View Full Version : [IC] Aleph Station

2020-08-30, 09:16 PM
Battery: Mechanic
Fairy: Wetwork Agent
Chain: Bodyguard
Doc: Infiltrator
Sneak: Hacker
Bolt: Demolitionist
Scrap: Jack
Hound: Rookie
Sidewinder: Communications Expert
Aurora: Medic

Game Content
Current Room: Main Airlock
Exits Lead To: Security Checkpoint

Your shuttle docks at the airlock to Aleph Station. The station seems abandoned, yet all the lights are on. It almost seems to be waiting for you. But when you enter, a mechanical voice sounds over the loudspeaker. INTRUDERS DETECTED. INITIATING SELF-DESTRUCT SEQUENCE. VAULT DOOR HAS BEEN SEALED. MANUAL OVERRIDE NECESSARY TO PROCEED. The voice dies off and a countdown begins. You have half an hour to get what you need and get out before the station explodes. The other door of the airlock, leading to a security checkpoint, hisses open.

Welcome to Aleph Station.

Time until self-destruct: 20 Rounds.

Round 1, Begin.

2020-08-30, 10:16 PM
Move to Security Checkpoint

2020-08-30, 11:07 PM
The woman codenamed Aurora says, "Crap! They never said anything about a self-destruct sequence! And we only have thirty minutes, too!"

Looking around a bit wild-eyed, not really due to panic just yet but clearly in the interest of making sure the mission was not only accomplished and nobody, especially herself got blown to smithereens, she said, "We need a plan now, we don't even have a map of this place."

She looked at 'Sidewinder' their comms expert: "At some point, our communicators stopped working as we traveled here. I'm wondering if it was some kind of sabotage. Did you get yours fixed, or anyone else's? Hopefully we could split up into two groups at least, and have comms between them."

2020-08-31, 05:20 AM
Fairy, having already experienced several near-death moments in her career, doesn't seem frightened by the menacing message, and takes the time to inspect her surroundings and see if there is something notable or useful in the Main Airlock.

Then she walks to the Security Checkpoint with the others.

Fairy throws a sideways glance at the - in her opinion - unduly surprised Aurora. Difficulties were to be expected. "Sheesh, ya fresh outta the boot camp or what?"

Looking around without any sense of urgency, she adds to the discussion about their plan: "Even if we do not have functioning comms, it will likely be necessary to split up to search the station as quickly as possible. Since the briefing has indicated that hostiles might be present, the agents with the best weapons training - I, Chain and Bolt - should lead the way for each group and clear all rooms."

2020-08-31, 08:55 AM
Shaking his head at the self destruct announcement, Sidewinder looks at the rest of the group. "This certainly complicates things. Failing to mention a self destruct in the brief is never a good sign. Is our exit secure if we need to run?"

Not waiting for confirmation, Sidewinder draws his pistol and holds it at a low ready. "Who is in command? The Boss wasn't quite clear on who was in charge." Glancing at the drone hovering over his right shoulder, Sidewinder motions with his hand for the drone to move forward into the Security Checkpoint. "Better get this over quickly," Sidewinder says as he moves into the Checkpoint. "Priority should be to secure the station. That will give us more time and resources to secure the AI Core."

Draw pistol and hold at the low ready.
Direct the hover drone into the security checkpoint.
Move into the Security Checkpoint.

2020-08-31, 04:11 PM
"Sidewinder, we are officially without a command structure", adds Chain. "Recommend we just move in for now. No time to waste."

Let's point our tactical flashlight into the Security Checkpoint and walk in unless something particularly gribbly appears there in which case it should probably be shot.

2020-08-31, 05:23 PM
Scrap lets out a long sigh as the message blares out, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Great. Fantastic. Perfectly f*****g peachy. Not only do we hafta sweep this place with basically zero intel, now we gotta do it with a damn saturday morning doomsday clock breathing down our necks."

She turns to Fairy. "Anyway, that sounds good to me. Two teams of three, one team of four, keep ourselves from getting isolated. Last thing we need is someone blundering off and releasing the deathbots or whatever the hell it is they have set up in in here. And maybe if Sidewinder can get the comms fixed somehow we might stand a chance of not dying horribly.

Move to Security Checkpoint

2020-08-31, 10:08 PM

Sneak looks at the others moving quickly into the Security and decides to have a quick look around first. If everyone came into these airlocks there may be some map or something around. He shrugs as the others start chatting.
"I don't mind splitting up into groups as long as I get one of the tougher agents here to come with me. I'm not exactly equipped to take down hostiles. I wouldn't mind heading to a computer lab or security headquarters first if we can find the way to one."

Sneak will look around the airlock for anything useful. Maps, data ports, or any signs of life.

Alertness: [roll0]

Not sure if it is needed or not but figure just in case.

2020-09-01, 05:05 AM
"Now this is exactly what I signed up for, a true mission right into the heart of danger." Hound rushes forwards to the checkpoint. "We can't waste time here fiddling with these fancy communicators, we just gotta get in there and start breaking things."
move into the security checkpoint.

2020-09-01, 06:47 AM
Bolt blinks at Fairy, a bit nonplussed at their sudden faith in him.

I've got an idea.. Let's all talk for a bit, then agree to work together as a team while pursuing different plans and agendas that will ultimately cause us to drift into checking different rooms.

He shrugs. I figure might as well go with a plan people will actually follow. Besides, we've got limited time, and this is a big base - most of us going to need to split up. Still, happy to stick together if you want.

He strides off to the Security Station.

Move to Security Station

2020-09-01, 07:06 AM
Scrap shakes her head. "Nooooo no no no no. No splitting off and gallivanting about the place on our own, at least not without a damn good reason. Teams of 3, minimum, thats my suggestion. A, we need enough manpower to be able to deal with anything that comes along, and B, well..."

She sighs. "Best address the elephant in the room now, before it kills us all: if there's someone here working against us -and I'd rather be paranoid and not need it than optimistic and eat s**t for it- I'd rather not give them any opportunity to skulk off on their own and release the death-nanites or whatever."

2020-09-01, 08:18 AM
Go to Security Checkpoint. Preferably, we move more than one room at a time... or we may just be goners at this rate.

2020-09-01, 01:10 PM

"I don't mind splitting up into groups as long as I get one of the tougher agents here to come with me. I'm not exactly equipped to take down hostiles. I wouldn't mind heading to a computer lab or security headquarters first if we can find the way to one."

"This is a sensible man here. Searching for survivors on the station would be an excellent first priority, and if we must split into teams I would also much prefer to have a fighter in mine." Doc looks around, seeing that Chain had already moved into the security checkpoint he goes to follow. "I will look for signs of life in the room with the heavily armed fellow!"

Enter security checkpoint after chain.

Codename: Doc
Skills: Taser +1, Lying +2, Medicine +1, Sneaking +2, Stealing +2
Equipment: Taser, light body armor, non-functional communicator, The Idiot's Guide to Field Surgery, Set of Bugs to listen in on other rooms.
[B]Role: Infiltrator
Description: A short, slight man with a handlebar moustache and a thick Indian accent, Doc claims that he has a phd in medicine and only brought The Idiot's Guide to Field Surgery as a joke. You did catch him reading it a little too intently on the shuttle to Aleph station, but when he saw you looking, he winked at you as if it was all part of the jest.

2020-09-01, 02:28 PM
Looking at the rest, Sidewinder shakes his head. "We need to get to the main command center and shut the self destruct off first. Either that, or get a map to the station. That can help us with our search."

2020-09-02, 08:45 AM
Turn 2 Begin

Current Room: Security Checkpoint
Exits to:Main Airlock, Rec Lounge, Test Range, Armory (Locked)
The entire group moves into the Security Checkpoint together. It's not a large room, dominated by a desk covered by scattered papers and a computer terminal. Three other doors lead out of the room, to the Rec Lounge on the left and the Test Range on the right. The third door, on the other side of the desk, to the Armory, is locked by a keycard reader.
You don't have time to look around long. A pair of robotic turrets lower from the ceiling, aiming their guns at members of the group. You have only seconds until they open fire. Can you destroy them before then? Or maybe you could sprint through one of the unlocked doors? Or you could try something else?
Turret: 2 Health. Attacks a random target in the room at the start of the turn.

Turns until self-destruct: 19

2020-09-02, 09:34 AM
"CONTACT, TURRETS!" Yelled Sidewinder as he brought his pistol up and fired a shot. "Remind me to punch Command for their lack of intel and preparedness."

Sidestepping to the left, Sidewinder moves out of the door way to let others through first. "Check the terminal and the papers once the turrets are down. Maybe we can get some better weapons and intel before goiong further."

Raise and fire the pistol at the left turret.
Sidestep to the left corner by the door.

Once turrets are disabled, will move to check the papers and terminal.

2020-09-02, 03:37 PM
Fairy instinctively starts running toward one of the doors, but reconsiders, turns around and brings out her weapon. "All agents, open fire! We can disable the turrets before they start up! Running is not an option - we will likely have to visit this section multiple times."

