View Full Version : It's half two in the morning , I'm drunk and lonely.

2007-10-31, 12:34 PM
People of the great kingdom of the forums ....

I am all alone .

And on top of this , I'm rather inebreated . It's some godforsaken hour of the morning , and tomorow , I have an exam on actionscripting ...

And I'm one godawful lonely pupply . Is it wrong to not be able to let go ...

I got dumped by my first girllfreind like what ... 6 months agou it must be now ? Was the best itme of my life , I didn nothing wrong and i still got dumped . She's declared We're never getting back together .and I jsut avoid anything to do with her now ...

But I still can;t let go

I swear, It's absoloutely ****ed , but there you have it . The problem with being in such a state as this is that when you are happy and confident and loving life , people like you , when you're a misbegotten malnourished sleep-deprived wreck , people aren;t so kindly .

So there you have it . I'm tired, emotional , overworked and Making a less-then sublte attemtpt to get some attention , seeming as everyone sane has already passed out on their grundge covered keyboards at this hour .


2007-10-31, 12:37 PM
Well, cheers to you.
Know the feeling, mate, but I guess it'll clear up after a while. And for the time being, just keep on drinking.

2007-10-31, 12:39 PM
You know , you'd think that .

but that relationship lasted for like , two months ..

TWO MONTHS . this is liek 6 months later , and I;'m still a pile of damaged goods . Nothing is helping . Not even this decent consulation with DR. Pierre Smirnoff . And his freind mr. Jager. ...

2007-10-31, 12:41 PM
Well you need to have a blast from time to time but drinking doesn't solve anything... it just puts it off!

6 months on and it's time to let go -> Distract yourself.
Get some sleep and do something new, go out, get a hobby and do something adventurous that takes your mind off of it.

It's meditative, it's self-help, it's called "time flies when you're having fun." So go do it.

For now, drink lots of water and stay focussed on your exam.

2007-10-31, 12:42 PM
Friends don't let friends post drunk. But at least you'll have a great story about drunk posting with people from two different continents.

Reminds me of that time that I called home from Germany and left a message for my cat. :smalleek:

2007-10-31, 12:43 PM
If you can't get over a girl you were with for two months, I can't imagine you if you have a three years relationship someday...

I broke up with my ex about six months ago, too. But now she doesn't give a damn about me and I try not to give a damn about her. It is hard, but you gotta put yourself together, man.

There are lots of girls around. You'll find the one for you.

2007-10-31, 12:44 PM
And I thought drunk-dialing was bad, now drunk posting!

Hehe, just kidding. I can't offer any deep-meaning emotional advice that will make you feel any better on any kind of significant level. So I'll just say take another drink for me, and live in the moment.

2007-10-31, 12:46 PM
It's funny, how most people say "Keep drinking". And that's because it works. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.

2007-10-31, 12:48 PM
I'm not a fan of beer . I prefer drinks with more than one syllable in the name ...

I'd probably get over her easyer ifn she wasnl;t so damn perfect ... She was an enginnerin student changed to ebing a web design student ... she has epic boobs , but was short and cute and loved me and liked anime and games and drawing and webcomics and quantum ophsyisics.....

Ok , now i DO need another drink ...

2007-10-31, 12:52 PM
she has epic boobs

I've seen those before.

Epic Boobs
Binds on pickup.
150 Armor
+10 Stamina
-10 Intellect

Ok , now i DO need another drink ...

That's the spirit.

2007-10-31, 12:56 PM
No , seriously though man , this is just plain bloody depressing , she was super smart , and had the epic boobs ....

Have to be careful here ...

last time I started drinking I woke up in ER

2007-10-31, 12:57 PM
I'm going to have a pint in your name. Hey, internet drinking buddies are fun!

Ego Slayer
2007-10-31, 12:59 PM
I've seen worse drunk typing before. >_>
Yeah, careful...

I've seen those before.

Epic Boobs
Binds on pickup.
150 Armor
+10 Stamina
-10 Intellect
Heheh! Oh my god, I just laughed so hard at that! >_<
Which dungeon are those from? Lol...

