View Full Version : If you could have a magic item from 3.5 in your real life, which one would you like?

2020-08-30, 01:53 PM

if you could get one item from 3.5, pathfinder or modern in your real life, which one would you like to have?

Preferably not higher than 10k gp value. I'll be a artificier in a low level modern game and looking for ideas.

2020-08-30, 02:00 PM
Ring of Three Wishes.

2020-08-30, 02:15 PM
Ring of Three Wishes.I wouldn't be too picky. A candle of invocation that could summon a Lawful Neutral genie capable of granting wishes would be fine with me.

But assuming no wishes (because that's always the correct answer, and thus, boring) I'd go for an illithid humanoid skin graft enhanced as a large number of magic and psionic items, including a psychoactive skin of proteus* and an extradimensional kangaroo pouch (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?177889-Brainstorm-for-Psionic-Tricks-Tactics-and-Combos-Handbook&p=23285432&viewfull=1#post23285432), which doubles as a spell component pouch.

If it could make me immortal somehow, even better. I mean, there's an artifact potion that makes the drinker immortal, and if the kangaroo pouch is also a spell component pouch, artifacts ARE found in spell component pouches...

And all of this is doable at a surprisingly affordable price, if you've got enough cost reducers.

*ML 20+ and crafted with Reserves of Strength to break the normal HD limits.

2020-08-30, 02:18 PM
Amulet of adaptation. For those that do not know allows you to breathe even under quicksand in poor air filters out pollution, pollen and the like

2020-08-30, 02:38 PM
I'd probably go with something that increases movement speed. If a run is 4x movement speed and it takes me 11 seconds to sprint 100m (328 ft), that means my base speed is 45 feet per round. Boots of Skating (Magic Item Compendium, page 78) are pretty much magic Heelys that give you a +10 foot enhancement bonus to movement speed whether or not you slide around, and +20 feet if you slide downhill. That's a 22% (or 44% for downhill sliding) increase in speed. Instead of running 100m over a second slower than Usain Bolt, I'd be almost a second faster than his world record time.

2020-08-30, 03:10 PM
Without the price limit, I’d be torn between a Rod of splendor, a lyre of building, or a psychoactive skin of proteus.

There are lots of other ideas, too. It’s tricky.

For personal quality of life and possibly health, a ring of sustenance provides exactly as much food as you need, so you’re never hungry or thirsty but also presumably aren’t going to be consuming excess calories: perfect healthy dieting! Also, only sleeping two hours per night would be nice. Only 2,500 gp.

Maybe a robe of useful items or a circlet of persuasion; the latter might at least make me more pleasant for others to be around.

2020-08-30, 03:17 PM
Ring of Invisibility

White Blade
2020-08-30, 05:16 PM
A lyre of building would be maximally profitable, but it’s a bit outside the price range suggested. So a Clear Ioun Stone or Ring of Sustenance would work.

2020-08-30, 05:25 PM
If we're keeping it within 10k gp, and assuming that other than oneself, there aren't magical entities (no Candle of Invocation to summon an Efreeti or no calling upon Pazuzu) to call upon...

Maybe just an item of +10 competence bonus to a skill that will be consistently useful throughout your entire life. Maybe Profession (whatever profession you expect has no chance of being totally obliterated by technology, so perhaps something related to technology), or diplomacy.

2020-08-30, 05:32 PM
If we're keeping it within 10k gp, and assuming that other than oneself, there aren't magical entities (no Candle of Invocation to summon an Efreeti or no calling upon Pazuzu) to call upon...

Maybe just an item of +10 competence bonus to a skill that will be consistently useful throughout your entire life. Maybe Profession (whatever profession you expect has no chance of being totally obliterated by technology, so perhaps something related to technology), or diplomacy.A skill shard from the XPH is a one-time use item that grants a competence bonus to a skill, and a +10 skill shard costs 1,000 gp. A synaptic mask (Hyperconscious) allows you to use such a shard an infinite number of times, so long as the shard remains in the mask. It just happens to cost 9,000 gp.

You can also use the synaptic mask to hold a meld stone, which are basically combination skill shards that can only be used in a synaptic mask.

Of course, your best bet is to get a synaptic mask and use the item combination rules in the MIC to add a bunch of different skills (or meld stones) to your skill shard for 1,500 gp for each additional skill, which would give you a constant +10 competence bonus to every skill in the shard.

Just as expensive for a single shard as a regular +10 competence item, but much cheaper when you get more than one.

2020-08-30, 06:51 PM
Ring of Sustenance, hands down. I have trouble sleeping at the best of times, so only requiring 2 hours for a full night's sleep would be a lifesaver. Not to mention having all your nutritional needs taken care of.

One Step Two
2020-08-30, 07:02 PM
Simple answer: Ring of sustenance, 2 hour naps are as refreshing as 8 hours of sleep. The eating thing is Hazy, like does it know to provide you more protein if you're working out?

Complex Answer: A custom Ring of Guidance of the Avatar (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) 2/day, with the added effects of a Ring of Sustenance, and at-will Prestidigitation, comes just under the 10k gp mark.

2020-08-30, 07:17 PM
Simple answer: Ring of sustenance, 2 hour naps are as refreshing as 8 hours of sleep. The eating thing is Hazy, like does it know to provide you more protein if you're working out?

Complex Answer: A custom Ring of Guidance of the Avatar (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) 2/day, with the added effects of a Ring of Sustenance, and at-will Prestidigitation, comes just under the 10k gp mark.

I would argue that, if the ring isn't providing what you need to have full normal bodily function, it's not providing sufficient nourishment. Since it provides sufficient nourishment, you gain exactly as much protein (and other stuff) as you need to do whatever your body wants to do (and no more, unless you wound up with a cursed ring of obesity or something like that).

One Step Two
2020-08-30, 07:21 PM
I would argue that, if the ring isn't providing what you need to have full normal bodily function, it's not providing sufficient nourishment. Since it provides sufficient nourishment, you gain exactly as much protein (and other stuff) as you need to do whatever your body wants to do (and no more, unless you wound up with a cursed ring of obesity or something like that).

