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2020-08-07, 02:31 AM
Tall, rocky cliffs border Cornelia to the south. The Ancient ruins looms in the forest to the west, some people came seeking wealth in the nearby mines while others have come to settle in Cornelia. The villagers of Cornelia are simple folks, mostly hume with blonde to mousey brown hairs, dark brown eyes and some of them sporting long braided beards, apparently to imitate the dwarves in town. They wear serviceable leathers of different earth hues, while some women prefers simple jewelry.

A group of excited villagers are gathered, talking about the event of last night:

"So is it true? was there really a Goblin in town yesterday?"
"Timus claims to have spotted him sneaking around the general store!"
"I wouldn't believe that old drunken fool!"

Cid is a hume with white hair perfectly combed, wearing a perfectly pressed dark brown suit with a red tie. A very tall man and thin man in his mid-fifties carrying a briefcase. Not too concerned about the rumors and waiting on his companions, near a well-fashioned building built from stone and wood, Cornelia's General Store.

2020-08-07, 03:18 AM
A somewhat smallish, slight Hume of about average height and black hair trots up to the general store, seemingly out of breath from her short journey already. Piercing grey eyes match nicely with her white robes accented with some dark colors, though the garment seemed to resemble a dress in many respects as well.

"Ah, sorry, I'm late!" she said, bending over to lean on her knees with a small backpack in tow. "Was debating whether or not I should take the notebook, but I figured why not? It might be able to interface with some old technology or help analyze something." A curious floating construct whirred up next to the young woman's place as well. She looked around a bit. "Oh.. I'm not late?"

2020-08-07, 04:17 AM
Moguri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2266424)
Mog Knight | Yellow Chocobo
AC: 19 HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 HP: 25/25
touch: 13, ff: 17, CMD: 16
Conditions: Minor Aura: Force of Will (+3 to will, 15 ft.) | -

An armored chocobo dashes through the village. Only a short lance is evocative of its small rider as the bird's rich plummage almost covers the small moogle girl that rides on the fast beast. She tries to hurry, and not endanger people, but she is fashionably late, and if her father's merchants reach Cid before her, her adventure would be for naught. Zigzaging through a crowd of merchants, she gets yelled at. People apparently know her name as they yell it or her father's name after her. A small boy jumps right onto the street after its toy, a small puppet, forcing the rider to rein its bird. Instead of stopping, it decides to jump and flutter above the kids. Finally, she reaches the general store, slowing down into a gradual trot, and eventually dismounting.

The small moogle stands about 3 feet tall excluding her long pom-pom. She is dressed in a well-made chainshirt, a wears a decorative diadem in her hair, but is otherwise geared for at least light combat. She basically has put an armor and a belt with a blade onto a pretty dress, giving her whole appearance a mix between royalty and soldier.

Ser Cid? the Moogle bows. Sorry for being so late, kupo. I had to convince my father to let me help you, kupo. If he says he sent other people, my help is better, kupo. She bows royally, then turns to the Hume. My name is Moguri, who are you, kupo?

2020-08-07, 05:13 AM
The young woman turns to look curiously at the dismounting moogle. "Uh, hello.." she began shyly, seemingly having lost all of her enthusiasm.

"I am Aleyla Kashuan," she said dipping her head slightly. "Are.. you the, er, champion we were expecting?"

Despite her efforts, Aleyla could not conceal the momentary disconnect between what she imagined and reality as she peered down at this regally-dressed moogle. When she heard that a powerful warrior was being sent to assist them, she had honestly thought they would be someone... bigger.

Lord Raziere
2020-08-07, 02:27 PM
She comes walking calmly up to Cid, taking her time. One learns to pace oneself in her line of work. She sees a moogle and a hume come rushing up to him. Personally she doesn't see the need. Life wasn't a race, especially in a town like this one. As she comes up, she hears them talking about being worried about being late. They must be from cities. Only city folk are so rich in wealth yet so poor in time and peace of mind. Always glancing up at big clock towers and acting like it controls their lives. In a way they do she guesses. Huh. King Clock, greater ruler than any mortal authority. Pretty sure the proper name for that was some god of time somewhere, but all she knew was Menphina, not by choice but by upbringing, but it wasn't a bad thing- her parents always taught her the embrace of Menphina extended to all who were good, like a caring mother.
"Hello, you must be Cid. I am Yurei, mercenary, chemist, and many other things. I believe you need someone of my many talents to help with investigating some ruins?"
She turns to the other two
"Of course I'm pleased to meet you two as well. Lets watch each other's back out there, yes?"
Moogles are always cute, just best not to say it to their faces or underestimate them. Some moogles in the rebellion were downright scary in how they exploited peoples perception of them.

