View Full Version : Player Help I'm trying to piss of my DM in a friendly way

2020-08-31, 05:22 AM

I recently asked our DM in a 3.5 campaign which rulebooks he'd allow and he said "do whatever you want".
I am the party's sorcerer, we are currently lvl4 and sit on an island with a decent amount of cash and items.

I am incredibly inexperienced (it's my second campaign) so my first thought was something like taking improved familiar for a celestial hawk because that thing looks like it has better stats than half our group =D

We already managed to catch him slightly off guard through our choice of languages because we managed to interact with a lot of conversations we weren't supposed to which 'forced' him to make a lot more stuff for us than intended.

He really puts a lot in this campaign so I don't wanna go full bananas, but I'd love to dig something out of a rulebook that lets me do stuff he wouldn't want me to do.

Got any weird ideas?

2020-08-31, 05:37 AM
How about not abusing your DM's generosity and/or inexperience, particularly given by your own posting he's a DM who puts a lot into his games and is therefore most likely a keeper?

Pinkie Pyro
2020-08-31, 08:02 AM
What exactly are you looking for with this thread? your title sounds like you want to make some big convoluted thing to troll your DM with, but you're asking for completely normal stuff.

2020-08-31, 12:27 PM
I want him to go "oh god", not "**** you", if that gives an approximation of what I want to achieve ^^

It shouldn't be gamebreaking or anything, just something to annoy him a little.

Like when we got access to a lot more possible plotlines than he wanted us to because we speak bizarre languages he didn't expect us to who are also coincidentally being spoken by several of our encounters.

I mostly hope to find weird ways to break the game a tiny bit like the ability to speak/fight underwater as if I was on land or sth like that.

Basically anything no dm would ever prepare for.

Doctor Despair
2020-08-31, 12:43 PM
Go into Mindbender and take Mindsight. That's annoying for DMs to plan around. Potent anti-stealth.

2020-08-31, 01:27 PM
How about Leadership with an artificer cohort? Your entire party can give him loot to drain for new magic items...

2020-08-31, 02:03 PM

2020-08-31, 02:41 PM
What does your current spell list look like?

What you are wanting to do is to put him off base a tiny bit by doing something unexpected. The way one does that as a sorcerer is go heavy utility/with battle field control. Everyone expects sorcs to just toss fireballs or ray spells ( aka a mailman lite build). I have done this before, many years ago.

Instead go for spells like HASTE, Sleet Storm, <Evards> Black Tentacles, Flight, Solid Fog. My Lord Solid Fog can split the enemy into 2 small groups for easy clean up. This will make your GM do a double take, and the first time your drop a black tentacles on a group of enemies will be pretty funny.

NOTE: I am avoiding all summons and deep knowledge of the monster manuals because the OP mentioned not experienced. I am trying to be kind.

2020-08-31, 04:16 PM
Thanks to all of your replies for giving me good starting points =)

I will dive into it and read a bit before making a decision.

Have a nice week :)

2020-08-31, 04:28 PM
Take Wings of Cover as the spell. Always nice when your DM says "enemy attacks you/cast a spell" and you can nope it by getting full cover as an immediate action as a second level spell.

2020-09-01, 06:28 AM
Hahaha, wow that's perfect. Thank you <3

2020-09-03, 10:45 AM
I would avoid most of the things suggested in this thread so far actually -- Leadership is probably the most broken feat in all of 3.5, and can seriously screw with game balance. Artificier is one of if not the strongest class. Wings of cover is one of the strongest defensive spells printed. Mindbender/Mindsight is one of the most powerful scouting abilities possible, and auto-negates most ambushes, secret chambers, etc.

I'm not telling you you shouldn't take these abilities necessarily, but be aware that they will significantly escalate/power up your character, and if your group is already well balanced and you're having fun with your DM, taking these abilities might force him to escalate his opponents, and getting into an arms race with the DM can lead to more work for him and resentment with the players that are only here to have fun.

Dreamtelling is pretty sweet as a feat, but do notice that it explicitly requires DM permission to use, so you are unlikely to surprise him with it. Some smaller, but no less fun abilities include a Talisman of Tenser's Disk (500 gp), which allows you to summon disks of force that follow you around and can carry up to 300 pounds -- if you can't imagine a fun wacky use for a mobile disk of force are you even trying? Hat of disguise (either 1800 or 2000 gp, iirc) which lets you disguise yourself at will. The Keen Eared Scout Feat allows you to "hear" a creature's direction, subtypes, and what it's carrying. Gloves of Object Reading allow you to learn an object's history (don't make him recount every mundane object on the ground, but once in a blue moon it might pick up something interesting on a magic item). Moderately annoying to him, but hardly gamebreaking. The forgery and the sleight of hand skills are two of my favorites -- when you use sleight of hand, there is no check to STOP you, only to notice you taking the item. You can yoink your enemy's spell component pouches, daggers, and other fun stuff. Forgery is only opposed by....Forgery. Which no one has taken in the history of dnd 3.5, so you're pretty safe making up orders from the king or the local power that say "The bearer of this royal decree is able to take as many blueberry pies from bakeries for free as they wish" or other such important stuff.

2020-09-04, 10:01 PM
Take Chill Touch, point out that rules compendium exists, use CL number of attacks in a turn. Just the argument about how this spell works by raw will piss him off.

2020-09-07, 12:36 AM
Buy land. I don't know where or if the cost of land is actually listed somewhere, but I've seen a few tables offer land at a cost of 100 gp per acre when asked so that seems to be a solid price to start at.
Start a farm.
One acre of land should output around 2300 pounds of tobacco, per real-world numbers. One pound of tobacco has a value of 5 silver pieces and is a trade good, meaning it's sold to NPCs at full price rather than half price. Your farm generates an income of 1.15k per acre per year, allowing you accumulate wealth and expand your farm.
An investment of 150 gold per year to have a druid cast plant growth increases your crop by one third (up to about 1.5k gp/acre) in a half-mile radius (about 500 acres).
If you fill the entire area of a plant growth spell with farmland you can be producing about 750 tons of tobacco per year, and raking in 750,000 gp per harvest.

Retire from adventuring and turn the game into a farming simulator.

2020-09-07, 12:25 PM
Buy scrolls of weird situational spells. You might not use all or even most of them, but being able to say “hang on, I have JUST the thing for this” is really satisfying when it works.

2020-09-08, 02:04 AM
Become a Divine Oracle. They are so annoying as a DM.

2020-09-08, 03:06 AM
go simple, craft a bunch of necklace of fireballs, put them in a sack. raise a single skeleton. give the skeleton the sack. then walk it up to your next villian and cast any kind of fire magic on it (order your skeleton to accept all fire damage :P )

2020-09-08, 04:49 AM
Heart of water lets you swim and breathe water, and it can be discharged for freedom of movement, which lets you act underwater without penalty.

2020-09-09, 03:08 PM
Charm and diplomacy all the enemies instead if killing them.. not saying be the guy that sleeps with everything.. I'm saying make everything your friend.