View Full Version : (Playtest) Hoofprints In The Snow (IC)

2020-09-22, 09:29 AM
Hoofprints In The Snow

The wind blow. In this bright evening it sound like a breathless cynical chuckle. The last spitting laugh of a pony who cannot forgive even on her deathbed.
This is how Gallopardia is, the wind wishper the mood of the princess into the hears of ponies and others. Or at least so tales and rumores have told.
This grimm athmosphere doesn't stop Swift Calcalus from sliding toward home, on the Vastok river, riding his amphibian sleigh ship wagon- a clever venchil fitting clear road, ice, or even exposed water.
The sleigh ship was carried by pack of four specialy trained big husky dogs.
Swift Calculus was Buying and selling, not only material merchandise, but stories, tales and expriences. The dangers of Gallopardia didn't wore him down, nor even the Princess's deadly sobs- it's just seasoned him.

Now his wanderlust carried him back home to Clover River. Maybe for the Winter Victory Celebration?

Robbin Hooves was galloping further and further away, by the side of the Vastok river. Not an exciting activity, unless you take in count tbe fact, Robbin Hooves was chased by Kossacks*.
Pack of flying griffons armed with curved and cruel blades, and long worm like moustached carried by the winds.
Robbin Hooved has managed to escape so far, thanks to the winds who has slowed them down. But now the wind has weakened, and it almost soundex like it mocking Robbin Hooves.
He can see nearby an amphbian sleigh ship, driven by an old friend- Swift Calculus.
Quite wild how Robbin has gotten to this scene;
Being in labour colony of a masonry, for a long time, Robbin Hooves kept resisiting and mocking the injustice, carried by the merchant princess Nobility.
The richest and vilest of the merchant princes of Clover River and openly a pegasi supremasict.

At the masonry, Robbin kept a high spirit, and recently has led a revolt.
The revolt has been crushed, but surely the unbreakable control seemed breakable- her merceneries have almost lost control.
And Robbin Hooves has managed to escape. The roars, the violence still fresh in his mind.
Can he copy it into Clover River itself?
To even attempt to answer this question, Robbin will have to avoid being carved by the curved blades held by the claws of the kossacks.


Please introduce and also describe your characters in your first post!



I take more some elements from slavic folklore and history into Gallopardia.
So irl Kossacks, were peasants who ran into the wild parts of Ukraine and south of Russia, became horse riders and spirited warriors known for their love of freedom and violence.
They have distinct hair and moutstach style, and depending on the context history present them as heroes or villains-
For Ukrainians they are mostly heroes, and in general they are sort of the slavic version of badass cowboys- riding horses, free and wild.
Some view them as ruthless raiders and bandits.
At some point they served the Tzar and even at the Russian Civil war had their own faction "The Green Army".

So in Gallopradia, I thought their culture and style would fit the griffins.
And those specific griffins are mercenaries.

2020-09-22, 01:24 PM
An earth pony with a brown pelt, messy, somewhat overgrown black mane and beard, and greyish eyes dashes through the snow.
If the wind were blowing through his mane in a suitably dramatic fashion, he might look rather handsome in an unkempt sort of way, but the wind had other plans apparently, which was part of the problem at the moment.
Robbin dared to look over his shoulder for a moment, and as expected, the Cossacks were now gaining at a worrying pace without the wind to slow them down.

Yeah... they don't look like they want to take me alive. Maybe I should try the river? Fake my own death... again? Hmm, that doesn't feel like a trick that works twice, and this time of year, I'm as likely to actually die in there as I am to look like I did.

Robbin sighed, narrowed his eyes, and sped up his gallop in an effort to crest an upcoming hill before his pursuers to break visual contact with them for a moment. Maybe I can hide somewhere? Oh, yeah, that seems likely in an area known for its barren plains. Still, you never know...

Robbin crested the hill, slipped on a slick patch of snow, and sledded downwards a few meters on his rump before getting back on his hooves. He shook some snow out of his mane, looked ahead, and...

Isn't that... yes! Swift's boat!

His energy renewed with a new goal in sight, Robbin galloped at full pace towards the amphibious vessel. He called out to his old friend once he pulled up alongside the boat, grinning ear to ear:

Ho there traveler! You have room for one more on that boat? Either way, you might want to pick up the pace a bit: we have some unpleasant visitors on the horizon! Well, unpleasant unless you fancy the bite of cold steel.

2020-09-23, 06:17 PM
Swift Calculus sat bundled up on his sleigh, lazily driving his dogs forwards as he catalogued the gains of his latest journey one more time with warm, green eyes. Books and scrolls, a few more pages for his journal, and pickled onions to last him two years! And those were only the more interesting ones! With a swig from his flask of near-freezing tea, the pale-brown earth pony added up the numbers in his head. Though his body was rather rotund and short, with a thick, somewhat shaggy, grey beard and mane, his features were stout rather than fattened. In short, he was a stallion of sharp mind and a body hardened by years on the road.

"Goodness, did I really overspend that much in Maneville? Ach, but I couldn't just leave behind an original book on flowers! Something so fascinating can't be left to molder.....Besides, I should be able to make the difference with the festival coming. Sweet Pudding should be more than happy to buy some berries for her-

Hold on. What is that?"

It is hard to overhear the sounds of an approaching horde of angry griffons, much more so if they are as inclined to swearing as Kossacks are. Though not much worried for his own safety, given he'd not done anything illegal in at least 24 hours, Swift still kept an eye out for the warriors out of curiosity, wondering what may have driven them into such a frenzy. If only there hadn't been that insufferable hill separating them from him! He was about to get up and leave his sled to take a look, when an explanation just so happened to drop into his saddle; in the form of Robbin Hooves tumbling down the hillside.

"Ah, that explains it."

Smirking faintly, he closed up his flask and stowed it away. Best to avoid spilling it in what was to come. One hoof on the sled's reigns, he lowered the other to pull his old friend aboard.

"You should know well enough by now that this is a two-seater, Robbin." he joked, allowing the other pony a moment to settle in. "What did you do this time, then? Tossed another merchant out his own window?"

Before he could receive an answer, he sent his hounds running with a smack of the reigns and a loud "Heeyah!" Expertly trained as they were, they did not hesitate to fall into a sprint, shooting across the frozen lake with the sled behind them.

Well then, I suppose that calls for the first roll of the game?


For bonuses, I believe that should be +1 for being a Merchant who has been working with these dogs for years, +1 for being in a vehicle while the Griffons are not, and +1 for the storm that might help us lose them? These are just suggestions, of course, and the ultimate decider is Igor. :smallsmile:

Oof, seems like we'll need those bonuses. XD

2020-09-23, 08:28 PM
Robbin's grin widened as he jumped into the sled. He forced himself to take a moment to catch his breath before speaking.

Many thanks! Aha, I suppose I should. Still, it pays to check that the other seat isn't occupied. Remember St. Petershoof? Best we not have another one of those...

Robbin chanced a look back at his, and now his friend's, pursuers, narrowing his eyes as he tried to gauge their distance.

As for what I did, well, let's just say the ponies back home didn't appreciate all those strikes I organized last year... and decided the best recourse was to send me to a labor camp. Ha! You would think they would know better by now than to exile myself of all ponies to the mines for causing trouble.

Robbin looked back to the approaching Cossacks and shook his head.

They're coming in faster than I would like: we may have to go off-stream to avoid them. I'll take point and try to find a path we can lose them by

Trying to find the best path: [roll0]
I think Perceptive and Quick reflexes may apply here? Perceptive for obvious reasons, and quick reflexes to update Swift in time to take appropriate action?

2020-09-25, 09:20 AM
(Apologies. Trying to think how to translate the results.
Also, theo, is Sweet Pudding THE mare?)

As much as fast and loyal the dog pound their hardened paws against the ice, with the weakening wind, wings simply beat paws, as fortold in foal game of Paw, Horn and Wing.
The Cossaks in mere moment, already hovering around the sleigh.
"Nopony make fool of the Free Murder Pack twice!" The biggest one yell.
They are circling the sleigh, waving their blades, but all of Swift's merchandise act as walls to the city which was his sleigh.
Old trusty barrels filled to their brims have blocked the first slashes.

Robbin, sharp of eye see the quickest path, and show Swift the way- and the dogs turn and twist, making it even harder for the griffins to attack.

But... as it quite usual happens, the quickest path on ice, is the most fragile one.
The ice start to crack under the sleigh.

2020-09-25, 11:11 AM
Robbin takes in the situation for a moment: he eyes the Cossacks who are flying close to the cargo, takes a look at the cracking ice, and gets a somewhat sheepish expression on his face as he whispers the following to Swift:
If we escape, I swear you will get a free job from me a month for the next five years for this.

The events that follow blur together a bit: Robbin scans the network of ropes that hold the sled's cargo to it, we need to lose some weight, and attempts to find the right point to cut it with his pocket knife to send it all tumbling down on their pursuers.

Just before he leaps into action, Robbin steps out where the Cossacks can see him, makes his best "princesses above, what is that monstrosity!" face, points into the distance, and yells: By the winter princess! It comes! Run for your lives!", before running over to what he thinks is the weak spot in the ropes and cutting it while the Cossacks are (hopefully) distracted.

I'm trying to send the cargo tumbling onto the Cossacks: hampering our pursuers and lightening the sled so we don't go swimming.

For my tags, I think I can apply charismatic rabblerouser and Fiery speaker for my distraction, Perceptive for finding the knot to cut to send the barrels over, and Quick reflexes to get it done before the Cossacks wise up to my ruse. That's up to the GM though.

Now for the roll:

2020-09-25, 02:53 PM
Not to worry, Igor. Don't feel the need to even use a roll if the outcome of a task is not in question. We'll just make them as a matter of caution wherever we feel they might be necessary.

As for Sweet Pudding, I did not imagine her as his special somepony, just an old friend and possible business partner. Swift is certainly not the type to think much about love, though that may change over the course of the adventure depending on who shows up.

It's basically a one-shot, so no reason to hold back on the character development. :smalltongue:

"Petershoof? Don't be ridiculous, pudgewudgies do not roam this far west!" Swift teased his friend, speaking as though his words were the most common of knowledge. Then, his eyes growing wide for but a moment, he lowered his head just in time to dodge a badly aimed knife, which embedded itself in an oak barrel next to him. "My, these folk are awfully aggressive. I take it you are not out on parole."

Grimacing, he pulled the sled's reigns close, focused on spurning his dogs further to escape the attacking griffons. Perhaps if he used that hill as a ramp? He was about to calculate the escape velocity required, when Robbin's words pulled him out of his mental space. "What, for the chase? Nonsense, we'll lose these ruffians before- what are you doing with that knife?"

In horror, Swift Calculus watched as almost his entire haul of cargo tumbled out of his sled and onto the mercenaries, taking with it his most valuable treasures.

"No, not the onions!"

Acting quickly, he just barely managed to tear one hoof free and hold onto his bundle of books, saving at least them.

2020-09-25, 03:43 PM
In horror, Swift Calculus watched as almost his entire haul of cargo tumbled out of his sled and onto the mercenaries, taking with it his most valuable treasures.

"No, not the onions!"

Acting quickly, he just barely managed to tear one hoof free and hold onto his bundle of books, saving at least them.

Robbin winced before turning to face his friend. I don't pretend to know what you had in those bundles... besides onions, but I assure you I will do my best to make up for what you just lost. The ice was cracking you see... I'm sorry: I forgot how thin it could get this time of year. I should have been more careful when finding a path.

Robbin put his eyes back on the ice ahead.
There are ponies back home who will be very happy to see me back, and more than happy to help begin to recoup your losses too.
He sighed and gave his friend a weak smile. It would be nice to have a day with you when I don't get you into trouble.

2020-09-27, 03:46 AM
No matter how many tricks Robbin played, something in his voice commanded faith- the griffons stop, hovering in place, flapping their wings.
"What?" The gasp just to be crushed into the ice by the cargo.

And, the floating barrels, chests and boxes let the dogs solid things to run on, until they get to solid ice again!

The Cossacks are nowhere to be seen.

Another half of hour of relativly safe slide over the ice, and the city of Clover River is seen from beyond the silvery mists, which always come when the wind is weak enough.

Coming from the east, the pony duo can see the eastren half, and two of the "leaves" of the Clover River- the Trash and Gold Stables.
A perfect contrast- one side of the river which enter the city, beautiful and colorful, rich looking city block, filled with mansions, with a tiny dock, with large and beatiful ship.

On the other side of the river, the northen, snow covered cabins, many made from broken ship and carts and quite.. trashy.

Because of the active water, the ice is almost non existent around the city- so it better let the dogs back on the sleigh.
Also, there are three docks to pick from-
The golden shore, which is supposed to be only for merchant princes, or the black docks of the trash stables, where the shady arrivers arrive- and the island in the middle- the Clover Heart, here the prime docks are, near the market and the city's center.

Also, Robbin do see the cloud masion of Nobility, who has built it.. probably right after his banishment.
Maybe for his sake? After all, now it supposed to be impossible for him to ever break into her mansion again.

2020-09-27, 06:01 PM
Robbin allowed himself a sigh of relief once the Cossacks, and his, ahem, "deeds," were behind him.

As the view of the two cities clarified on the horizon, a broad grin spread across his face, though it twitched into a frown for a moment when he saw Nobility's new mansion. Don't tell me that shrew thinks a little thing like height is going to keep me out of her hair. She does know I have friends who can fly, right?
Robbin turned to the unusually quiet Swift, a slight pang of guilt reemerging at the thought of the lost onions.
"Which stable is your destination? I understand your plans may have changed..."

Robbin looked ahead for a few moments before speaking again.
"Tell you what: I can try to find those friends I mentioned, and if you feel like it, we could arrange for a small celebration for you. The least I can do at the moment would be to get you a few mugs of cider."

Robbin was silent for a few moments before a slight smile spread across his face.
"It's been a while since I've seen good old Trot Sky: he's got some high minded thoughts like any pegasus I suppose, but keeps them well grounded for the most part. He's a scholarly sort; I think you two would get along. And then there's Mata Hairy: ha! She just might be there too: the most stylish yak I've ever met, and one of the best informed creatures in town if you ask me."

2020-09-28, 10:21 AM
For a few moments, Swift stayed silent in honor of the brave onions that had been sacrificed to save his life. Their loss, he vowed, would not be forgotten, at least until dinnertime when something else would fill his stomach. Then, dourly, he turned his head back to swift, and planted himself down firmly on the sled.

"Actually, it's quite alright." Within an instance, his weary expression faded, replaced by one of almost relaxed confidence. "A favor from you is worth twice than all I've lost. Not to mention the dashing escape we've just made. Our heads are rather valuable even without a bounty, no?"

A quick tug from him directed the dogs to change their course, now heading towards the trash staple. "Without my cargo, we can make a more subtle entrance into the city. None will bat an eye at two bitless outsiders dropping into the poorhouse. From there, we can make our way to Yata. I'm hungry to hear what has changed since I've left."

Suddenly, his eyebrows arches up slightly as he recalls something. "Hold on. Trot Sky. I recall hearing about him some years back. Ruffled some feathers with the more well to do scholars, didn't he? You'll have to introduce me later." Not all of the books that Swift had gathered were about purely academic matters. To a free thinker, the strange ideas within them would surely be of some interest. The smell of opportunity hung in the air, almost overwhelming that of the four wet dogs dragging the sled.

2020-09-28, 04:58 PM
Robbin chuckles nervously at Swift's compliment. Well that's kind of you to say, and I definitely agree our heads are worth more attached than not... I'm never going to live this down though am I? What shall we call this fiasco then? River's toll? The onion pickle? No, wait! Pickled onions!

A mixture of a grin and a smirk spreads across Robbin's face as the sleigh shifts direction towards the trash stable. Home sweet home here I come!
Robbin turned back to Swift after he spoke. If I play my cards right, we can do much better than a poor house while staying subtle. Mata Hairy's thrift shop is on the edge of town, and she's always in the mood to hear news of the nobles' foreign interests. I just might have a thing or two to tell her in exchange for a comfortable night in her attic and a warm meal. It's better than it sounds: trust me, it's the roomiest attic you could possibly imagine."

On the mention of Trot Sky's ruffling of feathers, Robbin lets out a hearty chuckle. Haha! That he did: put the terror of the winter wind into them; not that they'd admit it. He and some of his friends stumbled on the works of a scholar from the west, one Carmel Marks, who had some unorthodox ideas on the fate of the working class and their oppressors. It's pretty much the same as what I stand for, but with what I feel are some unnecessary complications. I mean, Mr. Marks doesn't consider peasants to be a part of the working class: what kind of sense does that make? They create goods with their hooves: what else do you want? Yes, they're decentralized, but that doesn't mean they can't be organized.

Robbin sighs. But that's beside the point: Trot Sky has his heart in the right place. If he's in town, I'd be happy to introduce you to him; I get the sense you two would appreciate each others' wit.

2020-09-30, 04:07 AM
So it seems, Calculos will lead the duo to the trash stable's decks.
The dogs bark happily, from the familiar and also rich set of smells: fish and the fisher ponies who brought them, their rotting dingys, the eldery confused mare who keep asking anypony where her grandpa is, the stench of the leatherworkers...
And simply so many ponies held together in one place, adding their sweat and heat to the mix.

Calcalus will find the Trash Stable even more populated, poorer and dirtier then he rememner.
Robbin won't notice this big of a diffrence-but a continuing decay- ponies like Trot Sky and Robbin Hooves didnt started to act of nowhere-
Merchant Princess Nobility has gained more and more power, becoming the richest pony of Clover River and probably of Gallopardia as a whole.
She pushed forward, with a brutal and merciless tactics, punishing indebters with no regrad for example-kicking widows and orphans without any care.
The other merchant princes were pushed to follow suite in order to keep up, so in general the situation has gotten worse and worse.
And it seemed, like any opposition just made Nobility double down, and so in order to stay a relevant competion, the other merchant princes had to follow suite.

Most here also were an earth pony majority. But beside unfortunate souls, there were also shadier members of the Trash Stable- like the Smash Gang, who included the biggest yaks and Earth ponies, and some of them hanged around the docks.
Will they try to blend in? Or let some friends (and enemies?) Notice them?

2020-09-30, 03:35 PM
"I'd have called it The Bottom of the Escape Plan Barrel, but Pickled Onions sounds snappier."

Sadly, Swift has to cut the conversation short as he pulls his sled into the docks, climbing a ramp up onto the streets. It may draw less attention to leave it behind along with the dogs, but only a fool would trust the dockhooves in the Trash Quarter of Clover River. The merchant has already lost enough for one day, thank you very much!

