View Full Version : Ignoring fortification/Swift hunter for sneak attack

2020-07-31, 10:29 AM
Is there a hway?

edit: specifically: is there a way to to either ignore fortification in general or a sneak attack equivalent to sift hunter?

el minster
2020-07-31, 12:20 PM
As I understand the feat even if your favored enemy is wearing fortification armor you can still apply precision damage

2020-07-31, 01:15 PM
""In addition, your skirmish extra damage applies against any creature you have selected as a favored enemy, even if it is normally immune to extra damage from critical hits or skirmish attacks.""

I'm sure the intention was to allow skirmish damage to apply to constructs and undead and other normally immune creatures, but the feat itself makes no mention of it. The target is susceptible if they are a favored enemy.

2020-08-02, 10:47 AM
to be more specific, i'm looking for something similar to swift hunter that applies to sneak attack instead of skirmish/OR the ability to ignore fortification

editing op for clarity

2020-08-02, 01:59 PM
Pathfinder has Anatomical Savant, but the prereqs are ridiculous.

Mythic Critical Focus is one of those mythic feats that I think would be fine as a non-mythic one.

2020-08-02, 02:29 PM
Dungeonscape p13 has the Penetrating Strike alternate class feature for Rogues. That makes it so if you're flanking a creature that is immune to the extra damage from sneak attack, which includes fortification, you still get half your sneak attack dice. You have to be able to flank the target for it to work, so immunity to flanking plus immunity to sneak attacks/critical hits is the only thing you can't beat.

2020-08-02, 06:46 PM
The lightbringer rogue ACF is similar, and then there are a number of ways to bypass sneak attack immunity for particular types (i.e. vine strike, truedeath crystal, etc...).

2020-08-02, 07:03 PM
Penetrating Strike: Lose Trap Sense at 3rd. Gain the ability to sneak attack via flanking to deal half your normal sneak attack damage to immune creatures.

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft also has the same ability but with slightly different wording but it is the same ability. That said there is some slight differences with other forms of bonus damage with sneak attack such as craven feat.

Complete Champion has Holy Stalker. Once again giving up Trap Sense to gain Death's Ruin. You can sneak attack undead but only gain 1/2 your sneak attack damage. This is superior if you only care about undead since you need not flank and can do other forms of sneak attack. But it is inferior with other forms of monster.

Deathstrike Bracers (MIC, p. 93) 3/day you can crit and SA constructs, elementals, oozes, plants and undead for 1 round. 5000gp, swift (mental) activation.

There are some greater crystals (10k) that allow you to sneak attack things in the MIC.

Wands of Golem Strike, Vine Strike, and Grave Strike (750 gp for each one) allows you to a swift action give you the ability to sneak attack the equivalent creatures for 1 round. Yes you will need to do UMD, and you should have these things in "wandchambers" and then have "gauntlets with wandchamber inside of them to allow this sneak attack. Remember you can have two different gauntlets and thus two different wandchambers, another one in your main weapon and if you are two weapon fighting might as well put a wraithstrike for anything that is not undead, plant, or construct. This option is cheap and gives you full the Sneak Attack damage and not half damage.

2020-08-03, 01:48 AM
Dungeonscape p13 has the Penetrating Strike alternate class feature for Rogues. That makes it so if you're flanking a creature that is immune to the extra damage from sneak attack, which includes fortification, you still get half your sneak attack dice. You have to be able to flank the target for it to work, so immunity to flanking plus immunity to sneak attacks/critical hits is the only thing you can't beat.

i see that it allows you to sneak attack if they're otherwise immune, but not where it allows the bypassing of heavy fortification which is not crit/SA immunity

Y'all're on point with those anti-(insert creature type here) spells to bypass the sneak attack immunity

Are there any ways at this point to skirt around heavy fortification?