View Full Version : Primeval guardian spell-less ranger elf

2020-08-05, 07:07 PM
Help me figure out what this is capable of.

I have option fatigue.

Becoming a big healing 5 foot moving tree man with maneuvers and a combat style seems fun.

Between that and the alternative features, im a bit overwhelmed.

Im thinking I show up to battle, get in the baddies face, treeform and maneuver/combat style the enemies.

2 maneuvers and probably 2 weapon fighting.

Im gonna ask about favored foe acf.

2020-08-05, 07:20 PM
What's your particular question?

Because of the way Primeval Guardian's main feature affects your movement, I think you're basically locked into being an archer, unless you can fight in a confined enough space that you don't have to move to hit things.

2020-08-05, 09:14 PM
Commanders strike and piercing thorns looks like a fun rules argument.

"I hit that creature with a weapon attack."

"No, Noel hit that creature with a weapon attack."

"I made Noel hit that creature with a weapon attack"

Sweeping attack + the 5' of reach looks nice at low levels

I reckon you can ask for the roving ability of deft explorer to add 5 more feat of movement.

The tanking and poultices work together, as theres no limit on your scrounging hours to heal yourself up.

2020-08-06, 07:46 AM
I don't think you'd be able to apply Piercing Thorns to an attack generated by Commander's Strike. You probably want to go Sentinel + PAM to take advantage of your large size and to prevent people just walking away from you.

I just don't see major synergy between these two options.

2020-08-06, 07:59 AM
Your problem isn't option fatigue.

Your problem is that you've played so many builds, and built so many others in theorycrafting, that you feel like you're out of options.

Instead, take existing options and get really weird with it. Even if its a subclass you've played before, take it in a super weird direction. Bladesinger with a hand crossbow and crossbow expert? Not just mechanically, but in flavor as well. A Star Druid that's a Tortle where the Star Map is ancient runes carved into their shell, where the runes shift and move in accordance with their Starry Form?

Find something that sounds absolutely badass to play. Here is where you're gonna run into something hard, though: When you start to build it out mechanically, your mind is going to rush in all sorts of directions. Parts of your brain are gonna say, "Why use this weapon when if I use this one I can tack on this feat and use a bonus action attack....?", or "Why use this cantrip as my go-to when this one is so much better for opportunity attacks?", etc.

That's when the hardest part of this comes into play. You gotta stop your own brain. Imagine the character in your head. You've got the badass concept in your head, the character sounds awesome. Whats in their hand? What weapon are they holding? That's what you're playing. That's what you're building. When writing it up mechanically, go with your first instinct and don't ask yourself "Well what if I do this instead?"