Keeping his head down, he takes in the sights and smells of the slums, astonished that things have somehow gotten even worse in his absence. Some things, like the seasons, just never change. "I see there's still plenty of work for you, Robbin." he remarks, a hint of bitterness in his voice revealing his distaste for the state of the city. It doesn't worry him, per se, since there is no one place in the world for him. But still, he feels for the people who have to deal with these circumstances.

Otherwise, he keeps his head down, relying on Robbin to show him the path. No use to make a big ruckus of his return when he's not even brought any gifts.

2020-09-30, 10:51 PM
"Pickled onions it is then." Robbin quips as he disembarks from the amphibious sleigh.

Robbin takes in the familiar sounds, sights, and smells of his hometown, trotting pensively ahead of Swift to lead the way to Mata Hairy's old shop: The Wheel'n Dealership. His brow furrows for a moment before he lets out a somewhat dejected sigh.
We live in a powderkeg: one spark, just one spark is all it would take to reduce these injustices to ash... and yet nothing has changed in all the time I've been gone...

Swift's comment brings Robbin back to reality; he nods gravely. "There most certainly is. There has been for a while, though I'd hoped some of my friends might have made some progress while I was away. I can only hope they are safe."

Robbin halts before an aged but well maintained shop. It looks pretty nice considering it's neighborhood: a kind of 'nice' that only survives if its proprietor is respected by the ponies next door. A weathered but easily readable sign hangs above the front entrance, reading: "The Wheel'n Dealership: Smashing Good Deals."
"It's getting a bit late; I'll probably try to find Trot Sky tomorrow if you want to come along for the trip. He's a smart pony, I'm willing to bet that he, at the very least, is alright."
Robbin knocks on the door to the shop. "And I would be more willing to bet on the Winter Princess' forgiveness than any harm having come to the fine lady who runs this establishment." :smallsmile:

2020-10-01, 04:24 PM
The door shake a bit, as somepony.. or probably some yak get to the door- it slammed toward the out side, possibly smashing one of the visiting pony.
her fur dyed in violet, wearing a headress with three firebird feathers, which spread warmth, and few golden jewelry with spherical pattern.

'Mata Hairy Welcome Customers!' she say relativly loud, but somehow a bit flirty. Her mane cover her eyes, her fur is relativly short for a yak,and she only one head taller then the average male pony- delicate flowers, in yak terms.

'Ah, Robbin. Mata Hairy like Robbin, even when he cause headaches. Come on in, you two,'

Her shop smell nice- of tea mostly. The shop look a bit like a nice, yet stuffy guest room, with a lot of stiched silks.
'Mata Hairy have heard of Robbin's second rebellion. Mata is pleasantly surprised to see Robbin has survived again.' she say as she pour tea to pair of decoarted cups of tea.

Mata like's Robbin's friend beard. Mata wish to know the name'

2020-10-01, 09:47 PM
Ah yes, that age old mistake of forgetting the door opens outwards. With a sound like peeling velcro, Robbin pries himself from the wall to his side, only to be whisked inside by Mata Hairy. When the world stops spinning, Robbin dusts himself off, smiles, and laughs.

"Hahaha! The feeling is mutual Mata, though it appears I'm not the only one who causes headaches... though that was my fault for forgetting the door opens outwards here. It's been so long! How have you been? It seems you know a thing or two of what I've been up to: survived this time by the skin of my teeth, and a chance meeting with Swift Calculus here, a traveling merchant and good friend of mine. Swift, this is the fine yak I mentioned: Ms. Mata Hairy."

Robbin makes himself a little more comfortable as the tea is being poured, letting his eyes wander around the shop.
He turns to Mata again once the beverages are ready: "I'm surprised the news of the revolt made it to you this quickly: it is your business to be in the know, yes, but Nobility has always put a lot of effort into hushing news of worker uprisings in the past... how much do you know about what happened in the mines? I find myself a little short on bits at the moment, but I would be more than happy to fill in the details of the happenings up north in exchange for lodgings for Swift and myself tonight. There's always favors of course, but I prefer not to rely on 'I Owe Yous' if I can: you get a reputation as a deadbeat after a while like that."

Robbin's brow furrows for a moment before he turns to Swift. "Come to think of it, we never had the chance to exchange tales ourselves: what has your life been like since we last met?"

2020-10-03, 09:20 AM
Unlike his companion Swift actually manages to avoid taking a door to the face. It's simple enough for him to observe that the door swings open outward by its hinges, and even more simple to realize that this is bad news when combined with a yak. He'd have warned Robbin, but, well, Mata is just a bit quicker than even he expected. "Yes, I see this lady is more than a hoofful to deal with." he thinks to himself as Robbin's promises are substantiated. With an appreciative smile he helps up his friend before entering the house.

Once inside, Swift pulls off his coat and hangs it up at the garderobe, stretching out a little in the warmth of the shop. "Thank you for the hospitality, Mata. Like my friend said, my name is Swift. I'm a traveling merchant, though I come from Clover River originally. It has been a long time since I've last visited, so it's nice to see the citizens of our town haven't lost their charm." Perhaps its a bit gratuitous, but it doesn't cost anything to return the yak's flirt.

Once seated down and with a steaming cup of tea before him, he relaxes and lets Robbin lead the initial conversation. All the better to really enjoy his beverage. It has a nice, full scent of snowberries and crawlroot, a departure from the usual watered down swill you'd get elsewhere. Mata really knows how to make her customers welcome, it seems.

"Goodness, must I take my turn already?" Swift plays at being annoyed that Robbin asked him about his journey before he's learned what has happened in his absence, but quickly gives up the pretense. "Alright, but only because I know you don't get any outside news otherwise. I've been roving all across the west, making small deals and exchanges here and there, seeing were opportunity took me. I've managed to pick up some more books for the collection." For a moment, he stops, quickly glancing about to see if anyone is listening in. Somehow, he discounts Mata from that particular equation. "Even some pre-winter ones. They contain just the most fascinating information. I got quite a few of them from this wizard who said he'd be leaving his home very soon. Though I'm not sure why he was so eager to hand them off to me, I'm rather glad he did.

I've also gotten into a scrape with some bandits at Stonebrook. Just some ruffians who thought they could disrupt my honest trade for their own benefit. I'll give you the details later, but suffice it to say I outsmarted them quite handily."

Hooray references! Especially hooray reference to the original Gallopardia game.

2020-10-04, 11:46 AM
Robbin chuckles and scratches the back of his neck sheepishly acknowledging that he hasn't filled Swift in on his end of the story yet. "Sorry to put you on the spot like that. Rest assured you'll hear what happened to me soon enough, though I'm guessing you can probably gather most of it from context and precedent."

Robbin sips his tea as Swift tells his tales, pausing with the cup halfway to his mouth when Swift mentions pre-winter books. "You're kidding. actual pre-winter records? That's more than worth its weight in bits right there! I'm glad they at least fared better than the onions! ...Strange that the wizard wanted to skip town like that though; you don't think there's a curse involved do you?"

Robbin looks concerned when Swift mentions his encounter with the bandits, but claps a hoof on his friend's shoulder with a grin on his face when he hears he got away unscathed. "Bandit troubles are worsening from what I've heard. I'm glad you managed to give them the slip. Glad, but not surprised."

Robbin considers his teacup for a moment before furrowing his brow. "What does law enforcement expect when poverty plagues the land? Of course ponies will turn to crime: they have little recourse."

He sets his teacup down before turning to both Swift and Mata: "Which is one reason why I've been doing what I have. A few months ago, I got caught after a labor demonstration me and a few friends set up was crushed by Nobility's enforcers. That probably isn't new to you, Mata, but I can elaborate on what came after the fact: first of all, a complete farce of a trial, and then exile to the griffonian city of Saberia. Nobility has a mining colony up there to the Northwest, though no worker with options on the table would choose to labor there. There are no safety precautions, so tunnels regularly collapse, and frostbite is as common as the snow and winds that cause it. Suffice it to say that the workers had had about enough of this already: they just didn't think anything could change."

Robbin takes a sip of his tea, before getting a wide, maniacal grin on his face. "Which means they were pretty banished stupid to send me there weren't they? Progress was slow, but eventually I was able to get them to understand the simple mathematical fact that there were twice as many workers as enforcers in the mine, and that a pickaxe can be as good as a scimitar under the right conditions. The initial revolt was a success, and we might have been able to hold it against the inevitable counterattack by the Cossacks... if our organization hadn't broken when some bright spark decided we ought to be arguing over splitting the mine's resources rather than fortifying our defenses."

Robbin sighs and considers his teacup again. "Some of the indentured servants and slaves, yes, slaves, managed to escape. They probably had an easier time of it than I did because they left before the Cossacks arrived... I just hope they've been able to keep that freedom."

Robbin brings his hoof down on the table (though not so hard as to knock over any cups), and looks both Swift and Mata in the eye.
"But successful or not, this revolt could easily be used to show the common creature the weaknesses of Nobility's rule: it took the Cossacks five days to mount a counterattack due to the distance between the mine and the nearest town. This is not an unusual scenario in these lands: we are dispersed, and Nobility is unpopular. She cannot keep everycreature down at once: only fear can do that, and fear can be overcome."

Robbin looks at his hoof on the table and remembers his manners, withdrawing it sheepishly. "Or at least, so I hope: it certainly won't be easy."

2020-10-06, 05:05 AM
Mata Hairy seems facinated, as far a pony can tell without looking into her eyes.
And maybe that why she hide them.
Her smile, widen a bit at Swift's flirting back.
Despite her colorful looks and attitude, she actually a good listener.
The yak even brought plate of yakkish tart-

https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57ebfe0b46c3c474983813f1/1562861127395-A8DQPZKJKPG4NTWEOP6B/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kLkXF2pIyv_F2eUT9F60jBl7gQa3H7 8H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLf rh8O1z4YTzHvnKhyp6Da-NYroOW3ZGjoBKy3azqku80C789l0iyqMbMesKd95J-X4EagrgU9L3Sa3U8cogeb0tjXbfawd0urKshkc5MgdBeJmALQK w/190625_JFS_June5512.jpg

"Yes... Mata's intel, was from a yak who carry the resource wagons of Nobility's company. This yak has ran away, when the revolt has started. It is shame, but is the sort of a situation, where the bigger foe will win the battle, but eventually will exaust on the long run.'
She is relativly talkative for a yak, as well.
Mata turn to Swift.
"Mata actually have heard of Swift Calculus. Matta is intrested in said books. Matts can arrange customers." she offer
"Also. Matta wonder. Does Swift Calculus know a mare called Love Nest?"

Of course... Love Nest is the mare which would probably would Swift Caclaus to claim, if the roads wouldn't have robbed him from her.

2020-10-07, 10:56 AM
Swift calmly listens to the story that Robbin tells, sipping on his tea and reclining in his chair. There is a relaxed, but approving smile on his face, his attention firmly set on whomever is talking at the moment. It is only when his friend asks once more about the wizard that a hint of annoyance sneaks into his voice and he glances aside. "I truly wish I knew. That stallion was quite secretive. Only said he wouldn't need them anymore, and that they should get into safe hooves. If only I knew the story behind it all..."

The rest, it seems, is politics. While Swift no doubt supports Robbin and wishes his efforts all the best, both of them know well that the merchant himself will never truly involve himself in it all. Such matters usually have the consequence of binding one down, and Swift could not imagine a worse fate than to be stuck to his commitments.

Holding carefully onto his cup to prevent it from spilling after his friend's grand declaration, he does at least promise one thing. "How about this, old friend? So long as I'm here in town I'll help you keep an eye on who you can trust. So long as there's greedy ponies like those bandits, you cannot just ask anyone to lead the charge to freedom. And I'd hate to see your next revolt fall apart over internal turmoils again. I'll even do it for free, so long as I don't have to do more." With a smirk, he downs a bite of yakkish tart. Hopefully Robbin will understand not to expect more.

Especially since Mata proceeds to make some even more interesting offers! "Customers, you say? Well, I have read plenty of these to completion, so I would be remiss not to share. Let's take a moment later to discuss fees, shall we?" For her question, however, he has to lean back for a moment and think. "Goodness. Love Nest? I can't say I...oh, hold on, that Love Nest? The one that used to dance at the head of the dragon's parade? In that old dress from her mother? It's been a long time, but I do recall her. What has she been doing all these years?"

2020-10-07, 10:46 PM
Robbin sighs after he hears that Mata already knew the minute details before grinning again."Well, so much for paying for room and board with my story then. I've always been in awe of your information network... I might have been a bit silly to expect to surprise you with this, but a creature can always hope I suppose. Nevertheless, it looks like I'll owe you one if you don't mind us crashing here for the night. At this rate, the whole of the trash stable is going to have a favor from me, aha!

Robbin takes a few contemplative nibbles of yakkish tart as he takes in the conversation that follows. "Huh, well that was a mysterious happening. Still, regardless of the wizard's tight lips, that was a very lucky trade you made: kudos!"

When Swift offers to help connect Robbin with the right ponies to do his work, Robbin sputters for a moment on a sip of tea, though he rallies well. He gives Swift a surprised, yet thankful look.
"Um... yes, that would be wonderful actually. I mean, I have a good network of friends here already, but they tend to trot in different circles than you. Are you sure about this? While this wouldn't bind our paths together or anything, and I would not expect more of you, this would still be the most involved with my work that you've ever been. Some ponies may not be able to tell the difference between a friend's kind actions and outright collaboration."

Robbin listens to the rest of the conversation interested but not entirely invested. He perks an ear at Swift's reaction to the mention of Love Nest, and begins turning it over in his head. Love Nest? Huh, never heard of her. She couldn't be... nah, I would have known if Swift was involved with a mare recently... recently... well maybe that's why you haven't heard of her now Robbin.

2020-10-08, 06:14 PM
Mata smile at Swift's agreement to do buisness.
'Mata apreciate merchants getting down to business. 30% of Swift's profit from this wouldn't be too much, now would it?' she start the haggle.
She turn back to Robbin. 'Mata is a business yak. But Mata Hairy is fair- Mata only knew of the beginning of the revolt. Robbin has brought important intel. This intel has many meanings- for example, usually Cossacks avoid jobs of suppressing the common folk- they are supposed to believe in freedom. Mata will have to research this, so if all Robbin wish is a room and board- you are welcomed. Just be discreet if it possible- Mata wouldn't want to deal with Nobility's bullies.'

and turn back to Swift. Her smile shrink just a bit.
'Mata remember. Love Nest has asked Mata about Swift Calculus, just yesterday. Mata Hairy was amused- Love Nest is supposed to be happily married.'

2020-10-09, 01:48 PM
To be entirely honest, Swift spends most of Robbin's objection wondering about what a 'kudos' is meant to be. Some kind of pre-winter term? He'll have to research it. That said, he does hear the last sentence of it all in particular.

"Collaboration? You mean like nearly drowning a battalion of cossacks with my cargo?" He chuckles, giving an exaggerated shrug. "Now don't misunderstand me, I'm not picking out your allies for you. I'm just going to make sure you don't end up in cahoots with a bunch of common ruffians."

His reaction to Mata's haggling, however, is not quite so graceful. "Thirty?!" he exclaims, for a moment loosing his grip on a plate and only catching it at the last moment. "I do like a woman who knows what she wants, but that is back alley robbery! Fifteen would be more than generous in my home town!" It really wouldn't be, but even so it's not an awful price. Even when haggling, Swift's never been one to try and rip another person off.

However, his competitive tune comes to a sudden stop when both Mata and Robbin end up staring at him over Love Nest's actions. "N-Now hold on, you two. Don't let your imagination gallop away with you. Love and I never had that kind of relationship. Even if she did give me that kiss at the Victory Celebration 20 years ago...

Mata, did she say anything more than that? Surely she's not yearning for a crush she had when she was still almost a filly?"

2020-10-09, 10:33 PM
Robbin inclines his head respectfully towards Mata. "Many thanks: as far as I can tell, we left our pursuers in the dust, and entered the trash stable discreetly, so I don't expect us to cause any trouble for you because of this. Aha, it is also somewhat heartening to know that you don't know all of my secrets: I've already had one omniscient mare in my life, and that is quite enough thank you. I really should introduce you to grandmare one of these days: I think you two would get along well." :smallwink:

Robbin takes a few more sips of tea as the conversation progresses, and chuckles sheepishly when Swift brings up Pickled Onions again. "I suppose you do have a point there: it may be a bit late to avoid being seen as a collaborator. I'm sorry about that..."
Robbin's mood brightens with laughter when Swift mentions "picking his allies for him."
"Ahaha! Have no fear Swift: I wouldn't ask you to do that. Don't get me wrong: I trust your judgment. It's just that I prefer to make my own calls in whom I work with anyway. That said, having an idea of whom not to ask would be invaluable. Thanks!"

Robbin listens to the debate on pricing with a smirk on his face. Capitalism. Capitalism never changes. When the conversation turns to Love Nest once more, Robbin shrugs half heartedly at Swift's protests.

"I was only staring because I don't know who this mare is. Any kisses past, present, or future, are business into which I will not pry, though being a slightly nosy pony, I am somewhat curious as to why she's sending a message now... though if you would prefer I step outside the room I promise not to listen at the door. Hahaha!... No, seriously, I won't: your privacy is important Swift."

2020-10-10, 06:11 PM
Mata Hairy keep haggling a bit. 'Well, Mata guess Swift didn't managed to earn much in Swift's journeys, but with 25 percent? Swift Calcalus the great merchant probably won't even notice!' She does it more for sports.

Mata smile to Robbin. 'Mata love eldery, so maybe one day.' pause and shake her head.
'Robbin better stay. Robbin might help. Love Nest is searching for her son... the colt was supposed to get back yesterday, but the guards refuse to help. She doesn't have enough money to question around... and even Mata, try not to gallop away too much. Mata wait for ponies to come to her, but... can't find anything.'

2020-10-11, 10:18 PM
Robbin grins when Mata considers a meeting with grandmare Maple. "That would be nice: hopefully someday soon, though life has a way of pushing back such meetings."

Robbin considers the conundrum of the missing foal while idly warming his hooves on his teacup, his expression growing more concerned as Mata continues. "Well, Nobility isn't going anywhere: this is far more urgent. A friend of Swift's is a friend of mine for better or worse: count me in this investigation. You said the colt was coming back from somewhere? It is somewhat unnerving that no further information has reached your ears on the matter so far: your network, as previously discussed, is second to none... And then there's the guards: they've never been that helpful to me, well, they've never intended to help me, but while they don't tend to be a friendly lot, they can be fairly loose lipped after you get a few mugs of cider in them. You'd think one of them would have talked by now..."