Makes sense, which also stands to reason that unless you have the aforementioned cursed ring of obesity, if you do decide to have a meal normally, it will lower the nourishment needed.
In all a great time (and money) saver, skip meals without feeling guilty, head to the gym, take some protein supplements, and let the ring do the rest.

2020-08-30, 07:30 PM
Glove of Storing.

Any object under 20 pounds? Make it disappear! Take it with you! Profit! :smallwink:

Or just make your life way more convenient in various ways. Never lose your keys! Carry extra groceries! Surprise a loved one with a sudden gift.

2020-08-30, 08:02 PM
Ring of sustenance from d&d. Imagine how much healthier you would be if you never had to eat or drink again? There isn't any sugar in magic. Plus getting 6 extra hours in a day opens so many opportunities. Finally it would fly under the radar. Throw fireballs around and sooner or later the FBI is going to start asking you questions.

2020-08-30, 08:44 PM
The optimizer in me says candle of invocation.

With that out of the way, I have never owned a pair of shoes that fit my feet properly. I'd want a pair of good quality boots enchanted with mending, endure elements, and whatever it takes to get an endurance like effect. Just some damn comfy boots that will last me forever.
I'm honestly not sure if anything like this already exists, but that is what I would want. Either that or something that would give me something close to casting.

One Step Two
2020-08-30, 10:02 PM
Ring of sustenance from d&d. Imagine how much healthier you would be if you never had to eat or drink again? There isn't any sugar in magic. Plus getting 6 extra hours in a day opens so many opportunities. Finally it would fly under the radar. Throw fireballs around and sooner or later the FBI is going to start asking you questions.

I honestly think it's the best low-key magic item that would work in the real world, because side benefit: Any 2 hours of sleep counts as 8 hours of rest. Even if you feel super drained due to a busy day, you can take a power nap, and it's as restful as a a full nights sleep. Especially when you factor in sleeping is a good way to help neurons build and reconnect, imagine doing an intense session of study, taking an equivalent 8 hours of sleep, and your brain has helped process it all.

Also, my advanced version with at-will prestidigitation means that even if you're craving a sweet drink, you can get a glass of water, and boom, it's sweet iced tea, lemonade or cola tasting, and because it's magic, no added sugar.

2020-08-30, 10:27 PM
I honestly think it's the best low-key magic item that would work in the real world, because side benefit: Any 2 hours of sleep counts as 8 hours of rest. Even if you feel super drained due to a busy day, you can take a power nap, and it's as restful as a a full nights sleep. Especially when you factor in sleeping is a good way to help neurons build and reconnect, imagine doing an intense session of study, taking an equivalent 8 hours of sleep, and your brain has helped process it all.

Also, my advanced version with at-will prestidigitation means that even if you're craving a sweet drink, you can get a glass of water, and boom, it's sweet iced tea, lemonade or cola tasting, and because it's magic, no added sugar.

i know it wasn't the question asked but imagine if somehow you bulk produce them for the military? Soldiers who couldn't outmarch their supply lines and had an extra six hours a day their enemies didn't have?

2020-08-30, 10:52 PM
In the COVID-19 era a Periapt of Health (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#periaptofHealth) (7400 gp) would be very useful. Being immune to all disease (which also includes things like heart disease and cancer) will make life a lot more pleasant, and presumably longer lasting too.

Combine the above with a Healing Belt (MIC, 750 gp) to help in case you or a loved one ever gets injured (car accident, etc).

One Step Two
2020-08-30, 10:54 PM
i know it wasn't the question asked but imagine if somehow you bulk produce them for the military? Soldiers who couldn't outmarch their supply lines and had an extra six hours a day their enemies didn't have?

Yup, an army marches on it's stomach. You no long need to plan logistics around food supply, their loads are lightened without carrying any rations, or water for that matter, giving them more space for other resources and tools. Heck, they could Forced March for 18 hours straight, rest for sleep 4 hours (allowing 2 watches), and be ready to go in bright eyed and bushy tailed.

2020-08-30, 11:28 PM
Complex Answer: A custom Ring of Guidance of the Avatar (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) 2/day, with the added effects of a Ring of Sustenance, and at-will Prestidigitation, comes just under the 10k gp mark.

Get a job as a cleaner. With at-will Prestidigitation you can do the of job an entire cleaning crew. Millionaire within a couple of years just by doing a rather mundane job.

Ring of sustenance from d&d. Imagine how much healthier you would be if you never had to eat or drink again? There isn't any sugar in magic.

Good point. The Ring of Sustenance can serve as an elimination diet, meaning no allergens and the possibility of curing diabetes.

2020-08-30, 11:51 PM
Third Eye: Sense (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#sense), which allows you to remotely view/see any place you want at will. Activate it to see someplace, use that perspective to activate it again to see another place, use that perspective to find another place to view, etc. You can spy on anyone you want, you can observe anything you want, you can know exactly what's going on anywhere in the world at will.

One Step Two
2020-08-30, 11:52 PM
Get a job as a cleaner. With at-will Prestidigitation you can do the of job an entire cleaning crew. Millionaire within a couple of years just by doing a rather mundane job.

I don't know how time efficient that is? You can only clean 1 cubic foot of space per round, so 10 minutes to clean a 10x10x1 ft space, it would be faster to sweep or vaacuum unless you did specialized cleaning services, like crime-scene cleanups after the police have finished forensics work. I included prestidigitation for personal convenience more than anything, always clean clothes, fun slight of hand tricks for parties, that sort of thing.

2020-08-31, 12:00 AM
Get a job as a cleaner. With at-will Prestidigitation you can do the of job an entire cleaning crew. Millionaire within a couple of years just by doing a rather mundane job."Millionaire" seems a bit much, given you'd probably be making only slightly more than minimum wage, if that.

