View Full Version : Player Help Need Advice / Help - Rolling New Character Etiquette

2020-08-13, 12:59 AM
Hello all,

I'm sorry to be a bother. I really need some advice / help with a campaign I am currently playing in. I might be thinking too hard into things, but I would like to make sure I don't step on other player's or even the DM's toes.

Apologies for this being long, I'm not sure how to explain this without going into detail and explaining the campaign/situation.

I play a level 12 draconic sorcerer, who's primary goal was to find her grandfather who left their home a couple years prior to the beginning of the campaign. Her grandfather meant the world to her. She's had issues along the journey, one being her hand has been cut off by her brother and now her spell casting is hindered. The most recent event, she was taken over by a demon and killed her grandfather. I've thought about this since the past weekend, and I can't see her making a recovery from this. Losing her hand was one thing, it made her angry and want to fight back against her brother. But losing her grandfather emotionally and mentally destroyed her. So, I was considering re-rolling a new character (depending on how the events of the next session play out).

I've sent a message to my DM that I am working on a build for a new character, but I'm concerned about the way(s) my sorcerer might be taken out of the campaign (if I am able to pull off what I am considering). The players and the DM might get upset with me if I don't tell them. But if I do, it could be considered a spoiler for the story. Should I say something to them about what may happen to the character?

My other issue is the class I was considering. Our party consists of a Barbarian/Fighter, Wizard/Warlock, another Sorcerer, Druid and Rogue. When the campaign started, I had my heart set on playing a cleric as I love playing healers but the DM wanted me to roll a character that was outside of my comfort zone (hence the sorcerer). Without going into the full blown lore of the campaign setting, clerics are extremely difficult to play as in the campaign world so it's not really a viable option right now.

We are also restricted to PHB rules only, no other books as the DM is fairly new (which is completely understandable). I was considering playing a Ranged Fighter... but looking at multi-class builds the druid/barbarian combo sounds like so much fun. But as stated we already have both a druid and a barbarian in the party. I'd really like to give this combo a try, but I'm really worried about coming across as rude/inconsiderate by choosing to play classes we already have roles filled for. A Bard could be a viable option, but I'm already playing one in another campaign, and not very well either. Again, I'm not sure if I am going to roll to a new character. It really depends on how the story plays out in the next session or two. Plus, it is nice to have another character prepared in case my sorcerer dies and can't be brought back.

I really love the group I'm in. We've all been friends for years and the DM is my brother-in-law. So I don't want to make anyone angry or upset by choosing to do something or play as a class that might cause any issues. Again, I'm so sorry for the long post. This is something that has been bothering me since last week and I really wanted to get opinions from others outside of the group. Thank-you for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate any feedback or advise anyone could offer.

2020-08-13, 02:33 AM
First of all...hot damn your in pretty deep of a game for lv 12. Grats on that.

Second bring it up to the dm first as they are literally the story thus can't have it spoiled, have him work out with you a way to maybe keep your current character(as your party is only 1 level away from being able to regrow that hand.) Maybe shift her to a more somber type with the goal of trying to bring her grand father back.

If the character is truly unsaveable work with your dm to bring in a new character as for the other players allow the dm yo help shoulder the story burden to avoid spoilers.

As for what you should play...base book limits you but you need to ask do you want to return to more of your comfort zone or keep out of it. Moon druid/totem barb is one of the most powerful multiclass you can do. So a good option

Returning to your comfort zone. I would suggest lore bard. Not only in my mind is lore bard one of THE best support class in the game. But their are so many good story options for bards which could take up a whole new thread for suggestions!

Hope this helped. And good luck with what you end up doing

Edit: Also if your worried about stepping on toes suggest a idea of your multiclass. Rather than toe stepping you might have a story beat that can tie all three of your characters together. Really depends on their subclasses and their mindset. The best rule of thumb is just to ask. I know seems simple but the Drama lama only pops out from misunderstanding and surprise. Always best to just be upfront and try to work things out together rather than stressing solo style

2020-08-13, 03:06 AM
Hello all,

I'm sorry to be a bother. I really need some advice / help with a campaign I am currently playing in. I might be thinking too hard into things, but I would like to make sure I don't step on other player's or even the DM's toes.

Apologies for this being long, I'm not sure how to explain this without going into detail and explaining the campaign/situation.

I play a level 12 draconic sorcerer, who's primary goal was to find her grandfather who left their home a couple years prior to the beginning of the campaign. Her grandfather meant the world to her. She's had issues along the journey, one being her hand has been cut off by her brother and now her spell casting is hindered. The most recent event, she was taken over by a demon and killed her grandfather. I've thought about this since the past weekend, and I can't see her making a recovery from this. Losing her hand was one thing, it made her angry and want to fight back against her brother. But losing her grandfather emotionally and mentally destroyed her. So, I was considering re-rolling a new character (depending on how the events of the next session play out).

I've sent a message to my DM that I am working on a build for a new character, but I'm concerned about the way(s) my sorcerer might be taken out of the campaign (if I am able to pull off what I am considering). The players and the DM might get upset with me if I don't tell them. But if I do, it could be considered a spoiler for the story. Should I say something to them about what may happen to the character?

My other issue is the class I was considering. Our party consists of a Barbarian/Fighter, Wizard/Warlock, another Sorcerer, Druid and Rogue. When the campaign started, I had my heart set on playing a cleric as I love playing healers but the DM wanted me to roll a character that was outside of my comfort zone (hence the sorcerer). Without going into the full blown lore of the campaign setting, clerics are extremely difficult to play as in the campaign world so it's not really a viable option right now.

