View Full Version : Freedom Found Season 1: A Fresh Start

2020-08-19, 09:52 PM
When you first arrived on the island of Lampione, what struck you most was the impressive lighthouse that stands on the western tip of the island. An imposing structure, one of the largest in Voddacce is at once a beacon welcoming outsiders to the country and a boast of its wealth. Once of the first ports a ship will pass through when coming to Voddacce or, as is the case for you all, one of the last before setting out into the sea.

A port at its heart, the only residents of Lampione are the few shopkeeps who live there and their families. Most anyone you see is simply passing through, whether they are rowdy sailors enjoying a prosperous port for a few days or merchants bringing their wares to wealthy buyers.

But for others, Lampione holds a wealth of information, if only one knows where to look and who to ask. With so many people traveling through there is sure to be someone who has knowledge of the Brotherhood of the Coast - whether they give it to you as allies or have their reasons for hunting the Brotherhood.

The plan right now is to begin with a Dramatic Sequence where you all are looking to gather information (before you guys meet up). In your first post, feel free to describe yourself and most importantly your Approach for gathering information in this port town. If you know what Trait and Skill combo you'll be using, post that. Otherwise I'll give you a suggestion (probably in the OOC thread). Once you have your Approach, roll and determine your raises (7d10 should work best).

From there, we'll roleplay as normal until you encounter something more difficult. I'll let you know when something might require a raise. This sequence will be a little railroady in that the intent is to get all of you together, but it will open up more once the group is assembled.

Everyone begins with 1 Hero Point aside from Yarezu, whose Valiant Spirit advantage gives them 2.

2020-08-19, 11:56 PM
Clarissa moves with steady, determined steps towards the local tavern, wearing the long coat that pulls its collar up high to cover much of her face, and her hat pulled low to obscure the rest. She was in Vodacce, and she needed to be careful. If anyone remembered her, or could place her...

She shivered. Best not to even call upon the gift. And best to go someplace the lordlings wouldn’t dare have let their gilded prisoners go. They would know in a second. The tavern was best.

She walked in and slipped two coins onto the bar and held up two fingers to the barkeep. When her drinks poured, she started to make the rounds, listening in to snippets of conversation as she walked to a table. After downing both drinks, she’d start to follow up on the conversations.

She was here on behalf of what remained of the crew, after all, of the Fate’s Turn , anchored just outside the harbor. To find and join the Brotherhood.

I’d like to go for Panache + Convince, to draw the locals out of their shells with shows of bravado and stories to find out more about the Brotherhood.


Looks like 3 raises with one “traitor” if I am counting correctly

2020-08-20, 02:21 AM
Yarezu wandered impatiently through the streets of Lampione. Vodacce had made a bad impression on her. Back home, the country was mainly known for its terrible poetry duellists. Seeing it up close hadn't improved Yarezu's opinion. Their social structures and eating habits were abominable. She was anxious to leave Vodacce far behind.

Rumours of the Brotherhood abounded. However, so many of them were worthless. Yarezu needed accurate intelligence. She thus steered clear of the drunken sailors. Instead, she sought out scholars, priests, and suchlike: The kind of people who loved to share knowledge. Yarezu still considered herself an academic. She liked to keep her mind as sharp as her blades. After so many brawls with lowlifes, a bit of scholarly conversation might be refreshing.

Yarezu's Approach will use Wits+Scholarship: [roll0]; Flair bonus die (if applicable): [roll1]

Edit: 4 Raises if Flair applies; 3 if not.

2020-08-20, 03:22 AM
Rerolling the lowest die: [roll0]

2020-08-20, 03:24 AM
Erich stomps his way through the cobbled streets. The Brotherhood were here somewhere, he can almost smell them they were so close! And yet, he just needs that final rumour or introduction otherwise his journey here will be for nothing.

He makes his way down to the docks and enters one if the livelier sounding taverns. He buys a drink and then joins some sailors at a table. It's not long before they are swapping stories of the sea, and Erich regales them with tales of ship to ship conflict - leaving out which side was legally in the right, of course!

Panache and Sailing to make Erich sounds like an attractive crew member to any Brotherhood contacts or recruiters.


Edit: Three raises for me.

