View Full Version : Optimization Tactics for Major Image

2020-08-27, 06:56 PM
Hello All!
So I wanted to start a thread about uses for the Major Image spell.

I like using the spell to summon a ghostly version of a creature...ghost giant, ghost dragon etc
Make sure to describe the cube of effect as heavily obscurred due to the ghostly mist that comprises the monstrosity.

That way if attacks pass through it, it does not trigger too much suspicion.

You and the party can see out, others can't see in...right away at least.

2020-08-27, 07:08 PM
Hello All!
So I wanted to start a thread about uses for the Major Image spell.

With something like this, you're going to need to lay down some ground rules for what you can expect the hypothetical DM to be cool with, as there's a lot of room for different interpretations between "Illusions are awesome in combat" and "Illusions are unusable in combat".

2020-08-27, 08:33 PM
With something like this, you're going to need to lay down some ground rules for what you can expect the hypothetical DM to be cool with, as there's a lot of room for different interpretations between "Illusions are awesome in combat" and "Illusions are unusable in combat".

Some requests are fool proof. A 20' cube of swirling fog that contains ghostly faces clearly falls under the criteria of:
You create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-foot cube.

So post your nearly DM proof ideas. Certainly these examples do not need to be limited to Combat.

2020-08-27, 08:36 PM
The spell is great once it can be upcast at 6th. I have a character who keeps a Major Image of himself with the group at all times. This allows a decoy to be used whenever needed, or someone to talk to strangers whose intent isn’t known.

As it’s permanent and Concentrationless, you can precast it before the adventuring day and still have full slots.

2020-08-28, 12:02 AM
Major image's upcast-to-permanency is what makes the Illusionist at 11th level really come into its own. Malleable Illusions with one or more permanent major images allows for illusion use at will. (The recent Unearthed Arcana with a feat granting access to an Invocation is pretty good for it, too, letting them start playing into their class fantasy much earlier, but even then, the lack of need for Concentration at level 11 is awesome.)

You can also, when they're permanent, leave them scattered around areas you travel to with any reasonable frequency.

For transport, I recommend Leomund's secret chest. Since the chest and its contents vanish and are summoned to you, there's no question of the illusions staying in it rather than phasing through it as it moves. Otherwise, you're stuck having to spend actions every few rounds to move them, which can get awkward, especially with more than one.

Now, for actual tactics, remember that you can also use minor illusion or silent image or both in conjunction with permanent versions of major image, letting them create convincing permanent effects they leave behind. Like a footprint or the like. Minor illusion works even with a major image cast from a level 3 slot, since it takes no Concentration.

Using a major image to mimic a battlefield control spell, especially one of higher level, can be effective even when your DM is bad about treating illusions as "convincing." If he always has battlefield control illusions ignored, but the real spells treated differently, you can use that to discuss with him how he's not treating illusions fairly. If he is consistent with them, though, it won't matter if they're effective or not, because ineffective ones means he will also have his monsters treat real BFC as illusory, and get them caught in it.

It can affect apparent temperature, too, so you can do things like make a fire be hidden by something else, and suppress its heat. Possibly even tricking creatures into walking into the very real fire they can't feel the heat from until it's doing damage to them.

With an olfactory component, it can throw off creatures that track by scent, create false trails, or embarrass a fine establishment. With tactile components, you could make an illusion of a soft, cushy bed that's really on bare stone, and make people wonder why they're so sore in the morning.

Don't underestimate illusory impersonations, either. Sure, disguise self can make you look like a commander of a guard unit, but you can use major image to make him appear and act independently of you, and have the right voice. You probably still have to make a Deception or Disguise check to pull off the act, but at least it's not you that gets stabbed if somebody tries to arrest the impostor!

Use damaging spells that you can hide the source of in conjunction with monsters that look ghostly, and you can make them all the more convincing "invulnerable" foes.

If you've got Malleable Illusions, a major image of an obvious enemy "casting disguise self" to appear as one of a unit can foment some serious chaos.

2020-08-28, 12:21 AM
Illusionary bridge. Looks and smells completely real. Till they try running across it.

Illusionary wall. No one is here. Be on your way. Yes, this wall was always here. No one is behind it.

Illusionary double. There he is! No, wait, there he is! Blasted, over there, look! Don't let him get away!

Illusionary disaster. FIRE! The stable is on fire! Quick get the buckets! Why won't it go out?!

Illusionary prime minister. Don't mess with them, that's the prime minister they're with! Keep walking.

Illusionary explosions. BANG! BOOM! CRACK! Who's making that blasted racket?!

Illusionary sleeping king. All's good, the king is sound asleep. Guess the kidnappers were bluffing.

Illusionary dragon. OMG OMG OMG I'm only level 4 this is way beyond my CR range!!! RETREAT!!!