View Full Version : How to keep my party from finding out I'm a mindflayer?

2020-08-20, 11:34 AM
Hi! My group will be starting a new campaign after a long hiatus. With the DM's blessing another character and I will be evil characters that are bored and seeing what a good adventure is like. I chose a Mindflayer that will be a sorcerer/Incantrix. We start at level 10. The problem will be keeping the other party members from finding out I am a Mindflayer. I would also like to be able to travel into town with them without being attacked on sight. Any suggestions on a permanent way for them people not to know unless I tell them?

2020-08-20, 11:35 AM
Also this is 3.5 edition, set in Dragonlance. We can use any books we want including other settings.

Doctor Despair
2020-08-20, 02:28 PM
Hat of Disguise and a high disguise check? Magic Jar while using Magic Jar to permanently swap bodies? True Mind Switch? High bluff check with Glibness active to tell them you've been cursed to live in the body of a Mindflayer until your adventuring days are done?

2020-08-20, 03:43 PM
...might need some more info. An illithid sorcerer 6/incantatrix 1 is an ECL 23 character; no idea what your caster level is in this situation.

One way would be figuring out a cheap method of getting a constant alter self effect and using it to take the shape of an elan. (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicRaces.htm#elans)

A lesser metamagic rod of extend (3,000 gp) will let you stretch out a casting of alter self to 20 minutes per caster level three times per day.

2020-08-20, 03:43 PM
It's the divinations that'll be problematic.

Live my nightmare from ua might help, but they'll still be able to see disguises with detect magic. So you'll probably need vecna worship and that vecna initiate feat.

2020-08-20, 04:28 PM
1- Don't flay their minds. I know they will look irresistibly tastey, but once one party member shows up with their grey matter sucked out, the rest will be on edge and trigger happy.

2- Hide your tentacles. It can be something as expensive as a hat of disguise, or cheap as a scarf or false beard. Either way, you gotta remain covered when it comes to your face wrigglers. Everything else can be explained away as a skin condition, or by claiming to be an elf sub species.

3- Mask your abilities. Want to mindblast something? Wiggle your fingers and babble some nonsense first. Tell everyone it was a spell. Need a snack? Claim to be a wu gen with one of their silly quirks that won't let you eat around people you know (don't actually BE a wu gen. Ick). Be creative!

4- have a plan. At some point, the party WILL discover you. Either have a plan to kill them, or to escape.It is okay to run away, and doing so will aggravate the average murder hobo to no end! For extra fun, send them friendly letters from time to time.

2020-08-20, 04:46 PM
General advice: Don't keep secrets from other players, unless you know them very well and you're certain they'll be cool with it.

Secrets from PCs is fine! But other players, not so much.

Second off, as Edea said, your PC is vastly overleveled, at first glance. Level 10 means that, even Gestalt, your Illithid is minimum ECL 15 (8 HD+7 LA, on the Flayer side) unless you're using the Savage Progression. And since you didn't mention Gestalt... Something seems wrong with the mechanics.

2020-08-20, 04:49 PM
Just name your character Davy Jones, the rest will sort itself out.

2020-08-20, 05:23 PM
A) Disguise through Layers. You can use an item of constant Disguise Self as one layer, under which you're Alter Selfed as an Elan, who uses the Disguise kit to look like an Elf. If a Layer is ever exposed, you can just claim your true self is under a curse were you change species every so often, under conditions you have yet to deetermine.

B) Invest in a Psychoactive Skin of Proteus and a Skin of the Chameleon.

If you ever get discovered, scrap the previous persona, and re-introduce yourself to the Party as a brand new Character.

C) If the Party ever catches on, claim you just discovered that there was no curse, and that you were actually born a non-evil dopelganger, but since your fammily raised you as a (insert race of fictional parrents), you never knew. Obviously, you just want to help them out because of the importance of their mission. You can therefore appear in front of them under any form you want, without raising suspicions.

D) Finally, one of the Standard items you'll need to invest in, which is generally good, is an item that provides a constant Mind Blank effect. Thus you become immune to Divination spells and effects, including Divination spells that trump Illusions and Disguises through Transmutation, like True Sight.

