View Full Version : 3-step rest paradigm?

2020-08-21, 12:36 AM
So I was just thinking of houserules I'd want to institute and one thing I noticed was that SR/LR paradigm doesn't offer me enough options for doing what I want to do. Ideally I'd want to do a three step rest paradigm with:
- Encounter rest (so basically just few mins): Most martial abilities would follow this paradigm. That is, you have uses for each encounter that you recover by just resting few minutes. I figured you might also be able to use a single Hit Die at this point.
- Wilderness rest/nonsafe rest: A night spent out. This would be the equivalent of a short rest. I figured I'd give casters something akin to Arcane Recovery on a short rest and the ability to switch out a single spell or so. Short rest classes OTOH would get something on the encounter rest (at least recover 1 slot for Warlock, recover some Ki for Monk, etc.).
- Safe rest/Long rest: This would take a couple of full days of doing nothing and could only really be done in a safe environment (city, safe forest, etc.). This would recover everything from spell slots to HD to HP.

So basically Gritty Realism with an /encounter rest level added. I feel like this would allow for more granularity to balance the different options. I feel it a bit harsh for casters to never recover anything so I feel they should get small things back on a short rest, but that in turn takes short rest classes' shtick so I feel they should get more at-will or semi-at-will stuff instead.

Has anyone tried something like this? Experiences?

2020-08-21, 02:44 AM
I'm currently running a game for my girlfriend using my own resting rules that adds in another resting tier:

Long Rests are a week of non strenuous activity (modified to give all hit die back, instead of half)

Short Rests are now 8 hours of rest that include a good sleep (Adjusted some abilities to recharge on short rests so they actually see use, primarily Fighting Spirit, also if you spend no hit die, you at least regain your Con mod in hp)

The new tier I introduce I call a breather this is basically around an hour of rest, during which time you may spend a single hit die to recover some hp, I will probably introduce boons or items that key off of breathers down the line.

In this system I haven't changed the recharge of items, this makes the Circlet of blasting she took very potent, since it'd take her a whole week to recover an actual 2nd level slot.

Disclaimer: I run this with my Duality ruleset (basically my take on Gestalt before I knew it existed, I still prefer it)

So far so good, my girlfriend is very wary of going into combat gung ho since every hit is potentially a significant set back, she's instead leveraging stealth, utility cantrips and gathering allies to great effect.

2020-08-21, 08:46 AM
I'm not sure what you're really trying to do with this change, you have some martial abilities (presumably short rest recovery ones) coming back at the end of an encounter, but then you have warlocks and monks not fully recovering their short rest abilities even after sleeping overnight.

2020-08-21, 09:04 AM
I'm not sure what you're really trying to do with this change, you have some martial abilities (presumably short rest recovery ones) coming back at the end of an encounter, but then you have warlocks and monks not fully recovering their short rest abilities even after sleeping overnight.

I said they get it on encounter rest, that is after each encounter. Of course SR classes full recover after a short rest but the point was giving them more /encounter gas too.

2020-08-21, 10:17 AM
For a more gritty realism feel and a way to maybe adjust martial/spellcaster balance, I like the idea of three rest classes:

Breather/first aid, Short Rest, Long Rest

Breather is almost always going to be about lesser martial ability recharges and minor HP gains while Short Rest/Long Rest is more about arcane/magical ability recharges.

I'm not ready to decide where each ability for each class goes, that's up to your home rules. But as a fan of more gritty short rest / long rest rules, I'm more in favor of playing that way.