2020-08-07, 03:05 PM
Moguri (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2266424)
Mog Knight | Yellow Chocobo
AC: 19 HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 HP: 25/25
touch: 13, ff: 17, CMD: 16
Conditions: Minor Aura: Force of Will (+3 to will, 15 ft.) | -

Champion, kupo? You see her chest swell three sizes, the moogle flaps its pathetic wings to fly up the sunroof of the merchant's stall. I am Moguri, Knight Princess of the Moogles! I will protect you! You could swear you could hear music coming from the moogle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYHHu7qLy1E).

EVIL BEWARE! MOGURI IS HERE! KUPO THAT'S RIGHT! She jumps back down, trying a frontflip, landing on her nose.

Lord Raziere
2020-08-07, 03:53 PM
She nods calmly at this proclamation and smiles, suppressing a chuckle.
"Ah yes, I see. Surely we are well protected then with you around, Knight Princess Moguri. I will do my best to help if evil comes for us. A love for justice is just one of the many faces of Menphina."
Also taking a close look at her, Yurei can tell Moguri is tougher than she seems. She's had real training despite her flamboyant personality. Aleyla on the other hand...she looks much more unsure to Yurei. Not very athletic, scholarly, doesn't seem like a combatant at yet is venturing somewhere dangerous....she is a mage only they would do something like this despite having little to no combat experience or armor. Useful to have though if kept safe.
"Aleyla was it? You cast white magic, I'm guessing?"
Its common for mages to dress up in the color of their magic to advertise their skills, but its not a hard rule.

2020-08-07, 08:46 PM
Aleyla looked down at Moguri, not sure whether to be impressed by her enthusiasm or worried about her literal nosedive into the ground.

Looking up at the newcomer, she blinks and says, "Oh, yes, you are correct on both accounts. Though, I can do a bit more than that," smiling wryly at Yurei.

2020-08-07, 10:53 PM
A mithra girl saunters around the corner just in time to see Moguri's drop. :smalleek: "Ow! That's gotta hurt. You okay, Moguri?" she says, agile tail tickling at the opening of a large pouch at her hip. "Yeah, you look okay. Hi, everybody. I'm Calsi."

The girl is short but solid. She has a sort of slouching and careless mien in strong contrast to her armor. That's a beautifully made stiff suit that can't seem to decide whether it's leather or leaves -- the detail work is exquisite and anything but careless. The power rod at Calsi's side hints that she's a spellworker like Aleyla, which is also in contrast to the armor.

2020-08-08, 04:21 AM
Gin Rummy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=465510)
AC: 16 HP: 17/17
touch: 14, ff: 13, CMD: 12
Conditions: None

Fashionably late was another moogle, dressed like a dandy but without any visible weapons, comes sauntering up himself. "I suppose that is one way to land on heads, kupo." With a little florish and bow, he moves to help up the fellow Moogle. "Kupo! I am Gin Rummy, an adventurer too, kupo!"

2020-08-08, 09:58 PM
"Ah, there you are, Yurei."

Another figure in white works their way through the crowd, though she sticks out for a few reasons, mostly for her blue hair and emotionless facade, but a few people also step out of her way after seeing the rather large gun belted at her hip. Firearms are usually a sign of trouble in and of themselves; the imperials basically monopolize their use. Something seems not quite ...human about her as her wide teal eyes study those gathered without blinking even once.

"Combat Medic, Pearl Sixty Five reporting for employment. What are the mission parameters?"

2020-08-08, 11:02 PM
Aleyla nodded at Gin, in what may be a passable greeting, having to crane her neck down to look at him. 'Hm, another moogle?'

Then another voice caught Aleyla's attention. Turning, she first noted the large gunblade at her hips and shock of blue hair, but something else was off as well. The way she spoke, her face, up close.. her finger joints!

With shock, but almost reverence, Alayla asked with her mouth nearly gaping open, "Wait... are.. are you a Shindroid??"

