View Full Version : Putting stats on Primordials

2020-09-16, 01:55 PM
Also called the Dawn Titans (DR394, p.54), primordials are elemental creatures of enormous power born from the Elemental Chaos. They shaped the world out of the Elemental Chaos and the gods gave it civility and permanence. When the primordials attempted to destroy the world to began again the process of creation and destruction, the gods warred with them for control of the new creation. The gods eventually triumphed, and primordials now slumber in remote parts of the Elemental Chaos, rage in hidden prisons, or float, lifeless, through the Astral Sea. (DMG, p.150)

I need help putting stats on these primordial beings (Especially Timesus and Nihil)

Timesus: The Black Star, a primordial of dissolution and entropy. He was more powerful than most primordials, and was only killed by the combined might of several gods. (E1-E3: DR; KoG; PoU)

Syvexrae: The Queen of Stone, petrified; her body serves as the palace of Doresain.

Umboras: Lord of Rimefire, lured to Pandemonium by the Raven Queen and trapped there.

Lormoch: The Master of Tides, long-dead primordial.

Haemnathuun: The Blood lord and creator of abominations; its corpse floats in the Astral Sea.

Nihil: Primordial of unbeing, defeated by Bahamut.

Nekal: Of the Glowing Deep, water primordial slain by Pelor, Kord, Bane and Sehanine.

In a powerful and truly epic campaign, some of these primordials will come back to life by a epic power, these primordials will be the first to rise for unknown reasons

(All primordials would help, I'm using the Piazza forums ((Gods, Primordials and other powers of the Dawn War))