View Full Version : Reign of Winter: The Snows of Summer

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2020-09-06, 10:26 AM
Location: Heldren, Taldor

Summer was in full swing in the small farming village of Heldren (https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/assets/273486/Heldren_vue.jpg). Nestled by the Border Wood in southern Taldor, this hamlet of farmers, woodcutters and herders is a quiet place. An unimportant and relatively hidden village, with only a crossroad (https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/assets/273928/Heldren.png) for a footprint, it was a perfect spot for a simple life of peace in a fair-weather clime. The villagers themselves were happy with their lot, as the intrigues of Taldor never reached their town, nor the politics of Qadira to the south, and only the occasional drunkard from The Silver Stoat as the worst to plague the town. The Midsummer festival this year was one of the hottest on record, though the farmers enjoyed the omen of a grand growing season.

Thus, when the freezing snows and biting winds descended upon the Border Wood, the town was confused and afraid. The trappers and lumberjacks report aggressive white animals that shouldn't exist this far south, while the villagers feared magic must be involved. A badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene. He told the village council that the noblewoman’s escort came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures near the edge of the Border Wood. He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest. Now the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village.

A messenger from the town's head councilwoman, Ionnia Teppen, has asked you to come to her house at midday to help her address these issues. Perhaps she questioned new arrivals having something to do with recent occurrences, or perhaps she sought out what capable few there were in town among the residents. Currently a bright morning, you have a few hours before the clock strikes it's noontide toll to summon you to the councilwoman's house. Though the heat of the sun is almost unbearable, the chill wind from the Border Wood keeps the town feeling cool.

Town Map (https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/assets/273928/Heldren.png)

1. Armory
2. Isker's Smithy
3. General Store
4. Town Hall
5. Willowbark Apothecary

6. Barber
7. The Silver Stoat
8. Livery Stable
9. Town Square
10. Ionnia Teppen's House

11. Temple of Erastil
12. Carpenter
13. Heldren Sawmill
14. The Butcher of Jalrune
15. Old Mother Theodora's

1. Armory: A dirt path winds its way up a low hill west of town to the single door of this square stone tower. A selection of simple arms and armor for the town militia is found inside, though scarcely used.
2. Isker's Smithy: An old veteran of Taldan wars, Isker Euphram trains the militia when not shoeing horses.
3. General Store: Though the town is small, the proprietor Vivialla Steranus uses the town's position on the Border Wood as a passing trade post to keep her store stocked with everything a traveler needs.
4. Town Hall: Rather grand for a village this size, a clocktower stands over the town. Though the council rarely has much to discuss at their meetings, this hall is still sees often use in community festivals.
5. Willowbark Apothecary: A well tended garden sits in front of an equally neat house, home of the elf Tessaraea Willowbark. Though somber and little morose, she can usually be found amongst her flora.
6. Barber: Describing himself as an artist with razors and scissors, Argus Goldtooth also offers surgical and dentistry work with a golden smile.
7. The Silver Stoat: The only tavern in town, this forms the center of life in Heldren when it's not at work. Husband and wife Menander and Kale Garimos run the place like a family kitchen. Though there are no extra rooms, Menander promises a warm hearth should you spend the night on the floor
8. Livery Stable: Sophia Imirras keeps a stock of horses for sale, as well as a carriage and a few wagons. The carriage has a royal look to it, a reward from a noble when Sophia calmed a newly broken stallion of his.
9. Town Square: A tall statue of a beautiful woman stands in the middle of town. Known only as "The Lady", the theories of her identity vary from person to person, but no identification of any kind has been found.
10. Ionnia Teppen's house: The leader of the village council lives in a simple two-storey wooden house. A mainstay of the community, the villagers treat Ionnia as the mayor of town.
11. Temple of Erastil: Though Erastil is the deity of serving cleric Natharen Safander, shrines to many deities such as Abadar, Gozreh, Sarenrae, and others dot the inside of Old Deadeye's temple.
12. Carpenter: Heldren's foremost woodworker, Tengezil Frimbocket is a blue-haired gnome who has mastered a delicate and elaborate trim he refers to as "Gingerbread".
13. Heldren Sawmill: Despite Heldren's relative isolation, the sawmill is constantly busy with work. Partners Alexius Demetri and Lycio Vallant would be the richest in town, if they weren't the town's biggest philanthropists.
14. The Butcher of Jalrune: The butcher in Heldren has a fancy name Perkin Tarimm claims is from his corsair days, though most of the town knows he couldn't butcher anything scarier than a pig.
15. Old Mother Theodora: Every town has a "wise woman", and Heldren is no different. No one is sure how ancient she is, but having delivered nearly human in town as a newborn, this old woman has seen quite a few seasons.

2020-09-06, 01:44 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Felix was awoken by giggling. The squire decided to spend the night in the stables, next to his trusty steed, Ruffle. The brown colt with white spots was already aware of the visitors as Felix awoke. Enjoying the warm night, he had removed his clothing and made himself at home in the hay. As he opened his eyes, a group of four or five girls approached his simple bedstead. One was even bearing a small wooden tablet with a complete breakfast buffet on top, nuts, fruit, smoked meats and porridge. Another girl carried a bottle of ale. Felix groaned and stood up, fully exposing himself.

Now, it was not customary to knock before entering a stable, but still Felix felt somewhat irritated. His god told him the naked body was nothing to be afraid of, but being on full display for half a dozen women wasn't something the young man enjoyed as much. He followed his god's rituals obediently and he must have fallen asleep after the climax of the obedience the night prior.

Sit down girls. I will just cover myself unless some passerby gets the wrong idea. he said as he jumped into his trousers. He made them spread the food on the floor, on top of a red checkered blanket. Now pick something, I can hardly eat everything on my own now can I? His smile showed perfectly white teeth, and his blue eyes almost radiated but the picnic continued in silence. After this experience, Felix brushed his own horse, discovering Jannla's black mare Retribution was gone. It mattered little, as he had his instructions to meet the councilor somewhere around midday.

As the girls left, the owner of the stable Sophia noticed and stopped Felix, now fully dressed and armored, asking him who they were. The young lad brushed her question aside, and continued onwards to the town's only crossing, towards the barber's shop. He wanted to look presentable for the government officials.

2020-09-06, 07:17 PM
Majid awoke before the dawn, as was his custom. He stood outside in a simple robe in the pre-dawn, enjoying the cold air on his face. Not for the first time, he thanked Sarenrae for the blood of genies in his veins- what was scorching heat or numbing cold to lesser men was but gentle warmth or a cool breeze to a suli-jann. He cracked the ice that had formed on the water barrel to wash and prepare himself for prayer, neatly trimming his beard and nails. He dons robe of red and gold and headed to the temple. He'd been leading dawn prayers to Sarenrae for the past few days, and the night before had convinced a small crowd of villagers to join in in beseeching the Dawnflower to warm the town and free it from the unseasonal chill.

Majid leads the prayers, his musical Qadiran accent and resonant baritone sounding clearly above the voices of the faithful. He cuts an imposing figure, tall and heavily-muscled, like a statue of a man cast in dark bronze. His dark curls and small beard are perfectly trimmed, though a phantom breeze always seems to blow through his hair. His eyes shine like emeralds hewn from the deepest delves on the earth. He smiles as the sun rises, feeling the warmth of his goddess' power on his face as the prayers come to their conclusion. Sarenrae, we thank you for the day. Dawnflower, we give praise for the ending of the night. Light of Truth, help us to cast out the shadow. Flame of Goodness, burn away evil. Dawn of Hope, bless us in Your abundant love this day. He stays for some time thereafter, blessing the faithful in the name of Sarenrae. As the crowd thins out, he goes to find the priest.

He bows slightly, the gesture encompassing both the priest and the altar of Erastil. Many thanks to you, Father Safander and Lord Erastil both, for opening your doors to the faithful of Sarenrae. I appreciate the accommodation. Where the good stand shoulder to shoulder, evil can find no purchase.

2020-09-07, 04:28 AM
Raydine blinked several times, then yawned from the bottom of her heart and stretched a bit before finally getting rid of the blanket that she wrapped around herself in her sleep. "Morning!" She greeted both Menander and Kale who were already busy at work that early in the morning in the silvery stoat. She helped a bit too. Mostly cleaned some tables. At first she was a bit miffed that there was no room at the inn but after her first performance both made sure that she had it nice and warm in front of the hearth and she couldn't say no to the free lodging and meals. Both were so nice and welcoming that Raydine just couldn't say no.

When the message arrived that she should head to Ionnia Teppen she made sure to brush her hair and made herself look representable by dressing in her thicker clothes. It still had no shoes but some habits died especially hard.

When she stepped outside of the silvery stoat she made a little show by acting as if she was freezing. By Zon-Kuthon's flayed behind it's freezing! Not that the cold really bothered her that much, but complaining together about a certain thing was a good way to make acquaintaces.

Raydine made herself on the way towards Ionna Teppen. The small women with light blue skin and algae green hair that still seemed a bit wet, with parts of her fin ears poking out of her hair. She rubbed her webbed hands against one another to keep the illusion alive that she's cold, despite her heavy winter coat. Though she even may be cold if someone would look at her webbed feet that plod on the street naked.

2020-09-07, 08:36 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

The heaven-touched knight heard the ending of the morning sermon as he entered the town's crossing. Sarenraeites were in town, the towering Qadiran seemed especially extravagant. Where Felix' pale complexion was just an oddity, the Sarenraeite's tan skin and and green eyes were exceptional. As he approached the holy man to greet him, he saw another creature or thing behind him. He extended his hand to shake, only to be met with equal power and more. I greet you, devout of Sarenrae. My name is Felix. Am I correct you are in town to help the councilor? Is this your golem? He points at the machine-creature behind the priest.

Suddenly behind Felix, another odd person appears. He had heard her almost siren-like voice last evening and was enchanted by her almost fish-like complexion, glistening scales on very womanly forms, and was surprised to see her again so soon. Are you involved in that too? He smiles, brushing away any thought on how weird it was that he was sandwiched between a water spirit, possibly some other kind of genie-kin and an automaton. This day would prove to be interesting.

I am trying to pull the active characters together somewhat, work with me here.

2020-09-07, 11:42 AM
Tad ate his breakfast as fast as his jaws could munch. The people here were different than his hometown and anywhere else. No prejudice but the snow-colored kobold minimized any conversation that came his way, avoiding small talks and keeping his distance. This even extended to his benefactors, the owners of the Silver Stoat who provided him a free room and sustenance in gratitude of him saving a trapper from the jaws of death. If it was not business or local officials, he would ward them off with a curt reply. Once he finished his breakfast and given the Garimors a short farewell, he made his way out of town. As he neared the edge of the town, a messenger from Ionnia Teppen approached him with a message to meet the councilwoman in her house at midday.

After the messenger delivered his message and left, Tad continued to his intended location; a spotless area near Border Wood, outside the sight of the monsters, and spent his morning, spreading his arms to let the icy winds envelop his entire being. The cold gale did not bother him at all due to his unique body that mitigated the harsh effects of winter, eliciting an excited "ahh" from him. The period of jubilation did not last as the sun that almost manifest at its full glory shone upon the white scaled reptile. Groaning as his fun got sucked out by indicator of noon, Tad departed back to town and proceeded to Ionnia Teppen's house to see what the leader of the village wants with him. Arriving at the estate, he saw that there are people there; one golem-like creature, a female undine and two paladins; each bearing the respective crest of Lymnieris and Sarenrae. Tad stood as far as he could from both paladins as he waited for the mayor to appear.

2020-09-07, 06:04 PM
Majid shakes the younger man's hand. Ah, you must be the paladin of angels I've heard tell of! Lord Majid al-Khawiun, chosen paladin of great Sarenrae. I am indeed here to put an end to whatever wickedness haunts these lands. Suddenly, he laughs and draws the lad in to clap him on the shoulder. A delight to met you, brother paladin! It will be good to fight alongside another of our kind again.

He steps back and looks around. Golem? I own no golems... Turning, he catches sight of the Wyrwood. Greetings, little golden man, in the name of the Dawnflower. Are you a golem or a seeker of truth?

He turns to address the others as well, bowing slightly to Raydine. Greetings, sayyeda undine. Lord Majid al-Khawiun. It is nice to see another genie-kin in these northern lands.

Finally, he catches sight of the kobold. Well met. Have you come to answer the mayor's call, dragon-kin?

2020-09-07, 08:22 PM
Hatano steps into the inn. She looks like she's spent the last few nights in a ditch, which is accurate enough. She orders some pottage and a saucer of milk. While she is eating, a cat uncurls itself from its bed on top of her pack and eagerly laps up the milk, before standing in front of Hatano's food, meowing loudly. "No! Go find a rat or something! she says. Then she sees the disapproving stare of the inn's proprietor. "Not saying you got any! But if'n you did, he's the best mouser this side o' the woods!"

A few minutes later, the cat returns, rat in mouth, and drops it at Menander's feet proudly, before winding around his ankles.

2020-09-08, 02:28 AM
Raydine immediately dropped her facade when she was spoken at by the handsome young chap she has seen sometimes in the Village. "Involved? Maybe as much as you I guess." She smiles a little and points at him. You must be… Wait don't tell. What did that girl said? Keep your fishy hands away from my Dear Felix, right? That must been some kind of clerical honorific she wasn't aware of.

Majid startled her a bit, if the stories her father told her were true she had some less savory ancestors. Better keep that little tidbit of Information away for now. She gave him a deep curtesy, fitting for a lord. Raydine Oongda, I'm honored my lord. I heard your morning prayers and even if it may not melted away the morning chill, it definitely warmed the hearts of the people here. That was the moment were she remembered her previous charade and rubbed her webbed hands together again. We should get to the major for now. I'm freezing. Her eyes glanced over the little construct. She had thought it was more like a living statue that was made by the same artist then the lady in the center of Heldren. You don't have that problem, right?

When Majid spoke to the Kobold she didn't saw him at first. When she catches sight of him she quickly waves him over. Want to come with us? If you do also have business with the major of course. Raydine had seen some dragon-kind before but this one looked quite curious with his pure-white scales.

2020-09-08, 02:53 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

A kobold? Felix scoffed more in disbelief rather than open hostility. He was sure he could take him in open combat, and a kobold that was not hiding was either a friend, or led you into a horrible trap.

Then the angelic warrior looked around. This is definitely an extravagant group I must say. We gathered all foreigners of this small trading post, short of the half-orc girl I saw yesterday. Say, milord, what do you lord over? Felix does a small bow, you cannot tell if it is sarcastic or genuine from his blasé expression. In fact you cannot tell much from his emotionless face. Either he is a very good showboater, or he just has a very strong sense of superiority.

His face suddenly becomes more serious. Not to insult you, but the sudden cold weather combined with the size and ... uh ... variety of this makes me think Madame Mayor is very concerned.

Phantom Genius
2020-09-08, 05:36 AM
Majid shakes the younger man's hand. Ah, you must be the paladin of angels I've heard tell of! Lord Majid al-Khawiun, chosen paladin of great Sarenrae. I am indeed here to put an end to whatever wickedness haunts these lands. Suddenly, he laughs and draws the lad in to clap him on the shoulder. A delight to met you, brother paladin! It will be good to fight alongside another of our kind again.

He steps back and looks around. Golem? I own no golems... Turning, he catches sight of the Wyrwood. Greetings, little golden man, in the name of the Dawnflower. Are you a golem or a seeker of truth?

