
What's that star metal that is effectively adamantine but better?

2020-07-30, 11:07 AM
What's that star metal that is effectively adamantine but better?

Metalline, I think? But TC wanted something that was 'not including addy weapons', so unless it's a spell or ability that turns your business metalline/whatever it is, it's probably not what he wants (just guessing atm, not sure).

2020-07-30, 11:12 AM
I think there's a feat somewhere that lets you make a concentration check instead of using strength for breaking things, if you wanted to make a break check instead of relying on pure damage. Not able to look it up at the moment though, unfortunately.

2020-07-30, 11:12 AM
Polymorph the material into a zero hardness material.


Rust attacks vs Metals.

Stone to Flesh or Stone to Mud on stone objects.

Sonic damage.

Sphere of Annihilation.

Underdark has the Annihilator, basically a disintegrating greater rust monster IIRC.

Tear a hole to the Far Realm. Hardness will be ignored as it will become the least of one's problems.

2020-07-30, 11:27 AM
Corruption domain granted ability.

2020-07-30, 11:56 AM
Metalline, I think? But TC wanted something that was 'not including addy weapons', so unless it's a spell or ability that turns your business metalline/whatever it is, it's probably not what he wants (just guessing atm, not sure).

Negative. Metalline I think is the ability to give your weapon whatever properties you need at the time. I'm talking an actual material that I seem to remember has something to do with classes like green star adept. It's literally just called star metal.

Also who is TC?

2020-07-30, 11:57 AM
Sonic damage is the big one, particularly from psionics which is able to nova on sonic powers for a very hard hit.

2020-07-30, 12:02 PM
Negative. Metalline I think is the ability to give your weapon whatever properties you need at the time. I'm talking an actual material that I seem to remember has something to do with classes like green star adept. It's literally just called star metal.

Also who is TC?

Thread Creator/Topic Creator.

The starmetal described on p.141 of Complete Arcane's just "Adamantine, and also +1d6 damage to extraplanar creatures."

2020-07-30, 12:20 PM
Thread Creator/Topic Creator.

The starmetal described on p.141 of Complete Arcane's just "Adamantine, and also +1d6 damage to extraplanar creatures."

So, explicitly not adamantine. In fact, an improvement.

2020-07-30, 12:29 PM
...oh, THAT'S what was meant by 'addy weapons'. I didn't understand, I thought TC meant 'additional weapon properties.'

Yeah, if it's explicitly adamantine that's the issue, starmetal does the same stuff and is not that material.

2020-07-30, 12:46 PM
Some feats: Combat Engineer, Find Flaw, Focused Sunder, Fragile Construct, Nature's Fists, Ruinous Rage, Sense Weakness, Shards of Granite, Strength Devotion.

2020-07-30, 04:21 PM
Also a Weapon with the Metaline weapon engancment can briefly become Adamantine, and then revert back; If that counts, it's up to you.

2020-07-30, 05:32 PM
Cleric - Destruction domain, Improved Domain Power (Dragon #342): For 1 round, all of the Cleric’s natural & manufactured weapons are treated as being Adamantine for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction and/or Hardness. Activated as a Free Action. Usable (Cleric level) rounds per day.
Divine Mind - Destruction mantle: for allies withing your aura, hardness during sunder attempts is halved
Paladin 4, Noble Heart sub. level (Champions of Valor) - Sunder the Sadistic: attack on object which belongs to Loviatar's worshiper - or a part of structure dedicated to Loviatar - ignores hardness
Rogue 10 - Saboteur special ability (Dragon #326): for sundering or attacking objects, ignore amount of hardness equal to half of your Rogue levels

Acolyte of the Fist 4 (Dragon #296) - Fist of Destruction: subtracts class levels from the hardness of the object
Cataclysm Mage 6 (Explorer's Handbook) - Cataclysm of Dreams (Sp): Any structures within the area take 75 points of damage; hardness does not reduce this damage, nor is it halved as damage dealt to objects normally is
Cipher 1 (Dragon #287) - Locate Weakness: at full attack action, on Concentration check (DC 10 + object’s hardness) ignore the object's hardness that round
Cipher Adept (Planar Handbook) - Strike the Weak Spot: as a standard action, on hit with Concentration check (DC 10 + object’s hardness) ignore the object's hardness for this attack
Doomlord 1/5/10 (Planar Handbook) - Entropic Blow: limited times/day (up to 3), this blow would ignore hardness (and DR of Constructs or Undead)
Entropomancer 1 (Complete Divine) - Shard of Entropy (Su): 2/day, 3d6 points of damage against objects, bypassing hardness
Flux Adept 4 (Dragon Compendium) - Bitter Tides (Ex): 3+Con mod. (min. 1)/day, sweat acid for 10 minutes - 1/round acid damage to object touched, ignore hardness
Mythic Exemplar 10 (Complete Champion) - Embody Paragon, Sunyartra (Su): ignore 15 points of DR or hardness
Spinemeld Warrior 9 (Magic of Incarnum) - Adamantine Spines (Ex): spines count as adamantine to overcome DR or hardness
Stonedeath Assassin 3 (Races of Stone) - Corrupt Stone (Su): on melee touch attack, 3d6 damage which ignore hardness of stone or DR of creature with Earth subtype (4d6 at 4th level, and 5d6 - at 5th)
Unholy Ravager 2 (Dragon #297, [epic] PrC) - Corrupting Touch (Su): on touch attack, remove DR or hardness for 1 hour; in case of a very large object (such as castle's wall), only 5' cube is affected; usable 1/day (+1/day for every 10 next levels)

2020-07-30, 11:25 PM
Strength devotion does this a couple minutes a day if you get turn undead (or one if you dont)


Martial Study (mountain hammer), or do an initiator dip at level 5 (any, all of them have access to Stone Dragon).

also sweet

Corruption domain granted ability.

oh yes, sweet degeneration