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2022-03-21, 10:16 PM
Patrick chuckles. His face is pale, his brow slick with a shiny film of sweat. "I wasn't worried you would," he replies, giving Rachel a smile that says he believes his words. He takes an unsteady step back from Rachel, his legs shaking slightly till he plops down in a controlled fall onto his buttocks. Leaning back on his forearms and staring up at Rachel, he says, "I... ah, I'm glad I got to share with you."

Rachel regards Patrick somewhat incredulously and wonders if he was always this quick to trust her kind. Aloud she'll only say 'It was my pleasure Patrick, as I'm sure you know.' The pleasure she had taken from feeding was obvious. She'll squat next to him. 'If you're ever in the city some evening, well, you have my number.' Couldn't hurt to dangle the possibility of seeing her again in front of him. It was the closest thing she could experience to having her food delivered.

'Now. I need to cut this short.' She'll take his hand in a bid to help him up. 'Unless you're happy for me to drive?'

2022-03-24, 08:44 AM
"Very good then," D'Agostino says, not able to completely hide a hint of relief. He offers all three Kindred a hand to shake and says, "Thank you for meeting with me so close to morning," before adding to his two Hounds, "And thank you for your loyalty and service. You have my absolute gratitude and trust."

The Prince gestures to his childe, who offers to see the three out.

Unless there's anything else you want to try, I think I'm happy to end the night, and thus the scene here. I am finishing up the night with Haval, though it may go a little longer and I can run in parallel with the start of the next scene. I will need a little time to count up beats and may not have this till the weekend. Would you prefer starting the next scene, or wait till you can potentially spend XP and change Aspirations.

************************************************** *******************

Patrick takes the hand offered, and rises to his feet on slightly unsteady legs. His eyes are slightly glazed over, but the glamour seems to be fading quickly. "Thanks," he says curtly at Rachel's offer of meeting if he was ever in San Francisco, adding uncomfortably, "Ya. Uh, I'll reach out." His gaze shifts to his feet, and it's hard to tell the exact cause of his unease; maybe embarrassment?

When Rachel says that she needs to cut things short, he replies, "Oh, sure, ya." He checks his watch quickly. Then adds, "No, I can drive you if you'd like. Just give me a moment. I'm a little light headed, it will pass quickly." He brings a hand up to wipe away the glossy sweat from his brow. Still in the kitchen entrance, he stumbles over to the sink, and grabbing a glass from a full but aggressively organized drying rack, pours himself a glass of water. He drinks thirstily, placing the drained glass in the sink. He gives Rachel a self-conscious smile and says, "There, much better."

Unless Rachel has any reason to protest, he will lead the way back out of his house, locking the door behind him, before heading back up the steps to his garage.

(OOC: Please see the OOC box above)

2022-03-24, 10:32 PM
Rachel will follow Patrick outside. 'If you'd like to keep you and me secret I'd say you should drop me off round the corner from the 'Trident'. Just in case.' She'll watch Patrick closely for any sign of unsteadiness as they go to the car.

2022-03-28, 05:55 PM
Patrick's face is pale and drawn, and he begins breathing hard as he ascends the wooden stairs up to the garage. Rachel can hear his heart racing, pushing against a decreased supply of blood as it attempted to maintain its vital flow. But his ascent was sure, and if anything, the struggle seemed to sober the blood doll up. Patrick didn't even wait for his company, opening up the driver seat door and taking his position as Rachel was finishing her ascent.

As Rachel gets in he replies, "Probably not a bad idea," between hungry breaths adding, "if you're alright with it, I'll drop you off a few blocks away. It's pretty open, and if you want that anonymity, probably better to walk over from around the bend."

He turns the car on. The engine hums. Lights glow to life inside the cockpit as the beams of the headlight pour out of the opening garage door and onto the street. Patrick eases the car out onto the road, confidently accelerating as he wound back down the hill.

As promised, he stops at an intersection where the descending road kisses Bridgewater, stopping behind a building where someone up the street would not have been able to see his car. His face turns red despite the stolen blood and he says uncomfortably, "Well Rachel... it was, uh, nice meeting you." He does his best to smile, but it's clear that the man is feeling very self conscious.

2022-03-28, 11:02 PM
On the drive into town Rachel is half convinced she'll have to take over in case Patrick looked to be on the verge of passing out. Yet he seemed to manage anyway. 'You are surprisely resilient, but I suppose you've done this a lot. I almost feel like I could have taken more.'

After they park Rachel will reply. 'The pleasure was all mine Patrick. I can certainly say I've had worse meals.' Noting his embarrassment, Rachel will give him a broad smile then lean forward, 'Try to relax. Just remember to be careful who you share with. Not everyone like me is as polite as I am.'

Afterwards she will leave Patrick's car and head over to the Trident. She's not trying to hide but will watch for any signs of movement. If there were any other Kindred around she would prefer to see them before they saw her.

2022-03-30, 07:52 PM
On the drive into town Rachel is half convinced she'll have to take over in case Patrick looked to be on the verge of passing out. Yet he seemed to manage anyway. 'You are surprisely resilient, but I suppose you've done this a lot. I almost feel like I could have taken more.'

Patrick chuckles softly, but keeps his eyes on the road. Softly he says, "I'm fine. I guess it's been a while since I shared last... but I'll probably need a few days to recover."

After they park Rachel will reply. 'The pleasure was all mine Patrick. I can certainly say I've had worse meals.' Noting his embarrassment, Rachel will give him a broad smile then lean forward, 'Try to relax. Just remember to be careful who you share with. Not everyone like me is as polite as I am.'

Afterwards she will leave Patrick's car and head over to the Trident. She's not trying to hide but will watch for any signs of movement. If there were any other Kindred around she would prefer to see them before they saw her.

He nods and smiles, but the car pulls away almost as soon as Rachel closes the door. The walk to the restaurant is uneventful. Rachel keeps her wits to her, as she crosses the street and walks along the water (OOC: 4 successes). Yellow light from the sickle shapes moon ripples along the waves as they crash softly against the gabion wall peer. Rachel passes a homeless man, sound asleep under a sleeping bag, but otherwise there are no signs of life (or unlife), and she feels fairly certain she is not being watched.

The Trident is a boxy two story building, with pseudo greek-revival architecture, and a bad off-white paint job. There are no cars parked on its dock, though the wooden walkway creaks slightly under Rachel's weight. Rachel studies windows from buildings across the street, but again gets no sense of being watched.

A under ten minutes after Rachel arrives, her hair tussled by the sea breeze, a white Toyota SUV pulls up, refusing to pull onto the dock. Tinted windows; Rachel can't see inside. A window from the front passenger seat rolls down, and a yellow light beam, maybe from a flashlight, fills Rachel's vision, blocking out all else. A man's voice calls out, "Who are you?"

2022-03-30, 08:38 PM
Rachel will move away from the beam and get closer to the car window to try and see the man better. 'Rachel. And who are you?'

2022-04-02, 02:46 PM
Act V Scene ii

I miss the kiss of treachery
The shameless kiss of vanity
The soft and the black and the velvety
Up tight against the side of me
And mouth and eyes and heart all bleed
And run in thickening streams of greed
As bit by bit, it starts the need
To just let go, my party piece

Yeah, I miss the kiss of treachery
The shameless kiss before I feed
The stench of a love for younger meat
And the sound it makes when it cuts in deep
The holding up on bended knees
The addiction of duplicities
As bit by bit, it starts the need
To just let go, my party piece

-Disintegration, The Cure

Both Karl and Anna awake in their respective rooms of their shared haven the following evening, with the shared uneasy feeling that someone has been in their space while they slumbered. The creeping suspicion crawls up and down their dead flesh, like goose pimples would on the warm skin of a Kine. But a quick search of your room shows nothing immediately out of place, though there is the sound of foot steps coming from downstairs; the first floor of the house that had once clearly been some form of storefront.

They receive the same message as Rachel, phones buzzing and flashing to life at nearly the same time in three separate locations. Rachel of course had returned to her own haven, a secure and private apartment. All three have received the same Pulse message from Nova, in a shared chat. The message reads, "I believe we should chat tonight."

If any of you take the time to peruse the news and public chats, there are a number of posts voicing a growing and shared paranoia. The Prince has left the city, and anything could happen... Who knows how violently the Masquerade could be slashed during the upcoming nights?

************************************************** *****************************

Rachel will move away from the beam and get closer to the car window to try and see the man better. 'Rachel. And who are you?'

At first, whomever is holding the flashlight keeps it trained on Rachel as she tries to clear her vision. But a long moment after she identifies herself, the light turns off. Rachel's sensitive Kindred eyes take a second to adjust to the comfort of the dark, as the passenger side backseat door is opened for her. "Get in," an authoritative woman's voice calls from inside the car.

As Rachel's eyes adjust, she can see a round faced man with a maniacal grin sitting up front. He was probably the one with the flashlight. He's got a black fedora covering his pudgy and otherwise naked crown, and he continues to stare at Rachel. But the backseat door is not opened enough for Rachel to see into the car.

2022-04-02, 06:01 PM
Rachel already had a habit of checking up on recent news after she wakes, but recent events had made staying informed about Kindred business even more important.

She has been expecting that Nova would call her at some point. Best get it over with. 'I agree. Let me know where you want me.' Rachel didn't have a problem with the Carthians but had found that, as a Ventrue, some of them tended to have a problem with her.


Rachel will smile and nod to the driver before opening the backdoor enough that she could see whoever else was in the car. 'Your grace I presume?' She'll get in the car unless there's an obvious reason not to.

2022-04-03, 04:31 PM
For a moment, it shows that Nova is typing a response to Rachel's message, but then the thought bubble disappears, and no message ever comes through.

************************************************** ***********

As Rachel approaches the car, she can see that the grinning face is possessed by the man sitting in the front passenger seat. She opens the nearside door further so that she can see inside. The Duchesse is sitting across the row of seats. She is wearing a knee length zippered canvas dress, cinched with a designer belt. Her brown hair is slightly curled and well manicured, and her dark eyes appraise Rachel, set within a regal face with high cheek bones.

Taking a moment, Rachel can tell by their heartbeats that both the driver and the man with the fedora are ghouls.

"And you would be the lackey of Mother Blackstar, I presume?" Duchesse Oleander replies haughtily, motioning for Rachel to get into the vehicle.

2022-04-04, 06:40 AM
'That's right.' Rachel will get inside the car and close the door behind her. The woman was irritating but Rachel wouldn't dream of showing that she'd noticed. She had been around far more intimidating Kindred. 'Thank you for meeting with me.' She try to keep an eye on whatever the ghouls in the front were doing.

2022-04-04, 09:34 AM
Anna Wu

Anna quietly drew her sword with one hand and unholstered the glock with the other. She snuck downstairs to investigate the source of the commotion. If someone was trying to break into their haven, she would make them regret it.

we'll hold off on activating obfuscate at first: dex + stealth [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]
any bonus for being inside our haven?

2022-04-04, 06:14 PM
For a moment, it shows that Nova is typing a response to Rachel's message, but then the thought bubble disappears, and no message ever comes through.

Rachel will tap out a private message to Anna and Karl, 'I don't suppose either of you know what she wants?'

2022-04-06, 10:12 AM
The Duchesse offers Rachel a half-hearted smile as she disinterestedly waves to her Ghoul driver. The car pulls away from the curb and begins lazily cruising down the dark and empty road.

"Yes, of course," Oleander replies, adding with more than a hint of distaste, "though it would have been preferable if your master came in person. Regardless, I have something of interest to show The Mother. You will report back to her, correct?" Receiving whatever affirmative Rachel provides, she continues, "The Wilds outside of San Francisco are dangerous places, as you probably know, filled with many strange things. Though small towns such as Sausalito can be bastions for Kindred such as myself, who wish to avoid the larger politics of San Francisco, they are far from comfortable places; even for Gangrel. However, living so close to the woods, has I feel made me quite valuable to those with interest in the occult arts, such as your master. I have found a location of power; one that I honestly would not know how to use, but which Mother Blackstar might. I wish to strike a bargain with her, showing her this place and giving her access to what is truly my domain, in exchange for a favor."

But here Duchesse Oleander's face turns cold, her brow furrows and her lip twitches as if she were about to bare her fangs. "Unfortunately, since you are here, I will have to show you." The expression quickly fades, and instead a malicious grin spreads across her thin pink lips. She says, staring Rachel right in the eyes, "But to maintain the secrecy of this location, we will of course need to blind fold you till we get there. You understand of course, if you could find this place without Mother Blackstar meeting my demands, I would... be at a loss in this situation."

************************************************** ***************************

Anna moves softly down the stairs. She was Mekhet, she was shadow. The sound of man grows louder; the rhythm of heart beat, the soft sound of breathing. Anna picks up no sudden movement, no heightened heart rate, no sign of her prey's awareness as she rounds the corner out of the stairwell, her weapons readied.

Fred Rugg, Karl's mortal grandson sits a desk (when did that get there?), his back to Anna. The soft light of a laptop screen creates a halo around the man's silhouette. He takes a sip of coffee from a stained white mug. He scrolls with one hand, still unaware of the vampire behind him.

2022-04-06, 01:27 PM
'I'd expect that the Primogen has a lot of demands on her time. I'd say sending someone like me out here to check shows that she's at least curious about what you have.' Rachel found the idea that Blackstar would come out here herself without knowing more to be a little unrealistic. The Duchesse did have a high opinion of herself.

Rachel will meet Oleander's gaze. 'I'm not one for messing around in the woods normally but I'll make an exception here. I leave myself in your hands your grace.' She'll assent to being blindfolded. 'May I ask what your demands are? Assuming you need me to pass anything else on to Mother Blackstar.'

2022-04-07, 12:16 AM
“Oh, it’s you,” Anna said. She flipped the safety of her gun back on and set it on the table.

She didn’t bother with any of the pretenses of mortality with the man, no breathing, or blinking, or any of the little unnecessary movements that humans were incapable of stopping.

“What are you working on?” she asked.

She replied to Nova: “when / where?”

2022-04-07, 04:31 PM
The Duchesse nods with approval at the comment about The Primogen's interest.

When Rachel ascents to being blind folded, Oleander replies, "Very good, though we don't need to do it just yet. It will be a little bit of a drive and there won't be much point in keeping you blind folded the entire time." She nods to the man in the front passenger seat with the fedora, who reaches into the pocket of a rough looking tweed jacket to remove a large silk bandana, or maybe a small scarf. The Duchesse takes it, placing the bolt of cloth in her lap.

The car accelerates, driving along the coast, out of Sausalito and into the town of Mill Valley. As the car drives North, the shadow of a large mountain intercepts the night sky, a massive pyramidal structure that Rachel would likely recognize as Mount Tamalpais. As the car pushes north it becomes clear that this is their destination, the mountain growing larger and larger as they pass through town. Near the base of the mountain, urban roads give way to winding narrow streets shrouded by a thinning forest. And as the car begins it's ascent, Duchesse Oleander turns to Rachel and says, "It is time now." She reaches forward to begin blindfolding Rachel, unless she does anything to interrupt this process.

(OOC: See my OOC post as well)

************************************************** **********

At the sound of Anna's voice, the man stands up suddenly, knocking his chair over and nearly doing the same to his small desk. He turns towards Anna, eyes wide, seeing the armed and animated corpse before him. He moans softly, and takes a step back, again unaware of his desk and this time knocking it over with his laptop. He doesn't even notice it go over, and takes another step back away from Anna. He begins to mumble, "Oh, it's you," perhaps parroting Anna, or perhaps finding relief in his shock. He clearly doesn't hear Anna's other question, as he struggles to replace the rictus of terror on his face with a mask of a friendly smile.

The reply to Anna's message comes back almost immediately, "My place. As soon as you can get here." Though Karl and Anna had both been to the Dog Patch compound, a message follows providing the address.

2022-04-07, 11:02 PM
Anna Wu

“You knocked over the desk. And your computer,” Anna said. She bends over to pick them up and right the lamp, then sets the pistol on top like she originally intended.

“You shouldn’t be scared, I’m not going to hurt you. You’re related to Karl, after all,” Anna said, “besides, it’s not scary at all, the Kiss. It feels good. There are some people who crave it.”

She checked her phone.

“I have to go, but I need to wait for Karl to wake up first,” she said, “so…. What do you want to do?”

2022-04-08, 06:36 AM
On the way north Rachel will watch the countryside in case she ever wanted to try coming back here. 'How did you find something interesting all the way out here? It doesn't seem like the sort of thing you'd just stumble across.' She'll allow herself to be blindfolded.

2022-04-10, 08:20 AM
As Anna approaches to start helping collect the knocked over items, Fred backs up, sort of cutting her off so that he can get to his laptop first and hastily shut it before Anna can see. It is cool down on the first floor, but the man is now sweating, and Anna can hear the frantic racing of his heart.

You shouldn’t be scared, I’m not going to hurt you. You’re related to Karl, after all,” Anna said, “besides, it’s not scary at all, the Kiss. It feels good. There are some people who crave it.”

Fred nods his head, and the lines in his face tense in an attempt at a reassuring smile. "Oh. No, I'm... I'm not scared. Uh, you just startled me," he replies, as the fear quickly returns to his face. But he hastily adds, "But I don't think Karl wants me... getting involved with, with any of that." He swallows, and his throat is so dry that it makes an audible sort of clicking sound, and he grimaces as if the act hurt.

“I have to go, but I need to wait for Karl to wake up first,” she said, “so…. What do you want to do?”

Fred opens his mouth to reply, but for a moment nothing comes out. He takes a deep breath in through his nose, then exhales slowly, perhaps a very human attempt at calming himself. "Oh, well I don't know," Fred replies, "I've mostly just been trying to keep to myself. Will... will my Grandfather expect me to join him, or you tonight?"

************************************************** ****

The Duchesse chuckles at the question, bringing a hand to daintily cover her mouth as if she were a character in some 1940s movie. "Oh, I did not find it directly," she says, lowering her hand. "But when something like this is found, it is often brought to my attention," she says, her expression serious as she adds with authority, "That's how things work in this area."

Duchesse Oleander's hands are nimble as she works to fasten the blindfold on Rachel's head. She ties it just a little to tight, and Rachel has to admit, she really can't see anything around or through the obstruction. The car drives on for what feels like an eternity. They clearly drive up and around the mountain, the car winding and turning hard several times. If Rachel were still human, the ride might be vomit-inducing.

The car leaves pavement for some sort of uneven rocky terrain, and after a few more minutes of driving, they mercifully come to a stop. Rachel can hear the engine cut out, before the blind fold is removed by The Duchesse, who is studying Rachel's face with suspicion. She says gravely, "Now I need you to keep yourself together while we are outside of this car. The woods have a tendency to... unnerve many city Kindred. If you stick with me, you will most likely be safe."

2022-04-10, 05:24 PM
Were they trying to hit every pothole on the road? Pehaps all she needed to do to come back here was to find the worst road in the whole of California.

Rachel will collect herself as the car stops and the blindfold is removed. 'I'd like to believe that I don't unnerve easily. Unless you mean something more specific then us being in the middle of nowhere?'

2022-04-10, 05:39 PM
Karl gets up slowly for some reason, the ache of the grave heavy tonight, he gets dressed and slowly makes his way downstairs. Surveying the scene a little he simply asks, "Is everything all right?"

2022-04-10, 06:55 PM
Now Anna was interested. She didn’t think the mortal was foolish enough to be planning to harm them while sitting in their haven. Though one could never be too certain. Still, he was Karl’s grandson, and his responsibility to deal with. She’d let him know, maybe he would care, maybe not.

“We are seeing our… supervisor, I guess you could call her, so no, that wouldn’t be appropriate,” Anna replied.

“Just curious, are you looking to get deeper into our, ehh, business?” Anna asked, “or make a clean break?”

Then Karl arrived.

“Oh hey, Nova’s called, I can fill you in on the way,” Anna said.

On the way, Anna filled Karl in on his grandson’s odd behavior, that it might be a good idea to look into what he was doing on the laptop.

2022-04-13, 06:02 PM
Karl rubs his face, "Hmm, he might be doing something stupid, I'll look into it."

"In the short run I'm more concerned about Nova. She contacted Rachel as well, meaning she's definitely keeping tabs on our movements. This could be a trap. I suggest we stay on our toes."

2022-04-13, 06:23 PM
The Duchesse's eyes narrow at Rachel's response, but she does not say anything. Instead, she wordlessly turns and lets herself out of the car.

When Rachel steps out, she is greeted by an eerie silence that amplifies any intermittent ambient noise. Every time the wind picks up, or a cricket chirps, the noise seems to echo over the area. They appear to be parked in an open parking lot on top of the mountain, the lot being completely unpaved light brown dirt. The car is parked in front of the mouth of a hiking trail, fenced off with one of those metal cow fences that you simply have to step around. Rachel can see stars in the sky for the first time in forever, a million yellow eyes staring down at her from the heavens. Normally the light pollution and fog would make such a naked viewing impossible.

For a moment Rachel's blood is frozen by the sound of inhuman laughter, soft and ethereal and blown from some distant place by a gust of wind. Her ears prick, but as she begins to try to decipher where the sound might have come from, her study is interrupted by The Duchesse's call. "Are you ready?" she asks, silencing the last wisps of laughter. She and her two ghouls, the driver and the grinning man with the hat, are standing by the trail entrance. Both ghouls are holding black plastic flashlights out over the trail.

************************************************** **

Now Anna was interested. She didn’t think the mortal was foolish enough to be planning to harm them while sitting in their haven. Though one could never be too certain. Still, he was Karl’s grandson, and his responsibility to deal with. She’d let him know, maybe he would care, maybe not.