2020-08-20, 01:02 PM
Vigo steps through the streets of Lampione, at ease for the first time in weeks. Since dodging Garca's men, he had been living with one eye cast over his shoulder. His initial flight from Castille had been hectic, with enemies real or imagined all around. However, he'd slipped the trackers at the Eisen border, and though he'd been cautious since then, he had seen no sign of further pursuit. Gradually he had stopped being quite so paranoid, stopped seeing prying eyes and hearing whispering voices in every corner. He was fairly certain that whoever might have been following him, they'd long since lost the trail. Here he would be safe, at least for a little while. Still, it was only a temporary reprieve. Sooner or later, word would get back to Castille, and unless Garca had lost interest that would mean trouble at a time Vigo was not prepared for it - and he wasn't about to take the chance that the slighted nobleman would simply let things go. But he had heard whispers, rumors... rumors of a group of sea-rovers, with no law but their own, where a man might find a new start.

It wasn't much, but it was worth a shot.

He'd taken the risk to write off a brief letter to his mother in the last town. Nothing about where he was or what had happened, just an assurance that he was alive, but wouldn't be able to write regularly for potentially a long time... and a warning to deny knowing him if anyone came around asking. With that done, he crossed the water to Lampione, hoping to use his charms and what remained of his coin to loosen some tongues. He'd start with oblique questions, how a man might earn some money, that sort of thing... then as the drink loosened their tongues, push a bit for a mention of where one might find the Brotherhood. He touched his mother's lucky coin, still tucked in a deep pocket. By the Prophets, I'll need the luck more than I need the coin. I hope.

Approach: Panache+Convince to put people at ease with charm and drink in the hopes of coaxing out some useful information.

Assuming the +1 die for flair (how exactly are we handling that - it seems like the criteria for flair are pretty low, should we generally assume we have it unless otherwise directed?):
Not great, only 2 raises.

It strikes me that Vigo and Clarissa may have happened upon the same tavern, if we want to go that route!

Also, are we planning on bringing in the character stories during this sequence? I mostly ask since mine (Vigo being followed) mostly doesn't make sense after he sets off to sea.

2020-08-24, 09:39 PM

As Clarissa enters the Afterbrow, a tavern well known on the island for its special blend blends of wine using ingredients from foreign ports. A portly man with an eyepatch tends the bar - aside from the man possibly needing a bath he seems amicable enough.

As the two drinks are slid over to Clarissa, she takes in the rest of the tavern. Boisterous laughter echoes over the heads of buzzed sailors, an air of excitement fills the room. As she walks, she hears pieces of conversation.

"Never been to Avalon before, nice long voyage. Go over the whole Widow's Sea. Sure wouldn't mind the change of scenery."

"Lelio! It's been too long. You were wrong about the Montaigne Lords! They are much more pompous than you claimed! Good for their money though."

Meanwhile, the bartender keeps watch over his patrons. He makes just enough small talk to keep those around him satisfied before going quiet again.

That looks good - 3 raises is correct, not sure what you mean by "traitor" though.


Though not a locale known for its focus on study, you find a small library with only a few people milling about. As you enter, you see a quaint collection of books in this building, with more space dedicated to meeting tables than books. To that point, there is a woman dressed in Captain's attire mumbling to herself as she stares down a map. In another corner of the library a robed figure sits with their nose buried deep within a tome; the candle next to them seems to have almost completely burnt out.

Flair dice are fine, but I don't see how you get 4 raises from it. By my math: 6+4=10 7+3=10 2+9=11 5+4=9 (no raise). Am I missing something?


Erich finds himself walking along a main road, looking to find somewhere that he may find like-minded sailors. He pauses for a second, looking at a tavern called the Afterbrow before hearing a shout come from the Mermaid's Treasure next to him. He looks to the establishment in time to see a man being tossed through the window... no. There was no breaking of glass, as if the owners realized just how often they may need to replace it.

The man lands roughly on the ground and the patrons inside go quiet for a moment. The thrown man shouts and lifts up his nearly full mug and a cheer raises from inside. Peering through the glassless window, Erich sees three main groups of sailors: ones hailing from Vodacce, ones from Castille, and ones with no obvious allegiance.


The salty sea breeze is welcome to Vigo, as it means freedom is just over the horizon. But not all ships or cpatains are made equal, and some certainly will not bring him to a necessarily safe harbor. As he takes in the surroundings he notices a number of taverns (including the well respected Afterbrow and apparantly rambunctious Mermaid's Treasure) but also notices more of what is going on in the streets. A woman, hands in her pockets, gives a quick glance at her surroundings before ducking down an alleyway - it seems no one else has noticed her.