I was also going to say, "but it only cleans a cubic foot of material at a time!" except... If you're cleaning surface area, you can spread that cubic foot out as much as you want so it covers the whole surface. A 1/20 of an inch thick plane is a LOT of surface area to clean all at once, and it can still one cubic foot of area.

You'd have to own the company and be the only employee to make any kind of money, and that's assuming you don't have to pick up garbage or other such things.

Make whole could fix jewelry and such, or restore ancient paintings and other works of art, or even repair vehicles (like planes, trains, and automobiles). I imagine that's a significant potential income, right there.

One Step Two
2020-08-31, 12:16 AM
"Millionaire" seems a bit much, given you'd probably be making only slightly more than minimum wage, if that.

I was also going to say, "but it only cleans a cubic foot of material at a time!" except... If you're cleaning surface area, you can spread that cubic foot out as much as you want so it covers the whole surface. A 1/20 of an inch thick plane is a LOT of surface area to clean all at once, and it can still one cubic foot of area.

You'd have to own the company and be the only employee to make any kind of money, and that's assuming you don't have to pick up garbage or other such things.

Make whole could fix jewelry and such, or restore ancient paintings and other works of art, or even repair vehicles (like planes, trains, and automobiles). I imagine that's a significant potential income, right there.

Good call, utilizing a a height of 1/20 of an inch means you can cover almost a 16ft by 16ft space. Great use of time for cleaning your own home, but not a viable business unless you charge a set price per room instead of by the hour.

2020-08-31, 03:19 AM
Excluding infinite Wishes and the like, I'd suggest giving yourself PC powers. How about a single-use use-activated item of Curse of Lycanthropy (3300gp) to become a werebear and get a bunch of HD, feats, skill points, etc. I also become Lawful Good, qualifying for Ancestral Relic.
Then I'll be paying for a single-use use-activated item of Psychic Reformation affecting all 7 of my HD (6 animal HD from werebear plus my 1 commoner or expert HD, 3150gp) to grab Ancestral Relic and perhaps weirder feats like Wedded to History and Great Diplomat. Ancestral Relic has a higher cap than the base 10 000gp at 8HD, and is much easier to make and customize depending on circumstances.
And these costs can be reduced by 30% using cursed item rules!

Then I'll activate the Psychic Reformation, use my feats for a familiar (that snake that can apply negative levels) or a Wight cohort, and replace my racial HD with class levels of some sort without losing the werebear stat bonuses and abilities. Then I can rebuild my Ancestral Relic into better stuff (I like Ring of Sustenance and skill boosters, personally).

This is far too cheesy for an actual tabletop game, but it's what I'd want in real life.
If this was a tabletop game and I was playing artificer with 10 000gp to spend, I'd make a command word item of Divine Insight (using crafting feats or curses to reduce costs) and play as a skillmonkey for a while. I have disable trap, after all, and I can use my infusions in combat.

Max Caysey
2020-08-31, 06:18 AM

if you could get one item from 3.5, pathfinder or modern in your real life, which one would you like to have?

Preferably not higher than 10k gp value. I'll be a artificier in a low level modern game and looking for ideas.

I know its 20k, but a ring of invisibility would be amazing!

Something of Teleport would also be fantastic! I would also love a Headband of intellect even tho I’m fairly sure it would look silly at the office!

2020-08-31, 06:58 AM
I'm partial to answering ring of sustenance for real life, too.

That is not my answer for a low level modern d20 game however, because "Sleeping and eating" is abstracted away and so the real life comfort of a ring of sustenance don't translate well to in game benefits =)

Since you are an artificier, I'd go for this or that "make gold" trick, fuelign you with resources to make other items.

Otherwise, something that is generally not found in d20 modern, I am not familiar with the system.

If custom items are allowed or not makes a big difference. I love crafting myself various woundrous items of "spell X/Y times" of the hours/level buffs so I can free up those slots for other spells, for example. If 10k is your budget you can get a lot of mileage out of some random knicknacks of continuous 1st level spell. continous mage armor costs only 2k compared to the 25k of bracers of armor(+4) for example, all hail the magic shirt!

2020-08-31, 06:59 AM
Candle of Invocation. :smalltongue:

Or artifact that grants divine power of Creation. :smallbiggrin:

But with a 10k limit?

Simple answer: Ring of sustenance, 2 hour naps are as refreshing as 8 hours of sleep.

Complex Answer: A custom Ring of Guidance of the Avatar (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) 2/day, with the added effects of a Ring of Sustenance, and at-will Prestidigitation, comes just under the 10k gp mark.

Pretty much this.

In the COVID-19 era a Periapt of Health (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#periaptofHealth) (7400 gp) would be very useful. Being immune to all disease (which also includes things like heart disease and cancer) will make life a lot more pleasant, and presumably longer lasting too.

Combine the above with a Healing Belt (MIC, 750 gp) to help in case you or a loved one ever gets injured (car accident, etc).

Could an Artificer make/afford an item that *casts* Cure Disease? Being able to save others would protect your family/friends, and/or earn a living.

Third Eye: Sense (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#sense), which allows you to remotely view/see any place you want at will. Activate it to see someplace, use that perspective to activate it again to see another place, use that perspective to find another place to view, etc. You can spy on anyone you want, you can observe anything you want, you can know exactly what's going on anywhere in the world at will.

That's… not scary at all :smalleek:

It would work better on a lip-reading polyglot. And be awesome on an immortal historian if it could scry through time, too.

2020-08-31, 07:28 AM
I'd probably go with something that increases movement speed. If a run is 4x movement speed and it takes me 11 seconds to sprint 100m (328 ft), that means my base speed is 45 feet per round. Boots of Skating (Magic Item Compendium, page 78) are pretty much magic Heelys that give you a +10 foot enhancement bonus to movement speed whether or not you slide around, and +20 feet if you slide downhill. That's a 22% (or 44% for downhill sliding) increase in speed. Instead of running 100m over a second slower than Usain Bolt, I'd be almost a second faster than his world record time.
Note that if you've got the Run feet (reasonable if you do a lot of running, and knowing off hand how many seconds it takes you to do the 100m suggests that you do...), that's 5x rather than 4x, dropping that 45 down to a more modest 36 - in range of a human with the Quick trait (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterTraits.htm#quick).