2007-10-31, 12:59 PM
You are tempting me to open that Tequila bottle that's lying five meters away from me...

2007-10-31, 01:00 PM
Hey, I resent the -10 intellect remark! Hehe. :smalltongue:

Hydrologic, stop drinking. Alcohol is a depressant. Depressants make you depressed. Counterintuitive, no? :) Seriously, get your friends together and make them make you have fun. It's what I did when my ex broke up with me.


2007-10-31, 01:02 PM
My freinds are busy being happy couples who seems to get along jsut fine and happily with their hoysome lives .

2007-10-31, 01:03 PM
Hey, I resent the -10 intellect remark! Hehe. :smalltongue:

Hydrologic, stop drinking. Alcohol is a depressant. Depressants make you depressed. Counterintuitive, no? :) Seriously, get your friends together and make them make you have fun. It's what I did when my ex broke up with me.


Ah, you're no fun at all.

And Tequila is great. Do you have lemons and salt?

2007-10-31, 01:04 PM
I don't have tequila , basically all i've got is various forms and mixs of vodka . ...


Ego Slayer
2007-10-31, 01:05 PM
*hugs* for you.
Syka is right... :smallsigh:
Go get some sleep, or something.

Ah, you're no fun at all.

And Tequila is great. Do you have lemons and salt?
When life gives you lemons... put them with tequila, and have a party?

2007-10-31, 01:06 PM
Hey, internet drinking buddies are fun!

I used to be scared to drink with Canadians, until recently. Trust me, they don't live up to the hype. :smalltongue:

Next I guess I need to cross the pond and visit Ireland and to some lesser extent Germany. :smallsmile:

2007-10-31, 01:08 PM
*hugs* for you.
Syka is right... :smallsigh:
Go get some sleep, or something.

When life gives you lemons... put them with tequila, and have a party?


I heard a better one... When Life turns its back on you... Pinch her arse

2007-10-31, 01:09 PM
Thank yuu egoo . ugs are good (But god knows I don;t get any these days)

Torm , last time I wen' driinking , I drank Until I blacked out . Go go australian drinking power ....

2007-10-31, 01:10 PM
I used to be scared to drink with Canadians, until recently. Trust me, they don't live up to the hype. :smalltongue:

Next I guess I need to cross the pond and visit Ireland and to some lesser extent Germany. :smallsmile:

Lesser extent?
Well, true, the Irish (and those Vikings from Norway) are hard to beat. But our beer is better (except for Guinness).

Ego Slayer
2007-10-31, 01:13 PM
I heard a better one... When Life turns its back on you... Pinch her arse
What if you do that, and Life turns out to be a dude? :smalltongue:

Or, Life might turn around and slap you across the face.

Be careful!

2007-10-31, 01:14 PM
Doesn't sound like you're having a good time. Whilst drining is fun, it doesn't seem to be helping you.
Although you do seem quite eloquent for a drunken typer.

2007-10-31, 01:15 PM
What if you do that, and Life turns out to be a dude? :smalltongue:

Or, Life might turn around and slap you across the face.

Be careful!

I could handle it being a dude , as long as it was a cute one ...

And a slap across the faceis at least attention ...

But in any case , my freind aalways says ...

When life goives you lemons , shut up and eat your damn lemons .

2007-10-31, 01:17 PM
Doesn't sound like you're having a good time. Whilst drining is fun, it doesn't seem to be helping you.
Although you do seem quite eloquent for a drunken typer.

I got the english prize at school . I've written essays while throuroughly inebreated which have scored in exess of 80 percent .

Ego Slayer
2007-10-31, 01:19 PM
When life goives you lemons , shut up and eat your damn lemons .

2007-10-31, 01:20 PM
What if you do that, and Life turns out to be a dude? :smalltongue:

Or, Life might turn around and slap you across the face.

Be careful!

Yes, if life turns around and slaps you in the face, at least you've caught her attention. Not that I advice to do the same every time you want to catch someone's attention, though, but it is really important to get Life's attention at the very least...

2007-10-31, 01:22 PM
Which dungeon are those from? Lol...

