View Full Version : Guide on Yggdrasil

2020-08-31, 12:56 PM
Long short story my player finished on the Wilderness of the Beastland and asked to an NPC ways (other than plane shift ) to move away from the plane,and they discovered that they could use Yggdrasil to finish on Ysgard and they choosed to go that way. Now i have a little problem as Yggdrasil connect various plane and while it could be funny to let them lost (again) i was thinking if there were any creature that they could use as a guide on Yggdrasil , as one of them as Lesser Planar Ally , so he could ask for a guide. One thing i remember from mythology was Ratatoskr, and i think there is a race somewhere . Does Ratatoskr exists in 3.5? Are there any creature that i could use? My player is a cleric of Eilistraee if is needed . For the ratatoskr even an homebrew race could be good ,and a third party source is not a problem

2020-08-31, 02:51 PM
Expedition to the Demonweb Pits includes the ratatosks as part of its Yggdrasil section, which are indeed basically the Ratatoskr of mythology except as a race and minus the 'R' at the end.

2020-08-31, 03:44 PM
Expedition to the Demonweb Pits includes the ratatosks as part of its Yggdrasil section, which are indeed basically the Ratatoskr of mythology except as a race and minus the 'R' at the end.

Oh thanks i didn't knew that