View Full Version : Mountain region adventure mapping

2020-08-27, 03:37 AM

My PCs are going uphil to the higher mountain regions in search for a specific temple-like location. They don't know the way and have never been there so they don't know what to expect. A local druid could draw them a map of sorts or just have one ready to share.

The thing is -- I don't know how to draw a (fantasy) map of a mountain region. Did anyone maybe happen to see some maps of that kind that they could share or recommend to me? I would also appreciate any other advice about handling a treck over a larger mountain chain.

2020-08-27, 06:45 AM
My two go-to moves are to Google what I want and look on the "images" tab, or search it on Pinterest and start pinning. It rarely takes me very long to find what I'm looking for.

2020-08-27, 06:46 AM
My two go-to moves are to Google what I want and look on the "images" tab, or search it on Pinterest and start pinning. It rarely takes me very long to find what I'm looking for. If you just start with "fantasy map mountain range" you'll find something in no time.

2020-08-28, 09:14 AM
You might want to use a "topographical" map. They're designed to show elevation change, so you can see how steep the slopes of a mountain are. The basic idea is that you draw rings at set elevation levels, like every 50 feet or something like that. They're really common to show mountain passes and such for parks IRL.

2020-08-28, 01:55 PM
You could cheat: take a real map of a real mountain chain, copy it freehand, then add interesting elements and locations.