“We are seeing our… supervisor, I guess you could call her, so no, that wouldn’t be appropriate,” Anna replied.

Fred shrugs, though Anna can tell he is curios about what she just said. "Supervisor? Are you guys in like some Vampire... I mean Kindred corporation or something?"

But Anna's question about his intentions makes the man's eyes go wide. Rugg hastily replies, "No, no. Karl has been trying to educate me. He thinks it's best for my, uh, safety, and I think he's right." The words come out fast, but without a sign of anxiety or subterfuge. He adds, "I'm just trying to figure out as much as I can... and uh, not go crazy while you all are asleep during the day. I'm basically on house arrest."

(OOC: Do you want to continue discussing, or do you want me to move forward to all three at Nova's place)

2022-04-13, 10:38 PM
Anna Wu

"Eh... it's more like a... government, a small one," Anna replied, "if you're bored I can hire you as a consultant. I have a lot of things that need to get done during the day. If Karl is alright with it that is. I guess I could also buy you a playstation or something...?"

Anna was more or less at a loss for how to interact with this particular individual.

She glanced to Karl, then sent a text to Tony: "Headed to Nova's, wish us luck."

I'm ok to move on.

2022-04-13, 11:04 PM
For a moment Rachel will enjoy the sight of the night sky. She hadn't really had the opportunity to do this since the last time she had been outside London back home.

The sound of laughter put her on edge though. Presumably nothing human sounded like that. She'll follow Oleander and her Ghouls to the start of the trail and try to sound analytical. 'I'm ready. How close are they likely to get?'


At her Haven, Rachel will prepare herself to go looking for Nova.

2022-04-16, 04:55 PM
Fred regards Anna and her offer hesitantly. "Uh, I'm not sure I have the right training... though I suppose a beggar can't be a chooser. What would I be doing consulting for?" he replies.

But to her remark about buying him a playstation, he replies with a certain disdain, "I was a college professor before... all of this. I'm not really sure video games are, uh, what I need right now."

(OOC: I am honestly interested in seeing if Anna is going to try to employ Fred, so I'm gonna let this conversation go on for a little bit)

************************************************** *********

Oleander does not even bother to look over her shoulder. Following her ghouls, she calls back, "How close will they get? Rachel my dear, I have to admit I have no idea what you are talking about."

Rachel follows the three onto the trail. At first it is wide enough for probably about four or five people to walk shoulder to shoulder together, but soon the dry dirt path narrows so that they are marching single file. The path seems to have been tread into the earth with time, such that hard ground comes up around the trail to about mid shin, and around this is a sparse sort of woods, made up of redwoods and oak and sycamore.

At first the trail seems to descend, but soon Rachel finds herself climbing at a fairly steep incline. As the trail stretches upward, the forest woods grow thicker, their towering branches suffocating out the starlight, so that the path is primarily lit by the bobbing yellow beams of the flashlights... not that Rachel needed them to see.

A certain creeping anxiety starts to take over. Rachel can't help but dwell on the fact that it was now almost one in the morning, and there was no telling how long this hike would take, or if she would have time to get back to her haven in San Francisco. Plus, there was absolutely no cell reception out here. Had she been a mortal on a hike, maybe that would not be such a big deal, but not knowing the company she was dealing with, it made one feel rather vulnerable. Despite the hour, the animals on the mountain seemed to be wide awake, just like the Kindred. Every few minutes there would be a rustling in the bushes, or a bird calling, or worse; an owl's hoot. The laughter only came again one more time, the same high pitched babble that seemed to blow on a faint gust of wind from no direction in particular.

Eventually the trail stops climbing straight up the cliffside, and instead seems to turn to wind around mountain. Now it is almost 02:00 AM, and the noise of the forest is becoming a cacophony. There is an almost impossible amount of rustling, coyote howling, brook babbling. Still not looking back, Duchesse Oleander calls over her shoulder, "We are almost there. Ready yourself please."

************************************************** ****************

Karl and Anna ride together to the Dogpatch Compound, perhaps they pick Rachel up, or perhaps she gets there on her own. On the way, all three are bombarded by the same onslaught of Pulse updates. Fellow Kindred are messaging and posting and updating about the same news. Los Angeles is on fire! A literal Coup D'etat has taken place, ousting the Daeva Invictus Prince. There seemed to be debate between messages as to whether the city has been taken over by a rogue faction of The Circle, or the Belial's Brood, and there is massive concern that similar violent outbursts are going to occur through out the state and country with so many Princes having been summoned to New Orleans! The same video is being shared of a Nosferatu who calls himself The Redcap, claiming supremacy of Los Angeles. He says the world should be celebrating the city's liberation from tyranny, a man with a long tuberous nose and a wide lipless shark's grin.

(OOC: feel free to imagine any of your Kindred allies or contacts directly reaching out to your character about this)

Arriving at The Compound the group pull up to the gate entrance. The Carthian compound is a 4 story brick building surrounded by a relatively vacant lot of patchy grass and dog turds, surrounded by a towering chain link fence topped with barbed wire, located in a relatively undesirable neighborhood (though like all neighborhoods, hastily gentrifying) known as The Dogpatch. The entrance is being oh so surreptitiously guarded by a man (maybe a ghoul) in a dirty maroon hoodie standing in front of the gate, smoking a cigarette. He eyes your car/cars without much attempt to hide his suspicion as you approach.

2022-04-16, 10:03 PM
'Right.' Rachel will take a moment to watch the area behind her before following Oleander. Just in case there was something else out here. She wouldn't put it past the Duchesse to make a show of how much she understood whatever this was, but it was equally possible that, for all her attitude, she was a dilettante who was in over her head. For the moment she will hold her silence.

On the trail Rachel will keep an eye out. Even if there was so much as a hiker out here this late she would like to know about it. This was hardly a situation that she had expected to get into when she left San Francisco this evening. She had heard stories of what a Kindred needed to do to survive in the wilderness but had never really believed it was possible. Could she bury herself if she had to? At worst, how would her Beast deal with the sight of the sun rising in a few hours if she was delayed here? If she couldn't make it back to San Francisco she was already mulling over alternative arrangements in Sausalito.

When Oleander speaks. How can I prepare myself when you haven't told me what is up here? Aloud she'll only say, 'And what about your ghouls? Or have you brought them here before?'


Rachel will drive herself just to have her car close at hand. Even though she was supposed to be working with Anna and Karl she wasn't relaxed enough to be accepting lifts yet. Nova hadn't been particularly forthcoming about what she wanted, but Rachel knew of the Dogpatch and saw it as the obvious place to start. While she's waiting for the others to arrive she'll catch up on the news and try to understand what the hell was going on.

There were a few members of the Circle in Los Angeles that she was on speaking terms with and she'll reach out to some of them to see if there was any truth to the rumours of the Circle's involvement in the coup. There was every chance that they might have better things to do then reply to her. On the same subject, she'll also read through a few requests for information directed at her from the occasional friend and ally among the San Francisco Kindred. Had she any idea what was going on in Los Angeles? If the Circle was involved was there something brewing in San Francisco? Was this business with Redcap likely to spread? As yet Rachel is going to avoid replying to anyone until she knows more.

After the others arrive, 'I take it you've been here before? What is Nova like to work with?.'

2022-04-17, 05:14 PM
'Right.' Rachel will take a moment to watch the area behind her before following Oleander. Just in case there was something else out here. She wouldn't put it past the Duchesse to make a show of how much she understood whatever this was, but it was equally possible that, for all her attitude, she was a dilettante who was in over her head. For the moment she will hold her silence.

On the trail Rachel will keep an eye out. Even if there was so much as a hiker out here this late she would like to know about it. This was hardly a situation that she had expected to get into when she left San Francisco this evening. She had heard stories of what a Kindred needed to do to survive in the wilderness but had never really believed it was possible. Could she bury herself if she had to? At worst, how would her Beast deal with the sight of the sun rising in a few hours if she was delayed here? If she couldn't make it back to San Francisco she was already mulling over alternative arrangements in Sausalito.

Rachel keeps her wits about her as she follows The Duchesse and her two companions. She was attuned to the sound of heart beats and breathing; such noises would draw her attention immediately. And though at several times throughout the hike up the mountain, Rachel gets the sense that their are eyes watching her from the brush, or from up in the tree, all she ever picks up on is the odd wild animal. But paranoia pricked at the nape of Rachel's neck, and The Beast's rage and fear were roaring around inside of the Kindred's head. This only worsens as the noises of the forest pick up in their impossible choir.

Duchesse Oleander turns finally, a smug grin spread across her face. "I am not worried about my Ghouls," she says slowly, seeming to study Rachel's face, looking for weakness, "Charles was actually the one who found out about this." She turns away again, as the ghoul with the hat walks to the side of the narrow trail, and pushing some brush aside, begins to walk cautiously into the woods. Following the two men, Oleander calls again over her shoulder, "Now come my dear, I don't wish to be in these woods when the sun starts to rise."

Following the others, Rachel sees that there is a small footpath that they are taking, one that seems to wind shallowly down the side of the mountain. As they walk, the impossible forest sounds begin to warp and distort. The dirt path gives way to a formation of smooth worn down rock. And after a few more minutes, Rachels finds that The Duchesse and her ghouls have stopped.

"Here we are," Duchesse Oleander says with satisfaction, turning back towards Rachel. The men are shining their flashlights on what appears to be a large creek with rushing water. Though the cacophony of hoots and chirps and rustling bushes persists, the river itself is absolutely silent. As Rachel looks closer, she can see that the water is miraculously flowing uphill. The ghoul with the hat, swings his light beam up with the river, and Rachel can see that the stream is coming from an impossibly large and impossibly placed stone statue of a toad, it's mouth a black void from which the water fountains.

The more Rachel looks at the statue, the harder it is to look away, and the more unnerved The Beast becomes. "This is what I wanted to show your master," The Duchess says pointedly. She points at the statue and proudly declares, "This is a gateway of the sort, that I believe Mother Blackstar has been looking for."

************************************************** ***********************

Mostly, Rachel receives radio silence, though one old contact simply replies, "I'll talk to you later. We don't know what's going on either."

2022-04-17, 08:40 PM
Anna Wu


“Oh really, professor of what? Should I call you doctor? I used to be a police officer, in Hong Kong,” Anna said.

She paused as he asked about the consulting.
“Eh, you know how this works right? It’s been the same way for thousands of years. Kindred hunt and feed from mortals. Sometimes it gets messy, sometimes people get hurt,” Anna said.

She left out the part where some Kindred reveled in the violence.

“I’m trying to tap into the city’s blood donation services to get people to volunteer their blood, then there would be less hunting and less, hmmm, incidental violence,” she said, “but things are busy right now, and I could really use someone to set up some meetings with the blood drive people. I’ve got a few contacts but it would be good to have more. Down the line if it makes sense, you could help construct the business or logistics models. If you’re bored and want a few extra bucks, and if Karl is okay with it, that is…”

Anna glanced to Karl.

Rachel: “I’ve been here but not inside,” Anna said, “Nova is interesting to work with, you’ll have to form your own opinion I guess.”

She sent a message to Lady Stardust: “trust you are well. please reach out if there are any emergencies, or if anyone breaks Elysium.”

She also sent a message to Lady Miho and her sire: “meeting with Sheriff now, please let me know if there are any emergencies that cannot be handled by the ordo alone.”

Victor and Screech both sent messages to Anna asking what was going on, and she replied that she wasn’t sure but she recommended laying low for the time being.

She stepped out of the car and approached the ghoul, but not too close, owing to the lit cigarette.

“Hounds here to see the Sheriff, at her request,” Anna said.

2022-04-17, 09:10 PM
Rachel stays impassive as Oleander addresses her. Whatever was going on here she refuses to appear weak in front of the other woman. If Oleander or her ghouls were aware of anything strange going on around them they were remarkably composed about it. Since they were going on perhaps there was a chance that she could learn something.

At the sight of the statue Rachel finds herself gazing into the darkness of the statue's mouth. Where was it coming from? 'Then I should ask the obvious question. A gateway to where? Are we sure that's actually water?'


At the Dogpatch Rachel is going to let the others take the lead. Being named as a Hound seemed a little premature but there was no reason to be open about that with Nova's people.

2022-04-18, 08:35 PM
In the discussion about Fred helping with Anna's project, Karl states, "Long as you avoid putting him in the path of kindred you don't trust to keep their hands off, it sounds promising." He looks to the grandson, "That is of course if you wish it."

Later he looks up to the dogpatch, suppressing a sigh. In answer to Rachel's question he states bluntly before getting in earshot of the guards. "She's erratic, poorly disciplined, charismatic, and quite dangerous. Its likely safest to not be especially interesting to her."

After a moment he adds, "I dislike the feel of this, we may need to work together to get out intact."

2022-04-18, 09:18 PM
Later he looks up to the dogpatch, suppressing a sigh. In answer to Rachel's question he states bluntly before getting in earshot of the guards. "She's erratic, poorly disciplined, charismatic, and quite dangerous. Its likely safest to not be especially interesting to her."

After a moment he adds, "I dislike the feel of this, we may need to work together to get out intact."

'No argument here.'

2022-04-20, 10:00 AM
To Anna's first question, Fred replies, "Oh, I was a sociology professor at UCLA," but adds hesitantly, "before I met Karl." He chuckles at being called doctor, but simply shakes his head in the negative saying, "No, that's fine."

When Anna mentions being a police officer in Hong Kong previously, his eyes go wide. Fred opens his mouth as if to say something, but seems to stifle himself for a moment before saying, "Do you mind if I ask... how long ago was that? I don't mean to be rude, but my understanding is that, well you could be much older than you appear."

When Anna describes her idea of consulting, the man's face pinches up as if he sucked on a lemon and loses all of its color. "Wait, so what? You're going to be using patients at a hospital as... as like live stock?" he replies, now looking truly disturbed. He looks to Karl, a trapped expression in his lined face.

************************************************** **************

Anna sent a message to Lady Stardust: “trust you are well. please reach out if there are any emergencies, or if anyone breaks Elysium.”

Lady Stardust's reply comes quickly, "Thank you darling. So far so good. It looks like we might have a few interesting nights ahead. I will let you know if ANYTHING comes up!"

She also sent a message to Lady Miho and her sire: “meeting with Sheriff now, please let me know if there are any emergencies that cannot be handled by the ordo alone.”

Miho's reply comes back far less expediently. She sends a simple "Ok."

She stepped out of the car and approached the ghoul, but not too close, owing to the lit cigarette.

“Hounds here to see the Sheriff, at her request,” Anna said

The kid in the maroon hoody looks up from his cigarette slowly, a look of cold disdain on his face. He clicks his tongue for a moment, and it looks like he might say something distasteful. But instead, he flicks the half-spent cigarette; not directly at the Kindred, but in their general direction so that it falls between himself and the vampires. "Aight," he says with a sigh. He pulls a burner phone from his pocket, and pecks away at the buttons as he types out a message. A few moments later her gets a reply, and seeming satisfied, wordlessly retrieves a key from his pouch pocket. He pops the industrial-sized padlock holding the swinging door to the gate, and opens it for the Kindred. "Go straight to the compound, no funny ****. My man Al will meet you at the door."

He eyes the group with suspicion as they pass.

************************************************** ********************

Duchesse Oleander grins at the questions. Seeming to relish the position of power, she replies, "Oh, The Mother will know exactly where it goes, trust me. And that isn't exactly water, but it isn't not water either. I think it would be more like water the farther away it gets from the statue... assuming this stream exists farther away from this statue." Oleander shrugs, seeming to enjoy providing cryptic half-useful responses to Rachel's questions.

2022-04-20, 02:40 PM
As the kid was presumably mortal Rachel is amused that he has the balls to act like that in front of a trio of Kindred. She's making no attempt to hide what she is. Otherwise she'll try to pay enough attention to her surroundings that she'll know if anyone was getting too close.


Rachel is too curious about whatever this was to be irritated by Oleander. 'Well isn't that interesting. I wonder what the other side looks like. I don't suppose you've found anyone disposable to get closer to the statue? Or to try drinking the water?' She'll look significantly at Charles the ghoul. 'You did say your ghoul was the one who found this place.'

2022-04-20, 04:19 PM
Rachel can hear the soft background hum of the man's pulse, but he smells stained, like a tainted fruit; but with the scent of Vitae. Ghoul.

************************************************** ************************

"My Ghoul was smart enough to report this to me without doing anything stupid, once he found out about it," Oleander replies. She glances at the man with the hat, who gives her a knowing, proud grin. She grins as she turns back to Rachel and adds, "We... encouraged a more disposable mortal to investigate. She stuck her head into the frog's mouth, above where the water comes out. She... well she was sucked in. Ziiiip, never to be seen again."

The man with the hat speaks for the first time. His voice is rough, like that of a smoking addict. "I swear I saw a hand reach right out and grab her; pulled her straight in," he says with a strange mix of pride and horror.

The outburst from the man in the hat immediately sours the expression on Duchesse Oleander's face. She shoots him a warning glare, and he shuts up, eyes dropping to the forest floor.

2022-04-20, 09:29 PM
Rachel only looks intriged at the idea. Looking at the way the water was behaving she had no reason to disbelieve the ghoul. 'I wonder if that makes the statue some kind of lure for the unwary. Is there someone waiting on the other side even now? Someone who might be capable of watching and listening to us?' If there was someone to worry about by being here it was too late to do anything about that now. Rachel will take her phone to take some pictures of the statue and the stream.

2022-04-21, 03:31 PM
The wind picks up for just a moment after Rachel finishes speaking, and again it carries the strange peels of mocking laughter. The Duchesse can't hide that she has heard it this time around, her serene mask shattering into a web of unnerved lines. Her eyes flash red as they catch the moonlight, and Rachel watches as her lips quiver, ready to pull back and expose her fanged maw. Composing herself, Oleander replies, "We should not dally here long," but tries to cover this with the excuse, "the sun will be approaching and it will take us time to get back down the mountain. I am sure you will want to be back in your city before sunrise."

The ghouls seem relieved by this and immediately start turning to head back up the path.

2022-04-21, 06:20 PM
'Well ... that answers that.' Rachel says flatly. She will take some pictures but now doesn't want to spend too much time here either. Even if there was no sign of movement around the statue it was hard not to want to avoid turning her back on it in case it suddenly looked like a threat. At the same time, the laughter had started before they even got up here. What was the range on ...whatever this was? To Oleander, 'I must say, I dislike not knowing what the rules are here.' Even if Oleander knew anything useful Rachel didn't expect her to be forthcoming about it.

2022-04-21, 07:35 PM
“I’m trying to tap into the city’s blood donation services to get people to volunteer their blood, then there would be less hunting and less, hmmm, incidental violence,” she said, “but things are busy right now, and I could really use someone to set up some meetings with the blood drive people. I’ve got a few contacts but it would be good to have more. Down the line if it makes sense, you could help construct the business or logistics models. If you’re bored and want a few extra bucks, and if Karl is okay with it, that is…”

Fred's face is lined with uncertainty and he takes a moment to respond. "Do you mean people will be giving the blood willingly... or it's like a fake blood drive?" he asks, eyes darting from Anna, to Karl, then back again.

************************************************** *************************

Okay basically wrapping things up here, or will Rachel try to accomplish anything more here, or before the end of the night?

2022-04-21, 08:09 PM
On the way back to her Haven Rachel is alert for signs of anything unusual.

She'll also send a message to Mother Blackstar with the pictures of the statue attached. The Duchesse has certainly found something but I have no idea what to make of it. She suggested that this is a gateway, and you would know exactly what this is. If she's right I would be interested to know more.

2022-04-23, 11:33 AM
Anna Wu


"That was... six years ago," Anna said.
"Yeah, the idea is we get more donations overall, just like a regular blood drive," Anna replied, "it would be totally voluntary so... nobody would know anything different. The whole idea is to make it safer for everyone."

Dogpatch: Anna nods and leads the way, as instructed. She files away the physical look of the guy in the maroon hoodie though, with the cigarette. She'd have to teach him a lesson on etiquette if the opportunity presented itself.

2022-04-23, 05:33 PM
The hike back to the car is remarkable only for the occasional peels of laughter on the wind, becoming more distant every time it pricks Rachel's ears. Even once they reach the safety of the car, Rachel can't shake the sense that she is being watched by some malicious presence, something very satisfied that the Kindred were fleeing.

Duchesse Oleander and her ghouls force Rachel to wear the blindfold again on the ride down, and with the cloth over her ears, Rachel can still hear the laughter, like listening to the ocean in a seashell.

They take Rachel to her car or wherever she instructs them, and from there it is basically a race against the dawn to get back across the Golden Gate before sunrise. Images of the water rushing backwards and the strange moss covered frog statue chase Rachel into her sleep; the realization that she will need to meet with Mother Blackstar soon the last thought that Rachel has before she is pulled down into darkness.

************************************************** ***************

Fred nods his head, clearly coming to terms with what Anna is saying. When he speaks, it is hesitantly, as if he is worried about offending the vampire he is conversing with. "Okay. But... that would still be blood not making it to blood banks? Isn't there a shortage of transfusable blood at hospitals?" he asks. Clearly, Fred will need just a little convincing.

(OOC: Maybe a Persuasion roll would be good here. Fred's resolve would be 3)

************************************************** ****************

Anna leads the group across the scrappy grass lot towards the monolithic brick building. Spent cigarette butts and dried out piles of dog **** create a mine field that the Kindred are forced to navigate.