Shoot at one of the turrets

2020-09-02, 04:33 PM
Well, this was perhaps a drawback to not having a gun on you. Aurora was not about to kick at or punch at a turret. That would just be silly. And dangerous, if other agents were firing at it too. Instead what she does is dive for cover behind the desk.

She had to stick around, though! If someone got hurt, she needed to be there to save their life!

2020-09-03, 09:52 AM
Moving to the test range to try and get a gun

2020-09-03, 04:42 PM

Caught up with everyone else as they move into the room Sneak is a little slow to react when the guns arm and everyone starts shooting. He glances around for a second before rushing to the side into one of the doors.

Sneak moves to Test Range.

2020-09-04, 04:00 AM
”If my travels have taught be anything,” Hound immediately begins running, “It’s when to RETREAT!”
Sprint into the rec room.

2020-09-04, 04:28 AM

Bolt notes the descending turrets, and immediately sprints for the Rec Room, hoping to slide on in there before the automated defenses process the assembled crowd and start firing.

2020-09-04, 03:19 PM
Turn 3 Begin

Current Room: Security Checkpoint
Exits To: Main Airlock, Rec Lounge, Test Range, Armory (locked)

After combined fire from Sidewinder and Fairy, the left turret sparks and shuts down, hanging limply from the ceiling. Four other agents split up and run out of the room, Battery and Sneak running for the Test Range and Hound and Bolt escaping into the Rec Lounge. Aurora ducks for cover as a few stray bullets from the surviving turret ricochet off the desk, but its main target are the three agents neither running nor fighting back, instead standing dumbfounded by their circumstances. It zeroes in on Scrap, but luckily for her, she recovers from her surprise in time to dodge out of the way.

Sidewinder successfully attacks left turret, dealing 1 damage.
Fairy successfully attacks left turret, dealing 1 damage. Left turret is destroyed.
Aurora takes cover and gains +2 defense against ranged attacks until she leaves cover.
Battery moves to Test Range
Sneak moves to Test Range
Hound moves to Rec Lounge
Bolt moves to Rec Lounge

Current Room: Test Range
Exits To: Security Checkpoint, Hangar, Armory (locked)

You sprint out of the room just as gunfire starts to sound behind you. You find yourselves in a shooting range. A row of vaguely human shaped targets stands on one end of the room, and there's a line where you're presumably supposed to stand. A janitorial cart stands off to one side, loaded with cleaning chemicals, especially bleach. Furthermore, there's a large switch located on the exterior wall, with 5 small red lights above it. It's labeled, "Vault Manual Control 3." Lastly, there are two other doors, one leading to the Armory to the left, sealed by a keycard lock, and one leading to the Hangar, directly across the room.

Current Room: Rec Lounge
Exits To: Security Checkpoint, Kitchen.

You run from the checkpoint as gunfire erupts behind you. You find yourselves in the station's recreation and exercise lounge. A number of heavy weights and a discarded jumprope are scattered across one section of the room, while in the other, a sofa faces a large screen, perfect for watching movies or playing video games. In addition, a door stands across the way, leading to the Kitchen.

Turns until self-destruct: 18

2020-09-04, 06:40 PM
Get that switch, I’ll try to get the armory opened, there could also be a keycard on that cart, probably can’t access much, but it might help
Try to open the keycard access panel and unlock the armory door

2020-09-05, 08:53 AM
"Blast it, take that turret down!" Leaning forward, Sidewinder moves to the corner by the Armory, separating himself from the team by the airlock. Raising his pistol at the remaining turret, Sidewinder fires at the last obstacle.

"Where's the hacker? We have a terminal here that can assist us in finding out where the self destruct is. We also need to check the papers and see if there's anything on them. We also need to have team leaders assigned."

#1 Move away from the airlock door
#2 Fire at the turret
#3 Once the turret has been disabled, check papers and status of the terminal.
#4 Establish teams.

2020-09-05, 04:12 PM
Chain will shoot down the second turret.

2020-09-05, 04:58 PM

"I don't know where they went! I'm just the medic!"

Aurora picks up a stapler off the desk and chucks it at the turret before ducking back behind her cover.

2020-09-05, 08:52 PM
Bolt slides into the room just before the guns behind him start firing. Picking himself up, he gives a courteous nod to Hound, and then starts exploring.

Head straight for the Kitchen. If I can pick up a jump rope without slowing down, then do so, but otherwise go straight to the Kitchen.

2020-09-06, 12:41 AM

"Ya no. I'm not going to start pulling random switches without knowing more about what they do. You can give that a whirl if you want if you want. I'll give it a shot if that doesn't work out with my hacking rig, for now I'm just going to give everything a closer look and make some mental notes."

More closely examining the room, namely the cleaning cart and switch. Also grabbing some bleach and any other highly volatile chemicals there may be.

2020-09-06, 02:29 AM
With our friends heroically dead, it’s up to us to do this. He begins moving to the kitchen, And we can’t do this on an empty stomach, you take the circus, I’ll take the bread.
Move to the kitchen

2020-09-06, 10:21 AM

"Dammit, did they just scatter!? Gah- nevermind, let's mop this up, Sidewinder."

Fire at right turret, and if the agents manage to destroy it, read the documents on the table.

2020-09-06, 10:13 PM
Turn 4 Begin

Current Room: Security Checkpoint
Exits To: Main Airlock, Rec Lounge, Test Range, Armory (Locked)

Together the agents release a larger barrage against the turret. The machine is disabled by the onslaught of minigun fire, pistol shots, and a flying stapler. In the meantime, Fairy slips over and grabs some documents off the desk.

Sidewinder successfully attacks turret, dealing 1 damage.
Chain successfully attacks turret, dealing 1 damage.
Aurora misses the turret.
Fairy grabs documents.
The documents detail part of the station's security system. The vault is sealed by a complex lock, which can be overridden by triggering 5 manual override switches spread across the complex.

Current Room: Test Range
Exits To: Security Checkpoint, Hangar, Armory (hacked)

With some quick modifications and commands, Battery hacks into the lock on the armory door, which slides open with a hiss. Meanwhile, Sneak grabs a few bottles of bleach from the cart and looks at the switch labeled "Vault Manual Override 3." There are 5 small red lights above it. Other than that, there is nothing special.

Battery successfully hacks the door control. The door between the test range and armory is unlocked.
Sneak obtains bleach. It can be used to clean, disinfect, or maybe poison, but it might be able to be combined with something else as well.

Current Room: Kitchen
Exits To: Rec Lounge, Mess Hall, Food Storage

You leave the rec lounge. On the way, Bolt snatches the jump rope, a length of plastic cable about a meter long. It miiiiight be strong enough to hold a person's weight. Then you enter the kitchen. A number of drawers under the counter are labeled with different utensils. A UV dishwasher and an electric stove take up a large portion of the room, along with a sink. There's a steel table in the center which could be used for food preparation. Doors lead to the Mess Hall dead ahead and the Food Storage to the right.

2020-09-06, 10:49 PM
Got the door open, tell the others.
Move into Armory

2020-09-07, 08:31 AM
Bolt looks around the kitchen. Might be something here, but I don't think it's worth the time to find out... I'm going onward. I figure a Mess Hall has to connect to something. Maybe lots of somethings?

He sighs.

I'll bet the others are doing what we're doing. Spreading out, checking as much as possible. That... He gestures at the Food Storage with the plastic jump rope he's coiling up in his hand. ...is probably a dead end, but it could lead to a cargo bay or service corridor or something. I'll tell you about the dead ends I find if you do the same.

He heads towards the Mess Hall.

Or you can head this way. We're going to run into something one person can't handle sooner or later, so I don't object to the company.

Move to the Mess Hall

2020-09-07, 01:56 PM
"So Fairy, anything interesting in there? What's it say?"

2020-09-07, 09:21 PM
Scrap peeks out from behind the desk where she'd ducked for cover from the turrets. "Well. This is a fine f*****g mess isn't it?" She scratches her chin, looking around at the room. "Alright. Alright. Looks like Battery's booked it, so I'll take a crack at cracking this terminal, try and stop that countdown or at least grab some useful intel. We should probably send someone into the test range and rec lounge, make sure the others haven't gotten themselves killed in there, try and organize some kind of team structure here. And yeah, Fairy, whadda those papers say? Anything useful?"

Access the computer terminal, looking for any of the following: a way to shut down the self-destruct, info about the station and its remaining security measures (and whether they can be disabled from here), info about the manual override switches.

2020-09-08, 07:09 AM
”Time waits for no man, and we have to cover as much ground as possible.” Hound starts looking through the utensils, “I’ll head to food storage. We can come back here when we’re out of rooms, and if the other isn’t there we’ll look for them. If there’s more than one door in the next room, we’ll do as the hero Theseus did and mark the door we took.”
Grab as many utensils as I can and move to food storage.

2020-09-08, 09:12 AM

Aurora says, "We don't have much time. And we don't know which way it will be to the prototype either... guess I'll see what's going on in the test range and make sure everyone is okay. If it's a dead end I will be back shortly."

Moving to test range.