2020-08-20, 06:29 PM
...might need some more info. An illithid sorcerer 6/incantatrix 1 is an ECL 23 character; no idea what your caster level is in this situation.

Or a still-way-above-the-party, but more reasonable 10+7, using the LA assignment Thread ratings.

Using that he could start as a stock mindflayer though, and pick up class levels later.

2020-08-20, 06:45 PM
You could use the players' preconceived prejudices (and society's taboos regarding bigotry) against them and let them come to their own conclusions while totally missing the point. Then when they come to the totally incorrect conclusion, pull the rug out from under them. They'll be so confused that you'll be able to get away with it via refuge through audacity.

Act really effeminate (if disguising yourself as male) or really masculine (if the disguise is female). Use social skills to hit on members of the same sex while (purposefully poorly) trying to hide it from the party. Act shy when it comes to talking about certain aspects of your personal life, and continually lead them on.

You: "See, I... Well, I have a secret. It's not something I'm ashamed of, exactly, but I was born...different. I mean, it's not like I asked to be different, but it doesn't hurt anyone, and it's nobody's business but mine. I've had to hide who I really am for so long, but I can't do it anymore. I--"

Them: "It's okay. We know you're gay, and we're okay with it."

You: "What? No! Where would you get that idea from? I'm an illithid!"

Them: "Err..."

2020-08-20, 06:54 PM
Just name your character Davy Jones, the rest will sort itself out.

This is shockingly effective. "I'm an anthropomorphic Octopus pirate sorcerer!" Everyone else "sounds neato."

2020-08-20, 07:15 PM
Run around saying brains. They will think zombie

2020-08-20, 07:40 PM
A) Disguise through Layers. You can use an item of constant Disguise Self as one layer, under which you're Alter Selfed as an Elan, who uses the Disguise kit to look like an Elf. If a Layer is ever exposed, you can just claim your true self is under a curse were you change species every so often, under conditions you have yet to deetermine. .

I played a 4th ed changeling who started out pretending he was a Githyanki. The players knew what he was and found it hilarious after he stated pretending to be an elf when he loaned the hat of disguse he'd "been using" to another PC for a particular encounter. Then broke out the disguise kit...

2020-08-20, 07:52 PM
This is shockingly effective. "I'm an anthropomorphic Octopus pirate sorcerer!" Everyone else "sounds neato."

Yeah, I said it initially as a joke but after I hit the "post" button I was like "Y'know, most people will probably believe you if you say 'Hey I'm an awakened squid man'.".

2020-08-21, 05:04 AM
As far as I understand it i will be a sorcerer6/incantrix 4. I asked the DM if they wanted me to start at a lower level and they said no, if my backstory was good then they would allow it. Thanks you for the ideas. The Hat of Disguise will be one of the first things I'll go after. One of the party members is a Kinder so I'm not sure how they will react if they see me. I do plan on everyone knowing by the third session. I just don't want a fight on introduction kind of character so we will ease them into it. We may homebrew the race a bit and scale some things down, I don't know what to change as of yet. I dont want to be too far above the average PC's power level.

Hahaha, I love the Davey Jones line of thinking. An Illithid Pirate Sorcerer would be a fun backstory to create. It would make for some fun shenanigans.

2020-08-21, 05:15 AM
Yeah, I said it initially as a joke but after I hit the "post" button I was like "Y'know, most people will probably believe you if you say 'Hey I'm an awakened squid man'.".

As long as you roll your eyes really hard whenever anyone jokes about you being like a Mindflayer... yeah, could work.

2020-08-21, 07:17 AM
As an Illithid, you are also very diet-dependant (one brain per month up to one per week), so as a DM I guess I would adapt hunger & satiation rules from Libris Mortis (p. 10) for you.

(I previously setup a Cursed Tome of Clear Thought which slowly transformed the target into Illithid).

You only have darkvision - so no way to distinguish colors. And you are somewhat required to wear a dampsuit (Lords of Madness p. 68) because you don't like dry or hot climates.

