View Full Version : Is it possible to play a psionic character with multiple missing limbs successfully?

2020-09-13, 07:11 PM
So the Psionic Soul Sorcerer has this as one of the possible origins of your psionic powers: "Upon recovering from a near-fatal injury,you found yourself with psionic powers."

So a soldier who didn't get his arms and legs blown off, but instead BLOWN IN... TO HIS MIND!
As a Variant Human Psionic Soul Sorcerer, you'd be able to start at level 1 with the Telekinetic feat, which gives you an invisible mage hand that requires no somatic components to conjure and lets you do most of the things you'd be able to with normal hands, albeit being unable to attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds.
So this means weapon wielding with the hand is out, and no activating magic items.

The problems I see with this concept are twofold. First, you need a way to move around using your mind at 1st level since even the Warlock class doesn't get at-will levitate until minimum 9th level and even then you can only freely move up and down without pushing yourself around. The second would be figuring out a class with abilities you could actually use. Technically you could attach stump knives or weapons to your arm stumps, but that would defeat the purpose of being Mind Quad, ditto for replacement limbs from Eberron, and as far as I know there aren't any rules supporting an armless spell caster being able to simulate any somatic components a spell requires.

The Psionic Rogue subclass can create blades with their mind, but it still refers to them as "weapons" and makes no mention of being able to mentally control them, while the Psionic Sorcerer can TECHNICALLY roll their psionic die to try and cast a spell without somatic or material components, but I'm pretty sure if you failed to hit the number required that the spell might just fail then and you'd lose this anytime your psionic die ran out.

Is there a way to accomplish this, or am I just chasing a dream I will never realize?
TLDR: Can I make a guy in 5e who got all 4 limbs blown into his mind ala Mind Quad from American Dad

Blood of Gaea
2020-09-15, 02:29 AM
Honestly? No, not really. But it's reasonable to pull off something like missing one full arm and a leg just below the knee, which you replace with a peg leg. You'll absolutely be worse off for it, but you should be able to function.

2020-09-15, 05:41 AM
My starting point would be getting a wheelchair (or cart). Get your friends to sit you in it, then use your mage hand to push you around.

Mage Hand can 'manipulate objects', and carry items up to 10 pounds.
To push a 100 pound weight in a stagecoach needs about 4-8 pounds of force on a road.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_resistance https://www.quora.com/What-ratio-of-force-is-needed-to-push-a-wheelchair-Is-it-like-10kg-1-10-for-100kg-load#:~:text=As%20the%20other%20answer%20said,whee lchair%20tyres%20on%20hard%20surfaces. ).

So in the real world, you should be able to move a wheelchair + body around with only about 10 pounds of force. Assuming you don't meet slopes, or stairs. Though a custom magic item would solve that issue.

Tbh I'd probably talk to your DM to let you use your psionics to simulate a slow movement speed. There's a fair few RAW issues here, but it's not exactly munchkining to optimize your character to be able to move.

2020-09-15, 08:15 AM
Not to be too harsh to you or insensitive to disabled people: But there´s a reason we´re currently retiring wounded soldiers. Unless you can perform at an expected level (being no liability to the party) why would the party take you along?

Rules wise? I don´t think so. There aren`t even rules for loosing limbs as far as I know in 5E, so why would there be rules dealing with injuries beyond "restoration/regeneration" (a.k.a. a wizard/cleric did it). (Edit: The Variant Rules are considered optional for a good reason in my opinion, as with the frequency of combat happening any adventuring career would end by level 4 latest :) )

Edit: There are magic items which do work as prosthetics, but they just restore normal functionality and require atunement. So just replacing one limb already penalizes you by taking away resources.

2020-09-15, 11:10 AM
Three levels in artificer for the armorer subclass would get you power armour to replace the lost limbs

The power armor attaches to you and can’t be removed against your will. It also expands to cover your entire body, and it replaces any missing limbs, functioning identically to a body part it is replacing.

2020-09-15, 12:36 PM
Could just speak to your DM and ask if you can play your character like normal(as if you hadn't lost any limbs) and just fluff it as you have lost your limbs and you use your psychic powers to move. The only thing it'd change is potentially how people react to you(as in game you have no limbs) and treat you.

Then for stuff you couldn't normally do, you use spells & other powers. Like invis magehand for far reaching telekinesis, or Levitate to "empower your already existing levitation"