The wooden porch at the front of the compound is a aged and warped. The ghoul Al sits on a plastic chair on the porch, a sawed off shotgun sitting across his lap. He's clearly been waiting for the three, and rises from his seat as they approach. "You're here to see Nova, right?" he says, with the same disdain familiar from the last guard. Al might look familiar to Karl and Anna... though maybe all ghouls just look the same at this point. He's got a nappy little 'fro, and a shiny pleather jacket on in black, green and yellow. He's got the weapon in hand, but not at the ready, and he's smart enough not to attempt eye contact with any of the vampires before him.

Assuming you answer Al in the affirmative, and aren't looking to "try anything", he pulls out his hand radio and says into it, "They're here."

2022-04-23, 06:41 PM
Rachel will look slightly disgusted as she steps around the dog ****. Maybe it would have smelt bad anyway if she was still human, but with Kindred senses it was a lot worse. She'll only watch Al with curiosity in case he did slip up and look her in the eyes.

2022-04-23, 08:39 PM
Anna Wu

"No idea, but if there was, it would probably be a good thing if someone sponsored a few extra blood drives and donated some of the proceeds to the needy hospitals, could be a win for everyone," Anna said, "maybe that could be the first thing you figure out."
presence + persuasion: [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

Dogpatch: Anna was nonplussed at the show of security. Nova had invited them here, they should have been shown straight in. What was she trying to do here?

On the outside, she waited patiently for the ghouls to do their jobs, but her concern was raised. She kept her senses peeled for any impending attack. She didn't think Nova would be so obtuse as to invite them to her compound to attack them, but one never knew.

2022-04-24, 01:01 PM
(OOC: Fred's resolve would knock Anna's roll down to two successes, so still not bad)

Fred keeps nodding, his face lined with uncertainty. He glances from Anna to Karl, then back again, before inhaling to take a big exhausted sigh. "Alright," he says, sounding almost defeated, "sure. It sounds like it might not be the worst thing for humanity... and maybe I'd even be helping everyone out." He sounds as if he's trying to convince himself. Fred shrugs and asks, "What do you want me to do first then?"

(OOC: Also, I think Anna already has a meeting set up in game with the blood drive people for this night, though she's now agreed to rush to Nova's... so maybe she should send Fred in her stead?)

************************************************** ******************

Perhaps to Anna's relief, no attack comes. However, the three are left waiting for what feels like an eternal five minutes before the door opens. Nova steps out, momentarily bathed in the compound's light before she closing the door behind her. Her wild mane of brown hair is tied back with a red bandana, and her faded tank top is covered by a well worn denim jacket and tucked into a pair of navy cargo pants. She smells of stale dirt and blood in a most unpleasant way. Nova's cold eyes appraise the three for a long moment before she turns to the ghoul and orders him inside. Al obeys.

Once the four Kindred are alone, she says, "Alright. It sounds like we have a lot to discuss. You're Rachel, right?" she offers a hand out for Rachel to shake, though the expression on her face is less than friendly. "She's the one you want to bring in as an additional Hound?" she asks with slight incredulity.

2022-04-24, 01:55 PM
'Would you perhaps have preferred Aisling?' Rachel will shake Nova's hand since it was offered. 'I am hardly muscle but I'd like to think I can be of some value to these two.'

2022-04-24, 03:29 PM
Nova snickers at this, but her reply is harsh, almost scolding, "I don't really give a **** to be honest. I just need to know I can trust you."

2022-04-24, 03:49 PM
Nova snickers at this, but her reply is harsh, almost scolding, "I don't really give a **** to be honest. I just need to know I can trust you."

'You can trust me to avoid wanting to piss you off.'

2022-04-24, 05:13 PM
Anna Wu

Fred: “if you’re interested, I had a meeting with some folks who put blood drives together, to find out what sponsoring one takes. You could take the meeting and find out what we need to do, consider it a trial by fire,” Anna said with a small smile, “we can work out compensation later, and a contract if you need one I guess.”

Dog patch:
“She’s ok,” Anna said, “we want to start with a probationary period before she is made a full hound, but so far everything seems good from our side.”

That would leave it open for Nova to conduct her own background check if she wished.

“Is there trouble tonight? We might want to consider putting out a statement to calm everyone down, given what’s happened in LA,” Anna said.

2022-04-25, 08:57 AM
'About that. Do we know anything concrete about what might be going on there? Who is this Redcap person anyway?'

2022-04-25, 06:52 PM
Nova simply stares at Rachel with hard dark eyes when she swears she can be trusted. But when Anna speaks up she replies, "Alright. Sounds reasonable. She ****s up, it's on your heads though."

When Anna suggests that they put out a statement, she nods her head in agreement, but says coldly, "Sure. I'll message Stardust, and have her send out an official message." Lady Stardust was, along with being The Master of Elysium, the city's Herald. She adds, "Trouble tonight? Almost certainly. I was hoping you could help me out with that. I wanted to put you on patrol. I've got rats telling me that The Spear are planning on trying to take territory from the Carthians out in The Mission and The Castro. It could be a bad bad couple of nights till the Prince comes back."

She turns to leer at Rachel when she speaks up again. In a tone meant to parody the Crone's speech pattern she replies, "I figured you would know this Redcap person. He's supposed to be a Witch, right?" Nova makes sure to let the derogatory tone of her reply set in before adding more seriously, "I know nothing. None of us do. I'm finding out about this ****ing anarchy in real time, just like everyone else."

************************************************** *********

Fred shrugs and replies, "Compensation? For me, or for whomever I'm meeting. I suppose I need to know how much you're willing to invest and just what you are looking for."

2022-04-25, 08:03 PM
Anna Wu

“Alright. Anyone in particular we should be looking for?” Anna asked, “maybe we should go have a chat with them first, preempt any trouble.”

She figured this could be a trap; it would be a convenient way for Nova to get rid of some hounds she didn’t particularly like. Still, she wasn’t going to say no to opposing the spear.

Fred: “compensation is for you, I’m not going to ask you to do things without paying you,” Anna replied, “they should have set prices, see what you can find out about what’s needed, paperwork, logistics, options we have to choose from, and what funds they need, and put a findings report together. Then I guess we’ll see from there.”

2022-04-25, 09:02 PM
Given Nova's reputation her response to Rachel being here was about as good as she could expect. She does wonder how it might look to the Spear for a Carthian Sheriff to be sending Hounds out to defend Carthian territory but will keep that opinion to herself. Dealing with the Spear was hardly something she had a problem with. To the second point she'll only suppress the urge to say something more sarcastic at the idea that every Witch was somehow joined at the hip. She'll wait for an answer to Anna's question.

2022-04-26, 02:06 PM
Nova shrugs at Anna's question, giving her a momentary glare. "No idea," she replies, "though you're welcome to go knocking on Spear Haven doors if you think they'll want to chat with you." Nova crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her head back as if she were daring Anna to ask another question. She adds, "I'd suggest instead setting up patrol around Mission Dolores Park. It's mostly a field that looks down on The Mission and the Castro. It will give you a good view of anything suspicious coming from any direction and will give you a perfect view of The Church; it's a big ass night club that we've been using as a feeding ground. It's at the base of the hill under the view of the park, and it will probably the first sight The Spear target... for obvious reasons." Her gaze turns across the three Kindred, from Anna to Karl to Rachel. "I don't care if you all go together, or take shifts, as long as you get there ASAP," she says, a grin spreading across her cold lips as she clearly relishes the moment of authority. Nova adds, "I've already sent a few ghouls down there to watch, but if an outright attack happens, they won't be enough... on second thought, maybe all three of you should go together."

(OOC@Haval: Sorry, I'm not trying to be a **** to you or Rachel... but maybe Nova is)

************************************************** *************************

"Uh, sure," Fred replies, his face flushed, his eyes wide and lost. He keeps nodding his head and adds, "I'll... I'll see what I can do. I guess just let me know where and when."

(OOC: Happy to wrap this up here unless you want to do something more)

2022-04-26, 05:05 PM
Anna Wu

“I was thinking more like a phone call, but if we know where they’re likely to attack them yeah, we can just watch there,” Anna said.

Fred: “sure, see what you can come up with.”

2022-04-26, 07:31 PM
Karl listens to the issue and nods dutifully. This could be some sort of ploy, but Nova didn't seem the type for it to be an ambush. If she was going to hit them she'd just do it herself here and now.

It might be a distraction instead though. Get the hounds focused on a fake problem while she moved elsewhere... Perhaps a little checking to see if there was any evidence to her claims that the Spears were rallying. "Anything else your rats have told you we should know about?"

2022-04-26, 09:00 PM
"I've already sent a few ghouls down there to watch, but if an outright attack happens, they won't be enough... on second thought, maybe all three of you should go together."

'And if the three of us aren't enough either?'

2022-04-27, 07:17 PM
Maybe Nova would have responded to either Anna or Rachel, but the Invictus' words immediately grabs her attention. Turning to Karl, her eyebrows raise, and her lips pull back in a lupine sneer that exposes slowly growing fangs. "Why yes," she replies through gritted teeth, "they did." She pauses, her eyes locked for a long moment on Karl, then Nova seems to let her anger go. The snarl disappearing, Nova says flatly, "I have heard that you two have begun investigating the attacks happening on the Bay Bridge. I suspect there has even been Diablere. Perhaps... we can pool our resources. I suppose that's what would be expected; the city's Hounds working for The Sheriff."

2022-04-27, 08:14 PM
'Diablere?' Rachel asked as much as to the others as to Nova. 'Can you be certain of that?'

2022-04-28, 09:55 AM
Nova casts her hardened glare to Karl and Anna, giving them a look of disdain and waiting for them to speak up as if they had something to confess to.

2022-04-28, 11:21 AM
Anna Wu

"It's possible," Anna said, "it's right on the edge of our territory, and I don't know of anyone who has gone missing in San Francisco since Gorman, so someone may be coming over the bridge to do their dirty deeds. Whether administering final death or diablerie, who knows."

Anna shrugged.

"There's really not much to go on right now, we were hoping to do a little more digging first before bothering you over a little bit of ash," she added.

2022-04-28, 03:38 PM
(OOC: I'm going to ask for a Manipulation/Presence + Subterfuge roll at a -4 for Nova's Composure, since this is a lie?)

2022-04-29, 12:27 PM
Nova's glare remains focused on Anna for a long moment, letting the Mekhet's words hang in the air. Then her expression softens slightly, and with a nod of her head she replies, "I see," and perhaps she actually believes Anna. But Nova's eyes turn on Karl, looking to see if the other Hound has anything to add.

2022-04-29, 07:51 PM
Rachel will watch Anna closely but she had no reason to disbelieve her. 'If the dead isn't from here should we be asking around over the bridge?' She was aware of Oakland but had never had a reason to go there. 'But if there's someone else doing diablere I can't see them stopping at just one.'

Is there any way to identify diablere on Kindred remains? (Because Rachel doesn't know about Karl's auspex, but it might be useful to know)

Int 3 + Occult 2
Any 10s

2022-04-30, 08:53 AM
Nova's gaze shifts from the Mekhet over to Rachel, the glare still filled with disdain. She opens her mouth then closes it, turning back to Karl and waiting for him to speak.

Rachel gets two successes. The most obvious way that Rachel probably does not have to roll to know would be by using Auspex. Even if she does not know about what Karl has discovered with Auspex, Rachel probably understands that Auspex would be a good way to uncover a diablerist. However, Rachel has also heard of how the spirits or minds of the diablerized victim can sometimes come to the surface, briefly taking over the person who ate them. She has heard of strange devotions and rituals that can be used to trigger or encourage such occurrences.

2022-05-01, 09:45 PM
Karl shrugs, "The investigation in question is stalled at present, and was so even before the matter with the prince pushed it aside. And now I suspect we will be very busy with other matters for a time. As I am sure you can understand, we took the possibility of a diablerie charge very seriously, and decided that even the appearance of accusations was something to avoid in these delicate political times, it was our intention not to let anyone know an investigation was taking place at all until we were certain that was what had happened. I'm sure you can understand."

This statement is entirely true, if not exactly the whole truth. Making a manipulation+subterfuge roll to conceal the deception
ten again [roll1]

2022-05-03, 08:29 PM
Karl shrugs, "The investigation in question is stalled at present, and was so even before the matter with the prince pushed it aside. And now I suspect we will be very busy with other matters for a time. As I am sure you can understand, we took the possibility of a diablerie charge very seriously, and decided that even the appearance of accusations was something to avoid in these delicate political times, it was our intention not to let anyone know an investigation was taking place at all until we were certain that was what had happened. I'm sure you can understand."

'In case it's true it couldn't hurt to look into it. I had hoped to be done with all that when Gorman went down.'

2022-05-05, 01:44 PM
"I'm sure," Nova says coldly in response to Karl, her eyes locked on his.

(OOC@Daishain: Remember, Nova's Composure is 4, which would drop Karl's pool down to 1 which would be no successes. As you mentioned, Karl isn't lying here, but I would interpret this to mean that Nova can at least tell that Karl is being willfully obtuse, perhaps to hide something)

2022-05-05, 11:16 PM
Anna Wu

“We’ll continue looking into it once the current crisis is resolved,” Anna said.

does Anna get the sense Nova is being genuine about the Spear rumors?

2022-05-06, 07:58 PM
Rachel had taken Karl's word for it, but it was difficult to miss the tone of Nova's response. She will watch the exchange with curiosity.

2022-05-07, 08:55 AM
Nova opens her mouth as if to say something hasty, then closes it again. She allows her gaze to move from Karl back to Anna and with an intentionally measured tone says, "Yeah, sure. But let's just focus on surviving the next couple of nights, and making sure there's a city for D'Agostino to come back to so we don't all lose our jobs."

(OOC: Still gonna wait for Daishain to weigh in on whether or not he wants to spend a WP to try to turn that into a success.

@TC: Wanna give me a Composure + Empathy roll?)

2022-05-07, 10:53 AM
Nova opens her mouth as if to say something hasty, then closes it again. She allows her gaze to move from Karl back to Anna and with an intentionally measured tone says, "Yeah, sure. But let's just focus on surviving the next couple of nights, and making sure there's a city for D'Agostino to come back to so we don't all lose our jobs."

(OOC: Still gonna wait for Daishain to weigh in on whether or not he wants to spend a WP to try to turn that into a success.

@TC: Wanna give me a Composure + Empathy roll?)


"Agreed," Anna said, "it would look good for all of us if we can give him a positive report when he gets back, rather than problems to deal with."

2022-05-07, 07:16 PM
'Agreed.' Rachel wondered how much blame for failure would be attached to a Hound candidate on probation but chose to be diplomatic by not pointing that out. 'And in the meantime annoying the Spear barely counts as work.'

2022-05-08, 01:35 PM
"Good. I'm glad we are on the same page," Nova says after the two had spoken. She even grins a little at Rachel's comment about annoying the Lancea Sanctum.

Despite her best efforts, Anna can't get a read on Nova. She certainly seemed to be taking her role as Sherriff seriously now, so maybe this was a legitimate assignment, but who could tell.

Nova finally raises and eyebrow and says, "Unless there's anything else you three want to discuss, I suggest getting whatever preparations you need out of the way and at least getting one of your asses over to The Mission District."

(OOC: I am going to assume that unless I hear from Daishain otherwise, he is not spending a WP, and his roll was thus a standard failure)

2022-05-08, 02:15 PM
Karl simply states, "On our way then." If there is nothing else, he'll turn and head out the door.

Yeah, I'll spend a WP and try to turn that around. Whether she is the murderer or not, we don't need problems there. [roll0]

2022-05-08, 09:50 PM
"Unless there's anything else you three want to discuss, I suggest getting whatever preparations you need out of the way and at least getting one of your asses over to The Mission District."

Perhaps in private. Rachel will follow Karl out if nothing else comes up.

Does Rachel know anything about Spear Havens in the Castro or Mission districts
Int 3 + Politics 2
Any 10s

2022-05-09, 07:03 PM
Karl is down to 3/5 WP, still no successes. Damn, bad luck dude.
Rachel gets one success.

Rachel knows that the Castro proper was Crone territory, while some of the neighborhoods on the Eastern side that bordered The Mission were Carthian. She also knows that The Carthians and The Spear have been fighting over The Mission since she's come to San Francisco, and that their struggles have been the most open and violent of any confrontations in the city.

The three drive out Southwest from The Dogpatch, passing through the Mission and into The Castro. The most well known part of the neighborhood was the Castro Valley, surrounded on all sides by hills covered in expensive homes, was about four square blocks filled with flamboyant and famous gay bars. This was the part of The Castro owned by The Crone. Mission Dolores Park (OOC: Slight retcon, I had said Bernal Heights Park... but it's Mission Dolores... in case anyone cares), was a big grassy field that spread out over the Eastern Hill allowing one to look down both into The Mission and The Castro, and North of the field was The Church, a two story night club that had been converted from an old Pentecostal Church. This and the surrounding few blocks was Carthian territory.

Fortunately, parking was surprisingly available in the area, and it would simply be up the the group to surprise how they wanted to go about their patrol.

2022-05-09, 09:18 PM
Anna Wu

“We should make contact with the ghouls that are keeping watch first, find out if they’ve seen anything so far,” Anna said.

2022-05-09, 09:43 PM
Rachel will make sure she follows the other two closely. She could attempt to be useful by herself but it would be easier with someone else out here to back her up.

Before that she had questions that she could hardly ask in front of Nova. if Karl doesn't get out of the car first she will go so far as to knock lightly on his window. 'Judging by the look on Nova's face I feel like I should ask if there's anything else you want to tell me? If there's really someone commiting diablere out there I think it would it would be only polite if you let me know if you found anything. I may even be able to help with that.' Rachel felt left out of the loop and was curious to see if there was anything more that she should know about.

To Anna, 'Agreed.'

Ninja'd by TC

Doesn't seem unreasonable for Rachel to ask about what was going on in front of Nova. Doesn't mean she'll get an answer obviously.

2022-05-14, 10:55 AM
Karl sighs, "Yes, it would only be fair, and there is something you should know, especially if you are to join us. But at the same time it is a very sensitive matter. It absolutely cannot be gossiped about, to anyone, not even your coven. Will you swear to keep what we have found a secret until we are prepared to actually do something with the information?"

2022-05-14, 11:33 AM
Rachel smiles thinly, 'I can absolutely swear to that. Trust me when I say that there's a lot going on at the moment that I have no desire to talk about with anyone. If there are things you'd like to keep to yourself that's only fair, but if something might be a threat to me personally I would appreciate hearing about it.'

2022-05-14, 03:22 PM
Karl nods and pulls out a small device, flicking it on and checking for active transmissions along the usual bands in the immediate area before putting it away and shifting his stance so a distant observer was less likely to be able to read his lips, "Right, well at this point this certainly does concern you. Not only have we confirmed that someone is diablerizing kindred at that bridge, we just finished getting orders from the only suspect we currently have strong evidence against."

He pauses to be sure the implications sink in, "Unfortunately we do not have strong evidence that can actually be placed before a trial. It would mostly devolve to my word against hers, so we can't actually do anything with that information yet. Furthermore, given the serious nature of the accusations I have to admit that there is at least some possibility that she is being framed. So we are investigating, quietly, while letting her know as little as possible, a condition rendered difficult recently by the fact that she apparently has rats watching the crime scene and knows we are interested."

"Fair warning, my instincts are telling me this might be a trap of some sort. She doesn't seem the sort to use others to handle her problems, if she was at that point, I'd more likely think she would do it herself while we were still in her center of power. But that's no guarantee. Keep an eye out in all directions."

He pauses for a moment before asking, "Actually there is one question you might be able to help with, is there any method by which someone might be able to influence an auspex vision?"

2022-05-14, 08:12 PM
Rachel, who in no sense was a tech person, will watch Karl's device with a quizzical expression but will otherwise not comment. At the revelation about Nova she'll briefly grip the bridge of her nose, 'Of course she is.'

She'll think through the implications. 'I don't want to stake my life on it but, annoying as she is I'd like to think that she isn't the type to do that lightly, especially since her promotion to Sheriff. What would she even have to gain? Unless there's a string of other victims that I've not heard about. Do you know who the victim on the bridge was?'

'The idea that this might be a trap had occurred to me. But whether or not she's trying to get rid of you two I notice that we're all doing the Carthian's work for them in being here. At best we help prevent the Spear from expandiing, at worse she loses a handful of Kindred that aren't even in her Covenant.'

On the auspex question, 'Auspex is not one of my talents, but I would never rule anything out. A lot of strange things are possible if you know what you're doing. From what I've heard, a diablerised Kindred is still in there in some sense. Push them in the right way and you might be able to wake them up.'

Can you manipulate an auspex vision?
Int 3 + Occult 2 + Cruac specialty 1
Any 10s

2022-05-15, 05:05 AM
(OOC: Rachel gets two successes)

As far as she can remember, Rachel has never heard of a vampire or a discipline that could outright frame someone via Auspex. However, Rachel knows that Obfuscate can be used to hide someone from Auspex, and could imagine a Discipline or Devotion based off this that could be used to plant false visions, or some such... If there was one thing Rachel knew, it was that you never knew what dark powers a Kindred possessed.

(OOC: Posting this assuming the group is also moving forward with the previously suggested plan)

From initial study, the park looks empty and there are no immediate signs of the Ghouls that Nova mentioned, though perhaps they were hiding... or worse!

2022-05-15, 06:28 AM
Anna Wu

“Wonderful,” Anna muttered

She pulled out her phone and texted nova.

“Arrived at destination, is deserted. Any word from your team?”

2022-05-15, 06:39 AM
Rachel is going to look around for any sign of life, even if it was just a late night dog walker. If there were already bodies out here she would like to know about it.