2020-08-21, 07:25 AM
You only have darkvision - so no way to distinguish colors.
I thought this was wrong but I double checked Lords of Madness and it's says that Illithid vision lies 'entirely within the realm of Darkvision.' Does that many illithids can't see past 60 feet at all? :smallconfused:

2020-08-21, 07:27 AM
A Hat of Disguise is great for lower levels, but keeping it up is one of the rare times where magic becomes less useful over time (as players and the NPCs you encounter start getting access to True Seeing and similar things). At that point, a mundane disguise kit and a high skill check are going to be your best defenses. You might have to worry about players wondering why you keep carrying around so many kits, though. So how about this for a cover story: you're a traveling cosmetics salesman (pyramid scheme, of course), and you have to keep them in stock for any likely consultants you meet along the way.

Could also work with the pirate backstory (you helped the other pirates put on their eyeliner).

2020-08-21, 07:54 AM
Hat of Disguise. More disguise to taste - especially the anthropomorphized squid pirate (set that up with accents, hints, etc - much like the LGBT ruse).

Ring of Sustenance.

Mind Blank.

As an ECL 25 character, this should be well within your WBL.

And know your group. Is this best as a secret from the players?

Of course, you have a Kender in the party, and a GM whose idea of balance is "imbalance is fine if your backstory works", so I'm expecting a dumpster fire.

2020-08-21, 09:07 AM
A dumpster fire is exactly what this campaign will be. The fighter in the party is apparently going to turn into a full fledged red dragon at some point. The Kender will get something equally as impressive. Neither knows it yet. So being a Mind Flayer might not be too ridiculous. I'll check into the ring of sustenance, and a way to keep up Mind Blank.

A traveling sorcerer who sells cosmetics and false cures could be a fun yet convincing cover. I can imagine townspeople coming with pitchforks and torches to give me my comeuppance lol.

2020-08-21, 09:25 AM
I played a 4th ed changeling who started out pretending he was a Githyanki. The players knew what he was and found it hilarious after he stated pretending to be an elf when he loaned the hat of disguse he'd "been using" to another PC for a particular encounter. Then broke out the disguise kit...

XD, fun times. I did the same with a Lich character I used to play.

The party only found out when we faced what was presented as the BBEG Lich and my character exposed that he was only working with the party to steal the BBEG's phylactery, use it as leverage to turn him into a lackey, and rule his subbordinates in his place.

Fun times indeed. 2 of the players joined my character (one of them unwillingly through domination), 1 escaped and the other died in the fight that followed. It was a glorious end for a campain.

2020-08-21, 10:01 AM
One of the party members is a KinderEat the kender.

The rest of the party will be so grateful that you should be able to get away with anything.

2020-08-21, 02:01 PM
Eat the kender.

The rest of the party will be so grateful that you should be able to get away with anything.


Ideally, tie him up, give him a ring of regeneration, and CONTINUE eating the Kender.

The amount of gratefulness you will experience will know no bounds!

2020-08-21, 02:28 PM
Wait. WHAT.


Kender meat is tender meat. Immediately mind blast and sup on his brains.

2020-08-21, 03:42 PM

Ideally, tie him up, give him a ring of regeneration, and CONTINUE eating the Kender.

The amount of gratefulness you will experience will know no bounds!I'm pretty sure the point is that the kender not get up again. Rezzing him to eat him again doesn't do you much good in that regard.

Granted, it'd be a cruelty-free* way to get brains,*** but still.

*At least against someone that anyone** cares about.

**Anyone important.

***And it's not like the kender was using his brain anyway.

2020-08-21, 03:48 PM
Spell thematics (sentient brains) create food and water. Boom. Solved

2020-08-21, 06:23 PM
I'm pretty sure the point is that the kender not get up again. Rezzing him to eat him again doesn't do you much good in that regard.

Granted, it'd be a cruelty-free* way to get brains,*** but still.

*At least against someone that anyone** cares about.

**Anyone important.

***And it's not like the kender was using his brain anyway.

hence why he is tied up, gagged, naked, and gets a ring of regeneration put into him somewhere.

Hey, the Party can even have a piece of kender Bacon, or Rib, or something, you are free giving, you only need the Brains after all. ^^

2020-08-21, 07:34 PM

I'm not sure I agree. I think hiding it from the players as well could work, at least for a short time, which is apparently the OPs intent. Done well, it could be as a good plot twist in a movie or something ("Oooh... now it all makes sense!") though just like a badly executed plot twist, it could also end up just being annoying. Obviously it also depends a lot on the other players whether or not they'll like it when they find out.

2020-08-21, 10:23 PM
The Humanoid Skin graft from the Underdark book (Faerun setting) is plausibly a good solution. It provides a nonmagical +10 to disguise checks.

Combine with a hat of disguise to get a +20 to disguise checks.

A +20 bonus should be good enough in most situations if you are also optimizing your disguise skill. You can get Disguise as a class skill using the Flexible Mind feat (Dragon #327).

To defeat Truesight, the spell "Cloak of Khyber" (Dragon #337, and also one of the Eberron books) works. This is a sorcerer/wizard L3 spell lasting day/level that makes magical disguises defeat truesight after they are up for > 6 hours.

This still leaves a vulnerability to detect magic / arcane sight. That can be dealt with via Magic Aura (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magicAura.htm).

So, a graft, a feat, L1 & L3 sorcerer spells, and a maxed out disguise skill handles all routine interactions.

2020-08-21, 10:30 PM
The Humanoid Skin graft from the Underdark book (Faerun setting) is plausibly a good solution. It provides a nonmagical +10 to disguise checks.I can't believe I forgot about that. And it doubles as a good base for a psychoactive skin of proteus (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?177889-Brainstorm-for-Psionic-Tricks-Tactics-and-Combos-Handbook&p=23285432&viewfull=1#post23285432), as well.

2020-08-23, 01:01 PM
Could there possibly be a more fitting Hell for a Kender than having their brain (and possibly other pieces) stolen over and over again until they learn the value of property? I like it :smallbiggrin:

2020-08-23, 01:40 PM
Could there possibly be a more fitting Hell for a Kender than having their brain (and possibly other pieces) stolen over and over again until they learn the value of property? I like it :smallbiggrin:Kender: "My arm! You chopped off my arm! Give that back!"

Illithid: "Oh, I'm sorry. I *ahem* found this arm...somewhere. I thought it was interesting, so I picked it up."

Kender: "I'm bleeding to death! Give it baaaaack!"

Illithid: "Say, didn't you find my spellbook like I found this arm? I'll trade you."

Kender: "I did find it! It was in my backpack, somehow! Now give me back my arm!"

Illithid: "Sorry, no. I found this arm in my backpack, and I think I'll keep it until someone returns my spellbook."

Kender: "What do you mean, your spellbook? I don't understand the meaning of things like 'ownership' and 'property.'"

Illithid: "And yet this is your arm, somehow? How can you own this arm but I can't own the spellbook I made?"

Kender: "I don't get it because I'm incredibly stupid."

Illithid: "Then you don't get the arm, either, for the same reason."

2020-08-26, 05:00 AM
What's this about Kender? Is it a specific race of Dragonlance? my quick googling while definetively-working-sir didn't turn up much except homebrew races?

Hiding things from pc but with the players in the know is great fun :D

2020-08-26, 06:02 AM
What's this about Kender? Is it a specific race of Dragonlance? my quick googling while definetively-working-sir didn't turn up much except homebrew races?

Hiding things from pc but with the players in the know is great fun :D

Kender were basically the Dragonlance equivalent of halflings.

They are notorious in the D&D community as a whole because of a large amount of dissonance between the tone of their stated lore and how they actually work out in play when logic is applied.

Essentially, Kender are a race of kelptomaniacs. They have no concept of personal property (or personal space for that matter) and will take anything that isn't nailed down. If it is nailed down, they'll grab a crowbar.

In the lore, this is treated as a funny haha quirky racial trait. Kender are seen as lovable children and nobody would ever hurt one.

In practice, they come across as sociopaths and **** stirrers AT BEST, since they are essentially "player v player conflict the race" and have caused countless amounts of groups to devolve into infighting, to the point that to this day declaration that you plan to play a Kender is treated as a joke at best (since even if you are playing in Dragonlance for whatever reason, they're usually banned) and a reason to think about booting you from the group at worst.

2020-08-26, 06:33 AM
thanks for the explanation, cool story of the game!