I'll address them in the OOC thread, since I think it'll be more helpful to have the answers there.

2020-08-25, 03:46 PM
Erich smiles at the man holding his beer before entering into the tavern. He pauses in the entrance, letting his eyes adjust, before heading up to the bar and ordering a strong beer.

Leaning against the counter he studies the various groups of sailors, mug in one hand. Nondescript sailors, eh? he says to himself. Might be promising.

He wanders over towards them, taking a seat if the beer and then wiping the froth from his lips.

"Hello my friends! Where can a sea-going man find work in this town? Preferably work that pays an equitable share?"

2020-08-25, 07:18 PM
I’d like to spend a raise to find one of the sailors who is chatting most actively that has served under the Brotherhood before, presently or in the past.

Clarissa sat down across from the speaker and leaned her musket against her thigh. “Tell me more about your time on the high seas, friend. I need a good story tonight!”

2020-08-26, 06:39 PM
Yarezu scanned the library. Two prospects presented themselves: One much more promising than the other. Yarezu opted for the obvious choice. She could always return to the robed figure later. The foreign scholar walked towards the captain. Her footsteps were deliberately obvious. She wasn't trying to sneak up on anyone, or steal their secrets. The captain would have ample time to hide her map, should she feel the need. Yarezu offered the other woman a friendly, yet professional, smile.

"Are you searching for something? If you wish, I could offer an extra pair of eyes. Or would you prefer to be left in solitude?"

2020-08-26, 09:54 PM

Erich is welcomed to the table with nods and smiles, however, he can't help but feel that the group is sizing him up. The shortest man at the table meet's Erich's eyes and introduces himself, and the others. "The name is Pavli. Sit, sit! Join us for a round, if you can handle it. Tell me, what brings you round to these parts? You don't seem to be fresh off a voyage. Not a long one, anyway."

"As for pay, if yer looking to stay on land there's sure to be something at the docks for a man who knows his way around the ropes. Unless you're looking for a longer trip. Tell me, what role on the ship would you fit well?"

The man raises his eyebrows at the words 'equitable share' but doesn't say anything.


The voices that fill the tavern are many, but you close your eyes and try to focus in on the voices. Though you are not using your magic, the feeling is the same: focusing on the room to find just the right thread to pull.

You find yourself focusing on the voice of an older woman, with a scarred face, who seems to have just finished talking to some younger sailors. She takes a sip of her tea as you sit down.

"Of course, I have many stories of the sea. It looks like you may have some of your own..." She looks down to your musket. "Or perhaps you are looking to make new stories. Either way, you may find one of my earliest voyages interesting.

Our boat was well prepared for months at sea and to a younger version of me, the work was not the life of adventure I expected. There was no set path, no destination in mind. So most days were not swashbuckling but tending to the ship. Fine work and all, but not what I expected when I signed on.

It was only when we noticed a merchant vessel being seiged by pirates. Both ships flew the same flag but there were obvious sounds of cannon fire. The captain ordered our approach and when we arrived the merchants were being boarded. As we prepared for our own boarding we saw many of the merchants on their knees, offering their surrender. We also saw the pirates killing them where they kneeled.

Now, this was the most exciting part at the time for my new self. I drew my cutlass in anticipation and soon enough I was in the middle of the fray. Oh, to feel the salt air as I rushed toward the enemy. Even the sting of the cuts I suffered..." She touches a scar on her cheek. "were thrilling to fight for my crew, my family.

Of course, once the pirates were dealt with we accepted payment from the merchants for saving them. But they were allowed to live, more than I can say of the attackers.

So, what say you to this tale?" She seems very interested in your response.

I like the use of your raise and it worked, but she's trying to get a read on you.


The captain nods at your approach. "I am afraid I am not familiar with these waters. Far from my home in the Marches." She points to the map - you notice that it details the north coast of Ifri. "Why we simply did not use the Vodacce as middlemen, I cannot know. But if you're familiar with these waters I would appreciate any advice. At the very least, pointing me toward my destination would be much appreciated."

She would give you the port name and other basic information about her journey/ship, assuming you help her.

2020-08-26, 11:42 PM
"Whatever insight I can offer is yours. Where are you heading?"

