View Full Version : Hammer of Poetic Justice

2020-08-07, 10:15 AM
Hello everybody!

I am looking for an interesting magic hammer for a dragonborn war domain cleric of Hoar. I'd really love if it had some narrative aspects to its abilities and/or addressed the common difficulties with the war domain. The character will be about 6th to 7th level when he gets the weapon.

I'd really appreciate some ideas :)

Thanks in advance,

2020-08-07, 01:58 PM
Griever is a semi-sentient warhammer, and a gift bestowed by Hoar, as a means of imposing his will in the material plane. Its haft is one of gnarled, twisted wood, littered with small knotholes and other bumps, but a creature attuned to it finds that the unconventional grip fits their hands comfortably. If a grievance held against a creature is written on paper, then rolled and inserted into a knothole, Griever perceives that creature as an enemy, and seeks retribution on behalf of whoever was wronged. If any of Griever’s enemies are within one mile, the wielder knows the direction in which they are located, as the hammer is drawn toward the closest. In combat against an enemy of Griever, the wielder make an additional attack against said enemy as a bonus action on their turn as per the War Priest feature, regardless of whether the attack action was taken. If this attack misses, they regain a use of the feature. Additionally, if the wielder declares a written grievance before making an attack (ex: This is for murdering the dog of Ethyl Greenbottle!), the attack, if it hits, is a critical hit, and the paper on which the grievance was written disintegrates. The paper will also disintegrate if the enemy dies, or if Griever decides that the appropriate punishment has been carried out. Griever can also choose to deal nonlethal damage, and will do so if the wielder is attacking without provocation, or if the target is a former enemy whose grievance has expired.

2020-08-08, 04:51 AM
Thank you, I really like that idea!

2020-08-08, 11:35 AM
How many paper grievances can you have in the hammer at once?

2020-08-08, 12:01 PM
How many paper grievances can you have in the hammer at once?
I would recommend having a finite limit, say there’s only five (or eight, or eleven; increase the number for a slight buff) knotholes along the haft, so that the wielder would have to choose which ones they take on, and carry out punishment as promised to those wronged before moving on. Each grievance might also require a person who was wronged, as well as a person responsible, where each person wronged can only have one active grievance. This would make it such that the wielder would seek out people to exact vengeance on behalf of, which seems fitting for a follower of Hoar (based on my reading). It would also allow multiple people to have a grievance against the same enemy (perhaps the wielder could gather these for the BBEG over the campaign), which would allow the crit ability to be used multiple times as each grievance is spoken.