2020-09-08, 01:45 PM
"Yeah, this is ridiculous", Sidewinder says as he goes around the desk. "Here, lets check the terminal out. We need to know how to disable the self destruct."

Casually, Sidewinder reaches into his pocket and grab an operational communication device. "Aurora, take this and keep in contact with us."

Give Aurora a functional communication device.
Check out the terminal and see if he can access it. He intends to get as much information out as possible.

2020-09-08, 02:02 PM

"I'm not gokng back into that room without a gun, knives are not meant for taking down giant turrets. Besides going off alone is asking for trouble. We can go through the armory through the other side to the security checkpoint. Preferably more equipped to take out turrets.

Enter Armory.

2020-09-08, 02:12 PM

"Sure," Aurora says nodding.
"Which of you has the other working one?"

2020-09-08, 02:47 PM

"Sure," Aurora says nodding.
"Which of you has the other working one?"

"I have the other one. We need the hacker back asap."

2020-09-08, 04:12 PM

"It says that the sealed vault can be opened by triggering manual override switches located in this station. There can't be too many rooms in a station like this. If Aurora is going to the Test Range, I'll check out the Rec Lounge. My communicator doesn't work, so I'll return here to inform you. If I don't, well... there's something very interesting, urgent or deadly."

Move to Rec Lounge (keeping documents)

2020-09-08, 07:53 PM

"Sounds like a plan. I'll stay here and get what I can from this console, maybe try and get that armory door open. Aw, look at us, being a functional team and everything! Maybe we're not gonna perish in a fiery explosion after all." She continues fiddling with the terminal. "Does it say where those switches are? Or at least how many we gotta find?"

2020-09-09, 11:09 AM
Turn 5

Current Room: Security Checkpoint
Exits To: Rec Lounge, Test Range, Armory (locked)

Scrap gets to the terminal first, and Sidewinder watches over her shoulder as she searches the computer for information.
The self-destruct system is airgapped from the rest of the station to avoid being hacked. Its console is somewhere near the station's reactor. The Vault can be reached through the Robotics Lab, and is sealed with a high-tech lock that requires 5 manual override switches scattered throughout the station to be activated.
Scrap successfully hacks into the terminal.
Sidewinder fails to hack the terminal, but can watch what Scrap does.

Current Room: Rec Lounge
Exits To: Security Checkpoint, Kitchen.

You find yourself in the station's recreation and exercise lounge. A number of heavy weights are scattered across one section of the room, while in the other, a sofa faces a large screen, perfect for watching movies or playing video games. In addition, a door stands across the way, leading to the Kitchen.

Current Room: Test Range
Exits To: Security Checkpoint, Hangar, Armory (hacked)

You enter the Test Range. A row of vaguely human shaped targets stands on one end of the room, and there's a line where you're presumably supposed to stand. A janitorial cart stands off to one side, but it appears to be picked clean of usable supplies. Furthermore, there's a large switch located on the exterior wall, with 5 small red lights above it. It's labeled, "Vault Manual Control 3." Lastly, there are two other doors, one leading to the Armory to the left, hanging open, the lock cut open and rewired, and one leading to the Hangar, directly across the room.

Current Room: Mess Hall
Exits To: Kitchen, Hydroponics Bay, Barracks

You leave the kitchen and head into the mess hall. The room is dominated by long tables and benches where the inhabitants of the station would have eaten. On one wall is a bulletin board with a few notes on it. There are doors across the room to the barracks and to the right leading to the hydroponics bay. As you enter, a turret descends from the ceiling and begins locking on to you. As before, you don't have long before it opens fire.

Current Room: Food Storage
Exits To: Kitchen, Hydroponics Bay

You enter the food storage. Shelves of freeze-dried blocks of food and bags of vegetables are along every wall. The corner of a piece of paper pokes out from behind one such shelf. There's a door to your left, leading to the hydroponics bay.

Current Room: Armory
Exits To: Security Checkpoint, Robotics Lab, Test Range.

You enter the armory through the hacked door. It is, as expected, stocked with weapons and armor. There are 3 suits of heavy body armor, 3 pistols, and 1 Armor Piercing rifle. In addition, a door to the left leads to the Security Checkpoint, and one to the right leads to the Robotics Lab. The doors are not locked from this side.

Turns until self-destruct: 16

2020-09-09, 11:50 AM
Codename: Battery
Skills: Baton +1, Perception +1, Hacking +2, Maintenance +2, Explosives +1, Stealth +1
Equipment: Baton, Heavy Body Armor, Non-functional Communicator, Handheld Laser Cutter, Toolbox, Mechanic
Role: Mechanic
Description (optional): A short man with dark brown hair, he constantly checks his equipment, making sure everything works smoothly. He talks very little, heavily focused on his work.

I think we should split up now, I’ll go to the hangar and you head to robotics, I think we should leave the rifle for someone trained.

Grab a Pistol and Heavy Body Armor, open the door to the Security Office

2020-09-09, 02:10 PM
"Sidewinder, can't see the others yet, but I think they might have moved on to the armory here. There's another entrance to that, and it looks like the lock here's been cut and disabled. There's also an exit to the hangar from here. Oh! And there's a manual override switch! Number three. Ask the other gal, do I just flip it now, or...?"

2020-09-09, 02:20 PM
Go to test range.

2020-09-09, 07:55 PM

Head for the Barracks as fast as possible. Would like to glance at the bulletin board, but only if it doesn't slow me down.

2020-09-10, 10:26 AM

"Thank you for the update, Aurora. Get with the other team first and have them open and secure all doors as soon as possible.

"The Bad News is that the self destruct is air gapped from the rest of the station. It is located at the reactor, so we need to find that first and stop the timer.

"The Good news is that there are only five overrides. Finding number 3 is good, just need to find the rest. I would hazard we might have to disable them one by one.

"I will head into the Rec area once we find out what can be done at the terminal."

Listening to Aurora, Sidewinder speak into the comms. "Thank you for the update, Aurora. Get with the other team first and have them open and secure all doors as soon as possible.

"The Bad News is that the self destruct is air gapped from the rest of the station. It is located at the reactor, so we need to find that first and stop the timer.

"The Good news is that there are only five overrides. Finding number 3 is good, just need to find the rest. I would hazard we might have to disable them one by one.

"I will head into the Rec area once we find out what can be done at the terminal."

Turning to Scrap, Sidewinder nods at the terminal. "Is there a map to the reactor? Is there any way to turn off the turrets? Can we get a map to the station? Where are the switches?"

2020-09-10, 03:26 PM

"Roger. I think they went into the armory, so I'll head there."

Aurora flips the override switch off (wait, no, to "on"? Let's make the override ON), then moves to the armory.

2020-09-11, 03:49 AM
Grab that paper, and then go to hydroponics if I can move in the same turn as I do that. If I can't, then I just grab the paper.

2020-09-11, 07:58 AM
Inspect documents to find out locations of switches, go to kitchen

2020-09-11, 01:07 PM

Sneak grings as he sees the armoe and guns. He quickly starts to put on the armor and nods along with Battery "Works for me. I'm just happy to have something to help against any turrets that pop out."

Take and equip 1 Heavy Body Armor and 1 Pistol

2020-09-11, 04:03 PM

Scrap shakes her head at Sidewinder's questions. "Nothing like that I could find, all I've got in terms of location is that the Vault is connected to the Robotics Lab, so tell Aurora's group to keep an eye out for that at least. But if there's a more detailed map, I can't access it, not easily anyway. I could take another crack at searching for one, but it'd probably be a waste of time, and we don't have a hell of a lot of that to waste. I'm gonna try and get this armory door open, but if that doesn't work, we need to move on. By my count we've only got about 20 minutes to find that reactor." She begins fiddling with the terminal again.

Use the terminal to try and open the locked armory door, or, failing that, figure out where it could be opened from. If there is time, try to find a map of the station and/or the locations of the override switches.

2020-09-12, 09:11 PM
Turn 6 Begin

Current Room: Security Checkpoint
Exits To: Rec Lounge, Test Range, Armory

Scrap decrypts a couple files and discovers the locations of the switches. They are in the Test Range, Barracks, Robotics Lab, Kitchen, and Engineering Bay. She starts to hack the door to the armory open, but it opens on its own as Battery activates it from the other side.

Scrap successfully hacks information out of the computer.

Current Room: Armory
Exits To: Security Checkpoint, Test Range, Robotics Lab
You both grab heavy body armor and pistols. Sneak takes the time to put it on, while Battery opens the door to the Security Checkpoint. As you're doing this, Aurora enters the room from the Test Range.

Sneak equips Heavy Body Armor and takes Pistol.
Battery takes Heavy Body Armor and Pistol, but will need to spend a turn putting the armor on.

Current Room: Armory
Exits To: Security Checkpoint, Test Range, Robotics Lab

You flip the switch, and the center light turns green. Then, you enter the armory to see two of your fellow agents, Battery and Sneak, grabbing weapons and armor from the racks in this room. They each are grabbing a pistol and a suit of heavy armor. There's one pistol, one suit of Heavy Body Armor, and one Armor Piercing rifle left in the room.