In case there's anyone living or dead in the area

Wits 3 + Composure 3 + Acute Senses 1
See ooc - no successes
Any 10s

2022-05-17, 02:21 AM
Rachel begins walking out into the park, looking for any signs of life. She is unable to pick up on any signs of the Ghouls, though her ears do pick up on a racing little heartbeat somewhere off in the grasses of the park; a rabbit maybe, or a squirrel, or maybe a rat?

To Anna's frustration, but maybe not to her surprise, there is no immediate reply from Nova.

(OOC: Can I get Wits + Composure for Anna and Karl as well?)

2022-05-21, 03:09 AM
In an instant, reality shifts as the group suddenly becomes aware of two Kindred who come jumping out of the shadows, eyes glowing red with fury, the light just catching their extended fangs. Only Karl notices them soon enough to react, as the two vampires are on the group within an instant.

Anna and Karl immediately recognize the two attackers. The faster is Murat, the elder Invictus vampire with his bushy brown beard and round flat face. He is wearing the specialized Kindred dueling armor that Anna had learned about, a piece of curved steel placed over the breast to protect the most vital of vampire organs. The moonlight catches over and over the gleam of the long curved military sabre in his right hand, which moves like a snake in his expert grip. Behind him races his childe, Zach. The neonate's right arm has grown back a new hand, though withered and somewhat discolored to the rest of his body; it looks like a cadaveric limb sown on like Frankenstein's monster. In his other hand, he clutches a steel tipped wooden stake. The two Kindred are on the group in an instant.

Alright, start of combat. Karl is the only vampire not surprised based on the provided rolls. Please everyone roll initiative. Surprised, Anna and Rachel will not have an action in the first round, and don't gain their defense modifier against attacks.

Rolling for Murat [roll0]
And rolling for Zachary [roll1]

2022-05-26, 09:11 AM
Karl yanks out his pistol and fires at Zach, rapidly updating his assessment of Nova's methods. Needed to eliminate the childe quickly if he could so the master could be overwhelmed.

Pistol shot w WP. +2 dam on hit [roll1]
Ten again [roll2]

2022-05-26, 09:30 AM
Zach goes charging after Anna, who notices the Kindred baring down on her too slowly to react. But with his off hand he seems very uncomfortable wielding the stake. Despite her slow reaction, Anna is still able to stumble out of the way of his lumbering attack.

Murat instead goes straight for Karl as he draws his weapon. The elder vampire's eyes glow read as he swipes at Karl with the saber. But Karl is able to leap back, giving himself a little bit of room to finish drawing his weapon and bring it to bare.

(OOC: Top of the order now and everyone gets to attack and gets their defense modifier back. Daishain, see my OOC post before I resolve your roll. )

2022-05-26, 01:04 PM
What the hell is this? Rachel is irritated at herself for missing the ambush but it was easy to recover her composure when no one was actually attacking her. Murat was someone she was vaguely aware of but Zach was someone who she knew enough to try and avoid as much as possible.

As Zach seemed to be distracted by Anna, Rachel will take the opportunity to circle round behind him to try and attract his attention. She will go so far as to lean in and tap him on the shoulder if she can get away with it. 'Zach. Do you want to explain yourself?'

If she can make eye contact
Int 3 + Expression 3 + Dominate 2
Any 10s

2022-05-27, 10:34 AM
Anna Wu

"Oh man, he had me dead to rights," Anna thought as Zach missed badly.
Whatever minor blood bond he'd developed from taking her blood had apparently faded, and she didn't intend to show him any mercy this time, him or his Sire Murat.

She had saved Zach, gifted him her own vitae to keep his hand from turning to dust, and explained the situation to Murat at Elysium. She switched her phone to her off hand and tapped the record button, then drew her weapon with a single clear note of steel ringing in the darkness.

"I saved your progeny's life Murat, and you repay my kindness by ambushing the Hounds? I'm going to enjoy dropping your torpid bodies in front of the Sheriff," Anna said.

"Things will get really interesting if he says Nova is the one who set us up," Anna thought, "really, this is all Aisling's fault, she just _had_ to take out her rage on someone..."

Anna made a mental note to have words with Aisling, assuming she survived the evening.

2022-05-30, 01:41 PM
Gaining space as he moves back from his attacker, Karl brings his pistol up to aim at Murat and fires. The elder Kindred moves faster than any mortal could, but still cannot get fully out of the way of the close range shot. Muzzle flare paints Murat's enraged face in fiery red as the impact of the bullet hitting his shoulder forces him to stumble momentarily.

Almost instantly the wound begins to heal.

(OOC: Murat's Celerity 2 drops Karl's successes down to 3 for a total of 5 bashing. Murat spends a point of Vitae, healing to 3 bashing. Karl's WP is down to 2)

As Zach seemed to be distracted by Anna, Rachel will take the opportunity to circle round behind him to try and attract his attention. She will go so far as to lean in and tap him on the shoulder if she can get away with it. 'Zach. Do you want to explain yourself?'

Rachel manages to get the boy's attention, tapping him on the shoulder right after he had stumbled back into his fighting stance, having missed Anna with the stake. He turns around dumbly, foolish enough to make eye contact. He goes slack jawed for a second as Rachel uses her blood magic to enforce her will. Perhaps despite herself, her eyes glow a luminescent red as vitae floods her system, and there is a slight ecstacy in the sudden hard extension of her fangs.

(OOC: Rachel succeeds in enforcing the Mesmerized condition on Zach. He got 0 successes in resistance and one more success would have made it Exceptional. Anyways. She can spend her future instant actions to enforce commands on him.)

Recovering quickly from the bullet in his shoulder, Murat moves with blinding speed. Closing the distance, his saber snakes out and catches Karl across the cheek. The cut had been made with just a flick of the elder's wrist, but strikes with such force that it not only tears apart Karl's cheek, but almost spins his head around 180 degrees. Murat yells something accusatory and filled with rage, but Karl is too busy controlling his body and response to pain that it barely registers.

(OOC: Karl takes 2 bashing damage after Murat spends a BP for extra help from vigor to get one success on his attack roll)

Anna draws her sword, and Zach pushes away from Rachel to put distance between himself and Anna. He throws his stake away and shouts to Murat, "Screw this. They fired first!" as he draws his pistol.

(OOC: Back to the top of the combat order)

2022-05-30, 08:49 PM
Anna Wu

With Zach backing up and dominated by Rachel, Anna moved to assist Karl with Murat.

She times her move to give Karl a chance to shoot him again, then runs in quickly but not recklessly, looking to engage Murat and put Julian’s training to use.

attack str 2+ weapon3+ spec 1 + 3 will +2 vitae physical enhancement[roll0]
9 again: [roll1]
Anna does lethal damage with her blade.

“It will go easier for you if you tell us how you knew we’d be here,” Anna said, “who set us up?”

2022-05-30, 10:02 PM
While holding Zach’s gaze the whole time Rachel will grin broadly as she sees his face go slack. It was hard not to exalt in the feeling of her own strength as the vitae flowed through her. Her Beast took Zach’s submission as only it’s due.

The feeling of power turns to irritation as Zach draws his gun. She doesn’t take well to him seemingly ignoring her. They fired first? And he's angry about it. Does he think there’s a fair way we should have this fight?

She thought about keeping him here to ask him what he was playing at but Murat was the real threat. Rachel will step closer to touch Zach on the arm. ‘Bring me Murat’s sword.’ Either he would somehow succeed or he would at least get in the elder’s way and make it harder for him to beat up Karl.


2022-06-01, 12:05 PM
Karl steps back once more and fires again, trying to get a little distance.

pistol shot [roll0]
ten again [roll1]

2022-06-01, 02:31 PM
Karl steps back again to give himself room to level the pistol as he regains his composure from the slash to the face. He pulls the trigger and the pistol kicks just Murat is stepping forward to attack him again. Again the muzzle flare sets fire to the night for just an instant. Again Murat moves to the side faster than any human could, but not fast enough to fully evade the bullet, which catches him in his free arm.

(OOC: Karl get's 2 successes after including Celerity for defense for 4 bashing. He's gonna spend 2BP here to heal a total of 6 bashing)

A little over five yards away, Zach is stumbling back, trying to find the angle to put distance between himself and both Anna and Rachel. Having already placed her hooks into the fledgeling's mind, Rachel does not need touch or deep eye contact to hold sway. Her voice is carried by the wind, over the sound of gunfire, and it hits Zach like a hammer, his body actually recoiling. "Yes," he mumbles, his eyes appearing to glaze over slightly, enchanted by Rachel's voice. Changing course, Zach drops his pistol and begins clumsily running towards his sire.

Murat closes back in on Karl, eyes still ablaze. He strikes out again, using his wrist to whip the blade around then into a diagonal downward cut that catches Karl in the meat of his shoulder. The pain hot though easy to ignore... though Karl can feel the Beast's rage.

(OOC: Karl takes 2 more bashing for a total of 4, out of his 7 health boxes)

Anna turns her attention towards Murat, seeing that Rachel had his childe "under control". She quickly overtook Zach, ready to bring revenge with her jian, moving in behind Murat as he attacked her friend. She whips the sword around in what should be a surely be a deadly blow. Murat spins faster than the eye can register, and Anna's weapon comes to a sudden and powerful stop, bowing with a screech against the man's saber.

“It will go easier for you if you tell us how you knew we’d be here,” Anna said, “who set us up?”

Murat hisses between clenched teeth, his fangs showing. "There was only supposed to be two of you," he growls in reply, eyes glowing red now.

(OOC: As the second attack, Murat's defense is dropped to 7, which drops Anna's attack to 0 successes. She is down to 6 vitae and 3 WP)

Zach lumbers forward, both arms outstretched in an attempt to grab his sire. His movements are drunken and he is not nearly as fast as the Elder. Murat pushes him away with his boot and scolds, "Damn it Zach!" The mesmerized fledgeling finds himself flat on his back.

(OOC: Grapple test fails miserably. Dramatic failure. Zach goes prone)

2022-06-01, 04:55 PM
Fangs still visible Rachel is amused at Zach's misfortune. She hadn't expected that to work, but Zach could always have another go.

Murat hisses between clenched teeth, his fangs showing. "There was only supposed to be two of you," he growls in reply, eyes glowing red now.

'Yes, about that. What the hell are you doing here Murat? Or would you like to explain to Nova why you're getting in our way?' Rachel will move closer while making sure Anna or Karl is between her and Murat. She assumed that Nova might have something to say about this and doesn't have a problem with throwing the Sheriff's name around.

Assuming Nova didn't send them here
Presence 3 + Intimidate 1
Any 10s

2022-06-03, 08:40 AM
Anna Wu

Realizing she has little chance of hitting Murat with her sword, Anna takes a step back and draws her pistol.

sheath the sword if possible, if not drop the cell phone in the grass, still recording, to free up a hand.

2022-06-04, 12:05 AM
Karl steps a little to the side for a clear line of fire and grimly keeps shooting."I never figured you for a fool Murat, but if you don't have some purpose here other than that stupid grudge I'm going to have to significantly downgrade that estimation."

Trying to goad him into saying something here, None of the "talky" skills feel quite right here, so I'm going with my closest guess of manipulation+streetwise. [roll0]

Shooty time [roll2]
ten again [roll1]

2022-06-05, 12:39 PM
"Too bad you'll be dead," Murat snarls back at Karl.

(OOC: Composure knocks that down to 0 successes...)

Karl steps back to fire, but somehow Murat puts on a burst of speed, lashing out with a lightning fast slash in the time it takes Karl to level his weapon and before he can pull the trigger. Perhaps Karl's surprise is what allows him to get out of the way in time, and the blade just whizzes past Karl's face, leaving a trail of wind.

(OOC: Murat spends a BP to use celerity to move to the top of the initiative cue, then adds a WP for three extra dice but rolls 0 successes)

Karl fires, catching his enemy as he is recovering from the momentum of his swing. The bullet strikes Murat square in the chest, staggering him but not knocking him off his feet. As he turns, you can see there is a gaping hole just to the right of Murat's breast bone, where the cloth from his shirt has fused with burned skin; a red, angry looking hole. If Murat had a beating heart, it would be pumping gushes of blood out of the wound... though of course, Murat would likely be dead.

(OOC: Karl does 6 bashing with that attack, and since Murat already went, he won't be able to spend a BP to heal. That will leave him with a -2 penalty till he heals up)

'Yes, about that. What the hell are you doing here Murat? Or would you like to explain to Nova why you're getting in our way?' Rachel will move closer while making sure Anna or Karl is between her and Murat. She assumed that Nova might have something to say about this and doesn't have a problem with throwing the Sheriff's name around.

Regaining his footing, Murat turns his attention to Rachel. His eyes go wide, and he throws his head back to laugh a mad cackling laugh, that trails off in a wheezing nervous sort of way. "I'm not worried about the Sheriff," he spits, his voice reedy as an equal quantity of air escapes from his punctured lung. He takes several fumbling steps back, away from his attackers, and from his glass eyed childe.

Rachel readies her knife. Anna resheathes her sword, while simultaneously drawing her pistol.

(OOC: Rachel spends a WP and succeeds in her Intimidation roll. I'll let you interpret his reply however you want. Rachel is down to 5/6 WP)

Zach stumbles back up to his feet.

(OOC: Back to the top of the order)

2022-06-05, 07:28 PM
Anna Wu

“You should be,” Anna replied simply, “Nova takes security very seriously, now who sent you?”

fire a single shot: [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

2022-06-05, 09:23 PM
'Oh really.' Rachel replies sarcastically. 'I had no idea you were suicidal. I'll be sure to tell her that the next time I see her.' Between Karl's comments about Nova and the rumours about the quarrel the coterie had had with Murat it wasn't hard to draw some conclusions. 'If the Sheriff doesn't worry you, would you prefer to take this up with my Primogen? Do you really think she won't find out about this? Given that you didn't expect to find three of us here just what exactly is your plan to deal with me?' Rachel is being selective about what Mother Blackstar might be capable of but for all Rachel knew it might be the simple truth.

Rachel is content to keep her distance and stay in Murat's blindside.

Lying about Blackstar's reaction to Rachel dying and about her capacity to find out who did it

Misdirection 3 + Subterfuge 2 + Striking Looks (Subterfuge) 1
Any 10s

2022-06-05, 10:19 PM
"Getting slow are we?" Karl taunts "Looks to me like you're feeling your age more like a mortal than a kindred!"

He blurs as he shifts position much faster than before, whipping the pistol around to fire from a different direction

Spending 1 BP on celerity to get back to the top of the initiative count before he can repair his defense and firing again.
ten again [roll0]
not nearly as good as the last but I'll take it

2022-06-06, 06:58 PM
(OOC@Daishain: The move up in initiative from celerity only lasts one round, so Karl does not have spend a BP to get ahead of Murat. He's burned to much BP and will not be pulling that stunt this round)

Karl steps back and again snaps off a shot at Murat. The heavy colt kicks in his hand, and the elder vampire is still moving too fast. The bullet wings his shoulder, causing Murat to shriek. His eyes go wide and wild, glowing red in the darkness, and his face is pulled back and lined in a shuddering snarl. "Damn you!" Murat curses, head turning from one person to the next before fixating on Zach, "Damn you all!" Murat bursts into action again, but this time he lashes out at his childe. The saber travels in a horizontal arc, causing the wind to sing.

But Zach somehow manages to stumble back out of the way of his Sire's attack, eyes wide and confused. Murat stands there trembling for one last moment, before disappearing in a blur or speed. He is next visible about 40 feet away, legs pumping in a blur of movement.

(OOC: Going to give Anna and Rachel a chance to change their turn)

2022-06-06, 07:49 PM
Anna Wu

“Don’t run, you’ll only confirm your guilt,” Anna said as she drew a bead on the elder. She thought about giving instructions to Rachel, but held her tongue. She was supposed to be in a trial run as a Hound after all, so Anna was curious what she would do.

aim, ready action to shoot Murat if he decides to move, keeping a bp in reserve to activate celerity and move ahead of him if needed.
Dex3, firearms 1, spec 1, aim 1, wp 3: [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

As much as she wanted to end the threat of Murat here and now, Anna’s mortal training took over.
“You are under arrest, Murat, for attacking the Hounds. Surrender yourself to the Prince’s judgement,” Anna said, “drop your weapon. Now!”

2022-06-06, 08:20 PM
Rachel has never bothered to learn how to use a gun, which hadn't usually been a problem before. She's mostly interested in what caused all this drama, but as long as Zach was still here maybe finding out wouldn't be too hard. She'll call out after Murat with fake concern, 'Murat. You left your friend behind. I hope you didn't tell him anything important? Perhaps you should stay and chat. You won't be able to hide from me.'

2022-06-10, 01:33 PM
Murat seems not to hear, or perhaps not to care as Anna and Rachel call out after him. He barely even reacts to the sound of gunfire as Anna levels her pistol and fires. The rapport of the weapon rings out in the park, and the flash of its discharge lights up the night momentarily. Murat stumbles for a moment as the bullet wings him, but keeps running. As he runs, his head turns just enough to the side that you can catch the wild (though perhaps not totally lost) look of terror in his eyes.

(OOC: Anna hits him for 3 bashing. She is down to 2/6 WP)

Closer by, Zach, who after having dodged an attack on his life from his own sire, watches dumbly as his sire flees. He begins to back away from the Hounds, but does not begin to flee just yet.

(OOC: Technically, Rachel should get to go before Zach, and may pre-empt anything he may try to do)

2022-06-10, 06:16 PM
Closer by, Zach, who after having dodged an attack on his life from his own sire, watches dumbly as his sire flees. He begins to back away from the Hounds, but does not begin to flee just yet.

(OOC: Technically, Rachel should get to go before Zach, and may pre-empt anything he may try to do)

Rachel will watch Murat go before sighing and turning to Zach. 'Zach, come here.' She'll reach up and grab him by the chin so she could look him in the eye. 'How did Murat know we were going to be here tonight?'

Going to spend 1 vitae to move to the second part of Dominate. Zach takes the Dominated condition.

Want to try and make sure he answers any questions we have.

2022-06-11, 02:49 PM
There is a moment where complete terror shines through Zachary's face. His eyes go wide, and his arms start to come up as if to deflect an incoming blow. But this impulse is wiped away almost instantly. His face turns absolutely blank, lids lowering to half mast, lips parting in a slack jawed gape. Rather than continuing to back away from Rachel and the Hounds, he lumbers forward in a trance, stopping before them obediently.

Rachel is down to 8 BP.

Technically we are back to the top of the order, though Rachel can still shoot again, and Karl could technically act as well.

2022-06-11, 09:28 PM
Trusting Rachel to at least not let Zach escape, Karl blurs after Murat and fires again. There was little chance of bringing the elder down before he escaped, but he had to try, letting a proven enemy regroup was not a winning strategy.

pistol shot [roll0]
ten again [roll1]

2022-06-11, 11:49 PM
Taking Karl’s lead, Anna moved towards Murat and tried to shoot him again.

Dex3 + firearms 1 + spec 1 [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

2022-06-12, 10:32 AM
If Rachel doesn't get an answer out of Zach she'll motion for him to follow her before she follows the others. She has no chance of catching anyone using Celerity, so she'll just aim to keep the others in sight.

2022-06-13, 11:07 AM
Both Karl and Anna race after Murat, both investing the blood to push their bodies to move at inhuman speeds, while still shooting at the fleeing target. The more powerful with Celerity of the two Hounds, Anna begins gaining on Murat, leaving Karl behind her as she goes. Both Kindred are able to hit Murat, his body bloodlessly spasming with the impact.

Karl spends 1BP and moves 18 feet. She is down to 5 BP. Hits for 3 bashing after defense.
Anna: spends 1BP and moves 30 feet. He is down to 5 BP. Hits for 4 bashing after factoring in defense

Okay, we are going to transition this to a contested extended chase scene. Initiative is going to switch from here to:

As Murat is the only character not to have acted this scene and he's just going to keep racing.

Goal is going to be 7 successes. Please roll Dex + Athletics + Celerity for the first roll. Note the following modifiers: If you wish to spend a BP for a turn of celerity, you can add your Celerity dots +1 in addition to your "passive" celerity bonus. You can keep shooting at Murat, but if you wish to attack as well that turn, you will be halving your dice to chase him (you can move double distance when not attacking in a turn). Lastly, Karl will be at -1 for his first roll, as he covered less distance than Anna and Murat with his last movement.

Both Anna and Karl disappear into a blur as they chase after the fleeing vampire, leaving Rachel alone with the neonate. After instructing Zach to answer all of her questions honestly, Rachel repeats:

'How did Murat know we were going to be here tonight?'

Murat seems to struggle with himself for a moment before replying in a sleepy monotone, "We were told you would." His eyes go wide, seeming to realize that he is betraying himself. Zach studies Rachel for a long moment before muttering, "Oh god." He puts one arm up between him and Rachel in the universal sign of 'stop', before turning and bolting away from Rachel

(OOC: Sorry, but you never commanded him to stay :smallbiggrin:)

2022-06-13, 05:37 PM
Rachel rolls her eyes and calls after him, 'Sit down Zach.' She's fairly confident that she wouldn't have to try that hard to restrain him. 'And try to have some dignity. You're lucky your dealing with me and not Anna. Are the rumours about her taking your hand off true?'

(OOC: Sorry, but you never commanded him to stay :smallbiggrin:)


2022-06-14, 09:36 AM
Rachel calls after the now fleeing neonate, and her command hits him like a ton of bricks. Zach's body goes suddenly rigid mid-stride, which forces him to lose his balance and go sliding face first through the grass. Almost mechanically, he rolls over to take a seated cross legged position on the ground, where he sleepily starts brushing the wet dirt from his face and shoulders. Rachel approaches so that she does not have to yell, and as she does she can see the terror building up in the man's eyes. He watches her approach like a man awaiting his executioner.

