View Full Version : 5e Anarach Race (Almost Driders)

2020-08-11, 03:24 PM
The Anarach or Dridian race
A race of half human spiders.

These creatures have the upper torso, arms and head of a humanoid and generally humanoid facial features though 4 to 6 additional vestigial eyes can be found along their cheek bones and forehead. They have the abdomen and legs of a spider with a set of pedipalps where their humanoid hips would be, most commonly used to assist in eating or for Websong.

Size: medium
Arachnoid Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag.
Ability Increases: +2 Wisdom, +1 Dexterity
Speed: 30 ft, Climb 30 ft.

Born Weaver: you are proficient with weavers tools and can add double your proficiency to checks for weavers tools.

Ambush Culture: You are proficient in the Stealth and Perception skills and the use of Nets.

Spider Climb: You can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. .

Burdened by success: Your race carries the stigma associated with their success as assassins. You have disadvantage on persuasion checks against other types of humanoids.

Hematophage: You can subsist solely on the blood of living creatures in place of food and water. You can spend 1 hour draining the blood of an incapacitated living creature that is Small or larger. This can be done during a short or long rest. Feeding in this way sustains you for 10 days.

Languages: Common and Websong

Webwork: You can spend 1 minute filling a space up to 5 feet on side with gauzy strands of this material provided it can be anchored up to that height, providing partial cover and partially obscuring anything in the space and creating a comfortable place to rest off the ground. If the strands can't be anchored, they create a patch 6 inches thick that is opaque. In this form the strands are incredibly flammable with 1 or more points of fire damage destroying them all and dealing 2d4 points of fire damage .

Alternatively, you can spend 1 hour creating a textile good from your own webbing such as a rope, rope ladder, net, or garment as found in the Equipment section of the Player's Handbook. These items add your constitution bonus (minimum 1) to their AC and have twice the hit points of standard equipment. At your discretion 1 or more surfaces of the object can have an adhesive quality. Creatures and objects that touch the adhesive are grappled, with an escape DC equal to 8+Constitution modifier +Proficiency bonus. Once a creature or object is freed, the adhesive quality is lost. Additionally, if attached to 2 or more anchors the webs can hold up to 10 times your weight. In this form the material is no more flammable than its mundane counterparts. At the DM's discretion, multiple uses may be able to create larger items such as boat sails, etc.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution bonus, minimum 1. You regain all uses after a long rest.
You lose the benefit of this feature after any day functioning on half rations or less until you again consume your normal daily food requirement and complete a long rest.

This language is communicated by plucking the strands of a web 1 or more other Anarachs are in contact with. The frequency and amplitude of the vibrations are used to transmit information. Most Anarachs, unless greatly distracted, will detect the gibberish created by creatures moving among or trapped in webs they are touching.