Robbin nibbles on a bite of yakkish tart, pondering the situation. It almost sounds like a cover up, but why would anypony want to cover up the disappearance of a colt? Well... besides the obvious and horrifying possibility of a foal slaver ring, please don't let it be that...

2020-10-12, 10:52 AM
Robbin has achieved the impossible, actually getting Swift a little flustered with his needling. "There is nothing to pry into! Me and Love...oh, forget it. Mata, just say what you have to say." The merchant slumps back with a sigh, cursing his childhood attractions.

Even so, his ears perk up when Mata reveals the reason for why Love Nest approached her. Something in his eyes twinkles, a spark ignited by the mere presence of a mystery. "My, that is....curious." There is a worrying hint of utter excitement to his tone, as though he is cheerful at the colt's disappearance. Which, in all honesty, he is. It's not every day that he's greeted at home with such a juicy mystery.

"Do tell where Love lives nowadays." he says, somehow having gotten up in the blink of an eye. Before so much as a second has passed, he has already flung his coat back over his shoulders. "Oh, and if you do have any more information that might help us, you can have the 30 percent you wanted! Consider it a special deal!"

2020-10-14, 07:51 PM
Mata Hairy nod.
'This colt was an apprentice of a smith. Love Nest say,that the smith sent the colt home, and that all what the smith know,'
Mata chuckle at Swift's generouse offer

2020-10-15, 09:30 PM
Robbin rests his head on his forehooves, thinking the problem over. "Blacksmithing... a good honest trade for a good honest colt. Well, I assume the latter part: all colts and fillies are at least a bit rascally at heart in my experience. Looks like we have a smith to talk to then, don't we? He may not know much about the event itself, but it doesn't hurt to know whom he knows. Well, that and we could check the area for clues."

Robbin uncrosses his forehooves and leans back in his chair, a faint smile on his face.

"Those are my thoughts, but I'll follow your lead on this Swift: you have the better instincts for mysteries. I'll do my best to help with my winning personality when applicable. Come to think of it, it couldn't hurt to ask some of my friends about this too: some of them were trying to organize a neighborhood watch group when I left, but princesses only know what became of that... But maybe we should wait to go forward with this in the morning, and after you two have cut your deal."

2020-10-16, 03:23 PM
"Morning?" Swift pauses for a moment mid-dramatic twirl, and takes a peek out of the window. Oh right. It is getting rather late. Very bothersome, that. He prances impatiently in place, hoping that by some miracle night will turn to day instead. Then, he relents, sinking back down onto his chair.

"Oh fine....It's best we have light while investigating, anyways." Grumbling to himself, he files away all the information he's just gotten in his head. The boy's profession, his mentor's statement, everything he can deduce from these truths. It's barely anything yet, and he just knows all the possibilities will make this a long, sleepless night.

In fact, should Mata want to negotiate still, he'll be willing to do so as well deep into the night. As fas as distractions go, it is a welcome one for him.

I'm okay with moving ahead to the next day, unless you've got some further plans, Igor. :smallsmile:

2020-10-17, 08:44 PM
Robbin chuckles at his friend's antics. "To be honest, I only just noticed the time a few minutes ago myself. I suppose it's only to be expected when you find yourself in a warm house with a kind host." Robbin smiles at Mata and winks playfully at that last remark.

Robbin observes Swift for a few moments, guessing at his thoughts from experience, before carefully rising from his seat. "I see the old gears are turning already, and if I've learned anything from Stalliongrad, it's that once the gears start turning, you're usually game to haggle. I'll excuse myself to bed early if you don't mind and leave you to that."
He turns to Mata and says in a false whisper, "Seriously, seven hours twenty seven minutes he haggled with that antiques dealer! This should be a test of wits and patience right up your alley."

Robbin winks at Swift after his quip, turns about once before exiting towards the attic, and wishes the two a fine evening before retiring for the night.

I'm fine with moving forward too. Sorry it took me so long to get that to you. :smallredface:

2020-10-19, 07:20 AM
Mata haggle happily with Swift, until she hear a knock.
'Mata agree.' she say in hurry. (after two hours of haggling)
'Now Swift gallop to the room. Mata suspicious of new guest.' the velvet yak wishper.

The room is very comftrable, especially all things considered. But simple- it consist of silk rugs and pillows, small table and shelf. With a window watching to the street, also the room offer a lot of hiding places.
A small research will find a trapdoor, under one of the rugs.

If they listen to the new comer, it's a guard, both know. Swift remember him as a bully in the streets, and Robin as an enemy.
Ruff Start has a very distinct heavy voice.
and very disitnct rudness.
'Hey, hairball! I KNOW a dangerouse rebel were seen heading your way! Where is he!?'

Would they allow Mata handle it, or would they intervern? or wait a bit more?

2020-10-19, 09:57 PM
Robbin had always been a light sleeper, which was truly a gift in his line of work. After waking with a slight start, Robbin recognizes the guard's voice and rolls his eyes around the time Swift enters. He puts a hoof in front of his mouth before approaching his friend.

Whispering, Robbin says the following: "Well that's a nasty piece of work to finish off a crabapple day... I'd be content to hide, but I don't want to cause any more trouble for Mata. What do you say, time for a repeat of the Yikslurbrfest Wassail?" Robbin lifts up an old hooded cloak lying in the room, likely forgotten by a previous occupant. "We even have the clothes for it!"

Robbin smirked as the memories came back: The Yikslurbrfest Wassail was one of Robbin's more festive escapes with Swift. It had happened during that most joyous Yakkish holiday of drinking, smashing, more drinking, and yet more smashing, but despite the raucous reveling, still wound up being a fairly peaceful affair. Robbin had staged a blacksmiths' strike three days before and Swift had been present to hear the renowned revolutionary Flattenear Lemon speak, but the town guards weren't exactly getting into the holiday spirit. What they didn't account for in their search was the difficulty involved in finding two specific ponies during an already spirited celebration... and then those ponies started a stable-wide wassail, or carousing parade/musical number. Nocreature got hurt, but the guards were forced to pay extra close attention to the streets that day, which made it rather easy for two earth ponies to slip away unnoticed long enough for the heat to die down. By the time the wassail had ended, Robbin and Swift had had enough time for a nap and a bite to eat before finding somewhere to lay low for a bit.

"If we pull this off carefully, we'll probably still be able to get a good night's rest here. What do you say?"

If Swift agrees to this plan, the idea is to put on cloaks, grab a couple mugs, sneak into the streets through the window and start a drunken flash mob/musical number made up of late night drinkers going door to door to ask for cider (this is an old holiday tradition in Britain and Wales actually) in the streets to distract the guard before slipping away.

For my tags, I was thinking Charismatic rabble-rouser (to encourage ponies to join the Wassail), blend into a crowd (to get away once the Wassail has started), possibly fiery speaker (to start a good drinking song to get the crowd's blood flowing), quick reflexes (to get out the window before Ruff Start makes his way here), and connections with the common folk (representing the creatures who Robbin has met and can get to join in and help fuel the flashmob).

So that would be 4-5 tags before taking Swift's actions into account.

If we go with this plan, I'll roll for it here now and we can add the tags later. If not, we can ignore this.

If the roll is bad, I'll spend a drama point to reroll:

I look forward to seeing what comes of this if we go for it. :smallsmile:

0.0 ... Those are some good numbers!

2020-10-27, 04:49 PM
Robbin's plan work beyond perfectly- actually bunch of drunken ponies just happened to be there, and it required very little to rouse them.

Rough Start getting out of Mata's house with raised Bardich*( (https://www.outfit4events.com/runtime/cache/images/redesignProductFull/ade_8005_02.jpg)
'Are you daring to mess with a guard's work, you lot?'
They.. drunken mob laughed at him, three pulling his bardich away,tossing it off.
"H-hey! You!'
Something threw jam at his face.
He roared, but they just dragged him into their party.

2020-10-28, 09:53 PM
Robbin takes Rough Start's now mandatory fun as his que to slip away, beckoning Swift to follow down an alley behind Mata's house when the opportunity arises.

"Looks like the evening just got more lively for our friend back there. If you ask me, he could use a good mug of cider... maybe five... every day. Honestly, you wonder how he winds up in such a foul mood so regularly."

Robbin considers the two mugs of cider bundled in his hooves. "Did you manage to get a mug of your own Swift? I was hoping to give one to Mata to apologize for the trouble, but I'll not leave you empty hooved for your troubles. Heh, it's a good thing Apple Malt was in that crowd; a fine fellow that one. I figure he must have been delivering his Special Brew tonight. We met when some foal of a noble tried to steal his recipe for it... let's just say that noble found out the hard way that 'proof' is not the same thing as 'percent...' I don't think there was a sober creature in the room after the barrels burst... aha, pardon me, I'm getting off topic. Shall we head back? We have a busy day of investigating tomorrow."

2020-11-06, 11:32 AM
Swift has to take a short sidestep as the guard's bardiche almost drops on his hat. Carefully balancing his mug in his mouth, he makes an uncoordinated dance through the thick crowd that has gathered, avoiding spillage more through sheer luck than skill. Finally, as he reaches the alleyway, he can only give a deep sigh, relieved to have made it.

Luckily, his reflexes make up for his temporary lapse of judgement, and after a moment of juggling the cider that he has accidentally dropped from his mouth, he manages to finally get a firm grip of it again. "Somebody really ought to invent a better way to carry drinks...." he grumbles, waddling after Robbin. "Yes, let's get back. There's much to do for us, and I'd rather not get distracted from it by any further guards."

2020-11-06, 09:51 PM
Robbin pensively looks up at the night sky at the mention of the awkwardness of mugs in hooves.
"Do you reckon they were a Griffon invention? Mugs I mean. Think about it: talons would be a better fit for these handles wouldn't they? ...Or maybe they were just made when somepony was under the influence of drink. Either way, I agree we should get back before we're bothered again, and... well, and thanks."

Robbin tries to put a hoof on Swift's shoulder before realizing that would be a bad idea while holding two cider mugs and opts to sheepishly grin instead.
"I have a lot of friends Swift, but what isn't apparent is that a lot of them are more 'good natured acquaintances' I suppose. Not a lot of ponies really want to get at all close to somepony like me. I'd get them in more trouble than they'd want. After a day like today, I'm both shocked and touched that you still want to associate with me... thank you for that."

A moment passes before Robbin shakes his head. He puts a more confident grin on his face before speaking again. "Well then, back to Mata's shop! I look forward to seeing what trouble you get me in tomorrow during our investigation. It will be a welcome change of pace.

2020-11-08, 06:48 PM
Back to Mata's shop.
'Thank you.' she say simply, and lock the door.
Mata say you should try to rest, If Nobility will be aware of your return, you will need to do a lot of leg in the near future.'

This time, the rest isn't interupted. (assuming they do rest)

it less darker then it was, when Mata wake them up.
'It almost sunrise.' she wishper.

2020-11-09, 07:50 AM
Robbin smiles sheepishly and offers the extra mug of cider he was carrying. "Well, you wouldn't have been in trouble in the first place if I hadn't been seen; I would have been a bad friend if I'd sat and done nothing. I know it's not much, but I suppose this cider is my reparations. Good cider mind you: some of Apple Malt's brew."

Robbin nods at her suggestion to go and rest. "Thanks, I was planning to hit the hay myself: we've got an investigation to begin tomorrow after all!"

Years of having to go from snoozing to galloping in a split second have made Robbin a light sleeper, so when he's woken up by Mata, he groggily nods and hops to his hooves.
"Almost sunrise, so best we get out before we're seen being here: good idea. Thanks again for letting us stay Mata, and again, sorry for the trouble last night. I hope today is a bit less eventful for you."

Robbin turns to Swift. "Swift? You ready to trot along? I'm following your lead today, so where do you want to start our inquiries?"

2020-11-10, 10:31 AM
Indeed, Swift has spent most of the night awake, eagerly counting the seconds until he can once more dedicate himself to his most favorite hobby. Guards, drinks, even sleep sometimes really just feel like they get in his way. He wonders, sometimes, if Robbin understands that. Or indeed, whether the stallion understands just how exciting life around him can be. Someday, he thinks to himself just before he drifts off to sleep, he'll get around to explaining it out loud.

Less than two hours later, a drooling and sideways-laying Swift awakens with a start at Mata's soft words. "Galloping gallants! What did I miss?!" When a swift look at the probably bemused faces of Robbin and Mata tells him that the answer to his question is 'nothing', he drops back down onto his flank for a moment, then jumps out of bed.

"You have my thanks also for the timely waking, Miss Hairy." he says as he hurries to put on his coat, taking only a quick sip from his tea-flask for breakfast. "We may not return for a while, both to throw off the guards and to spare you some trouble. Rest assured however that I will be back to discuss our book deal once more. A merchant keeps his word, after all."

After pausing a moment to tighten his belt, he'll then turn to Robbin. "First of all, let us consult Love Nest. She will have the immediately obvious facts of the case, and she will quite a bit better to know that I am on the case. We'll take the sled, it's faster and I do not want to leave it in one place for too long. Make sure to disguise yourself, too. The guards here can be stupid, but not blind."

2020-11-10, 07:47 PM
'Mata will expect Swift.' the colorul yak say to Swift with a smile.

'At this hour Love Nest probably at the inn she work at, cleaning and closing.'

2020-11-10, 11:25 PM
Robbin adjusts his winter coat while listening to Swift's early morning antics, grinning and humming to himself before pausing as he glances at a mirror on the wall.

Swift's words stir Robbin from his brief reverie. "Yes, Love Nest sounds like a good pony to start with, and I'd certainly feel better knowing you were on the case. Keeping the sled on the move sounds wise: an object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest is likely to be either impounded or stolen 'round these parts, aha..."

At the mention of a disguise, Robbin turns back to the mirror on the wall, stroking his wild and overgrown beard contemplatively. "Yes... a disguise would be wise... and I think I know how to start. Mata, do you have a razor on hoof or some shears? I find I have a somewhat forgettable face when I don't have a nine hoof long beard. Besides that, I managed to get a fetching hat last night from a friend, and the funny thing about hats is that I always find ponies remember them more than they do faces anyway. A hat can be discarded, so their loss."

If Mata has a razor or shears on hand, Robbin will give himself a quick trim.

His hat looks like this:

2020-11-14, 02:54 PM
Swift thanks Mata with a smile and a wink as he leaves her home, doing his best to look casual despite his giddiness. Once outside, he'll hurry to the sled, checking on his dogs and adjusting their reigns as he speaks to his freshly shaven companion.

"I don't know how you do it. Were it not for the fact that I know you I'd barely be able to recognize you. Still, let us go on a last name basis for now. There are plenty of more Hooves than there are Robbins, after all."

Once he's made sure that everything is in its proper place, and has given his pets a snack for their troubles, he'll jump up onto his ride. After pulling in Robbin as well, he gives the reigns a quick smack, starting their journey into a grand old mystery.

2020-11-14, 07:59 PM
(The Trash Stable of Clover looks something like this (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/64/65/2b/64652b08a8765ce9984e4aca17a4547a.jpg) but grittier and poorer)

The inn where Mata directed the earth pony duo is nearby the bridge that connect between the Trash Stable and the Clover Heart.
'The Drinking Hole' it called simply, marked by donut shaped wooden sign.

The big market is in the Clover Heart, but many travelers and poor merchants can't afford the inns there.
So the Drinking Hole give a soluation. Also, fisher ponies and sailors often visit the place. The Night is chill and cold, and not many fools are venturing outside.

Few drunkens outside of the inn, snoring, facing the dangers of hypothermia. The door wasn't fixed, as Robbin notice.
Calcaulus might notice, this is a newer door then he remember.
inside... there is a smell of soap, but it can clean off the stench of years of drinking and vomiting, sinking into the rotten wooden floor giving it a very specific aroma.

The hall is quite, and almost empty.
the hearth is filled with embers about to die out. Playing cards, are spilled, as few broken cups, and even a small blood stain on the floor- but half of the tainted hall is already clean.
A shilouette is seen.

A mare, in worn yet, relatively clean wench dress. Her head shake to the sides, as she mop the floor, her two colored mane- pink and yellow is wet and undone, and so is her tail.
But Calcalus can't not recongnize her. Even if she has grown, and no loner a slinky teenager.

Her body tense, as the two ponies enter.
'I told you already, we are CLOSED! Until sundown!' she barked, without even looking back, cursing, as by yelling, she dropped the mop.

'Please! I have things to do! My family need me, so just let me finish my job, you stupid drunks!' she stomped angerly, and slided on the soapy water, with her face on the floor and rump up.
She whimpered.

2020-11-14, 10:41 PM
Robbin chuckles at his friend's comment. "It has come in handy more than once; I consider it one of the few gifts the Princesses could afford me at birth, though my mom considered it a nuisance when trying to find me among my friends as a colt. As for going with last names, you certainly have the right of it there: definitely more Hooveses than there are ponies with my first name. I've met a Handy Hooves, an Idol Hooves, hay, I even met a Derpy Hooves once, though I've no idea what the name 'Derpy' is supposed to mean. Could be Prench for all I know. She traveled with some funny doctor, though I couldn't for the life of me tell what kind of doctor he was, except maybe a quack, but I like to give the benefit of the doubt. Never saw them again though."

Upon arriving at The Drinking Hole, Robbin winces at the drunken ponies snoring outside. If they're not back on their hooves by the time we leave, I best see if I can help them find a warm spot to sleep that off. Wouldn't be the first time I've gone looking for such a place myself.

He raises his eyebrow at the door, before entering with Swift and seeing the busy mare face plant, eliciting yet another wince from Robbin. He turns to Swift and waits to see how he approaches this situation.

2020-11-16, 01:10 PM
A doctor, you say?" Swift finds himself pondering for a moment. Derpy and a doctor, that sounds deceptively familiar. Didn't he read about somepony like that some time ago? "No, that's impossible. It can't be the same people. Those records talked about events more than five hundred years ago! Utterly impossible." If pressed, he'll share that much, but stress his opinion that it must be coincidence. He is a stallion of logic, after all.

As he passes by the slumbering drunkards, he does a quick skip over a particularly badly placed pegasus' wings. His landing shakes the inn's wall just enough to slowly cause a bottle on the windowsill to roll, and eventually fall off onto one of their heads, when Swift is long since past him. Their fate of a combined concussion, frostbite, and hangover is not to to be envied.

