View Full Version : Roleplaying Making a Ritual to please Tchazzar the Red Dragon

2020-09-08, 08:53 AM
Hi All.

So I am currently playing a Oath of Conquest Paladin in a Chessentan setting (Think similar in style to ancient Greece). The source of my powers is Tchazzar (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Tchazzar), a powerful Red Dragon who in the lore ascended to god-hood.

The Paladin revers Tchazzar as he is a powerful warlord that unified Chessentan for a period of time and rule through strength and might. My character also follows this path, however rather than brute forcing it he basically wants to overcome his enemies, sometimes that means hitting the hardest, sometimes that means terrifying his enemies so much they surrender and break.

The DM has liked the Rituals I have made for roleplaying so far, for example we killed a black dragon in self defence (even though my character was against it) so for Penance I built a fire, prayed openly to Tchazzar while preforming combat maneurvers with my spear acting out the fight against the dragon and then finally I took the heart and stated something along the lines of "As I consume the flesh of my enemy I take on their power and use it in your name Tchazzar" before consuming part of it and then burning the rest in the fire.

DM loved it anyway this leads to a new situation. I have just acquired a magic item (homebrewed) it is a golden glass eye which when inserted into the head and attuned gives the following:

Invisibility once per day for 30 minutes but requires no concentration
Permament Darkvision up to 120ft
Ability to cast the Eyebite Spell once per day

I removed this eye from an assassin who had been tracking us, we had captured him and I removed it as part of us interrogating him, I did this while the general staff of his mansion watched on in fear (The idea was so they would go and spread rumors/stories of what happened).

I am looking for some good prose, or rituals that would suit the a ritual where I remove my eye and then replace it with this new Eye.
Go mad, willing to look over all the suggestions!

2020-09-08, 09:54 AM
I am looking for some good prose, or rituals that would suit the a ritual where I remove my eye and then replace it with this new Eye.
Go mad, willing to look over all the suggestions! Are you required to remove the Paladin's eye first before inserting the magical one, or can you just ram it in there and it takes the place of the Paladin's natural eye?

2020-09-08, 10:13 AM
Are you required to remove the Paladin's eye first before inserting the magical one, or can you just ram it in there and it takes the place of the Paladin's natural eye?

My Paladin's eye has to be removed. So I was thinking some sort of ritualistic prose to say while the Eye is removed and then something for when the new Eye is inserted.

If memory serves me, wasn't their a trio of Sisters in Greek Mythology with one eye between them?

2020-09-08, 10:17 AM
If memory serves me, wasn't there a trio of Sisters in Greek Mythology with one eye between them?

The gray sisters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graeae
1 eye, 1 tooth, 3 sisters. Perseus blackmailed them in exchange for information about one of their sisters (Medusa, one of the Gorgon sisters)

2020-09-08, 10:24 AM
The gray sisters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graeae
1 eye, 1 tooth, 3 sisters. Perseus blackmailed them in exchange for information about one of their sisters (Medusa, one of the Gorgon sisters)

That's them I'll start digging into some quotes to see what I can make, but if y'all can think of anything else then let me know.

2020-09-08, 12:47 PM
"An ancient warrior, upon losing his eye, glared his bloody visage upon his companions and told them that the Gods were wise enough to give him two that he may sacrifice one in their name and leave him with a spare to continue fighting.
Tchazzar has seen fit to give me three. One eye to be returned to him as tribute, and fully twice in largesse from the most generous of gods."

2020-09-08, 12:55 PM
"An ancient warrior, upon losing his eye, glared his bloody visage upon his companions and told them that the Gods were wise enough to give him two that he may sacrifice one in their name and leave him with a spare to continue fighting.
Tchazzar has seen fit to give me three. One eye to be returned to him as tribute, and fully twice in largesse from the most generous of gods."

Good Start, mind if I use?

2020-09-08, 01:00 PM
I mean, it's just a riff on the 300, itself a riff on Herodotus, so I can't claim it as purely original.

Feel free to riff on it from there.