This unit is, in fact, a seeker of many truths, but it is not a golem. It is Arcatek, Wyrwood Wizard, and here to provide magical and intellectual assistance in your holy mission. This unit also has a small crossbow for situations of great distance. You are both paladins, first-rate frontline warriors. That is excellent. You can protect and heal the other members of this platoon. This man is Aasimar, a human with the blood of angels. They are very rare in Heldren. This man is possibly more rare and is unrecognized. Nevertheless, this unit is at your service. Would you care to hear what magic spells can be cast?

Arcatek follows you to the meeting, pointing out races, religions, animals, vegetables, whatever... It feels safe at your side, but hides behind you if anything snarls at it. The meeting with the cat will probably not go well. :smallsmile:

2020-09-08, 05:10 PM
As the clock tower in the town hall tolls the noon hour, the mayor of Heldren quietly opens the door to her quaint house on the other side of the square. Ionnia Teppen (https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/campaigns/166030/assets/816099/Teppen.001.jpg?1515474759) addresses her small band she had summoned, "Thank each of you for coming on such short notice. There's something terribly wrong with the land here, and now with the shape that mercenary came in, I don't know who else to turn to help. I can't say if there's a reason for such a variety of folk in my town at the moment, but I hope it's a helpful coincidence. Nobody in this town has had any experience with anything more than a simple forest hunt in nearly a century, let alone something as devastating as a winter storm in our wood. If you would follow me, please, there's a recent survivor from the forest I would like you to talk to before going into danger." Her voice seemed even, but that was a thin facade for a woman overwhelmed with the thoughts of how to save her village of a hundred and seventy.

The mayor walks down the eastern road of square, easier than ever before as the tales of snow and ice kept people from leaving their houses. Instead of what should be a bustling day for the village became a frightful shell. A short hundred-meter stroll takes you to a small house, barely more than an incredibly neat and maintained hut. The garden surrounding it was equally neat and trim, today handled by her dwarvish neighbor. Argus was seen scissors in hand, and thankfully no leeches to be seen. "Mrs. Willowbark is tending to the carriage guard inside," he gestures to the house with a pair of shears. Through the beaded curtain the elvish apothecary used as the door to the house, you see the spritely redhead tending to an Ulfen man covered from his toes to his nose in frostbite, and sharp wounds crossing his body.

“Would that I could go with you,” the wounded warrior says to the group “My ancestors would ridicule my lack of valor for fleeing rather than fighting to the end. But I faced enemies that even the greatest warriors in the Linnorm Kingdoms have faltered against, though I think I slew at least one of them before they dragged Lady Argentea away.” He takes a swig from a drink that smells of cayenne and ginger. "Fey creatures, sworn to the White Witches of Irrisen, those who stole our lands from us during the Winter War. Tiny sprites no taller than the length of a man’s forearm. But don’t be fooled by their small stature. Legends say they have taken a sliver of ice into their hearts, and their touch bears the harsh bite of winter. You can fight them with cold iron and burning flame. Both burn them, and both are weapons they fear.”” The man before you is in no shape to be moving any time soon, much to the northern warrior's chagrin.

2020-09-08, 07:15 PM
Tad response to the group's mix of genuine, incredulous and patronizing remarks when he is certain where he is going and who is going to meet is a quick disapproving glance and frown before looking back at the direction of the door which the mayor have yet to make an appearance. With the arrival of Ionnia, he nods and follows her to the survivor's house. Still maintaining his distance from the paladins, he beheld the wounds of the Ulfen man and winces just as quick as he recovers.

"Any undead?"

2020-09-08, 09:11 PM
Majid looks around. Unusual to say the least. Not many non-humans around here, or skilled heroes. It bodes ill for what we may find. But whatever comes, we shall prevail. He says it as a simple fact, without a hint of self-doubt. I am of the nobility of Qadira. My family holds lands around the city and deeper in Kelesh, as well as merchant concerns. Of course, we are far from there now, but I go where the Dawnflower calls.

He nods at the little creature with interest. Hoho, rarer indeed! I am suli-Jann, a descendant of the great genies of the material plane. We are stronger than mere humans, in mind and spirit, and at one with the elements. He is obviously quite proud of that. But you, master wizard, are quite a rarity! I do not think I have met others of your kind. Wizardry is a noble pursuit of course, and eminently useful to a party of heroes. I am glad to accept your help, Master Arcatek. I would indeed be interested to hear of your spells.

Majid nods somberly. Dangerous news indeed, that evil spirits haunt the land. But rest assured, we shall bring them to justice. Where did you see the vile brutes? And was there anything that preceded their attack? Mayor, does the town have any weapons of cold iron for defense against such monsters?

2020-09-08, 11:38 PM
Hatano follows the others at a distance, not willing to seem entirely with them. Besides, her familiar arches his back and hisses at the strange construct whenever they get too close. Once they arrive at the healer's house, Hatano goes over to examine the warrior's wounds. The village was surprisingly well sorted for healers, and she admired the skill displayed in his bindings. "What did you use to salve his wounds, mamzel?" Hatano asks the healer. "Did they get infected or show strange signs on his body? Other than the frostbite?"

2020-09-09, 02:08 AM
Rajdine was a bit surprised how open the leader of Heldren was to the little band of individuals but she did seem pretty desperate. When the poor wounded mercenary came into view Rajdine was taken aback. She took a step back. She did see some gruesome wounds but the frostbite affecting the man seemed to be really bad. She fought back a whimper. More worse than the mans wounds were the wounds he's giving himself for his cowardice. That wasn't right. When the brutish looking woman approached him every hope that she would give the poor soldier a helping was disbanded. Well she still inquired about something that could be Raydine's faith soon enough, she couldn't be angry about that.

The undine took a deep breath and go to the ulfen man to gently and lay a hand on his shoulder. You know what I think your ancestors would say? I think they would say, "Gosh darn it good that we have one that was brave enough to suffer the shame of defeat, who held out long enough against wind and cold, long enough that ice itself burned it's flesh but still, still he would hold on to deliver his message that his Lady was taken away." I will do everything I can to bring Lady Argentea back. Raydine was a bit surprised about herself and the conviction she felt but this poor soldier seemed to have suffered so much that she couldn't just not help him. You said you slew one of them? How did you do that?

2020-09-09, 02:17 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

A wizard golem? I was sure my master told me constructs were outside the flow of magic When the robot hides from the cat, the aasimar just smiles and knocks on its wooden exterior. A yes, the mighty wizard hides from the cat. Scared you look to much like a scratching post?

Felix follows the odd procession to the mayor's house, watching the others fearing they would step into one social blunder after another. He watches and listens intently, then steps ahead to calm the warrior. Pushed back again by the arrival of the half-orc, evidently a healer, he just adds.

Just imagine if you fought to your death. We would have never gotten news of your ward's abduction. With the lead, we have a real chance of getting her back. he tries to reason with him. Still, the fey are bad news, and winter witches are worse still. Madame Teppen, does your town have access to cold iron weapons and is it will to lend or sell them to us? We have little money to spare, but you have our word for it that we will return with them and Lady Argentea.

When Hatano mentions signs, scars or magical disease, Felix visibly winces and is reminded of his own curse to bear. His determined face vanishes behind a mask of indifference again.

Phantom Genius
2020-09-10, 04:48 AM
Majid looks around. Unusual to say the least. Not many non-humans around here, or skilled heroes. It bodes ill for what we may find. But whatever comes, we shall prevail. He says it as a simple fact, without a hint of self-doubt. I am of the nobility of Qadira. My family holds lands around the city and deeper in Kelesh, as well as merchant concerns. Of course, we are far from there now, but I go where the Dawnflower calls.

He nods at the little creature with interest. Hoho, rarer indeed! I am suli-Jann, a descendant of the great genies of the material plane. We are stronger than mere humans, in mind and spirit, and at one with the elements. He is obviously quite proud of that. But you, master wizard, are quite a rarity! I do not think I have met others of your kind. Wizardry is a noble pursuit of course, and eminently useful to a party of heroes. I am glad to accept your help, Master Arcatek. I would indeed be interested to hear of your spells.


Arcatek quickly rattles off his spell selection for the day, but seems more interested in the heritage of Majid. "Genie. That is favorable. You can grant wishes. We will surely have great success now, Aasimar Paladin! And correction of your statement: we are not afraid of felines. They are merely alarmed by our presence and react with hostility."

Fast forward to the fey discussion...
"We have strong men with greatswords and we have magic. The fey will be defeated and we will return with the lady with 84.7% success."
Arcatek seems to have no clue that it has just spoken for everyone with a non-diplomatic tone at best.

2020-09-12, 04:06 PM
The wounded warrior answers the suli-Jann, "I have my father's father's sword that has serviced my family since Irrisen's first invasion of my people. It would gladden me if at least that could be used to strike at those fey in my absence. It was forged with the cold iron the bites the fey." and he passes his longsword to Majid. "If you follow the road back through the Border Woods to the south, you will come across the carriage I was guarding Lady Argentea in. The trail shouldn't be too hard to pick up from there..."

Mayor Ionnia simply shakes her head at the request of special weaponry, "We barely have more than a few extra swords for the militia, let alone anything of that nature. Vivialla says she might have an extra shipment of alchemist's fire from a caravan a few months back, but that and some old cold weather gear are about all our small town can muster up. I wish there was more I could do, but we're completely unprepared for anything like this."

The alchemist regarded Hateno's question, "Definitely the worst case of the frostbite I've ever seen since moving here. Nothing more than that on top your usual blade and claw wounds. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he stepped out from his homeland naked."

2020-09-12, 08:25 PM
"So. The Lady dragged away to fates unknown. One escaped. How many comrades did you have? Has anyone gone to see to the fallen?"

2020-09-13, 07:13 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

We are not doing this for monetary gain. A few bottles of explosives would certainly help our more dexterous friends. Felix looks at the kobold in particular.

We should not hesitate anymore, and proceed in an instant. Who is with me? Felix asks valiantly.

2020-09-13, 11:03 AM
Majid hefts the sword appraisingly, testing the balance. Thank you. On my honor, it shall bite the fey once more.

He turns back to the mayor and the party. Well spoken, Ser Felix. Mayor, we shall slay these creatures because it is right. Our more nimble comrades could put fire to good use, and Ser Felix and I shall burn them with the flame of the divine.

2020-09-13, 03:40 PM
The ulfen warrior leans down to the little kobold, "Thankfully not, little one. From the tales I was told as a boy, the witches did not use the bodies of the slain as vessels. Sometimes a particular fey with control over the undead receives a sliver of ice into their hearts; when the witches toy with souls, they are often crueler than simply raising the dead." He leans back, and sighs, "I don't mean to frighten, just warn. There were four of us escorting the Lady, all seasoned men, but I think I am the only one who escaped with his life unless they plan to ransom m'lady."

2020-09-14, 02:31 AM
Raydine nods as the ulfen man gave over his sword. He squeezes his shoulder for a and then adresses the group. I'm gonna talk with Vivialla and see how much of this liquid fire she can offer and then pack some additional stuff. Let's meet at the south exit of Heldren when ready. I wouldn't mind some company if you want to strode along.

As stated Raydine would go to Vivialla Steranus and cut straight to the chase that she may have some Alchemist fire and that Raydine and some others would like to get some of that to rescue the fair Lady Argenta. Of course it would reflect very favorably to Vivialla if, thanks to her help, the Lady would get rescued, Raydine would also like to mention that it's not unreasonable that something about the unnatural early winter could be unveiled thanks to her help.

[roll0] To get a discount or perhaps even some free alchemist fire.

Phantom Genius
2020-09-14, 05:52 AM
My dexterity is above the human average. Alchemist's Fire is highly effective against the fey.

2020-09-15, 11:18 PM
The white kobold nods at the large man. Once the talk with the wounded warrior is finished, he shrugs at the Undine initiative to arrange a meeting place for the group once they are prepared to move into the Woods. He moves to the General Store to see if Raydine's request is successful. Regardless, he will be there to shop for some alchemist fire.

2020-09-16, 12:29 AM
"If they ain't killed her yet, they might be keepin' her alive for some reason? Still, she probably don't want us to wait too long.
Especially if she's injured." Hatano will follow as they look for alchemical fire, but she'll just grab a bundle of torches. After all, regular fire burns too.

Phantom Genius
2020-09-16, 05:46 AM
Hatano will follow as they look for alchemical fire, but she'll just grab a bundle of torches. After all, regular fire burns too.

Arcatek starts to follow Raydine and then stops to process what Hatano said. "Accurate."

Arcatek looks at the paladins to ensure they are in agreement to follow Raydine.

2020-09-16, 01:49 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

We shall meet in an hour on the town's crossing for our departure. Felix commands after a bit of uncomfortable silence. He then leaves to gather his things and his horse from the stables, and purchases a few trail rations for the road ahead from the innkeepers. The man also enters the barber to get a few items of personal hygiene.

2020-09-21, 03:28 AM
The kobold listens at the ongoing discussion between the Undine and Vivialla. He leans by the door, looking at the consumables with an assessing eye.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-07, 01:00 AM
The party reconvenes at the town's crossing. They have four flasks of Alchemist's Fire and one cold iron sword. Arcatek looks ridiculous in a winter coat, but the man said it was snowing in the woods.

2020-10-08, 02:11 AM
Raydine wears her bounty like a prize and presents the 4 flasks of alchemists fire proudly. She takes one for herself and distributes the rest. Her outfit hasn't changed much. She still wears a heavy fur coat and this time even pulled up the hood. She does actually wear footwear, but it's only thin slippers that can't possibly protect against the cold. I'd say Majid should probably go Forward. Because you have the sword. Nods Raydine towards the paladin.

I'd like Felix behind us to protect us should we get ambushed by the fey and let the rest of us spread out a bit in the middle. We should find the cart soon enough and perhaps from there we can find out a bit more. Then, let's go! Raydine strides enthusiastically forward, humming a little tune on the way.

Sorry for taking the lead so aprubtly. You can of course still protest or do something differently. It was merely a suggestion.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-08, 02:29 AM
I haven't heard from Spore, so there may be no Felix. We can press on though. Your lead is a good lead.

2020-10-08, 06:00 PM
Majid bows slightly. Of course. It is my honor and privilege to take the lead. Let us be off! Great deeds await!

2020-10-09, 01:28 PM
Hatano looks at the flask skeptically, but stows it in her pack. She also passes out some torches if anyone wants them, and falls in behind the leader, parka ready to be cinched up once they head into the snow.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-11, 01:51 AM
The edge of the woods where yesterday's attack happened, is but six miles away. The weather is warm as you approach, with only puffy, white clouds in the sky, but looking into the woods ahead, you see snow in the trees and only heavy, gray clouds overhead, as if winter and summer are at war and you are standing at the border. (Dresden Files reference there for all my friends.)

Unrelated to the shiver you feel when the wind blows from that direction, please make Perception checks.

Arcatek Perception

2020-10-11, 11:23 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

I would love to take point. the human knight says, secretly hoping his gallant leadership would win him the heart of the fair maiden in question.

May all who oppose us under Lymnieris' protection be vanquished by our thrusting blade. he says, winking to the half-orc and undine alike.

So is Alhallor DMing now? I have no landline internet until end of the week. Also Majid has the sword, but also Con 8 and there less HP. I should take the brunt of the damage, and he should deal the hurtin' due to his formidable strength.

2020-10-11, 02:33 PM
Hatano stops for a moment and looks at the strange boundary between summer and winter. She knew, intellectually, that something was out there, lurking, but her eyes kept getting drawn back to the bizarre sight.

[roll0] not the most perceptive witch

2020-10-11, 07:31 PM
Splendid! Between the two of us any foe foolish enough not to flee shall fall swiftly. When they rach the odd point, Majid looks around for witchcraft, opening his senses to the smell of evil. By the Dawnflower, let me see the unseen foe. Evil shall not hide from our retribution by lurking in shadows, for the sun's light burns away the darkness.