Swift himself, however, is too busy pitying another pony to really consider the consequences of his own actions. Taking just a step into the room past Robbin, he frowns, his chest tightening at the sight of his...of Love Nest in such a sorry state. "You still work so hard for everyone, Love." he says, before moving over to her, just slowly enough for her to not get spooked. Once she's had a moment to realize who is speaking to her, he'll extend a hoof to help her up. "It's about time you've had some help of your own, don't you think?"

He's confident she'll see past his unrecognizable visage. Because, for as much the years seem to have changed the both of them, there are some things that mark her unmistakably as Love, and him unmistakably as Swift.

2020-11-16, 01:55 PM
Love Nest's dripping muzzle from soapy water was lifted, the purple shade of her coat was still strong like a good wine.
Her warm honey like eyes have widened.
Cal...calus. Calculus. Swift Calculus' she said in slowly in shocked recognition, the streams of tears have slowed down.

She gasped, and took his hoof. 'You are here. You really are.' her mane was a wet and long mess, and she looked so tired, but now her face shined with rainbow range of emotions.
'Swifty.' and collapsed into a hug.
'How did you knew? After all those years, when.. when I am really desperate, you.. simply came. I prayed, I wished upon a falling star.... now I know everything will be... alright. Thank you.' she whimper.
Her ear perk, blushing a bit, she finally notice Robbin, sliding just a bit away from Swift.
'Oh. You have brought a friend. Why don't you two take a seat, and I'll serve you some cider and breakfast? My boss is asleep, he won't notice.'

2020-11-16, 10:50 PM
Robbin would have asked why Swift got such a thoughtful look on his face at the mention of a doctor, but will agree that it has to be some odd coincidence that he met a similar couple. "Perhaps it's one of those 'statistical inevitabilities' you were telling me about from your reading? You wait long enough it's bound to happen again or some such? No matter, it seems we've arrived."

Robbin stops to make sure the drunkard who just got bopped by a booze bottle isn't seriously injured before entering.

Robbin smiles upon seeing Love Nest's reaction to seeing Swift again. When she notices him, he nods respectfully and tips his hat.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Nest; the name's Deft Hooves. Haha! Far be it for me to turn down a meal when offered, though only if you're sure you won't get in trouble with your boss."

Robbin moves forward and offers a hoofshake, matching the firmness or gentleness of Nest's. During the hoofshake, he continues. "Me and Swift are more recent acquaintances than you and he, but we've had our fair share of misadventures. As for how we found out about your current predicament, let's just say I happen to also be a friend of one Mata Hairy, whom I introduced to Swift just yesterday."

Robbin's face grows grave for a moment. "I'm not an expert detective like Swift, but I'll offer what skills I can to the cause. Missing Foals' cases ought to be taken more seriously by the guard than this, though the guard have never exactly been paragons of sanity have they now..."

2020-11-21, 12:38 PM
Swift grants Love a warm, gentle smile as she looks at him, and even while she grabs his hoof to get up. Yet, when she wraps her arms around him, pulling him into her embrace, he freezes up and can just barely bring himself to hug her back. Her head sinking into his shoulder, and her heartbeat able to be felt, they all bring back emotions that he's long put out of his mind.

It's a mercy when Robbin distracts her before Swift can do anything stupid. He shakes his head to get his thoughts back in order, then picks up a dry washcloth from a nearby counter. "Here, let's get your mane dry before you catch a cold." Giving it to her, he'll then seat himself at a nearby table, pulling his friend with him if at all possible. The firmness with which he does so definitely gives them impression that he's serious about accepting Love's kind offer.

"I do always come back, Love, even if it takes me some time. On this occasion, I'm just glad that I did when I did." he explains, planting himself down on an empty chair. "Mata told me all about what happened to you....and to your son. You're...well, I can't resist a good mystery, you know me!...And, of course, I couldn't stand the guards not helping you.

Me and Deft want to help you. Please, can you tell us all about what happened since I was here the last time?"

2020-11-21, 07:49 PM
Love Nest still blushing a bit, like a young mare would, drying her mane. In Gallopardia, wet mane was an actual danger.
She took a deep breath, reminding herself how old she was, and gave a weak, and weary hoofshake to Robbin.
'I am happy, that Swift isn't always alone. Sometimes he looks.. I mean... looked somewhat distant. I am... rambling' and she trotted to the kitchen, ranting to herself.
'Nesty, you are married and have a family. Get hold of yourself.' she scolding herself, beliving nopony hear her.

She is getting back, carrying a tray between her teeh, putting it on the table. The edges of the wooden tray seemed chipped from overuse.
On the tray a simple clay jug with wheat cider, and three bowls with bursht (https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/images/2017/01/20161212-borscht-vicky-wasik-13.jpg)*- a beetroot soup with a sour cream, alongside few pieces of dark looking bread, clearly from leftovers.

Love Nest has allowed herself, this little break as she took a seat, pouring three cups of strong wheat cider.
'Mata Hairy is a very kind Yak. She could have easily set her shop in better parts of the city.... but she do care.' the mare smiled, and started to eat.
'Well, since you left?' she looked at Swift.
'Mostly, Merchant Princess Nobility became the most powerful pony of Clover River, the City Council is under her wing, and all the other prince merchants, are following her exampe- they force us to pay our debts, as fast as possible, with less and less caring of cirucatmances. So many are working for basicly free, if they do really bad even into work camps. Those who can't work usually simply kicked out of the city, usually the eldery and the sick.' she sigh. she drink a cup. 'For my mother,' and pour another round.
'My mother, I couldn't save her. And she refused to stay in my one room hut. I don't think I'll ever see her again...'
Long pause.
'Ponies are unhappy, there have been riots.. but it seems to make Nobility double down... those.. are the general 'news'. On the personal...' she pause, and finish her bursht.
'I.... got married.' she say with folded ears, as if with guilt. Was it toward her husband, or toward Swift?
'He doesn't make my heart flutter, as mare fantasize, but.. he is good pony. And he try.' as if apoligitcly. 'It's Dull Axe.'
Swift know the guy. Robbin MIGHT know the guy.
What significant about him, it's how insignificant and harmless this pony is. Wether as youth, wether as an adult. Literally a grey pony, with a very little imagination or skill- though, he wasn't laughingly bad at anything, nor mean spirited. He was just.. is. Existing.

He isn't an interesting pony, not even some family drama... it's probably comfortable to settle your life with a pony like that. He is from a family of lumberjacks, and so he does today.

'And.. we have a son. Swift Hit, I called him. He is very energetic.... and... we wanted a better life for him, so we saved for years, money to buy an apprentice position from a blacksmith we know, the other way for him to adfvance would be to train as a guard or a mercenary... Hit would love it, but we don't want such life for him. And he was supposed to get back... yesterday... for a holiday vacation.' her eyes start to tear, and she drink more.
'Dull is a forced labor worker, and he work hard, so they allow him to go back home at all...' she cover her face.
'And even if he wasn't... I.. don't think he would do anything beside going to the guards- but they simply don't care- they laughed at me. Me, myself, not a forced abourer yet- but if I ditch to go to look for him.. seriously, the boss will fire me, and then Nobility will take our house, and Dull won't even have WHERE to return to, or have food to eat.' Love Nest cry and drink
'Instead of searching for him, I am stuck with pleasing those stupid drunkens, and Dull stuck, working his flank off, for basicly free.'

she drop her head on the table, look misrable.
'I... don't want to manipulate you, Swift. And I don't think I have a way to properly pay you, but please...' tears flow in streams from her eyes.
'Help me. Save Swift Hit.' she beg.

2020-11-24, 01:41 PM
Ah, good old Dull. Swift remembers him, if barely. In his youth, he often wondered how a single pony can be quite so sedentary all on his own, even with a name as unfortunate as his. His is a life Swift will never understand, nor does he particularly care to. Like a flame snuffed out from lack of oxygen, he would waste away from the sheer lack of excitement near one such as Dull Axe.

That this pony in particular ended up married to Love Nest....well, she had to find somepony, didn't she? It's not like Swift ever was there, and nopony survives Gallopardia all on their lonesome! Really, it's reasonable that she picked someone so inoffensive. He never....Swift just would have been...if she considered him...

His ears too fold down. There's a hint to regret to his gaze for just a moment, then. And just as suddenly, it passes, as the merchant brings back to his mind that ultimately, things are better this way.

Soon, however, these thoughts are washed away as Swift listens intently to Love's story, theories forming in his mind. There is something intriguing to all this, a hint of possibly dangerous truths. Of secrets. Even if it were not this old special somepony asking him, he would agree to help in a heartbeat. Gently, he places a hoof on her shoulder.

"Now, now, Love. You know you don't have to pay me to investigate the truth. I'd never miss out on it. Come now, let's talk a bit more about your son. You said he wanted to be a guard?"

2020-11-24, 03:56 PM
It seemed, Love Nest shared a similiar train of thoughts. She tried to hide her blush.
'Ri-tight. Swift Hit... is an energetic colt, and enjoy stories of adventure....but those just aren't meant to ponies... like.. us. And many of local guards are just... bullies. Actually, Swift, most guards of our age group were the bullies in our youth- violent angry ponies, who now get paid, for being violent and angry.'
She sigh. 'I didn't wanted Swift... to be like them, and Dull Axe, said that his father believe, that 'hard work pull the stupid out of pony', and we sent him to train as blacksmith- it's better life then what we have... and he can create weapons and tools, while not actually getting in danger- or... so I thought.'
Her ears fold
'Swift Hit... can be reckless. Always picking fight with the bullies, and doesn't know when to shut up... in a better world, he would have been growing to be a hero... but nowdays, in Clover River... it's just... stupid.' she face hoof.
'He was returning on weekends. He still dreamed of being something more- but the challenges of blacksmithship are entertaining enough for him.... at least... he said so.'
She swallow another sob.
'In his free time, he played with the orphans from the orphanage, or nagged mercenaries and travelers to tell him stories... we told him to stop this.. but...'
Love Nest force a smile.
'Maybe Swift... Hit is alright. Maybe he just went on some misadventure, and then he.. will be just... back.. with his wide toothy smile...' her eyes started to tear

2020-11-24, 04:02 PM
Robbin scratches his clean-shaven chin with a hoof in thought at the mention of Dull Axe. Dull Axe... wasn't he that pony who droned on for half an hour on the history of industrial lumber cutting at that revel three years ago? Hmm, hard to say, though that may be the point: I've got a forgettable face; he's got a forgettable... well, not be be cruel, but a forgettable everything. No matter, what's done is done...

He returns his gaze to the other ponies at the table, listening mostly, though he has to bite his tongue at the description of the city's current sorry state.
So the whole city is now basically the same as that blasted camp I was exiled to! This won't do! This, grr, harrghvnltvgdsd!

Love Nest's sobbing breaks Robbin out of his rage-trance, and his gaze softens. He follows Swift's lead, and places a hoof on top of the one Swift put on Love's shoulder.
"Asking for help or justice isn't manipulation: it is your right, no matter what Nobility would like to think."

Robbin looks around the room to double check that nopony is listening, and if none are, then he will whisper to Love, "If you need any assistance while we are on this case, tell Apple Malt at The Distillery that a certain Hooves said to meet with the Sky Trotter. If he asks why, say that 'change needs both kindness and anger.' It's my motto you see. He can help you find ponies who can assist: they can't provide coin, but they will help how they can, though I expect they've been hard at work themselves lately."

Robbin leans back after that and leaves the talking to Swift, realizing he'll probably owe Trot Sky a favor for this once all is said and done.

2020-11-26, 12:58 PM
Swift nods sagely as Robbin gives Love some advice, liking the idea of somepony else looking after her in his stead. Sure, there's danger involved in being with those free thinkers and rebels, but it's not like Nobility and her guards make things much safer either.

"It's entirely possible, Love. I'll make sure to check every lead." he reassures her, before pressing his hooves together with a furrowed brow. And it's not because she named the colt after him, though that is certainly brow-furrow-worthy. "Tell me, has he been acting differently lately? Or had any unusual stories to share? Anything at all that seems curious in hindsight?

Aside from that, who is this smith he's apprenticed to? He might know something, and if not we could still search the road that Hit would have taken to get home. We may still find clues even now." There's always something buried in the snow. Most people just aren't crazy enough to dig.

2020-11-27, 02:18 AM
Love Nest smile and look thankful at Robbin.
"Tha-thank you. Both for the kind words.. and the advice. Even if they will just listen, or talk to me without accusing me of sloth or something... it will be a great help for me.

"I apreciate it, Mister Hooves. Ponies are getting crankier... and competetive. Somepony who used to be my friend beg of me, to retire, because she herself about to fall into debt-work. But... I MUST have this job. I... do sneak food for her. But she still hate me. Call me selfish and traitor" she say with folded ears.

Her eyes widen. "Swift! Do you think Jolly Gal would be desprate enough to kidnap Hit as hostage?!" her eyes have widened.
Jolly Gal had the widest smile in their age group and best friend of Love Nest.
Intense mare, pushing everypony to party harder.
In theory she could be a popular tavern wench...

"Mmm. A week ago, he said that the Captain Of the guard has visited the orphange ... and it worried him for some reason...' she tap her chin.
"And the blacksmith.. is an unicorn, but a hardworking one,called Spirit Hammer and-"

"Hey!!!" A yell is heard from the back of the inn.
"Nesty! You better be working, when I get there,and be ready with a breakfast for me!!! Hurry,Nesty, or I'l become nasty!"

Love Nest's eyes widen. "You have to go!"

2020-11-27, 10:55 AM
Robbin listens as Love Nest speaks, staying quiet so Swift can mull over the details.

The moment Love's boss calls out, Robbin quickly, and surprisingly quietly, spills some of each seated pony's soup and cider onto their trays to make them look like dirty dishes. He then quietly hops to his hooves, spins around, grabs Swift's hoof before he can object, and if he doesn't resist, will canter over to the exit with him, turn to Love, tip his hat, and leave, with the whole set of actions orchestrated almost like a dance... almost as if he has done this exact same thing several times before. :smallwink:

Should I roll for this Igor?

2020-12-02, 01:39 PM
"Love, let's not worry about any kidnapping yet. Jolly is many things, but no-agck!"

Before Swift can even respond to all that Love has said, he is whisked out of the tavern, unable to even say his goodbyes. All in all it's a remarkably convenient way to exit a location, as he never was very good at even momentary goodbyes. Outside, he has to wait for a second so the world stops spinning before his eyes, but then quickly breaks into a gallop alongside Robbin.

Once back at the sled, he wastes no time catching his breath, rather breaking into a short fit of laughter. "Ohoho! This is going to be most exciting! Escapes and orphanages and the captain of the guard! Did you hear that part about the captain? Goodness, Robbin, I smell a fine mystery brewing, even if it's unrelated to our disappearance! Come on, let's hit up that blacksmith!" Oddly elated, despite Love Nest's worry and the closeness of their escape, he already grabs the reigns of his dogs and readies himself to drive. "We'll look at the road on our way there, and then we'll check out Hit's room. I do love digging through other ponies' possessions!"

2020-12-02, 03:27 PM
Robbin raises an eyebrow for a moment, before smiling. "We certainly aren't wanting for leads. Just remember that there are ponies on the other side of this mystery, kay? Otherwise, I'll keep following your lead: it's always a joy to see your mind at work, haha!"

Robbin braces himself for what he expects will be a bumpy ride, holding his hat to his head with a hoof. "Onwards to the blacksmith's then!"

2020-12-03, 04:21 PM
In Total, Clover River has eight bridges- three between the outer stables, to the Heart Stable, one between the Gold Stable and the Iron stable, and another one between the Iron to the Trash stable.
There used to be a bridge between the Trash and Gold stables, but it was destroyed- the City Council claimed, that this bridge, were only useful for thieves and bandits.

The Iron Stable. Under the sun, which lazily dragged into the sky, a silvery orb, shinnier then the moon in the blindningly white sky, making the snow shine.
The streets were clean, with no drunkens or confused eldery lost in the snow- even if not as fancy as the Gold Stable
Even this early in the morning, this stable was humming with buzzing activity- craft ponies started to craft, or take orders from merchants and customers, laborers moved prodcuts and resources to here and there.
Smart customers trotted around to get the best craft ponies.
Most houses here had two stores, and even had the 'onion' roof-https://www.touropia.com/gfx/d/destinations-in-eastern-russia/esso.jpg?v=73a295677620bc4d9a8f07c084cc9a73 (https://www.touropia.com/gfx/d/destinations-in-eastern-russia/esso.jpg?v=73a295677620bc4d9a8f07c084cc9a73) a status symbol.

The craft ponies, unlike the lower class, were hard to replace- skill was harder to get then labour and they knew it. They also united in guilds, which granted them rights and a representation at the city council.
Robbin know, that even though, they didn't bully the 'trash' ponies, and even had relativly fair working relations with them, they didn't went out of their way to aid them. Also, they had tight relationship with the merchant class, even if sometimes they were rivals.
Some might define them as middle class of sort.

The Smith is an unicorn called, Horseshoe Theory, and he was levitating the hammer down on an axe. Moustached stallion pony, already working, though already looking tired.

2020-12-06, 04:01 PM
"Oh, I've not forgotten, Robbin. Though sometimes I do wish I could..."

Ah, the iron stable. As a merchant, even a wandering one, Swift is in the very helpful position of having been here more than one time. The goods these ponies produce form half of his lifeblood, after all, the other half being the results of the common folks labor. A stallion like him lives the life of an in-between, a bridge between two worlds that would otherwise barely intersect.

Yet some ponies would burn those very bridges on which they rely. What blind arrogance.

Still, despite that and other moody thoughts lingering at the back of his mind, least of all about his reunion with Love Nest, Swift makes as enthusiastic an entrance as usual. Throwing the door to the forge open, he swaggers into the swelteringly hot room. "Mister Theory, I take it? Excuse us for barging in so suddenly. I am Swift Calculus, and this is my friend Deft Hooves. We've heard a certain Swift Hit was apprenticed to you until recently?" From here on, he lets the Blacksmith talk.

It's something he discussed with Robbin on the way here. It's best to first figure Horseshoe Theory's demeanor before they state who they are. Not everyone needs to know that they're friends of his family, after all.

2020-12-07, 03:27 PM
The bushy eyebrowed unicorn, stop his smithing after a moment.
"Yes. I am.' He say shortly and concern shadow his face.
"...Did he break anything? Is he ok? I will pay the damage just send him back home, his parents are very worried"

He has set of tools and weapons.ready for purchase- some of them glow with magical aura

2020-12-14, 01:57 PM
Swift throws Robbin a short, confident smirk. It seems like this stallion will be cooperative. Really, if only were witnesses were like him! His expression staying as confident as it was, and only a little bit less mirthful, he turns back to the blacksmith.

