View Full Version : Rules Q&A Nightmare Spinner: Does it count as a specialist?

2020-08-21, 01:29 AM
Nightmare Spinner is a 4/5 spellcasting PrC that grants this -

Bonus Spells (Ex): If you normally prepare spells, you can prepare and cast one additional illusion spell per spell level each day. This ability works just like (and stacks with) a specialist wizard's extra school spell.

If you don't need to prepare spells, you gain one extra spell slot per spell level, which can be used only to cast an illusion spell.

And a knowledge check can reveal this about them -

DC 15: A nightmare spinner is a specialist in illusion and fear magic.

For purposes of entering prestige classes as a specialist, does Nightmare Spinner count as a specialist? You don't have to bar any school. For example, could Nightmare Spinner take the Master Specialist PrC, for example?

Another question: are there any other PrCs that offer specialist slots like the Nightmare Spinner and do not require barred schools?

2020-08-21, 01:33 AM
I wouldn't think so; information revealed by Knowledge checks does not necessarily reflect the mechanical reality of the game.

2020-08-21, 02:27 AM
I wouldn't think so; information revealed by Knowledge checks does not necessarily reflect the mechanical reality of the game.

^ I'd agree. It would also depend on the exact wording of the entry reqs, but for things like Master Specialist, RAW would be that you are not a "specialist wizard" by virtue of Nightmare Spinner alone.

As a DM, I might allow it, even if it's not RAW.

2020-08-21, 06:27 AM
If the question is about Master Specialist then we have

Special: Must be a specialist wizard.

Since Specialist Wizard is a defined variant of the Wizard class, then no.

2020-08-21, 10:25 PM
You can be a specialist in illusion and fear magic without being a Specialist Wizard.

2020-08-22, 11:32 PM
Regarding the Bonus Spells (Ex): if the character was both wizard and sorcerer, would both classes get the extra illusionist spell slots?

2020-08-23, 12:17 AM
Regarding the Bonus Spells (Ex): if the character was both wizard and sorcerer, would both classes get the extra illusionist spell slots?

RAW? Looks like you would, or at least there's definitely an argument for it. The ability is very, VERY badly written, and does not use rules-strict language, relying on subjective terms like 'normally' and 'need'. Well, a Wizard/Beguiler doesn't NEED to prepare spells (actually, no-one ever NEEDS to prepare a spell, not even a single-classed wizard), but she can, and she NORMALLY does (for her wizard spell slots). There's also no 'instead' clause; the two versions' trigger conditions are contextually separate from one another.

RAI? Good lord, no. The author assumed you'd only have one or the other going into the class and wrote the ability with that assumption in mind (I'm guessing they're not the same person as the one who wrote Ultimate Magus).

I would rule that the feature keys off of the capacity to prepare spells; more specifically, you only get the second version of the feature if you don't have any prepared casting classes. Otherwise, you get the first one. So, if for some reason you went in as, say, a Wizard 1/Beguiler 6, that character has a class that prepares spells, and thus you would get the first version of the feature (and it would apply to your wizard casting, which would suck).

2020-08-25, 06:14 AM
Because the consensus is that Nightmare Spinner is not a specialist wizard, that allows an entry via Domain Wizard. Nightmare Spinner and it's enchantment variant (I'll call it Influence Weaver) would be great additions to a wizard character.