Casting Detect Evil. Also, Perception [roll0].

Yeah, Majid rolled poorly for Con, so he is not a tank. Having Felix draw blows and Majid chop people down is a good strategy.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-11, 10:51 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

I would love to take point. the human knight says, secretly hoping his gallant leadership would win him the heart of the fair maiden in question.

May all who oppose us under Lymnieris' protection be vanquished by our thrusting blade. he says, winking to the half-orc and undine alike.

So is Alhallor DMing now? I have no landline internet until end of the week. Also Majid has the sword, but also Con 8 and there less HP. I should take the brunt of the damage, and he should deal the hurtin' due to his formidable strength.

No, I am running it. I am concerned though that you won't have internet all week and you didn't roll a Perception check. Can you still post regularly on your phone/laptop?

And who is the fair maiden? The missing Lady or one of her would-be rescuers?

2020-10-12, 03:15 AM
Raydine looks wideeyed towards Felix and says. Or that, I'm not really trained like you two, I'm sure you can ascertain the situation better than me. On the way towards they're destination Raydine puts her hair up and binds it in a knot, revealing her fin-like ears. She fidget's around a bit and with a thin iron nail she helds her algae green hair in place. That should work, do you see that? Raydine points towards the clouds who seem to be battling.

She shivers slightly when the cold wind blows but it seems she can't tear her eyes away from the sight. And there I thought the weather is always boring. Doesn't that one kinda looks like a fairy? She points towards one of the grey clouds, oblivious to her surroundings for that moment.

Rolled a 6 in the OOC.

2020-10-12, 09:19 PM
Hatano squints at the suspicious cloud. "Looks more like a dragon to me," she says, finally. "See the long tail?"

Phantom Genius
2020-10-13, 06:23 AM
The ominous fairy dragon looms overhead, barely shifting form, but possessing a level of menace that few clouds you have seen can muster. Before discussion can proceed on meteorological phenomena, a mottled green and brown lizard lunges from the undergrowth, (NOT the frozen forest) attempting to puncture Majid's leg and drag him to certain and horrible death. There is little chance of her missing the unaware hero, but her teeth grind only on the armor he wears.

You are all within 25'. Whoever reads this first, you win initiative. Then progress from there. The lizard (AC 15, touch 12) goes last. Arcatek will go after the DM sleeps for eight hours.

2020-10-13, 06:35 AM
Raydine squints and says I think you're right, but the wings still seem kinda fairy-like, are there dragon fairies? It seems right after the question is asked a monster runs towards the group and attacks Majid. Raydine's shock subsides soon and her clear and enchanting voice raises over the battlefield while she draws her crossbow.

Harm won't be done by teeth or claw. You're scales reveal they're fatal flaw!

Inspire Courage as a Standard Action so +1 to Hit and Damage for everyone, sadly except Arcatek because he's a construct. Drawing the crossbow as a move action. I like the initiative ruling. :)

2020-10-13, 09:36 AM
Majid draws his greatsword and brings it crashing down on the lizard, though it's standing too close for a proper swing and je goes wide. He takes a step backwards to assume a fighting stance. Back, foul beast! Have at you!

Power attack with the greatsword and 5-foot step. [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage.

2020-10-13, 10:30 AM
Hatano leans on her spear and glares at the beast through half-lidded eyes. She points at it, and then in Orcish, she mumbles, "Fool beast. Teeth-break. Lock-jaw." Her cat peeks out of the hood of her parka where it's been resting and matches her glare at the beast.

Cursing it with Evil Eye, giving it -2 to attack rolls for 6 rounds unless it makes a will save, DC 14. Then it's just one round.

2020-10-13, 02:52 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

That is a whole lot of bravado for someone who just carved the dirt. Felix says and smiles at the Suli. He himself takes on a more secure stance. He could try to ram the creature into the ground like his taller compatriot, but he decides for a finer maneuver.

No, I am running it. I am concerned though that you won't have internet all week and you didn't roll a Perception check. Can you still post regularly on your phone/laptop?

And who is the fair maiden? The missing Lady or one of her would-be rescuers?

Web will be back on the evening of the 21st of October. Until then I have to stretch my remaining 700MB of mobile data. It can manage GiantitP without much issue even after that, also I have overlooked the Perception check. The lady is mean to be the lady to be safed, but Felix is basically taking anyone who wants to bed with him eventually.

Perception [roll0]
Also Attack vs lizard [roll1]+1 from Inspire
Damage [roll2]+1 from Inspire

Phantom Genius
2020-10-14, 04:58 AM
Perception [roll0]
Also Attack vs lizard [roll1]+1 from Inspire
Damage [roll2]+1 from Inspire

The lizard's eyes glaze over for a second as it partially resists the curse, then go wide with the sudden pain of Felix's blade. It was hungry before, but is now frantic in its desperation to survive. As it rears back to strike, Arcatek fires his very small crossbow into the melee (-4).


The bolt goes wild into the underbrush, perhaps critically hitting a dung beetle. "More practice is needed for this to be effective," Arcatek notes aloud.

The lizard strikes desperately at Felix, hoping one snap of the teeth will be enough to provide a meal and send the rest of you running. Its cursed teeth find nothing but air between Felix's thighs, however. A few inches higher and there might be no more ladies in Felix's future.

Back to the top. You awake, Alhallor?

2020-10-14, 06:23 AM
The beast was still alive after Felix hit it with his sword. Raydine stopped singing, but thanks to her training, the good hope her song provided was still lingering in the air. She loaded her crossbow and felt nervousness clawing up her throat. Raydine fought it down and was relieved that Felix didn't seem to have been hit.

Hopefully she would hit better than Arcatek.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Thanks to Lingering Performance, the +1 is still active for 2 additional rounds. Move Action to load the crossbow and Standard Action to fire. Reporting for Duty, though not hitting that well.

2020-10-14, 11:47 AM
Hatano bursts into action as well, levelling her spear and charging at the injured lizard.

Charge attack: [roll0], dmg [roll1]

2020-10-15, 09:03 AM
For a moment, Majid looks angry. Then he bursts into a booming laugh. Hohoho! Let us make it a challenge then, pretty boy! See which of us can slay more of the foe on this little excursion. He swings the sword again.

Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2020-10-15, 11:14 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Yield your weapons, this fey may not be hostile. Felix points out. The faerie dragon could've easily swooped down and assisted but seemt more interested than hostile.

Are you a friend. Felix asks, shouldering his blade and extending his arm. If you can aid us... damn does anyone know how to speak with these critters?!

No attack, but trying to concoct a situation that allows for a diplomacy roll.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-15, 10:39 PM
(I'm going to focus on the combat and see how Spore edits his post.)

The lizard had not anticipated Hatano's charge and wasn't prepared to be punctured precipitously. As it considered retreat, it failed to avoid Majid's brutal strike. It hissed briefly as the greatsword came down, then its lung was punctured and its leg nearly severed. It instinctively went to retaliate on one or all three, but had no strength, no breath...no blood... It slumps to the ground, dead or bleeding out.

Feel free to chat for a moment before I describe the snowy forest. Does anyone not have winter coats or boots? You see several inches of snow in your future.

2020-10-16, 05:02 PM
Raydine frantically reloads her crossbow but when she raises her weapon again the lizard that attacked them stopped moving. By the gods, are you alright?

Raydine quickly looks for obvious wounds and can't find any. That seemed really close, but we did it! I think we should go further, but what's with you three, wanna take a short rest?

Asks Raydine the three that were in melee with the surprising lizard.

2020-10-16, 11:00 PM
Hatano looks down at the lizard. "These things don't usually attack travelers. The unnatural weather has surely driven it to madness. All the more reason to hurry."

Phantom Genius
2020-10-17, 06:14 AM
<Feel free to keep roleplaying. I'm just going to put this here and go get some sleep>

Near the forest, the temperature grows noticeably colder. The road ahead is littered with debris and the corpses of slain humans and horses. A carriage stands in the roadway, its team of horses missing or cut free, while another overturned carriage lies sprawled and broken next to the tree line. To the south, more bodies have fallen around what appears to be a statue of ice. A snowy trail leads deeper into the forest.

If one of you starts poking around, I will need to know where everyone is. Arcatek is not one of the first three to poke around, nor is he staying behind alone.

2020-10-17, 06:31 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Knowing better than to try and gauge the situation at hand, Felix does what he does best. He tries to delegate jobs to those more suitable. Hatano, you worked as a healer. Aside from violence, what did these people in? And why did they bother to kill the horses too?

Felix advances and tries to climb into the overturned carriage to check for any survivors. Is there anyone left? Hello?

2020-10-17, 09:01 PM
Hatano takes her gloves off and squats down by the bodies to examine the wounds. Were they made by weapons? Claws? Teeth? Have they been chewed on by scavengers since death? Are their valuable still there? If so, she removes them and stows them in her pack for safekeeping.

[roll0] heal to do autoposy/forensic stuff? IDK. Going to get all Harrier DuBois and see if the wounds are from weapons, natural casues, or if they're disguised. Also checking for valuables to see if their assailants were thieves or not.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-18, 05:35 AM
I need a Perception check from Felix and I need to hear where Majid and Raydine are.

2020-10-18, 07:03 AM
When the strange site is reached Raydine is stunned and in shock, her gaze fixated on the dead bodies. When Felix calls out she is shaken out of her state, and ventures to look at the border of winter and summer, going back and forth of both sides. That is so weird.

Trying to find out if Raydine knows anything about this strange phenomenon? Bardic knowledge [roll0] if it's any knowledge it's another +1 and I'm considered trained.

2020-10-18, 12:03 PM
Majid draws the cold iron sword and holds it in both hands. He stands near Raydine, and tries to position himself between the border and Hatano. He looks out for anything that might rush the more vulnerable members of the group.

Perception [roll0]

Phantom Genius
2020-10-19, 05:49 AM
Raydine: It's definitely not natural. Someone brought WINTER here.
Majid: You see some tracks in the snow that would be easy to follow into the forest.
Hatano: You're on the right track, but you need a little more time to investigate and loot.
Felix: I need that Perception check and a Climb check.
Arcatek goes with Hatano and casts Detect Magic.

2020-10-19, 08:28 AM
Perception [roll0]
Climb [roll1]

2020-10-19, 08:01 PM
There is a soft meow behind Hatano, and she says "SHHHH!" far too loudly. Then she mutters to herself. "Check the wounds. If'n she had lousy noble rivals going on, this would be a good way to disguise an attack. Beats the ol' poisoned goblet, that's for sure." She keeps studying the wounds to figure out what made them. Offended, the cat jumps out of its perch in her parka's hood and lands in the snow. Hissing angrily at the shock of the cold, it jumps back, clawing its way back up her parka. The thick fur protects Hatano quite well from the cold, and from the claws.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-20, 06:31 AM
I'm working on a map, but I have no editing software, so I'm "plowing" ahead for the moment.

The dead bodies lying in the snow have been stripped of armor and weapons, although you see a couple of fancy dresses that might have some value. The handmaidens sadly won't be wearing them again. (Appraise DC 15)

Majid and Raydine: It's cold, ridiculously cold for summertime. You see lots of tracks of humanoids and horses going into the forest. The ice statue is very creepy. You shiver, maybe from the cold, maybe from the carnage of the massacre behind you. You note that someone shoved a spear in the door handle of the upright carriage.
Arcatek: "No magic in the area so far." It steps back from the feline and scans more of the area.
Hatano: You would guess tiny needles and icicles did them in. It wasn't quick and painless.
Felix: You fail to get a grip on the icy and broken carriage. You can still peer inside and see the deceased handmaidens. No one responds to your greeting.

2020-10-20, 06:51 AM
No magic in the area? That's even weirder, Raydine steps in the summer part of the forest, trying to not look at the frozen statue that brought shivers down her spine. Raydine didn't minded the cold normally but here it had this unnatural feel towards it.

Arcatek does this strange… WINTER border also radiates no magic? The undine asks worried.

Can Raydine make a guess what could have done something like this? Like a mighty druid, wizard or snow ice queen fairy? Another try for Knowledge: [roll0] should it be Knowledge: Nature it's +4 the rolled result.

For maps I like to use google excel files, they can also be edited by every player, if that helps you.

2020-10-20, 08:18 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Peculiar indeed. Such cruelty, these beautiful people all slain in a massacre. Felix says to cover his failure climbing into the carriage. He rubs his hands, as he realizes he is unable to pull both his weight and that of his armor.

We should collect and bury the corpses on our way back. Give them one last rite of passage. Felix says, truly mourning these young people unable to pass into proper adulthood.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-21, 05:16 AM
No magic in the area? That's even weirder, Raydine steps in the summer part of the forest, trying to not look at the frozen statue that brought shivers down her spine. Raydine didn't minded the cold normally but here it had this unnatural feel towards it.

Arcatek does this strange… WINTER border also radiates no magic? The undine asks worried.

Can Raydine make a guess what could have done something like this? Like a mighty druid, wizard or snow ice queen fairy? Another try for Knowledge: [roll0] should it be Knowledge: Nature it's +4 the rolled result.

For maps I like to use google excel files, they can also be edited by every player, if that helps you.

Raydine: Nothing comes to mind. There are gods who could do it, since they can do most anything.
Arcatek says, "No magic in sixty feet, including the edge of the forest. That is the limit of the Detect Magic spell. Why is there a chunk of ice statue on the ground?"
Felix: I don't think I need to reply, but you're not wrong, obviously.

2020-10-21, 05:25 AM
They are two carriages right? One overturned and one still standing? If there is only the overturned one please ignore my comment about the other.

Hey Felix, could you look at the other carriage? Perhaps there is still someone in there. Raydine nods towards Arcatek. Perhaps we can find something out about that statue. Majid you cover me right? Raydine goes towards the ice statue that seems to be the center of the attack and if she is within 10 feet she casts a Detect Magic herself.

Concentrating on the statue if I not get interrupted and trying to interpret that with a Spellcraft: [roll0] or Knowledge:Arcana: [roll1]

Phantom Genius
2020-10-21, 05:31 AM
They are two carriages right? One overturned and one still standing? If there is only the overturned one please ignore my comment about the other.

Hey Felix, could you look at the other carriage? Perhaps there is still someone in there. Raydine nods towards Arcatek. Perhaps we can find something out about that statue. Majid you cover me right? Raydine goes towards the ice statue that seems to be the center of the attack and if she is within 10 feet she casts a Detect Magic herself.

Concentrating on the statue if I not get interrupted and trying to interpret that with a Spellcraft: [roll0] or Knowledge:Arcana: [roll1]

Two carriages, yes. The second one has a spear shoved in the handle.
Arcatek is within 60' of the statue (and both carriages) so you don't need to cast again. You can try Perception if you want.
Felix if you approach the second carriage, please roll Perception also.

2020-10-21, 06:09 AM
Raydine get's closer to the statue and goes on her knees and expects it from toe to head, really trying to see if there is a way the statue may have caused all of this.

Perception: [roll0] then Raydine won't use her own Detect magic. Perhaps she can find something else.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-21, 06:49 AM
Raydine get's closer to the statue and goes on her knees and expects it from toe to head, really trying to see if there is a way the statue may have caused all of this.

Perception: [roll0] then Raydine won't use her own Detect magic. Perhaps she can find something else.

It's a body, minus an arm, encased in ice.

2020-10-21, 11:11 AM
Perception [roll0]

Should we open a discord for rolls and immediate discussion of the game? If not I think the game would benefit from the DM rolling reactive rolls himself.