2020-08-31, 07:43 AM
Bag of Devouring.

I've got some...problems that I'd like gone. :smallamused:

2020-08-31, 09:04 AM
A custom Intelligent Magic Item of something useful could be neat.

Not sure if any Figurines of Wondrous Power are cheap enough to qualify. Having a summon able bet that doesnt die could be sweet.

But me? I'd want Constructs. But Awaken Sand or Minor Servitor even 1x week is probably too pricey.
Which leaves us with an item of Create Crawling Claw.. which is gruesome but also awesome.
A Syfy channel B movie in the making.

Optimally though? A dedicated Wright homunculus. Teach it to cook and clean.

2020-08-31, 09:32 AM
Optimally though? A dedicated Wright homunculus. Teach it to cook and clean.This is always one of the first things any artificer should get as soon as is feasible, preferably at least two; one for magic item crafting and one for alchemical items. That, and an enveloping pit with scaffolding, storage spaces, and different levels with space to work, as well as some heatless light sources. A portable factory in the making!

2020-08-31, 09:55 AM
This is always one of the first things any artificer should get as soon as is feasible, preferably at least two; one for magic item crafting and one for alchemical items. That, and an enveloping pit with scaffolding, storage spaces, and different levels with space to work, as well as some heatless light sources. A portable factory in the making!

And a permanent item of Greater Humanoid Essence plus Distill Joy plus Elation to put round its neck. So it can whistle while it works.

2020-08-31, 11:00 AM
Note that if you've got the Run feet (reasonable if you do a lot of running, and knowing off hand how many seconds it takes you to do the 100m suggests that you do...), that's 5x rather than 4x, dropping that 45 down to a more modest 36 - in range of a human with the Quick trait (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterTraits.htm#quick).

That would mean the +10 increase from the boots would have an even bigger effect, giving me a 28.6% speed increase and reducing my 100m time to 8.56 seconds.

2020-08-31, 11:09 AM
Ring of Three Wishes as made by an insanely epic Mind Mage so that Wish is a level one spell and within the cost limitation.

Apart from that, I think a Legendary Ornate Lute of Lesser Legends(only need +1 not +5 to Bardic Music level, keep the +5 Dip/Perform), trade out Courage for Lingering Song and Countersong for Extra Music. That’s only about a 4K item, but I’m fin with that.

Sculpt Self is sort of an item with no GP value, only XP and sidesteps that pesky ‘work with the GM for custom items.’ That one can get excessive.

If flaws can be considered a negative feat, snag Methodical Magical Methods, Ponderous Spellcaster, Magical Training, Precocious Apprentice(Furnace Within), and Fiery Burst because spellcasting is king, even if minor.

2020-08-31, 12:40 PM
Item of 1/day Remove Disease. Getting rid of Ehlers-Danlos in my wife and daughter, tinnitus in me, and a quick life-saver during a global pandemic? Sign me up.

2020-08-31, 03:05 PM
Item of 1/day Remove Disease. Getting rid of Ehlers-Danlos in my wife and daughter, tinnitus in me, and a quick life-saver during a global pandemic? Sign me up.

Can Remove Disease fix genetic issues? I would lean towards no, no more than it could remove a Flaw associated with genetics.

2020-08-31, 03:31 PM
Can Remove Disease fix genetic issues? I would lean towards no, no more than it could remove a Flaw associated with genetics.

Hm, good point. The spell description never specifies "infectious" disease, just "any" disease; so on that count it ought to fix it. But "Remove Blindness/Deafness" is a separate spell. Maybe 1/day Regenerate (to repair bad collagen?) or Polymorph Any Object (for a "new" annoyance-free body altogether)?

One Step Two
2020-08-31, 05:13 PM
Complex Answer: A custom Ring of Guidance of the Avatar (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) 2/day, with the added effects of a Ring of Sustenance, and at-will Prestidigitation, comes just under the 10k gp mark.

Oh, here's a slight tweak after a little thought:

Ring of Sustenance with Guidance of the Avatar only 1/day, means you can have 3 at-will cantrips on it, which I would pick as Prestidigitation, Mending, and Cure Minor Wounds.

2020-08-31, 07:22 PM
The boring part of me would go for Ring of Sustenance.

The "Wanna parkour like mad" part of me would love the ring of feather falling or boots of levitation.

The "packrat" part of me would like Heward's Handy Haversack.

2020-08-31, 10:02 PM
Heward's Handy Haversack.


These won my "ask a 5-year-old" inquiry regarding this thread.

2020-08-31, 10:16 PM
How about a handy haversack and a spell component pouch. Remember that spell in the BoVD that uses an artifact as a component? Remember how decks of many things are listed as artifacts? Remember how spell component pouches have any components without a listed cost? Remember how artifacts don't have a listed cost?

Now, pull the deck of many things out of the spell component pouch and start the process of activating the deck. Remember how the item you want is always on top of everything else in the haversack? Place the cards in the haversack and choose the cards you want to pull out.

Enjoy your winning hand. Believe in the heart of the cards! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-32NGYLqwAQ&list=PLTagxffHmpfT765IfQj68dMmfFs3W7s1f&index=2&t=0s)

2020-09-01, 06:57 AM
Hm, good point. The spell description never specifies "infectious" disease, just "any" disease; so on that count it ought to fix it. But "Remove Blindness/Deafness" is a separate spell. Maybe 1/day Regenerate (to repair bad collagen?) or Polymorph Any Object (for a "new" annoyance-free body altogether)?

I think our view of disease is different from the 3.5 definition of disease.

Adventurers explore dangerous and often filthy environments, where disease thrives or is carried by creatures. Although supernatural diseases exist, disease is usually an extraordinary effect.