2020-08-08, 11:07 PM
Moguri & Poulet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2266424)
Mog Knight | Yellow Chocobo
AC: 19 HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 HP: 25/25
touch: 13, ff: 17, CMD: 16
Conditions: Minor Aura: Force of Will (+3 to will, 15 ft.) | -

Moguri dusts herself off, giving the blasé look of royalty and a dirty look at the suave moogle. But she could not be mad at a joke she well deserved after that display. She looks at the group, then at Cid. Very weird recruiting style you have there, kupo. Moogles, and androids and scholars, oh my. Almost transfixed by the Mithra's tail, Moguri approaches and tries to clutch it. Uuuh, can this grab things, just like moogle wings can fly, kupo?

2020-08-09, 01:18 AM
"Not quite as well as moogles fly," Calso replies (damping down thoughts about the knight-champion's very recent 'flight'). "But it's useful when my hands are full. Pleased ta meetcha! Put 'er there, pal!" Calsi's tail bends to pump the moogle's hand up and down.

Lord Raziere
2020-08-09, 01:47 AM
she turns to Pearl
"Hey Pearl, sorry I got distracted by my habit of overhearing other peoples conversations to keep up to date on the news, couldn't find you so I figured if I went to the meeting place we'd both end up there. Everyone this is Pearl, a friend I've picked up along the road, shes a little stiff both literally and metaphorically but she is a good companion to have at your side."
More like her habit of eavesdropping to spy on the movements of the kushukan noble's forces but its true enough. She feels the clutch by Moguri since she was first mithra to arrive and thus the closest to her.
"Ack! Hey. Let go. You don't know me enough for tail-grabbin'- at least take me out to dinner first. As for grabbing things with it no I can't. My talents lie more in climbing."
You'd be surprised at how useful climbing things can be for a ninja. One of the techniques of the ninja is to walk on rooftops on the observation that most don't look up. People are generally focused on the path in front of them and don't think to check roofs or up trees, and it helps that most people aren't good at climbing either. Also, its always good to have the high ground to attack from or escape on. She tries to gently get her tail out of Moguri's clutches.

2020-08-09, 06:23 PM
Pearl doesn't seem moved by Yurei's assessment of her. In fact her expression fails to change at all.

"Yes. I am a shindroid. Please don't take alarm though, for I am not affiliated with the Empire, even if I took my gun arm from them as severance pay." She still hasn't blinked.

"This is quite the assembly of freelancers. I do hope my physician skills are adequate to aide all of us."

2020-08-09, 07:10 PM
"Ah, the Empire... I guess it's, um, bad to be affiliated with that around here, isn't it?" Aleyla said, chuckling nervously.

Her eyes shifted to each of the others. It would probably be bad if Aleyla just told everyone she was from there without an explanation, but it wasn't as bad or malicious as it sounded. She was just one citizen out of many that had little actual say in what was going on, and more like a young researcher or exchange student at that. Her intention was to learn things from Cid, and right now to help discover technological wonders of the past. Not.. war and espionage.

"Well.. it's nice to meet you, everyone. Pearl, Yurei, Calsi, Gin Rummy, and, erm.. Princess Moguri?" the black-haired Hume said, nodding to each in turn.

Well, might as well get this out of the way now, rather than later...

Aleyla took a breath, almost like a sigh, before she continues, "As I said a few moments ago to just a few, I am Aleyla Kashuan. I.. may also be affiliated with the Empire.. seeing as I grew up there and my family is all there, presently. But rest assured, I am more of a student than anything, and today, a field researcher. I am looking forward to helping uncover the technological wonders within the ruins nearby, under the guidance of Professor Orlandeau."

Aleyla ticked her head to the well-dressed man others may have simply known as Cid, and tried offering a warm smile to all others gathered, though there was a hint of nervousness to her voice and demeanor, given her tenseness.

