View Full Version : Four Element Monk + magic weapon: which one interest you the most?

2020-08-18, 03:41 AM
I was thinking about Monks and their weapons, a question sprung to mind, and I wanted to know other people's opinions on it:

Imagine a Monk of the Four Elements, any race, any level but no multiclass. Taking the list of magic weapons from all all the official 5e books, from Common rarity to artifact, which one of them would you find the most interesting for the Monk to weild?

By interesting, I mean which one would you find awesome/enjoyable/aestheticaly or thematically satisfying, and which one would you choose for narrative or mechanical reasons if you had to come up with a character concept?

I know it's a weird question, but I'm genuinely curious about the forum's answers.

2020-08-18, 08:06 AM
Both Good an thematically satisfying:
-flame tongue shortsword
-frostbrand shortsword
-Staff of Thunder and Lightning
-Tinderstrike from PotA
-Windvane from PotA

Staff of Striking would be less thematic, but still amazing in the hands of an monk.

Also, there was something that give a bonus to unarmed strikes.

2020-08-18, 08:08 AM
Staff of Striking.

It's the only staff that doesn't require a caster to attune to.

If your DM is extremely kind hearted and takes onboard the argument that you're basically the spellcasting kind of monk, then a Staff of Power. It gives you upgraded elemental blasts, hold person is just a beefed up stunning strike, levitate is an upgraded slow fall, globe of invulnerability is just an upgraded resistance to spells. The only real outlier is wall of force. Otherwise, just treat it as a cool way to focus ki and it's good to go.

2020-08-18, 08:36 AM
Both Good an thematically satisfying:
-flame tongue shortsword
-frostbrand shortsword
-Staff of Thunder and Lightning
-Tinderstrike from PotA
-Windvane from PotA

I agree. The Staff of Thudnder and Lighting, Tinderstrike and Windvane in particular would be damn awesome.

2020-08-18, 08:52 AM
Javelin of Lightning is also appropriate (but less so than many listed above).

2020-08-18, 09:03 AM
Javelin of Lightning is also appropriate (but less so than many listed above).

That is a good call, it's appropriate and decent and certainly a much lower level item than the others I mentioned. I didn't include it originally because I was thinking that a Javelin wasn't a monk weapon (after looking again it is).