When you’re exposed to a disease, you must make an immediate Fortitude saving throw against a DC specified in the disease's description. If the save succeeds, you didn’t catch the disease, and it has no effect. If the save fails, you begin to take damage after an incubation period detailed in the disease’s description. Once per day afterward, you must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw to avoid the disease’s damage. Two successful saving throws in a row indicate that you have fought off the disease. You recover, taking no more damage.

Diseases are divided into four types, according to the method by which their effect is delivered:

Rules Compendium, page 46

The rules would lead me to believe that all disease is infectious in D&D, opposed by Fortitude saving throws, and must be transmitted in one of the four ways described above (unless otherwise stated in the disease's individual description).


PAO would be more likely to affect your body at the genetic level successfully.

2020-09-01, 04:05 PM
If custom items are allowed, I'd go for a ring of sustenance with continuous expeditious retreat and endure elements effects added, which is priced at 10,000 gp (assuming I got the math right).

2020-09-01, 04:36 PM
A titanic magebred animal is only 1,975 gp, so a breeding pair is only 3,950 gp.

How many people could be fed from a single titanic magebred chicken or salmon? Wild Alaskan king salmon goes for around, I believe, $30/lb, and a titanic creature weighs up to 200,000 lbs...

2020-09-01, 09:36 PM

if you could get one item from 3.5, pathfinder or modern in your real life, which one would you like to have?

Preferably not higher than 10k gp value. I'll be a artificier in a low level modern game and looking for ideas.

Off the top of my head? Give me a ring that grants Acid Resistance 1 and Endure Elements. That's probably less than 10k. Why acid resist? So I can drink as much soda as I want.

Ring of sustenance would be nice but I do like food, drink, and sleeping.
edit: damn, ring of sustenance with prestidigitation at-will would be great, could you fit endure elements on it with a 10k budget?

One Step Two
2020-09-01, 10:12 PM
Off the top of my head? Give me a ring that grants Acid Resistance 1 and Endure Elements. That's probably less than 10k. Why acid resist? So I can drink as much soda as I want.

Ring of sustenance would be nice but I do like food, drink, and sleeping.
edit: damn, ring of sustenance with prestidigitation at-will would be great, could you fit endure elements on it with a 10k budget?

A Ring of Sustenance is 2500gp, adding a Cantrip at-will is 1350gp (900gp*1.5 for adding it to an existing item), and a 1/day Endure elements is a 540gp addition, it has a 24 hour duration, which makes it super cheap, the total cost is 4390gp.

2020-09-01, 10:34 PM
I'm certain there are more abusive things to get (...I'm not a ring person...), but Marvelous Pigments were the first thing to come to mind at 4,000gp. Well, depending on how the real-world-currency and GP conversion system works. Like, okay, I could paint a $1500 motherboard, a $1500 processor, a $1000 hard drive, and assemble them with other components into a computer much more expensive than $2000 if 1GP = 1USD. Even if electronics are out of the picture, you could still create every day toys to sell on eBay, Etsy, or what have you. Worst case scenario, you have some of the most unique cookies that no one can quite find out the secret recipe. Yeah, I know, I still need to paint things instead of wishing for them, and it isn't necessarily going to last forever, but I won't mind painting for a while.

I activate a Decanter of Endless water to turn a turbine and generate free electricity for all eternity and nothing can possibly go wrong with this idea

2020-09-01, 10:37 PM
I'm certain there are more abusive things to get (...I'm not a ring person...), but Marvelous Pigments were the first thing to come to mind at 4,000gp. Well, depending on how the real-world-currency and GP conversion system works. Like, okay, I could paint a $1500 motherboard, a $1500 processor, a $1000 hard drive, and assemble them with other components into a computer much more expensive than $2000 if 1GP = 1USD. Even if electronics are out of the picture, you could still create every day toys to sell on eBay, Etsy, or what have you. Worst case scenario, you have some of the most unique cookies that no one can quite find out the secret recipe. Yeah, I know, I still need to paint things instead of wishing for them, and it isn't necessarily going to last forever, but I won't mind painting for a while.

I activate a Decanter of Endless water to turn a turbine and generate free electricity for all eternity and nothing can possibly go wrong with this ideaFor gold content alone, a gold piece is worth approximately $300 US or so.

The denomination won't be worth anything, because "it's from a fantasy world" probably won't mean anything to most people, except that you're probably crazy.

So unless the computer you paint is a supercomputer centuries ahead of where we are, and it's reverse-engineerable, you probably won't get as much for it as you're putting in.

Even then, the pigments themselves are probably worth more than anything you could paint from them.

[edit] How about some bottled Limbo? The Planar Handbook has containers of raw chaos that can become pretty much anything nonmagical when used, and chaos flasks are cheap, at 100 gp. And the fact that they can create 1,000,000 gp diamonds, which you can permanently store in quintessence...

2020-09-01, 11:13 PM
In the COVID-19 era a Periapt of Health (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#periaptofHealth) (7400 gp) would be very useful. Being immune to all disease (which also includes things like heart disease and cancer) will make life a lot more pleasant, and presumably longer lasting too.

Man, hell with that. Ill take it just so I can leave my house without concerns of crippling anxiety/depression (I'm assuming it covers mental diseases) or seizures (also assuming, because if it can fix an other organ, why not?)

2020-09-02, 01:07 PM
Man, hell with that. Ill take it just so I can leave my house without concerns of crippling anxiety/depression (I'm assuming it covers mental diseases) or seizures (also assuming, because if it can fix an other organ, why not?)

Calm emotions should work for the mental things you list, as both depression and anxiety would be mind-affecting Emotion effects.

2020-09-02, 04:08 PM
Calm emotions should work for the mental things you list, as both depression and anxiety would be mind-affecting Emotion effects.

I'll stick with my diagnosis of chemical imbalance, regardless of the vector it takes.

Even so, doesn't help with seizing.

2020-09-02, 05:33 PM
I'll stick with my diagnosis of chemical imbalance, regardless of the vector it takes.

Even so, doesn't help with seizing.