Lord Raziere
2020-08-09, 07:55 PM
"Oh really? Its no big deal Aleyla. Believe me I know all about not agreeing with what my nation is doing."
Violently so. Explosively, violently, fanatically so. Best to be slow about her own status. She can see the signs of someone else struggling to reveal something about themselves in Aleyla.
"After all, I'm guessing that if you did, there is more than enough ruins or technology within Palamecia to research instead, with more prestige? After all if the Palamecians cared about these ruins...wouldn't they send more than just a single nervous student? It would be illogical to suspect you of anything."
If you wanted a spy in Kushuka, putting her amid a small village with some professor would not be a good way to gather info on invading another country, while if they wanted the ruins well....they probably had the manpower and forces to mount a full expedition into them no spies or subterfuge needed. She doubted Kushuka's leaders could stop them, and if Palamecia had the money to offer, would they even try? White magic furthermore told Yurei that she valued life and empathy to some extent, which doesn't fit someone who'd be willing to lie to others for a while to cynically get information from them so that others can come and take over. It would take some special logical hoops to jump through to not see how that would be against the ideals of a healer. Finally she stands out too much, if only because of her awkwardness. Real spies master the art of being normal as possible so that they don't.

2020-08-10, 02:51 AM
Moguri & Poulet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2266424)
Mog Knight | Yellow Chocobo
AC: 19 HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 HP: 25/25
touch: 13, ff: 17, CMD: 16
Conditions: Minor Aura: Force of Will (+3 to will, 15 ft.) | -

The knight looked around with the people all nervous about politics. Her father taught her it was important to know the sides in the conflict, but he knew it was more beneficial in the long run to ally himself to both sides. As long as he kept out of armed conflicts between nations, he would be able to not annoy any nation though their primary trade partner was Cornelia of course.

They have enough reason to be nervous, kupo. If I were a ruler of an evil empire, I would too send spies to check out my enemy... Moguri goes towards Pearl and knocks on her shell, expecting a metallic thunk. Just not THAT obvious ones, kupo.

2020-08-11, 12:36 AM
Cid is a little distracted for a moment, before snapping out of his trance and observing all the adventurers gathered.

"Sorry, I was remembering some good times.

Miss Aleyla, I'm glad that you could join us. I heard that the Goblins might be less than welcoming of our expedition in the ruins.
Enchanted to meet you, Ms Moguri. I don't usually get the chance to be accompanied by royalty and this is a great opportunity to study history!
Ms. Yurei, your many talents will come in handy. I hope that we won't have to resort to too many violent options.
Calsi, welcome to the exploration of a lifetime.
Magnificent entrance, mr Rummy.
Fascinating, I don't get to meet many Shindroids out here, welcome Pearl.

The exploration will be dangerous but fret not, you will be well compensated for your efforts. I would like to be able to keep items of historical significance from the ruins but I'm not interested in other treasures and you will be able to keep them and do as you wish with them. I know a trick or two, but would rely on you to protect me during this exploration."

ooc: Got a little distracted answering replies in Finding players, I'll keep up the pace of once a post a day from now on at least, more when able.

2020-08-11, 01:43 AM
Aleyla nodded and said, "Ah, I wouldn't say the treasure is what lures me either..."

'Though a bit of extra money would be nice right now,' she thought, seeing as she was more or less broke at the moment.

"I'd be happy to help study the historical relics as well. It's mainly why I'm here... aside from, well, not wanting anyone to die on this trip either," she added nonchalantly.

2020-08-11, 04:41 AM
Moguri & Poulet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2266424)
Mog Knight | Yellow Chocobo
AC: 19 HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 HP: 25/25
touch: 13, ff: 17, CMD: 16
Conditions: Minor Aura: Force of Will (+3 to will, 15 ft.) | -

Moguri playfully punched Aleyla. She was strong enough for a small moogle. Then keep your head down, kupo. If you are injured, Poulet can save you too. As she mentions the name of her steed, the chocobo comes closer, rubbing its beak on the small moogle. I think you all know chocobos can heal, kupo? I trained her to help people who are 'laying down'.

Moguri turns to Cid. Do you think the goblins can be talked with, kupo?

2020-08-11, 09:31 PM
"While we have some hostile dealings with most Goblins. I heard from merchants and colleagues that it is possible to trade with some Goblins tribes. So far, most residents of Cornelia, have been unsuccessful in their dealings with the Goblins. But if we can avoid some battles, the better!" Cid is intrigued by the idea.