We are also restricted to PHB rules only, no other books as the DM is fairly new (which is completely understandable). I was considering playing a Ranged Fighter... but looking at multi-class builds the druid/barbarian combo sounds like so much fun. But as stated we already have both a druid and a barbarian in the party. I'd really like to give this combo a try, but I'm really worried about coming across as rude/inconsiderate by choosing to play classes we already have roles filled for. A Bard could be a viable option, but I'm already playing one in another campaign, and not very well either. Again, I'm not sure if I am going to roll to a new character. It really depends on how the story plays out in the next session or two. Plus, it is nice to have another character prepared in case my sorcerer dies and can't be brought back.

I really love the group I'm in. We've all been friends for years and the DM is my brother-in-law. So I don't want to make anyone angry or upset by choosing to do something or play as a class that might cause any issues. Again, I'm so sorry for the long post. This is something that has been bothering me since last week and I really wanted to get opinions from others outside of the group. Thank-you for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate any feedback or advise anyone could offer.

How do you think making the character retire, aside from her telling the group "I can't continue adventuring"?

2020-08-13, 04:59 PM
How do you think making the character retire, aside from her telling the group "I can't continue adventuring"?

Given how dramatic the character is and how she functions most of the time off her emotions rather than logic, it felt natural to me that she would do something drastic and over the top. Possibly in anger confronting the demon (if possible) and going out on a 1v1 essentially suicidal fight with it.

But honestly, the more I think about it.... it will make me seem like an attention seeker, and I really don't want to take the focus away from other people in the party. It seemed like something the character would do. Especially given that it's been proven this demon can take control over her without having to make a save and her friends could be in danger because of her. Though taking her down the completely defeated path and just going away from everyone could be just as effective.

2020-08-13, 05:05 PM
First of all...hot damn your in pretty deep of a game for lv 12. Grats on that.

Second bring it up to the dm first as they are literally the story thus can't have it spoiled, have him work out with you a way to maybe keep your current character(as your party is only 1 level away from being able to regrow that hand.) Maybe shift her to a more somber type with the goal of trying to bring her grand father back.

If the character is truly unsaveable work with your dm to bring in a new character as for the other players allow the dm yo help shoulder the story burden to avoid spoilers.

As for what you should play...base book limits you but you need to ask do you want to return to more of your comfort zone or keep out of it. Moon druid/totem barb is one of the most powerful multiclass you can do. So a good option

Returning to your comfort zone. I would suggest lore bard. Not only in my mind is lore bard one of THE best support class in the game. But their are so many good story options for bards which could take up a whole new thread for suggestions!

Hope this helped. And good luck with what you end up doing

Edit: Also if your worried about stepping on toes suggest a idea of your multiclass. Rather than toe stepping you might have a story beat that can tie all three of your characters together. Really depends on their subclasses and their mindset. The best rule of thumb is just to ask. I know seems simple but the Drama lama only pops out from misunderstanding and surprise. Always best to just be upfront and try to work things out together rather than stressing solo style

Thank-you very much for the advice, and yes this really helped. :) I might look more into the Lore Bard. I didn't even glance at that one when I was building my bard in another campaign. I saw the college of glamour and jumped on it since I love anything having to do with the feywild. Thank-you again, I really appreciate it!

2020-08-13, 05:38 PM
Thank-you very much for the advice, and yes this really helped. :) I might look more into the Lore Bard. I didn't even glance at that one when I was building my bard in another campaign. I saw the college of glamour and jumped on it since I love anything having to do with the feywild. Thank-you again, I really appreciate it!

Any time and yeah glamour bard is great

2020-08-15, 02:49 AM
The way this works in our group is
1) contact your DM
2) hatch a little plan together on how to move forward
3) let the pther players watch and enjoy your bit of tandem storytelling.

2020-08-16, 11:52 AM
So, I guess my question here is how is the Druid playing? I'm guessing that they are Circle of Land since they are PHB only. Give that's the case, I don't think you will have a problem with stepping on their toes playing as a Moon Druid/Barbarian. It sounds like you are pretty invested in the character and have some great roleplay moments, so re-fluff the barbarian rage as something else and you won't really have an issue.

A barbarian/Fighter plays incredibly different than a Moon Druid/Barbarian, and if you focus on combat boosting spells you can easily avoid doing the same thing as the other Druid.

2020-08-16, 06:43 PM
Honestly.... this sounds like a GREAT character full of depth and there is no way I would give up on it. I'd love to hear more about it including stats and feats.

Talk to your DM one on one to figure out which direction he/she's headed with this demon thing. DMs shouldn't hijack a player's character long term without the player's permission/cooperation.

Did her grandfather JUST die recently? This could be a really good time from a character arc to multiclass and take the character in a new direction. A Demon has control of you? Sounds like a Fiend Warlock to me. Maybe she makes a deal with said demon to not take over over anymore and help her seek vengeance on her brother in exchange for her soul or something? Speaking of Vengeance, if her stats are decent enough, maybe she becomes a Vengeance Paladin moving forward. Maybe her convictions help her become strong enough to keep the demon from taking over?

In a world of magic, demons, and dragons, losing a hand and having a loved one killed are just small obstacles to overcome. Regeneration an resurrection spells are a thing you know.

No matter what, talk to your DM about your concerns. If you are truly unhappy with the character whether it's from a gameplay standpoint or just the overall story arc, the 2 of you could setup an exit strategy for it. Maybe she sacrifices herself to save her friends?

Tragic characters tend to be the best characters, but there is no reason that she couldn't have a happy ending.