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View Full Version : just wanna check my maths on building some robots:

2020-08-27, 04:54 AM
Thinking of making an artificer primarily focused on building robots because there's an appeal to making everyone their own effigy templated animal robot companion (and potentially once I've figured out ways to nullify he strength damage, maybe power armour with an effigy of the living breastplate from Eberron?), but am a bit stuck with the maths thanks to some cost reduction feats.

All of this is assuming that all 1st party books are on the table, mixing faerun and eberron and all that jazz.

Magical Artisan from Player's Guide to Faerun reduces a specific crafteable (so constructs since they look pricey with even the cheapest ones being in the 1000s unless it's practically useless for most purposes) by 75% on the XP and gold costs. so -25% to XP and gold.

Extraordinary and Legendary Artisan feats do that again albeit split across them, -25% to XP and gold.

So, if I understand this right, all calculations are based on the base cost of the item.

Looking at one of the more cheap constructs I can make which admittedly isn't that useful but it has hands so that's potentially useful:

Base cost is 500gp, and 80xp as per the Effigy creature template's rules.

25% of each of these is 125 gold and 20XP.

So, applying this twice upon the base costs due to my feats, means the monkey costs

250gp, and 40XP...


As 500-(125+125)=500-250=250
And 80xp-(20+20)=40?

Trying to get this right as the campaign gonna be in might end up being pretty high risk so having robots around where we don't have time to find and train up an animal but potentially have access to laboratory space and gold might be of use.

(this does mean that if the game went to epic levels a Tarrasque would cost... 146k base, 3840xp... so... -36500gpx2 960xpx2, so final cost to build a loyal battle-kaiju at level 45 is 73k gold and 1920XP, which is relatively cheap for 'stuff you're buying at very high levels', that's almost cheap enough that were my caster level requirement boosted that could be bought pre-epic kinda... It's technically cheaper to make a tarrasque than it is to buy a flying castle upon checking old notes, so that checks out logicwise.)

(was gonna play a erudite for this game but then I realised, if you can build robotic horrors that man should not have made, crimes unto nature... then surely as a good person you SHOULD. Because life is precious, and making more life into the world is surely never a bad thing. Even robotic life. Fetch the abby normal brain, Igor! mwahahahaha!)