Current Room: Barracks
Exits To: Mess Hall, Hydroponics Bay, Storage, Auxiliary Airlock, Generator Room (locked)

You rush past the turret without enough time to read the bulletins. Before it can open fire, you've slipped past it. You're now in the barracks, which has a number of cots arranged in neet rows, lumpy uneven posters on the walls, and a lot of doors. There's a door to the left leading to the auxiliary airlock, two to the right to the hydroponics bay and the generator room, and one on the other side of the room to the storage.

Current Room: Food Storage
Exits To: Kitchen, Hydroponics Bay

It takes you longer than expected to get that paper out from behind piles of soup cans. But once you have it, you can read it easily. It's a short note. "REMINDER: The Override Switch is in the cupboard below the sink."

Current Room: Test Range
Exits To: Security Checkpoint, Hangar, Armory (hacked)

You enter the test range. A number of human-shaped targets are lined up against one wall. There's a janitorial cart in a corner, but it looks like it's been picked clean already. There's a switch on the wall, labeled "Vault Manual Control 3" There are 5 lights above it, 4 red, and the middle one green. The door across the room leads to the Hangar, and one to the left leads to the Armory. Normally, it would be sealed by a keycard locks but someone has tampered with it so that it hangs open instead.

Current Room: Kitchen
Exits To: Rec Lounge, Food Storage, Mess Hall

You enter the kitchen. There are a number of cabinets and cupboards here, each labeled with their contents, a sink and a metal table for preparing food. Doors lead right to the Food Storage and across to the Mess Hall.

Turns until self-destruct: 15

2020-09-12, 11:00 PM

"Hey! You two been in the hangar yet? We need to find five override switches and flip them on."

2020-09-13, 06:19 AM

Bolt walks through the barracks to the generator room door, and crouches next to it, frowning. He runs his hands carefully over the lock and frame, trying to work out the quickest way in.

If I can quickly unlock the door with my tools, do so, otherwise, just blow up the lock.

Please note Bolt also has skills with traps, so should be able to recognise a hastily rigged one if he sees it.

2020-09-13, 09:07 PM
Codename: Battery
Skills: Baton +1, Perception +1, Hacking +2, Maintenance +2, Explosives +1, Stealth +1
Equipment: Baton, Heavy Body Armor, Light Body Armor(e), Non-functional Communicator, Handheld Laser Cutter, Toolbox, Mechanic
Role: Mechanic
Description (optional): A short man with dark brown hair, he constantly checks his equipment, making sure everything works smoothly. He talks very little, heavily focused on his work.

Yeah, there’s a switch in the test range, I’m heading back there now to get to the hangar.

Go to Test Range and flip the switch.

2020-09-14, 12:38 AM
Aurora says, thumbing behind her, "I already flipped that switch. Got to make sure they're all green. What about the robotics lab? Have any of you been in there yet?"

2020-09-14, 03:37 AM
Hound uses the switch. Let the dice land where they may.

2020-09-14, 10:09 AM

"Haven't seen it anywhere. Maybe its attached to the Hanger? Do you know the rooms with the switches in them then? What are we looking for?

Move back to Test Range.

2020-09-14, 02:15 PM

Pointing at the label near the door, Aurora says, "Robotics lab is right there. If you go back to the test range you'll see what the switches look like."

After a pause she says, "I bet the prototype is closer to the lab. But might as well check the hangar for the override switches too..."

Aurora will grab the rifle and pistol and head to the robotics lab.

2020-09-14, 07:50 PM

"Aurora, Sidewinder. Scrap decrypted a couple files and discovered the locations of the switches. They are in the Test Range, Barracks, Robotics Lab, Kitchen, and Engineering Bay. The Vault can be accessed through the Robotics bay. I'm going to ask Scrap to come along with to engineering and get the Self Destruct deactivated. Keep your eyes out for any trouble. Can you keep the second team on task on the comms? We also need to know what else is on this station in case we need a quick exit."

Sidewinder nods at Scrap and Sneak. "I just told Aurora about our trouble as as the rooms that we need to visit. I want to hit the engineering and deactivate the self destruct. Are you two willing to come with me?" Sidewinder directs his drone towards the Rec door. "I want to milk this terminal dry before I give up on it. Maybe deactivate those blasted turrets or find out how to do so."

Find out what else can be done with the terminal, then head out for Rec Hall.

2020-09-14, 08:46 PM

After receiving some information on her communicator, she says, "Alright! Just heard that the other four switches are in the Barracks, Robotics Lab, Kitchen, and Engineering Bay. The self-destruct is over in engineering. I'm going to head over to the robotics lab now. Would appreciate if you stick by me."

2020-09-14, 10:01 PM
”Kitchen is probably connected to the rec lounge, barracks are probably near there too, engineering’s probably near to robotics and the hangar. Who are you talking to on the communicator, and where are they, and is there any other intel you can provide?”

2020-09-15, 08:33 AM

"I'm talking to Sidewinder. I think they're all still in the security checkpoint?" she says with uncertainty.

2020-09-15, 08:57 AM

"My mistake. I'll head back and check out the lab then with ya. Even if there isn't a switch it may be useful to check the hanger for another way out just in case."

2020-09-15, 04:40 PM
Go to Mess Hall

2020-09-16, 06:39 AM
Go to the hangar

2020-09-17, 12:14 PM
Turn 7 Begin

Current Room: Security Checkpoint
Exits To: Armory, Rec Lounge, Airlock, Test Range

Everyone exits the room in one direction or another, and you are left alone.

It you wait too long, something bad might happen...

Current Room: Barracks
Exits to: Auxiliary Airlock, Mess Hall, Storage, Hydroponics Bay, Generator Room (forced)

With dextrous hands, you crack open the locking mechanism and remove the components holding the door in place. It slides open easily.

The door to the generator room is now open.

Current Room: Test Range
Exits To:Armory, Security Checkpoint, Hangar

You return to the test range to find the switch has already been flipped, and the middle light above it is green.

You may choose whether or not to flip it back for free this turn.

Current Room: Food Storage
Exits To: Hydroponics Bay, Kitchen

There is no sink to have a cupboard under it in this room. But there was one in the kitchen.

You may move to the kitchen for free this turn as a result of this action.

Current Room: Robotics Lab
Exits to: Armory, Hangar, Generator Room (Locked) Vault (Sealed)

Aurora grabs some weapons and the two of you enter the robotics lab. Tables here are lined with disassembled machines and spare parts. A rover rests on one of the tables in the corner, it's control module next to it. There are 3 other exits in the room. To the right, a door leads to the Hangar. Across the way, the generator room is locked by a keycard lock. And to the left, there is a heavy blast door. There are 5 lights above it, the middle one of which is green, and the others are red. A switch is next to it, labeled "Vault Manual Override 1."

Aurora grabs a rifle and a pistol.

Current Room: Rec Lounge
Exits To: Kitchen, Security Checkpoint

You head alone into the rec lounge. Here are exercise machines and dumbbells, as well as a couch and television. A door across the way leads to the kitchen.

Current Room: Mess Hall
Exits To: Kitchen, Barracks, Hydroponics Bay

You head into the mess hall. Long tables and benches dominate this larger room. A bulletin board hangs on the outer wall. More notably, a turret hangs from the ceiling. It's pointed at the far door, but begins to spin around towards you as you enter. Doors lead across the way to the Barracks and right to the Hydroponics Bay

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay, Test Range

You enter the hangar. Here, a trio of spacesuits hang on the wall, and a single-seater scout ship is parked in the middle of the room. As you enter, a turret descends from the high ceiling and begins to take aim at you. There are doors left to the Robotics Lab and across to the Engineering Bay

Turns until self-destruct: 14

2020-09-17, 03:54 PM

"Alright, I'm in the robotics lab with our hacker. Switch 1 is here. Going to flip that. Hm. Vault's here too but can't get into that. Can also get to the hangar or a generator room from here too. You think that's where engineering is?"

2020-09-18, 08:32 AM
Chain spins up his minigun and starts to shoot down the turret.

2020-09-18, 10:11 AM

"Roger that. I am in the Rec area, heading to the kitchen. Grabbing a dumb bell from the rec area in case I run across another turret. That would be my guess. Though the generator room might also be the location of the reactor. Just be careful as that would have a turret or three in my assessment.

"By the way, did command tell us to the personnel from this station? It seems "suspicious" that we haven't seen anyone just yet and they hadn't come in first."

#1 Keep pistol drawn and held at the low ready
#2 If possible, grab two of the lightest dumb bells
#3 Move to Kitchen.

2020-09-18, 03:17 PM
Grab bleach from cart and head into Hangar

2020-09-19, 12:11 AM
Move to the kitchen and flip that switch.

2020-09-19, 01:18 AM

Enter the generator room, ready to disable any turrets that might pop up.

2020-09-19, 01:08 PM

"No idea what you're talking about. Nobody knew why there was a sudden blackout here."

Aurora gestures at the key card slot and asks, "You think you can hack into that and open the door?"