I feel like Heal would be a better spell effect to shoot for. It basically fixes everything wrong with a person. It leaves you in your peak physical condition. As I see what you describe as an affliction, and as Heal can even cure the spells insanity, feeblemind, and confusion, it seems perfect for dealing with mental illness.

2020-09-02, 05:40 PM
I feel like Heal would be a better spell effect to shoot for. It basically fixes everything wrong with a person. It leaves you in your peak physical condition. As I see what you describe as an affliction, and as Heal can even cure the spells insanity, feeblemind, and confusion, it seems perfect for dealing with mental illness.

As before, still doesn't touch epilepsy as far as I can tell. I'd still enjoy permanent "no diseases, dot"

2020-09-02, 06:47 PM
With modern knowledge of modern illness you wind up in a weird spot with remove Disease and regeneration.

Would Regen replace a removed, but congenitally diseased or malformed organ? Would Remove Disease cure a mind diseased with dementia from repeated concussions? Or obesity due to hormone imbalance?

Is there any magic to heal stretch marks? Inherited baldness? Good old fashioned diet and excercise based obesity and diabetes?

What of allergies and by extension autoimmune disorders? A lot of times these are the body actually doing a too-good job of defending itself from percieved invasion or illness.

So we wind up in that odd spot. For verisimilitude's sake Remove Disease should just stop all of the above from further affecting a person. Regeneration will replace lost flesh, regardless of it's usefulness. Enjoy having your appendix, ear-pierce holes, and wisdom teeth back. While Remove Disease could make those things no longer disease you afterwards. Also foreskin, because THAT'S what Regeneration magic was made for, that's why.

Wish will absolutely get the job done, especially if you are granting your OWN wish. Miracle too really. But honesty it should not require divine intervention or the equivalent to make someone better in a universe where magic spells exist to do just that.

The real world has pervasive incurable awfulness. My high fantasy imagination adventure does not need it. Modern awfulness is no fun in my power fantasy magic land, y'know.

(Apologies if this comes across more frustrated than helpful/funny. I've been fighting the IRL 'Merican health care system trying to get one single rotting tooth removed and I swear the process is more painful than the tooth or it's removal could ever be.)

Does a Simulacrum of you have half your cancer? Is a Simulacrum of an expecting mother pregnant? Will Remove Disease remove a Simulacrum's lycanthropy?

2020-09-02, 06:52 PM
Is there any magic to heal stretch marks? Inherited baldness?

I can answer these! There isn't magic for scars, but Elf Hazel is an alchemical substance that can do it. This would be insanely profitable considering scars are the most common complication of abdominal surgery(there are a lot of layers there that naturally slide over one another a bit and scars just weld them together).

Baldness can be remedied with any spell that can target a person via the Spell Side Effects allowing you to pick the 1ft of hair growth option as a side effect on any magic.

Does a Simulacrum of you have half your cancer? Is a Simulacrum of an expecting mother pregnant? Will Remove Disease remove a Simulacrum's lycanthropy?

Unborn children are objects according to the Dracinomicon iirc(this is what lets Prestidigitation technically make permanent, living, ready to hatch dragon eggs). Sure the egg shell for mammals is exceedingly weak and internal, but the structure is still there. So yes, a Simulacrum of an expecting mother should technically be pregnant if the rules for pre-birth dragons are to be extended to other species.

2020-09-02, 07:07 PM
So, what spell level are we restricted to with the item price limit? I'm talking repeated use, maybe even at will activation.

For custom wondrous item?
For Intelligent Magic Item power?
For a resetting magic trap?
For Wondrous Architecture or Lair Ward?

How about a Runic Guardian or Shield Guardian? A Spellsong Nightingale?

Can we buy a slave using the Lords of Madness rules?

Maybe an item that summons a creature with spellcasting?

2020-09-02, 07:30 PM
Unborn children are objects according to the Dracinomicon iirc(this is what lets Prestidigitation technically make permanent, living, ready to hatch dragon eggs). Sure the egg shell for mammals is exceedingly weak and internal, but the structure is still there. So yes, a Simulacrum of an expecting mother should technically be pregnant if the rules for pre-birth dragons are to be extended to other species.

What?! You mean to tell me that I wasted the divine power of Creation (not to mention time arguing over the CR of unhatched dragon eggs) when I could have just created them with Prestidigitation?

Well, I guess anyone who took Prestidigitation can "suddenly, Dragons!", and change the world.

2020-09-02, 07:33 PM
What?! You mean to tell me that I wasted the divine power of Creation (not to mention time arguing over the CR of unhatched dragon eggs) when I could have just created them with Prestidigitation?

Well, I guess anyone who took Prestidigitation can "suddenly, Dragons!", and change the world.

Just wait till he learns about Genesis making perfectly naturally occurring areas of 10,000:1 fast time. :)

Combine with Evolved Undead for maximum effect.

2020-09-02, 07:43 PM
Just wait till he learns about Genesis making perfectly naturally occurring areas of 10,000:1 fast time. :)

Combine with Evolved Undead the timeless with regards to aging and magic traits and an acorn of far travel for maximum effect.Fixed that for you. :smalltongue:

2020-09-02, 08:04 PM
One thing to not about Prestidigitation dragons, they are still very fragile compared to a normal one. As a DM I’d probably cut the health and hardness by 75% and having them come out a Hatchlings with 3 in all stats instead of Wyrmlings with the typical array.

If Dark Sun is on the table, make them Greenbound dragons and cast Nurturing Seeds on them so they can survive their fragility.

2020-09-02, 10:31 PM
The denomination won't be worth anything, because "it's from a fantasy world" probably won't mean anything to most people, except that you're probably crazy.

So unless the computer you paint is a supercomputer centuries ahead of where we are, and it's reverse-engineerable, you probably won't get as much for it as you're putting in.