Are the rumours about her taking your hand off true?'

Zach grits his teeth, his bloodless face lined with anguish, the cordlike muscles in his neck bulging with some internal struggle, before blurting, "Yes" He raises his arm up to show Rachel an atrophied and discolored hand that was just a little too small for the wrist it was attached to.

2022-06-14, 09:05 PM
Zach grits his teeth, his bloodless face lined with anguish, the cordlike muscles in his neck bulging with some internal struggle, before blurting, "Yes" He raises his arm up to show Rachel an atrophied and discolored hand that was just a little too small for the wrist it was attached to.

Rachel will study the hand with interest, 'And yet you seem to be doing alright now. I'd say you got off lightly.' Once she's closer she's content to loom over him. 'Now ...without trying to run away again ... tell me who told you and your Sire that we were going to be here? Frankly I've enough problems without people I barely know trying to kill me.'

2022-06-15, 09:15 PM
Karl keeps moving, trying to keep pace and looking for an opening.

Spending a WP on this roll
ten again [roll1]

2022-06-16, 03:28 PM
The clouded look in Zach's eyes disappears instantly as he tries to fight Rachel's command. He shut's his lips visibly trying to force them to stay closed, and even brings his hands up to his mouth, fingers digging into the flesh around his lips as he tries to pinch them closed. Despite himself, Zach still blurts out, "Nova! It was Nova!" before immediately clamping both hands over his mouth.

************************************************** ************************

Anna and Karl manage to chase the fleeing vampire down into an alley between a Polish laundromat and a boarded up pharmacy. The side street is shielded from the streetlight, but the shadows offer Murat no useful protection. He races down the alley, still moving at blinding speed, only to realize that it terminates in the brick wall backing of an apartment building.

Spinning on his heels, Murat turns to face his hunters. Were he a mortal he would be breathing heavily, but instead he stands before them still like the statue of a madman. His face is lined with rage, and his eyes are glowing softly red in the darkness. Murat is close to his Beast, and might possibly do something drastic in an attempt to escape.

(OOC: That was 7 successes. Karl is down to 1 WP)

2022-06-16, 08:06 PM
Anna Wu

Anna kept her pistol pointed at Murat while holding her phone in her other hand.

"Could this have gone any worse for you? Tell me who convinced you attacking us was a good idea, and I will make a more lenient report to our Prince," Anna said.

persuasion + presence + WP: [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

2022-06-16, 08:25 PM
The clouded look in Zach's eyes disappears instantly as he tries to fight Rachel's command. He shut's his lips visibly trying to force them to stay closed, and even brings his hands up to his mouth, fingers digging into the flesh around his lips as he tries to pinch them closed. Despite himself, Zach still blurts out, "Nova! It was Nova!" before immediately clamping both hands over his mouth.

'That wasn't so hard was it?' Rachel replies with a smirk. The answer wasn't entirely surprising but it was nice to have confirmation. 'Perhaps I should see if the Prince would like to hear about this. I take it she didn't tell you I was going to be here?'

2022-06-18, 12:14 AM
Karl keeps his own bead on Murat, not saying anything for now, but quite convinced the answer was Nova, even if that wasn't what the elder answered with.

2022-06-18, 01:41 PM
Murat's face contorts as if suddenly going into spasm, and for a moment it seems like he might just lose control. But instead a wild and wide eyed grin spreads across his face. In the darkness (save for his softly glowing eyes), it is a lunatic's smile that Murat shows, made only worse by his long and pointed fangs. "This was revenge," he cackles in reply to Anna's question, "you attacked my Childe for no reason and dismembered his hand!" Murat steps forward, but tosses his sword on the ground though his wild grin never leaves his face. With glee he adds, "But if you must know, it was your own Nova, who sold you out!"

He pauses for a moment to savor any looks of shock from Anna and Karl, but before either can speak he says, "Now tell me hounds" and this he says with all of the derision he can muster, "do... you... know... MY... CLAN?"

(OOC: Show of hands, how stupid/bonkers should Murat act now??? :smallbiggrin:)

************************************************** **

"I... don't know," Zach replies flatly, and of course he can't be lying. He stands up from his seated position, pure malice in his eyes, mixed with terror. He flinches at any movement that Rachel might make.

2022-06-18, 08:10 PM
Anna Wu

“Watch out!” Anna said. Then she stops the recording and shoots Murat, aiming to put him down.

attack: [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

2022-06-18, 09:01 PM
"So you chose to throw your life away to help a diablerizer cover up her crimes. Poor reasoning Murat. You should've remembered the nature of the game."

Karl is about to try and talk the elder down, but then Murat starts acting in a crazy fashion, and Anna responds. Figuring talking further was probably not going to help things, Karl raises his pistol and fires as well.

Starting to wish we'd come better armed
ten again[roll1]

2022-06-18, 09:50 PM
"I... don't know," Zach replies flatly, and of course he can't be lying. He stands up from his seated position, pure malice in his eyes, mixed with terror. He flinches at any movement that Rachel might make.

'That does suggest that you and Murat should have put a little more thought into this doesn't it?' Rachel replies enjoying the look in Zach's eyes. 'If you survive the night perhaps you can learn something. Such as whether Nova would have trusted either of you to keep her involvement to yourselves.' She'll take his hand, 'Come with me Zach. Without trying to escape. I suppose we should see how the others are getting on.' Rachel will lead Zach in the general direction of the gunfire.

2022-06-19, 02:19 PM
Anna starts shooting and Karl follows suite. Murat's eyes go wide for a moment, then go completely blank as The Beast takes over. The crazed joker's face turns into a feral snarl, lips curled back to show fangs and he growls like an angered dog. Moving with still blinding speed, he is on Karl in an instant, no sign of injury from the hail of bullets. Arms wrapped around Karl, Murat's mouth opens wide before his fangs dive straight into the Mekhet's neck. One fang scrapes hard against Karl's jaw bone with the haste of the assault, instantly snapping it.

(OOC: So I know Anna attacked first but initiative order puts Karl first. Karl's attack misses. See my OOC posts, but Murat is able to immediately initiate a grapple and bite to feed, dealing 3 lethal damage and taking one blood point. Karl is now down to 4 BP, and has bashing damage in his right-most health box, meaning he will get a -3 penalty to all rolls. Karl may want to spend a vitae to heal.

It would now be Anna's attack, meaning if you wanted to proceed with your prior action, she would be shooting into melee, which would be at a -2 modifier. Please let me know if you wish to proceed with this)

Anyone attentive enough might hear the sound of police sirens approaching in the distance.

************************************************** ********************

Rachel begins leading Zach away from the park. As they start to walk, the sound of police sirens begins to grow louder and louder. Rachel can see the blue and red lights glowing in the distance, they would likely be there in less than a minute!

(OOC: Please give me a Dex + Athletics roll to see if you beat the police to where Karl and Anna are)

2022-06-19, 06:36 PM
'Oh for gods sake.' Rachel mutters. She's not especially worried by the police being here but it was certainly an inconvenience.

Dex 2 + Athletics 0 - 1 (penalty for lacking the skill)
Any 10s

2022-06-21, 07:07 PM
Despite the issue that Karl was now practically a human shield, Anna's target was no longer moving. She takes aim and fires.

Karl can feel the rush of hot air and can hear the soft whiz created, despite the discharge of Anna's pistol, as the bullet rushes past his ear. There is the sickening cracking of bone as the projectile smashes into Murat's skull. His fingers spasm and dig hard into the flesh of Karl's chest, but suddenly he lets go and drops, sliding off of Karl's body, fangs leaving his neck.

Murat collapses into a contracted fetal position, locked in torpor. His lids remain pulled open, eye lolling about in his skull. Lips curled back to reveal his long fangs.


Despite their apparent distance, the cop cars appear to be coming too quickly. Rachel is forced to pull her captive behind a lone tree, not able to get across the park in time. But to her surprise, a trio of cop cars come racing up the hill, and drive right past the street, the doppler of their sirens rising and falling as they pass on by.

(OOC: Since combat is over, I see no reason to delay Rachel. Feel free to walk her into the other scene)

2022-06-21, 07:55 PM
Karl gives something of a grunt as Murat latches on, it would likely have been a cry of pain if he still felt such things, but as it was he just wordlessly struggled to remove the elder from his shoulder.

He looks down as Murat stiffens and falls off, then looks to Anna, "Good shot, and thank you."

Looking around the Mekhet tries to assess the situation, "We need to get moving quickly, and take this one with us. Can't have him waking in the morgue." He looks for a quick way to move the body with minimal risk of observation.

2022-06-21, 09:44 PM
Did the police have better things to do tonight then respond to gunfire? Were there no mortals close enough to have heard the shots? Rachel assumes that there is every chance that another police car might show up eventually. She'll all but drag Zach in the direction that the others had gone.

The scene in the alleyway was very satisfying to witness. 'I glad to see that you don't need me to help you fight.' She'll point to Zach while keeping hold of him with her other hand. 'This one tells me that Nova set you up, though I don't think either of you would be that surprised to hear that. Do you want him?'

2022-06-23, 08:44 AM
Anna Wu

Anna watched yet another Kindred fall to torpor as a result of her actions. She was starting to make a habit of it, which is something she really didn't want to do, but trouble seemed to keep finding her. She had half a mind to dust Murat right then and there, but resisted the urge to draw her sword and decapitate the elder vampire.

"Obfuscate, head back the way we came," Anna said as she holstered her pistol and frisked Murat for any other weapons or interesting items, "do you need to feed? I know a place we can go, after we take care of this... actually, we should link back up with Rachel."

Just then, Rachel showed up.

"Yes," Anna said as she pulled out her phone, "Zach needs to face the Prince's judgement."

She Pulsed Tony and Rachel: "Tony there's been an attack, where are you? We need to meet asap."

"Back the way we came, towards the park, until Tony replies to us," Anna said as she picked up Murat's legs.

Can Anna use obfuscate once to cloak all of them?

2022-06-23, 03:53 PM
Rachel receives Anna's Pulse message that was also sent to Tony. However, even if they sit and wait, there is no immediate reply. The Pulse shows that he hasn't even viewed the message yet.

2022-06-23, 04:04 PM
'I assume that the police will send someone to investigate all the gunfire.' Given their clan Rachel assumed that Anna and Karl would have no trouble getting out of here without being seen, even with a body. 'Zach. How is your Obfuscate? If you're not going to be of any trouble perhaps you could help Anna.'

2022-06-23, 04:14 PM
Zach shrugs, and replies, "I mean, I can make it hard for people to see me and objects," but the way he says it makes it sound like he might not be the most talented at the Discipline.

2022-06-23, 10:27 PM
Karl looks to Zach, he might be dominated, but he was bound to be pushing at that. Perhaps settling him would help. "I won't lie, you're in trouble here. But to be frank, we're more concerned with your master and Nova. Remain cooperative and chances are decent you'll make it through this unscathed. Give us trouble though and those chances go up in smoke."

He looks around, "Lets move, we need to get Murat's body properly staked and stowed for later, and then regroup."

"Rachel, under the circumstances I would not blame you for choosing to walk away. I can't say for sure Nova will leave you be if you do so, but at the least she's bound to focus on you less than the two of us for a while. Stay the course and there might be safety in numbers, but there will be trouble for certain." He moves to heft Murat's body, willing himself into invisibility along with the burden.

2022-06-24, 05:26 AM
Anna Wu

Anna kept a grip on Murat’s feet so she didn’t lose Karl.

“That way, away from the police,” Anna said.

Once they started moving she kept talking.

“Seriously Zach, I don’t know why I keep sticking my neck out for you,” Anna said, “I could have let Aisling kill you the night Gorman died, nobody would have known. I could have left your hand on the ground, instead I reattached it. I could have dusted both you and Murat in the alley back there, instead I’m dragging this heavy thing away from the police. I even paid for your door.”

2022-06-24, 07:06 AM
Zach shrugs, and replies, "I mean, I can make it hard for people to see me and objects," but the way he says it makes it sound like he might not be the most talented at the Discipline.

'Then do that.' Rachel replies as she focuses on activating her own Obfuscate. 'Be good and I'll consider loosening your leash a little.'

To Karl, 'I would say I'm involved whether I want to be or not. It really depends on how interested Nova is at covering this up.'

2022-06-25, 08:27 AM
Karl looks to Zach, he might be dominated, but he was bound to be pushing at that. Perhaps settling him would help. "I won't lie, you're in trouble here. But to be frank, we're more concerned with your master and Nova. Remain cooperative and chances are decent you'll make it through this unscathed. Give us trouble though and those chances go up in smoke."

Zach's eyes go wide at this, and his lips start to curl back to expose his teeth. He glances down for a moment at his defeated Sire, and then growls as if the Beast is close to the surface, yelling, "**** you!"

'Then do that.' Rachel replies as she focuses on activating her own Obfuscate. 'Be good and I'll consider loosening your leash a little.'

Rachel's words pull Zach away from Karl. His face twitches, as if he were suddenly surprised by a hard poke in the ribs. "Fine," he says with a snarl, turning to Rachel. Though the group is staring right at him, they can feel as Zach uses his weaker powers in Obfuscate to draw attention away from himself, as if he were sinking into the fog and darkness of the San Francisco night.

2022-06-25, 08:47 AM
Rachel activates her Face in the Crowd, no cost. Karl and Anna activate Cloak of the Night, and Anna spends an additional to active Touch of the Shadows. This will drop Karl to 3 and Anna to 3 Vitae each. Character Boxes updated

Karl and Anna work together to gather the torpid body of Murat. The night had already been too long. The ambush had been survived but at a heavy cost. Both Mekhet had expended much of their reserves to come through the attack. But as Karl bent down, wrapping his arms around the elder's body, deep pangs of hunger began to spasm in the Kindred's chest. The Beast was angry. They had been attacked! Karl had been hurt! Karl had been fed on! And we are hungry, oh so hungry. Despite himself, Karl found his tongue lapping back and forth across extended eager fangs. It would be so easy to feed now; to take back his blood, to take revenge!

(OOC: I am going to call for Karl to make a Frenzy roll here. I think between the outrage of being attacked, the damage Karl has taken, the fact that he was fed on, and his low Vitae pool all make this an obvious request. If Karl wishes to resist, it will be a point of WP and he will roll Resolve + Composure -3 for wounds in all health boxes. Now I could actually stack the negative modifiers, since Karl also has less than 4 vitae which would be an additional -2, but I'm just not that mean.

Failing the roll will lead to Karl drinking Murat dry. We established that this is not the same thing as going for Diablere, and I will not push that, unless Daishain wants to go that route)

2022-06-25, 07:52 PM
Karl grimaces, fighting back the hunger pains, forcing himself to focus on the hunt that would come later instead of taking the vitae that was there. Murat would not face the final death tonight... so he could suffer far more later.

Eventually he beats back the beast and takes up the body again, grimly pushing on.

2022-06-25, 08:17 PM
Rachel was distracted by keeping an eye on Zach, but it was hard not to notice Karl's wounds. 'Karl, should we find you something to eat?' She sounded more curious then worried.

2022-06-25, 08:30 PM
Rachel was distracted by keeping an eye on Zach, but it was hard not to notice Karl's wounds. 'Karl, should we find you something to eat?' She sounded more curious then worried.

“First things first,” Anna said, “get away from the police. Then we’re going to contact Nova, probably from Zach’s phone. I want to take a photo of her response with my phone. Then we need to get Zach and Murat to Tony, and hide them, before Nova decides to tie up loose ends and kill him to keep him from talking. Then we can hunt, I know a good spot.”

Anna glanced at Zach.

“Did you really think the Sheriff would allow someone she instructed to break a Tradition to stay alive to be a witness against her?” Anna asked, “seriously what were you thinking?”

2022-06-26, 10:18 AM
Karl's voice is tight, and the others can hear the strain he's under controlling himself, "I will hunt as soon as we get this mess secured. Assistance finding healthy kine would help reduce the chances of killing one by accident."

He unceremoniously dumps Murat into the trunk, and looks around for his stake, "I think things will be easier for us if Nova thinks we have nothing to work with after tonight. I suggest that our story is Murat is dead and dusted, and Zach here disappeared while we were dealing with his master, gone, into the wind before he told us anything about who set this up."

2022-06-26, 12:24 PM
(OOC: Karl resists Frenzy but gains the Tempted condition. Karl came close to losing control when his Beast came, but Karl refused. Now he gets -1 die penalty to any rolls to resist frenzy. Until he sheds the condition, each time he resists Frenzy the penalty increases by -1. The condition is resolved by killing, falling to frenzy, or having a meaningful connection to his Touchstone)

Anna glanced at Zach.

“Did you really think the Sheriff would allow someone she instructed to break a Tradition to stay alive to be a witness against her?” Anna asked, “seriously what were you thinking?”

Zach glares back at Anna, but a vengeful smile comes unbidden to his face. "You have no idea how much Nova despises you," he hisses.

He unceremoniously dumps Murat into the trunk, and looks around for his stake, "I think things will be easier for us if Nova thinks we have nothing to work with after tonight. I suggest that our story is Murat is dead and dusted, and Zach here disappeared while we were dealing with his master, gone, into the wind before he told us anything about who set this up."

The stake goes easily through the chest of the torpid vampire. Of course, there was no clear way of knowing the strike had hit true. Zach winces at the impact.

But when Karl speaks he whispers, struggling to get the words out, "What are you going to do to me?"

2022-06-26, 12:36 PM
“First things first,” Anna said, “get away from the police. Then we’re going to contact Nova, probably from Zach’s phone. I want to take a photo of her response with my phone. Then we need to get Zach and Murat to Tony, and hide them, before Nova decides to tie up loose ends and kill him to keep him from talking.”

'It would save me having to sit on Zach for however long we need him. As long as you're sure Tony will agree to help.'

Zach glares back at Anna, but a vengeful smile comes unbidden to his face. "You have no idea how much Nova despises you," he hisses.

'And what exactly did Anna do to deserve that? I feel like Nova ought to be able to get over herself.'

"Assistance finding healthy kine would help reduce the chances of killing one by accident."

He unceremoniously dumps Murat into the trunk, and looks around for his stake, "I think things will be easier for us if Nova thinks we have nothing to work with after tonight. I suggest that our story is Murat is dead and dusted, and Zach here disappeared while we were dealing with his master, gone, into the wind before he told us anything about who set this up."

'Finding healthy kine hasn't typically been a problem for me. I shall see what I can do to help.' After Murat's body is dumped, 'Not that we have to bother anymore, but do you think Nova would actually pretend to expect us to spend time looking for these alledged Spear incursions?'

But when Karl speaks he whispers, struggling to get the words out, "What are you going to do to me?"

Rachel will smile sweetly at Zach and pat him on the arm. 'Whatever we decide to do I would say you're better off not doing anything to upset us.'

2022-06-26, 04:41 PM
"Right now at least you're far more useful alive than dead Zach. See to it stays that way. We want you to testify later as to these events. Stay cooperative through that and I see no reason not to argue for leniency. You were just following your sire's orders right?" Karl gives the childe a look, his beast wondering if it was worth it.

2022-06-27, 07:58 PM
'And what exactly did Anna do to deserve that? I feel like Nova ought to be able to get over herself.'

"I don't know," Zach replies flatly, again appearing to be compelled to speak the truth despite any will or choice.

Karl and Rachel's words only twist rage across the captive's face. He hisses in reply, "As if I have any choice in the matter since this witch has put her spell on me!" Zach's eyes are wild, like a trapped animal. The Beast might be close to the surface in him now too! But then his face softens and he whimpers "How do I know you won't kill me... even if I do what you say?"

2022-06-28, 08:54 AM
Rachel grins at the vehemence of Zach's response. If he was afraid of her, her Beast felt it was only appropriate.

She'll respond, 'Because personally I don't care that much about you one way or the other. But it's frankly not my call to make.'

2022-06-29, 05:13 PM
Anna Wu

“I’d feel better if we had a screenshot of Nova’s admission,” Anna said to Karl, “what do you think the odds are she has someone watching the ambush?”

“Because Zach, you need to be judged by the Prince,” Anna said, “can’t do that if you’re dead. Plus it would violate a Tradition, that’s why Murat is still alive. I suspect you’ll be fine… you can pin the blame on Nova and Murat. It’ll be different if you run though.”

She checked her phone , then calls Tony if he hasn’t gotten back to her.

2022-07-02, 01:22 PM
Indeed, Zach does not run, though he does glower at Anna and at Rachel.

And indeed, there is no reply from anyone Anna has reach out to, and when she calls Tony, it rings and rings until it goes to a standard script voice mail.

There is the sense that the group is very much alone. Maybe things were going crazy all over the city! The police had blazed right past. Or maybe something else was going on!

(OOC: Assuming Zach doesn't have much more to say, where to next? Does the group want to do or say anything before driving wherever they are going?)

2022-07-02, 06:49 PM
Anna Wu

“Alright, Tony’s not picking up,” Anna said, “anyone have a safe house Zach can use so nobody kills him before the Prince returns?”

“Karl, I can help you with vitae, once Zach is safe,” Anna said.

She tapped out a message to Lady Stardust, to check in, and asked if the Herald had heard of any Kindred violence in the city.

2022-07-02, 07:26 PM
'Only my Haven.' Rachel replies after some consideration. 'I couldn't swear to how secure it is, but I would like to believe that no one else knows where I sleep.'