Small action: I'll flip switch 1 now.

Since I'm just going to be waiting around I guess, I will also try experimenting with the rover controls.

2020-09-21, 04:56 PM
Take cover under the tables (and if it's allowed to do this in the same turn, shoot the turret)

2020-09-21, 11:02 PM

"Sure I'll give it a shot

Attempt to hack the locked door to the Generator Room. Use the hacking rig as well.

2020-09-22, 10:11 PM
Turn 8 Begin

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Test Range, Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay

You open fire on the turret, your bullets shredding holes into its plating. It isn't completely destroyed, and returns fire at you, managing to blast some chunks out of your armor. As this is going on, Battery enters the room from the test range.

Your heavy body armor is damaged, and can only take one more hit before breaking. It might be possible to repair it with the right tools and materials.

Current Room: Kitchen
Exits To: Rec Lounge, Food Store, Mess Hall

You grab one of the dumbbells, but then your hands are full, so you rush to the kitchen. This room has a number of drawers full of different utensils and surfaces for food preparation. Hound is here, crouching on hands and knees to do something in the cupboard under the sink. Exits are to the mess across the way and the food storage to the right.

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Engineering Bay, Robotics Lab, Test Range

You search the janitorial cart, but it seems someone else has picked it clean of anything useful already, so you head to the Hangar. Immediately, you see Chain in the room engaged in a shootout with a turret. Both of them have taken some damage, but are continuing to shoot. Other than that, there's a single seater exploration shuttle and three spacesuits here, and exits left to the Robotics Lab and across to the Engineering Bay.

Current Room: Kitchen
Exits To: Mess Hall, Food Storage, Rec Lounge

You find the switch, labeled Vault Manual Override 4, under the sink where the note said. It has five lights above it, most of which are red, but the third is green. You flip the switch and the fourth light turns green. Someone else must have also flipped a switch, because as you watch, so does the first one. As you're doing this, someone enters the room from the Rec Lounge, but you can't see who from this angle.

Current Room: Robotics Lab
Exits To: Armory, Vault (Sealed) Generator Room, Hangar

Aurora flips the switch, and the first light turns green. There's a loud clunk from the vault door as one of its locks unseals. A few seconds later, the fourth light also changes, and another lock unseals. Looks like someone else found one of the switches. In the meantime, Sneak connects his hacking rig to the door and quickly hacks it open, and Aurora plays around with the rover.

The rover can be controlled, although this takes time. It has enough range to be controlled from anywhere in the facility, and can carry and use a single object which can be held in one hand.

Current Room:Mess Hall
Exits To: Kitchen, Hydroponics Bay, Barracks

You duck under the table and fire off a few shots at the turret. The bullets embed into it and do some damage. It shoots back, but the metal table deflects its bullets away from you with a loud clamour.

Current Room: Generator Room
Exits To: Barracks, Engineering Bay, Robotics Lab

You enter the generator room. A large nuclear reactor takes up the majority of the chamber, clearly the source of power for the entire station. A computer console is attached to it. The monitor reads a self-destruct countdown. Exits lead across to the Robotics Lab and left to the Engineering Bay.

Turns until self-destruct: 13

2020-09-23, 09:50 AM

Stepping into the kitchen, Sidewinder tilts his head at Hound being in the sink. "Hound, what are you doing in there?"

Shaking his head, Sidewinder moves past him and heads to door across from the Rec Room.

#1: Move across the room to the mess door, exiting the kitchen.

2020-09-23, 10:23 AM
Find cover and shoot at the turret

2020-09-23, 02:06 PM
"Alright, first, third, and fourth locks are deactivated. Sneak here just hacked his way into the generator room too. There's some kind of controllable rover in here too, looks like it could be useful, but probably not for our mission." After a pause she asks, "So what are you doing, and have you seen anyone else?"

Heading into the generator room!

2020-09-23, 05:00 PM

"Roger that. Hound must have activated the switch as I don't see any obvious switches. I am moving to the Mess Hall and see if anyone else is there."

2020-09-24, 03:28 AM

He sits down at the computer, and brings up some simple operational information. Hacking is not his forte, but if he can understand how the power distribution works he might be able to makes some changes using... he glances down at his explosives bandolier... some more direct methods.

Don't know how much of this I can do in one action, so, in order of priority: Can he work out where the AI Core or the turrets are from the power schematics on the computer? Can he work out where the power to the turrets comes from, and either switch it off or disable that power line physically? Can he stop or slow down the countdown, or failing that, physically slow down or disable the self-destruct mechanism? (Presumably it works on the basis of the familiar reactor overload - could the overload be slowed or stopped?) What would likely happen if I just shut down or disabled the reactor entirely? Is there anything useful I can find in this room?

2020-09-25, 11:45 PM
"Only saving everyone's life with this override switch. Though it looks like there's a few more of them. These blasted ships always make things so complex. Anyhow, I'm going back to finish my search through food storage and hydroponics. Tell Bolt to look out for more switches when you meet him."

Move to food storage.

2020-09-26, 09:31 AM
Nodding at Hound, Sidewinder looks to the Food Storage. "Aurora saw your light go active. The remaining switches are in Barracks and Engineering Bay. I'll head to the Mess Hall and see if what is connected there."

Moving to Mess Hall.

2020-09-26, 02:28 PM

Move into Hanger room pistol drawn.

2020-09-29, 12:34 AM
Turn 9 begin!

Current Room: Mess Hall
Exits To: Kitchen, Hydroponics Bay, Barracks.

You enter the mess hall to hear the sounds of gunfire. Fairy is cowering beneath one of the metal tables as a damaged turret rains bullets down on her. In addition, a bulletin board hangs on the left wall, with a number of small notes on it. Exits are across to the barracks or right to the hydroponics bay.

Current Room: Generator Room
Exits To: Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay, Barracks

You enter the Generator Room. It's dominated by a large nuclear reactor and a console displaying a self-destruct countdown. Bolt is seated in front of the console, searching through various windows. Exits lead right to the engineering bay and across to the barracks.

Current Room: Food Storage
Exits To: Kitchen, Hydroponics Bay

You return to the food storage to find it unchanged. Nothing has visibly happened here since you left.

Current Room: Generator Room
Exits To: Barracks, Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay

You pull up reactor controls and system readouts. It looks like there are several paths you could take. The self destruct is indeed a triggered reactor meltdown. It's hard-wired to the reactor, but could be defused. It would be very difficult, and there would be a slight risk of triggering the meltdown immediately. Alternately, it would be relatively easy to power the reactor down, but then anything that doesn't have a backup power source would be inoperable. At a moderate level of difficulty, you could attempt to cut power to a specific area of the ship, targeting a single room.
While you're investigating the reactor, Aurora enters the room from the Robotics Lab.

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Test Range, Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay

There's no cover around. The hangar is too large and open. But you bravely fire on the turret, only to score a glancing hit, your bullets pinging off the shell of the machine rather than doing much damage. This gets its attention, and it returns fire at you much more effectively.
If you are wearing light body armor, it is destroyed. If you are wearing heavy body armor, it is damaged. Otherwise, you die.
While you're fighting for your life, Sneak enters the room from behind you.

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Robotics Lab, Test Range, Engineering Bay

You enter the hangar to see Battery and Chain engaged in a firefight against a turret. All three have apparently taken some hits, judging by the damage to their armor. In addition, there is a single-seater scout ship here, and three space suits. Exits lead left to the Robotics Lab and across to the Engineering Bay.

Turns until self-destruct: 12

2020-09-29, 12:43 AM

"Just found the self-destruct here in the gen room. Let's see. It's adjacent to robotics lab, barracks, and engineering bay. Bolt's here too..."

Aurora was speaking into her coms very soon after entering. Then she addresses Bolt directly. "Trying to figure out how to disable that?" she asks. "I think our hacker could stop that no problem. Sneak, why don't you take a look at that?" She turns around to find no one behind her. "Sneak? Damn it!" she curses under her breath.

2020-09-29, 09:43 AM

"Roger that. I am next to the barracks. I also found Fairy and another turret."

Lifting the pistol up, Sidewinder fires at the turret. "Fairy, get up and return fire, girl. We have fifteen minutes to deactivate that self destruct. Aurora is in the generator room with Bolt."

Moving to the table closest to the Barracks, Sidewinder looks around to see if there was anyone else in the room.

2020-09-29, 03:13 PM
Shoot the turret

"Oh, I'm returning fire plenty, no need to worry. Generator room? Where is that?"

2020-09-30, 06:56 AM

Search the room. Use mechanical knowledge to make sure nothing is hidden using the reactor as cover or camougflage.

Bolt gives a distracted wave to Aurora, his attention still focused on the screen.

Lots of havok we could cause from here. Bolt says cheerily. We could try and stop the countdown, but there's a high chance the reactor would just blow. Or shut down the reactor entirely, but then how do we get the data we need? Could also shut down the power in a particular room, which might help with the turrets, but again, might stop us getting what we're after.

He sighs.

Not sure it's that useful until we get desperate. I'm going to have a look around. We have any idea what the thing we're looking for looks like yet?

