View Full Version : DM Help Help me to adapt an OSR adventure to D&D 3.5 at Mulhorand

2020-08-31, 01:59 PM
Hey folks!

I was wondering if you could help to flesh out an OSR adventure called The Devil in the Crypt (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/196964/The-Devil-in-the-Crypt) and adapt it to Mulhorand (Mishtan) in the chronology of 2nd edition to 3rd even when we play D&D 3.5. I tried to post this on the Forgotten Realms subreddit to no avail. Anyway, the plot in the adventure is simple:

[...] there lived a priest-king called Akhenseti, who abandoned the faith of his fathers and instituted a bloody cult dedicated to the sinister forces of the Outer Dark. With the help of these forces he strove to master the secrets of sorcery and thereby make himself an equal of the gods. Even after the evil priest-king had been deposed - either by a group of brave heroes or betrayed by the powers of darkness (the accounts vary) - many of his dreadful creations lived on. Mightiest of these was a ring by which the sorcerer-king could summon forth an enslaved devil, and a mirror that could be used to communicate with the infernal gods of the Outer Dark.

So I was thinking in making Akhenseti an incarnation of Horus-Re that was corrupted by the influence of Set, replacing all the Outer Dark thing. This is important as one of my characters is an Osiris priestess marked by Set that is trying to escape her fate and another one is tied to the chuch of Anhur, who is a enemy of Set too.

Is that possible and reasonable? Are there any case in history of something like that? If not, is it possible that Ankhenseti was removed from all record for his crimes, something like Imhotep in The Mummy?

Speaking of mummies, there is a mummy at the temple-tomb that is tasked with protecting the temple against all intruders. He controls animated skeletons and is currently at war with the Set cultists (so the players can have some faction play). I was thinking about making him a paladin of the Order of the Risen Specter. Would it make sense having him here, protecting the remains of Akhenseti or should I leave him as a mummy?

I also don't know what to do, exactly with the enslaved devil. In the module, there is a device that allows the cultist to control the demon to wreak havoc on the vicinity, attacking caravans and things like that. I guess it could make sense that the Set cultists are using him to disturb the City of the Dead and weaken the Osiris priesthood, but I'm not sure of the connection of Set to devils or demons. I would like to use this description because it's pretty badass although I have no idea of which monster I'm gonna use for that (they are lvl 5 characters):

It has the shape on a vulture-headed warrior in a war chariot pulled by a black sphinx. The warrior is screeching wildly, while the sphinx talks with a majestic voice. The devil is always accompanied by a howling sand storm.

And to end with: the cultist. I have 3 options: leave them as humans, use jackal-weres and dire jacks (as Set is the Father of Jackals) and/or use a yuanti high priestess follower of Zehir.

So thanks for reading. Any help or insight is greatly appreciated!