Even then, the pigments themselves are probably worth more than anything you could paint from them.
I'm concerned about the denomination because Marvelous Pigments can't produce a mundane item valued over 2,000gp. As far as I'm concerned, I get the pigments for free, I don't think I can convince anyone to buy the pigments from me for what they are truly worth, but anything I could paint would be either potential profit, or a blank check for luxury items for me: Access to any 2,000gp mundane item isn't as big a deal for an adventurer, but for a person that lives in a world of mundane item commodities? $600,000 sounds begrudgingly reasonable for an individual item cap and there's enough pigment to fill one hundred square feet of canvas? Yeah, that'll be good for a weekend.

Hey, a 512 yottabyte solid-state drive has no value and is a mundane item, it's basically a black rectangle, so... DOWNLOAD THE INTERNET!

2020-09-02, 10:52 PM
Just wait till he learns about Genesis making perfectly naturally occurring areas of 10,000:1 fast time. :)

Combine with Evolved Undead for maximum effect.

Oh, I'm familiar with those sorts of shenanigans. (in fact, my knowledge of such tricks *might* just be related to why Dragon *eggs* were of value to me) However, I'm just chagrined that I apparently "wasted" a favor from a deity, having them Create Dragon eggs. :smallannoyed:

Granted, my way of getting Dragon eggs didn't involve books getting thrown at my head.

2020-09-02, 11:08 PM
Oh, I'm familiar with those sorts of shenanigans. (in fact, my knowledge of such tricks *might* just be related to why Dragon *eggs* were of value to me) However, I'm just chagrined that I apparently "wasted" a favor from a deity, having them Create Dragon eggs. :smallannoyed:

Granted, my way of getting Dragon eggs didn't involve books getting thrown at my head.Between owing a deity a favor and having a book thrown at your head, I think you got the raw deal.

Deities are notorious for being awful, even the "good" ones.

Yahzi Coyote
2020-09-05, 10:07 PM
Item of 1/day Remove Disease. Getting rid of Ehlers-Danlos in my wife and daughter, tinnitus in me, and a quick life-saver during a global pandemic?
Do you know how much aggressive cancer treatment costs? In addition to being incredibly painful, it usually fails.

You could sell that 1/day for a lot of money.

2020-09-06, 02:52 AM
Guidance of the avatar makes most of the other spells superfluous (within the 10K limit at least).

Use it for a +20 Perform bonus - take 10 on your daily check to make money and you'll soon be internationally famous, even if you've never taken a singing lesson.

Use it for a +20 Heal bonus - no need for remove disease when you can cure anything with some TLC.

Use it for a +20 Diplomacy/Knowledge/etc bonus - win any debate, score any date.

Add in prestidigitation/unseen servant functionality within the gp limit and call it a day.

2020-09-06, 02:55 AM
You all pretty much covered the best choices in the 10k gp range, especially with custom items.

One way to get a higher effective gp range without being cheesy is rune circles. Race of Stone has the rules, but basically any item can be made into an immovable circle. The smallest circle has a 5 foot diameter and costs 1/8 the normal cost. That kind of opens things up if you have a house and don't need the item 24/7. Certainly puts you in range for heals spells for the day. A continous Mystic Mansion would be pretty fun (Or daily cast item if the servants don't clean it). You would be the envy of all the "tiny home" shows.

2020-09-06, 02:18 PM
Custom items, I’d go for a Permament Rune (made by a Runecrafter) engraved on my glasses of Scholar’s Touch. Every time I look through my glasses, my touch allows me to have a instant overview of the contents of any book or scroll and a basic understanding of the gist of it as if I had read it once cover to cover.

I could go through entire libraries and brushing my finger from spine to spine have countless tales pour into my brain instantly.

I still need to learn languages (I was tempted to have a continuous item of comprehend languages but meh), but just imagine how much reading I could do with such a power.

For existing items, an Eternal Wand of Prestidigitation might do me well. There’s the odd time where cleaning something is quite hard and I’d like to just magic it clean

2020-09-06, 02:58 PM
You all pretty much covered the best choices in the 10k gp range, especially with custom items.

One way to get a higher effective gp range without being cheesy is rune circles. Race of Stone has the rules, but basically any item can be made into an immovable circle. The smallest circle has a 5 foot diameter and costs 1/8 the normal cost. That kind of opens things up if you have a house and don't need the item 24/7. Certainly puts you in range for heals spells for the day. A continous Mystic Mansion would be pretty fun (Or daily cast item if the servants don't clean it). You would be the envy of all the "tiny home" shows.

One unfortunate aspect is that Rune Circles have to be affixed in space and cannot be moved under any circumstances or they cease to function. This is all fine and good in D&D where the world is often not actually moving, but Earth does move, a lot, so even if we ignore that we’re in a Dead Magic plane, a Rune Circle might get one use on completion before it dies.

By the way, Shadow Weave magic items all around. Doesn’t make sense, but they work on dead magic planes.

2020-09-06, 03:23 PM
If you can access a plane that's timeless with regards to magic and aging, an acorn of far travel would let you count as being on that plane if you can find or plant an oak tree there. Then do this:

Find or plant an oak tree somewhere, preferably on a plane that is timeless with regards to magic. Cast a Sculpted (un)hallow spell so that it affects some of the tree's canopy. Tie the acorn of far travel (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040710a) spell to it. Now all the acorns in the AoE are affected by the spell, so you can give acorns out to whomever you like. (You can only have one AoFT spell in effect at once; this doesn't preclude you from affecting multiple acorns with the same spell.) Now use Sculpt Spell to make a bunch of line-shaped (un)hallow spells pointing straight up. Now each of these (un)hallow spells has a different spell attached to it, such as haste, polymorph, magic circle against evil, death ward, etc. Now you count as being under the tree's canopy while you hold the acorn, and all these spells are in effect under the tree. If you want more than one at a time, just make sure you occupy more than one 5' space, and make sure good spell combos are all next to each other below the tree's canopy.

You can add more effects as you craft new scrolls to add to your wishing buffing tree.

2020-09-07, 11:26 AM
One unfortunate aspect is that Rune Circles have to be affixed in space and cannot be moved under any circumstances or they cease to function. This is all fine and good in D&D where the world is often not actually moving, but Earth does move, a lot, so even if we ignore that we’re in a Dead Magic plane, a Rune Circle might get one use on completion before it dies.