He gets up out of the chair, and starts snooping around the reactor with an air of easy familiarity

Oh, and if you leave via the mess hall, watch out. Active turret.

2020-09-30, 12:40 PM
To the hydroponics bay

2020-09-30, 02:17 PM

Sneak surveys the scene and makes a snap decision. He rushes in calling out to the other two "I'll help, we can take this down quick!"

Sneak will rush forward with knife and pistol after a slight delay to let them shoot at the turret. He will then attempt to stab Battery in the neck with the knife.

2020-10-01, 06:01 PM
Head back to the test range and start to change to heavy body armor

2020-10-01, 06:08 PM

"I think we should get our hacker to look at that, hold on..." She takes out a recording device and holds it closer to the console.

"I don't know if this helps, but hopefully if I can run into him again, he'll think it's worth looking at. I do know if we can't disable this thing, it's bad news."

In her comms, Aurora says, "I hear there's still an active turret in the Mess Hall. Oh, and if you happen to run into Sneak, get him to the generator room on the double! I think he's the only one that can stop this self-destruct!"

I think as a minor action, I'm recording stuff a bit.

As big action, I'll go to the engineering bay.

"Actually, wait a minute. We might not have to worry about this self destruct. I'll be going to the engineering bay. And if you are close to the Barracks.. That'll be all five switches! The vault should be open after that. Once you flip the switch in the Barracks you just have to go through the generator room to get to the robotics lab. The Vault door should be open after that I think.. then we can grab the prototype and get the hell out of here before the place blows."

2020-10-02, 07:52 AM

"Aurora, get the self destruct deactivated first and then the comm jammer. I don't want any more surprises until we have this station under our control and we have secured our exit."

"The Generator is past the barracks. Apparently there's a switch there and in Engineering."

2020-10-04, 06:00 AM

So, we're looking for switches then? Five of them? And we've found a vault?

2020-10-04, 07:57 AM

"Yup! Should be one in that engineering bay, which I'm going to now, and I believe one in the barracks. Vault is just over in the robotics lab."

2020-10-05, 09:43 PM
Turn 10 Begin

Current Room: Mess Hall
Exits To: Barracks, Kitchen, Hydroponics Bay

You both fire on the turret. Sidewinder's shots go wide, but Aurora's are true, and moments later, the device is destroyed. You're now free to explore this room at your leisure. Notably, there's a bulletin board with a few small notes on one side of the room.

Current Room: Generator Room
Exits To: Barracks, Engineering Bay, Robotics Lab

You hunt through the room for anything unusual. Unfortunately you don't turn up anything of special interest, although you do find a place behind the reactor where someone could hide and be very difficult to spot casually.

Current Room: Hydroponics Bay
Exits To:Barracks, Mess Hall, Food Storage

This is the station's hydroponics bay. Row after row of edible plants sit growing in plastic pipes. A dispenser full of soluble fertilizer and some large bags to put it in is bolted to the right wall. Across the way, a door leads to the barracks, and to the left, another leads to the mess hall.

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay, Test Range

Battery begins to jog past you towards the test range. Chain seems distracted by the turret. Seeing your chance you lunge at him with your knife, blade striking towards his neck. He sees your movement out of the corner of his eye, jumps in surprise, and barely manages to avoid being stabbed. Suffice it to say, your cover is now blown. But Chain doesn't seem to have noticed yet.

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay, Test Range

You start to retreat towards the test range, shedding pieces of your wrecked armor as you go, when suddenly you spot motion out of the corner of your eye. Sneak is lunging at you, knife drawn. You jump out of the way just in time to avoid getting stabbed in the throat. Chain seems distracted fighting the turret, he hasn't noticed your altercation yet. This attack is distracting enough that you don't manage to escape the room, and are only halfway into your heavy armor.

Current Room: Engineering Bay
Exits To: Storeroom, Hangar, Generator Room

You enter the engineering bay. This room was dedicated to the maintenance of the station's equipment and facilities. One workbench is notable in that it is covered by a pile of miscellaneous parts and broken devices, easily a foot tall. The pile leans against the wall but still looks quite unstable. The other two workbenches have a partly disassembled rifle, a gas mask, and a set of mechanic's tools used for working on small objects. There's no obvious sign of the switch that's supposedly in here. A door to the left leads to a storage room, and a door to the right leads to the hangar.

Turns until self-destruct: 11

2020-10-05, 10:09 PM
Finish putting on armor and attack Sneak with Baton, trying to keep Sneak between him and the turret

2020-10-06, 07:10 AM

Sneaks groans as the attack misses and the agent turns to attack. "I don't have time for this."

Pull out Death Ray and shoot Battery.

2020-10-06, 10:48 AM

Sighing at his less than stellar shots, Sidewinder shakes his head. "Next time command sends us to a location, I want a map and codes o disable the turret. This is ridiculous." Glancing at Fairy, Sidewinder nods at the lady. "Are you ok? How are you doing on ammo?"

While Fairy responds, Sidewinder goes to the bulletin board and scan it for any information. "There is a switch in the Barracks. I don't where it is, though. We need to get the self destruct and the jammer deactivated. I don't want to trigger another problem when we get the core."

"Aurora, this is Sidewinder. Mess Hall turret has been disabled. Checking out the bulletin board for information before heading to the Barracks. What is the status on disabling the self destruct?"

#1 Move to the bulletin board and see if there is any information on it. If there is, let Fairy know.
#2 Head to the Barracks.

2020-10-06, 12:02 PM

"Can't do it, Sidewinder. It's too damn dangerous and could just set the thing off immediately. I'm a medic, not a hacker. And right now, I don't know where our hacker wandered off to, and I don't have the time to find him. I just.. *ugh* gotta find this switch here.. and... *huff* damnit, where is it?"

Sounds like she's exerting herself a bit doing something, and there's stuff scraping, shuffling around in the background.

"Anyway, I'm not even sure if our hacker can do this safely. Disabling the self-destruct could still be risky. What's not so risky? Just flipping these last two switches, grabbing the prototype, and getting the hell out of here."

Spending time searching for the switch here. Take a close look behind doors, up higher, maybe below table surfaces. But I believe it may be obscured behind the piles of junk, so that is probably what Aurora is spending most of her time doing. Moving stuff out of the way so she can definitively know if there's a switch on the wall or not.

The "minor" action, if allowed, would be flipping the switch.

2020-10-06, 04:53 PM

Can I rig up a trap? Conceal the bomb behind the reactor, hidden in the hiding place I just found, designed to blow a shockwave through the room, focused on the terminal. With my expertise in both bombs and mechanics, I want to rig up a blastwave, something that will send people and loose objects flying, but shouldn't damage any of the equipment beyond a few scratches. It would be triggered by a remote detonator, which I then carry. The comms signals work throughout the base so the remote detonator should too.

If I can't manage a remote detonator, then rig a concealed switch near the door.

Do all that if I can. If time remaining, go to Barracks and look for switches.

2020-10-06, 08:39 PM

Sighing, Sidewinder looks at Fairy before talking in the comms. "Aurora, please humor me. Knowing our luck, it'll be some big, bad, and nasty critter running loose. I'd rather have a reasonable control as well as being able to communicate with others. If I'm right, it can save us some time and resources. If I am wrong, then we can snag a decent bonus for saving the agency their station. Please?"

2020-10-07, 03:32 AM
Fairy slowly emerges from behind the table, still holding the pistol and scanning the remnants of the turret for any signs of movement. "I'm fine. Evidently it's you we should be worried about, haha. I'm going to head for the Barracks then. Or maybe we should split up? I haven't seen anything that poses a real threat so far, and we only have so much time until the self-destruct."
Check out bulletin then go to Barracks.

2020-10-07, 04:01 AM
Gather some fertilizer and move to the barracks if that can be done in one turn. If not, just get some fertilizer.

2020-10-07, 07:55 AM

Smiling at Fairy's comment, Sidewinder shrugged. "Yeah, my shooting isn't stellar. My plan is to check out the bulletin board as well, then move to the Barracks. I want to get that blasted self destruct and jammer deactivated before we enter the vault. I don't want anymore surprises and I'd rather be paranoid than dead."

2020-10-08, 10:54 PM
Turn 11 Begin

Current Room: N/A

You quickly strap the rest of the armor on, and lash out with your baton. You score a hit, and Sneak's armor cracks beneath your blow. But he pulls out something strange, a complex device... A gun? It looks like no gun you've ever seen. Before you can dodge out of the way, a beam of white-hot plasma sprays out of it. It sears through your armor as if it wasn't there, and in a flash of sudden pain, you collapse, dead.

Sneak killed you using his Death Ray. Game Over.

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay, Test Range

Battery frantically straps on pieces of a suit of heavy armor. His baton comes down on you, cracking your armor and rendering it useless. But you pull out the death ray and fire. A beam of white-hot plasma sprays forth from it and punches a neat hole through Battery's chest. He slumps over, slain, and the death ray sparks and smokes in your hand. It won't be usable again.

