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View Full Version : Player Help Help for an Unquiet Grave Build wanted - Pretty urgent.

2020-08-31, 04:11 PM
Heya, its me again!

This weekend a friend of the DM will be joining our group to "test the waters" so to speak. He has an insane fascination with Undeath, so we built him an Undead race with the Racebuilder (+4 Str and Dex, +4 Int, -2 CHa, undead traits, +1 Luck Bonus to saves, thats it).

Now he insists on playing a type of "Undead Knight" Character, and has decided (even though he has never palyed any PoW or ToB Character) to focus on Unquiet grave but he doesnt want to play a harbinger, as he does not want to be emo (I know, but well, its his char^^).

Since we dont have much time and I myself also never played with this Discipline:

Please suggest Maneuver choices (he will be playing a Warlord and use at most 3 maneuvers from Scarlet Throne or Golden Lion), Feats and similar.

Starting Level for him is 15, WBL is normal, but magic Items are limited to what we can craft atm, so nothing exotic for him. He wants to be single class +1 PRC at most.

Thank you in advance!

Epic Legand
2020-09-01, 05:47 AM
Slap him and tell him to stop being so emo. Edgelord Harbinger is his only emo choice :)

2020-09-01, 07:00 AM
Ah race builder making another silly character. Just be a dhampir with alternate race traits to get bonuses that are more in line with the rest of the PCs. Edgelord harbringer can easily be refluffed pretty easily Vampire Hunter D or somesuch. Flip a few names and call it a day. It's a very solid archtype.

If he wants to be a hard to kill undead badass be a warder. Your mere presence makes you and your allies harder to kill. Just discipline swap. I find warlord to be one of the worst PoW classes personally, with a dumb recovery method.

As far as builds just pick the most damaging unquiet grave strikes each level, or ones that give some nice benefits to undead. Decided two handed, finesse or sword and board, probably two handed, take the feats that support that. Advanced study for more maneuvers as needed, extra readied maneuver as much as you feel you need, and if you can grab a few veiled moon maneuvers for veiled moon style because it's really good.

2020-09-01, 07:13 AM
The nice thing about Path of War is there are few bad choices, and a lot of choices that can be made. If he wants to play an undead Warlord, that's all good, just have him pick a fair balance of strikes, boosts and counters from his favorite disciplines and your friend will be fine. He'll likely have more fun if he picks them himself anyway.

I know you said your friend wanted to stick to unquiet grave, scarlet throne and golden lion, but I'd be remiss if I didn't recommend Eternal Guardian (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Eternal_Guardian?mobile-app=false) as a complimentary discipline to unquiet grave, as it also has some nice (subtle) undead flavor to it.

Feat wise, it will depend on what sort of equipment he wants to use, whether Two Handed, Sword and Board or Two-weapon fighting.

2020-09-02, 10:48 AM
Hes fixated on Warlord, and even for some GL/ST we had to argue^^ And yeah, this should be the dream case of edgelord Harbinger, but wwe.....^^

But will suggest some Eternal Guardian (didnt think of it, shame^^).

He`s not fixated on a particular combat style, as long as it aint Sword and Board he`ll be satisfied, so we can customize to fit his class/Maneuver choices so to speak.

As for Race Builder stuff and OPness: our other CHaracters have had a full campaign to amass inherent bonuses, Type changes, Templates etc, he wont be any more pwoerful, and he wants to be REALLY undead.

2020-09-02, 02:18 PM
Edgelord Harbinger has been suggested, but not Crimson Countess? Afaik they stack and are basically the ultimate edgy undead combo. Focus on Unquiet Grave, Mithral Current, and Veiled Moon, he's basically a vampire version of Vergil from DMC

Epic Legand
2020-09-03, 09:40 PM
Since gatting magic items is limited, the Edgelords ability to add INT to AC seamed more valuable, more so with the suggested race offering +4 INT. Both match the undead theme

2020-09-04, 10:08 AM
Edgelord Harbinger has been suggested, but not Crimson Countess? Afaik they stack and are basically the ultimate edgy undead combo. Focus on Unquiet Grave, Mithral Current, and Veiled Moon, he's basically a vampire version of Vergil from DMC

Since gatting magic items is limited, the Edgelords ability to add INT to AC seamed more valuable, more so with the suggested race offering +4 INT. Both match the undead theme

Yeah, sadly they dont stack.

But we got him to admit he`s Emo and go all in.

Edgelord harbinger it is.

Thank you all for your advice!

2020-09-04, 11:44 AM
Why wouldn't they stack? Is there an overlapping replacement I'm missing?

2020-09-04, 12:56 PM
Crimson Countess and Edgelord do stack. You can put both archetypes onto a harbinger.

2020-09-04, 04:48 PM
You can. But they both replace the same Class Feature, and some DM`s rule that if such a thing happens, you have to choose one (if I was the only DM I would allow them, and simply make the player choose which replacement for Ill Tidings, the Raven or the Sanguine Empowerment, he wants), but the DM decided this way.

Kris Moonhand
2020-09-04, 06:56 PM
You're thinking of Ravenlord, dude. Edge Lord and Crimson Countess do indeed stack.

2020-09-05, 09:15 AM
You can. But they both replace the same Class Feature, and some DM`s rule that if such a thing happens, you have to choose one (if I was the only DM I would allow them, and simply make the player choose which replacement for Ill Tidings, the Raven or the Sanguine Empowerment, he wants), but the DM decided this way.

They do not replace any of the same class features. Aside from having worked on both books that those two archetypes appeared in, I also just checked them against each other the day I posted about it.

Edgelord doesn't have a raven. You're thinking of the ravenlord. The Edgelord is from DSP's April Fool's release.

2020-09-05, 11:04 AM
Ack, I thought Edgelord was a Joke name for the Raven Lord. Cause of the whole Poe Fascination with Ravens and Emoness...

Now I feel stupid ^^

Edit: Checked the actual Edgelord. My gids, its hilariousl.

Maybe I can get the DM to OK it ^^

2020-09-05, 11:26 AM
The stuff from April Augmented was all made to be playable, just a little bit silly. The Edgelord is a great archetype and perfect for what your friend wants to do. Even better if combined with Crimson Countess.

2020-09-05, 02:22 PM
I read it in depth now, and youa re totally correct.
If the DM balks at the Silliness we call him Bladelord, exchange the Coat for "anything without ACP" and the Katana with "any Sword that is thought of as cool" and we should be done.

Again, thanks. I now got me all the Aprils fools documents and have to say, I love some of them (especially the MADman, the Edgelord and Doggo^^).

Kris Moonhand
2020-09-06, 07:20 AM
My fave was the Ambu-Lancer Medic, which was actually put out in that book before the Medic book was released.

2020-09-06, 07:56 AM
My fave was the Ambu-Lancer Medic, which was actually put out in that book before the Medic book was released.

I think the Medic is a great and severely underappreciated class. But then I'm just about the most biased source for information on that class you can find.

2020-09-07, 07:26 PM
If my group wasn't full of habitual support/healer players I'd have played a Medic years ago. Instead I can say from experience that the Crimson Lord Harbinger build is a ton of fun, especially at higher levels