View Full Version : DND trying to make seven deadly sins assault mode

2020-09-19, 01:49 AM
A friend and I have a plan to try and create a legit 3.5 characters that resembles meliodases assault mode from sins. we both are going to have a second character (psion and wizard) I would like to play a halfling monk and multi class barbarian. (halfling for the asthetic) We will then give our characters psionic AND magic tattoos/ Items on top of psionic and magic permancy later. at of 17 I can get animal affinity through the psion. I want to break this character as hard as possible. any ideas to help with the meliodas brokeness and asthetic would be much appreciated. idk what feats to use as well. note:when our speed reaches 250 we can move 30 feet as a free action) just thought id throw that in lol.

2020-09-20, 02:04 PM
I'm completely unfamiliar with the series in question, but - by the quick googling - Meliodas notable by just a few things (correct me, if necessary):
bouncing spells away
shooting hellfire
creates copies of himself

So, by the list:

bouncing spells away
In D&D 3.X - AFAIK - it's impossible to bounce away AoE spells; but for spells which required attack roll (such as various Orbs or Rays) it's completely possible: one of your classes is Monk - take the Spell Reflection ACF (Complete Mage): if spell missed you, you can (as Immediate Action) redirect it back to the caster; usable 1 + Dex bonus times per day
Another method is the Spell Turning (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spellTurning.htm) effect - you may get it via equipment, or from one of PrC: Occult Slayer (up to 2/day at 4th level), Moonsea Skysentinel (up to 3/day at 9th level), Sensate (up to 2/day at 8th level - and spell would still affect you too; Dragon #287), Mage Hunter (1/day at 10th level; Dragonlance PrC somewhere online), or Arch Psion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20021122b) (every time you countered a spell or power)

shooting hellfire
Sorry, but the better way to get it is to enter the Disciple of Mephistopheles - it gives Hellfire to touch (or unarmed) attack at level 1, and as at-will blast - at level 3
Another way is Hellfire Warlock - but you would need to be a Warlock for it...

creates copies of himself
Since he did it via his sword, try to get a sword which produces effect of Fission (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fission.htm) (or Body outside Body)

2020-09-20, 08:25 PM
I know Spellfire functionally isn't great in 3.5 but aesthetically it kind of fits the build.