Current Room: Mess Hall
Exits To: Barracks, Kitchen, Hydroponics Bay

You read off the bulletin. Most of the entries seem pretty mundane. But one stands out.
"Whoever keeps plastering their posters over the environmental and vault controls in the barracks, stop. It's a safety hazard."

Current Room: Barracks
Exits To: Auxiliary Airlock, Hydroponics Bay, Storeroom, Kitchen, Generator Room

Sidewinder reads off something from the bulletin. "Whoever keeps plastering their posters over the environmental and vault controls in the barracks, stop. It's a safety hazard." But then you head into the barracks. This room is stocked with cots for the crew. Lumpy posters adorn one of the walls. There are a lot of doors. To the left, an auxiliary airlock. Across, a storeroom. To the far right, the generator room, hanging open, and to the near right, the hydroponics bay. Hound is coming out of hydroponics as you watch.

Current Room: Engineering Bay
Exits To: Storeroom, Generator Room, Hangar.

You search through the pile of junk. You find a vault switch behind it, number 2, and flip it. But you also find a keycard. That would allow you to open the locked doors throughout the station.

Current Room: Generator Room
Exits To: Barracks, Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay

You rig up a bomb in the hidden space behind the generator and a makeshift remote detonator you're pretty sure will work. Now all you need to do is wait for the right time to set it off.

Current Room: Barracks
Exits To: Auxiliary Airlock, Mess Hall, Hydroponics Bay, Storeroom, Generator Room

You grab a bag of fertilizer and head to the barracks. There are several rows of cots and a number of lumpy posters pasted against the far wall. There are also a lot of doors. The one to your left leads to the mess hall, to your right one heads to a storeroom. Across the way is an auxiliary airlock, and on the same wall as you, but to the right, is an entrance to the generator room. Fairy is in the room, having just entered from the mess hall.
Turns until self-destruct: 10

2020-10-09, 03:28 PM
Note: BC forgotten to have me move from the Mess Hall to Barracks. It is in the OOC.

Oops, I missed that.
It should be fine for you to read my response to Fairy in that case.

Just checking and stating for the record.

2020-10-09, 03:59 PM

Sneak will pull out the pistol and fire on the turret. If the turret is destroyed he will then go to examine the craft in the hanger, if it isn't he will seek cover.

2020-10-09, 05:19 PM

"Alright, I'll 'humor' you. I've flipped this switch here, and I think there's only a switch in the Barracks left. Although, if you didn't see anything in the kitchen at all, you might have missed it. Probably hidden behind stuff. I have to find Sneak, though. He's our only shot at disabling this self destruct."

Will grab the keycard and then go to the Hangar. Unless I happen to be passing someone on the way. If it's Sneak, I'll stay put, effectively following him. If it's someone else, I'll give the message, "Get Sneak into the generator room."

2020-10-09, 10:43 PM

"Thank you, Aurora. Hound was in the kitchen, messing with something in the cupboards. That leaves the barracks. Lets find that switch but hold off until we get this station under our control or we have some ready to pull that core without screwing us over. I want to be so wrong about being paranoid."

"The last switch should be behind the posters. However, I want this station under our control before we flip the switch. Once we find it, Fairy and Hound, I need you two stay here while I go check on the generator. If you don't hear back from myself or Aurora in four minutes and the self destruct is still active, hit the switch and get the hell back to the shuttle. I do not want anyone to be left behind on a doomed space station."

Go to the posters and start looking for the switch and environmental controls. Sidewinder won't flip the switch.
Once the switch is found, Sidewinder will move to the generator room.

2020-10-09, 11:57 PM

"I think you've been watching too many movies. We're recovering an A.I. Not some sort of.. franken-monster."

2020-10-10, 04:15 AM

Bolt glances around, and, seeing that Aurora has left for the barracks, goes the other way.

Go to the Robotics lab.
Explore the robotics lab.

2020-10-10, 03:55 PM
"That seems like a poor plan. We'll be sitting here doing nothing, and barely have enough time to actually leave. Frankly, I don't think we can stop the self-destruct at all, better to move quickly, grab whatever's in the vault as fast as possible, and get out."

Search for the switch

2020-10-11, 07:29 AM

Shrugging at Hound's assessment, Sidewinder reaches for a poster. "It's not the best plan. The best plan would have been HQ giving us the command codes and layout of the base. The best plan would have us go through a different entry point that was more secure." Turning to look at the agent, Sidewinder continues. "And I haven't heard much from you on your plan beyond smash and grab. If I am wrong, we lose a minute or two to secure a station that can easily net us a good bonus. If I am right, we might have saved ourselves a world of hurt. Knowing what you know now, what do you think?"

2020-10-11, 05:33 PM
”You haven’t told me any new info, and if you’re wrong then the two of us die. If we wait four minutes before flipping the switch then by the time we make it to the shuttle we’ll almost be out of time. If we meet any resistance on our way we die.” Hound points to the generator room,”If you want to go you have to do it now, I’ll wait a minute and no more.”

OOC: I’m assuming by minute you mean round. Point being, after this turn to find the switch, then waiting four rounds, then flipping the switch, we’ll have only four turns left, not enough to actually reach the airlock, which is 5 turns away from here and probably we’ll need another turn to actually board the shuttle from the air lock.

The plan only works if you leave this turn, and even then you have to get back immediately after. Then we can flip the switch on turn 8, which gives us a much better 7 turns to get out, though we’ll still be cutting it close. So don’t investigate the posters, leave that to us, and move to the generator this turn.
The switches open a vault, which doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the self-destruction, which probably can’t be shut off. All this is to say, that unless you come back on turn 8 with a real good reason we shouldn’t flip the switch, I’m going to try and flip it on turn 8 regardless.

2020-10-11, 07:14 PM
”You haven’t told me any new info, and if you’re wrong then the two of us die. If we wait four minutes before flipping the switch then by the time we make it to the shuttle we’ll almost be out of time. If we meet any resistance on our way we die.” Hound points to the generator room,”If you want to go you have to do it now, I’ll wait a minute and no more.”

OOC: I’m assuming by minute you mean round. Point being, after this turn to find the switch, then waiting four rounds, then flipping the switch, we’ll have only four turns left, not enough to actually reach the airlock, which is 5 turns away from here and probably we’ll need another turn to actually board the shuttle from the air lock.

The plan only works if you leave this turn, and even then you have to get back immediately after. Then we can flip the switch on turn 8, which gives us a much better 7 turns to get out, though we’ll still be cutting it close. So don’t investigate the posters, leave that to us, and move to the generator this turn.
The switches open a vault, which doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the self-destruction, which probably can’t be shut off. All this is to say, that unless you come back on turn 8 with a real good reason we shouldn’t flip the switch, I’m going to try and flip it on turn 8 regardless.


Narrowing his eyes, it suddenly dawns on Sidewinder what the miscommunication is.
"Hound, we have fifteen minutes left before the self destruct goes off."

In regards to time and rounds:

The first post had it as thirty minutes (half hour) and twenty rounds. The meta would be 1.5 minutes per round. The plan is to spend four minutes/three rounds in the Barracks. That would leave 11 minutes and 7 rounds to get back to the airlock and on the ship.

2020-10-11, 07:48 PM
“You still have to leave now though. So don’t bother with the poster”

OOC: I only can’t tell if you’re moving this round or not, since you mentioned before looking at the posters. You should do that. Otherwise, that plan works, from now on we should probably just write rounds next to minutes. There isn’t an even conversion for most times, 4 minutes ends up as less then three rounds with that rate.

2020-10-12, 12:33 PM

Nodding, Sidewinder moves for the door to the Generator Room.
"Wait two (rounds). If the self destruct is still active, flip the switch and get back back to the shuttle. I will see about deactivating it."

Sidewinder is moving to the Generator Room.

2020-10-14, 10:01 AM
Turn 12 Begin

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay, Test Range

You shoot at the turret but miss wildly, and then dive for cover under the shuttle as it returns fire, narrowly avoiding a rain of bullets. The door to the Engineering Bay opens and Aurora emerges, but she doesn't seem to have noticed you yet. However, there's no way she hasn't noticed Battery's corpse.

Current Room: Hangar
Exits To: Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay, Test Range.

You enter the hangar. Here a single-seater exploratory shuttle stands in the center of the room, and a trio of spacesuits hang on the wall. An active but damaged turret swivels to face you. But more notably, Battery's corpse is lying on the ground. A neat, circular hole has been seared through his torso, and it's still smoking slightly. The turrets use bullets. You conclude that whatever did this was something else, and very recent. It might even still be in the room.

Current Room: Generator
Exits To: Robotics Lab, Engineering Bay, Barracks

You enter the generator room, a smallish chamber dominated by the station's nuclear reactor. A computer console displays the self-destruct timer in large text, while another allows access to the reactor controls. The exits lead across to the hangar and left to the engineering bay

Current Room: Barracks
Exits To: Auxiliary Airlock, Generator Room, Hydroponics Bay, Mess Hall, Storeroom

Sidewinder exits the room heading to the generator while you peel posters off the wall looking for the switch. You find it under one, in the off position, with four of the five lights above it green and the other red. You also find environmental controls. You could change the temperature or humidity in the station, and if you overrode some failsafes, you could even create a dangerous environment such as extreme heat, cold, or vacuum.