2020-10-21, 01:02 PM
Majid continues to guard Raydine, on alert for anything coming out of the woods.

2020-10-21, 03:27 PM
Hatano stands up and says, "Well. They were killed by ice. Being stabbed by ice, not the cold. So by violence after all. Grim business. Not much else to be done here and now. Let's follow these tracks into the woods. Carefully."

Phantom Genius
2020-10-21, 08:57 PM
I'm fine with rolling immediate reactions like Perception, if the players don't mind. Some people are sensitive about their dice, but this is online, of course. I subscribe to this page, so I get an email every time someone replies, which is preferable to Discord.

Felix: You hear a thud inside the carriage as you get close. Do you pull the spear? (Do you have a free hand? I think you do.)
Majid: You notice that the ice statue/corpse is missing an arm, which is holding a sword and lying on the ground. To be clear, this is a corpse that has been turned into an ice statue and then something pulled off an arm. (Creepy buggers)
Hatano: Do you care about the dresses? They have some value. (They were dumped out of a chest.)

2020-10-22, 07:21 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

Why would they target the handles? Felix thinks aloud, then draws his blade. If this is some kind of trap, I will have none of it. he proclaims, drawing his blade and cleaving into the carriage door.

Power Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Phantom Genius
2020-10-22, 08:15 AM
Why would they target the handles? Felix thinks aloud, then draws his blade. If this is some kind of trap, I will have none of it. he proclaims, drawing his blade and cleaving into the carriage door.
Power Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

The carriage door splinters and falls away.

A human, in his underwear and full of holes, lurches toward you. Its dead eyes seeing nothing but still targeting your face, it slams you for five points of damage. You see a second one behind it with no way to reach you. :xykon:

Everyone may take a turn before the thing that was a man may attack again.

2020-10-22, 08:38 AM
When the carriage door splinters Raydine gasps for air, being shocked. She looks towards Felix who just got hit by a strange, inapprobiately clothed and heavily wounded Person. Are you insane? Stop that nonsense! Raydine strides forward a bit and makes a sharp gesture with her hand. Cool off, will you! And the person get's splashed by water.

Raydine moves towards the second carriage and casts Create Water to the person who attacked Felix, hoping to snap him out of it. She doesn't realize that it's (probably) a Zombie. It's 16 pounds of water, should that be relevant.

I also won't have a problem with the DM rolling reactionary dice.

2020-10-22, 09:40 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 7/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: -

The creature launches itself at Felix, who was caught in an exposed position with his heavy blade stuck in the door. He kicks the zombie off, brings a bit of distance between him and his assailants, that is when Raydine splashes the creature with water.

This one is dead. Look at it. Felix says, swirling his blade around into the offensive, striking again, but this time an undead rather than woodwork.

Power Attack again. [roll0]

2020-10-22, 10:14 AM
Majid spins around and runs to attack the shambling creature, swinging his sword two-handed in powerful sweeps.

No objection to reactive rolls. 2-handing the longsword and attacking with Power Attack. [roll0] damage [roll1]

Oops, forgot to add the Power Attack modifiers to attack or damage, so I guess it wasn't that Power-ful. Still missing. Team paladin is demolishing that carriage.

2020-10-22, 08:11 PM
Hatano notes the finery scattered on the snowy mud, but doesn't really care about it. What she wants to know is whether the bodies have been stripped of coins and jewelry; the kind of portable wealth that bandits are after. After all, if the assailants care about wealth, perhaps they can be bargained with? Or if they are unreasoning brutes, they need to be put down...

Hearing Felix's shout, she sees the thing lurch out of the carriage. She sees the paladins smiting the strange and unholy beast and nods. That was what they were here for, no? But she points at the leading zombie and says, in a mild tone, "Yer soul is gone. Follow it to rest. Give in to sleep. Become the earth."

[roll0], [roll1] damage. Hexin' it, then, uh give it -2 to AC.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-22, 08:11 PM
I'll say that the water is at least a small distraction to Z1. Perhaps it was to the (fraternal) paladin twins as well. :smallfurious: They both miss. And there is now no more room in melee. (It's, in fact, a little harder to hit the zombie-man in the doorframe.)

Arcatek, seeing little chance of getting a small crossbow shot through cover and into melee, walks up and casts Magic Weapon on Felix's sword. "You have a 5% better chance to hit and will do slightly more damage for one minute," it says helpfully.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-22, 08:14 PM
The zombie-man does not seem to notice the hex or the paladins' swordplay. It does notice Felix's brain and attempts to crack his skull open to eat it.
21 to hit, 9 damage! Felix briefly sees four zombies, then eight, then the faerie dragon in the clouds, before his vision returns to normal. His head hurts a lot.

Coins and jewelry are nowhere in sight.

Everyone may go.

2020-10-23, 04:51 AM
Raydine takes a second look at the people and only then does she realize that they are stabbed and wounded, so horribly that they should not be able to live anymore. And then one of them hits Felix hard. No, Felix! Raydine concentrates on the water that she created before and produces a single deep tone that sounds like the Undine's head is submerged in water. As in response to her voice, the water rises up and transforms into a sheet of solid ice. Protecting Felix and Majid from further harm.

With my Watersinger ability I would like to create an ice wall to protect our guys in melee. Perhaps till Felix got healed. The ice has Hardness 0 and 3 hit Points per Inch and I guess I can make it 1 foot thick that should give it 36 hp. should it be attacked and as of now it holds this round, and the next three. Should this not be possible I would change my action.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-23, 07:55 AM
With my Watersinger ability I would like to create an ice wall to protect our guys in melee. Perhaps till Felix got healed. The ice has Hardness 0 and 3 hit Points per Inch and I guess I can make it 1 foot thick that should give it 36 hp. should it be attacked and as of now it holds this round, and the next three. Should this not be possible I would change my action.

That works as you expected, but it works both ways. The paladins can't see or attack the zombie-men either.

Round 1 of Ice Wall
Round 1 of Magic Weapon

2020-10-23, 11:09 AM
Watching Felix stagger back, blood streaming from his head, Hatano freezes for a moment. Then the air itself freezes as the wall of ice forms in front of the carriage door. Reaching a decision, she says, "Stand back! We'll burn them out." She pulls out her flint and steel and her torch and quickly lights the torch.

this round... light torch. Next round, set carriage on fire. third round... victory!

2020-10-23, 02:27 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: -2/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15
Conditions: prone, unconscious, stablized

Completely sidelined by everything going on and unable to raise his big sword properly, the paladin tries to parry the lunging zombie. He is too slow. The undead rips him to the ground, but is unable to split his skull open fully as there are other in the way.

Felix drops to -2, thus going unconscious. Good news though, now there is more space to fight.

Stabilize [roll0]

2020-10-23, 05:05 PM
Majid sheathes the longsword and pushes Felix away from the carriage. Do any of you have healing magic or medical knowledge? The boy is badly hurt.

Don't have Lay on Hands till level 2, sadly. And no ranks in Heal. Edited to match what's happening.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-23, 09:45 PM
Majid rushes over to push his fallen comrade out of the way, standing between the carriage and Felix. He sheathes the longsword and pulls out his greatsword. Do any of you have healing magic or medical knowledge? The boy is badly hurt.

Don't have Lay on Hands till level 2, sadly. And no ranks in Heal.

Majid was already adjacent to Felix when Felix slumped to the ground. And there is a wall of ice temporarily between the two of you and the two of them. There is a +1 greatsword next to him. Do you want to move him, move the sword, or something else?

Arcatek says, "He has stabilized and is not going to bleed to death. This unit has basic skill in healing, but no magic."

Zombie-man 1 attacks the wall of ice. Six points of damage.

Majid, please clarify and then we'll be back to the top.

2020-10-24, 02:22 AM
Push him out of the way, so when the zombies come through I'm closer, and switch from longsword to greatsword. Where did the +1 sword come from? I was thinking just switching to my own greatsword. Will format this back into my post in the morning, it's pretty late here.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-24, 03:47 AM
Push him out of the way, so when the zombies come through I'm closer, and switch from longsword to greatsword. Where did the +1 sword come from? I was thinking just switching to my own greatsword. Will format this back into my post in the morning, it's pretty late here.

That's one too many actions. Pushing, sheathing and drawing. You can drop your long sword instead of sheathing it and then draw your greatsword or pick up Felix's. (+1 from the Magic Weapon spell)

2020-10-24, 02:00 PM
Done. He's sheathing and pushing.

2020-10-24, 02:59 PM
The pitch-soaked rag on the torch flares up nicely. Hatano goes to the other side of the coach and begins to set it alight.

2020-10-24, 03:19 PM
It will melt. Raydine pulled a scroll from her girdle and makes her way to the unconscious Felix.

Move action to retrieve a scroll, standard action to go towards Felix. The ice wall will keep staying there for 3 additional rounds, thanks to Lingering Performance (that was a really good feat decision.)

Phantom Genius
2020-10-25, 06:01 AM
Arcatek takes a step back and loads the crossbow.
Behind the wall of ice, you hear a smack and then a small crack appears.

Wall of ice 26/36 hp remaining, Round 2
Magic Weapon Round 2
The carriage starts to burn. (Nobody screams for help inside.)

H, R, and M may go. If Felix gets to 0hp, he can take a move action safely. If he gets to 1 hp, he can have a full round. (Still on the ground, 5' back from the wall and the magic sword.) He is stable at -2. The CLW scroll if read will be d8+1.

2020-10-25, 09:46 AM
When Raydine arrives at Felix, she begins to read the magic scroll. Kalas, ahtut, shem, aszur. The words begin to glow in a golden light that disappears that take the written words with them, while the light travels to Felix. After that Raydine draws a whip that she had wrapped around her waist.

Standard action to use the scroll, auto succeed because it's on my spell list. Move action to draw my whip.

2020-10-25, 03:27 PM
To Majid, Hatano says, "Help me keep them in the fire!" She stands by him, her spear raised, waiting for the ice wall to fail. Once the things she'll use it to keep them from leaving their pyre. "Make sure he isn't turning into one of those things!" she shouts back at the others. She'd heard they could spread their... condition... to those they'd killed and the last thing she wanted was the fallen paladin to rise behind them.

2020-10-26, 12:30 AM
Majid draws his greatsword and squares up next to Hatano, sword at the ready once the creatures break through. Be ready. The dead come. In Sarenrae's name, we will bring them rest.

Draw greatsword and ready action to strike when they break through.

2020-10-26, 04:52 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 6/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

Felix orients himself and is confused as to what happened for a hot second. He mentally curses his unpreparedness, as he hoists himself up to the side of the carriage, dragging his seemingly heavier blade up with him.

Two move actions to stand up (provokes AoO) and grab his weapon. I try to get cover from the side of the carriage to cancel half of the penalty of prone to AC (AC 12 without cover, 14 with it, after I am standing my AC returns to 16 or 18 with cover)

Phantom Genius
2020-10-26, 09:06 AM
There's no AOO because Felix is five feet back and behind a wall of ice, plus H and M. He can make a 5' step if he wants.

Arcatek readies a bolt.

The carriage burns a little more as another slam hits the ice and the crack becomes a gash.

Wall of ice 17/36 hp remaining, Round 3
Magic Weapon Round 3

|____ X ____|
_ IceIceIce
_ H M
_ F
_ R

Everyone may go.

2020-10-26, 01:06 PM
Sure enough! Just waiting for the wall of ice to break, then. How's the fire going with regard to the carriage? Are things getting nice and toasty? Would it be possible to pile up some brush/coach door fragments on the fire to get it to burn faster?

Phantom Genius
2020-10-26, 03:59 PM
Hatano picks up the spear that had held the door closed. Since the wall of ice was keeping the carriage door open, she grabbed the edge of the door and prepared to slam it shut once the wall of ice melted. "Watch out! Going shut them in once the door's free."

Sorry, Felix destroyed the door. It's on the ground. Feel free to redo your action.

2020-10-27, 03:41 AM
Not that I want to hinder the epicness of my ice wall but I can only affect 1 square right now.

Probably still enough to cave the zombies in though.

Raydine would ready an action to Trip the first zombie that emerges.

Trip attempt: [roll0] against the Zombies CMD

Should that not be possible (because they are too many people in the way, too get the Whip through) of she would made an Aid another attempt. to boost Majid AC by two.

Aid another attempt: [roll1] against 10

Raydine makes herself ready should her conjured ice fall down.

2020-10-28, 12:02 AM
Majid stands ready to strike when the zombies break through.

2020-10-28, 06:52 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 6/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

Unable to attack the zombie, but steadying his stance, Felix smiles at Raydine. I never knew the touch of a genie could be this revitalizing.he says in a smarmy voice and winks at her, before focussing his attention again at the encased zombie. It is undead, you hear me? Ice does not work. he follows up in a more commandeering voice.

just my free action speaking. It would be out of character to not thank a nice lady.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-28, 07:05 AM
Sure enough! Just waiting for the wall of ice to break, then. How's the fire going with regard to the carriage? Are things getting nice and toasty? Would it be possible to pile up some brush/coach door fragments on the fire to get it to burn faster?

It starts slowly, but the pitch certainly helps. In her opinion, more brush and the door fragments may help, but the ice isn't going to last much longer. Combat will restart shortly.

Z1 continues pounding on the wall of ice.
Wall of ice 9/36 hp remaining, Round 4
Magic Weapon Round 4

We have four readied actions and Felix standing by. Anyone want to change anything this round? (The whip attack has already been rolled, so probably shouldn't be changed.)

2020-10-28, 09:04 AM
Hatano picks up the broken door fragments and tosses them on the fire on the other side of the coach. As the flames jump up, she looks around for some pine wood or dry branches to throw on the fire as well. "Once this is done, we should burn the other bodies as well," she says.

2020-10-29, 03:18 AM
It wasn't so much my touch and more the... And then came the voice and the wink. Raydine's face shifted from her light blue tone to a more darker one, like the dephts of a clear blue lake. It won't work again the same way!

Definitely not changing my action. Just getting flustered.

Phantom Genius
2020-10-30, 08:24 AM
After Hatano moves to the other (burning) side of the carriage, the ice wall finally falls and the readied actions go off.
Raydine lashes out with her lash and misses.
Arcatek shoots his short shot into melee and through cover, but manages to hit, piercing the zombies thigh, but having no effect.
Majid, take your readied swing and then Felix can go.

|____ Z2 ____|
_ M
_ F
_ R A

Magic Weapon Round 5/6.
Burning carriage Round 3.

2020-10-30, 10:05 AM
Majid swings at the zombie as it emerges, trying to hit it before it can get out and attack.

[roll0] damage [roll1].

2020-10-31, 08:34 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 6/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

Flanking the enemy would seem wise, milord.... Felix says seeing the jann's attack go wide once more. the warrior circles around, binding the undead in a simple bind.

[roll0] (-1 for Power Attack, +2 for Flanking)

2020-10-31, 01:54 PM
Hatano begins piling up brush and broken wood on the burning side of the coach. Trying to build the fire as hot and high as she can to kill the things within.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-01, 07:30 AM
Hatano went first in the round, so you can save that action for this round.
Z1 was in the doorway of the carriage, so no flanking was possible. Critical hits are possible.

The readied actions were unimpressive, so Felix steps up with his newly magic sword and chops the zombie-man-thing's head off. Both pieces drop to the ground. A second zombie-man-thing, hair and underwear on fire, shuffles forward and tries to slam Felix and bring him back to the world of the dead. But the fire in his eyes is the burning kind and he misses...barely.