Yarezu was happy to help. She'd grown up in a caring community. Even after leaving home, she'd relied many times on the kindness of strangers. Of course, not all strangers were kind. Some had tried to take advantage of the weary traveller; And in doing so, earned a quick death. Yarezu was still learning how to tell good strangers from bad ones. She would assume that this woman was the former, until proven otherwise.

She studied the map carefully. Like the captain, Yarezu too was far from home. But her travels had taught her much. Perhaps she could pass along some of that knowledge.

2020-08-27, 12:25 PM
Vigo begins to head into the tavern, but something about the woman made him curious. Maybe it was nothing... but maybe she was in trouble. Or maybe she might know something about the Brotherhood - it was supposed to be a secretive organization, after all. Just a quick look... what's the worst that can happen?

With plenty of possibilities for the answer to that question floating around his head, Vigo nonetheless ducks down the alleyway, attempting to mix casualness with stealth as much as possible.

Alright, I'll bite, haha

Not sure if I need to spend a raise here... Let me know if I do. Sneaking doesn't match with my approach, but (fortunately!) trying to talk my way out of trouble if I'm confronted by a bunch of angry folks who don't want to be followed should be.

2020-08-28, 09:45 AM
Clarissa considers the older woman’s words for a time and then responds. “I think the pirates you described were fools. They killed those who were surrendering? How will they ever take a prize again? If I were a merchant captain who saw that particular ship again I would know that I had nothing to lose by fighting to the last crew. Frankly, I think it a service that your ship killed them.”

She turns her own look of appraisal back on the speaker.

2020-08-28, 02:08 PM

The woman tells you her destination (a coastal city in Khemet) and describes the resources she has. The two of you set to studying the map and with sharing your knowledge, you can find a decent route for her to travel.

"Say, I could always use more crew and you seem sea-worthy. Tell me, where are you headed?"

Not sure that there's anything for you to spend a raise on yet. You certainly don't have to take her offer (she is clearly not related to the brotherhood) but she seems open to sharing information with you, depending on what you ask.


Vigo makes his way to the edge of the alley and, with just a quick peek, you can see that she is speaking with someone else who is cloaked. Vigo can't make out the features of either person, at least from this distance, and he can't pick up the conversation from here, it would be a risk to try and get any closer. But there were only two exits from this alley, and they would have to come out eventually.

Basically you can use 2 raises to safely sneak in and eavesdrop on the conversation (since it isn't your approach), but if you wanted to get the information another way you could certainly wait and do something more aligned with your approach. Just let me know how you want to go about it.


The old woman smiles. "I imagined you would have the same sympathies. But that is the issue - those were simply thugs. They didn't ever fly their own colors, only used those of another nation to disguise themselves. Unfortunately, that would seem to put a sort of black spot on any who sail the waters, regardless of flag. Those pirates were not interested in anything but themselves.

So, how about a story of your own? Or are you looking to write a new story?

2020-08-28, 08:22 PM
Yarezu gave a rueful smile. The captain's question was more difficult than it seemed.

"I wish that I knew. My destination isn't so much a place, as a state of being. I'm seeking somewhere to belong. The Brotherhood of the Coast, perhaps? Though my knowledge of them is sadly limited."

She phrased her reply with care. Opinions of the Brotherhood varied wildly. So Yarezu made her interest in it sound tentative. If this woman turned out to be a detractor, she hopefully wouldn't take offence.

2020-08-28, 09:35 PM

“I’m looking for a start to a new chapter of the story, to be honest. I’m representing the crew of a ship...a ship of people who want to be part of something bigger than them. To make their fortune and fight against those who’d hurt others. We just need the right characters to start that journey.”

2020-08-31, 11:22 AM
Erich takes a seat at the table next to Pavli.

"Well my friend, the land holds only temporary attraction for me. It's nice to set foot occasionally, but my heart lies on the deck of a good ship and an open horizon. As for what role I fulfill... I am Eisen!"

He throws back his head and laughs, then takes a deep draft of beer before continuing. "Where else would I be other than directing the cannon, then leading a boarding party if your does get too close. Or repelling boarders, should events go the other way. Salt and steel is how I make my living, and any captain would be lucky to have me.

"But truth to tell, my friend, is that I seek a particular kind of captain, for a have a destination in mind - even though I know not yet where that is. And so I seek a captain who is smart and knowledgeable, and to salve my own conscience, one who combines both strength and compassion. For if one has one but not the other, then you are either incapable of defending your crew or a tyrant, and I will have no truck with either. But what of you, friend Pavli? What is your story and what do you seek?"