Do you really want to know the answer to that ? Because that's a road best not taken...

2007-10-31, 01:22 PM
Your posts are starting to sound and look very drunk.

Drink until you pass out man. Remember that beer is liquid bread and good for you.

Go find a halloween party maybe.

2007-10-31, 01:25 PM
Thing is , I don't have lifes attention .

I am alone ...


I',m visiting london next yeat . Who here's british and wan't sot get hammered with this young aussie in six months time ?

2007-10-31, 01:29 PM
Lesser extent?
Well, true, the Irish (and those Vikings from Norway) are hard to beat. But our beer is better (except for Guinness).

That time I drunk-dialed my cat? Yeah, I was drinking beer in Germany with a bunch of Germans, Canadians, Americans, an Australian, and an Irishman. We were celebrating the 4th of July. Four of us fell into the Neckar river. The Australian ended up upside down in a bush, but somehow - and we still don't know how he did it - was able to keep his beer right-side-up.

2007-10-31, 01:31 PM
Yeah, I was drinking beer in Germany with a bunch of Germans, Canadians, Americans, an Australian, and an Irishman.

Now that's what I call a fun time!

2007-10-31, 01:34 PM
That time I drunk-dialed my cat? Yeah, I was drinking beer in Germany with a bunch of Germans, Canadians, Americans, an Australian, and an Irishman. We were celebrating the 4th of July. Four of us fell into the Neckar river. The Australian ended up upside down in a bush, but somehow - and we still don't know how he did it - was able to keep his beer right-side-up.

So this bunch of ethnic steriotypes walk into a bar....

Heh , in australia it's a hanging offense to spill your drink .

2007-10-31, 01:40 PM

I heard a better one... When Life turns its back on you... Pinch her arse

i've maded up a better one....but the rating of this forums prevents me to reveal it...:smallsigh:

I'm not even going to start on this issue. Sorry. My opinion would be as good as a snowbal on the ear....

2007-10-31, 01:44 PM
i've maded up a better one....but the rating of this forums prevents me to reveal it...:smallsigh:

I'm not even going to start on this issue. Sorry. My opinion would be as good as a snowbal on the ear....

Sometimes what a person needs is a snowball to the face to make them snap out of it ...

2007-10-31, 01:47 PM
Sometimes what a person needs is a snowball to the face to make them snap out of it ...

yes but a snowball in the ear is awfully terrible, probably mess you up, and send you home and forfeit the snowball fight...

wait...wait am i even talking about this? i've never been on a snowball fight! There is no snow on the city i live!:smallsigh:

2007-10-31, 01:52 PM
yes but a snowball in the ear is awfully terrible, probably mess you up, and send you home and forfeit the snowball fight...

wait...wait am i even talking about this? i've never been on a snowball fight! There is no snow on the city i live!:smallsigh:

I live in Australia . . I'll take a snowball to the ear any day . Especially in summer.

Ego Slayer
2007-10-31, 01:52 PM
Drink until you pass out man.
No. No. No. Don't listen to him! :smalltongue:
Ego hides all the alcohol and hands Hydrogelic a glass of water...

2007-10-31, 01:55 PM
No. No. No. Don't listen to him! :smalltongue:
Ego hides all the alcohol and hands Hydrogelic a glass of water...

Thanks for caring ego .

I learned my lesson last time . A 48 kilo guy who hasn;t eaten should not drink a whole bottle of vodka , a vouple of beers , and jager bombs and god knows what else by himslef . Not going to do that again . Bad

But not as bad as being an emotionally shattered alone person .

2007-10-31, 01:57 PM
About to pass out from tiredness though , BRB in six hours .

2007-10-31, 02:00 PM
Trog's Advice:
Stop drinking now as you are already drunk. Mission accomplished. Next: Eat something good and salty. And preferably really bad for you. This is treat yourself and to soak up the alcohol. Then take a couple of aspirin and a huge glass of water. Pee. Then go to bed. Be sure not to reverse these last two.
Sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow. In the morning drink lots more water. Take more aspirin. Stumble off, do your school thing. Then come home and sleep some more. Rent movies that feature guns and explosions and sit on the couch all day.