New round. Round 6/6 of Magic Weapon.
Hatano improves the fire.
Majid and Felix are in regular melee.
Raydine has a whip and a paladin in her way.
Arcatek will go 2nd-to-last.
Z2 will go last if you haven't dropped him.

2020-11-01, 07:56 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 6/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

just finish this. Felix commands, slashing at the remaining undead.

Attack [roll0] +1 from Magic Weapon which I forgot
Damage [roll1] +1 from Magic Weapon which I forgot

2020-11-01, 11:55 PM
Hatano walks back to where the two paladins are fighting the last zombie. She leans on her spear and watches for a few moments. "Well. The paladin has risen. Gods be praised." Unless the zombie breaks past the two fights, Hatano will merely watch the battle.

2020-11-02, 03:25 AM
Raydine try's to focus, when the other zombie emerges she fixated on his right leg and let her Whip snake forth to hopefully outbalance this poor dead guy.

Another trip attempt. [roll0]

2020-11-02, 11:02 AM
Majid swings again, hoping to hit more zombie and less carriage.

[roll0] damage [roll1]

Phantom Genius
2020-11-02, 09:07 PM
Raydine's whip fails to get through the wall of paladins, but Felix is momentarily distracted by what looks like a snake on his boot. He barely misses the burning zombie.

Majid, saving the best for last, decapitates the zombie, its burning head staring up at him unless he kicks it away.

The carriage continues to burn. Arcatek starts to drag a handmaiden's body to the pyre.

Any other wrap-up actions?

2020-11-02, 10:04 PM
Hatano will help drag the other bodies to the pyre. Once that's done, she mutters a short prayer in Orcish. Once the last of the bodies is on the pyre, and the coach is burning furiously, she'll turn to the others and say, "Soak up the warmth. It might be the last we'll feel for a while."

2020-11-02, 10:42 PM
As he cleaves the zombie's head off, Majid turns to Felix with a smile. Looks like one each. Hopefully those that caused this will serve as a good tiebreaker.

He becomes more somber as he turns back to the carriage. He helps his colleagues drag the fallen to the pyre, including the poor frozen man, then stands and prays in a commanding voice. Merciful Sarenrae, we consign the souls of the fallen to your care. As the holy fire consumes and purifies their bodies, let their souls find warmth as well in Your mercy. Dawnflower, may Your light shine eternal on the families of these poor people. By Your most glorious name do I swear that those responsible for this shall be brought to justice, dragged from their dark lairs to be scoured by the light of truth. Holy Sarenrae, shelter eternal the innocent, and guide my blade to the guilty. He steps back and watches the fire burn.

2020-11-03, 03:52 AM
Raydine was relieved when the last undead fell and helped Arcatek in the grim work of burning the bodies. Hatano's remark stung but she was probably right. They would experience even more severe cold if they would get deeper into the forest.

When Majid began to pray, Raydine listened and helds her head down. When the paladin ended and Raydine raises her head again they are some small ice crystals on her face that she quickly brushes away. She sets down her backpack, wraps her whip around her body again and takes out the alchemist fire and a small buckler that she straps to her left arm. When she shoulders her backpack again it seems like an almost grim determination has taken hold of the undine.

Let's follow this trail, we will make fire under these cold fey behinds and see how they like it. With that she begins to trod on through the snow with her barely clothed feet.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-03, 09:02 AM
Any thoughts on the fancy dresses or the sword and swordarm encased in ice?

Your words are very moving, Majid.

2020-11-03, 10:14 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 6/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

Felix nods in respect. We do make quick work of such abominations if the path is clear. If we want to be effective, you guys stand aside and aid us, while we do the dirty work. he explains as much to the others as to Majid. Well done guys.

A damned shame these people never got to experience the highs and lows of their lives. Whoever is responsible will pay. Felix says unenthuastically. It feels like he is incapable of strong emotions. Raydine noticed while her song inspired the human knight to greatness, it did not warm his heart. In fact the attractive young man turns to the blue-ish woman.

I thank you for your inspiring presence.
He bows.
But I would advise you to take hostile encounters more seriously next time. Your ice magic worked great, but dousing the undead is not what I call a tactical move. But I must thank you for your healing. he smiles coldly, though you can tell his voice is without mockery. It seems something else is keeping his heart occupied. He kisses Raydine on her cheek as a thanks*.

The knight turns to the north. This is only the beginning, I am afraid. Undead like these are just made to dull our blades, to sap our strength.

*Please tell me if this kind of RP is okay with you. I will RP Felix as a quite physical dude that respects borders, once they are declared.

2020-11-04, 03:19 AM
Raydine is stopped in her advance by Felix. His tactical advice is appreciated and so he can tell him without overflowing emotion: Oh, I didn't realize it was... One of the unliving at the moment. But even then, I can only control water, not ice. As far as I know at last. I wanted to shock the possible human out of it and if it was more serious I could make a barrier to protect you.

The undine kisses Felix back on the chin.* Thanks for cheering me up. I needed that.

While striding forward again Raydine stops for a moment then produces these sound again that sounds like she is humming underwater and directs it at some ice, a bit farther away to see if she can also manipulate that to rise up.

No problem on my part. Though Raydine may jump heavily between reactions that means it's hard to set a border, because she would probably jump over it the next day, laughing.

The text specifies water. I copy it in to let our DM decide if ice can be manipulated too. Perhaps for 2 bardic Performances instead of one? Or as a Feat?

At 1st level, a watersinger can use bardic performance to manipulate and control the shape of water within 30 feet. A successful Perform check allows the bard to animate and control a 5-foot-cube of water. The watersinger can command the water to take various forms, bend, rise, fall, or sustain a shape, and can make it support weight as if it were solid ice. For example, the watersinger could create a pillar of water (to provide cover), ladder, channel, bridge, stairs, slide, and so on. The manipulated water is as slippery as normal ice. This ability cannot create forms more fragile or complex than what could be carved in normal ice. While under the bardÂ’s control, the water has hardness 0 and 3 hit points per inch of thickness. At level 3, the manipulated water gains hardness 1, and this increases by +1 for every 3 bard levels beyond that. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, the volume affected increases by an additional 5-foot cube (these cubes must be adjacent to each other). The manipulated water retains its shape for 1 round after the bard stops spending bardic performance rounds to maintain it.

This ability replaces fascinate, suggestion, and mass suggestion.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-05, 05:49 AM
The text specifies water. I copy it in to let our DM decide if ice can be manipulated too. Perhaps for 2 bardic Performances instead of one? Or as a Feat?

At 1st level, a watersinger can use bardic performance to manipulate and control the shape of water within 30 feet. A successful Perform check allows the bard to animate and control a 5-foot-cube of water. The watersinger can command the water to take various forms, bend, rise, fall, or sustain a shape, and can make it support weight as if it were solid ice. For example, the watersinger could create a pillar of water (to provide cover), ladder, channel, bridge, stairs, slide, and so on. The manipulated water is as slippery as normal ice. This ability cannot create forms more fragile or complex than what could be carved in normal ice. While under the bardÂ’s control, the water has hardness 0 and 3 hit points per inch of thickness. At level 3, the manipulated water gains hardness 1, and this increases by +1 for every 3 bard levels beyond that. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, the volume affected increases by an additional 5-foot cube (these cubes must be adjacent to each other). The manipulated water retains its shape for 1 round after the bard stops spending bardic performance rounds to maintain it.

This ability replaces fascinate, suggestion, and mass suggestion.

Normally, no. Probably yes as a feat. Probably yes if everyone is going to die otherwise. :smallsmile:

Phantom Genius
2020-11-05, 05:58 AM
The bodies are finally all moved to the pyre, including the corpse ice sculpture. Arcatek appraises the sword when the ice is melted away and marvels at its quality. "This is masterwork craftmanship." The dresses seem to have value but prove difficult to appraise so Arcatek shoves them in a bag.

Marching order into the woods, please. Arcatek prefers not to stand next to the cat, although Hatano herself is perfectly wonderful.

Also, three perception checks each, that I will use going forward.

If you're returning to town for supplies instead, just tell me what you want.

2020-11-05, 08:19 AM
How About Majid and Felix on the front, Raydine and Hatano behind them and Arcatek covers our rear?

So like



1 [roll0]

2 [roll1]

3 [roll2]

2020-11-05, 02:48 PM
Hatano follows the two paladins as they break trail through the snowy woods. She does take a moment to whisper to Majid. "Keep an eye on the boy. He'll end up taking a dirt nap if he ain't more cautious." After that she scans the woods looking for signs of more threats.


2020-11-06, 01:45 AM
Majid nods to Hatano. He has the cold iron sword out again, holding it at the ready as he looks around warily. Stay close. Watch for an ambush.


Phantom Genius
2020-11-07, 06:27 AM
The snow is thick and cold under your feet as you trudge along the path more than a mile.

Time for your first Fort save. Add 5 if you have winter clothes.

As it enters the full expanse of the Border Wood, the trail passes through a small clearing among the taller trees before continuing uphill and out of sight. A large chest lies half-buried in the snow, apparently dropped or discarded by those who hastily passed this way.

You perceive nobody else in the area.

2020-11-07, 07:29 PM
Hatano looks down at the chest. "They're abandoning their spoils. Perhaps the weather hinders them as much as it does us?" She pulls her parka closer. Despite it's warmth, the cold chills her to the bone.

[roll0] fort save. Natural failure...

2020-11-09, 03:32 AM
[roll0] I only gave Raydine a +3 for Winter clothes, because of aforementioned missing shoes.

The fire burning in Raydine's eyes has been slighty diminished by her continuous trudging through the show. She also regretted her former usual appearance of wearing as little as possible on her feet, to not damage the webbing, but she would get through.

The chest they stumbled upon seemed really strange however.

I don't know that looks kinda suspicious to me… Arcatek do you have a small spell to lift the lid from afar? If not Hatano could you try to open it with your spear, because it has a longer reach? Nonetheless Raydine would load her crossbow and focus on the chest in case something would jump out of it.

2020-11-09, 07:48 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 6/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

You seem to be freezing, dear. Take my mantle, dear. The beautiful knight shrugs off his armor and pulls off his mantle, grabbing his linen undershirt as well and throws it off. For a short while, he is standing there barechested and let's people see and admire him. He smiles at Hatano before prying his flimsy tight shirt from the insides of the mantle and dressing up again. If the man were cold in this freezing air, he wasn't showing it.

In turn, I just ask you to help me don my armor again, milady. he adds with a cheeky smile, turning his back to her, asking for her to close the clasps on the backside.

Getting a bit of RP from this roll, too.

That chest is indeed suspicious, my friends. But I would not think it a trap just yet. Felix approaches, drawing his blade to try and push the lid open.

[roll0] if Strength check +4, if Dex +1. I know a Greatsword is no reach weapon but seeing as the blades are usually about 5 foot long, I dont see why I could not at least try to push it open.

2020-11-09, 12:52 PM
Majid looks entirely unconcerned by the cold as they walk. He smiles, taking a deep breath, enjoying the cool, crisp air. Those standing near him can see he doesn't seem to have goosebumps on his exposed skin, nor do his lips appear to be chapping.

When they reach the chest, he looks around warily. Why take the chest, if only to abandon it a short distance away? Stay close, comrades. Perhaps they think to attack while we are distracted, or perhaps the chest is trapped.

He hefts the cold iron sword and looks toward the trees.


EDIT: Rolled a 20 on the fort save, so edited for Majid not caring one bit about cold.

2020-11-09, 11:04 PM
Hatano is startled by Felix. She waves her hand in front of his face and stares intently at his eyes. "Felix, are you feeling dizzy at all? Nauseous? Is the light too bright? That blow to the head..." She sighed. Not only did they have to watch for him falling in battle after charging too recklessly against tougher enemies, now they had to worry about him acting bizarrely, too.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-10, 05:14 AM
After an hour trudging through six inches of snow, Hatano takes 4 points of non-lethal damage and Raydine takes 5-5 =0. The DC goes up next hour.

Arcatek says, "No mage hand. Detect Magic reveals...no magic here."

Felix's blade lifts the lid, shifting the chest ever so slightly and triggering a brutal trap. (Someone is trying to tell you that they don't want to be followed.) A huge log swings down from above, catching Feliz, Majid, and Hatano. Felix no doubt tries to deflect it or push the women out of the way, saving Hatano from a skullcrushing. (Natural 20, but wasn't confirmed on her.)

Felix takes 8 damage and is knocked out.
Majid takes 8 damage and is barely on his feet.
Hatano takes 6 and is lucky it wasn't 20.

Nothing else jumps out at you. There is no combat. Only pain.

2020-11-10, 05:49 AM
--- Felix, Hatano ---

Well at least a nice sight, no wonder that Hatano acts flustered.

--- The trap ---

When Felix touches the chest, a giant log swaves near Raydine and scrambles Hatano, Majid and Felix, who doesn' seem to move. She stays in place for a horrified second and then rushes to the others. By the gods! She kneels down and scrambles through her backpack, finding nothing useful. Panicked she looks into the chest, perhaps there was some clothes she could tear into stripes to at least try to help Felix.

Damn, we have no luck.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-10, 06:14 AM
You can certainly make a heal check to stop the bleeding, trained or untrained. There is nothing inside the chest.

2020-11-10, 05:27 PM
Hatano lies in the snow, shivering. It hurts, and she can feel warmth spreading through her body. Then she hears a voice in her head. *You're going to die if you don't get up, you know.* Would that really be so bad? She thinks. But then the cat starts clawing at her face. But everything is so warm... she feels like she could just go to sleep and rest.

2020-11-10, 10:48 PM
The blow knocks Majid to the ground, ears ringing. He coughs, drawing air in ragged gasps. Probably broke a few ribs. He struggles upright, taking in the scene. He gestures to Raydine and Arcatek. We need to retreat, regroup back in town. Can the two of you drag him? He indicates Felix, then lifts Hatano up and across his shoulders. Let's get moving before anything shows up.

2020-11-11, 03:23 AM
Raydine looks in Horror when she sees Hatano's cat clawing at her face. Shoo! Stop that, if you need another back, take mine! When Majid takes Hatano up the undine nods and does her best getting Felix back with Arcatek.

It's okay, were gonna make it back and then we scorch the glittering behinds of these stupid ice fairys. See how they like it for a change! And then we get rid of these ungodly cold and bathe in a hot spring. That will be heavenly. Oh, are you okay submerged in water Arcatek?

Raydine continues either cursing they're adversaries or painting pictures of they're eventual victory, sometimes falling into Aquan for the heavy explicites. At this time she doesn't really look at her surroundings.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-11, 06:52 AM
The blow knocks Majid to the ground, ears ringing. He coughs, drawing air in ragged gasps. Probably broke a few ribs. He struggles upright, taking in the scene. He gestures to Raydine and Arcatek. We need to retreat, regroup back in town. Can the two of you drag him? He indicates Felix, then lifts Hatano up and across his shoulders. Let's get moving before anything shows up.

Arcatek analyzes the situation.
"Yes, probably. The chest is attached to a rope. Cut the chest in half and cut off all but 10' of the rope. Put his body and sword in the bottom of the chest and it can be dragged by the rope. That should maximize efficiency."

Breaking and dragging the chest reveals that the evildoers buried the guards' weapons and armor beneath it, presumably to retrieve later. It includes a masterwork chain shirt and a masterwork dagger, which should fetch an excellent price. Seven longswords and three light crossbows too, but you have a lot of weight to carry already.

Majid and Raydine will need to make the Fort save for the trip back out of the woods.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-11, 06:54 AM
It's okay, were gonna make it back and then we scorch the glittering behinds of these stupid ice fairys. See how they like it for a change! And then we get rid of these ungodly cold and bathe in a hot spring. That will be heavenly. Oh, are you okay submerged in water Arcatek?

