View Full Version : Plot Hooks to start a Game

2020-08-24, 09:07 PM
Add some in. Just a short little blurb that someone can use to start off a game/campaign.

“You walk in to a large town market. You hear the loud voices of people haggling over priced and trying to get deals. You look up towards the mountain that overlooks the town when you see this massive plume of smoke erupt from the top. You see the shockwave push the clouds away from the peak. Then a cracking boom rocks the town. The ground shakes under your feet and the walls of the city crack. Buildings begin to fall. Ash falls from the sky as people panic and run in every direction. Giant balls of fire begin to fall in every direction...and then you see them. Fiery winged creatures come screaming into town attacking everyone in their sight...including you and a handful of others forced into a corner of the market:

2020-08-28, 04:00 AM
This one follows an introduction to the town, but that is quite long, so the actual set up of the adventure is:

"But, as I said, the inhabitants of Laketon-upon-Meer don’t fear what lives beyond their clearing when the sun shines, or when at night their doors are locked, though many leave a cup of milk or piece of string outside by the threshold. Why do they do that, you ask? Well, let me tell you a tale about one Midsummer Night, when the veil between this world and the world of the Good People, the Beastriders, the Faeries of the Woodlands is gossamer thin…"

Which leads into the actual start:

"After a hard day’s work, the players all tuck in for the night in their homes.
The players are awoken at midnight by the haunting sounds of a pan flute. As they are getting out of bed, the door opens, and a boggart comes in. The player gets to pick a weapon from their home, from three options. A short fight ensues, where the boggarts are keen to retreat before they are slain, and they run out.

Outside, a Satyr is playing his flute in a pool of moonlight in the middle of the hamlet the players call home. Other boggarts are pulling the rest of the villagers from their homes; all the villagers are deep asleep and seem not to notice the boggarts grubby little claws carrying them. The only other person that is wake and not being carried off is the town priestess. There is a boggart on her doorstep, but it cannot pass over it.

When the players spring from their homes, the satyr stops playing the flute, though the music continues..."