'Other then that I could always reach out and see how distracted everyone else is tonight.'

2022-07-02, 09:11 PM
Karl nods, gritting his teeth with suppressed impatience, "Rachel's haven makes more sense than anywhere else I'm aware of for now. Just do your best to make sure you are unfollowed."

"If that is all, I must hunt before something regrettable happens."

2022-07-02, 09:41 PM
'I'm going to need to move when this is all over.' Rachel mutters in irritation. 'So be it. Zach, you're coming with me.'

2022-07-02, 10:30 PM
Anna Wu

Anna makes sure Rachel and Zach get away, then turns to Karl.

“We can go to the hospital or try the Rack, your choice,” Anna said, “the hospital should be safer but if this is a broader attack then someone may be there waiting for us…”

hospital has the feeding grounds 2 and safe space 2 merits.

On the way she will replay the audio from the attack to make sure they have Murat fingering nova.

2022-07-03, 01:11 PM
Before she leaves, 'Stay in touch. If anyone does cause me problems I might have to make other arrangements.'

Given that she was obliged to take someone else to her Haven Rachel would like to be aware if anyone seemed to be following or paying too much attention to them.

Wits 3 + Composure 3 + Acute Senses 1
Any 10s

2022-07-03, 02:15 PM
(OOC: Going to let Anna and Karl continue discussing/RPing and will reply to Haval here)

With a simple command, Zach is compelled to buckle himself into the passenger seat of Rachel's car. As she begins to pull away, she cannot ignore the sound of cop cars approaching in the distance.

The captive Invictus sits pensively next to Rachel as she begins driving. His head is bowed, his arms collected in his lap, his eyes shifted sideways to study the world going by through the passenger-side window. Rachel is up and over the hill heading North through a lovely little residential suburb, when Zach speaks. "Why are you helping them?" he snarls, gaze still fixed out the window, "you know they are the bad guys, right?"

2022-07-03, 03:53 PM
"Why are you helping them?" he snarls, gaze still fixed out the window, "you know they are the bad guys, right?"

'Are they?' Rachel says uncaringly. 'And why do you say that? Or are you perhaps referring to Karl's alledged history?'

2022-07-04, 04:47 PM
"That too," Zach hisses through his fangs. He turns his gaze from the window to Rachel, and she can see how close The Beast is to the surface. He continues, "But I meant how they burst into my house, attacked me for no reason. No reason! They took my arm. NO reason!" There is a crunch, and you realize that Zach's right hand is clutching the door handle, and has accidentally crushed the hard plastic in a trembling fist. "And Anna is no saint either," he roars, "have you heard what she is doing at the psychiatric hospital? She's planning on using poor admitted patients for an assembly line of blood bags. I know the Kine are our food, but she wants to build a ****ing farm! ****ing Dragons!"

2022-07-05, 06:55 AM
Rachel is distracted by driving but takes note of what Zach had done to her door. 'Stop breaking my car Zach. If you can't control yourself I'll only have to make you pay for the damage.'

She'll continue, 'Wasn't it Aisling's fault they were in your house in the first place? I feel like she's the one you have a problem with.' Rachel assumed Aisling could handle herself if that meeting ever happened. 'We are both part of the Circle. Perhaps I could get the two of you in the same room at some point and you could have it out.'

The idea of a stable blood supply sounded fine to her. 'Presumably the patients won't even be aware? I have heard of worse back in England.'

2022-07-05, 08:39 PM
Rachel is distracted by driving but takes note of what Zach had done to her door. 'Stop breaking my car Zach. If you can't control yourself I'll only have to make you pay for the damage.'

Zach's go wide at Rachel's words, like a puppy shocked that it has been scolded for messing on the floor. He pulls his hand back from the cracked handle as if it were red-hot. But his eyes narrow again when she brings up Aisling, and his nose wrinkles as he hisses, "I don't know who's fault it was... but Aisling is gone. I heard she fled the city. I'd tear her throat out too... if I could!"

He huffs at Rachel's remark about the hospital, clearly dissatisfied that she was not seeing things his way.

2022-07-05, 09:01 PM
Karl looks to Anna, "Lets go to the hospital, this is not a night to risk a failed hunt, and our enemies would have difficulty striking at us in such a public place."

2022-07-05, 10:51 PM
Rachel smiles at Zach's display of petulance. 'But who knows if Aisling will show up again. She's a survivor. You do realise how old she is don't you?'

2022-07-06, 08:32 AM
Karl looks to Anna, "Lets go to the hospital, this is not a night to risk a failed hunt, and our enemies would have difficulty striking at us in such a public place."

"We'll need to clean up a little," Anna said, "I have a first aid kit, you can wipe the blood off on the way, so we don't draw too much attention."

She started up her car and drove off, checking her rearview mirror every so often to make sure Karl was behind her, and that they weren't being followed.

2022-07-07, 06:16 PM
Zach crosses his arms in disgust, turning his attention back out the window. "You're an idiot if you don't realize who they are," he snarls. He remains silent the rest of the ride unless Rachel chooses to address him.

Otherwise, when Rachel stops at her haven, he does not make any attempt to get out of the car. Crossing his arms across his chest, Zach asks defiantly, "And what, you expect me to just... stay here?"

(OOC: Also going to expect you to describe Rachel's Haven... since we never established it. Note with only merit points in Safe Place, Rachel's haven is unlikely to be much special.. and won't have much in ways of security.)

Oh, and Rachel never gets any sense that she is being followed.

************************************************** *****

Anna and Karl race to the psych hospital, which is relatively on the other side of San Francisco. On the way they get no sense of of being followed as well. By the time they arrive at the psych hospital, it is still a little before midnight. Though it is still relatively early, things are near silent in the parking lot of the hospital. The main entrance is locked, though Anna is able to swipe her ID badge, and the glass doors slide open as the light flashes green on the scanner. The air is slightly warmer inside, and the fluorescent lights are soft and somehow inviting.

A overweight man in a security officer's uniform at the front desk looks up from a softcover book and with a hint of curiosity says, "Can I help you two?"

2022-07-07, 06:28 PM
Zach crosses his arms in disgust, turning his attention back out the window. "You're an idiot if you don't realize who they are," he snarls. He remains silent the rest of the ride unless Rachel chooses to address him.

Otherwise, when Rachel stops at her haven, he does not make any attempt to get out of the car. Crossing his arms across his chest, Zach asks defiantly, "And what, you expect me to just... stay here?"

(OOC: Also going to expect you to describe Rachel's Haven... since we never established it. Note with only merit points in Safe Place, Rachel's haven is unlikely to be much special.. and won't have much in ways of security.)

Oh, and Rachel never gets any sense that she is being followed.

************************************************** *****

Anna and Karl race to the psych hospital, which is relatively on the other side of San Francisco. On the way they get no sense of of being followed as well. By the time they arrive at the psych hospital, it is still a little before midnight. Though it is still relatively early, things are near silent in the parking lot of the hospital. The main entrance is locked, though Anna is able to swipe her ID badge, and the glass doors slide open as the light flashes green on the scanner. The air is slightly warmer inside, and the fluorescent lights are soft and somehow inviting.

A overweight man in a security officer's uniform at the front desk looks up from a softcover book and with a hint of curiosity says, "Can I help you two?"

“Good evening, I own the Group that runs the hospital,” Anna said as she flashed her ID badge, “here to have look at the facilities. We’ve had some complaints and I want to see for myself what’s going on.”

If he asks what kinds of complaints:
“Nothing about you, but I’m not at liberty to talk about possible pending lawsuits, hope you understand,” Anna said.

2022-07-07, 09:13 PM
Zach crosses his arms in disgust, turning his attention back out the window. "You're an idiot if you don't realize who they are," he snarls. He remains silent the rest of the ride unless Rachel chooses to address him.

Rachel continues, ignoring the insult. 'How old are you for that matter? I feel like you'll worry a little less about what other people are doing once you've been around a few more years.' Rachel will avoid taking the direct route to her Haven just to see if any vehicles seems to be following her, but she has no interest in drawing out the journey out with Zach here. If someone was interested in them she would prefer to learn about it as soon as possible.

Rachel is careful enough to avoid parking directly in front of her Haven. The street is on the edge of a busier commercial area and, as most businesses were closed, there were likely to be less people around when Rachel was awake. Her bookshop was sandwiched between an antique shop and a cafe but her building is obviously closed. The sign over the door has been removed and there is no longer a display in the windows. There is no way to see inside the business proper from the outside and all the lights are off.

Zach's reaction only amused her. 'Would you prefer to still be here when the sun rises? I suppose I could see if you'll fit in the boot.' The trunk of Rachel's car was empty except for a blanket. She could never tell when she might need it. 'Are you hungry? I suppose I could find you a meal.'

2022-07-09, 03:51 PM
The man seems satisfied with Anna's ID badge, though with a look of confusion he says, "It's a bit late to be checking in, 'aint it?" He shrugs and asks, "And whose you're friend?"

Now might be a good time to ask how the two characters are dressed, as I assume they were kinda "prepared for battle". Might I also suggest Karl using Face in the Crowd here to make his beat up corpse of a body more presentable?

************************************************** **

Zach ignores the comment about his age, choosing to continue staring silently out the window.

He looks up at Rachel's haven and petulantly says, "Are you sure there is even enough sun proofing for the both of us?" To the offer for a quick meal, Zach crosses his arm and shakes his head. Pouting like an angry child he replies, "I'm fine. I don't want your help. Let's just get this over with, or whatever." He rolls his eyes in a way that might make Rachel think that however long ago he had been embraced, Zach must have been a pretty young mortal.

2022-07-09, 07:27 PM
Karl is trying to look unobtrusive behind Anna, and blinks a little as the guard notices him enough to even address him... He must be in bad shape if he was slipping that much. Deciding to keep his excuse short and to the point he simply states, "Legal counsel, just in case there is anything after all."

Yes, definitely using face in the crowd. Might've gone full invisible if he wasn't so low and prone to frenzy already.

2022-07-09, 08:22 PM
Anna Wu

“That’s the whole point, to inspect things when most of the staff have gone home,” Anna said, “this won’t be the last time, either. I trust there won’t be any issues…”

Anna is wearing her leather jacket but neglected to wear her Kevlar vest. She wasn’t touched in the combat so aside from looking half-dead because she didn’t use blush of life, she’s fine.

I meant to look up the mechanics for feeding grounds, is it +1 hunting die per dot?

2022-07-09, 08:45 PM
Rachel had to wonder what Murat had been thinking. Her own Sire would have disapproved. Olivia preferred to have her neonates prepared for their embrace.

On sunproofing, 'Downstairs perhaps. You'd only have the curtains to protect you, but the previous owner decided to have the upstairs windows bricked up. It's part of the reason I decided to move in.' At that Rachel looks irritated. 'You will be the only person I've allowed upstairs in the ten years I've been living here.'

2022-07-10, 01:50 PM
Thanks to Karl's reliance on Obfuscate, the man's eyes seem to slide right off of his battered body and clothes. The guard nods his head with tired satisfaction, not picking up the hard edge to Karl's voice, as the Beast's hunger, rage and anxiety creep unbidden on the vampire's tongue.

The man instead eyes Anna with a hint of suspicion, but he's clearly not invested enough in his job to probe further. He sighs and with a shrug replies, "Yeah, sure. You know where you're going, right?" But doesn't make any attempt to get up from his seat unless he is specifically asked to help guide them somewhere. If Anna asks for directions to a specific location he'll hastily give them, clearly hoping to be left alone as soon as possible.

(OOC: With Feeding Grounds 2, you will get an additional two dots on your hunting roll while in the hospital. I think since we are prowling the hospital looking for an unguarded and possibly mentally defenseless prey, I will ask for something like a Wits + Medicine/Stealth roll here.

Anna can confer the two dots to Karl for his roll, or could roll for him in-so-far as to catch prey for him, but if Karl is going to hunt for himself, he will still have -3 from his wounds to the roll. If Anna is rolling for Karl, she can either take a -2 for a single hour or roll twice; separately for herself and Karl, though it will be an assumed two hours of hunting rather than one. Pg 96 offers a number of modifiers for hunting, such as trying to hunt faster than in one hour (-3) or trying to catch multiple vessels in one hour (-2) )

************************************************** ******

Zach rolls his eyes and repeats, "Great," at the honor of being allowed upstairs. He extends an arm out before him (the one that had not been previously severed) to invite Rachel to the front door, making no secret of his interest in watching how she unlocks the place and bypasses any other security.

2022-07-10, 07:49 PM
Anna Wu

“I own the place, I know where I’m going. See that we’re not bothered,” Anna said, “we may be here a while. If we’re able to finish without interruptions, I’ll put a good word in with your boss.”

Once they were in with the patients, Anna started looking for the vegetables they would be able to easily drink from. She would try to help Karl out at first, since he was injured and thirsty. She could look after her own need later.

Theres no reason we can’t both hunt but Anna wants to get Karl filled up first to avoid a frenzy.

Hour 1 for Karl: wits + stealth : [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

2022-07-10, 08:58 PM
Most of Rachel's possessions are upstairs but she had spent money on the security system when she made this her Haven. The outer door has two seperate locks and there is a burglar alarm keypad just inside it. She will stand in Zach's way when she inputs the code. After leading Zach inside she will lock the door behind her.

Inside the cramped shopfloor are various rows of bookshelves. The actual books have been removed to the upstairs storage space but Rachel has never bothered to get rid of the furniture. Rachel will point towards an inner door at the back of the shop. 'Zach, I assume you're thinking about how to get out of this. Are you at all worried about what Nova would do to you to cover up what happened tonight?'

Can I roll to see if I can encourage him to be more polite

Manipulation 3 + Persuasion 3
Any 10s

2022-07-14, 11:55 AM
Karl grits his teeth as he pokes through, looking for a likely subject.

Wits+stealth hour 1 [roll0]
Wits+stealth hour 2 [roll1]
Wits+stealth hour 3 [roll2]
ten again [roll3]

2022-07-15, 08:42 AM
Anna leads Karl up several floors to a level with two long-term patient wings, where the patients were unlikely to be on alert, and hopefully few would be up at this hour. Anna is frustrated to find that her card won't enter the first of the units, but they are able to swipe into the second. The wings of this floor are made of up two long hallways connecting at a right angle, in an L-shape, with the primary nurse's station a fiber-glass protected box at the junction of the two wings. A pair of sleepy looking nurses in baby-blue scrubs bide their time in this box, but a the handy use of Face in the Crowd keeps either from looking up with much interest as the two vampires enter the floor.

The fluorescent lights of the halls have been dimmed, but the lights are off in the patient rooms; which is easy to notice as none of the room entrances have doors. The two split up, with Anna taking one hallway, and Karl the other. To Anna's chagrin, many of the rooms in the hallway she has taken appear to empty, or are occupied by a pair of patients. In many of these rooms, one or both of the occupants appears to be awake, reading a book by a small flashlight (too big to swallow but too small to be used as a blunt weapon).

Karl's hunt is more fortunate, and within about fifteen minutes of stalking up and down the hall, he finds a room occupied by only a single patient who appears to be asleep. It is a young man, maybe in his late-teens or early-twenties. From the door, Karl can see he has a tussle of orangish hair and a wiry frame. He stirs only a little as Karl steps into the room towards his victim. The Mekhet can feel the maddening hunger building as he approaches the man, an almost burning pain in his gut, and in his chest, and in his throat. Karl can feel his tongue moving readily against his fangs. The Beast whispering in his ear to take everything and then tear the man's body limb from limb.

(OOC: We're going to take it one roll at a time here. Karl got two successes. If you would Daishain, give me a little role-playing here, and let me know how many points of vitae you intend on taking)

************************************************** ****************

(OOC: Zach's composure knocks this down to 1 success)

Zach tries only a little to watch as Rachel enters the passcode, but gives up without much resistance when he recognizes she is actively trying to thwart him. He follows Rachel into the haven, looking around with a look of smug satisfaction. "Nice place," he says with more than a touch of sarcasm.

But his expression sobers slightly when Rachel mentions the Sheriff. Casting his eyes down at his feet, Zach replies, "Yeah. It kinda looks like I'm ****ed here." He clucks his tongue against his teeth and a mirthful expression spreads on his face. "No offense, but I don't really expect you and your friends to help me. I'm pretty sure once you've used me for your own means, I'll be only more screwed."

2022-07-15, 01:26 PM
Zach tries only a little to watch as Rachel enters the passcode, but gives up without much resistance when he recognizes she is actively trying to thwart him. He follows Rachel into the haven, looking around with a look of smug satisfaction. "Nice place," he says with more than a touch of sarcasm.

In a patient tone, 'In London, my coterie slept in one my sire's houses. Which worked until the Prince had it burned down. Here, no one knows where I sleep.' Until now of course. 'Perhaps if you had chosen to live somewhere similar your Haven would never have been invaded.' Rachel will lead Zach upstairs as they were talking.

But his expression sobers slightly when Rachel mentions the Sheriff. Casting his eyes down at his feet, Zach replies, "Yeah. It kinda looks like I'm ****ed here." He clucks his tongue against his teeth and a mirthful expression spreads on his face. "No offense, but I don't really expect you and your friends to help me. I'm pretty sure once you've used me for your own means, I'll be only more screwed."

Rachel will grin in response. 'That's sensible, but you realise there's levels to how ****ed you might be. I don't think any of us have any reason to kill you. I can't say that the same is true of Nova. So if you are thinking about slipping out of here when my back is turned, I'd say you should think about what Nova might be willing to do to you if she finds you.' Zach might be easier to deal with if he submitted to her willingly.

2022-07-15, 01:45 PM
Karl slips into the room, almost ghostlike as he moves up behind the young man. Before leaning in he closes his eyes and earnestly promises the beast another victim, another taste tonight, just so long as there was restraint with this one.

His hands are perhaps a little less gentle than he normally would be as he shifts the patient enough bring his teeth in to bite into the neck, drawing more of that sweet vitae.

Sounds like this particular patient is physically healthy, so unless there's something I'm missing to warrant concern, Karl will take 4 vitae here. I think under normal circumstances he might have taken just 3, but cutting off would be a struggle, so...

Use one BP to heal wounds, and the rest to curb the hunger and regain control. Next feeding will be mainly for the injuries.

2022-07-15, 08:23 PM
Anna Wu

After reconnecting with Karl, once anna finds that he’s taken some vitae, she will look for some herself.

10 again: [roll1]
No luck in hour 2.

2022-07-16, 08:56 AM
In a patient tone, 'In London, my coterie slept in one my sire's houses. Which worked until the Prince had it burned down. Here, no one knows where I sleep.' Until now of course.

Zach clearly has the same idea, and with a smirk says, "Until now."

Rachel will grin in response. 'That's sensible, but you realise there's levels to how ****ed you might be. I don't think any of us have any reason to kill you. I can't say that the same is true of Nova. So if you are thinking about slipping out of here when my back is turned, I'd say you should think about what Nova might be willing to do to you if she finds you.' Zach might be easier to deal with if he submitted to her willingly.

Zach's ears seem to perk up at this, his eyes going wide with sudden realization. He says, "Yeah, but you're going to use me to get at Nova now. If you really cared for my safety, you'd let me go so I could get as far away from here as possible!" There was a sudden desperate pleading in his voice.

************************************************** *********

Karl bends down to feed, the Beast going mad with excitement in his skull. With practiced expertise, Karl finds an artery, allowing the flood of life enter him, to become part of him. He can feel the man's life spreading out through his body, a soft heat down his throat, into his heart, then out to Karl's entire body. Karl drinks and drinks as the man's breath and pulse grow quicker.

Even as Karl pulls back, he can feel The Beast still growling in his ear for more! He had almost lost control earlier tonight with Murat, and the chains of The Beast's leash were tight to the point of almost breaking. 'It would be so easy to take more! Take it all, kill him... kill him!' were the wordless thoughts of the thing inside Karl's skull. It was true, Karl was so hungry, even after taking so much; hungrier still after forcing some of the blood to start patching up his terribly battered body. Would it really be so bad if Karl took the rest from this man? Would one death in the mental hospital really matter so much? It would certainly not constitute a Masquerade breach! And who would really miss this poor soul?

Karl takes four BP, spends one to heal. He is up to 5 BP now and after healing a health box that looks like:
[/X [X] [X] [/] [/] [] [] He now has a -1 modifier to all rolls.

Karl carries the Tempted, making him more susceptible to Frenzy. This can be resolved by simply killing. He has caused the man 4 lethal damage and the Drained condition

... Going to hold off on resolving for Anna atm

2022-07-16, 03:35 PM
Karl pulls away, forcing himself to lick the wound closed and most on. There were plenty of other bloodbags in here, the beast would be sated soon enough. Clenching his fists he moves on...

2022-07-16, 08:25 PM
Zach clearly has the same idea, and with a smirk says, "Until now."

Rachel rolls her eyes, 'You will be taking the sofa.'

Zach's ears seem to perk up at this, his eyes going wide with sudden realization. He says, "Yeah, but you're going to use me to get at Nova now. If you really cared for my safety, you'd let me go so I could get as far away from here as possible!" There was a sudden desperate pleading in his voice.

'Oh I only care about your safety as long as you're useful. If I put you on the next bus to Mexico what's to stop Nova hunting me down just to tie up loose ends. You see my problem? Given that I doubt Murat was there to kill me, I'd say my only alternative would be to try and throw myself on Nova's mercy. That's a lot to risk my life on though.' In a nicer tone, 'For what it's worth, unlike Nova, I won't try to kill you just because I'm in a bad mood. I may even be obliged to defend you if I can.'