2020-08-31, 12:48 PM
Vigo briefly considers following the woman down the alleyway - but it was clear that they were intending for their conversation to go unheard, and very well could be the sort to go to extreme measures to make sure of that. Instead, Vigo loiters around the end of the alleyway, plausibly far enough to (hopefully!) avoid raising suspicion, and keeps an ear open to see where these two go.

Basically just hanging out and waiting to see what they do. It's a bit rough only working with two raises - it limits my options for going for other approaches. Might just have to leave them to their business and go into the tavern after all, haha.

2020-08-31, 08:23 PM

"A part of something bigger you say?" The woman gives a knowing smile. "Of course, aren't we all looking for that at some point? This truly is a good place to find characters..." she glances around the tavern. "Say, I have an old friend who may have a lead for you. We both shared an interest in being part of something bigger, I've sailed with them before. I can make sure they are by the docks at sundown, if you would be interested in meeting them.

I would offer to join but... I think I'm ready to settle down for a spell. If you're interested in picking up anyone more for your crew, this island may have a number of prospects but be careful who you mention your interest to. Many here seem to be fond of their countries and a bit set in their old ways."

She'll give you an exact location for the meeting and description of the person you're meeting. Other than that, I think everyone will be moved toward the "meeting at sundown" thing so now that you have the invite, feel free to do what you want. Leaving to explore the island or continuing to talk to her.

We'll still be in the same scene, at least until you guys get together.


The woman scoffs when you mention the Brotherhood. "The Brotherhood? There is no sense of belonging there." As she looks toward you, her face softens. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to insult you but I'm sure stories of the Brotherhood are romanticized in far off lands. Honestly, if they had their way, they would do away with nations as they are now. I can't imagine what it would be like with no Queen to guide us and laws to keep the world sane."

"Besides, they must have their own problems out at sea now." She shudders before continuing. "While we were out at sea I could swear a ship was following us. For a stretch of two or three days the wind blew frigid and the night watch claimed that they could see a ship always trailing us, just on the edge of the horizon. If my sailors were seeing true, the Brotherhood would have to deal with that too."

The library is quiet and though the conversation is not meant to be loud, it is clear the robed figure has heard the conversation. Briefly the figure turns and looks at you for a few moments, giving a slight nod before returning to their book.


Pavli gives a hearty laugh. "An Eisen! That would make a fine addition to our crew, wouldn't it boys?!" A cheer goes up, though you assume that this group would enthusiastically agree with anything said too loudly. "While we are from all over, there's no Eisen with us at the moment. You sound like you would fit in well enough, we get into our fair share of scraps!"

"If you're looking to join up with someone we would be happy to have you! We're looking for a couple more crewmates, and seeing as the only other sailor without a ship passed on our offer there's plenty of room! I'm not sure I completely followed your impressive speech there but if coin is what you're after, our captain would be the man for you. He certainly has his strength and compassion... well, at least for his work, and will compassionately thrust his sword into his enemy."

"As for myself? I simply wanted a more adventurous life! Growing up in the Commonwealth I was never interested in the politics their, keeping mind of every vote going on and paying attention to the coming and going laws. I always dreamed about living a daring life on the ocean. As soon as I was of age I picked up the nearest blade and made my own way to the coast, joining anyone who would pay a humble man as myself. And look at me now! In from Castille to Vodacce and wherever the wind takes us! I only need a coin in my purse and the salty sea air."


The meeting is short, and soon after seeing them, the woman makes her way out of the alley. She keeps her hood up for a few blocks, only taking off her over-cloak after getting some distance. She stuffs the cloak into a bag and you can see that she wears practical traveling clothes.

Continuing her walk, she seems to be keeping an watchful eye on anyone she passes. She enters a rowdy looking tavern (the Afterbrow) and assuming you follow her in, she goes to the bar and sits alone, ordering a drink.

Basically the way I'll handle the situation is that you're far enough away to keep tabs on her but not learn anything of significant importance (that would be a raise or two). That said you can always strike up a conversation and go from there without the raise, if you'd like to make yourself known.

2020-09-01, 12:38 AM
Success came in an unexpected form. Yarezu had held out little hope for the robed figure. But in the end, it was they who offered a path. Yarezu politely concluded her business with the captain.