2007-10-31, 02:07 PM
Trog's Advice:
Stop drinking now as you are already drunk. Mission accomplished. Next: Eat something good and salty. And preferably really bad for you. This is treat yourself and to soak up the alcohol. Then take a couple of aspirin and a huge glass of water. Pee. Then go to bed. Be sure not to reverse these last two.
Sleep. You'll need it for tomorrow. In the morning drink lots more water. Take more aspirin. Stumble off, do your school thing. Then come home and sleep some more. Rent movies that feature guns and explosions and sit on the couch all day.

Great advice, except for the eating part: Don't do it. I still remember the morning after I thought it to be great idea to eat a quarterpounder with cheese after having drunk half a keg of Kölsch.

Tempest Fennac
2007-10-31, 02:09 PM
I thought that eating bread was a good idea if you're drunk as it soaks up the alcohol. ncidentally, why would you drink a load the night before an exam anyway?

2007-10-31, 07:32 PM
I thought that eating bread was a good idea if you're drunk as it soaks up the alcohol. ncidentally, why would you drink a load the night before an exam anyway?

Emotrional scarring.

2007-11-03, 05:57 AM
But beer is liquid bread so why bother with solid bread.

And if you're going to London go to Dirty ****'s (yeah makes me laugh to) near Liverpool Street Station or go to Browns or Metropolis at a place called Hackney Road to drown your sorrows.

Just get SatNav if you want to find either places but Hackney Road is near Liverpool street so you might as well go to both in the same night.

2007-11-03, 06:40 AM
But beer is liquid bread so why bother with solid bread.

And if you're going to London go to Dirty ****'s (yeah makes me laugh to) near Liverpool Street Station or go to Browns or Metropolis at a place called Hackney Road to drown your sorrows.

Just get SatNav if you want to find either places but Hackney Road is near Liverpool street so you might as well go to both in the same night.Or why not come to the real Liverpool... Pretty much the other side of the country but it's worth it:smalltongue:

Moving along. I know how you feel there (Cept Im not drunk) I got dumped a few days ago, 3 days into my first relationship :smallfrown: It really plays with your head *Hugs* Hope you get over it :smallsigh:

Tempest Fennac
2007-11-03, 07:13 AM
The bread is supposed to soak up the alcohol (I don't know whether it actually works or not, but I thought I'd mention it in case it did).

2007-11-03, 11:58 AM
In honour of broken-hearted drukedness, I shall go and consume a handle of HIM-brand Jager. This shall put us on equal footing in terms of misery, though from different sources, so I will not lie when I later claim to feel your pain.
Seriously, that stuff is terrible. Ville Vallo does not know how to design booze.

EDIT: Bread is the way to get more drunk without becoming nauseous, unless you eat a lot of it. It takes up a lot of room in one's stomach, and also absorbs the alcohol that isn't digested after a while, which prevents it from irritating your stomach. If you eat a lot of bread, you simply won't have the room to get drunk.

Tempest Fennac
2007-11-03, 01:54 PM
Thanks for telling me (I'm pretty much Straight-edge, so I don't know that much about alcohol).

Don Julio Anejo
2007-11-03, 03:13 PM
Okay. That's officially it, I'm not going to any more Rez parties this year. Nothing worse than finishing off a mickey of Capt. Morgan's, half a mickey of something else (Stoli?) and then waking up with your friend's SISTER. Crap, he'll be really pissed when he finds out :frown:

I'm sticking to bars and clubs from now on. In there it's way too expensive to get seriously drunk.

Raiser Blade
2007-11-03, 05:05 PM
Okay. That's officially it, I'm not going to any more Rez parties this year. Nothing worse than finishing off a mickey of Capt. Morgan's, half a mickey of something else (Stoli?) and then waking up with your friend's SISTER. Crap, he'll be really pissed when he finds out :frown:

I'm sticking to bars and clubs from now on. In there it's way too expensive to get seriously drunk.



