View Full Version : Pathfinder Galorion's Mover's and Shakers

2020-09-12, 08:27 PM
First and foremost; players for my Tuesday night Iron Gods group STAY OUT.

For reasons that aren't that important, I need to find statblocks (or at least, level ranges) for Galorion's mover's and shakers. People like Queen Elvanna of Irrisen (statted in the Book 6 of Reign of Winter), Ruby Prince Khemet III (level range in Orision campaign book) or Queen Abigail (level range in Chelliax campaign book). What I am not looking for is stats for huge powerhouses like Baba Yaga, the Rune Lords or really any one who isn't on Galorion proper or anything Mythic.

Kurald Galain
2020-09-13, 04:12 AM
That's easy enough. The Pathfinderwiki has categories for important characters by level, such as this one (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Category:Sorcerers_of_16th_level).

:xykon: Also, it's spelled "Golarion".