"Hmm, that's a concern. Thank you for both warnings. They will help guide my steps."

As before, her words contained no outright lies. They were just ambiguous enough to mislead people. Shamisa's Law commanded Yasnavans to speak the truth. Yarezu tried to at least follow the letter of that tenet, if not the spirit. After a discreet interval, she left the library. Yarezu found a quiet spot nearby, in which to linger. She had a feeling that someone else would soon decide to linger there as well.

2020-09-01, 08:54 PM
Vigo lets the woman get some distance down the street before checking the alley for any sign of the man and then following. He enters the tavern after letting a sufficient amount of time pass, then takes a seat himself, ordering a drink and keeping an eye on what she is doing - and scanning the other patrons. Perhaps he would approach her... but best to get a feel for the lay of things before trying anything.

I am assuming that I don't see any sign of the cloaked person she was meeting with - otherwise that may change the rest of the post. Assuming it's not, I'll spend a little time getting a feel for the room before maybe trying to make conversation - thinking of what to say, both IC and OOC!

2020-09-02, 08:47 PM

The captain accepts your words and still regards you well as you finish talking about other subjects. You guess that she give some allowances of you not being on the same page about the Brotherhood, given that you were new to the continent. While you are in conversation with the captain, you notice someone walk past the hooded figure but can't quite make out anything about their interaction.

You leave the library and loiter outside, seeing a number of people pass. When the cloaked figure leaves the library they move quickly, in the opposide direction of you. They seem to be able to weave in between people quickly, but you do see they drop a book in their hurry.

You could use a raise or two to get close to them, but I don't know what combo of traits/skills that would be.


When you sit next to her, she raises her eyebrows at you and strikes up the conversation. She seems to take interest in you and is happy enough to make small talk.

As you look around the tavern, you see three main groups of sailors: ones hailing from Vodacce, ones from Castille, and ones with no obvious allegiance. Erich is talking to the group that has no obvious allegiance (though you don't know him yet). You could still tell he's not with the crew, just someone they met here.

You are correct, you didn't see the other figure leave the alley. There would have been a separate exit.

2020-09-02, 10:07 PM
“I don’t think I caught your name...” Clarissa finishes, as she extends her hand to the other woman. “I’d be glad to meet these friends of yours. I’ll meet them down there when the sun gets low. As for crew...well, I’ll be discreet. Thank you.”

She buys one last drink for the woman and then stands, taking one last look at the woman with a smile and a long thankful look before heading out.

I think I’m going to spend a raise to see where her strands of fate stretch out to, and perhaps follow one, the strongest, for a distance since I have some time

2020-09-02, 10:43 PM
Yarezu bit back a curse. Something must have spooked the figure. Or perhaps their invitation to Yarezu had been nothing of the sort. She'd been angling for a quiet, academic approach. A hurried chase was quite the digression. Still, with no other leads, she decided to risk it. Besides, the figure might be in need of help. The scholar rushed to catch up with her quarry. She also kept an eye out for other pursuers. The dropped book received a regretful glance. But there was no time to pick it up.

I'm guessing that this action is covered by Athletics. Since Yarezu's Approach is Scholarship, I'll need to spend an extra Raise. That presumably leaves my budget too light for the book.

2020-09-03, 02:49 AM
He nods, thoughtfully and then downs the rest of his beer.

"It sounds like an interesting proposition. I am ready to meet your Captain whenever you can take me to him, and then we shall see if you are the brothers-in-arms I have been looking for."

2020-09-06, 09:32 PM
After watching the woman's body language for a bit, Vigo pulls up a seat beside her and orders both of them a drink. He leans into the small talk, answering questions a bit noncommittally where necessary - he's just a simple traveler from Castile, off to see the world. Nothing about his flight, of course, and he does not give his full name. He turns up every bit of the charm he's used to using to flatter and woo those in noble courts.

At an opportune time, perhaps if she lets slip something about her own shady dealings, he will bring up the Brotherhood - "I've heard tell there are ships from every nation here, in ports like these. Some which have no nation but themselves, if you know who to talk to."

I will spend a raise if necessary to try to flatter, charm, and weasel out a bit of information.

2020-09-10, 05:33 PM

"Oh, I've gone by many names... Let's go with Florence then. I always liked that one. My friend should recognize that name, if it comes down to it."