"No, no. Nothing quite so bad. In fact, we are old friends of the family and have offered a hoof in finding him. Solving mysteries is something of a passion of mine, you see, and with the guards being busy elsewhere I figured I could step in and do what I do best. We were hoping that perhaps we could see where he lived, and find some sort of clue where he may have gone."

As he finishes his sentence, his eyes begin to wander along the racks and shelves of artifice. Quite curious. Is there more to this blacksmith than what Love thought to mention?

"Goodness, what an assortment. That's a chain of coiling, if my eyes don't betray me. And of good quality too, not a single dent for the magic to slip out. Have you been teaching Swift Hit magic as well?"

2020-12-15, 10:10 PM
Robbin returns Swift's grin upon hearing Theory speak, thinking the following to himself. Thank goodness: this makes the second helpful stallion I've met since returning

Outwardly, he tips his hat respectfully to Theory. "Name's Deft Hooves Mr. Theory. I'm a friend of Swift's, and by extension, Mrs. Nest's. A pleasure to meet you."

Robbin takes a look around the room himself, albeit with a slightly different eye, silently considering more... revolutionary uses for the goods. Hmm, with three stockpiles like these, you could probably arm at least 100 creatures. The problem is training though... we'd need more than this to support an uprising. Still, it can't hurt to be polite to the guy.

2020-12-16, 06:13 PM
'Thank you, good sir. I see you have a keen eye.' Horseshoe Theory say proud in his work.
'But sadly, no. Not really..' the unicorn sigh, levitating from under the table bent pan. Ugly nasty looking thing.
'Don't get me wrong, I care for this colt- he give me renewed energy, after my daughter got married and left me alone here.... but I don't he'l ever be a good smith.'
He shake his head. 'Dull and Nest, have worked so hard for this. I can't just send him back, even with the money back- it truly is, his best option for a better life....' he pull out more failed creations- all the same- bent as if angerly.
'He is passionate and energetic, but lack patience- he act, as if he sat once on hedgehog, so he never wish to sit again.' he chuckle.
'Swift Hit is also a reckless one... and to be a good smith, you need not only power- but also, patience.... steadiness. And to make things even harder, he has pride, unfitting for his age and skill- every time, he fail like that, he run off, without letting me to teach him how to do better...' he shake his head.
'Of course, I don't tell all that to his mother. Her heart will be broken... I am patient...maybe with enough time, I could forge him into a good smith, but it won't be easy'

2020-12-20, 10:36 AM
At first, Swift continues to examine the various trinkets and goods around him, fascinated what just a little bit of craftsponyship can do. However, as the blacksmith opens up his heart about his student, his attention is caught once more. Hit's passion, if nothing else, is a huge clue. "A colt like him...." His eyes slowly wander towards Robin, betraying the obvious comparison going through his head. ...can get into a lot of trouble."

"Trust that my lips are sealed, Mister Theory. You'll get plenty of time with the boy yet, we'll see to that." For a moment, he lifts up one of the pans, examining it. The boy has strength, that's for sure, but not of a directed kind. And if his mentor has not taught him complex magic, it's unlikely anyone else has. All things to note, for sure.

"If you don't mind-" he starts, putting the pan back down. "-it would be a good idea to search his room. Perhaps he's left some clues of where he could have gone."

2020-12-20, 11:31 AM
Robbin shuffles nervously at Swift's gaze, before remembering he's not a colt reporting his latest misdeed to Grandmamare, and straightening his posture before clearing his throat.

"Yeah, checking his room couldn't hurt. If my friend's assessment of the colt is right, I may be able to intuit where he may have kept some things he may not have wanted you seeing Mr. Theory, well, if he had any such things."

Robbin trots towards Swift, perhaps as they are moving towards the staircase, and whispers the following to him through his teeth. "I'll have you know that as a colt, the guards only got called to my house because of me once, and it wasn't really my fault: it wasn't my idea to find out what the guard was stockpiling all that saltpeter and charcoal for... lesson learned of course..."

Robbin winks sheepishly, and continues on his way.

2020-12-21, 04:46 PM
'O-Of course! I should have thought of it myself!' Horseshoe Theory face hoof.
'I'll show you-' a knock on the door and a hooded figure enter the workshop.
'Huh. It seems I have a customer. Just go upstairs, and the left room belong to Swift Hit'


The room isn't big. But for a colt of his original social status to have his own room- was quite rare.
A simple bed stand there, with a small desk, closet and small chest and an open window.
The room is a mess. On the bed there is a wooden soldier you, on the desk a broken horseshoe.
From the window... a rope is hanging.

And once you enter the room, you hear a tiny shriek.
Or did you?

2020-12-24, 07:52 AM
Robbin stands stock still when he hears the sound, taking note of the rope out the window as well. He gives Swift a meaningful look, but puts a hoof to his mouth in a shushing gesture. He then quickly and quietly begins to search for the source of the noise.

Adding tags perceptive and quick reflexes to my roll:
I'll spend a drama point to reroll if necessary:

Edit: no need for that Drama point I see.

2020-12-24, 11:50 AM
Swift, ever the expert at stealth and subterfuge, nods and presses himself flat against the wall in an exceedingly pointless gesture. Whatever point there may be to the extravagant pose he is striking as he does so, he does not say, but his expression at least is deadly serious. And he keeps his mouth shut, so that's good.

2020-12-24, 05:31 PM
The noise came from under the bed.
Something shifting under there. And if you pay attention you can hear a meep.

2020-12-24, 06:12 PM
Robbin pauses upon determining the direction of the frightened noises. He puts a hoof under his chin as he thinks, before grinning as a lightbulb is momentarily visible above his head before disappearing. He then speaks aloud so he can be heard by the denizen under the bed as he trots over to the window, covertly gesturing to the bed as he does.

"Calculus? What do you make of this: Ms. Nest would probably be concerned by all of... this. If we don't find your namesake soon... *sigh* the poor thing's already worried sick."

Robbin then gives the bed a pointed look once he is in front of the window. He gestures for Swift to be in front of the door as he continues.
"If we could at least tell her he was safe, that would help ease her mind immensely..."

Robbin then starts counting down to ten in his head. Let's give the colt a chance to come clean

2020-12-26, 07:23 PM
'But he isn't safe! I don't think so!' chrip a tiny squeaky voice.
'oops. Cat's sounds! I am just a cat! Mew!'

2020-12-27, 12:22 PM
Robbin raises an eyebrow at the "cat's" words, but goes along with it for now.

"Well, I see no need to rock the boat for the moment Mr. cat, but you should know that we're here to help out Swift Hit if he's in trouble. Is there anything you think we should know so we can assist on that front?"

While he waits for a response, Robbin quickly checks the rope attached to the window to see if it was thrown into the window from outside, or dropped down from inside the room.

2020-12-29, 01:42 PM
Swift stays glued to the wall for several seconds, utterly absorbed in his attempt at genuine, no-holds-barred stealth! It is only when he realizes that Robbin and the 'cat' are having a conversation that he slowly slinks away from it, looking around conspiringly to make sure nobody spotted him.

"Looks like the coast is clear....." he says, more to himself than anyone else. "You'd better make this fast, Mr. Cat. Else somepony with less good intentions discovers the rope you used to climb into this chamber."

That much is basic deduction, of course. As saddened as Horseshoe Theory may be, he would certainly not miss somepony entering his shop. And had Swift Hit been the one to open his window like this, surely it would have been closed by now. Nopony leaves their windows unlocked at night in Gallopardia, much less in Clover River. Thieves and the oppressive cold make sure of that. Ergo, somepony must have opened up that window recently, most likely clambering up that rope.

"That's a lot of danger to go through just to check on a friend." he adds, slinking towards the chest in the room and checking it for dust. After noting from that whether it has been disturbed recently, he'll open it up.

2020-12-29, 03:44 PM
'MS. Cat!' the voice correct.
'Mm.. I mean... meow.' pause.
'How... do I know that you aren't working for THEM?'

No dust on the chest. It seemed to be used frequently.
Inside, there is a small plank of wood, with curving in a process- it seemed, Swift Hit tried to make a family portait by carving it.. with a very limited success. There were carving tools inside, and on the book of the blank 'For dad and mom'

2020-12-30, 11:32 PM
Robbin stops his inspection of the rope when "Ms. cat" talks about "Them." He looks over to Swift for a moment with a raised eyebrow before turning back to the bed.

"Well Ms. Cat, and I apologize for the mistake, but if my gut understanding of who 'Them' are, then wouldn't we have just dragged you out from under the bed the moment we heard you if we'd been 'Them? No offense, but your disguise is... well, I've seen worse, but...'"

2021-01-01, 03:24 AM
"Hmm." With a groan a filly get out from under the bed. Seems 8-9 years old. A pegasi, cyan coated with golden mane... and a closer look will tell you she has fallen from privlige- but very recently.
Clean. Healthy and even a bit overweight, a certain shine in her coat and mane, while her hooves seemed cracked and injured a bit- as if she walked in harsh areas she wasnt used to.
Also, she seems to catch a cold- dripping nose, and looking a bit pale.

"Ms. Cat" look tired and scared.
"...I didn't meant to hurt anypony'

2021-01-01, 10:32 AM
Swift gently puts down the etching he's been examining as the filly emerges, careful not to damage even such flawed artwork by accident. This piece of wood must have meant much to the colt, else he would not have carved it.

"Most ponies do not, Ms. Cat. Some are just more willing to stoop to it than others."

He carefully walks towards her, picking the blanket from the bed with his teeth and pulling it down towards her. "Here you go, warm yourself up a little. You look absolutely freezing." Once she seems snug and warm enough, he'll continue with the questions. "There, there. You're a friend of Swift Hit, then? We're friends of his mother and are trying to learn what happened to him. I'm Swift Calculus, and this here is my dear friend Deft Hooves."

2021-01-03, 07:19 AM
"Ms. Cat" sneeze.
"Thank you."
"Swift....?" She look puzzled.
"Are you his uncle?' She ask with a tilted head and a sneeze.
The filly snuggle in the blanket shaking.
"Yes... he saved me. From a big scary dirty pony with iron triangle teeth."
Tears appear in her eyes. "He told me to hide here." Her eyes widen. "He said a real hero never break a promise. He will ne fine. Right?" She ask worried.

2021-01-04, 05:59 AM
Robbin moves over towards the filly with a concerned look on his face. I'm no medic, but a healthy filly shouldn't be shaking like that...

He puts a hoof gently on her shoulder to steady her and try to get her to calm a bit, nodding approvingly when he sees Swift has already fetched a blanket.

He chuckles when Swift is called Hit's uncle, sending hid friend a mischievous wink. "He's practically family, so for all intents and purposes, I would say 'yes'."

Upon mention of the pony with metal teeth, Robbin freezes. What the fudge? Sounds more like a monster than a pony; what the hay has little Hit gotten himself into?
He then realizes the filly probably felt him freeze from his hoof on her shoulder, and that that won't be doing much for her peace of mind. He relaxes, and puts some calming pressure on her shoulders.

"Slow down, slow down: we're here to do what we can to ensure he'll be alright, but we can't do that until we know the details. Firstly, what is your name Ms. Cat? I don't think Ms. Cat is suitable any longer. Secondly, where were you when this happened? And thirdly, uh, what, exactly, happened? Take it easy, take your time: haste will only make this harder for all of us."

He then looks down at the filly and gives her a sympathetic look.
"Though I can understand your concern: if things get too scary, just tell us and we can take a break for a moment. I think the adults in your world have given you enough grief already today."

He then pauses with a contemplative look on his face before looking back at the filly again.
"If you don't mind my asking, are you and Swift Hit friends? If so, how did you meet? I assumed you were, but we all know, assumptions can be dangerous."

2021-01-10, 06:47 PM
Swift throws Robbin a sour look at his little joke about being an uncle, though he quickly relents. “Yes, I do suppose that isn't a bad way to describe it.“ Then, he listens, nodding and murmuring occasionally, the situation growing more curious with each second.

Has he ever heard of a pony with iron teeth, he ponders?

Yet, what catches his attention are the last few words of the filly. 'A hero never breaks his promise.' That boy, he sounds so awfully similar to....well, no matter.
“Of course, heroes can make it through everything. And that's cause they've got other heroes to help them when they need it. That is what we're here for.“

2021-01-10, 07:25 PM
'Ms. Cat' nod
'O-ok.' the tiny rounded pegasi nod.
'My name is Golden Property.' she puff her chest a bit. 'My mother is the Merchant Princess Golden Standard, my father is City's Guard Captain Paladin Spirit and my auntie is the Great Merchant Princess Nobility!'
Golden Property seems to have big pride in her family- but if that so- what is she doing in a room of lower class colt above a smith?

'Swift Hit.. well...' she fold her ears.
'I have escaped my tutor. I wanted to play with other ponies- filthy commoners would be even better! And... at first nopony wanted to play with me on the streets. Some even called me pig... and said that me and my family are bad ponies... but Swift Hit was there... and he played with me, and helped me befriend the orphans.' she smile.
'Mommy wasn't happy about it, but daddy actually liked him. He said, Swift Hit could replace him one day!'
She sneeze.
'We were looking for our missing friends, yesterday, and this this very big and scary pony-'

An argument is heard from below

'I won't supply weaponry for the likes of YOU!' Horseshoe Theory sound.. angry.

'So... you are on their side. You refuse to help the cause. Then you are an enemy' a cold and metalic voice echo.

Golden Property gasp, shreik and hide again under the bed.
'It's him!'

2021-01-11, 09:54 AM
Robbin freezes when he hears who Golden's "auntie" is, a frown crossing his face, before he catches himself, takes a deep breath, and relaxes his expression.

She's just a filly, and not an unkind one at that: most upper class ponies wouldn't want to play with 'filthy peasants'...

Robbin nods as the filly continues, raising his eyebrow when it is mentioned that Spirit considered Swift as a possible heir, but said nothing.

Then two things happen at once: missing friends are mentioned, and sounds of an argument are heard below. Robbin rises to his hooves and looks to Swift.

"Make sure Golden is safe, and if you can, watch from the stairwell if I need backup. This is more the kind of trouble I tend to deal with I think."

Robbin canters at a controlled pace downstairs and surveys the scene.
"Everything alright Mr. Theory?"

2021-01-12, 03:02 PM
As the little filly explains just who she is, Swift gives a little clap of his hooves. Oh, this is getting interesting! No, even more than interesting! It's exciting! And if Swift likes something, it's an exciting story! A noble scion, missing orphans from the sounds of it, intrigue....why, this one has it all.

He can't help himself. His eyes just glimmer with excitement.

However, the sound of ponies shouting from below, and Golden's subsequent panic rip him form his thoughts. For a moment, he hesitates, pondering what to do. However, when Robbin takes charge of the situation, it's just enough to push him over the edge into a foolish decision.

"Like Tartarus you'll deal with this..." With an unbecoming amount of confidence, he pushes his way past his friend, a smirk on his face. "This is our chance to get the information we need straight from the source! And I'm not afraid of some two-bit ruffians."

With firm steps, he struts down the stairs and into the forge room. "Well well, who do we have here? A new customer, or a too familiar face?"

Sorry, I could not help but indulge in Swift's Flaw and Drive. The set-up was just too perfect. I'm not sure if I'm quite at the point where I've gotten him into danger yet, though feel free to rule otherwise. I can always use the point. :smalltongue:

2021-01-15, 08:48 AM
Ooc: ping! A point aqcuired!

Both ponies join the scene at the smith workshop.
Wielding a glowing bardich*(*https://i00.eu/img/602/1024x1024w/11l1y4za/7709.jpg)
An earth pony, larger then what is accepted as normal, his dark grizzly brown coat make him look kind of like a bear, his face peak between endless scars and burns, and indeed- he has a bear trap for a set of teeth.
But the most scary thing about this pony(?) Is his cutie mark- a sunflower crossed with scythe.
Flower cutie mark was a death sentence- sooner or later the princess and her knights would kill anypony who unlucky enough to bare such a cutie mark.
Those who aren't foolish enough burn their cutie marks off, or skin them off.
(You may roll to check if you can decude more- Robbin has +2 on the roll)

"I am not alright! This criminal try to rob me!" Horsetheory yell.

The large pony tilt his head slowly.
"...Just a humble fighter for the poor and unfrotunate, good sirs." His voice is gruff, like old mead filled with oak needles.
"So... are you allies of the opressors or the opressed?" He ask.

2021-01-18, 11:25 AM
Robbin furrows his brow upon seeing the strange newcomer. Where have I seen this stallion before...

Then it hits him like a snowball to the snout. Oh... horseapples. This just got complicated

He gives Sun Burn a guarded look, before rubbing his temples with a hoof and speaking.

"The question of who is oppressed and who is an oppressor is complicated. My people in the trash stable are oppressed; I don't think anypony here finds this statement controversial."

Robbin begins to pace, keeping an eye on Sun Burn as he does so.

"But once you begin to apply sufficient force against an oppressor, they may begin to claim that they, too, are oppressed. Nine times out of ten, they're talking out their rump, but not everypony will see that. And sometimes the revolution fails not because it lacked arms, but because it lost its heart, and proved the oppressors right."

He fixes Sun Burn with a determined, but not hostile, glare.
"That is why generosity and kindness are equally important in bringing about change: I would much rather be supplied by allies, friends even, than by terrified foes. It's harder, and it takes more time, but it ensures the revolution does not lose its heart."

Robbin trots over to Sun Burn and offers a hoofshake.
"The name's hooves, and while I respect your contribution to the cause Mr. Burn, I can't help but think that you might be approaching this the wrong way. Don't get me wrong: I've seen plenty of blood in my time, but blood isn't the end goal. The end goal is a harmonious and equitable society, and I would like to avoid spilling blood where I can. There are many things I'd like to ask you, but I would prefer to talk over a beverage of some sort than at blade point."

Robbin gestures to a table nearby.
"Perhaps if we lay down our blades and table our grudges for a moment, we may be able to work out an agreement based on mutual respect rather than fear. Please, take a seat."

He then looks to Horseshoe Theory.
"I understand that your day just got a lot more complicated than you would have liked, but I don't think this was in any of our plans, and if we want a clean conclusion to this, it might be best to negotiate. I don't think guards trouble Mr. Burn here much, though they would make quite a bit of trouble for the rest of us."

Robbin sighs and trots over to the table himself, pulling himself a seat.
"It would be really nice to get through the day without anypony getting hurt: I think we can agree that it would at least be inconvenient if nothing else."

