View Full Version : New DM running sunless citadel

2020-09-18, 07:25 PM
Is there anything I should know before running the sunless citadel? The version I have is for 3.0, but it should be easy to convert over. My party is a wizard, an archer ranger, a druid, and a bard - will the lack of frontline other than the Druid’s summons make it much more difficult? Any input would be appreciated.

Mike Miller
2020-09-18, 08:00 PM
They'll be as fine as any level one group. Everything is swingy at level one. The animal companion is the front liner, not the summons. Level one summons are bad because they last one round.

2020-09-19, 01:28 PM
Your party should do fine with the module as is, as long as they play cautious/smart. Running into each room bow/spells ablazin' will work a few times, but will definitely get them killed by the time they reach the Goblin Chief's room.
Once they free Erky Timbers, he can take over as the meatshield.

2020-09-19, 02:04 PM
No issues with sunless barring a few skill issues, but if you progress through the follow up modules its gets to be a headache as far as book keeping and conversion, especially in heart of nightfang spire from what I remember.

2020-09-23, 06:51 AM
I've started my current campaign in the sunless citadel and my party of 6 (Swashbuckler, Wizard, Druid with small cat, Rogue, Scout, Human Paragon) struggled at times to overcome the opposition. To adjust for the larger party I had increased the number of monsters but also their hit points slightly. The combination of low attack bonuses in the party with an AC of 15 on the goblins lead to a lot of misses and as hits were not always fatal it took a while. The damage reduction of the skeletons at the beginning of the adventure proved quite an issue as well with none of the characters carrying bludgeoning weapons. :)

Oh and remember goblins in 3.0 had cr:1/4 but in 3.5 they have cr:1/3

Mike Miller
2020-09-24, 03:57 PM
My party of new players is at the start of this module, too. I have a warblade, sorcerer, CW Samurai, and a TWF ranger. The group is very melee oriented to say the least.