So, you're using your Raise to use the Read ability, but what exactly should this give you? The section on this sorcery doesn't go into too much detail about the strands. Is it just what her Virtue/Hubris is? Might be better to answer in OOC.


Your call. If you're trying to rush through the crowd to catch up, that definitely would be athletics. If you're looking for something related to Wits+Scholarship, you could investigate the book instead as it hasn't been picked up and try to figure out where the person is going.


"Wonderful!" Pavli gives you a strong pat on the back. "We don't want to ruin the mood now, how about sundown? We will meet you by the docks, you may even get to see the ship you will be on! For now, let us drink!"


She matches your small talk, and even without having seen the meeting you would get the feeling that she is holding something back. "This is a popular port..." she looks around the tavern, locking eyes with many of the sailors. "And it is true that there is a fair amount of blending from all nations, near and far. With all my travel, I can't say I've stayed on the ground of a nation long since I started sailing."

A Raise will get her to open up to you a little more, otherwise she will generally be more cagey and non-committal with her answers. She will say more to you either way, it's just clarity/additional information for the raise.

2020-09-15, 04:00 PM

She shakes your hand and accepts another drink, finishing the conversation with you. As the woman (Florence, for now at least) leaves, golden trails stretch out from behind her that only you can see. Of course there are thin threads to the barkeep and a couple patrons of the bar, even one to you, glowing more than anyone else in the room.

The strongest thread you see leads you outside and toward the ocean.

Stopping here to see if there is more input from you before you get to the person. If not, I'll keep going.


It is tough, pushing your way through the crowd but you are able to shoulder through person after person (optionally saying sorry as you go) and are able to catch up to the robed figure.

After a few streets they seem to slow down and they take in the view of the ocean before looking around to see if they were followed. This is when you catch up to the figure and can introduce yourself.

Regardless of your introduction, the person beneath the robe looks at you in recognition - they definitely remember you from the library and silently indicate that the two of you find somewhere quieter to talk.

Both your raises spent to catch up to this person.

Also, I'm specifically using they/them for this character, since they're non-binary.


As the two of you speak, Vigo picks up on her mannerisms, her subtle tells, what she responds to best and he is able keep her talking, maybe even more than she intended. Her tough persona seems to be a bit of a mask: while she is surely capable on her own she doesn't feel the need to keep up mysterious airs to you.

"I may not be quite the person you're looking for. But what you and I are searching for is one in the same. I have a contact, one who I just spoke to. I was hoping they would lead me to my goal but... I'm not sure yet. He wants to meet at the docks tonight, sunset. Maybe this person will be able to help us both? He was short on words.

If you feel like you should get more, feel free to ask - this is the basic point of the conversation but if you have specific questions that's fine.

2020-09-15, 05:17 PM
Before approaching, Yarezu paused to compose herself. The chase had left her a bit disordered. Once presentable, she greeted the stranger. She pretended that this was their first meeting. You never knew who might be watching.

"Greetings. You seem a bit lost. Are you in need of assistance?"

She would then seek a secluded spot. This person was being hunted. Yarezu knew that plight well. She instinctively sympathised with the prey. Perhaps the two of them could help each other.

2020-09-15, 07:22 PM
"Hm... Certainly sounds like an interesting opportunity." He takes a drink, partly to give himself time to think. It sounded like she didn't know much about this stranger, and Vigo knew even less about him - or her, for that matter - but he felt he'd have to take chances to find the Brotherhood. "Ah, why not. I will meet you there - perhaps an extra set of eyes will be good to have, eh?" He calls for the bartender to bring each of them another round.

2020-09-21, 03:53 AM
"Sundown sounds perfect" grins Erich. "Barkeep, another round for the table!"

He takes up a second bar, but this time drinks it more slowly, making sure he doesn't lose control of his faculties. When he comes to the end, he announces "Right lads, I'll see you later. Time to take advantage of being on shore for a while. What's the name of the ship again? I'll see you there."

2020-09-22, 01:41 PM

Once you both are out of the main road, the person nods to you and takes off their hood. Short cropped hair frame the face of someone in their thirties. "Not lost, but in need of a ship. You were very bold to talk about what you did in the library. In ports such as these I get... worried. There are many who are hostile to those people."

"How do I know you are true in your intent? For all I know you are looking for them for hostile purposes."