To try and defuse the situation: I'll try adding charismatic rabblerouser, fiery speaker, perceptive (picking up on Burn's mood and matching tone correctly), and Drive (ensure the country's ways of wealth become more equitable, in this case by making a powerful friend) for a total of +4
If the roll goes poorly, I will use a drama point to reroll as follows:

Edit: 0.0 Holy crud, natural 12 on my first roll!

2021-01-21, 04:23 PM
Sun Burn frown for a very long moment.
'Fine, boy. Hooves.. then you must be... well.. you are soft.. but you did earned my respect.' the razor teethed pony drop the bardich..
'Generosity and kindness are dead. The oppressors' have murdered them. But I will entertain you, and consider it' He go to the table as requested.
But it clear, one wrong sentence and violent things will happen here.

Horseshoe Theory frown. His horn glow, as if preparing a spell-but he ALSO(and) join the table.
'Well, at least the bandits give me a chance to negotiate. Let's see how far they can hold themsleves, before they show their true face.'

'The face your ponies have torn it's teeth from!?' Sun Burn hiss
'I have nothing to do with it. I am just doing my buisness' Horseshoe scuff
'Yet, you work with the merchants!' Sun Burn stomp

2021-01-24, 01:14 PM
“Merchants...so I see!“ Swift pushes past Robbin, a dreadfully smug expression on his face. “Your reputation preceeds you, Sun Burn, and I see that the rumours were not exagerated. But how does one such as yourself fit into the puzzle that has been laid out before me?“

Worryingly, it appears as though he has entered one of his theatrical moods again. This bodes ill.

“Horseshoes' work ethic aside, I do not believe you are truly here to gain arms for your fellow comrades, Burn. No, there is something else in this house that you are after, is there not? Let us focus on that, shall we?“

Yes, it is as one might fear. Swift is provoking Sun Burn to get his attention.

2021-01-24, 07:24 PM
Sun Burn narrow his eyes.
'...What are you hinting at? You got the winged little piggy?"

2021-01-25, 04:13 PM
Robbin breathes a sigh of relief when the two feuding ponies lay their arms aside for the moment. A short lived peace can be a victory if you play it right: let's try to avoid slipping up then.

He is about to attempt the stop the argument breaking out when Swift makes his own effort in his... special way. Oh... buck. You're the merchant Swift! Read the room!
Outwardly, he does his best not to betray these inner thoughts, instead opting to sigh and rub his temples again with a forehoof.

"Calculus, perhaps we should resolve one issue before the other: let's not make any assumptions about Mr. Burn's business. Actually, let's start with that: what did you come here for? I can't imagine you were here for a cup of tea and a nice chat."

He looks at the assorted weapons hanging on the walls and furrows his brow.
"If I were to hazard a guess, it would be that you were in need of supplies and ran afoul of the old problem of needing something but lacking bits. A word of advice: this problem is also an invention of capitalism. I am very poor in bits, but rather rich in favors, though I seem to be spending them at an alarming rate lately. The point is, regardless of what you are here for, perhaps a barter could be arranged?"

He looks to Horseshoe Theory.
"As for who Mr. Theory here works with, my guess would be mostly himself. The merchants support his class, yes, but I think you'll find most of them don't take one side or the other these days, though that is changing. Me and my friends have been having some success working out agreements with them for the time the next revolution comes around."

He then looks back at Sun Burn with a determined gaze.
"And it will come around: you can only kick a dog for so long before it bites you back, and the ponies of this city are getting fed up with the taste of horseshoe metal. The only question is whether or not it will succeed. To ensure it does, we need friends, not enemies, among the craftsponies: crossbows and pikes don't make themselves after all, and a friend is less likely to sabotage your bowstring."

Robbin then leans back in his chair with his forehooves behind his head, daring to look somewhere other than at the other ponies in the room for the first time since he's come downstairs.

"You say I'm soft, and I suppose you're not wrong: a certain softness is needed to be flexible. You are a very hard pony Mr. Burn, and the ponies of this city will need ponies like yourself to endure what is to come, but perhaps leave negotiating with the craftsponies to me. I have a number of friends who would be delighted to meet and to discuss preparations with you: you have more military experience than all of them combined after all. If there is something you came here for, I can do my best to procure it, though again, I'd need to know your business first. I've guessed at it, but assumptions are dangerous things."

He then leans forward and looks to Horseshoe Theory.
"I've not said much to you so far: please understand that I'm not ignoring your stake in this. This has likely been a bit difficult to process, and I would be happy to discuss any questions you have once an agreement has been made. Or, if you would prefer to never see my face again, that can be arranged too. Just remember that we do have one mutual interest at the very least, and I would like to get back to figuring that out as soon as me and Calculus have the chance."
He momentarily jerks his head in the direction of the staircase when he mentions their mutual interest.

Do you want me to roll again Igor?

2021-01-28, 01:53 PM
Swift scrunches up his mouth a little bit, deflating in his chair like a punctured balloon. He shoots Robbin a dirty look that the rebel may know. It says about as much as 'Darn it, I was about to bluff him!' It may be the most surefire way to tell that Robbin is preventing his friend from being too clever for his own good once again.

"Fine then." he sighs, crossing his hooves. "Let us talk of business first, but then we get back to the good part. Besides, you are both misinterpreting my intent. I do in fact not belief that Mister Sun Burn here is behind our troubles. No, too many factors do not line up with that."

For a moment, his eyes glimmer dangerously, though he restrains himself just for now.

"Suffice it to say we too are looking for more than just gardening tools. And you, Sun Burn, have entered the puzzle we must solve as one of its myriad of pieces."

2021-02-02, 03:46 AM
Horseshoe Theory frowned.
He didn't liked any word that were said in his workshop.
"Well. How much you need to rob for me, to let me live?" He ask coldly.

Sunburn attention went away from the old smith how ever.
"Look, kid. You are still playing games. I can't deal with this foolishness.' He say gruffly.
"And I see, I can't trust you completly. What at stakes can't wait your little frilly doll games. Lives of innocents on the stake, and I need to find this little winged piggy."
He look at Calcalus.
"I will ask one last time, before I start to ACT." He warn, lifting the bardich.
"Where is the fat pegasi filly? I know she went in this general way-and by your smartflank commments, I guess you have met here."
He slash as warning in air-the blade send an energy slash, near Calcukus face, crushing a whole cloest to pieces.

Horseshoe Theory gasp. 'You are a mad pony! Don't wave those things like that!"

2021-02-03, 02:48 PM
Despite the clear threat to his life, and the many splinters of wood racing past his face, Swift Calculus stays firmly in his chair, not daring to move a muscle. This is starting to get worrying, yes. But if he lets up now, and allows this thug to intimidate him, he'll be putting that little filly in actual danger. And not just that, he'll lose a valuable lead to find Swift Hit. He cannot allow that.

"She was here." he says unflinchingly, staring Sun Burn right in the eyes. "Hid herself in a chest in the colt's old room. When we entered the room, she escaped by a rope by the windowsill. You can look at it if you want, it's still there. That wasn't too long before you entered, either."

The portly earth pony leans forward, one hoof under the table just in case he'll need to flip it for a sudden diversion. "You're trying to save lives? So are we. I may enjoy the challenge of it, but what we're looking for is a colt who disappeared. One who, by your comments, you must have met as well."

A tiny bead of sweat runs down his head, masked by his fur. This may be the most dangerous bluff he's ever pulled.

Alright, definitely time to roll! I'm counting Merchant and Silver Tongue for obvious reasons, as well as Perceptive to pick up on how far Swift can push Sun Burn and Tough because Swift needs to have nerves of steel to not show any fear in the face of all this.

Feel free not to let any of those count if you don't think they fit. And of course, apply as many penalties as you think are justified. This is definitely an attempt to defy the odds, after all. :smallsmile:

I'll also spend 1 Drama Point for an additional Bonus.


2021-02-03, 10:37 PM
When Horseshoe Theory speaks, Robbin shakes his head and offers a correction.
"No, the point is you wouldn't be robbed: you would get a favor or something out of it. I value labor Mr. Theory. Skilled labor, unskilled labor, artisans, peasants: all deserve fair recompense for their efforts. The recompense doesn't have to be bits was my point."

He furrows his brow and looks back to Horseshoe with an expression of concern when Sun Burn speaks though.
"But I'm not sure that's something he's interested in... Ok, so we need to find another deal. Let me think..."

Robbin prepares himself to speak but Swift beats him to the punch, seemingly having had the same idea.
Good play there Swifty: let's hope it pays off...

Otherwise, Robbin is getting slightly miffed with this pony, and would speak his mind were it not for Sun's temper and reputation. He sighs.
"...That's the long term point: save lives that are currently slaving away with little hope of escaping their lot in life, but you seem to have something more immediate in mind. This... filly? Somehow holds lives in her hooves? We can't really get you on your way if we don't know what the stakes are."

I'm just gonna build on what Swift's already done here: back him up and add new avenues of questioning. That was an amazing roll Theo!

2021-02-04, 01:41 AM
(I have put a-4 modifier. And yet, you are in 9! Good roll!)
Horseshoe Theory shake his head in mistrust.
"You may spin your words as you wish- a robbery is still a robbery. Beside, I would never give willingly weapons to such barbaric and dangerouse ponies. So please toss away the facade."

Sunburn's eyes are fixated on Calculus.
"So... I can still catch her." Pause.
He look at Robbin. "I am trying to save this other colt. The way to save him and others... is too dark for softies like you. We are fine-you gave me the intel I needed.' He throw away the bardich ans turn to gallop out.

Horseshoe Theory gasp. 'What does he want from Swift Hit?'
He levitate a javelin.
"I need to stop him!'

2021-02-04, 03:02 PM
Robbin sees Horseshoe levitate the javelin and puts a hoof on his shoulder and quietly whispers in his ear.
What the hay are you doing? Do you want to get us all killed? This is a pony who's fought the princess's knights and won! Please: let him go for now. We can't stop him here, but we can later... I was only trying to work out a deal because I thought he was going to kill us if we didn't appease him, and I thought I could leave you with at least something, but it seems I misjudged the situation... Your apprentice isn't going to be found from this: if you can't trust me on that, trust his namesake."

Robbin jerks his head in the direction of Calculus at that last statement.

Using Charismatic Rabblerouser, Fiery Speaker, Quick Reflexes (catching Theory in time), and Perceptive (tailoring my tone and words to social cues from Theory) on a roll to stop him from attacking.

Using a drama point on a reroll if this fails

Edit: Let's hope a 12 is enough 0.0

2021-02-07, 08:19 AM
As Robbin and Horseshoe glance over to Swift, they'll see that the stallion is smirking ever so slightly. His heart may be beating frantically and his body be close to shivering, but that is all because of the sheer excitement this confrontation and particularly Sun Burn's parting words have brought him. This is all just so darned interesting! And best of all, he looks to be on the right track!

"There's no need to stop him, Mister Horseshoe. No, I do believe that he is looking to protect your apprentice, most likely from a danger that none of us are aware of yet. I have my own suspicions as to who this danger may be, and what role the filly has to play in this, yet there are still too many pieces missing for me to state it confidently." In a sudden motion, he jumps off his chair, throwing off the splinters and wood dust that coats his fur. "Trust me, however, when I say that Sun Burn will not harm Swift Hit. If he wanted to, after all, why would he be seeking this peculiar filly, and not the target of his wrath?"

2021-02-08, 05:36 AM
Horseshoe Theory drop the javelin.
"All that might be true. But why would Swift Hit anything to do with mass murderers? And why would he be involved with fillies from the Gold Stable."
He shake his head.
"In what mess this foolish colt got himself into?"

2021-02-08, 03:53 PM
Robbin breathes a sigh of relief when the javelin hits the floor and the door closes behind Sun Burn.

He slumps into his seat again and rubs his temples with a forehoof. He looks over to Horseshoe Theory and winces.
"I owe you an apology Mr. Theory... I knew Sun Burn had a history of violence, but I thought he did what he had out of a love for the downtrodden... I think he thinks he does, but he's not the kind of pony this world needs... I get the feeling he wants blood more than he wants change. I'd hoped we could all get out of this with what we wanted, but I'm not entirely sure what he wants, though I'd reckon it's nothing good for anypony."

He then looks over to Calculus with a raised eyebrow.
"I wouldn't be so sure he wants to protect Hit: not that I can say what he's after myself, but we do know a pony who possibly could, no? Why don't we ask her... and maybe make her a cup of tea: she looked a bit chilled."

Robbin peeks out of each window to see if anypony is watching before drawing the curtains. He then canters up the stairs in search of Golden.
"Ms. Cat? He's gone: it's just Calculus, Theory, and myself now. I think... I think we should talk about what exactly happened to you and Hit. I'm afraid he may be this pony's quarry..."

2021-02-09, 06:12 PM
Horseshoe Theory look worried.
'We should call the guards!'

Meanwhile... Robbin discover that.. there is no pegasi filly in the room, nor cat.

2021-02-10, 10:02 AM
Robbin freezes in his tracks when he doesn't find Golden upstairs. He takes a deep breath, and calls downstairs.
"Swift, we have a problem: Ms. Cat ran..."

He then gallops downstairs and makes for the door.
"I'm guessing she left through the window: I'll go look for any clues for where she went outside. You've got sharp eyes, so you might want to take a look too. As for the guards? ...Well, they might prioritize searching for a filly from the golden stable..."

He bursts outside and makes his way to the spot beneath the windowsill and starts searching for clues, asking anypony around if they've seen the filly.

I'm thinking that the tags Perceptive, Quick reflexes (for searching quickly), and Connections with the Common Folk (because I'm asking random ponies nearby) might apply, but feel free to subtract one or two if you don't think they fit.

How do we want to handle drama points? I would spend one to roll twice and take the better if that's what we're doing now. Otherwise, I can reroll.


Edit: Looks like I'm spending a drama point either way.

2021-02-11, 12:40 PM
When all is said and done, Swift takes a moment to lean back in his chair and relax. Sun Burn has been evaded as a threat for the moment, and they're left with plenty of time and leads to go ahead with. "Yes, Robbin, you are quite right. It's time for us to confirm a few of my hypothesis. Do not worry Mister Horseshoe, all will become clear in due time." Smiling, he waits for his partner to bring the filly downstairs, raising his eyebrow in bemusement when he returns running.

"Fled by the ropes, you say? Goodness, that filly has more of a survival instinct than I expected." He chuckles for a moment, before his eyes suddenly fling open wide and he stumbles out of his seat.

"SWEET GALLOPING REINDEER, SHE FLED BY THE ROPES?!" Oh, this is bad. This is very bad. Very bad indeed. Panicked, he rushes out the door after Robbin, off to the side alley. Unlike his friend, he wastes no time searching for Golden herself. Rather, he keeps out an eye for signs of Sun Burn's passing, who surely must have picked up on the clumsy filly's trail already.

Consider this mechanically as me helping out Robbin. We basically do have the same goal. I don't think there's anything in the rules specifically about helping each other, but I honestly would just count it as each of supplying our most relevant Tags, both positive and negative. Only add a bonus for working together if you think it makes sense, of course.

You could also just rule that two skilled protagonists doing this means an autosuccess, but that'sm up to you. :smalltongue:
This is honestly a bit of a grey area in the rules yet.

2021-02-11, 03:34 PM
(how many drama points do you have left?)

Horseshoe try to make sense of it-

Both allies are looking for the two missing ponies- Sun Burn had left many terrified witnesses
'Yes- he galloped here! gigantic!' A mare shake.
Another one add 'He had iron teeth! I have seen it!'
'And a flower for a cutie mark!' added a youth, the other ponies distanced themselves from the pony who said the F word.

Golden Property, was a bit harder to find. Finally a pony who carried a box of broken glass items frowned.
'Yes.' he say. 'This fat slob. Lucikly, this mare took her by her ear. An unicorn';

2021-02-13, 10:03 PM
(Because we were treating the drama points as rerolls, I've only spent one just now, so I've got 1 left).

Robbin tries to be polite through his desperation to everypony he asks for help, though his patience is beginning to run out as he starts to run out of ponies to ask.

Then, one of them has a clue. He takes a deep breath and stomps a forehoof on the ground in excitement!
"By all that is warm and comfy, thank you so very much! I was terrified that the horrid nutjob who just ran out might've got her!"

He asks the pony carrying the box of glass for a more complete description of the unicorn who dragged Golden off as well as the direction Golden was dragged off to. He then rushes over to Swift and taps his friend on the shoulder.
"Swift, Swift! The cat got away from him! She was dragged off by the ear by some unicorn that way! We can still find her before he does!"

2021-02-15, 01:13 PM
Unlike Robbin, Swift makes no attempt to hide that fact that he is absolutely panicked. There's a filly that's just put herself in a troubling amount of danger, and he'll have to save her at any cost! Not satisfied with just asking people, he checks every suspicious-looking nook and cranny on his way, eyes almost glued on the hoofprints left by his two targets.

When they cross into the roughly-trodden main streets, where no prints can be followed, he almost has a heart attack, only prevented by the fact that there seem to be more than enough witnesses. Yet even then he is close to despair as none seem to have noticed the little filly he is looking for, making him fear that she has already been caught.

Luckily, it seems, Robbin is ready to dispel that notion.

"She has? Oh thank goodness! Robbin, your debts are forgiven! Now lets find that mare, before she's gone as well."

2021-02-16, 03:47 PM
'Hmm... she looked middle aged, very thin and tall. Wearing long dusty dress with a flower pattern... seems like a trouble maker worse then the filly, if you ask me. Eye yellow as the sun, when the Princess have mercy..'
He gasp, look at something behind the two investigators.
'Yolki plaki*' he curse, dropping the box and gallop away.

Into the street, fly squad of guards.
All of them are pegasus, and their leader with wings of gold.**

Their leader is big, with golden coat and cyan white, very similiar to those of Golden.
They land.
'Search for her. Arrest anypony who look even a bit suspicouse.' he command with expression of pain.
'My sister will make them talk fast enough.'
Those guards seems from a completly diffrent material then those of the Trash Stable. Seriouse. Stern. All armed in weapons like those Horseshoe forge, or... even from an ice like material- 'princess tear'.

Meanwhile, on the side, at the corner of your eyes, you see flower patterned dress turn to a side alley.


*Commom curse, it's 'family friendly' curse. Literal meaning- 'Pine's stick'

** their uniforms are something like that-https://64.media.tumblr.com/55bcfbc9c447450daadc317dbe68c268/tumblr_ozmwhhUVMM1wivak7o1_1280.jpg
Leader, the fanciest one, the blue one seems to be the sergant and all the others in the red coats.

