View Full Version : Guilty Gear: Accent Core

2007-11-01, 06:53 PM
I'm curious if any other forum-goers owns it (Or has at least heard of the series), and what their thoughts on it are, if any.

2007-11-01, 07:02 PM
I wish I could play it but alas, I have no PS2. So I am stuck with GG XX#Reloaded - not that it's a bad thing, because it's still an awesome game, AC is only more balanced, from what people say.

My level of skill is what I'd call lower intermediate - I can perform Roman Cancels without much problem and beat Justice or Kliff at the highest difficult level, but I'd probably get owned if I ever attended to a real tournament.

My favourite characters? I play a little of each, but mostly Ky Kiske, Anji Mito and Dizzy. Usually Dizzy - she's pretty low-tier, but I liker her fighting style and she's... well, cute (I'm weak:smallamused: ). I like Baiken as a character, but I don't like her fighting style.

2007-11-01, 07:37 PM
I'm afraid they messed w/ Baiken a bit in AC. They completely bastardized her voice (She sounds like an old hag, now). Zappa's better, Testament got a really nifty replacement for Gravedigger, Potemkin seems to rock harder than ever (Despite the fact that his moveset remains relatively untouched) and Sol's still a cheap *******. My favorites are Ky (Good, but not that fun to play), Zappa, Robo Ky, and Jam. Since when was Dizzy low tier, though? Unless that applies to #Reloaded only (I made a huge leap, from Guilty Gear X2, directly to Accent Core).