The hooded person scrutinizes you, looking for a reason to believe you or validate their hesitation.


The woman smiles in agreement. "Could always use another set of eyes. Here's to an adventure together."


"The Santa Teresa, my friend! Happy to have you aboard!"


Clarissa's thread brings you toward the docks, salty air of the ocean brushing your face. The thread ends up bringing you away from the ships, toward one of the out of the way alleys nearby.

How do you approach?

2020-09-23, 11:43 AM
The stranger's scepticism was a comfort. It made Yarezu trust them more. A warm welcome would have made her suspicious. She responded in kind.

"My intentions are not hostile. But nor are they friendly. To me, the Brotherhood is still a phantom. Rumour shifts my impression of them, with each new mouth that tells the tale. Are they what I seek? That remains to be seen.

I'm tired of walking alone. I seek a home that roves: A way to wander without abandoning every friend. The Brotherhood seems to offer that. But at the moment, all I have are promises and warnings. To find the truth, I must see it with my own eyes."

2020-09-26, 02:48 PM
"I can drink to that!" He taps his glass against hers and takes a drink. Well, perhaps this was progress? There's a nagging suspicion at the back of his head that this might not be what it seems, this could be a trap... but he pushes the thought aside. There's no way he was followed across the border... it was time to quit looking over his shoulder quite so much. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, after all!

2020-09-28, 02:54 PM
Clarissa adopts a carefree air as she affects the demeanour of someone simply out for a walk, perhaps even a little lost as she first looks down the alley way and then starts down it, looking to continue following the thread of fate a little longer.

2020-10-04, 06:35 PM
Yareza and Clarissa

They nod, still considering Yarezu but slightly more relaxed. "That sounds very much what I'm looking for. The Brotherhood have no vessel here." They pause for a moment, in attempt to not let their guard down more. "...Rumor has it that they had a ship in harbor but left in a hurry overnight. It seems as though anyone seeking them would need a new vessel..." They look behind Yarezu to see a woman (Clarissa) walking down the alley toward the both of you.

2020-10-06, 05:23 AM
Yarezu frowned. So, the Brotherhood weren't even here any more. And from the sounds of it, they'd left in a hurry. Would they appreciate someone chasing after them? Such an act seemed very likely to backfire. There had to be a better way.

Before she could ponder further, the meeting got interrupted. Someone was approaching. Yarezu gave the cloaked figure a questioning glance. Friend of theirs? Enemy? Yarezu would follow their lead.

2020-10-08, 06:56 PM
Everyone spends the rest of the day preparing for their meetings at sunset and you find yourself down by the docks.

Yarezu and Clarissa

After a tense first meeting, the person you met promises more information later in the day. When you meet at the docks, they are more comfortable with the two of you but keep an eye out for others, just the same.

"My name is Sheridan. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance and..." They look to Clarissa, "It seems we now have a mutual friend, she was able to vouch for you." Sheridan turns to Yarezu. "And I find myself trusting you as well."

"Without using so many words, the two of you seem to be cut from the same cloth as I. Or, at least, you are interested enough. Unfortunately I am looking to rejoin them as well, but I find myself without a ship. It seems that not everyone was alerted to the sudden departure."

"I cannot make much in the way of promises, but if either of you have plans to go back on the ocean I could help steer you toward the people we all are looking for."


At sundown, you meander the docks until you find the Santa Teresa - a ship of Castillian origin. There seems to be a large group standing outside of it, mostly the crew members from earlier. Pavli walks out from the group, sword in hand. "My friend! I was almost worried that you were not going to join us!" He embraces you and for a moment you worry that he is being too careless with the blade. But you are unscarred as he steps away. "You joined just in time! We are about to make a payday." The crowd quiets as someone steps off the ship and the group turns to the imposing man.

The man, you assume the captain, looks toward the shore and gives a toothy grin.

...and Vigo

Vigo meets up with the woman, just before the scheduled time, and they walk together down to the docks. As the pair of you walk, you catch sight of three people whispering to one another but quickly pass them. The two of you are headed to a different meeting. When you are close enough to recognize a ship from Castille and a large group of sailors with weapons drawn you realize your mistake.

But the woman is already a step behind you, tip of her sword at your back. "For what it's worth, I did enjoy the drinks."

She walks you forward to the center of the group and you find yourself face to face with Gerhard Lorenz. He calls out to you, triumphant, "Well what do we have here?"