View Full Version : Can the Shaper of Form PrC remove templates?

2020-08-31, 10:22 PM
The Shaper of Form PrC, from Dragon Compendium, can choose the following effect for their Modify Self ability:

Renaissance: The shaper of form changes race, gender, or general physical appearance. She cannot change type and no ability score adjustments occur as a result of the change. Thus, if the character is weak and becomes an orc, she becomes a weak orc. The shaper of form cannot choose to become a member of a race with a level adjustment.
Do you keep your templates if you do this? If not, what happens if the race you choose doesn't qualify for the template(s) you have?

2020-09-01, 10:27 AM
It's not made clear, so this is probably in DM-ruling territory. That said, at the very least you would keep any ability score adjustments from that template, and if that template modified your base type, you would be restricted to the template-changed type.

Personally, I would be inclined to say that the rest of the template is not kept, as the ability changes your race, and templates are a part of race. Thus, it then follows that 'all' of your race would change into the new race, except for racial ability modifiers.

2020-09-01, 03:12 PM
For the first question:
Once you have a template, it is no longer an independent thing. It is just a part of your race. Your race is 'half-dragon human', not just 'human'.

So, the ability to change races would involve losing and gaining templates. If your race changed from Vampire Human to Necropolitan Elf, you've essentially lost one and gained another.

For the second: First off, not applicable, since you don't keep templates. Second off, this question is intrinsically nonsense, because you don't have to continually qualify for a template. It's not like a PRC in that regard. If it functioned like that, almost any type-changing template would break. Take, for example, Vampire. It requires a humanoid or monstrous humanoid, and becomes an undead.

2020-09-01, 05:46 PM
Agree that templates only check eligibility when applied, not if you later change race or type. If you had a Human with a Human-only template (such as Yuan-ti Tainted One), and changed to an Elf, you would retain the template.

The more interesting question would be what happens with race-specific PrCs. But that would revert to the debate on whether ALL PrCs continue to check eligibility, or only the ones in certain books.