2021-02-22, 05:10 PM
Robbin curses when the guards appear, but any thoughts of their presence vanish when he catches sight of the flower patterned dress.

He bolts in the direction of the alleyway the mare just went down, not particularly caring how suspicious this makes him look: he has to catch her, no matter what.
"This way!" He yells to Swift as he gallops.
I would say this is pretty reckless and impulsive since there are guards around, but I'll leave that for the GM to decide :)

Robbin will try to follow the mare using the tags Perceptive, Quick Reflexes, and Connections with the common folk (he'll ask for directions if he loses her). Actually, would his flaw Impulsive apply here since he's acting more quickly than caution would normally warrant?
I will also spend my second drama point to roll twice on this.
[roll0]+3 or 4 (GM call)
[roll1]+3 or 4

2021-02-24, 03:13 PM
Swift stares at the newly arrived guards from afar, his expression souring. This is actually all adding up to what he suspects is going on, yet they could not have arrived at a more inopportune time. These ponies wrought in Princess' Tears would be a major mess to deal with, that's for sure. You don't get armor made from something as rare as that without the most loyal and dangerous elite.

He jumps when Robbin calls out to him, almost ensuring that they'll overhear him. Nearly stumbling over himself, he bolts off after his friend, in pursuit of the mare in the flower dress. If only they had brought the sleigh along!

2021-02-24, 04:54 PM
It's a backalley.
A nicely shaped mare,a strawhat cover her back of her head.
She levitate a basket-cage object which contain the filly "Ms. Cat"
The houses here are old. Abandoned. Partly burnt.
Her voice is raspy as smoke..
"Listen. I got to do stuff. Sunburn doesn't want me to kill you. So. Leave."

2021-02-24, 11:09 PM
Robbin may have been frightened by what the mare had to say if he'd been listening. At this point, the only thing he really notices is the cage with the filly in it at the moment.

That causes something in him to snap. Equity isn't just about giving the poor bits and food, see, it's about ensuring everypony's rights are respected. Robbin had been in his fair share of cages, or "jails" as they called them, and had never been in one that couldn't have been improved by not existing in the first place.

When ponies put other ponies in cages, there is no equity: there is no justice.

He doesn't roar in fury, he doesn't telegraph his next move in any way. He just charges the cage at what he thinks is the right angle to break off the part of it held in the mare's ponykinesis. With that momentum, he will either continue to run down alleyways until he can find a crowd to blend into, or he'll crash into a wall if he fails to wrest the cage from her grasp.

Firstly, I'm thinking bum-rushing the mare will return a drama point for recklessness. What say you Igor? :p

Secondly, my roll: I'll add Quick Reflexes to carry out the plan before she can react, Perceptive to find the best part of the cage to tackle to break it out of her grip, Blend Into a Crowd should he get away, Reckless and Impulsive for the unexpectedly sudden way in which this plan was implemented, and perhaps his Drive? It's to ensure the nation's ways of wealth become more equitable, but that ties into other things like the oppression of the poor that Robbin has endured perhaps? I'll leave it up to you.

[roll0]+4 or 5

Edit: Hmm, assuming no modifiers, either way it's a "yes, but." Is it time for Robbin to get an injury perhaps? ^^;

2021-03-02, 05:18 AM
(Actually.. there is -2 modifier.
The unicorn is SHARP. And have TELEKENSIS MASTERY.
So... No, but)

The unicorn still in her flank toward Robbin, levitate the cage up as the earth pony charge.
But, he push the unicorn at the wall, her weight is light and a loud bone crack is heard as she crush against the wall.
"Ms. Cat" squeal in horror as she kept levitating up above from a hoof reach.
Now her face exposed- it's a mess of cold bites, blue and purple cold burns, with pair of hate filled eyes, and mouth with set of broken teeth. Her throat is covered with fire burn scars.
"Traitor! I will kill you!" She cough something black and bloody

2021-03-06, 04:19 PM
Swift does nothing to stop his friend, very much in agreement that they must strike swiftly and quickly if they are to secure the little filly. While he has his doubts that even this flower-loving unicorn would do much to hurt the little one for now, there's no way he'll allow a foal to be stuffed into a cage. And besides, he's under no illusion that they actually care for little Golden's continued wellbeing, and may well dispose of her if their plans don't work out.

As Robbin enters into a close range struggle, he watches the cage float up worryingly high, worryingly out of range. The unicorn does not look like she's the type to surrender, and it may be dangerous to just knock her out. Luckily, his surroundings provide a solution to the dilemma, albeit a dangerous one. He may not be able to fly, but with the innate strength of an earth pony, he pulls himself up along the burned timbers of an adjacent house after a short running start, aiming to swiftly clamber up to the cage.

Though the wood creaks under his hooves, and jagged pieces and splinters threaten to cut him, his eyes quickly pick out the safest path upwards. Should he reach it, he will jump away from the wall to hold onto the cage, and pull it down with his weight. And then, hopefully, stick the landing.

Well then, I don't think Swift has much that can help him here. I'm gonna assume that Perceptive applies, and maybe Tough, but I'll also give him a -1 penalty for the rickety nature of the wall. So in total, he'll be rolling at +1.

I'll also spend 2 of my fate points for a +2 bonus, partially because I really want to save Golden, and partially because I want to test out the mechanic and check out how it feels in play. :smallbiggrin:


But when the world needed them the most, the good rolls vanished.... :smalleek:

2021-03-08, 06:11 PM
(Battle ost! too late to put it>?)



Swift run and jump, but.. the cage is just out of reach. But instead of falling back to the ground, Swift land on a laundry rope, on the other side of this small alley- on the eye level of 'Ms. Cat'
She stare with big eyes.
'...help.' she squeak.

The unicorn struggle to get up.
she levitate two flower shaped, dagger like weaponry. (something like shurikens) on parallel to levitating the filly- but it seems it's strain her.
She sending one flower shaped razor toward the rope that Swift is(holding to? Or somehow.. stand on?)
and the other toward Robbin's face.
'Sunburn is softie. You are liabilities. You will cause innocents to die. So you must to die!'

2021-03-10, 11:10 PM
Robbin pulls back from the wall and attempts to refocus. Ok Robbin old pal: maybe think this through a bit before proceeding this time.

He sees the bladed weapons held in her grasp and attempts to duck to the side almost on instinct. Then the mare opens her mouth about "innocents" while holding a filly in a cage. Robbin feels his blood begin to boil but cools it in time to think up a ruse.
"You put a filly in a cage like a wild animal and expect ponies to think you could possibly be in the right. Yeah, try explaining that to the guard back there."

And Robbin gestures to a point behind the mare near an alley exit. There is, of course, no guard there, but that is beside the point: the point is that she's looking in the wrong direction. Seeing an opportunity, Robbin charges forward again, this time trying to land a left hook against her horn, breaking her concentration. If it is broken, he will be below the cage to cushion Golden's fall.

Spending one drama point to buff my roll by 1? I think that's the number you're going for Theo?

Anyway, applying Perceptive to notice the knife, Quick Reflexes to dodge it, Charismatic Rabblerouser for the bluff, and Drive: makes things more equitable because putting ponies in cages isn't very egalitarian regardless of the caged pony's class.

In total, 1d12+5 including the point

2021-03-12, 03:55 PM
It's never too late to start the action music, if you ask me!

Swift attempts to throw Golden a confident look, meant to tell her that he's here to rescue her. Hanging precariously from a rope thinner than Gallopardia ales, however, all he manages is to force a rather nervous smile. It's not all that reassuring, all considered.

"Don't-guah!....worry-......oof!...trying! Wait, what's....ack!"

He turns his head just in time to see that knife floating his way, an eyeblink before it is flung. There's really no time to dodge, nor would he be able to if he had the time. Swift is many things, but he is not any sort of acrobat. Panicked, he allows himself to drop, wrapping a hoof around that rope at the very last moment to hopefully stay in the air while still dodging the lethal missile. The sudden force of this pulls down the rope a little as well, though really only enough to make the stallion nervous for now.

Then again, the buildings are rather shoddy around here. And the knife could hit that rope. And he's in no position to grab onto the cage if it falls. Honestly, there is a ton that could go wrong right about now.

Let's see what the dice have to say about it! :smallbiggrin:

I'll count Perceptive to notice the danger in time, and Tough to hang onto the rope through everything on this roll. I'll leave it up to Igor if and how much of a minus I am, though.


Oh dear. Time for some probably very amusing injuries. Can I ask that, if this is at a penalty, Swift both falls and gets the cage dropped on him? Because that would be hilarious.

2021-03-25, 03:39 PM
(I think it make sense for Swift to get stress)

Yes. Indeed things go wrong.
But! Also right.

The frost bitten face of the unicorn mare turn back out of instict, as she get punched in her horn, losing concetarion, the horn crack a bit, *and* with a gasp of agony, her weaken body spin from the punch of Robbin Hoof and crush on the snowey floor, brafing again something black and then.. losing counsiouse.

Swift Calculus on the other hoof having a bad time- he fall head down and the clothes as to add insult to injury fall in pile on him-

"Ms. Cat"'s cage fall on Robbin but bounce, right on the head of Swift.
And Swift and the unicorn's cries of agony attract.. a pegaus guard. From those elitee earlier.

'What is going on?!" He demand.

2021-03-29, 09:30 AM
Groggily, Swift pulls himself out from under the cage, groaning with pain. That one's going to sting for a while, he can just feel it. However, that feeling is soon replaced with a burst of adrenaline as he gets back up on his hooves, only to find himself face to face with a heavily armed guardspony.

As if this day hadn't been bad enough.

With a burst of earth pony strength, he steps forward and tears the front covering off the basket-cage that holds Golden, tossing it aside in an instant. "Go! Go! We'll take care of everything!" Okay, he's not sure how he'll do that yet, but it's something he plans to do!

For now, he instead bounces towards the unconscious unicorn mare and flings her lithe shape over his back, hoping that Golden will distract the guards long enough for him to make a getaway. He's not eager to leave anyone within their grasp they aren't here to protect, especially not when they have the princess' backing. And especially not when they have information that he needs! One nod to Robbin later, he rushes into the derelict ruins around him, trying to lose the guards within.

Rolling to see if Swift can lose them in the ruins. I'm counting Tough to keep going despite the beating I just received, Perceptive to guide my way, and my drive because I'll escape with this unicorn or die trying. :smalltongue:
Also, I'm going to go on a bit of a limb here and also add a bonus from Educated, as I've established up-front that it covers local history and Swift may just know a enough of the city's layout to aid him in his escape. If you think that, or anything else is too far of a stretch, feel to remove the bonuses. Likewise, I did not add a penalty because the unicorn seems to be a lightweight and Swift is a hardy earth pony, but feel free to add one or any others you think should apply.


2021-03-29, 10:42 PM
Robbin turns to the cage to try discreetly checking with Golden about something, but that problem is, well, Swiftly rendered moot, so he falls back on his trusty plan B: a bluff and one of the quickest gallops in the city of Clover River.

He turns around to face the guard with a mock look of confusion on his face before feigning complete and utter shock as he points to the sky behind the guard, loudly exclaiming the following:
"Princesses have mercy! Her knights have come! The bloody flowered madponies have doomed us all, run!"

If the guard looks away, Robbin will bolt for Swift's chosen alleyway the minute he does so, keeping his wits about him to spot obstacles and effectively act as co-pilot for Swift. If the guard doesn't look, well, he'll do pretty much the same but feel rather silly about himself.

Adding the tags Charismatic Rabble-rouser and Fiery Speaker for the bluff, as well as Quick Reflexes and Perceptive for following Swift and helping to navigate.

2021-03-30, 06:53 PM
Golden gasp surprised.
'Ah? Hey!" Dumped right into the guard's face.
"Flowered ponies?!' The guard sound horrifed as both ponies pass by him, and turn to other alley, of the shadier parts of this stable- poison makers, lock makers, proffesional thieves worked at this alley and other shady craft ponies.

Behind panic sound to be growing AND they have succesfull escaped into an alley, which the guards would preffer to miss.

2021-04-02, 10:39 PM
Robbin takes a moment to catch his breath once Swift slows down. He takes in his surroundings and feels a strange sense of familiarity: It's almost like the Trash Stable here...

Then his eyes fall on his friend and he remembers the cage that fell on him. That had to have hurt...
He canters over and puts a gentle hoof on Swift's shoulder.
"How are you feeling? You need to take a breather? I could use one too... Though we might wanna figure out what to do with our new 'guest' first. I'm saying this now: I preferred the filly. She may have been one of the bourgeoisie, but she didn't toss a knife at me. She didn't seem a bad sort really... and she might have been a more cooperative lead. But anyway, there isn't much to be done now. There's gotta be a rope seller somewhere in this Stable..."

And with that, Robbin will take a glance at the shop signs displayed in the alleyway. As he and Robbin move forwards, he will keep an eye out for a purveyor of restraints for their new "friend," taking care not to draw unwanted attention to himself or Swift as they go.
Adding Perceptive to notice signs, Connections with the common folk to get directions, and Blend into a crowd to avoid detection.

2021-04-05, 03:28 PM
Swift weaves through several alleyways and tight passages, through holes in the walls of crumbling buildings and over the low fences of battered houses. His eyes quickly pick out the places where no pegasi will be able to fly after him, and their bulky armor makes it tough to maneuver on hoof. Only when he is absolutely certain that he can no longer hear them galloping in the distance, and that no tracks make it easy to find him does he stop, dropping down next to a stone wall and taking a few heavy breaths.

Yet, though his body aches and his day is getting exponentially more complicated by the second, Robbin's questions put a smile on his face. "How am I feeling? Why, this is the most excited I've been in months!" A small chuckle escapes him before he leans back his head, glancing down at the unicorn he's just foalnapped. "This mystery is beyond intriguing. When we started all of this for Love Nest, I had no idea it would reach so far upwards!"

He allows himself an exhausted, but happy sigh. "Now don't worry, losing the filly was calculated. She'll be brought back home safe and sound, as no doubt these Flower Ponies had stolen her away in the first place for use as a bargaining chip. And whatever they are trying to stop, Swift Hit is caught up in. Our aims, so to say, may even align." With a smirk, the stallion then turns his head aside, assuming that Robbin does not wish to ask any further questions. He'll rest for a while and keep watch, while his friend gathers the means to hold their prisoner.

In a way, it's funny. Though she threatened his life, Swift feels little anger at the unicorn. Even the fact of how she treated poor Golden plays no large role in his mind. For him, she is a lead, one potentially even better than the filly, even though she is likely to be far less cooperative. It is a feeling that for him seemingly overrides all others. That odd, all-encompassing excitement and thrill he feels at truly figuring out the myriad secrets of life. What is a small risk to his life, when this is what makes life worth living in the first place? Sometimes, he's not sure anyone else understands that, not even Robbin.

Swift is gonna do a quick rest here, so I decided to give a bit more insight into his character. His motivations are ultimately selfish, and I figured it would be worth putting that into the spotlight here. It might even lead to some interesting character development by the end of this, if he ever gets called out on it. :smallbiggrin:

Igor, feel free to decide whether or not this counts as a rest in your game. :smallsmile:

2021-04-06, 11:13 AM
Naturally, the stables are divided into sub stables. This one is nicknamed "The Slag Stable."
Inhabited by craft ponies... but of crafts which are considered... less respectful-
Locksmith, poision brewing, document forgery and even by rumors a thief guild supposed to exist.

Two ruggy earth ponies carrying a mare away.. isn't a rare sight here.

2021-04-08, 01:03 PM
Since a 9 is a "yes," I'm assuming Robbin was able to find rope. Mind you, he would have been careful to barter for it with their captive out of sight: even in shady parts of town, that tends to make salesponies uneasy.

Robbin quirks an ear at Swift's words as he attempts to restrain Ms. Stabbity, which is his working name for their captive. I'll have to do this well: telekinesis complicates this sort of thing, and she was pretty good with it... As he is tying knot after knot, his eyes fall on the crack in her horn, and he winces. It was not by far the worst wound Robbin had ever inflicted: he was not a natural born killer, but there was blood on his hooves nonetheless. Still, there was something that just felt wrong about punching somepony in the horn, even if it was the most sensible thing to do: it felt like striking at the pony's soul in a way that frightened him.
Applying Perceptive to find any flaws in his knots. Actually, Robbin isn't very good at this ^^;

Robbin shakes his head and looks back to Swift, raising an eyebrow at his unusual enthusiasm... well, not unusual for Swift, but a bit unnerving nonetheless.
"Well I'm glad you're finding some... fun? In all of this. On the other hoof, I would like to remind you that Golden told us she had left her home voluntarily to play with Swift Hit before Sun Burn found them. She said Hit told her to run while he apparently successfully got a revolutionary knight off of his tail. Quite the feat for a colt so young! I'm looking forward to meeting your namesake: I think we might have a few talents in common, ha! ...But anyway, don't get too far ahead of yourself there Swifty: this feels less planned than you are supposing."

Now that they are standing still and protected from the wind in an alleyway, Robbin takes off his coat and puts it over Ms. Stabbity, partly to keep her thin frame warm, and partly to hide the ropes from prying eyes. As he is doing so, he takes a closer look at her, remembering that her blood was an odd color. Oh hay, don't tell me she has some weird infection...
Once he has examined Ms. Stabbity, he trots over to Swift and takes a look at his condition too. While he's no medical professional, he's seen his fair share of wounds, and trusts he'll be able to tell if anything's broken at least.
"...Swift, I know this is exciting for you and all, but please: don't be too rash. Think about that for a moment: I'm asking you to be more careful... I know I'm not one to speak here, but we're dealing with ponies who are armed and dangerous now: you might get something more serious than a sprained back if we don't handle this right. Just keep that in mind, kay?"

He takes a look back at Ms. Stabbity before continuing.
"Otherwise, I guess we just wait for her to wake up. I think I'll leave the talking to you: I don't think she'll appreciate the cheap shot I took..."

2021-04-11, 02:28 PM
Swift turns his head aside, not wanting to look Robbin in the eye as the rebel urges him to caution. Of course this all is dangerous, he knows that fully well! It is only reluctantly that he agrees to his friend's warnings, if only because he does not wish to overly worry him. "I promise, Robbin, I will keep an eye out. And no reckless stunts when it comes to those guards. I do know my own limits." Of course, while Swift may be convinced of this, that is not to say that it is true.