2022-07-18, 04:40 PM
Soooo.... I made a slight mistake in that Karl should have had his -3 modifier to your first hunting roll, which would have caused it to be a failure. Not changing anything that happened, since it's my fault, but my bad.

With -1 for your next roll it shouldn't effect your results for your second roll.

Karl departs the room and after a little while longer he and Anna meet back up. Deciding to move on lest they "overstay their welcome", Anna leads them up a flight of stairs to the second floor of long-term patient floors. The two vampires enter the first of the wards, again relying on their ability to confuse mortal perceptions. This unit is also set up in the familiar L-shaped configuration, but there is one almost immediate difference; the rooms on this floor all have doors. Furthermore, there is only one nurse on this floor sitting in the boxed off nurse's station, and she appears even less on-guard than in the last, her head down, asleep at the desk.

The two again split up, with Anna taking one wing and Karl taking the other. They find that none of the doors are locked, moving from one room to the next; but each room is found to be empty! The two move down their respective halls, finding not a single patient, till Karl and Anna find themselves standing outside the nurse's station, staring at the obese woman with thinning blonde hair and a snore audible on the other side of the fiber glass. She doesn't even stir as Karl lets himself slowly and quietly into her station.

************************************************** ******

'Oh I only care about your safety as long as you're useful. If I put you on the next bus to Mexico what's to stop Nova hunting me down just to tie up loose ends. You see my problem? Given that I doubt Murat was there to kill me, I'd say my only alternative would be to try and throw myself on Nova's mercy. That's a lot to risk my life on though.' In a nicer tone, 'For what it's worth, unlike Nova, I won't try to kill you just because I'm in a bad mood. I may even be obliged to defend you if I can.'

Zach sighs in a tired, very mortal way, bringing one hand up to rub the side of his face. His tone reflects this as he speaks, though his voice is still more respectful than before. "I recognize that I'm not going to change your mind on this," he starts, "but I hope you can see things from my perspective here. Right now you have my sire staked and hostage in the back of a car, and are holding me captive as well... thanks to you Ventrue mind tricks. Right now it looks like either you and your friends, or Nova and hers will be staking me and my sire and leaving us in the sun one way or the other. All I am hoping for is the smallest hint of mercy here. I understand your perspective that we started it, but this was simply meant to be a retaliation for what seems like a senseless act of violence on the part of your friends. And I understand that I can't prove it to you... but we were simply looking to take an eye for an eye, or an arm for an arm as it were. We weren't looking to kill anyone!"

2022-07-18, 06:56 PM
'Be honest to the Prince and I have no problem with you. I can't speak for the others but I'll consider trying to talk them out of it if they do mean to stake you.' Rachel thinks back to earlier. 'Perhaps you should consider apologising to Anna at least. Even if you're lying.'

2022-07-19, 09:36 AM
"I... thanks, I guess," he says, and does seem to at least partly mean it. Zach adds, "And I'm not lying... for what it's worth. But I am still very nervous about what your friends are going to do now."

He follows Rachel into the house and lets her dictate what his lodging arrangements will be for the day.

2022-07-19, 09:51 AM
Anna takes the distraction to text Katie and Celestine.
To Celestine she lets her know that she has been delayed and will try to come early morning, before dawn.

To Katie she sends her a note asking if she is still awake.

2022-07-19, 10:14 AM
Celestine's reply comes surprisingly fast, popping up before Anna has even finished texting her cousin. It reads, "Where are you?"

Within a few moments of sending the text to Katie, it appears as read, though her reply takes a little bit longer. Katie's reads, "Kinda", followed by a second, "Just watching netflix, but I swear I'll go to bed soon. Sup?"

2022-07-19, 10:34 AM
Celestine's reply comes surprisingly fast, popping up before Anna has even finished texting her cousin. It reads, "Where are you?"

Within a few moments of sending the text to Katie, it appears as read, though her reply takes a little bit longer. Katie's reads, "Kinda", followed by a second, "Just watching netflix, but I swear I'll go to bed soon. Sup?"

Celestine: Busy, was in a dangerous situation. OK now, but need to recover, will talk later.

Anna steps around the corner to give Karl some space and calls her cousin.
"Hey, just wanted to check in, sorry I couldn't be there tonight," Anna said quietly, "what are you watching?"

2022-07-19, 09:59 PM
"I... thanks, I guess," he says, and does seem to at least partly mean it. Zach adds, "And I'm not lying... for what it's worth. But I am still very nervous about what your friends are going to do now."

He follows Rachel into the house and lets her dictate what his lodging arrangements will be for the day.

The upstairs part of Rachel's Haven is a little more comfortable for what is basically a converted store room. If she was obliged to live like a hermit she might as well put some effort into making the place look less drab. The windows had been bricked up even before she moved in and most of the furniture had been removed. The shelving is given over to her own books, but there's now enough space for a sofa and a large tv. There are even a few rugs. Rachel's bed was in the former managers office at the far end.

Rachel will point to the sofa. 'For obvious reasons, I'm not going to let you on the internet for the moment but you're welcome to use the TV as you like. If you do get hungry I can always phone somewhere to have them send a delivery person to this address.'

2022-07-20, 09:58 AM
Celestine's text comes back almost immediately following Anna's reply. It is actually a string of texts, poorly typed but reading something like, "Danger, what danger? ", "What happened?", "Are you okay?"

Katie's reply is not nearly as quick. It reads, "No worries. It happens. Late here anyways." A second message reads, "No judgement? The Bachelor ;)"

(OOC: I leave it up to you as to whether Anna is even familiar with the TV show)

************************************************** *************************

Zach follows Rachel obediently, and even though he is not commanded by the Ventrues will, marches over to the sofa. He actually kicks his boots off (still muddy on the bottoms from the park), and lays out across the sofa as if he were outside at the pool. Throwing his arms behind his head he says, "It's still a couple hours before sunrise. So... we just going to chill here?"

2022-07-20, 06:54 PM
Rachel will ignore the mud. She could always make him clean up any mess later on. She'll take a seat in an armchair across from where Zach was sitting. He wasn't under her control at the moment but he very easily could be again. 'Surely there's something you were meaning to catch up with. Consider this a day off.' Rachel will toss Zach the remote. 'I am going to see if I can work out what the hell's going on tonight.' Rachel will investigate her phone to if she could find out anything useful through the Pulse network.

2022-07-20, 07:47 PM
Tch. Unprofessional for any to be sleeping at one's station. The old mekhet sneers at the sight of the snoring woman.

Karl is somewhat more in control as he slips up behind the nurse, but he's still having to push the beast back as he shifts her hair out of the way and bites down.

Another 4 BP I think since again she sounds reasonably healthy, 2 healing 2 for hunger.

2022-07-23, 12:54 PM
Celestine's text comes back almost immediately following Anna's reply. It is actually a string of texts, poorly typed but reading something like, "Danger, what danger? ", "What happened?", "Are you okay?"

Katie picks up the phone after just a single ring. She's tired, her voice slow and far away sounding. "Hey Anna," she says dreamily when she picks up. She replies, "No worries. We'll catch up another night." She yawns before answering the question, "Oh, it's this show called The Bachelor... have you heard of it?" She yawns again. Perhaps to Anna's relief, there is no resentment or any signs of negative feelings in her cousin's voice.


Rachel's words bring a sly grin to the man's face. "I mean, I have work to do, but I'd need a computer," he says smugly, clearly aware that this would be too much to ask for and perhaps even daring Rachel to say no so that she's forced to help him find something else to occupy his time.

(OOC: As per Discord: I'd say with Rachel's Contacts (Invicuts) dot 1, she can make a Presence/Manipulation + Persuasion/Socialize +1 roll to find out some info, with each success equaling a question answered)


Still warmed by his last feed, Karl feels less urgency this time around as he sinks his teeth into the nurse. This woman is a little older, her hair turning from grey to a shiny white and cut trim like a man's. She's also a little heavy set, and so Karl is forced to fight a little harder through tough skin and blubber to reach the fresh hot blood in her vein; this the Beast seems to enjoy at least. The nurse moans slightly with the intoxicating experience of The Kiss, and as Karl pulls away her head lolls back as she passes out. Karl feels heavy with the feed, even as the blood begins to force its way into his open wounds to heal sundered flesh. Still, The Beast calls out for more, the ache in his stomach is nowhere near gone, and there is still the thought that Karl could just so easily take more, and maybe even get away with murder.

Karl again takes four, using two to heal. This brings him down to just lethal damage in two boxes, and up to 7 vitae points. Like the other victim, he leaves her with 4 lethal damage and the Drained condition. Again, Karl carries the Tempted, making him more susceptible to Frenzy. This can be resolved by simply killing the nurse, which would also gain him a beat

2022-07-23, 08:28 PM
Anna Wu

“Yeah, it’s one of those ‘reality’ shows with like a dozen writers, right?” Anna asked.

“Just wanted to check on you, make sure everything’s good,” Anna said, “things got crazy at work tonight; we’ll hang out when I free up a little bit, sound good?”

After speaking with her cousin, she texted Celestine back.

“Ok now, just hungry. I have not forgotten you.”

Once her mortal business is settled, she would check in on Karl, and, seeing that he had fed enough to heal, she would look to slake her own thirst. She made a mental note to get the blood storage up and running as quickly as possible.

still looking for someone to feed from…
10 again: [roll1]

2022-07-23, 08:58 PM
Rachel grins up from her phone. 'Work? I'd say you may be doing being a vampire wrong.' She realises suddenly that she knows very little about Zach personally. 'What do you need to do and how much are you being paid to do it?' Giving him the laptop without looking over his shoulder the whole time was probably out of the question. Rachel had become more tech literate since she woke up from torper but it wasn't as if she was an expert.


Rachel will make an attempt to get in contact with any acquaintance in the Invictus that she was friendly enough with that they might actually reply to her. She owed Sophie too much at the moment to bother her about this. With everyone that she contacts, she'll ask them for information on any major disturbances that might be going on in San Francisco tonight. With everything going on in Los Angeles it would be nice to get a heads up if anything like that was spreading. She will also ask if anyone was willing to inform her of anything that the Carthian's might be up to tonight. If anyone knew anything interesting perhaps she could return the favour at some point.

2022-07-24, 02:14 PM
Katie chuckles a little at Anna's comment about The Bachelor. But to her comment about things with work, Katie asks with elevated concern, "Everything okay?" speaking over her cousin's question and missing it all together.

Anna's text to her aunt is followed almost immediately by a reply, "You can't keep putting your personal concerns in front of your family!" But this is followed almost immediately by a second more apologetic message, "Sorry! I didn't mean that. I guess I'm just concerned."

(OOC: That will be a success, so Anna will be able to feed in her third hour of hunting... I assume Anna is feeding for herself this time?)

************************************************** **************

For a moment Zach looks genuinely shocked by the question, then the grin returns. "Uh, I'm in finance," he replies with a shrug, "I help manage a number of angel investor funds. Helps keep the accounts full for me and a few other Invictus. I normally work at night, but as you can guess... I haven't had the chance tonight." He grins at this, thinking himself clever.

Otherwise, Rachel sends a few Pulse messages out to a few friends in the Invictus. Very quickly she gets multiple replies from multiple sources, all confirming the same thing; across America it seems like various levels of anarchy were breaking out tonight. It wasn't so much that things were spreading from Los Angeles, but with Princes from most major cities right now in New Orleans, the dogs were at play, so to speak.

Locally it sounds like no one knows what's going on. Reportedly there is chaos throughout San Francisco. Carthians attacking Spear, Spear attacking Invictus ect. Someone mentions that there's so much violence going on in the city right now that the Kine's police force are running around in too many directions to put any one fire out.

2022-07-24, 07:11 PM
Karl pulls back and settles the nurse down for what he suspects will be an especially long nap on the job. Walking out he looks to Anna, "That has considerably improved affairs. I think I can wait for you to take one next if you feel the need."

2022-07-24, 09:15 PM
Anna Wu

"Yeah, so far so good, hopefully things settle down in a day or two," Anna replied, "I'll try to stop by tomorrow or the day after, but I'll have to let you know."

"Well, looks like Celestine is learning," Anna thought as she checked the message.

To Celestine: "I cannot help you when I'm hungry, but I have not forgotten you."

Yes, Anna is looking to take 3 BP (probably, unless they're exceptionally healthy looking) on the first feeding and will continue looking for more.

2022-07-24, 09:34 PM
Rachel is amused. 'Finance. Why am I not surprised.' Zach did seem the type. 'And are these accounts likely to keep if you miss an evening?'

As she reads her messages, 'Kindred society in America seems to be on fire tonight. Who knows. If enough of the right people actually die your situation might be very different tomorrow.'

2022-07-25, 04:51 PM
Karl pulls back and settles the nurse down for what he suspects will be an especially long nap on the job. Walking out he looks to Rachel, "That has considerably improved affairs. I think I can wait for you to take one next if you feel the need."

After she hung up with Katie, Anna nodded to Karl.
“Or the next four,” she said, “I’m famished.”

2022-07-25, 07:29 PM
Katie whistles and then says, "The day after? Wow. Anna, you sure everything is okay?" But excuse or explanation she is given, Katie seems to accept it without much fuss.

Celestine's final Pulse message reads, "Alright. Just be safe Anna. I'll await your call."

After Karl joins her, Anna moves to start hunting for herself. It takes Anna too long to find another floor that she has access to, and then to find a sleeping and unprotected prey. After "striking out" on the next inpatient unit, Anna decides to lead Karl down to the acute and detox unit. Though perhaps noisier than any other area in the hospital, things are fortunately relatively quiet, with only two patients being monitored. One is a man pacing back and forth. He looks manic, but is completely oblivious of the two predators. The other patient is a young and frail looking woman laying asleep on a rolling hospital bed in one of the corners. An IV drips clear fluid into her arm, and a nurse sits at her bedside, looking rather bored with her one:one position. She smiles dreamily as Anna stalks up to the sleeping patient to feed. There is something... dissatisfying about the girl's blood; it is not poisoned nor foul tasting, just cold and... watery, the IV fluids diluting the meal.

(OOC: Anna takes 3, bringing her blood pool up to 6/10. She deals three lethal damage and leaves the woman with the drained condition)

************************************************** ******

Zach rolls his eyes at Rachel's snarky comment about his career. "You're Invictus, same as I," he says flatly, "and were you Embraced for something beyond a utilitarian purpose?" He raises an eyebrow at his captor, and runs his tongue across his teeth.

He ignores Rachel's second comment, choosing to keep his eyes locked on the computer screen.

2022-07-25, 10:09 PM
Zach rolls his eyes at Rachel's snarky comment about his career. "You're Invictus, same as I," he says flatly, "and were you Embraced for something beyond a utilitarian purpose?" He raises an eyebrow at his captor, and runs his tongue across his teeth.

Rachel smirks at Zach's mistake. 'Do I give off that impression? Obviously we've never met before. I am a Witch of the Mother's Army. Would you like to see the room in the basement that I use for sacrifices?' The room was less impressive then some of the sites used by Circle members but Rachel wasn't lying.

'As for the purpose for which I was embraced. "Let do as thou wilt be the whole of the law" about covers it' she quoted. 'Ideally if you need money you find a mortal who will give it to you. Your way has some convenience I suppose.'

2022-07-25, 10:48 PM
Anna Wu

Katie : “yeah, couple of fires still to put out and the usual politics stuff. I’ll call you again when I get a chance.”

Anna drank, not nearly enough, and forced herself to stop before going too far. She felt miles better, but still far from satisfied, or at least as satisfied as the Beast could be. With no messages yet from Pulse, she took the opportunity to continue scouring the hospital.

looking for another 3, 4 if the individual looks very healthy: [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

2022-07-28, 08:55 AM
Zach's eyes move up from his cellphone, wide and embarrassed. "Oh, my bad," he says with sudden apology, "I guess I had seen you hanging around with a few Invictus and just assumed. I'm... I'm still kinda new and I still get things mixed up." He waves a hand side to side and adds, "I.. I really don't need to see that," perhaps fearing what might happen to him if Rachel lured him down into her basement.

To her point about embracing and securing money, Zach shrugs and says, "Well... that decision was above my paygrade." He smirks smugly pleased at his own joke.

************************************************** ******************

Katie's reply comes back almost a minute later and reads, "Sounds good. Night."

Anna's subsequent attempt to find a vulnerable and accessible patient are ultimately fruitless. Trying to avoid floors they've already been to, and stick to areas that Anna was most familiar with, there just were not many more options, and by now it was almost four in the morning, with about another hour and a half before sunrise.

This is when she finally gets a reply from Tony. His message is clipped and full of typos which makes it seem like he is either very rushed, or his focus is elsewhere, or maybe both. "Bad thngs tonight." "Rabble and Spear fighting's everywhere." "Where's NOva?" "You guys okay"

2022-07-28, 11:28 AM
Anna calls Tony, she wants to make sure it’s him on the other side.

Assuming he picks up:

“We were ambushed. We have the attacker staked, but we need a secure place to stash him to wait for the Prince’s judgement. We can’t go to nova. I’m going to send you a sound recording of the fight. Make sure you’re alone when you listen to it.”

She sends the audio recording thru to Tony.

2022-07-28, 07:33 PM
Rachel is amused at Zach's reaction to the mention of her basement. 'The offer is always open.' She will explain her connections to Zach's Convenant. 'The Invictus can be useful to know sometimes. My sire probably would have been one of them if not for the fact that she bores so easily.'

After coming to a decision. 'Zach. If I give you my laptop tonight to keep you occupied, what are the chances that a couple of your Invictus friends are going to show up here at some point?'

2022-07-29, 09:38 AM
"Jesus," Tony says, though it's not clear if this is a remark of surprise or frustration. He hears Anna out then replies, "Look. Things are bad all over. It's almost dawn. Take your captive or whatever to your haven or whatever safe place you have and stash them. I haven't been able to reach Nova. Look tomorrow, first thing at sunset, I want you guys at my house. We have to figure out how to get this city under control!"

In regards to the audio file, he says, "Yeah yeah. Sure, will do. Who is that you have staked?"

************************************************** *************

Zach smirks and says, "What? Your mind control powers don't work on someone when they use computers?"

2022-07-29, 12:00 PM
Zach smirks and says, "What? Your mind control powers don't work on someone when they use computers?"

'How do you know they don't?' Rachel deadpans. 'You could always experiment to see what happens.' She'll get her laptop and will move to sit next to Zach. 'Or you could understand that if I decide to be nice and someone shows up here to bother me later I will be upset with you.'

Lying about the extent of Rachel's ability to mind control

Manipulation 3 + Subterfuge 2 + Striking Looks (Subterfuge) 1
Any 10s

2022-07-29, 09:57 PM
"Jesus," Tony says, though it's not clear if this is a remark of surprise or frustration. He hears Anna out then replies, "Look. Things are bad all over. It's almost dawn. Take your captive or whatever to your haven or whatever safe place you have and stash them. I haven't been able to reach Nova. Look tomorrow, first thing at sunset, I want you guys at my house. We have to figure out how to get this city under control!"

In regards to the audio file, he says, "Yeah yeah. Sure, will do. Who is that you have staked?"

Anna Wu

"Tony, listen to me, Murat ambushed us, and he fingered Nova as the one who set us up, so you can understand why I'm coming to you instead of her. She hasn't responded to my last Pulse message," Anna said, "listen to the audio file of the fight. I'll do my best to keep him safe for the time being, but you need to take care of yourself. Send me a list of the things that have happened or need looking into, we'll get on it. Do you have a line to the Prince?"

After the conversation:
After Anna hung up with Tony, she looked to Karl.
"Should we stash Murat here or take him to the Haven?" Anna said, "a number of people, including Nova, know where our haven is, but I don't really have a safe place for us here that I can guarantee we won't be interrupted. I guess we could take one of these unoccupied rooms, barricade the door, and put up a do-not-disturb sign..."

2022-07-30, 03:10 PM
Zach seems irritated by Rachel's sudden proximity, even flinching slightly as she sits down. But he says nothing and accepts the laptop from her. Unenthusiastically he replies, "Yeah, well... I appreciate your trust in me then." He begins booting up the computer, but seems wary of Rachel looking over his shoulder, maybe even just wary of her presence.

(OOC: Not sure how much longer you want to run this scene. Please let me know if you want to close it out soon, or if you have more you want to explore/do/accomplish)

************************************************** **********

"You have Murat staked?" Tony asks with a tired sort of surprise, adding a "Jeez!" for good measure. "I'll get you that list tonight, but again, my place first thing tomorrow night!" He ignores the question about reaching out to his Sire, instead adding, "See you then. Night!" and hanging up the phone.

Shortly after, both Karl and Anna receive the requested list via Pulse Message. It essentially includes the following:

-Nova missing
-Three bombs exploded in The Mission District (near The Castro where the group was ambushed), suspected set off by Cartheans
-Several "unrelated" apartment fires in the Outer Mission, known Carthean territory... suspected Spear activity
-Fire set to the Truegen in downtown SF, a company reportedly owned by The Prince
-Reported increased gang fighting throughout the city, suspected to be Kindred instigated.
-Derailing of a Caltrain train as it entered the main San Francisco stop, killing about ten people and causing a major fire in several cabins, again likely Kindred instigated

2022-07-30, 08:02 PM
Rachel is sitting closer to Zach to ocasionally check that he wasn't emailing anyone but will otherwise ignore any financial dealings the other vampire was involved in. She will try to monitor the situation in San Francisco through her phone, but if there's nothing dramatic happening she will find a movie to stream.

Ok to end this here if Zach isn't trying anything.

