View Full Version : [Spheres of Power] Are there any systems that allow you to charge spells/talents?

2020-08-31, 01:53 AM

Me and some players were discussing the possibility of charging a spell over the course of several turns. While I understand we could house rule a system, we would prefer to have it plug and play with out too much of a burden on players to learn every house rule ever.

So, could anyone tell me if there is a system like that in Spheres of Power?

Thank you in advance

Quarian Rex
2020-08-31, 02:16 AM
Seems like you're looking for Techniques (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/techniques#toc12). They are a more versatile version of the Spellcrafting system that can utilize martial spheres as well. Even allows multiple casters working on the same Technique and other such fun. Check out the associated feats for additional goodness.

2020-08-31, 07:25 AM
Destruction sphere has a sphere specific one, Gather Energy, to increase casting time 1 step to reduce cost. Wild Magic lets you increase time to reduce wild magic chance. Metamagic in general increases casting time. These various increases stack.

2020-09-01, 10:05 AM
Hello and sorry for tardy reply.

Thanks for the comments

Stack: You are correct on metamagic and talents, but I was looking for something more... OOMPF

Quarian Rex: Techniques isn't exactly what I was looking for, but it looks like it could easily be adapted into something. Thanks, I will go with this suggestion and figure out from there.

2020-09-02, 05:34 AM
There's also the Charged Spells drawback (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/casting-traditions#toc9)! It's a drawback, so obviously it's not uh... good, but it might be something that interests you!

2020-09-02, 11:38 AM
3.5, but Elder Giant Magic and then fudge the intent when you add Ponderous Spellcaster. You are only increasing the cast time by 3 rounds, but Ponderous makes it total 7 rounds for +6CL if 3.P, Extended Caster for +7 more.

Makes for more of a ‘defend me heroes while I cast this spell’ kind of caster. Temp qualify for Advanced Spheres early when you do that, Spell Adept and Reserve feats to fill in basic combat. While this is pretty meh in a 1-20 game, an E6(or 7 for PF base) makes it pretty awesome way to breach your “max” caster level.

2020-09-02, 02:22 PM
Gather Energy on a Destruction-focused build seems like the most accurate to what you want, and there are feats to blend it with other spheres if being all damage isn't appealing. The Overcharge and Wild Magic boons or Thaumaturge class can also pull off more of a "cooldown" version, so maybe combine it all into a caster who Gathers Energy, unloads all their caster level buffs (and maybe a metamagic or two) on a massively powerful spells, then has to deal with a turn or two of weakness?

2020-09-03, 01:23 AM
You may be able to find the Mudra feat from the Trickster's handbook open beta somewhere. Fair notice - it really breaks things open to skirt spell point costs consistently, which is part of why it got cut.

2020-09-04, 12:59 AM
Old Spheres of Power has Strenuous Casting Drawback that ironically does the exact opposite mechanically of what you want, limiting you to spending only a single spell point unless you spend a number of rounds equal to the extra spell points. It will feel like charging up in play however.

2020-09-04, 05:10 AM
Alternate Paths Martial Magic has rules for charging spells, but it's an optional rule kind of thing not a feat or class feature or spell or anything "plug and play" as you requested.

But wanted to mention it since there doesn't seem to be a lot of better options.