View Full Version : Dark One's Might?

Mister Biffo
2020-09-02, 01:33 PM
Why do you guys think Redcloak has never used his own version of Thor's Might?

2020-09-02, 01:34 PM
Why do you guys think Redcloak has never used his own version of Thor's Might?

Maybe the Dark One doesn't have that spell? Also, Recloak is more of a cast spell at them from far away type.

2020-09-02, 02:01 PM
That spell is designed for buffing in males and Redcloak is a caster only cleric.

2020-09-02, 02:04 PM
That spell is designed for buffing in males and Redcloak is a caster only cleric.

I'm assuming this was a typo, but I still cracked up so bad.

2020-09-02, 02:35 PM
That spell is designed for buffing in males and Redcloak is a caster only cleric. Is it a substitute for weight lifting or steroids? :smallbiggrin:

(Melee rather than male?)

2020-09-02, 02:39 PM
Is it a substitute for weight lifting or steroids? :smallbiggrin:

(Melee rather than male?)
haha yes that was supposed to be melee

The Pilgrim
2020-09-02, 04:39 PM
As CriticalFailure said, Redcloak is more of a caster type than a melee type. He doesn't even carry a weapon, and it was uncertain that he was wearing armor until the last art upgrade.

Slay Living or Flame Strike are the same level than Righteous Might, and more useful to a non-combatant.

2020-09-02, 04:41 PM
As CriticalFailure said, Redcloak is more of a caster type than a melee type. He doesn't even carry a weapon, and it was uncertain that he was wearing armor until the last art upgrade.

I said he was back in SoD.

2020-09-03, 04:25 AM
Redcloak is every bit as capable of fighting in melee as Durkon, since every cleric is going to be more or less mechanically identical even if they're completely different people serving completely different deities. Durkon's natural strength and constitution score are likely higher, I suppose. But either way, Redcloak is indeed depicted as unwilling to mix it up in direct combat.

2020-09-03, 04:28 AM
Redcloak is every bit as capable of fighting in melee as Durkon, since every cleric is going to be more or less mechanically identical even if they're completely different people serving completely different deities. But Redcloak is indeed depicted as unwilling to mix it up in direct combat.

He has unknown armour, no shield, no weapon - Durkon might have the edge in melee, particularly if Durkon's strength and constitution are higher and if he has magic items or feats geared to assist in melee combat.

2020-09-03, 07:07 AM
Dark One's Blight, which does the exact opposite (weaken a foe), would seem like a more appropriate mirror.

Also, Durkon's got a bonus to con, medium-sized damage dice, while Redcloak's got a penalty to str and small-sized damage dice. Plus, you know, no shield nor weapon. Even assuming they had the same base stats (they almost certainly did not), Redcloak's at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to melee.

2020-09-03, 07:22 AM
Also, Durkon's got a bonus to con, medium-sized damage dice, while Redcloak's got a penalty to str and small-sized damage dice. Rich made goblins medium sized in OoTS. Not sure the small sized is correct.

2020-09-03, 10:48 AM
Redcloak is every bit as capable of fighting in melee as Durkon, since every cleric is going to be more or less mechanically identical even if they're completely different people serving completely different deities. Durkon's natural strength and constitution score are likely higher, I suppose. But either way, Redcloak is indeed depicted as unwilling to mix it up in direct combat.

Nah, stats should be different for melee/non melee clerics. It’s likely Redcloak’s physical stats are pretty mediocre and lower than Durkon’s.

2020-09-03, 04:19 PM
Redcloak doesn't fight in the melee and therefore has no need for such barbaric spells.

2020-09-03, 07:24 PM
Rich made goblins medium sized in OoTS. Not sure the small sized is correct.

Visually. I think that's purely an artistic decision, though, and not actual in-universe thing. For example, when Durkon made the table, /Redcloak/ said it was too high for him, while Durkon was quite fine, despite Redcloak being drawn much taller than Durkon. As far as I can remember, other in-world dialogue cues seem to suggest that goblins are indeed "small".