Submersion is not damaging to this unit.

2020-11-11, 07:02 AM
That's good to know, we probably will make it, though it could be hard to find a hot spring that these damn icicles haven't frozen over.

Save and possible Damage.
Fort: [roll0]
Damage; [roll1]

2020-11-11, 02:09 PM
Majid tucks the crossbows, chain shirt, and dagger into his pack, then takes off through the snow back towards town. The cold seems harsher now, and it weighs on him more. Still, she pushes through, his genie blood protecting him from any actual harm. Hot springs would indeed be welcome. It is somewhat colder than I'd prefer. Qadira doesn't get this cold. It is an interesting experience, but perhaps a warm fire and some hot food would not go awry.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-12, 06:47 AM
Exhausted and frosted, the party works its way out of the frozen forest and back into the sunshine. A few hours later, Hatano wakes up, subconsciously shivering and looks around. Her lips are a little blue, but being held close to Majid's body heat helped. She can make the walk back to town, so the four party members work together to get Felix to the temple.

"My children! What has happened to you?!? Come in, come in!" says Elder Safander.

He channels positive energy and everyone heals some hp and nonlethal hp.

He doesn't ask for any gold for the channel. If you offered him a crossbow or something, he would accept. If you need a CLW on top of that, it will be the standard price.

"I would say Felix should rest here for the night, but I doubt he would accept," he intones.

2020-11-12, 08:55 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

Felix wakes up and lifts his head. He sees a broken and disillusioned group. He was going to make a joke about Hatano punching so hard as to break some ribs, but he just pushes himself from the simple pew he was laid upon. Okay, so now we know these folk don't play around. He rubs off some dried blood from the side of his mouth, and smiles at Hatano. I am truly sorry if I offended any of you. Our focus should be saving the innocent, not tempting fate or loosing ourselves in banter among us.

He shakes his head at the suggestion of bed rest. The kidnappers could be gone if we rest today, and thanks to your generous blessing all are as good as new. He triest not to inhale too sharply as not to strain his still aching ribs. We should press on, this time however EVERYONE should get appropriate clothing. He looks at Hatano and Raydine.

I suggest we take a small sled and put it on my horse Buttercup. She is no draft horse but she can manage a few dozen pounds of stuff.

Remember Felix has a horse, and I intend to taking it with us.
Also Felix heals 6 additional HP due to his special nature

2020-11-12, 09:22 AM
When the healing energy spreads around the group Raydine only feels a nice little prickle but the effect of the others is astonishing. Wounds heal before her very eyes and both Hatano and Felix regain consciousness.

Raydine's eyes fill up with tears and she hugs Elder Safander for a moment before getting a grasp of her emotions. Thank you very much Elder, we try'd to get to the Bottom of the missing Lady Argentea, we met a wild animal who attacked us. When we found her carriage we got attacked by the undead. Raydine shiffers when she retolds the encounter.

Then we ran into a trap and retreated, thanks again for helping us!

Raydine nods at Felix words. You're right, we should press on. I will get my shoes. And try to get a good price for some stuff. Raydine touches Felix shoulder. Thanks for your bravery. And gives him an encouraging smile.

Hatano, you're coming with me? We need to find you some fitting furs after all.

2020-11-12, 08:44 PM
Once again, Hatano dreams of being carried by her father as they walked through the snowy woods. It was so clear... and then she woke up, being carried by a stranger. "Put me down!" she says, weakly. And then, "Where's my cat? You didn't leave him, did you?" About fifty paces behind, the cat is scurrying along. She limps over to it, and picks it up. She staggers the rest of the way back into town, cat perched in her hood.

Once healed and rested, she nods in agreement. "Yeah, this coat doesn't fit right. Was getting water under the collar. Hey, maybe they can make a little coat for my cat?" she says. The cat hisses and jumps down, and disappears around a corner.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-13, 05:50 AM
"You can't be suggesting to spend the night on the road in the snow?" The Elder looks incredulous.
"It will be significantly colder at night," agrees Arcatek. "It will be dark soon."

"Spend the night. I will work on your scrolls. Leave in the morning." The Elder seems genuinely concerned.

2020-11-13, 05:58 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

We cannot hide from this upcoming test of our courage. We have to get to Lady Argentea today, because to be fair I am unsure if witches need to sleep. Undead certainly don't if those have taken her.

2020-11-14, 12:33 AM
"Hold on there, farm boy." says Hatano. "You don't need to die to prove yourself. Not to me, not to that paladin with us, not for anyone. Besides. If Lady Argentea is dead, dying ain't gonna help her. But maybe her rich friends will if we can recover her body, ya know?"

Phantom Genius
2020-11-14, 01:57 AM
"Hold on there, farm boy." says Hatano. "You don't need to die to prove yourself. Not to me, not to that paladin with us, not for anyone. Besides. If Lady Argentea is dead, dying ain't gonna help her. But maybe her rich friends will if we can recover her body, ya know?"

"Agreed. Tomorrow is the wise choice," says Arcatek, matter-of-factly.

2020-11-14, 08:20 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

Humbled by today's happenings, Felix nods slightly, though you can see his dark blue eyes fixate Hatano. Very well. The group has decided and I will subjugate myself to this decision. You expected the inexperienced knight to be angry, to become louder and to shout, but nothing of that sort happened. He remained his composure, and in a way sounded more monotonous than the mage construct to his side.

If we cannot safe her, her blood will be on my hands. he claims coldly and exits. You can feel his bitterness, likely someone who has never experienced defeat before.

2020-11-15, 02:34 AM
I don't know, if we could get a tent and some blackfire clay and a large enough tent we could perhaps. Raydine sighs. But we don't know how far away they even are, if we need to rest two times we might as well die. And as Hatano sayd that doesn't help anyone.

After Felix states that her blood will be on his hands Raydine looks at him in shock, but then her eyes turn cold and an otherworldly aura swirls around her for a moment. She strides toward him and would try to slap Felix. Regardless if she hits or not: You can't just hog all the suffering for yourself! It would not only be on your hands but on us others too. Including all the people in Heldren who just can't go out there and risk they're lives because they all have a family. Raydines eyes fill with tears and she goes around Felix to stomp out before him.

Didn't wanted to interrupt your action so rudely Spore but it seemed too fitting. Used a cantrip to be more creepy for a second.

2020-11-15, 07:53 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

Felix doesn't see the slap coming, and it surprises him. His face is flush with red on one side, and for a brief moment, a tiny second, you see something like a normal human reaction. Then his face goes indifferent again.

The young man looks Raydine in the eyes, as he did with Hatano, but he breaks eye contact to concede the point. You are right. We must steel ourselves for the venture tomorrow. I cannot be the shield for the innocent, if my strategy involves a claymore. Lord Majid, would you be so polite as to commit the cold iron blade to me, so I can spear-head our cause with a shield in hand? I will give you ample opportunity to remove the enemies of Heldren. He kneels in front of Majid as if kneeling before a lord or a mayor.

2020-11-16, 08:43 PM
Majid listens impassively as the others argue whether to stay or go. He was less likely than them to freeze, though perhaps they had some hitherto-unseen protection. He quirks one eyebrow as Felix kneels, then draws the sword and places it on the boy's shoulder. Very well then. You shall be the shield and the bulwark, and I the avenging blade. You will stand fast against the enemies of the light, and I will smite them down. In the name of the hosts of heaven you will stand guard, and by Sarenrae's grace I will strike true. Rise, Brother Felix, and take up the sword. He extends a hand to pull the other man upright, then offers him the longsword.

As they get ready to leave for their respective bunks, he draws closer to the young paladin, speaking softly. There will be a time for you to sacrifice yourself in the name of Good and Law, don't worry. No paladin dies of old age. But if you allow yourself to die too soon, the blood of all those you could have saved by living longer will be on your head as well. This is the right decision, and you have taken the path of the greater good, difficult though it may be. Sleep well, brother. There is much to be done tomorrow. He clasps the younger paladin's shoulder briefly before heading out.

2020-11-16, 11:21 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 16 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 15, CMD: 15

The aasimar bows and smiles. Can we check if this town has a bit better armor too? My armor didn't do a good job protecting me, though half of it was me haphazardly tripping a trap.

Felix goes out to shop for a breastplate.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-17, 07:33 AM
Felix goes out to shop for a breastplate.

"Alas, my friend, I don't have much in stock. I can make you a breastplate in a week or so or I can ride to the next city and try to find one." He looks sad not to be of service.

"How about this... leave the 200gp, take this masterwork banded mail as a loan, and I will find you or make you a breastplate as you prefer. If I can't trust a couple of paladins to return this treasure, who can I trust?"

2020-11-17, 11:02 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16

Felix bows and thanks the shopkeep. This thing is heavier than a breastplate, but I don't expect to do much climbing or swimming with it anyhow. If it would suffice, you can take my old armor and the 200 gold leaving me indebted to you with paying for such high quality work. The only way we will betray your trust is if we do not come back alive, good man.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Basically his own deal, just without actually commissioning a breastplate.

2020-11-17, 07:07 PM
After getting better fitting winter clothes, Hatano heads to the outskirts of the village where she finds a nice spot to sleep under some low-hanging bushes. In the morning she heads back to the Elder's house to pick up the spell scrolls. "Thanks for the help, Elder." she says as she pays him. "We'll try not to get ourselves near-kilt again."

Phantom Genius
2020-11-19, 05:33 AM
"Thanks for the help, Elder." she says as she pays him. "We'll try not to get ourselves near-kilt again."

"This is a glorious summer day, perfect kilt weather!" He grins at his own humor. "Where I hear you're going, not so much. May all of the gods watch over you on your journey. My divinations suggest you will need them." He stifles a yawn. "Pardon me." Another grin.

If you (Raydine, maybe) look very closely at the scrolls, one of them seems to have the CLW spell on there twice. The Elder must have stayed up most of the night.

Felix, the armorer respects your proposal and wishes you good hunting.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-19, 05:52 AM
For Hatano Ten only
In your dreams that night, you have an odd conversation... with your familiar. It is talking to you and that seems to be completely normal. "Are you sure about this mission and that man? We could easily get ourselves killed this way. Winter witches aren't like normal witches. And the ice that walks may be a frozen doom if we are not prepared." You have no idea why winter witches are being discussed and you wake up, well-rested, to find the cat curled up in its usual spot.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-19, 06:27 AM
The warm summer morning greets you as you begin the trip southward. The town is starting to come alive and many of the people recognize you and whisper as you pass. A young woman attempts to drop her kerchief where the paladins may find it, but her mother scoops it up and shoos her inside, with a little-too-loud, "they're on a mission!"

When you reach the carriages, there is still a hint of warmth from the fire. Vultures rise up as you get closer, having been feasting on the horse and lizard meat. Other carrion feeders may have come and gone as well. The scene remains grim and the smell is unpleasant at best.

The party gears up with blankets, cloaks, boots, gloves, scarves and anything else you thought of. Where there was six inches of snow, there is now seven or eight and it continues to fall, although slowly. It would be pretty if it weren't so unnatural.

Plunging ahead for an hour brings you to the broken lid of the chest, the unclaimed longswords, leather armor and the deadly log, now swinging lazily above. Another inch of snow suggests no one has been here since you last were. Your blood on the log is perhaps an ominous warning.

Everyone and the horse please roll a fortitude save with the +5 bonus for winter clothing. Also, what is in your hands?

The terrain is difficult and visibility is reduced. The heavy armor and the metal wizard with the short legs are slowing you down a bit.

Do you want to use the previous marching order and add the horse? If so, how far between the paladins and the bard & witch? Arcatek will not object to bringing up the rear. It also suggests walking in the tracks of the paladins would be easier than making new steps.

2020-11-19, 09:02 AM
Raydine stomped around Heldren awhile, muttering to herself and mostly cursing Felix. After she cooled down, she goes back to the silvery stoat to spend the rest of the night near the hearth. The next day she seems in a way better mood, almost like she had totally forgotten what happened the day before. When she joins the others she has a slight spring in her step like she is overbrimming with energy. After leaving Heldren: I feel pretty good today, I think it will work out way better than yesterday.

When Raydine gears up she doesn't forget to get her hair up again and held it up with a Hex Nail and this time she even wears big snow shoes, though the first few steps are done a bit staggering.

And when they come back to the place they had to retreat Raydine even gives the log a light slap. Not today! Shall we load the rest up to our sled?

Save: [roll0] this time with shoes! and Damage should it be too low. [roll1]

Raydine would have in her left hand a buckler (it's a fresh morning so no darkness right?) and would leave her right hand free for spellcasting purposes.

If possible (and everything is okay with it) I'd say we go with

Felix, Majid

Hatano, Raydine

That would also made Arcatek have the least problems trodding forward.

2020-11-19, 03:08 PM
Hatano makes sure to give the cat a long scratch behind the ears before gathering her meager belongings and making her way back to the inn. Once there, she says little as she eats whatever fare is offered, musing about the danger they are in... and how close things had been the day before. She uses her spear as a walking stick, and to push aside clumps of snow left behind by the paladins. As they look over the scene from the day before, she says, "What I was going to say yesterday is that we leave anything we find well enough alone. It will still be there if we return. And if we don't..." she shrugs. "No sense delivering it to our foes."

2020-11-19, 03:37 PM
Majid once again rises early to lead the villagers in prayer to Sarenrae. That completed, he dons his armor and meets the others for a hearty breakfast before heading out. As they march, he stays a short distance behind Felix. Arcatek is correct. If we walk single file, we will tire less easily. We're also more spread out, in case of future traps or foul sorcery. He holds his greatsword at the ready, the flat of the blade resting on his shoulder.

Standing about 10ft back from the tankier paladin, so that he takes the brunt of attacks but I can step up and attack in one turn. Both hands on the greatsword.

2020-11-19, 04:50 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16

Felix rides ahead, trying to part the snow with the strength of his mount, the lovely Buttercup. He invites any single member to join him on the mount that is willing to do so. The knight even keeps his hands mostly to himself, even though he does not shy away from necessary touches that are kept in very modest regions. He has learned from the day before.

He asks the titanic djinn warrior to keep an eye on the back, with the centerpiece being the small arcane construct. Assuming the girls replace each other on horseback, Felix switches the creatures gladly, though he has no patience or space for Hatano's cat familiar.

Felix Fort [roll0] [roll1]
Horse Fort [roll2] [roll3]
if the girls replace each other on the horse, the DM can decide who is on it if the time is night for....things. [roll4]

I propose single file right behind the horse to reduce our surface area. Spacing out keeps us from getting in nasty area effects but we should stay together to be able to heal each other. I feel 5 feet between each member is sufficient to not space out our trek unnecessarily.

2020-11-19, 07:40 PM
Hatano stares at Felix when he offers to share his horse. After a few moments, she says, "The whole point of having someone ride in front is so that only one person falls into the pit trap, and the rest of us can then pull you out."

2020-11-19, 11:59 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16

The knight frowns at the idea of being the group's minesweeper, but he readily accepts Hatano's rejection of the cause, and thus asks Raydine to politely walk instead of ride. You can see the thoughts forming inside his head, eventually he comes to a reaction, choking down a bit of hurt feelings in the process. You are right. I was putting etiquette above cold strategy. I could not accept you two being hurt on my account. It is enough that I almost failed in protecting you from the scourge of undeath. He hits his wooden shield with his iron gauntlet and smiles sheepishly. We will not falter this easily again.

Though pretending not to be hurt, he takes the remainder of the travel's time to care for his horse to alleviate the frost's effect on it. A lesser creature would say, the mare is the only female that wholly accepted Felix' touch.