2020-08-11, 10:16 PM
Gin Rummy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=465510)
AC: 16 HP: 17/17
touch: 14, ff: 13, CMD: 12
Conditions: None

Gin watched over the group, with a mostly blank expression on his face. A poker face as it were. He hummed tapping his chin for a moment. "They both could be a spy, even if obvious, kupo, but isn't that what is most fun, kupo?! Imagine the empire delivering supplies to us for a change, kupo!" the gambler remarks a little excited. "Goblins, kupo, stand no chance against lady luck."

2020-08-11, 10:19 PM
Aleyla offers, "Ah. Well. I can speak the goblin language, though perhaps not perfectly, and my dialect may seem strange to them. Still, if I can defuse a hostile situation, I will certainly try."

2020-08-11, 10:56 PM
Calsi's ears perk up, and she says to Aleyla, "Tudi ta jezik poznam! Kje ste se ga naučili?"

"I also know this language! Where did you learn to speak it?"

I used Google's translate function to turn the English into Slovenian. I've also learned that Malay makes a pretty passable Elven. :smallsmile:

2020-08-12, 12:16 AM
Moguri & Poulet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2266424)
Mog Knight | Yellow Chocobo
AC: 19 HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 HP: 25/25
touch: 13, ff: 17, CMD: 16
Conditions: Minor Aura: Force of Will (+3 to will, 15 ft.) | -

We would be horrible heroes, if we didn't try to talk first, kupo. Though defeating a few goblins sounds like fun! Moguri looks around, smiling from ear to ear. So what do you say? Are we off?

I'm half operating on the jRPG premise of "defeating" instead of leaving a trail of murdered monsters behind us. If the monsters are basically humanoid, that is. It always leaves a bit of a jarring feeling claiming to be heroes when leaving a trail of murder and destruction in our wake.

Lord Raziere
2020-08-12, 03:12 AM
"Yeah. Sure. Defeat them. I can do that....I too hope that peaceful solutions are effective."
She says playing it off with a relaxed shrug while remembering all the people she killed for the rebellion, feeling no remorse for their deaths. Thankfully she packed nonlethal weapons like nunchaku and cestus so as to non-lethal takedown if the situation calls for it. Its okay. She doesn't expect a goodhearted highborn moogle or scholars to understand why she does the things she does or did, and she doesn't feel any need to let them know that she did them. There was enough nervousness already, no need to add to it. She will just have to be wary and pull out her weapons when needed.
"I wish I could've prepared some alchemical things, but if it can't wait, it can't wait."

2020-08-12, 08:40 PM
Aleyla smiles softly at Calsi and says, "Pobral sem ga v Cesarstvu. Kljub svoji razvpitosti, mali ljudje so dejansko precej pameten, in njihovo prevzeti inženiring je fascinantno."

"I picked it up in the Empire. Despite their notoriety, the small people are actually quite clever, and their take on engineering is fascinating.

"Well. Anyway, let's put aside any notions of espionage, alright? It will not do to have us pointing fingers at one another..."

After looking around a little awkwardly, Aleyla says, "So, uh, I guess I'm ready? But does anyone know the way there?"

Lord Raziere
2020-08-14, 10:16 PM
Yes, best to lean into her Menphina worship to keep their thoughts off her profession.
"Agreed, Aleyla! Menphina embraces all people with her loving arms of the night. As for where we're going, I have no idea, I just got here, I assume the good professor Cid has a good idea where we're going. If he doesn't, it'd be very silly of him."

2020-08-16, 06:06 AM
Moguri & Poulet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2266424)
Mog Knight | Yellow Chocobo
AC: 19 HP: 19/19 | AC: 17 HP: 25/25
touch: 13, ff: 17, CMD: 16
Conditions: Minor Aura: Force of Will (+3 to will, 15 ft.) | -

Can we leave now, kupo?

2020-08-16, 09:57 PM
"Yes. What are the mission parameters?" Pearl says in her monotone, though she at least has adopted a pleasant enough poise, arms clasped low in front of her.

"More hostile creatures usually operate in the dark. While the day is yet young, and I believe if we are exploring anything underground then the time of day matters little, but it is my experience that humanoids should not waste the daylight."

2020-08-16, 11:14 PM
Gin Rummy (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=465510)
AC: 16 HP: 17/17
touch: 14, ff: 13, CMD: 12
Conditions: None

"They say fortune favors the kupo!" Gin nods in agreement.

2020-08-16, 11:36 PM
Calsi nods. "They do say that, it's true."