2022-08-02, 09:52 AM
As far as Rachel can see, the neonate really is on some financing website, moving around funds. He seems slightly annoyed by Rachel's snooping, but does nothing more about it than offer a few narrow eyed glares.

(OOC: Feel free to roll Int + Politics/Investigation +2 if you want to have a better idea of what exactly he is doing. Let me know if there is any final commands Rachel wants to give, or anything else you want her to do before closing out for the night)

2022-08-02, 10:32 AM
Anna will head back to the haven with Karl and Murat (unless Karl wants to stash Murat somewhere). She will try one more time to find someone out and about in the early morning near the haven for a feed before resting.

2022-08-02, 09:43 PM
Rachel was only being nosey, but Zach's reaction made her curious.

At some point she will text Anna and Karl, 'Zach is behaving himself but I think there is every chance he'll try something at some point. Can we make him Tony's problem?'

Later, when she goes to her own room to sleep, she'll tell Zach not to leave the main room until she returns. She'll make it clear she is not asking.

Int 3 + Politics 2 + Bonus 2
Any 10s

2022-08-03, 07:12 PM
While waiting for the final word from Daishain, with no dots in feeding grounds, this will be an unmodified roll. The dice roll for your hunt will be dependent on how Anna looks to feed. I don't think you NEED to tell me what Anna will do to determine your dice pool if you want to put something reasonable together which reflects how she will feed. Note that based on the hour, bars are going to be straight out.

Anna and Karl get Rachel's text:

'Zach is behaving himself but I think there is every chance he'll try something at some point. Can we make him Tony's problem?'

(OOC: Time warping this a little)

************************************************** *********

Rachel can tell that he is moving funds around rather aggressively, but not much more. He grimaces at her command but does not reply, instead choosing to keep his eyes locked on his laptop.

2022-08-03, 07:52 PM
Karl considers for a while then sighs. "We need to keep him with us, whether at the haven or somewhere else. I'd like to arrange for a secure drop point where he could safely be left unattended, but we don't have time for that. Best to just keep him close."

He looks around, regretting leaving while still even a little hungry. "Lets get out of here and get some rest."

2022-08-03, 09:56 PM
Karl considers for a while then sighs. "We need to keep him with us, whether at the haven or somewhere else. I'd like to arrange for a secure drop point where he could safely be left unattended, but we don't have time for that. Best to just keep him close."

He looks around, regretting leaving while still even a little hungry. "Lets get out of here and get some rest."

“Right, we can bring him into the haven with us and in the same room,” Anna said, “he should still be out from torpor, even without the stake, and your grandson is still there.”

Anna is going to try her luck on finding anyone nearby to feed from before she retires for the day.

hunt dex + stealth: [roll0]

Not sure what the modifier is for our area but I’m sure if there is one it’s negative so apply as appropriate

2022-08-05, 01:30 PM
Anna and Karl get Rachel's text:

'Zach is behaving himself but I think there is every chance he'll try something at some point. Can we make him Tony's problem?'

(OOC: Time warping this a little)

Karl and Anna drive back to their haven, the dawn less than two hours away. As far as they can tell, they have not been followed, though the night's silence is interrupted frequently by the screeching of sirens. At one point in the drive, they pass a figure being assaulted by a mob, but they are moving too fast and with too much haste to tell if this is an affair of mortals or brash Kindred.

Arriving back at the Haven, Anna rushes out for a quick feed, leaving Karl to update his childe on the situation, and handle the staked vampire in the trunk. Gabe watches Anna depart, his face lined with concern. "What happened," he asks, rushing to Karl's side.

Outside of the haven, Anna legs it down the block, passing the series of familiar and lavish homes that make up the neighborhood of Seacliff. Only a few blocks from their home was Lincoln park, a well manicured hill of green and trees. It was technically the Prince's feeding grounds, though he had made it somewhat clear that he was okay with the coterie using it sparingly, and at this hour, it was certain to house a few sleeping vagrants.

Sure enough, after about fifteen minutes of prowling, Anna finds a young man, maybe in his late teens, tucked into a sleeping bag on a bench. He's covered up to the chest, and is wearing a shirt that is tan, though it could just be from the dirt based on his smell. With no one else nearby, this would be an easy enough feed.

2022-08-05, 07:29 PM
Karl looks to Gabe, "Nova decided to get rid of us, and sent us into an ambush spearheaded by elder Murat and his childe. But they underestimated us. The former is staked in my trunk and the latter is spellbound, a captive of Rachel's until further notice."

"With any luck, Nova does not yet know that we know for sure she had anything to do with the ambush and will hesitate before making another move just yet, but we need to be on guard anyways. We have a meeting with Tony the next night to prove all of this, after which I suspect things are going to get very interesting."

He pauses, "Speaking of interesting, I suggest being careful with your mind around Rachel. Perhaps it was partly luck, but she dominated Zach with very little effort in the heat of battle. I do not have direct reason to suspect her intentions, but she has not yet been proven either."

Karl roots around for a clean shirt, removing the one soaked in blood and vitae. He pokes at the partly healed wounds on his body a little before putting the clean shirt on. "So, detective, what are your instincts telling you? Stay holed up here with our defenses for today, or try to shift to an unknown location? The latter may be difficult, Nova has a lot of eyes."

2022-08-05, 07:54 PM
Anna Wu

Anna crept up to the sleeping vagrant, and once within striking distance, moved quickly to sink her fangs into his neck and initiate the Kiss. The hot blood from the young man pulsed into her mouth and she drank greedily, then regrettably licked the wounds closed when he started getting weaker. She left him there, still asleep and weakened, but hopefully very much alive come the following day.

Anna takes 4 from the vagrant, unless he appears especially weak in which case she will take 3. Also +1 WP for interacting with touchstone earlier.

She received a message from Rachel.
“No , that’s what I tried at first, but Tony has no bandwidth. Convince him it’s in his best interest to cooperate , if he tries to run now, he will only prove his guilt. Nova will almost certainly tie up loose ends and the Prince may be lenient if Zach can convince him he was misinformed or had no choice in the matter.”

2022-08-06, 06:01 AM
Rachel will reply to Anna. 'Zach has the sense to be worried about what Nova might do to him, but I'd say that the lack of freedom will get to him eventually.'

2022-08-06, 09:14 AM
Rachel will reply to Anna. 'Zach has the sense to be worried about what Nova might do to him, but I'd say that the lack of freedom will get to him eventually.'

"Hopefully it will only be the day today."

2022-08-06, 03:47 PM
Gabe curses under his "breath" at the news about Nova's betrayal, but otherwise stays silent and listens. When Karl mentions Rachel's powers with dominate, and the fact that she has Zach he says cautiously, "And you trust her with him. She's... got that under control? If he gets free it could be more trouble, right?"

When Karl comes around the side of his car to look for a new shirt, Gabe gets a good look at just how much damage his Sire has taken. "You look like crap," he says with a grin. Even before his Embrace, he had seen Karl come back with shredded clothing and bad wounds; he knew how much a Kindred's body could endure, and had maybe even seen Karl in worse conditions. He makes his way around to the trunk to take a look at the torpid body and whistles.

But he is also business in response to Karl's question. "Hard to say. I mean, you and Anna spent all this time and energy beefing up security in here, right? Though I guess this haven isn't like... a secret. The last Prince even saw to it getting torched before." He brings a hand to his face to massage his scraggly facial hair, gesturing his contemplation before saying, "I'd say unless you have a secure and secret place I don't know about, this is our best bet. It's more secure than the detective office is."

Karl does get the series of Pulse messages between Anna and Rachel

************************************************** *

The kid is young and homeless. As Anna brings her face close to his body, she can smell the weeks he's gone without a proper bath, and here the racing of his malnourished heart.

(OOC: Anna takes 3, hedging her bet and bringing her BP up to 9. She is up to 3 WP)

2022-08-06, 06:42 PM
"Hopefully it will only be the day today."

'Just keep me informed. If all else fails I can always hand Zach over to my Invictus friend. Zach might even appreciate that.'

2022-08-06, 08:30 PM
'Just keep me informed. If all else fails I can always hand Zach over to my Invictus friend. Zach might even appreciate that.'

“We have a meeting with the Prince’s progeny first thing tomorrow. Let Zach know we set it up for him to make his case, and that we will do our best to protect him from and his sire Nova until the Prince can pass judgement. “

2022-08-06, 09:38 PM
“We have a meeting with the Prince’s progeny first thing tomorrow. Let Zach know we set it up for him to make his case, and that we will do our best to protect him from and his sire Nova until the Prince can pass judgement. “

Rachel feels obliged to pass this on to Zach before she goes to her room. 'Anna says we have a meeting with the Prince's people tomorrow night. D’Agostino is one of your lot so perhaps it will be easy to make your case to him. I assume he'll be disappointed if either of us decided to waste his time by not showing up.'

2022-08-07, 12:30 PM
At first there is an optimistic almost wide-eyed boyish look in Zach's face. But then his expression darkens. "Lies," he says sourly, "the Prince is out of town. And you think even if he was here, he would spare me... as if your friends would even advocate for that?" He bites down on his anger, and says no more, casting a dark eyed glare at Joanna.

2022-08-07, 03:09 PM
At first there is an optimistic almost wide-eyed boyish look in Zach's face. But then his expression darkens. "Lies," he says sourly, "the Prince is out of town. And you think even if he was here, he would spare me... as if your friends would even advocate for that?" He bites down on his anger, and says no more, casting a dark eyed glare at Joanna.

'I believe that his Childe might be running things while the Prince is away' Rachel clarified. 'I can't say I've had the pleasure but I assume D’Agostino must see something in him to do that. If you're willing to throw yourself on his mercy, perhaps you have something in common.'

2022-08-07, 04:04 PM
The neonate nods his head, and says "Fine," though there is still something petulant and untrusting about his tone. He adds, "But you swear you... and your friends will try to help me?"

2022-08-07, 05:32 PM
Karl glances at Gabe, "Her hold on him seemed solid. If you're asking if I'm entirely comfortable with the arrangement, I'm not. But I wasn't in much of a position to arrange for anything else. If you think I look rough now, you should have seen me before I fed. Murat is stronger than any one of us, it was not an easy fight. Frankly I'd put him down permanently if we didn't need him to face the prince."

At the assessment, he nods, "No, there's nowhere more secure, just not entirely comfortable having my location known right now."

2022-08-07, 07:35 PM
The neonate nods his head, and says "Fine," though there is still something petulant and untrusting about his tone. He adds, "But you swear you... and your friends will try to help me?"

'I can certainly try. I can't speak for the others but in my case I would say it's nothing personal, but if you survive I would say you would owe me.' Rachel grins. 'Still, I would say you ought to apologise to Anna anyway, if only to clear the air. I don't care if you don't mean it.'

2022-08-09, 10:51 AM
Karl glances at Gabe, "Her hold on him seemed solid. If you're asking if I'm entirely comfortable with the arrangement, I'm not. But I wasn't in much of a position to arrange for anything else. If you think I look rough now, you should have seen me before I fed. Murat is stronger than any one of us, it was not an easy fight. Frankly I'd put him down permanently if we didn't need him to face the prince."

"Glad you came out on top," Gabe replies somberly. In reply to Karl's comment about the haven, he says, "Maybe we should start thinking about building something a little more... private? That can't be too hard, right? Anyways, sun ain't staying down too much longer. What do you want to do with this body," He indicates the torpid vampire curled up in the trunk.

************************************************** ***********

To Rachel's comment about owing her, he says flatly, "So you want a Boone for this?" (OOC: See OOC thread about first post detailing boons)

And to her suggestion about apologizing he simply shrugs, offering a an even flatter "sure".

2022-08-09, 07:47 PM
To Rachel's comment about owing her, he says flatly, "So you want a Boone for this?" (OOC: See OOC thread about first post detailing boons)

And to her suggestion about apologizing he simply shrugs, offering a an even flatter "sure".

Rachel hadn't considered making her request formally. But since he asked. 'Well that would depend on what you can give me wouldn't it? I'd say a simple boone seems only fair.'

2022-08-11, 08:46 AM
Zach opens his mouth to speak, but then closes it slowly. His gaze focuses on Rachel's face, studying her expression, trying to read her intentions. Then slowly he replies, "Very well... if you convince The Prince and his surrogates to protect me... then I will owe you a simple boone, AND I will apologize to Anna and Karl. Fair?"

2022-08-11, 09:09 PM
Rachel will put out her hand to shake. 'The apology is up to you. All I'm saying is that if you have any plans to come after them again while I'm working with them I will be obliged to step in. You saw how easy it was for me to switch you off. If I have to do it again I'd have no reason to be so forgiving.'

2022-08-13, 06:15 PM
"Lets dump him in my closet for now, I want to keep him close and difficult to mess with without notice." Karl looks around for a tarp or something to wrap the corpse in rather than risk eyes even he failed to detect, as unlikely as that seemed.

2022-08-20, 09:00 AM
Act V Scene iii

"Cancel my subscription to the resurrection
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I got some friends inside
The face in the mirror won't stop
The girl in the window won't drop
A feast of friends, alive she cried
Waitin' for me
Before I sink
Into the big sleep
I want to hear
I want to hear
The scream of the butterfly

... When the music's over
Turn out the lights"

-The Doors

Karl woke up the next morning in a state of hunger. His skin prickled as if covered in ants, and there was a sharp pain behind his eyes. His stomach ached and it felt like there was a hole in his chest where his motionless heart should be. A quick survey showed that his body had taken the liberty of completely healing itself during the course of the day. The remaining wounds that he had gone to sleep with were completely vanished.

The only point of relief was that a fast check of his closet revealed the staked Murat exactly how he had left him, curled in rigid fetal position, tight lips pulled back over fierce looking canines.

He had promised to go straight to The Prince's haven to meet with Tony D'Agostino, but The Beast was pleading with and threatening him to go find food, and find it fast!

************************************************** **********

Anna's death sleep crawled off of her slowly, and she came to with relative peace. Her room was undisturbed, but her phone had several missed pulse messages that appeared to have been sent during the middle of the day. There was a thread started by Yoshihiro Yamamoto the Primogen of the Ordo. The Dragon's Nest on Octavia had been attacked and set fire soon after dawn. Responses were mostly from residents of The Nest letting everyone know they were safe.

Anna also received direct messages from both Julian and Lady Miho, confirming there safety. There was also a cryptic second message from Miho that read, "Nova knows you survived"

************************************************** ************

Soon after Rachel falls into her temporary torpid state, there is a commotion in her haven. As there is no direct threat to Rachel, it will be incredibly hard for the noise to wake her.

Please roll Humanity -5, no WP allowed.

2022-08-20, 08:10 PM
Rachel likes to be comfortable so, aside from it's location in an abandoned bookstore, her bedroom is surprisingly normal looking. The small window near the ceiling is bricked up, but she has furniture in here, including a bed. It was a simple matter when you had Dominate to have others do the work of getting everything up the stairs. The door is likely partially shut, which may have been a mistake.

Failed chance dice to wake up in the ooc

2022-08-20, 08:57 PM
Anna looked for Victor’s message to make sure he was ok, and added her own to the group chat. She replied to lady Miho with thanks for the warning.
“Any advice?”

Then she sent a message to both Katie and Celestine that things had gotten busy but she would stop by quickly if she could, but not to wait up.

Then she checked with Rachel to make sure Zach was still secure, and they were ready to meet with Tony.

Then she set her phone aside for a moment and found Karl’s grandson to find out how the meeting with the blood drive people went.

2022-08-21, 01:45 PM
After falling asleep, Rachel does not awaken till the sun has again gone down. But when she does, it is like a heart attack in reverse. Her eyes bolt open at the moment her consciousness returns, her brain buzzing that something is terribly amiss. It takes an eternity of seconds, before she regains control of her limbs, and when Rachel does, she is up and out of bed in an instant.

Silence. There was not a sound. But within a moment, Rachel realizes the first thing that is just wrong. Her bedroom door is fully open. She never left the door all the way open, and certainly would have if she were sharing her haven with a stranger!

************************************************** ********

Though Victor does not directly message Anna, she sees his post in the thread started by The Primogen, and presumes that he must be alright.

It isn't till after Anna has messaged her living family members that she gets a reply back from Lady Miho. Unsurprisingly terse and of limited use, it reads, "Be very very careful." However, maybe a minute or two later she gets another message that reads, "You are welcome to stay with me if you require my assistance." The message makes Anna's skin crawl; this read as more Dragon Mother BS to fold Anna deeper and deeper into dependency on her mentor.

Celestine is surprisingly the fastest to reply. Her text reads, "Anna, don't forget about your family dear. I am sure you are busy, but you do have your responsibilities. You promised!" The speed with which her Aunt replied, and the uncharacteristic desperation is a reminder of the addictive quality of The Blood. Celestine was now an addict, and however proud and intelligent she was, she would likely forever be changed by this new dependence.

Katie's text does not come in for about five minutes. It reads, "No worries. Understood. BTW, been talking with sm friends. Thinking I might move out in a week or so, if that's okay."

(OOC: Going to give Haval a moment to RP before Anna's text comes in if that's okay)

Following the distant sound of a man's heart beat, Anna finds Fred in his room; the room that used to be for Gabrielle. The door is closed, but Anna can hear the man typing away at his laptop inside, soft jazz music playing from some device.

2022-08-21, 02:58 PM
Rachel wouldn't have put it past Zach to have taken a look at her while she was still sleeping even if he ought to have known better then to get too close. But they would have been asleep at the same though surely? Had someone else been in here?

Rachel's fangs had already extended as her Beast responded to the possibility that her Haven had been violated. She'll pick up the carving knife that she keeps beside her bedside table and will move quietly towards the door frame.

In case its needed

Dex 2 + Stealth 1
Any 10s

Wits 3 +Composure 3 + Acute Senses 1
Any 10s

2022-08-21, 05:13 PM
Anna responds with a thumbs up to Celestine and Katie both.

She knocked lightly on the door to Fred’s room. Assuming he lets her in: “hey, how did it go?”

2022-08-21, 07:06 PM
Karl grits his teeth and begins dressing, maybe he'd get lucky and spot something quick on the way? Probably not, but this meeting was too important to delay, frankly it was bad enough having had to wait until the next night. Now where was Gabriel...

2022-08-27, 05:01 PM
Rachel moves silently to the door. Even for a Kindred, Rachel had preternaturally heightened senses, but she was picking up no signs of life; undead or otherwise. On the other side was silence, the hum of the central air, white noise of electricity. Memories from the night before flash through Rachel's mind, along with thoughts of rage and malice. Zach and his sire had snuck up on Rachel and her companions the night before, had used blood magic to remain undetected!

************************************************** **

The typing stops the moment Anna knocks on the door. There is a pause, the sound of Fred's heart rate quickening and growing louder. "Oh, it went fine," he replies from across the door. Another pause then a hesitant, "Um, do you want to come in?" There is the sound of Fred closing his laptop.

************************************************** **

Karl extends his senses throughout the haven. Down the hall is the sound of Fred; mortal sounds of breathing and of his consistent hypnotizing pulse. If he wanted, Karl could rely on the sympathy of his blood to find his Childe. Their bond allowed Karl certain abilities to reach him; to know where he was and even sense how he was doing.

(OOC: As Gabe's sire, Karl can use Blood Sympathy Once removed, rolling Wits + Blood Potency +3 to detect his Childe. Suggest reading pg 98-99 on this as it might be pretty useful to Karl)

2022-08-27, 07:20 PM

Anna opened the door.

“Sure, we have a few minutes until Karl wakes up,” she said, “ Show me what you’ve got.”
After reviewing his report:

“How are you, still freaked out a little bit?” Anna asked.

2022-08-27, 08:17 PM
Rachel didn't like the idea that someone had been here without her knowledge. If someone had sneaked up on her before what were the chances that they could do that again? Instead of calling out for Zach she will take no chances and will activate her Obfuscate before going to investigate the state of her Haven. If Zach was not here she'll look for any sign of a struggle before going to check the door that she had locked behind her last night.

Activating Obfuscate 1 because I notice it doesn't cost me anything

2022-08-28, 02:07 PM
Fred's heartrate goes just a little higher as Anna enters the room. She can smell the nervousness on the man, on his sweat and in his glands. Mortals could sometimes be so easy to read... or at least this one was. "I uh, met with that guy, Rich Tuttle... the CEO of Blood for Life," he says, pausing to take a long sigh, "He's uh, kinda' a slimy guy. To be honest, I'm not really sure he's operating fully above board. But I suppose his rates are... well, more than competitive; like just a little over a hundred dollars an hour, and he said he'd be willing to operate pretty much anywhere and at any hour. He said he mostly brought the blood to the local Red Cross, but was willing to negotiate if there was another blood bank you are looking for."

Fred's brow furrows a little, lining with distaste that can also be seen in the pursing of his lips. He adds, "So I suppose he might be perfect for the operation you are envisioning. I have some papers he provided, and some sample contracts as well." He hands them to Anna.

“How are you, still freaked out a little bit?” Anna asked.

Fred shrugs, taking a moment before replying. "Eh, not freaked out... but, well not sure what to do with all of this, if you know what I mean. Things are pretty different now than the were a few weeks ago... and I mean, you guys are freakin' vampires!" He says this with a shrug and a wince, though he at least seems a little less guarded, a little more at ease.

************************************************** ************

Rachel finds no evidence that Zach was still in her apartment. Her laptop sits closed on the couch where her guest had supposedly slept for the day. The lock on the front door is turned, though the door has been left closed. Of course the uncertainty of whether or not Zach actually somehow escaped while she was asleep, or if he might be using blood magic to hide in her haven right now (maybe preparing to strike) continues to weigh on Rachel's thoughts!