View Full Version : Using Miracle creatively

2020-08-14, 03:47 AM
since miracle has the neat clause within it that says:

Duplicate any cleric spell of 8th level or
lower (including spells to which you
have access because of your domains).
Duplicate any other spell of 7th level or
Undo the harmful effects of certain
spells, such as feeblemind or insanity.
Have any effect whose power level is in
line with the above effects

The bold part makes this spell extra fun because it seems to essentially allow sandbox mode using other spell effects as a reference. Theoretically, this leads to some neat things.

Not only should opposite versions of spells be easily within Miracle's jurisdiction
-attract (repel) vermin
-cursed (magic) weapon
-harm (if it didn't already exist as heal's counterpart)
-goblin's (fox's cunning)

Also, and likely more helpfully this should allow you to tweak certain spells to perform adjacent/similar effects to what they already do such as meld into wood/metal instead of stone or making gravity go left instead of simply reversing it. MOST IMPORTANTLY, however, this clause should also allow you to create completely new effects as long as their over all power is roughly in line with other effects (admittedly very subjective) which i find beautiful.

-x-ray vision seems like a petty but reasonable use
-temporarily gaining one feat for which you qualify, powering up the lvl 2 heroics or permanently gain a fighter feat you qualify for
-allow next spell to auto penetrate one of either spell resistance or (less likely) save, being similar enough to lvl 7 limited wish's ability to allow an auto hit

If i'm not too far off the mark, what sorts of ways could you think of to use miracle creatively?

2020-08-14, 04:15 AM
since miracle has the neat clause within it that says:

The bold part makes this spell extra fun because it seems to essentially allow sandbox mode using other spell effects as a reference. Theoretically, this leads to some neat things.

Not only should opposite versions of spells be easily within Miracle's jurisdiction
-attract (repel) vermin
-cursed (magic) weapon
-harm (if it didn't already exist as heal's counterpart)
-goblin's (fox's cunning)

Also, and likely more helpfully this should allow you to tweak certain spells to perform adjacent/similar effects to what they already do such as meld into wood/metal instead of stone or making gravity go left instead of simply reversing it. MOST IMPORTANTLY, however, this clause should also allow you to create completely new effects as long as their over all power is roughly in line with other effects (admittedly very subjective) which i find beautiful.

-x-ray vision seems like a petty but reasonable use
-temporarily gaining one feat for which you qualify, powering up the lvl 2 heroics or permanently gain a fighter feat you qualify for
-allow next spell to auto penetrate one of either spell resistance or (less likely) save, being similar enough to lvl 7 limited wish's ability to allow an auto hit

If i'm not too far off the mark, what sorts of ways could you think of to use miracle creatively?

Well, first thing that comes to mind is using it instead of persistant spell to make some low level spells with a short duration gain a larger duration. For example a Divine Power with a duration of 1 hour per caster level. Perhaps allowing to use Wisdom instead of STR for the attack rolls with Deity's Favored weapon and not granting a bonus to Str (like thunderlance)?

Or a Wraithstrike with a similar duration.

Or change half the damage type the weapon deals to force?

In general, that's why I prefear limiting this to existing spells, otherwise it's too open, and you can do virtually anything.

2020-08-14, 07:18 AM
Well, first thing that comes to mind is using it instead of persistant spell to make some low level spells with a short duration gain a larger duration. For example a Divine Power with a duration of 1 hour per caster level. Perhaps allowing to use Wisdom instead of STR for the attack rolls with Deity's Favored weapon and not granting a bonus to Str (like thunderlance)?

Or a Wraithstrike with a similar duration.

Or change half the damage type the weapon deals to force?

In general, that's why I prefear limiting this to existing spells, otherwise it's too open, and you can do virtually anything.
you just gave me the idea of replicating a 7th level prestidigitation

-quickly lift items of 10b/cl
-purify or putrify items within 10ft cube each round
-drastically warm or chill items enough to do 1d6 damage/ 3cl

2020-08-14, 01:21 PM
One thing I like to do with "power level in line with the above effects clause" is to use lower level spells with metamagic effects baked into them. After all, mathematically an Empowered 6th level spell is equivalent in power to an 8th-level spell, and the same is true of a Twinned 4th level spell, an Echoing 5th-level spell, or a Bouncing 7th-level spell. This gives you a lot of options that don't require adjudicating or homebrewing a bunch of custom effects.