2020-11-20, 03:25 AM
When Felix offers to let them ride Raydine ponders for a moment, it would be more comfortable but...

"The whole point of having someone ride in front is so that only one person falls into the pit trap, and the rest of us can then pull you out."

Raydine nods to that, but it was still nice and she wasn't mad at Felix anymore anyways. She goes forward for a moment and touches the paladin's hand. I gladly take up your offer when we get back. She grazes him with a little smile before taking up the rear behind Hatano.

When they reach the pile of stuff Raydine nods towards Hatano, she was right it would be better if they would strod forth less burdened.

When they continue they're thread Raydine begins talking. Say what do you know about fairies? I mean these ones seem more than mischievious they clearly wanted to harm us greatly. The most stories I knew are about these that help doing house chores and take care that the nets of Spiders are hanged with dew and sometimes they play a harmless prank, It's quite different than what I see here.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-20, 08:24 AM
I don't want to interrupt Raydine's conversation, so please feel free to include that in your reply, Hatano.

The snow becomes increasingly deep in this part of the forest, where a windswept gully carves a path through a tree-covered ridge. A soft cascade of snow falls from an overhead branch, hissing softly as it strikes the ground.

You see no recent footprints, even from animals, but the trail you're following is still in sight. It has now been a second hour, so everyone will need to make a second fort save and an initiative roll. Why initiative?

What must certainly be a white dragon, hidden almost perfectly by the snow snaps its teeth ferociously across Hatano's back, stopping only for a fraction of a second to wonder what the furball jumping free could be. It's ten points of gnashing damage, possibly dropping Hatano in a heartbeat into the snow which is rapidly turning red. (Or green? What color is orc blood?)

Anyway...fort save and cold damage, please, then initiative. If you roll above an 8, you go before the beast, so take your turn. Hatano, you may need to roll to stabilize on your turn. (?)

2020-11-20, 09:04 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 (+4 vs evil dragon) HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: Smite Evil [White Dragon] (+4 attack vs it, +1 damage to it (+2 for first strike),, +4 AC vs it)

Felix hears crunching of bones, then a loud gasp and turns. He looks at the half-orc dropping, and sees a white dragon peel itself out of the snow. What in the...? HATANO! he cries out, jumping off his horse and closing in on the dragon.

Vile dragon, your days are numbered. he says as a golden light envelops his form, making his blue eyes glow in an unnatural light. You shall be struck down here and now!

Move to dismount, move to engage the dragon. swift to pronounce Smite Evil

2020-11-20, 09:11 AM
I have to act now, but would still like to hear Hatano's reply.

The trod through the snow got brutally interrupted by what could only be dragon, snapping at Hatano and turning her back into a mess of hurt. Raydine is shocked and bile rises up from her throat when she sees the other women lying in the snow, but there was no time for panic or nausea.

Arcatek, take Hatano!

Raydine makes a swift step back and she opens her mouth to scream, but no sound escapes her mouth. The only one who can hear the scream is the white monster in front of them.

As a free action take 5 feet step away from the monster, as a standard action cast Ear piercing scream the Monster has to make a Fortitude save against 15 or be dazed and takes [roll0] sonic damage, no daze and save for half if it makes the save. If possible draw a scroll as a move action.

2020-11-20, 03:21 PM
Majid spins around, sword raised and a curse on his lips.Burn in the light, creature! Holy Sarenrae, guide my blade! As he runs towards the dragon, golden flame envelops his sword. Unfortunately, the thick snow makes his steps too slow, and the beast is able to dodge aside.

Swift action smite, full action charge with Power Attack.

[roll1], ignores DR.

2020-11-20, 04:09 PM
'What do I know about fairies,' thinks Hatano. She walks along in silence for a few minutes, thinking. But before she can speak, she is knocked to the ground by a vicious blow. Her mind filling with rage and despair, she points at the beast and growls, "My bones are the last thing you'll ever eat!" before slipping down into the warm blanketing snow.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-21, 06:34 AM
This must be a Murphy Dragon, because everything that could go wrong has gone wrong so far.
1. Arcatek fires a small crossbow bolt into the snow.
2. Raydine's spell has no effect.
3. Majid's dramatic swing, while awe-inspiring, finds more snow than scale.
4. Hatano's (perhaps final) curse has minimal effect and she fails to stabilize.
5. Felix approaches menacingly, but does not have enough actions to swing.

The Murphy Dragon chuckles a low, throaty snarl and seems to be thinking about whom to kill next. He settles on the biggest sword and pounces on Majid. But Majid has seen this before, yesterday in fact, and uses his follow-through from his big swing to spin out of the way.

Hatano, please make another stabilize check. Everybody else, please kill this thing.

2020-11-21, 01:09 PM
As the dragon lunges, Majid steps aside, before bringing his sword down on the creature's neck. I will not be your meal, foul creature! In the name of the Dawnflower I smite you! He stands ready, sword raised for the inevitable counterattack.

Rolled in the OOC thread to avoid having to edit and re-edit. 19 damage that ignores DR, but crit confirmation almost certainly failed.

2020-11-21, 03:17 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 (+4 vs evil dragon) HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: Smite Evil [White Dragon] (+4 attack vs it, +1 damage to it (+2 for first strike), +4 AC vs it)

The blonde warrior takes a big step to the side as the dragon is distracted and slashes at its flank in return. Majid, get behind the beast!

5ft. step into flanking position (depending on how large the critter is)

2020-11-21, 03:31 PM
Raydine couldn't even imagine what it would have taken to still stand after that attack and for a short moment she was sure that Hatano would still make it, but after she has fallen she trudges through the snow to make it towards her, unrolling the scroll and speaking the magic words that ripped the magic just out of the scroll and let it take shape.

It's gonna be ok Hatano, you gonna pull through!

Healing [roll0]
Move action to take 5 foot towards Hatano, then standard action to heal her.

2020-11-21, 07:21 PM
Hatano is flooded with warmth, not the lying false warmth of the snow, but that of the magic. She pulls herself up (with a little help from Raydine) and looks around. Seeing the beast bleeding heavily from where Majid has hewed at it, she gives it a scowls at it and leans on her spear, watching the two men hack at it. "Break teeth, claws snap! You cannot harm us anymore, beast!" she shouts, in orcish.

Back up 4 hp! Going to try to curse the dragon again, this time to give it -2 to attack rolls. Same deal as before, get cursed for 6 rounds or will save for 1.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-22, 06:19 AM
All of the rage and frustration of the past 24 hours coalesced into one mighty swing from Majid. With the smite and Hatano's curse bolstering his efforts, it was as if the dragonkin was standing still against his attack. He neatly, cleanly and powerfully removes its head from its neck and looks up at Felix as the aasimar stabs it in the spine.

Upon further examination, whatever it was can only be in the dragon family, not a true dragon, but the bard can spin the tale any way she wants.

(Any wrap-ups before we continue down the road? It will be another hour and another fort save for everyone.)

2020-11-22, 05:47 PM
Hatano goes over to the beast's carcass and pries out a few of its teeth. "Hah! Bad choice, beast! Nice work, hero," she adds, slapping Majid on the back.

[roll0] [roll1] if damage.

2020-11-22, 07:34 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 (+4 vs evil dragon) HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: -

Felix chops into the stump that marked the dragon's neck a few moments ago. Dumbfounded he almost looses balance and drops the blade. Dumbfounded, he looks between the dragon and its slayer. Vanquished a dragon with a single stroke? He smiles a wide grin. Though I am sure Sarenrae was equally guiding your blade, our journey towards the villain that holds the Lady is starting off glorious. The bards will tell of this day for decades to come, Majid.

He cleans the blade in the snow and sheathes it.

2020-11-23, 03:45 AM
Snow was falling, beasts were roaring and two shining warriors wrapped in the light of they're gods stormed unto a horrible beast. Raydine realized that it was almost like she stepped right into one of these tales she liked to tell, just that this time she was actively participating and it almost seemed like she rescued someones life… Perhaps again. That felt kinda good but it would be useless if she couldn't do anything against the damn dragon right before them. Like in slow motion Majid's sword sank in the dragons neck and clearly must only draw a little blood, that the epic fight continues… But he cut it's head right off. Raydine was ready that the monstrosity would surely now get 2 heads instead of the one it had before but it lay'd still in the snow.

The rush of battle only subsided slowly and when the realization finally kicked in that the dragon was dead Raydine couldn't really hold still. We did it! She raised both arms in the air and gave Hatano a hug from behind, quickly running to Majid to give him a hug too. That was great! And then running to Felix and embracing him too. Can you believe that we beat a scaly, deadly dragon! And even Arcatek get's a hug. We we're all so great!Then without stopping going over to Hatano again to see what she actually was doing. That looks pretty gruesome. She waits a heartbeat and then, more hushed. You think you can pry of a scale for me?

Phantom Genius
2020-11-23, 06:53 AM
Acquiring a scale is no problem, especially from the neck.

Another hour's march. Raydine and Majid are cold, but pressing on. Hatano staggers, stumbles, and collapses, shivering almost violently and turning a bluer shade of green. (Current hp 4/6, nonlethal damage 6)

Felix and Buttercup?

"Hatano will freeze to death if something isn't done," Arcatek says unhelpfully. "Can anyone build a fire effectively?"

Reading the scroll would heal d8+1 of each, of course.

2020-11-23, 11:07 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 (+4 vs evil dragon) HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: -

The blonde knight is visibly uncomfortable being hugged after such a visceral combat experience but let's it happen nonetheless. He knows this was probably Raydine's first serious fight, but it was his too, besides sparring and being eviscerated by some ghoulish foes. He just tried to keep some semblance of calmness.

This creature fell quickly though I am sad to announce at I wasted my lord's divine gift for today. We cannot stop to pray here, and we shouldn't.

Felix sees Hatano break down, and immediately jumps off the horse. Someone keep her warm until we can create a fire. I recommend Buttercup. The knight pulls his horse's reins to make it squat down on a blanket, then leaning Hatano on the warm flank of the mare. We have to create a fire, and quickly.

If we find nothing in the next hour or so, Hatano might freeze to death. he says in a serious tone. Arcatek, come with me. You are attentive enough to actually find some wood. I will carry it. Majid, keep her warm. Raydine, if we don't return in half an hour, burn my wooden shield, if she does not wake up, use the scroll.

The tall aasimar grabs Arcatek and puts the construct on his shoulders, for him to better keep watch. He then pushes through the snow and into the woods, in search of some dead trees.

Fort (Felix) [roll0] [roll1]
Fort (Horse) [roll2] 1+6 = 7 because the horse has a +6 mod [roll3]
Survival (Felix) [roll4] to aid Arcatek

2020-11-23, 04:27 PM
Damnnation, this cold doesn't let up does it, Hatano? Hatano? When she fell down Raydine is thankful that Felix takes lead, though Raydine isn't without some possibilities herself.

I can give you an hour, I've got this and I'm stupid for not thinking about it before.

Raydine goes to the sled and takes off one from the black fire clay and smoshes it till it generates warmth and puts it between Hatano's normal clothes and winter clothes. She then does the same with 5 of it to generate something like a campfire both the "fire" and the warm patch will last for an hour.

one small brick gives a +5 alchemical bonus against cold and 5 generate a a campfire, we have 4 left

Phantom Genius
2020-11-24, 08:20 AM
Arcatek rolls well for Perception and Survival and Felix returns with a good amount of firewood in under ten minutes. A roaring fire helps Hatano recover two nonlethal hp in an hour. (I doubled it because of the bonfire and Raydine's actions.) That leaves her at 4/6 hp and 4 nonlethal, so she is staggered. Do you want to wait another hour?

No one has to make Fort saves if they stay near the fire and everyone's Fort save DC resets to the lower amount for when you next start moving.

2020-11-24, 05:42 PM
Hatano recovers, and sits down by the fire, shivering. "Let's just burn the forest down," she grumbles. "Damned fairies. Vicious beasts. More like to steal teeth and nails than fix your damned shoes."

2020-11-24, 05:59 PM
As the dragon falls, Majid lets out a triumphant shout. Yes! For the Dawnflower! He smiles broadly and chuckles at Felix's comment. Ah, and where would we be without bards to tell of our deeds? A man makes himself a warrior, but a bard makes him a hero. The gods were with us. With their guidance, this will be a glorious tale. He looks a little surprised when Raydine hugs him, then laughs and hugs her back. Thank you, Lady Raydine. We have indeed done well today.
When Hatano falls, Majid spins around to pick her up. He helps Felix get her situated, then stands watch, sword drawn, until his fellow paladin returns.

Good, you're awake! That's certainly an improvement. Burning the forest would certainly reduce their cover. Although if there's any druids nearby, they might not take kindly to it.

2020-11-25, 04:20 AM
I'd say we stay at least till Hatano feels better. Also I have these for you. Raydine gives Hatano two Blackfire clay bricks. You take these and knead them, then they give off warmth, you should take them I'm not that bothered by the cold anyway. And we still have some left.

If possible I'd say we stay for another two hours till Hatano has healed completely.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-25, 06:58 AM
I'd say we stay at least till Hatano feels better. Also I have these for you. Raydine gives Hatano two Blackfire clay bricks. You take these and knead them, then they give off warmth, you should take them I'm not that bothered by the cold anyway. And we still have some left.

If possible I'd say we stay for another two hours till Hatano has healed completely.

Another hour passes and Hatano's nonlethal damage improves by two more. Alas, the fates say you have rested long enough and a barrage of needles rain down from the sky, striking Arcatek (1 point of damage), Felix (1 point of damage and staggered,) and Hatano (1 point of damage and staggered)

No one made the difficult perception check to see the attackers, but now you see movement in the tree branches forty feet away and 20 feet from the ground.

1. Roll initiative. If you beat a 5, take your turn.
2. Roll perception to see a target.
3. Remember -4 to Per checks in the snow, difficult terrain, ranged penalties if you are throwing anything, and the penalty for staggered. (They are -20 to Stealth, having attacked.)

2020-11-25, 07:15 AM
Initiative: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1] It's actually 9 because of the -4 I forgot.
Do I... See something?

Phantom Genius
2020-11-25, 07:53 AM
Initiative: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Do I... See something?

Yeah, sorry, I should have said, "if you get a 6+, you see a sprite, 16+ and you see two."

2020-11-25, 08:49 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 (+4 vs evil dragon) HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: staggered

Is....this....poison? Felix pressed out from his lips as his eyes begin to glow. He pushes himself up on the sword with difficulty, checking for the enemy. His eyes begin to glow a bright blue.

as move action

Hearts as dark as black ice.

Why do you attack us?

2020-11-25, 09:11 AM
By Zon-Kuthon's flayed behind not again! Raydine shoots a quick look around but sees one of the cursed fairies. She draws a bottle and trudges through the snow towards the attackers.

Move Action to draw a bottle of Alchemist fire, standard action to move 15 feet (through different terrain) to the one fairy I can see.

Phantom Genius
2020-11-25, 06:59 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 (+4 vs evil dragon) HP: 11/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: staggered

Is....this....poison? Felix pressed out from his lips as his eyes begin to glow. He pushes himself up on the sword with difficulty, checking for the enemy. His eyes begin to glow a bright blue.

as move action

Hearts as dark as black ice.

Why do you attack us?

It's not poison. They are evil.

2020-11-26, 12:27 AM
"Gods damn them!" curses Hatano, not able to see where the darts are coming from. Sluggishly, she tries to act. She calls out in Orcish, again, "Ancestors, be my shield!"

casting mage armor on my turn, AC +4 for 1 hour

Phantom Genius
2020-11-26, 05:32 AM
They fire a second volley:
Buttercup - 1 hp damage
Majid - 1 hp damage
Raydine - 1 hp damage and staggered

Arcatek looses a bolt into the trees and loses a bolt somewhere in the trees.