2007-11-03, 11:17 PM
Okay. That's officially it, I'm not going to any more Rez parties this year. Nothing worse than finishing off a mickey of Capt. Morgan's, half a mickey of something else (Stoli?) and then waking up with your friend's SISTER. Crap, he'll be really pissed when he finds out :frown:

I'm sticking to bars and clubs from now on. In there it's way too expensive to get seriously drunk.

You win sir, as the first thing here I shall reply to.
The reply? I hope to Banjo you were to drunk to do anything cause that is a baaaad rule of friendship to break. O_O

To our drunk and heartbroken guy who is pinning over lost epic boobs.

Ignoring the epic boobs remark... (And boy am I surprised at you Ego.)
You may want to stop drinking so much and stop being proud that you can type better than leet speak while sloshed. It's not exactly attractive and will not help you find a new amazing person. And as mentioned, it is a depressant, so it's just not a good idea. It's a popular bad idea.

Next, it is normal to still be upset over relationships and break ups long after they are over, even if they were short. Now, that fact doesn't ease things, but it will let you know that you are not in this alone, nor have you been the only one in that position, and you will get out of it and it will be okay.

However, you don't want to be so focused on the past or to do things while upset that will hinder your ability to recover and move on. There will be another person, it could be soon, and you don't want to miss or not notice the opportunity because you were still looking backward/ dealing with double vision.*

Sober up, pick yourself up, and you will be okay.

And do not forget Trog's advice or the order it came in. :smallwink:

*That being said, not dealing with issues or not letting time help or just dragging lots of unpacked baggage around it's advised either. For help on that, please see the Relationship Woes and Advice Thread.

Ego Slayer
2007-11-03, 11:20 PM
Ignoring the epic boobs remark... (And boy am I surprised at you Ego.)
It was a WoW reference. I couldn't help myself. (._.)

2007-11-03, 11:40 PM
Okay. That's officially it, I'm not going to any more Rez parties this year. Nothing worse than finishing off a mickey of Capt. Morgan's, half a mickey of something else (Stoli?) and then waking up with your friend's SISTER. Crap, he'll be really pissed when he finds out :frown:

I'm sticking to bars and clubs from now on. In there it's way too expensive to get seriously drunk.

Well since this is obvioulsy pretty bad there's really only one thing to ask. Is she hot?:smalltongue:

Ego Slayer
2007-11-03, 11:56 PM
Is she hot?:smalltongue:
Don't make me thwack you with the Mauril Act of 2007!

2007-11-04, 12:10 AM
I thought the Mauril Act only referred to comments regarding known hotness, not inquiries into possible hotness?

Hydro, I don't necessarily think it's bad that you're drinking. I think it's bad that you're drinking alone. At the very least you should go/should have gone out to a pub or something similar, cuz then you might even meet some new folks.

Don: I find it interesting that you're more worried about her brother's reaction than the implications for your relationship with her and the emotional wellbeing of the two of you :smallconfused:

Jack Squat
2007-11-04, 12:11 AM
Don't make me thwack you with the Mauril Act of 2007!

but she's not (knowingly) on the forums, and no pictures...so I don't think it applies.

2007-11-04, 12:15 AM
Yeah, this forum is not particularly friendly to people who drink alone and then post about how lonely their life is. Also, I'll note that when I did it, my spelling didn't suffer in the least. L2drink, son.

Ego Slayer
2007-11-04, 12:35 AM
I can't for the life of me find Mauril's posts, but I think it still applies. Heck, I was one of the people who he granted the power to axe things... if I say it applies, it applies. :smallamused:

2007-11-04, 02:55 AM
I'm empathically linked to you friend. It's been 2 years since my girlfriend dumped me and it still scarred my heart. My sympathy on you.

And actually, the way to avoid bad hangover is, to drink a lot and lot of water. It's scientifically proven... somewhere I guess. Kind of. The trick is of course, to help your liver process the alcohol by rinsing it with water. And maybe dilute the alcohol. Something like that. I'm sure I have the article somewhere.

2007-11-04, 03:13 AM
Yeah, I was drinking beer in Germany with a bunch of Germans, Canadians, Americans, an Australian, and an Irishman. We were celebrating the 4th of July.

