View Full Version : Hags and Pregnancy: What happens to male infants?

2020-08-13, 01:03 PM
So, according to Volo's, the way hags reproduce is by devouring human infants. Upon eating a baby girl, the hag will subsequently grow pregnant and give birth to a new hag.

Ignoring the pure bizarness and gastronomical impossibilities of this, I've made this post to answer a question: What happens to male infants? I've come up with several theories:

The hag gives birth to a normal hag
The hag gives birth to a hag with a male appearance.
The hag gives birth to a sorceror or warlock
The hag gives birth to a normal child with a knack for magic - possibly druidic or wizardly
The infant is digested and exits the hag's body the normal way

So, 1. Which one do you think is 'correct', and 2. which one do you prefer/rule as the way it works in your games?

2020-08-13, 01:06 PM
I believe #5 is the intent.

I like the idea of a hag producing a sorcerer child once in a while, though.

2020-08-13, 01:49 PM
So, according to Volo's, the way hags reproduce is by devouring human infants. Upon eating a baby girl, the hag will subsequently grow pregnant and give birth to a new hag.

Ignoring the pure bizarness and gastronomical impossibilities of this, I've made this post to answer a question: What happens to male infants? I've come up with several theories:

The hag gives birth to a normal hag
The hag gives birth to a hag with a male appearance.
The hag gives birth to a sorceror or warlock
The hag gives birth to a normal child with a knack for magic - possibly druidic or wizardly
The infant is digested and exits the hag's body the normal way

So, 1. Which one do you think is 'correct', and 2. which one do you prefer/rule as the way it works in your games?

Personally, I like:

For boy infants, #5.
For girl infants, #5 followed by #1, and the original hag refers to the new hag as "granddaughter" instead of "daughter."

I would rather it be something weirder than simple baby-conversion-to-hag, and the generation-skipping is mythologically consistent with precedent.

2020-08-13, 01:59 PM
The infant is digested and exits the hag's body the normal way

So, 1. Which one do you think is 'correct', and 2. which one do you prefer/rule as the way it works in your games?

I'm gonna have to say 5. The other ideas are fun, and I encourage you to use them in your homebrew, but RAI, boys are just baby chow. I will also add another option for you, The hag gives birth to a familiar.

2020-08-13, 02:21 PM
I believe #5 is the intent.

I read "I believe #5 is the internet" and found that quite enjoyable.

2020-08-13, 02:59 PM
Personally, I like:

For boy infants, #5.
For girl infants, #5 followed by #1, and the original hag refers to the new hag as "granddaughter" instead of "daughter."

I would rather it be something weirder than simple baby-conversion-to-hag, and the generation-skipping is mythologically consistent with precedent.


It's not "baby is turned into a hag" it's a classic dark "kid is replaced by a changeling" fairy tale story.

Though not sure why the hag would refer to a hag she birthed as granddaughter.

2020-08-13, 03:04 PM
This is where trolls come from in my settings.

2020-08-13, 03:15 PM

It's not "baby is turned into a hag" it's a classic dark "kid is replaced by a changeling" fairy tale story.

Though not sure why the hag would refer to a hag she birthed as granddaughter.

The horrific idea in my head is that the infant girl becomes the mother of the eventual hag. (Paedogenesis.) Hence, why boy infants are simply excreted with no effect, and why the hag doesn't consider the new hag as a "daughter" per se.

I'm having trouble finding citations but I understand that certain insects operate somewhat like this--not with the eating, but at least w/rt reproduction while still in larval stage. Edit: here's one on gall midges (https://www.britannica.com/animal/gall-midge#ref255533).

I would say more about the mythology behind grandmothers/granddaughters of powerful evil beings but I think forum rules prohibit talking about real-world beliefs, even medieval ones.

2020-08-13, 03:46 PM
I personally like the idea it makes a monster like an Oni or some sort of mutated orge when born so the hag can have servants who are her children but gets girls when she wants other hags.

2020-08-13, 07:50 PM
I have not read the Volo's entry but from the PHB the returned child seems normal and lives a normal life until one day it becomes a hag. Do you think the hag-child is aware that they are a hag? Do they know the entire time who and what they are or are they ignorant of that fact as well? I honestly find that latter possibility more tragic and terrifying. Almost like the hag took away the child's life twice.

Edited for typo.

2020-08-13, 07:59 PM
I like the idea of it turning into a warlock/sorcerer. No particular idea why that should be the case, but would be an interesting origin for a pc. I wouldn't think it would happen often though. No. 5 would be the most common occurence.

2020-08-13, 08:04 PM
I'd go with 5 personally, but i can see 3 being fun in the right setting.

2020-08-14, 05:29 AM
I have not read the Volo's entry but from the PHB the returned child seems normal and lives a normal life until one day it becomes a hag. Do you think the hag-child is aware that they are a hag? Do they know the entire time who and what they are or are they ignorant of that fact as well? I honestly find that latter possibility more tragic and terrifying. Almost like the hag took away the child's life twice.

Edited for typo.

I think they don't know anything is different about them until they transform.