Majid's turn, then back to the top.

2020-11-26, 11:37 AM
Majid advances towards the trees, focusing on trying to avoid being hit.

He has no ranged weapons, so he's going to advance towards the trees while taking total defense. if they're 40ft away through difficult terrain, should be 4 rounds. AC is now 18.

2020-11-27, 04:19 AM
Raydine grits her teeth and takes more staggering steps forth. I'll… Get… You!

Move 15 more feet through difficult terrain.

2020-11-27, 09:19 PM
This time, secure that she will be protected by her guardian spirits, Hatano peers more closely into the snowy woods, looking for their assailants. By the time she spots one, she has her sling whirling around, and she lets fly with one of the bullets towards one of the fairies.

[roll0] perception, [roll1] to hit with the sling, [roll2] damage.

2020-11-28, 07:00 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 (+4 from total defense) HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: full defense (trying to cover our sling users)

These ones are corrupted by Evil. Felix says standing up. He puts the shield in front of his companions. I shall be your shield, so you can fell these poor creatures.

Standing up to provide cover for his friends, maybe there is a tree in the vicinity that could aid this endeavor, giving us +4 AC for everyone behind Felix. Felix himself uses the Full Defense action (+4 AC to himself)

Phantom Genius
2020-11-29, 07:19 AM
They start to glow brightly and fire a third volley:
Arcatek (18/20) is hit for 1hp.
Majid (7/9) is hit for 1hp and staggered.
Raydine (9/10) is missed and no longer staggered.
Felix (11/12) is using total defense and is no longer staggered.

Arcatek fires a shot, perfectly on target, that bounces off the thick skin of the tiny fey.

Majid's turn, then back to the top of the order (everyone else.)

2020-11-29, 12:03 PM
Majid continues using total defense and advancing until he reaches the trees- that'll take the next three rounds, so no need to wait on him

2020-11-29, 09:27 PM
Hatano watches the foul sprites as they throw darts at her companions, so she points at one of them and shouts in Orcish, "Fumble finger! Thick head! Weak grip!" That should keep them off balance.

evil eye hex on one of the fairies, gonna give it -2 to attack rolls for 6 rounds unless it passes a save, in which case, 1 round.

2020-11-30, 04:21 AM
[roll0] =Touch attack. If Pythagoras is to be believed (my teachers were right that I would need that someday!) They are 22,? feet away I took liberty and rounded it down to 20 feet, if it's considered more just take another 2 points away.

Fire Damage: [roll1] and Splash Damage 1 fire Damage for everyone besides the one I hit, if I miss it will go [roll2] One square west of my target and explode there, doing the same Splash Damage. If I hit someone directly it'll take another [roll3] Fire Damage at the end of it's next round if it doesn't take a Full-round-Action DC 15 Reflex save, rolling on the ground gives a +4 and dumping themselves in water (I also guess snow) should totally end the burning.

Raydine then draws her whip.

Ha! Take this you butterfly-winged canker!

Raydine hurls the strange concoction she draw before towards one of the damn fairy's.

Phantom Genius
2020-12-01, 07:36 AM
Ha! Take this you butterfly-winged canker!

(Two of them were splashed with fire)

They don't appreciate that AT ALL and fire two arrows at Raydine. Both miss.

Hatano's curse causes one to flicker and move behind the trunk for some reason.

More lights appear at the base of the tree nearest Buttercup. Arcatek responds by shooting another bolt into the snow.

Majid continues pressing forward, looking up at the not-so-pretty lights in the branches above.

Everyone else?

2020-12-01, 08:31 AM
The clear, defiant voice of the Undine hovers over the battlefield to bolster her allies and hopefully bring down the dangerous fairies.

Your arrows can't pierce our Skin.
That does mean, that we will win.
Strike you down with one mighty blow.
Like your dragon, nothing more than a show.

Inspire Courage for +1 to hit and damage (and will saves against fear) and drawing the Whip. Can I hit the fairies if I stand at the base of the tree with that?

Phantom Genius
2020-12-01, 11:25 PM
Your arrows can't pierce our Skin.
That does mean, that we will win.
Strike you down with one mighty blow.
Like your dragon, nothing more than a show.

Can I hit the fairies if I stand at the base of the tree with that?

I like the song, but you need 20' reach to hit them unless you can levitate or climb the tree.

Hatano and Felix?

2020-12-02, 09:41 AM
Hatano once again flings a stone from her sling at the fairies.

[roll0], [roll1]

Phantom Genius
2020-12-02, 09:50 AM
Hatano once again flings a stone from her sling at the fairies.

[roll0], [roll1]

-4? Is that because of range? What about bardic music?

2020-12-02, 06:26 PM
Thought you said there was a -4 penalty to ranged in the snow? If not, just disregard it.

Phantom Genius
2020-12-03, 08:37 PM
Thought you said there was a -4 penalty to ranged in the snow? If not, just disregard it.

Slings have ranged penalties, but I wasn't applying snow penalties.

So what's your total for 20-40 feet plus bard song?

2020-12-03, 11:08 PM
So the total bonus would be +1, so 19+1=20 for the hit and 7 damage including the buff from inspire confidence.

2020-12-04, 06:17 PM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 20 (+4 vs evil dragon) HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: -

Cease this foolishness or be vanquished! Felix threatens, but does not move. (Full Defense again trying to provide cover again)

Phantom Genius
2020-12-05, 07:30 AM
Hatano manages to connect with a sling bullet, further irritating the colored lights. Arcatek notices the lights near the ground moving toward Buttercup and attempts to shoot them, but misses again.
Two of the lights in the trees shoot back, one missing Hatano and one hitting Raydine for a point of damage and leaving her staggered again.

Everyone may go.

2020-12-07, 04:47 PM
Raydine stops singing but says through the pain. You can't hurt me, because I'm one of you. Raydine's eyes shine in a pale blue light and an otherworldly aura seems to surround her. Kinda like the time she slapped Felix.

Casting haunted fey aspect to give me DR/1 cold iron for one round and hopefully taunt them successfully.

2020-12-08, 12:06 PM
Hatano laughs as she hits one of the fairies. She loads her sling again and sends another stone flying at one of the visible ones.

[roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage

2020-12-09, 05:24 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 18 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: Charge (+2 Attack, -2 AC)

...not working. Felix grumbles, mounting up on Buttercup. He drops his shield, trying to charge the fairies at a horse's height.

Charge [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Phantom Genius
2020-12-09, 07:49 AM
Felix misses, Hatano misses and Arcatek gets a natural 20 shooting the lights near Buttercup, but the bolt passes right through them. "Strange. The bolt was on target." Arcatek rolled a natural 2 to figure out what's going on. Felix got a 9. So we press on.

Two arrows at Raydine. One misses wildly. The other hits her solidly and then bounces off, causing much chittering from the branches above.

Current hp:
Arcatek (18/20)
Majid (7/9)
Raydine (8/10)
Felix (11/12)
Buttercup (Max-1)

Everyone may go.

2020-12-10, 03:34 AM
Raydine try's to give her laugh something intimidating and then says. Now you see! Scram before I eat the rest of you and grow even bigger!


2020-12-10, 10:31 AM
Hatano watches Felix and Buttercup struggle through the snow towards the fairies. Trying to guess which one he is going to attack, she points at it and shouts in Orkish, "Slow wing! Blind Eye! May the farm-boy strike you down!"

curse on the fairy Felix is aiming for, giving it -2 to AC for 4 rounds unless it passes a will save, in which case it's just for a round.

2020-12-13, 01:14 AM
Felix (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2293264)
Aasimar Hospitaler Paladin
AC: 18 HP: 12/12
touch: 11, ff: 19, CMD: 16
Conditions: -

Felix nonetheless tries to reach the lights. Vile beasts!


Phantom Genius
2020-12-14, 08:15 AM
At this point, everyone is convinced that the lights near Buttercup are a distraction, misdirection, and ploy.

Majid, then the sprites...

2020-12-14, 12:55 PM
Majid tries to climb up to the sprites to attack them.

[roll0] to climb, taking a double move at half speed.

Phantom Genius
2020-12-16, 07:07 AM
Majid, his sword in his teeth or still sheathed, makes some progress up the tree.
Hatano's curse hits no target.
Felix swings through the dancing lights.
Raydine is not intimidating enough for them to flee, but they don't like the big man with the swords headed their way. An easy target he will be...
Arcatek shoots at the most wounded one and it takes even more damage.

The cursed fae misses Majid and flies farther away.
The other two shoot at Majid and hit once and miss once. He takes another point of damage and is not staggered. They then fly farther from the trunk, along the branch.

The dancing lights float and flicker in place. Buttercup doesn't like them, but moves as instructed.

Current hp:
Arcatek (18/20)
Majid (6/9)
Raydine (8/10)
Felix (11/12)
Buttercup (Max-1)

Everyone may go.

2020-12-16, 09:37 AM
Damn it! Raydine trudges back to the sled, toward her crossbow.

Two move actions to get 30 feet towards the sled.

Phantom Genius
2020-12-16, 09:43 AM
Damn it! Raydine trudges back to the sled, toward her crossbow.

Two move actions to get 30 feet towards the sled.

Felix and Buttercup move closer to Raydine, towing the sled.

Phantom Genius
2020-12-17, 11:22 PM
Hatano and Majid should go, then Arcatek and the sprites.

2020-12-21, 12:26 AM
Hatano takes another shot at one of the sprites with her sling. A good solid hit should knock one into the snow so the paladin can squish it...

[roll0], [roll1] damage

2020-12-21, 01:22 AM
Majid leaps towards the sprites, swinging his sword at them as he falls.

Attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

Phantom Genius
2020-12-22, 05:59 AM
Majid leaps towards the sprites, swinging his sword at them as he falls.

Hatano misses wide left, causing mild amusement.
Arcatek hits one, but the bolt bounces off their accursed hide, causing more laughter.
Then Majid launches himself at one, misses entirely, and falls from the sky with "ploomfff" into the snow. This causes gales of laughter. It sounds like bells ringing out of tune and out of sync, but they can't stop. The cursed one can't even get a shot off, but the other two fire into Majid's snow angel. One hits him in the arm for one point of damage. The other hits him in the head for two points and leaves him staggered.

Raydine now has access to an alchemist's fire and her crossbow. Felix taunts the sprites trying to draw their fire.

Current hp:
Arcatek (18/20)
Majid (3/9) and staggered
Raydine (8/10)
Felix (11/12)
Buttercup (Max-1)

Everyone may go.

2020-12-22, 07:09 AM
Raydine takes her crossbow, puts a bolt in and whips around, taking a moment to aim and shoots one of these annoying fairies.

I guess that having access means I don't have to take an action to take it up?

Move Action to reload, a Standard Action to shoot.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Phantom Genius
2020-12-22, 07:50 AM
I guess that having access means I don't have to take an action to take it up?
Move Action to reload, a Standard Action to shoot
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1][/SPOILER]

No, picking it up is still an action, but you missed, so we won't worry about it.

2020-12-23, 06:38 PM
Without warning, a javelin streaks out of the nearby brush, aimed squarely at one of the faeries!

Greetings, your unfriendly neighborhood hermit making his presence known!

Rolling to hit one of the flying pests: [roll0] for [roll1] Piercing damage.

Stealth check to see if I'm noticed: [roll2]

Phantom Genius
2020-12-25, 06:59 AM
The javelin knocks one out of the trees and the creature lies motionless in the snow.

Hatano and Majid's turns. (I'm guessing staggered Majid just stands up.)

2020-12-26, 08:05 PM
Hatano pulls another sling stone out of her pouch. Glancing at it, she sees some wag has carved, "got a present for ya" on it. She grins, and shouts, Merry Midsummer!" and sends it flying towards one of the flittering creatures.

[roll0], [roll1] damage

Phantom Genius
2020-12-27, 06:39 AM
Hatano damages one of the still-flying sprites, drawing its attention, despite Felix's taunts.
Sword still in hand, but covered with fluffy snow, Majid stands back up. He can do little else but curse the flickering buggers.
Arcatek launches a small crossbow bolt into the distance, critically hitting a falling snowflake.
Sprite 2 misses Hatano with a micro-arrow.
Sprite 3, with a little cover from the tree vs. A, H and R, instead shoots at the mysterious javelin-thrower. It hits for 1 hp, no staggering.

Current hp:
Arcatek (18/20)
Majid (3/9) and no longer staggered
Raydine (8/10)
Felix (11/12)
Buttercup (Max-1)
New Guy (10/11)

Everyone may go.

2020-12-27, 11:23 AM
After mumbling a few Orcish curses at the tiny arrow now sticking out of his side, the unknown newcomer suddenly bursts from the brush.

The tall, bulky half-orc points a rime-covered finger at one of the tiny fey, and utters a single word:


Casting Murderous Command on one of the fairies, to compel them to attack their companion with a melee weapon. DC 14 Will save to resist.

2020-12-29, 05:39 AM
Raydine try's to bring herself behind the sled to get a bit of cover and starts another song.

You will fall, you will burn, yes you will get down.

And if nothing else will work, we'll get sure that you drown!

Move action to get behind the sled for potential cover.

Standard action for Sinspire Vourage, +1 to attack and damage for this round and the next. If the fairy get's compelled to attack her companion can I also buff her?

Phantom Genius
2020-12-29, 08:10 AM
Standard action for Sinspire Vourage, +1 to attack and damage for this round and the next. If the fairy get's compelled to attack her companion can I also buff her?

You would have to wait and see what the spell is, who it targeted and if they attacked a friend and by then your turn would be over. So no. Next round, I think.

2020-12-31, 07:12 PM
Hatano frowns at the sprite. She thought it was a solid hit, but it was still flitting around. She sent another stone at it, hoping to bring one of the cruel spirits down.

[roll0], [roll1]

Phantom Genius
2021-01-02, 07:58 AM
The strange newcomer casts a spell. Raydine performs gloriously. Majid gets defensive. Hatano debarks a bit of the tree branch. Arcatek, not getting the inspiration, fires anyway and hits the branch. Felix unhooks the sled and remounts his horse. Sprite 2 shoots a micro arrow at the newcomer and moves into a better cover position, out of sight of Hatano and Arcatek. She hits him for another point of damage, but no staggering. Sprite 3 surprisingly draws a tiny sword and smacks Sprite 2 in the back. But the weapon bounces off and they both seem angry at what has happened.

Current hp:
Arcatek (18/20)
Majid (3/9) all defense
Raydine (8/10)
Felix (11/12)
Buttercup (Max-1)
New Guy (9/11)

Everyone may go.

2021-01-03, 03:48 PM
The half-orc will pull another javelin out of the bundle at his back and hurl it at the pixie still firing arrows.

[roll0] to hit for [roll1] damage

2021-01-03, 09:26 PM
Hatano frowns for a moment and reaches down to pick up one of the arrows and examines it. Does it cause wounds like the ones on the bodies near the coach? The non-zombie bodies, that is?

Phantom Genius
2021-01-04, 06:43 AM
The half-orc will pull another javelin out of the bundle at his back and hurl it at the pixie still firing arrows.

[roll0] to hit for [roll1] damage
It sails wide. They are nimble little brats.

Phantom Genius
2021-01-04, 06:44 AM
Hatano frowns for a moment and reaches down to pick up one of the arrows and examines it. Does it cause wounds like the ones on the bodies near the coach? The non-zombie bodies, that is?

Great thinking, but you can't tell.