View Full Version : law enforcement vs religion (noob)

2020-09-18, 05:00 AM
so i recently started playing dnd and i got my character backed into a corner. whereby my character is an ordained priest of a monastary and i was bolstering about truth and justice, which was a colossal mistake against an over-seer for the emperor of this region we all reside in. It may get my character killed off in the next playthrough how i respond and basically its a case of ''Law vs religion'' at this point. so i searched online to find aid on this matter and came up empty.

'prior info'
A situation of skaivan attacks happened involving few deaths and stolen grain. and i told the over-seer i wont stay quiet about it. so my question here is... Is there any power play moves i can use to my advantage as a priest, to talk my way out of this situation?

2020-09-18, 05:19 AM
A lot more info is needed. Why is this going to get you killed? What is the social status of this overseer? What is your social status, and the status of the religion you're a part of? Is there anyone that your character could call on of higher social status?

2020-09-18, 05:24 AM
Either you accept the law, which encompasses religion(s) acceptance and practice or you belong to a zealot-like cult, where your god's creed trumps everything else, more a matter of interpretation and roleplaying.
I'd go down in flames if I were you :D

2020-09-18, 05:27 AM
I'm not sure to understand the situation.

Is is "The region has been attacked (with few death and grain stolen), and the over-seer doesn't want to cause panic so want to keep it secret."?
If that's it, you could compromise with a delay: you will help the over-seer find the culprits and bring them to him in exchange of him applying justice and revealing the full truth once the problem is solved.

However, if it is "The over-seer is responsible for the attack and don't want peoples to be aware that he is killing and stealing grain (and not in a robin hood way)", I don't see how you can get out except literally running away and fomenting a rebellion.

2020-09-18, 05:28 AM
Seconding the thought that there isn't enough to go on here. However, at first glance, it seems that the problem you face is political: the imperial overseer has power and you've made them angry.

So in the abstract, I could see a few options:

Escape justice. Go on the run. Escpae from prison. Get off on a technicality. Accept being exiled.
Make the overseer not angry at you anymore. Apologise. Persuade them to see things your way. Offer them something they want more than your death. Distract them with a bigger problem.
Cut off the overseer's source of power. Undermine imperial authority. Sabotage their lines of communication. Bribe the guards. Steal all the gold from their treasury.
Remove the overseer from their position. Appeal to a higher authority. Frame them for espionage. Assassinate them. Join forces with one of their ambitious subordinates.
Acquire enough power yourself that they can't challenge you. Rile up the masses with religious rhetoric. Get help from the church authorities. Win the backing of foreign powers. Divine intervention.
Violence. They can't hurt you if they're all ded.

2020-09-18, 05:37 AM
Either you accept the law, which encompasses religion(s) acceptance and practice or you belong to a zealot-like cult, where your god's creed trumps everything else, more a matter of interpretation and roleplaying.
I'd go down in flames if I were you :D

my ego would rather die than accept im wrong in the eyes of the law. I'm gonna go down in flames! for sure lol as for earlier replies its hard to base status as there is so many dieties in any dnd universe mine following suit to this, but i can say im just a lowly priest not of high rank. with a feeble attempt to bluff being on a holy mission or that i know higher ranks that would have a big following. i can only estimate mine is whatever is concidered the christian faith of believing in healing and angels and the over-seer status is that of judge and jury in situations he deems necassary in the name of the empire as he would report to the king/emperor that would follow the same faith.

2020-09-18, 05:38 AM
I'm not sure to understand the situation.

Is is "The region has been attacked (with few death and grain stolen), and the over-seer doesn't want to cause panic so want to keep it secret."?
If that's it, you could compromise with a delay: you will help the over-seer find the culprits and bring them to him in exchange of him applying justice and revealing the full truth once the problem is solved.

However, if it is "The over-seer is responsible for the attack and don't want peoples to be aware that he is killing and stealing grain (and not in a robin hood way)", I don't see how you can get out except literally running away and fomenting a rebellion.

pretty much this is it !

Is is "The region has been attacked (with few death and grain stolen), and the over-seer doesn't want to cause panic so want to keep it secret."?
If that's it, you could compromise with a delay: you will help the over-seer find the culprits and bring them to him in exchange of him applying justice and revealing the full truth once the problem is solved.

2020-09-18, 05:41 AM
Seconding the thought that there isn't enough to go on here. However, at first glance, it seems that the problem you face is political: the imperial overseer has power and you've made them angry.

So in the abstract, I could see a few options:

Escape justice. Go on the run. Escpae from prison. Get off on a technicality. Accept being exiled.
Make the overseer not angry at you anymore. Apologise. Offer them something they want more than your death. Distract them with a bigger problem.
Cut off the overseer's source of power. Undermine imperial authority. Sabotage their lines of communication. Bribe the guards. Steal all the gold from their treasury.
Remove the overseer from their position. Appeal to a higher authority. Frame them for espionage. Assassinate them. Join forces with one of their ambitious subordinates.
Acquire enough power yourself that they can't challenge you. Rile up the masses with religious rhetoric. Get help from the church authorities. Win the backing of foreign powers. Divine intervention.
Violence. They can't hurt you if they're all ded.

i love this

2020-09-18, 05:47 AM
Just a quick note: I know you're new to the forum, but we frown on double-posting around here. The proper thing to do is reply to multiple people within one post.

2020-09-18, 05:54 AM
First question:

Do you belong to an organized church?

Second question:

If the answer to the first question is "yes", how powerful is your church in the region you're in?

You may not be powerful enough personally, but if you are part of a hierarchy then contacting the highest ranking member of your church would at least grant you some level of protection, since attacking you would be a slight against them. Unless they deem your PC's death an acceptable cost to appease the government, but, well...

2020-09-18, 06:12 AM
First question:

Do you belong to an organized church?

Second question:

If the answer to the first question is "yes", how powerful is your church in the region you're in?

You may not be powerful enough personally, but if you are part of a hierarchy then contacting the highest ranking member of your church would at least grant you some level of protection, since attacking you would be a slight against them. Unless they deem your PC's death an acceptable cost to appease the government, but, well...

i would say the joined church my character is from is small and holds little weight compared to others in much bigger cities with a cardinal appointed. it is an organised church that spans overseas. The over-seer is also in the line of keeping situations quiet and not causing panic, so if killing one priest abides that then a cover up may occur with pay-offs or my other party members being threatened could come as a result. i kinda wish there was some sort of rule or law i could invoke for amnesty at this point lol its probably gonna end with just an opology. the priest doesnt seem to have as much swy over the law as he would ordinary people. unless i could appeal to his better nature.

and my opologies @Ninja_Prawn. i only saw the other reply after i had posted and didnt see an edit button. i will adhere to the rules from now on. thank you for lettling me know.

2020-09-18, 09:00 PM
Violence. They can't hurt you if they're all ded.[/LIST] Both I, and Mott the Hoople, agree with you. But it's an option, not an imperative, as you noted in your list. :smallcool:

2020-09-18, 09:07 PM
If you have the time to ponder your actions, either leave or kill the functionary you think will have you killed.