I thought the 4th of July was a strickly American holiday?

Hydrogelic, don't worry about still being upset about your ex. I moped for about 6 months over a girl I wasn't even dating. Time heals wounds, but hobbies do help. Having someone to dump all your complaints on and just have them listen works well too. As for the alcohol, as my old Health teacher said, the only way to get it out of your system is through the United Nations: Perspiration, Urination, and Exhalation. Apparently the story about showering is just an urban legend.

2007-11-04, 03:22 AM
As for the alcohol, as my old Health teacher said, the only way to get it out of your system is through the United Nations: Perspiration, Urination, and Exhalation.

So... You drink three large bottles of water, go running and urinate while running?

2007-11-04, 12:25 PM
Drink alone until you're pretty drunk, then drink with other people. Otherwise, they take too much of your booze.

2007-11-04, 01:12 PM
I thought the 4th of July was a strickly American holiday?

Well, it's danish independence day as well (don't ask me how I know, I just do.)

Conrad Poohs
2007-11-05, 03:53 AM
My sincerest sympathy, Hydrogelic. I guess the thread's being going long enough now for you to get enough advice on the matter (as much as the emotional mind will respond to advice), and nobody listens to me anyway, but I'll put in my contribution nonetheless, just try and stop me world!! Oh sorry, where was I? Oh yes. My ability to empathise on these matters isn't fantastic, not ever having had a girlfriend before, but I can definitely understand the position of someone who feels love but does not have a recipient for it. I don't know if this really works or not, but perhaps you could take solace (damn it's usefull having a dictionary beside me - I can use these intellectual words and not be afraid that they don't fit the context) in the fact that you have had a girlfriend, thus prooving that you have the potential to achieve such things. I, on the other hand, am often stricken by depression induced by the fear that I may be the only one of my species, for I have seen barely a glimmer of hope in finding me a girlfriend; then again I do walk around wearing a hat that has a name-tag that says "Margaret" on it, so I perhaps shouldn't be surprised. Another untested theory of mine in regards to dealing with loosing one's love like this, is to decide that if she dumps me she mustn't be my soul mate, so she can go and fornicate with a racoon for all I care. That said, I can understand your position a little better due to having had crushes on people I know are not right for me. <Sigh> :smallfrown: The human mind's an idiot ...and so is mine. Even if none of the advice on this thread comes to much, you are still certainly doing the right thing by talking to people. I often find that discussion with others, even if they don't say anything you weren't already thinking, is one of the best therapies for depression in general. Sorry if I haven't been of any help, but good luck powering on in the search for your match. :smallsmile:

Don Julio Anejo
2007-11-05, 04:14 AM
I thought the Mauril Act only referred to comments regarding known hotness, not inquiries into possible hotness?

Don: I find it interesting that you're more worried about her brother's reaction than the implications for your relationship with her and the emotional wellbeing of the two of you :smallconfused:

You win sir, as the first thing here I shall reply to.
The reply? I hope to Banjo you were to drunk to do anything cause that is a baaaad rule of friendship to break. O_O
Okay. My friend doesn't know, he was partying with other people and no one really paid any attention to what was going on (most of them were doing even worse than me in the drunk department), so I doubt he'll find out this way. K (his sister) isn't going to tell him either, since he'll get pissed off at her too so right now I'm contemplating if I should tell him...

I know what happened (I don't black out), I was using "woke up next to" as a euphemism. She remembers too...

There was no relationship to speak of in the first place, so we're just acting as if nothing happened, which is pretty much the normal thing to do after something like this. Serpentine: I was more worried about P's (her brother's) reaction because I have enough experience waking up next to my friends after a night of drinking and I'm mature enough to deal with it. The "brother" thing never came up though.

Well since this is obvioulsy pretty bad there's really only one thing to ask. Is she hot?:smalltongue:
Dude, this is a very shallow comment. And it proves that you care more about someone's looks than their personality... :biggrin: J/K. Yeah, she's hot.

2007-11-05, 11:56 AM
I thought the 4th of July was a strickly American holiday?

It is, except when it's an excuse to drink. :smallbiggrin: