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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next The sessiloth - bane of magic users PEACH

Darth Credence
2020-08-20, 04:43 PM
I have created a creature for my game that is incredibly weak, but has one great defense - an anti-magic shield. The idea is that they have evolved a defense against their major predators, the fey, in that they create a bubble that pushes magic away from them, and the more of them there are, the larger the bubble grows. They live in a couple of specific forests, so my players would not have to deal with them often, but they may have to cross through those forests from time to time. I've made them on DNDBeyond and made them public, so if anyone wants to check them out, they are here (https://www.dndbeyond.com/monsters/1072960-sessiloth).

I have made them a challenge rating of 0, because they have no ability to attack and only have three hit points. By themselves, they are not dangerous, but a non-magical creature in their forests becomes much more dangerous. They would be hard to keep alive removed from their own environment, but I expect at some point I'll have some people trying to manipulate their abilities for their own ends. Obviously, there will be people who make their homes in and around the forests they can be found in, because it would be protection from scrying and from any magic users that attempt to attack them. Some will likely attempt to transplant them to their own areas, or perhaps even made portable so that they can bring an anti-magic bubble with them. Anything like that would be temporary at best, because they will have short life spans and aren't able to breed in captivity. (And for anyone who thinks they know where these came from, if you picked an ysalimiri from the Thrawn Star Wars books mixed with a sloth, you would be correct.)

My major question is, what game impacts am I not thinking of? Will this just be a minor obstacle, or will it break the game? My major reason for trying to implement them is because of the fey, but I will admit that having magic free zones where casters are going to be in serious trouble is appealing. I think my players will be fine with it, and see them as an interesting creature while trying to avoid the forest, but there may be some exploits that I should get a handle on first.

Thanks for any advice on them.

2020-08-20, 04:50 PM
Can I grow clones in their aura faster than outside it?

How long do they live? Because if they last, say, a month, that's enough for an entire adventure. A Fighter with one of them strapped to the inside of their chestplate is immune to every single magical badness coming their way. They can't be buffed, sure, but that's small peanuts if they face a decent amount of magical enemies. Also, how does this interact with outsiders and the like?

And, as a general question, how willing are you to let PCs do shenanigans? Because these SCREAM shenanigans-and if your PCs like that, that's great!

Darth Credence
2020-08-20, 05:05 PM
They would live for about ten years if left alone in their forests. Stuffed in someone's breastplate, they might make it three hours. They would require something that they could grab onto that they could get food from and not be jostled about much. Without the ability to use magic to assist in keeping them alive, it would be nearly impossible for any individual one to last long enough to be useful in a dungeon dive. I could maybe allow someone to rig up something to keep them alive for a few days, but they would absolutely be visible to anyone they encountered.

As to outsiders, I hadn't given it any real thought. I'm going to have to go through them later tonight and come up with some rules of how they would interact. Thanks for bringing that up.

As to shenanigans, we are all happy with shenanigans - that would be a bonus for my group!

2020-08-20, 09:38 PM
Do not allow druids to Wild Shape into these beasts.

Darth Credence
2020-08-21, 09:02 AM
Do not allow druids to Wild Shape into these beasts.

:smallbiggrin: I had given this some thought, for both Wild Shape and Conjure Beasts. I think I would go with allowing them to cast it and become one, then immediately having the effect from them cancel out the spell, basically making it a waste. But that would let it break other spells in that instant, too, so maybe I need to rethink that.

I gave outsiders some thought, and they would cancel out the inherent magic abilities of any outsiders, as well as making them uncomfortable, but not anything else.

2020-08-21, 01:01 PM
Just make sure they're extra-cute! I did think of the ysalamiri almost immediately when I read this.

I think I would give them a steroids-version of the dryad's Tree Dependent (Su) special quality; maybe make it (Ex) and have it only take an hour or so rather than 4d6 days. This will curb most attempts to remove them, though an enterprising PC might try to just take the whole damn tree and shrink it (so maybe also have whatever trees/etc. they're bonded to exhibit "anti-theft" properties).

Darth Credence
2020-08-21, 01:31 PM
Edea, that's great. I had to search for that, and found it back in 3.5, which I had never played. But that is perfect for what I am looking for, and that's a great way to quantify it.
And I intend them to be as cute as a sloth is, which I find pretty darn cute.

2020-08-22, 07:25 PM
Just make sure they're extra-cute! I did think of the ysalamiri almost immediately when I read this.

I think I would give them a steroids-version of the dryad's Tree Dependent (Su) special quality; maybe make it (Ex) and have it only take an hour or so rather than 4d6 days. This will curb most attempts to remove them, though an enterprising PC might try to just take the whole damn tree and shrink it (so maybe also have whatever trees/etc. they're bonded to exhibit "anti-theft" properties).

How would you shrink the tree without magic?

You could, eventually, maybe make bonsai versions with a single Sessiloth each. But that's the kind of thing that takes years, minimum. Much longer than most campaigns last.