Current Room: Robotics Lab
Exits To: Armory, Hangar, Generator Room, Vault (sealed)

You leave your makeshift trap behind and enter the robotics lab. The most notable feature of this room is the large vault door which spans the right wall. There are five lights above it, four green and one red, and a switch next to it in the on position. A remote operated rover is also resting here, its controller nearby. The exits lead left to the hangar and across to the armory.

Turns until self-destruct: 9

2020-10-14, 04:13 PM

Bolt examines the rover carefully. Good for several hours of operations, he really only needed it for less than 15 minutes, which means....
He moves the rover to against the wall, as close as he can to the vault door. Then he carefully loosens a side panel and starts removing the large battery packs, one by one, and stacking them out of sight, between the rover and the wall, leaving enough to power the rover for about 15 minutes. Then he welds the packs together and starts adding wires, dials, and switches to the outside. If there is paint, he carefully letters 'experimental' to the side. He doesn't know exactly what an experimental AI looks like, and he's betting his colleagues don't either. His fake won't stand up to close inspection, but he's fairly confident that soon there will no time left for close inspections...

If anyone comes in, hide, behind the rover unless I can see a better place.

2020-10-15, 07:38 AM

Breathing a sigh of relief, Sidewinder moves to the console and examines. "Come on, luck, don't fail me now." After examining it, Sidewinder checks out the reactor, giving orders to his drone. "Hatchling, scan the area. Maybe there's a code book."

#1 Check the console
#2 Direct Hatchling, the drone, to scan the room. If able, Sidewinder will also look to see if there is anything else in the room.

2020-10-15, 10:44 AM

"****! Sidewinder, we got a problem. Battery is dead. And it doesn't look like this turret killed him..."

Lets run to the test range again just to make sure everything is fine there.

2020-10-15, 07:06 PM

Sneak will remain hidden and sneakily move to shoot from an angle that cannot be seen from the side Aurora came from.

2020-10-15, 08:15 PM
Investigate the rest of the room to see if there's anything hidden that was missed

2020-10-16, 08:56 PM

Listening to Aurora, Sidewinder shakes his head at the news. "Aurora, get back to the Generator Room. If someone is killing agents, then I want to make we can out number them."

#1 Check the console
#2 Direct Hatchling, the drone, to scan the room. If able, Sidewinder will also look to see if there is anything else in the room.

2020-10-17, 05:13 PM
"You got the switch, Hound? The other four are on? Cool, cool. This ducked mission can't be over too soon."
Have pistol prepared to shoot in case anyone appears with hostile intent.

2020-10-18, 06:45 AM
”Yup, just waiting for sidewinder’s signal.”

2020-10-20, 10:57 PM
Turn 13 Begin

You take a look at the console. It's the main reactor control, and could be used for a variety of purposes. If you can hack into its systems, you could easily cut power to a single room, turn off the reactor entirely, leaving the station on emergency power, or you could, with difficulty, try to disable or trigger the self-destruct, although there would be a slight chance of the opposite outcome.
Your drone scans the area and reports no anomalies.
You hear a series of gunshots through your Communicator. Something may have happened.

You dash towards the exit to the test range, but are interrupted by a gunshot which strikes you and cracks your armor. Twisting around even as you're still fleeing, you see Sneak crouched underneath the shuttle, a pistol in his hand. The second burst of gunshots catch you by surprise almost as much, as the damaged turret opens fire with its own weapons and you find yourself riddled with holes. Bleeding profusely, you slump to the ground, dead.

A Security Turret killed you using its Submachine Gun. Game Over.

You fire off a shot at Aurora as she flees, breaking her armor. She whirls around to face you, but is suddenly interrupted by fire from the room's surviving turret. Her bullet-ridden body slumps to the ground a moment later, slain.

You grab some battery packs and miscellaneous parts and weld them together into what you believe looks somewhat like an AI core. Given the haphazard materials you used and the little time you had available, it doesn't seem like it will be very convincing, but you never know.

A search of the room yields nothing immediately interesting until you decide to check under the bunks. One of the mattresses has a makeshift secret compartment hidden in its bottom. Inside is a bottle of vodka, a lighter, and a couple packs of cigarettes. These are certainly not normally allowed on research stations.

You ready yourself for whatever threat might come, but none do. In the meantime, Hound searches through the room. It seems like he found something hidden under one of the beds. Interesting...

Turns until self-destruct: 8

2020-10-23, 11:29 AM

Will wait for a second then edge out of cover to shoot the turret again. If it's dead and he has time he will then quickly check over Aurora's body

2020-10-23, 05:39 PM

dummy entry to fool the other players! :smalltongue:

gg wp. Too bad I couldn't get out of that room alive!

2020-10-24, 03:03 PM
Flip the switch if Hound doesn't, and run back to Mess Hall.

After making sure the room is safe, Fairy approaches Hound. "What did you find over there?"

2020-10-25, 05:44 AM

Find the best cover in the room for someone shooting someone exiting the vault. Hide a remote-control bomb there. Get back to my hiding spot behind the rover, next to the vault door.

If time, grab some packing material, foam, duct tape, insulation, whatever, to help disguise the package while I hide.

2020-10-25, 07:03 PM
Only some vodka. The bottle will make a great souvenir.
Hold my gun at the ready

2020-10-25, 07:07 PM

#1 Sidewinder will do which is easier: reset the timer, add more time , or disable it.
If he can easily disable the self destruct, he will do that.
If he can't easily disable the self destruct, he will reset the timer. He does that, he will then see about extending the timer.

2020-10-28, 08:34 PM
Turn 14 Begin

You find a spot where you think an ambusher might likely hide behind a workbench and plant your bomb in a hidden space by it. You don't think it's likely someone else will find it there. You then head to hide behind the rover, but it's just not big enough to provide adequate cover for you. It seems unlikely that you'll escape notice there. While you're doing that, the final light above the vault turns green, and with a pneumatic hiss, the large door swings open.

You pull the switch, and the last light turns green. If what you've heard is correct, the vault should be open now.

Since messing with the timing circuits is easier than shutting them down entirely, you manipulate the computer and manage to get its countdown to stall for a few minutes.

Actual turns until self-destruct: 9

As you watch, Fairy pulls the switch, and the last light turns green. If what you've heard is true, the vault should be open now.

You fire your pistol at the turret again and manage a hit this time. It deactivates with a shower of sparks. You approach Aurora's body, but it's going to take a while to search, you don't have time to do it right now.

Turns until Self-destruct: 7

2020-10-29, 05:52 AM

Enter the vault with the rover. Being cautious for traps.
If time, search the vault.

2020-10-30, 11:00 AM

Leave the bodies and instead move to the Robotics Lab, try to repair armor if possible.

2020-10-30, 08:49 PM

Happy that he has a bit more breathing room, Sidewinder weighs his options, then turns off the power to the Robotics Lab.

First Action is to turn off the power to the Robotics Lab.

2020-10-31, 04:05 AM
Run to Kitchen

2020-11-01, 05:30 AM
Going into the mess hall

2020-11-04, 10:26 PM
Turn 15 Begin

Current Room: Vault
Exits To: Robotics Lab

The rover is too heavy to carry with you, and its battery is missing (you removed it to build your fake AI prototype).

The vault is a cylindrical room. Thick black cables extend from the walls to a pedestal in the center, connected to which is a black box, about a foot on each side, with blinking colorful lights on it. It looks like it could be easily detached from its housing. You are certain this is what you are here to retrieve. You get the strangest sense that it is watching you.

Current Room: Robotics Lab
Exits To: Generator Room, Armory, Hangar, Vault

You would need tools and materials to fix your armor, neither of which you have.

You enter the robotics bay to find it mostly as it was the last time you were there, except the large door to the vault is unsealed and open and someone moved the rover to a different part of the room.

You attempt to hack the system to remove power from the robotics bay, but the system resists your meddling.

Actual turns until self-destruct: 8

Current Room: Kitchen
Exits To: Food Storage, Rec Lounge, Mess Hall

You run into the kitchen and find it too is unchanged from when you last visited.

Current Room:Mess Hall
Exits To: Kitchen, Hydroponics Bay, Barracks

You enter the mess hall. It's got a bunch of tables, a bulletin board, and a destroyed turret.

Turns until self-destruct: 6

2020-11-05, 10:11 AM

Sneak will do a more in depth examination of the room to notice any threats before entering the vault.


2020-11-08, 06:27 AM

Carefully unhook the AI, and leave the room. Take evasive maneuvers coming into the Robotics Lab, as it's the last point someone can get at me before I have what I think is a clear run to our ship.

2020-11-08, 05:38 PM

Run to Rec Lounge

2020-11-09, 12:48 PM
Move to the kitchen

2020-11-11, 09:57 AM

Try to remove power from the robotics bay one more time. Regardless of success or failure, move to Hanger to check on Aurora.