By the way, Shadow Weave magic items all around. Doesn’t make sense, but they work on dead magic planes.

Dead magic? Citation needed. Actually, iirc, we are officially statted as a low-magic zone.

Probably doesn't change your recommendation, though.

2020-09-07, 01:22 PM
One unfortunate aspect is that Rune Circles have to be affixed in space and cannot be moved under any circumstances or they cease to function. This is all fine and good in D&D where the world is often not actually moving, but Earth does move, a lot, so even if we ignore that we’re in a Dead Magic plane, a Rune Circle might get one use on completion before it dies.

By the way, Shadow Weave magic items all around. Doesn’t make sense, but they work on dead magic planes.

Its likely outside our price range but as long as your rune circle is in an extradimensional space it technically doesn't ever move in regard to its own frame of reference.

2020-09-07, 07:23 PM
Elixir of Sex Shifting, it's just instant HRT. Or Sleeves of Many Garments if that weren't a concern. Always having exactly the outfit I want without needing to buy or tailor anything would be amazing

2020-09-08, 02:09 AM
Elixir of Sex Shifting, it's just instant HRT. Or Sleeves of Many Garments if that weren't a concern. Always having exactly the outfit I want without needing to buy or tailor anything would be amazing

Are there some sale versions of alter self? Because I would like at will alter self, even if it's limited to human shapes.

2020-09-08, 03:15 AM
Custom items, I’d go for a Permament Rune (made by a Runecrafter) engraved on my glasses of Scholar’s Touch. Every time I look through my glasses, my touch allows me to have a instant overview of the contents of any book or scroll and a basic understanding of the gist of it as if I had read it once cover to cover.

I could go through entire libraries and brushing my finger from spine to spine have countless tales pour into my brain instantly.


Scholar's touch was what I came here to point out. Overall, it's a much better timesaver than ring of sustenance, and you can actually combine the 2 for a very reasonable price. You could easily cover tremendous amounts of research on any subject within incredibly short periods of time.

Another cheesy effect would be to periodically print and bind everything you need to read for your job. 6 seconds and you're done.

Another question would be the result of repeated use. If I spend 5 minutes casting it repeatedly on a book, do I have the level of understanding and recollection that I would get for reading it cover to cover 50 times? If so, you could become an expert on ANYTHING. Spend 5 minutes "reading", take a 10 minute break, move on to the next book. You could gain perfect mastery on the contents of 24 books within one calm 6 hour library visit, mostly comprised of just hanging out.

You could make a ring of sustenance with at will scholar's touch + cantrip and once per day Avatar's guidance for less than 10,000, I believe. That would 100% be my item.

If we're talking fun, and not lonng term happiness and prosperity, then a snowboard of levitation, or something else that would negate falling damage, with endure elements. **** yeah.

2020-09-08, 03:35 AM
I'm personally a fan of the Travel Cloak. It's got the convenience of the Ring of Sustenance, but with the additional benefit of still eating, sleeping, and drinking, things I enjoy.

2020-09-08, 06:45 AM
Are there some sale versions of alter self? Because I would like at will alter self, even if it's limited to human shapes.
For reference:
Greater Hat of Disguise (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Greater%20Hat% 20of%20Disguise) - Alter Self as an at-will. Downside is that it's 12k market. Still, there is that section on Intentionally Crafting Cursed Items (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/Magic-items/cursed-items/#Intentionally_Crafting_Cursed_Items) that can give a discount; if you go with the "The cost of dependent items, which function only in certain situations, is reduced by 30%" clause, and make it "in the hands of" or "within ten feet of" and pick an option that you qualify for, you're within the 10k limit and it doesn't bother you.
Elixer of Sex Shifting (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/e-g/elixir-of-sex-shifting/) - Note that it's a "use once" item.

I'm personally a fan of the Travel Cloak. It's got the convenience of the Ring of Sustenance, but with the additional benefit of still eating, sleeping, and drinking, things I enjoy.
Heh. The big benefit of the Ring of Sustenance is more time per day to do things....

Lvl 2 Expert
2020-09-08, 08:43 AM
A wizard's spell book, with enough spells in it to reach the 10k value.

Big gamble on whether I or anyone else will be able to learn or cast anything from it.

2020-09-08, 04:32 PM
How about Gloves of Object Reading, maybe with at-will prestidigitation tacked on?

Develop a 'mesmerist act' that allows you to read actual details of actual strangers' lives. Parlay this into a regular stage act and reality TV show. Do some side work in security and crime investigation ("that knife was wielded by..."). Fame and fortune result.

2020-09-08, 04:37 PM
How about Gloves of Object Reading, maybe with at-will prestidigitation tacked on?

Develop a 'mesmerist act' that allows you to read actual details of actual strangers' lives. Parlay this into a regular stage act and reality TV show. Do some side work in security and crime investigation ("that knife was wielded by..."). Fame and fortune result.

This sounds like the plot of a movie that'd end with the protagonist losing the gloves after letting the fame go to their head and finally learning a lesson about how the gloves were inside of them all along.

2020-09-08, 05:04 PM
How about Gloves of Object Reading, maybe with at-will prestidigitation tacked on?

Develop a 'mesmerist act' that allows you to read actual details of actual strangers' lives. Parlay this into a regular stage act and reality TV show. Do some side work in security and crime investigation ("that knife was wielded by..."). Fame and fortune result.
This sounds like the plot of a movie that'd end with the protagonist losing the gloves after letting the fame go to their head and finally learning a lesson about how the gloves were inside of them all along.Doctor: "They appear to be lodged in the upper digestive tract. We'll have to operate to get them out. How did they even get in there, anyway?"

Toliudar: "I'm sorry! I was just really, really hungry!"

Doctor: "I need 50 CCs of lidocaine, my heavy-duty scalpel set, and 2 liters of bourbon, STAT!"

Toliudar: "I just don't know what went wrong!"
