View Full Version : DM Help The Layer of Mithardir on Arborea, The primordial ruins

2020-09-16, 01:50 PM
I have a question, I have read this text in a description of Arboreas layers and grew very interested in it


Contrary to the rest of the plane, Mithardir is actually not very hospitable. The layer is an endless desert of white dust.
Stories go that once-upon-a-time it used to be a forest inhabited by Titans and Giant races, but they've all gone
elsewhere. Though most gods and pantheons have also abandoned it, Nephythys, guardian of the dead, remains here.
You can still find dust-worn ruins in the desert, and there might be hidden secrets of a primordial era lost and
forgotten here, but unless you know what you're looking for there is really nothing else here and you could end up
getting lost in sand-storms and dying of thirst.[/I]

My question is, what would these ruins look like? What kind of information could be gained from describing them? and most importantly, what KIND of secrets??? Could they be used in an epic adventure?

2020-09-16, 11:53 PM
This is not canon, but it is pretty cool homebrew that has some hooks involving Mithardir

What kind of secrets? really epic ones...
Truenames of Deities
Words of Creation Once Spoken that can unravel basic metaphysics of the Great Wheel
Truths about the Multiverse before the current cycle of creation

That kind of stuff probably. The adventure path Dead Gods features something similar called the Last Word, which Orcus uncovered in Mithardir.