View Full Version : What do you think about different ozodrin class versions?

Sir Edgen
2020-07-31, 04:56 AM
Some years ago I discovered this site when I was looking for interesting classes with unusual themes, and one of my happy finds was Ozodrin class by Owrtho, which became one of my favourite homebrew classes, can be found here: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?153536-Tooth-and-Tentacle-base-class-PEACH
I hope somebody still remembers it.
However, only recently I've found two variants of this class, which differ from original, by Hanuman and Magikeeper, respectively:
As with all multivariant choices, it will take a lot of time for me to compare those versions. What do you think? Which version would you call more mechanically clean, interesting or/and having most options?