2020-08-14, 05:43 AM
While 5 is definitely the norm and intent of the writers, having a hag who got very confused and intrigued when a male meal left her pregnant and birthing a male baby that looks as normally-male-(demi)human as a usual female baby does normally-female could be a great seed for a story. Whatever is special about the boy either as a child or an adult, whatever monster or non-monster class he is, the mystery or the backstory of hag involvement in the character’s life could make a cool villain, victim, or hero.

2020-08-14, 06:03 AM
The hag gives birth to a normal hag
The hag gives birth to a hag with a male appearance.
The hag gives birth to a sorceror or warlock
The hag gives birth to a normal child with a knack for magic - possibly druidic or wizardly
The infant is digested and exits the hag's body the normal way

I went with #4. Made the offspring a Half-Elf (Fey) Horizon Walker able to tap into the Feywild and find dimensional portals.
Just seemed like a cool story (and I hadn't read Volo's yet...).

The party was delightfully terrified that their companion who was guiding them through the Forest was the son of a Hag.

2020-08-14, 06:15 AM
Always thought about the tragedy and story potential of the parents who still love the kid they raised even after she turns into a hag.

Imagine the PCs investigating about something, and they learn the 40-something queen is visiting a Hag in secret. And when confronted they learn that the old crone-looking Fey is actually the queen's daughter (if not by blood).

2020-08-14, 07:07 AM
Always thought about the tragedy and story potential of the parents who still love the kid they raised even after she turns into a hag.

Imagine the PCs investigating about something, and they learn the 40-something queen is visiting a Hag in secret. And when confronted they learn that the old crone-looking Fey is actually the queen's daughter (if not by blood).

I seem to recall an adventure from a 3.X Dungeon magazine which partially revolved around a newly turned hag and the village she had grown up in. I don't recall anything about her parents, but I do seem to recall the boy-next-door maintained his crush on her.

2020-08-14, 09:22 AM
This is where trolls come from in my settings. Ohhhhh why didnt I think of that, especilly because I'm pretty sure trolls are actually a type of Fae in Celtic myths, like goblins and imps were.

Kurt Kurageous
2020-08-14, 10:49 AM
This is where trolls come from in my settings.

I like this so much it's gonna be a thing in my currently running setting.

Is your troll provenance any hag, or just green hags? Should I consider reskinning based on the "son's" hag mother? Or just change the appearance and description?

2020-08-14, 11:29 AM
The hag gives birth to a sorceror or warlock

If we go down this rabbit hole. I can easily see a Hag training said child to become a charmer of women. So that he can create offspring for the Hag.

2020-08-14, 12:13 PM
I like this so much it's gonna be a thing in my currently running setting.

Is your troll provenance any hag, or just green hags? Should I consider reskinning based on the "son's" hag mother? Or just change the appearance and description?

Green hags. Sea hags make sea trolls (Scrags), I haven't figured out what to do with Night Hag males. I imagine something distinctly more supernatural, probably Oni since they share being giants and having regenerate.

I make them look like the Mom, there is a Grendal connection there.

2020-08-14, 12:28 PM
Green hags. Sea hags make sea trolls (Scrags), I haven't figured out what to do with Night Hag males. I imagine something distinctly more supernatural, probably Oni since they share being giants and having regenerate.
Night Hags? A Devourer.

2020-08-14, 12:53 PM
I think if it end up being born a sorcerer (I don't like the idea you can be born a warlock, that requires intent in my head) then it can't be something that the hag knows will happen.

I wonder if it could also be a bad thing for the hag. Like, there is a curse about giving birth to a male heir, which is why hags developed the process of birth they have, to get around this curse.

However, the hag decides to experiment and gives birth to a boy. The curse means he is dangerous, but also that she or her servants can't harm him directly. So, she ends up sending him off, and comes back into his life to guide him to "glory and adventure" as she desperately tries to lead him into a situation which will lead to his death, and ensure her survival.

2020-08-14, 04:12 PM
I think they don't know anything is different about them until they transform.

I prefer this interpretation. It really adds to the tragedy of the situation and even adds an element of body horror to it. I have thinking about a hag based story line for my next campaign and was very happy to see this thread.

2020-08-14, 04:41 PM
I prefer this interpretation. It really adds to the tragedy of the situation and even adds an element of body horror to it. I have thinking about a hag based story line for my next campaign and was very happy to see this thread.

Oh god the potential heartbreak that that could lead too....

2020-08-14, 08:52 PM
Yep, it is cruel and terrible and frankly I love it.

I mean, hags were my favorites before this, but reading that bit of lore drove them to the top of my list. They are just so rich for stories.

2020-08-15, 12:48 AM

Older lore nwn2 had a hag spawn PC in motb

2020-08-15, 02:08 AM
Yep, it is cruel and terrible and frankly I love it.

I mean, hags were my favorites before this, but reading that bit of lore drove them to the top of my list. They are just so rich for stories.

Yeah, that aspect behind their lore is deeply unsettling. Ever since I read it I have wanted to use them but the chance has not come up yet as I want to make an entire story line out of it, not just have the hags be some throwaway enemies. I would like to get at least a couple sessions out of it.