View Full Version : Embracing the chaos

2020-08-08, 08:37 PM
Let's be clear, I'm pretty square which is probably why I'm struggling.
In this, my first campaign, in onto my third character, by my choice and Im trying my hardest to make this last work in a party full of chaos.
First we had the lawful neutral (lawful stupid?) Warlock fixated on justice. Right and wrong, black and white.the Morally ambiguous party meant he left to follow his own path. Cool.
So along came a wild sorcerer partial because I felt the party could do with some magic, and someone more agreeable. carefree and along for the adventure but she never bought into the mission (destiny) and I just didn't enjoy the class or maybe that I was trying to make her so agreeable so she was killed off.
Here we are now with the monk who iv played as single minded on the mission whereas the party is just mercenaries for hire in their way to destiny. The end goal is the same the path very different.

I, myself, don't think I'm capable of embracing the chaos even in a character. So I'm trying to straddle both worlds and fit this square into a party of odd shapes.
Love people's suggestions. Anyone else tend to roll more lawful (not necessarily to the law, but ones own code) characters, characters too much like themselves?

2020-08-08, 08:47 PM
My characters tend towards good. For a chaotic party, I would approach it from the very-old-school idea where Law & Chaos were the only two major alignments, and law was generally good (civilization), and chaos was generally bad (barbarism and the fall of ordered society). Take the chaotic behavior as being mostly self-centered, and just go with it by making a Neutral leaning Neutral Evil protagonist who just acts in his own semi-enlightened self interest.... which happens to include keeping his allies meat-shields alive to help draw fire and help find loot.

2020-08-08, 11:28 PM
I think it’s up to the players to figure out a reason why their characters are adventuring together.

A tavern can only have so many dark corners for brooding sociapths.