2020-09-03, 07:44 PM
Visually. I think that's purely an artistic decision, though, and not actual in-universe thing. For example, when Durkon made the table, /Redcloak/ said it was too high for him, while Durkon was quite fine, despite Redcloak being drawn much taller than Durkon. As far as I can remember, other in-world dialogue cues seem to suggest that goblins are indeed "small".

Redcloak said that the chair was too high for him, not the table. This was because Durkon made the chairs an appropriate height for himself, which made them too tall for Redcloak.

2020-09-03, 08:40 PM
For example, when Durkon made the table, /Redcloak/ said it was too high for him, while Durkon was quite fine, despite Redcloak being drawn much taller than Durkon.

"Despite"? The chair was too high for Redcloak because Redcloak is much taller than Durkon.

2020-09-03, 10:45 PM
He knows the roaches would make a Green Lantern joke about "beware his power" if he did, and he just doesn't want to put up with that.

2020-09-04, 10:48 AM
Visually. I think that's purely an artistic decision, Not so sure about that, but I have not the time to dig through his commentary in various books yet again. I am sure he posted something about this on the forum ages ago ..

2020-09-04, 08:25 PM
"Despite"? The chair was too high for Redcloak because Redcloak is much taller than Durkon.

Small chairs are uncomfortable, you get your knees in your face. Have you never tried a kid's chair? Similarly, I tend to prefer when my feet touch the ground, rather than super tall chairs where my feel dangle in the air.

2020-09-05, 09:43 AM
Small chairs are uncomfortable, you get your knees in your face. Have you never tried a kid's chair? Similarly, I tend to prefer when my feet touch the ground, rather than super tall chairs where my feel dangle in the air.

There's a table. Too high means the legs may not fit at all.

Also, why are you talking about too small chairs? That wasn't Reddy's issue.

2020-09-05, 06:05 PM
Redcloak is a speciality priest not a cleric (my explanation)
Also the Dark One seems to have been a warlord but not necessarily a warrior.

2020-09-05, 06:45 PM
There's a table. Too high means the legs may not fit at all.

Also, why are you talking about too small chairs? That wasn't Reddy's issue.

Dwarves are short, not small. Why would a chair be fine for a dwarf but "too high" for a thinner medium-sized creature? You need some leg space between the chair and the table.

Feels like we're overthinking this whole chair thing though.

2020-09-05, 07:12 PM
Because medium covers a range
It’s like at my work - the work stations are designed for a standard height but that means too high for some and too small for others
And the range for even bigger size categories is far worse

2020-09-05, 08:37 PM
Dwarves are short, not small. Why would a chair be fine for a dwarf but "too high" for a thinner medium-sized creature? You need some leg space between the chair and the table.

Feels like we're overthinking this whole chair thing though.

Essentially a bar stool is fine for most people, a normal chair is fine for most people - but half way between them is annoying.

The Giant likely had Redcloak do it because it showed he was willing to deal and spend a spell slot to show it - but in universe it might just be that Redcloak likes a seat as a certain height.

2020-09-05, 08:51 PM
Dwarves are short, not small. Why would a chair be fine for a dwarf but "too high" for a thinner medium-sized creature? You need some leg space between the chair and the table.

Feels like we're overthinking this whole chair thing though.

I have a child. My child is shorter than I am. The chairs for my child, because my child is shorter than I am, are taller than the chairs for me.

The Pilgrim
2020-09-05, 09:20 PM
Gosh, people, I know you all love to discuss for the sake of discussion, but in the previous strip (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1205.html) to the stool one it's perfectly clear that Redcloak is taller than Durkon.

2020-09-05, 10:04 PM
He knows the roaches would make a Green Lantern joke about "beware his power" if he did, and he just doesn't want to put up with that.

He'll be happy to know that Dark Lord Jirix got rid of the roaches for him then.