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View Full Version : Cannot get DM to respond to requests and I do not want to annoy him...

2020-08-04, 11:49 AM
I cannot get my DM to respond to my requests and I do not want to annoy him by asking all the time.

I will typically send him an email or a text once and let him sit on it for a few weeks, when we meet up to play I go the whole night without saying anything then at the end I say "Hey man I was wondering if you saw my text/emails I haven't heard back from you, no rush but was just curious".

He usually responds with "Oh sorry man I'll hit you back" but I get no response.

My questions are about how to create an Item I want to craft over the course of a few sessions (hair band of darkness so I can look like a Nazgul under my hood), and a UA spell to summon a shadow.(Summon Shadow Spirit).

How would you go about getting a response without just being annoying?

Lord Torath
2020-08-04, 12:27 PM
A phone call the day before your next session would probably be a good idea. You can confirm the session is still a "go", that you're planning to attend, and ask if they've had a chance to read your email, and if you could get a response to your query at game time tomorrow. Send a text message if you can't call (or get sent to voice mail), and if you don't have a phone number, send a follow up email instead, just to bring it again to your DM's attention while there's still time to consider the options and make a decision before game time.

I personally would not find that degree of communication to be "pestering."

2020-08-05, 03:53 AM
Don't be afraid to be annoying. Sometimes you have to do annoying things like stand up for yourself. He's obviously not afraid to annoy you with not answering questions.


The other option is just to go ahead with your plan. Give the DM a chance to oppose you before the session starts, give him a chance to work with you. Then when that doesn't work just go ahead and do your thing. You want to create an item? Just say you're building the item at the session.

There is also plan C) you don't get any response from your DM, you don't do what you want during the game, you don't really have much fun. You don't make a fuss and years later you regret wasting time.

2020-08-05, 05:49 AM
I'd vote for doing a follow up phone call / text a day or so prior to the session stating the intent of going ahead with your plan. You've already laid down the ground work with stating your intent with the character's goals.
Either they''l have something for you on the day of the session, or it'll be up to you do start doing what you think is fair/reasonable.

2020-08-08, 03:18 AM
If he said he'll get back to you and he hasn't, friggin text him every day until he does. Screw this "I don't want to bother him" nonsense. This is basic being a DM stuff. He has to put some extra hours in, that's just how it works.

If the guy can't spare an hour to consider your request in literal weeks, he's not worth sticking around for.

2020-08-08, 04:35 AM
If none of that works, at the beginning of the session just ask him, 'Hey, how about the stuff I asked you?' He's obviously had time to think about it, so it's as good a time to get a response as any other.

2020-08-08, 07:37 AM
Is this the same GM from your previous posts? :-/

The Random NPC
2020-08-09, 02:34 PM
It's a bit advisorial, but phrase your communication such that it requires a response to negate. If they have a problem you can point out how long it's been since you told them of your plans, and they'll likely tell you how frequently to message them from here on out.

Unless you have a problem with it, next session I'll be spending X gp to craft Y item with Z effect.