With a groan, he proceeds to push Robbin aside and get back onto his own four hooves, shaking off the snow that's been coating his clothes and fur. "I'm alright. Don't worry." Indeed, other than some bruises he's survived his ordeal pretty much intact. Instead, he steps towards the unicorn, taking a look of his own at her horn. "She's had the worse of it, it seems." From one of his pockets, he procures a short roll of bandaging, kept for emergency purposes. A traveling stallion must be prepared for anything, after all. And while he's far from a doctor, he's read his fair share of texts on anatomy. "You've got to be careful with cracks like these. The leylines running across them can react violently if used to cast in this state. That might worsen the injury. It's best to affix them in place as soon as possible." With a few quick movements, he wraps a steadying cocoon around the mare's horn, hopefully keeping it steady enough to heal.

As he works, and waits for the mare to awaken, he picks up a topic that Robbin mentioned earlier. "Truth be told, I somewhat regret returning the filly to her parents. And believe me, had there been a better choice in that situation I would have taken it. This city...it can be stifling, despite all of its mysteries, and it must be even worse when you are born to the kind of obligations she has been. It's no wonder she ran away to see something other than the walls of her estate. I'm not looking forward to telling Swift what I did when he's taken so many risks on her behalf."

2021-04-11, 02:37 PM
The mare flinch a bit when her horn ia touched.
She might wake up sooner then convient.
On more civil street it would have attracted attention, but at thr Slag Stable, nopony seems to care.

2021-04-13, 10:30 PM
Robbin considers Swift's promise before grinning mischievously.
"I'll hold you to that. Remember: you'll owe me one if I have to get your rump out of a fire. Now that would be an odd turn of events!"

Robbin does not resist when Swift shoves him out of the way: Robbin knows who the better read "medic" here is. He stands back and listens to his friend mutter facts both medical and magical that Robbin regrets he does not recognize. He leans against the side of the alcove they are in, forehooves behind his head. As the conversation shifts to Golden once again, Robbin nods and goes back to standing on all four hooves. He shakes himself to remove what snow has managed to land on him before cantering over to Swift to see how he's been faring on the wound care front.
"Yeah, I don't envy those obligations myself, though we can't forget they come with nice perks like regular meals and armed guards. Think about it: the guards were after her, not Swift Hit. That right there is classism at work... Though to be honest, I do feel a little bad for her, but mainly because she has Nobility as a relative. Pegasus or not, that's going to give the poor filly a complex of some sort down the line..."

Robbin looks at Ms. Stabbity curiously.
"You don't think we're gonna have to deal with too much magic do you? I man, I'm all for her getting better, but on the other hoof, I don't fancy the thought of a sharp object to the flank...

2021-04-17, 05:27 PM
"Well, if she's stupid to try anything, we can just block the magical emanations of her horn. Like stifling a flame." Noticing that the unicorn rebel seems to be reacting increasing strongly to her surroundings, he realizes that she may wake up soon. Swift does his best to pull her over to a relatively secluded part of the alley. While most ponies in the slag stable are unlikely to stick their noses in the business of others, one can never be sure just who might be listening in.

"I doubt she would be, though. You don't survive opposing the princess directly for this long if you don't know what you're doing. Or am I wrong about that, Mister Deft Hooves?"

He positions himself in front of the unicorn, roughly where she'll be looking when she wakes up. This is going to be quite interesting! For all the investigations that he has led, Swift has never had to interrogate somepony.

2021-04-18, 06:00 PM
The pale eyes of the unicorn flinch.
She wake up coughing something gooey black and inky at Swift's face.
"...Where am.. I.?"

2021-04-22, 01:10 PM
Swift flinches back as a mixture of what seems to be phlegm, pitch and pure filth splatters his fur, before scrubbing it off with a disgruntled expression. He's not quite sure whether the fact that this substance does not feel sticky makes it better or worse. Judging by the condition of this mare's body, he for once does not wish to know just how many germs she just sprayed him with.

"Slag Stable." The words come as an exhale, before he regains his composure. "More precisely, one of the Slag Stable's many nameless streets, this one branching off hacksaw alley."

Allowing the unicorn a moment to take in her surroundings, he straightens out his back and takes a step away from her. The worst thing to do would be to immediately overwhelm her. Once her eyes clear up a little, he continues. "We brought you here after our run-in with the guards. Don't try to make a run for it. Your horn got damaged in the brawl and we could only do so much to patch it up. We've tied you up, yes, but we're not going to hurt you.

Somepony very dear to us is caught up in something that you are trying to stop. He's a colt named Swift Hit, somepony I know has a measure of respect from your leader Sunburn. His life, and the lives of others are at risk because of something Nobility is planning, am I correct? That's why you captured the foal, to use as leverage. We need you to tell us what's going on, so we can help him." Having laid out some of the facts he's managed to scrounge together so far, he allows the mare a moment to answer him. Saying this much should be safe, as far as he recalls.

2021-04-25, 07:58 AM
I don't trust you." the unicorn say with a raspy voice dry as broken glass.
"You are working for the tyrants. You have taken the little obese monster from me. You have sentenced Swift Hit to a fate worse then death." she added a grim smile.
"You have picked the wrong place. I have many allies here"

2021-04-26, 11:11 PM
Robbin bristles at being told he is working with Nobility's lot but manages to control himself... mostly.

"The fact that stuck out most to us was that there was a filly was terrified for her life in a cage being hefted away by a pony we didn't know: pardon us for having a problem with that! ...Sorry, I'm not making this any better, but we don't know what's going on, and nopony seems to want to explain it to us! Your friend barged out the door, and you weren't in a mood for chit-chat back there..."

Robbin sighs and takes a deep breath.
"Look: if Swift Hit is in danger, we want to help get him out of it, and we're gonna keep trying to no matter what, but if we're operating in the dark, we'll probably just keep getting in your way. For your sake and ours, please, explain the situation! I mean, monstrous? The filly is part of the bourgeoisie, sure, but you speak of her as if she was a beast. And what's all this about a fate worse than death? ...The point is, if we don't have to be working against each other, we shouldn't be, but we can't avoid that if we have no idea what all of this is about..."

Adding Charismatic rabblerouser, Fiery speaker, Perceptive for his attempt to pick up on her feelings on the filly (that she's monstrous), and Reckless to show he is honest in his intentions (the idea being that he lost his cool for a moment and showed who he really is)

Edit: Huh, if unmodified, a Yes, But...

2021-04-27, 03:56 AM
(-2. This unicorn is a zealot. So. No,but)
Her muzzle crounch.
"I didn't survived this long just by trusting anypony. What do you think has happened to the other Freedom Flower Fighters? They have trusted ponies like YOU."
she pant in pain.

Few faces peeks from some windows

"All of the rich are monsters. This thing you call "filly", in ten years will she be any diffrent from her auntie? I dont have the PRIVILIGE of mercy. I am busy protecting those who are worthy of protecting. Therefore, anypong who stand in my way is an enemy of the innocents"
she cough again an inky blood.
"By saving this little obese monster, you have chosen her over Swift Hit. There WILL be a sacrafice. And more then one. We are only fighting over who will it be. You have picked an already privliged pony over a poor pony. Your aligance is clear."

2021-04-29, 06:37 PM
Swift, at this, smirks and gives a low chuckle. Partially he is elated to have been on precisely the right track, and partially he is amused at how everypony else seems to be caught up in their own anger.

“So that is how it is.“ he says, his expression changing to a more serious one. “Luck for you, it seems as though you have missed a fact in all of this. Who will and will not get hurt is not a binary in this situation. No, there does exist a third possibility.“

His eyes staring down at the unicorn sternly, he does his best to blot out the faces watching him from the windows. They will only serve as distractions here.“Me and my friend here are willing to risk being that sacrifice. We've risked our lives several times at this point, trying to follow a trail that will lead us to Swift Hit. To that end, we lied to the face of one of Gallopardia's most dangerous rebels, and fought you despite the risk of getting arrested by agents of the queen herself.

We are the best opportunity you have. Really, what are your other choices? Get into open conflict with ponies who know who you are? Kidnap another family member of Nobility, now that she is on high alert? Try and get the truth out when nopony but us is likely to believe you?

You can either let us in on what is going on, or you can give up.“

Let's see if a more intimidation-based tactic plays more to her feelings. Maybe even enough to get qround one or two of her tags?

I'll add Merchant, Making Contacts, My Drive, and Tough here. The latter because Swift may just shock with the sudden steel his voice can muster. I'm not counting Silver Tongue cause that is more charm-based, I think.


Well.....time to hope that no roll was, necessary. XD

2021-05-02, 03:08 PM
She just stubornly shake her head.
'Kill me if you must. I won't work with the likes of you'

2021-05-02, 10:44 PM
Robbin glares at the mare for a few moments after she speaks before noticing the faces peeking out at the three of them and shaking his head.
"Well my sincerest apologies for not knowing every single detail of this situation before becoming involved in it. I'm sure it was an obvious choice if I'd known what you did, but it looks like that ship has sailed."

He puts a hoof on Swift's shoulder when he tries intimidation, and shakes his head again.
"She won't help: she's not seeing straight, and I doubt she has in a long time, or maybe she sees too straight and misses everything else on the side, but that's not important."
He whispers the following in Swift's ear before pulling back.
"Besides, there are eyes on us now: probably best we leave while we can and do some real good for your namesake. She's not our only option: ponies like Sun Burn tend to leave a trail, and I've a feeling he's the one we look for next."

Robbin pulls back and gives Ms. Stabbity a mocking bow before beginning to canter away.
"Otherwise, we keep our ears to the street and follow what rumors we can."

2021-05-05, 02:02 PM
A frown slowly spreads on Swift's face as Robbin speaks to him, as he is hesitant to accept giving up on a lead. Especially when he has to do so as a result of him deciding that he just had to make sure everypony got out of that situation intact. But unlike the anarchic unicorn before him, Swift is in fact willing to face reality.

"...Fine." he sighs, straightening out his back and turning away. "It's her loss, and Iam not going to be stopped by a dead end." With a dour expression, he quickly leaves the alleyway, not throwing one glance at the tied up mare behind him. She's got enough friends to help her out of her predicament, doesn't she?

Taking care to stay as far away from any other inhabitants of this place as possible, he walks down the rotten timbers and mudslide roads of the Slag Stable, paying close attention to the city's landmarks as he does. His attention to detail and Robbin's knowledge of the city are a sunsend in this situation, as getting lost in this part of town would be as good as a death sentence. Only once he has put some considerable distance between himself and the crazy mare, does he stop once more to talk with Robbin.

"The nerve of that mare! Robbin, you are right about her, though believe me I wish you were not! And after all the opportunity we gave up to get her out of that pickle! Bah!" Angrily, he kicks a small rock off the road, making it tumble down into a small dug-out drain. "That does leave us with only two immediate and easy leads. Sun Burn, and that orphanage that Swift Hit and that little filly both visited. And if we wish to find the former before he learns what happened to his comrade in arms, we'd best do so now. And hope that he won't be out for our blood by the time we find him."

2021-05-07, 04:53 PM
Robbin trots along at a swift but measured pace: on one hoof, you can't linger in these parts, but on the other, you have to look confident so nopony tries anything silly.

Once they have left the worst of the Slag Stable behind, Robbin breathes more easily. He nods gravely at Swift's words.
"You can't expect decency from a pony who can only see things their own way: if you're always right, why bother humoring other ponies? But yeah, that was a mite frustrating..."
He doesn't say it aloud, but he can't help but think that taking the filly with them might have been the better option...

And then it hits him: they might still be able to talk to her!
"Yes! Those options exist, and we may be forced to take them. For the record, I'd check the orphanage first: Sun Burn is the kind of pony who's trail doesn't fade quickly. But, consider this: little Ms. Golden is a well known figure who's address should be easy enough to learn, and this ain't the first time I've snuck into the wealthier districts. Nobility can build her castle in the sky, but even then, somepony has to deliver the milk. Best case scenario: Golden's house is on solid ground and we pretend to be mailmares... metaphorically speaking, and deliver a letter asking to meet her. Worst case scenario: we attach that message to the label of a milk bottle that's delivered to chateau cumulonimbus... that's a cloud, right Swifty?"

Robbin shifts uncomfortably, noticing he's perhaps gotten a little too enthusiastic about playing cat and mouse uptown again.
"...Sooo, what do you think?"

2021-05-08, 05:55 PM
Some ponies glare at them from the windows.
Few of them narrow their eyes and do a weird gesture, that looked like a form of a flower.

2021-05-11, 11:53 AM
"It is a cloud..." Swift nods, thoughtfully rubbing his chin as he ponders the new suggestion. "And also the name of at least six separate pre-winter pegasus painters. As I recall, each of them wanted to outdo the last one to bear the name." Then, the corners of his mouth crane up ever so slightly again. He is somewhat skeptical, especially considering it was Robbin just half an hour earlier urged him to more caution, but that is definitely an interesting idea.

"They would not expect us, would they? Not so shortly after getting little Prosperity back. And especially not while they're likely still busy lecturing her." He pretends to ponder it further for a few moments, then relents. "Oh, fine. But we're going in there for clues. No rebelling while we're at Nobility's mansion unless it's related to the mystery. Agreed?"

He stretches out a hoof towards Robbin. Though the longer he remains in one location, the less confident he feels about his own safety right about now, there still needs to be enough time for little rituals such as these.

2021-05-11, 10:29 PM
Robbin pauses in thought when Swift elucidates the history of the Cumulonimbus name.
"Huh, I suppose the world of the arts has always been a competitive one. I've lodged with Bohoofians before and there's always a bit of one-upmareship going on... But anyway, back to business: thanks for the factoid!"

Robbin listens eagerly as Swift deliberates, trying his best not to get his hopes up, though he is quite happy when Swift agrees. He jumps a meter off the ground before pausing midair and slowly descending.
"Excellent! I mean, ahem, I'm glad we have a plan! I'll stay on task, no worries! Cross my heart and hope to fly and all that."

And with that, Robbin will happily hoof-bump his friend and continue moving apace away from the Slag Stable.
"The first order of business will be reconnaissance once we're uptown: keep your ear to the road Swifty!"

2021-05-16, 08:42 AM
The Pair of Earth Ponies travel back through the more legitmate parts of the Iron Stables. It seems things have calmed down, and it's all buisness again.
Beside chatters and whispers about the incident with Golden Property.

They walk toward the Clover Heart- The city's center where they might get rumors, tools disguises and what ever they needed.
the bridge between the Iron Stable and the Clover Heart were very lightly guarded- the flow of merchandise and ponies between those two parts were too tense to regulate seriously. There were two pairs of guards, one pair for each end of the bridge, quite bored and distracted. Nothing less then an open riot or robbery would trigger them to disturb the flow.
this bridge was the second prettiest architect wise.
So the duo shouldn't have issues there.

The Clover Heart was an impressive site, built upon artifical island. The Central Market ( 8fICghHyAmGxsdITEhJSkrLi4uHSAzODMtNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGzIlICYyLy0yLS8tLS0wLy0vMi8tLSstLS0vLS8yLzUtLS 0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLSstLS8tLS0tLf/AABEIAPAA0gMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQIDBgAHAQj/xABAEAACAQIEBAQDBgQEBQUBAAABAhEDIQAEEjEFQVFhEyJxgQ YykSNCobHB8BRS0eEHYnLxFRYzgqIkQ1OS0uL/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwQBBQAG/8QAMxEAAgIBAwEGBQIGAwEAAAAAAQIAEQMSITEEEyJBUZHwYXG BobEU0QUyUsHh8RUj0rL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AMlRDnYkDv8AqZwRQqEbkk++NA2UfUA6DT11QSD6Hb2xbxDI0p imkXk7W7W98CUPhMyCjEqa5BJwQaTc/wADhrleHyJYnT3G/vg+sdCwCrj+WZn17+2GpiFWYk2ZnaUhhMqZ9cN6WeCqVUs0/MTEeotPPFqUddiAGMXJt+OJ08giuQzMRYmBy+uDGIg7QDRg2br eJp1AW5cvx54uytWBIt6YdEUHEhy/LQRc78+R7euAKeTYXCW5D99sNGtN13mFQRUjTLE22PM/uME0Cywv9sfDlWjURAibnBWTyqtZo6DSd/fA07G4GmpKsSWJIHIR3/XEfEhwsEev5i2BarijU0gBhAsRf0GOpMztJEHkQfr9MDdGq3hS 6tWC9RfeN74jms1IlJ5b2/Dc4+VKRBOo/WPxxTXHlvcX36XxoBgGC12LhgWGoXMXk/rbFCqpUlnIMSLRO4IHb++Ka1AKRoBixn8/acUlbgmPT9MJyfGMXaX+J5vIYv5tJubQCQSRPp12xRmaQN3taO 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8dZOBT0NSIBgMBA5m8+u5xpMtx6jUErUUk89Q/Z/HHhWZWKrFTI1SCPW2LmpOpNQE3vrEi/O++55xih/4ch3Vq+8Fcx8RPe2zm0EXne35+uAczk6dTdR6iRy6jfHkPD/iPM0tqmodG/f9caLI/H5X/qKR10mfqP7Yhf8Ah2dDa7/KOGZDzNLW+HkVfs2Zex8w/Q/jjLca+G67aSAHXUC0GDE7wd7TtOHqfFtN1lYeTsSFI+n9sEnjg IDCFH3gSsj0IP8AfGI3UYjZHrCIVhtE/wDB1KtMi6naGkHptcj1jpizNEplikMHUoQQbEg7SL9x+WGT55C CWWwNrT0/H8MK3oUa869alZ0+c/kSRgUYnkbXczKxbmZfjHHvFTw2Q33JJkd+U/rhbWUFC1yLBbbgc/w/DGi4l8LU2OpcwQeQZQRv1BGE/FsuaY0llYAcmn3IIBHtjq4XxUFxyR78YP4yVDAG3a352xGaaKT pBOwEnfck9RttinhjwT1IwYCYKkWJn37ScPIpq8IQNrcpTItAu NsdhjJ/y47DwzROkT//2Q==
the main legal dock(

... https://media.mutualart.com/Images/2017_11/01/10/104857827/20cc23f0-4921-46b5-acb3-974eec0a6396_570.Jpeg), ()

the city council is colorful and marvelouse building of the city council. (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSf2ZJFY8m7PBoIsAnGui4BQ0zyv-HICKkmOQ&usqp=CAU) which right infront of it, a stage sculpted of ice with giant ice sculpture of Blizzard Weeps. Beautiful, eerie, unnaturaly slim winged unicorn, which it's eyes always melted, so even her sculpture had tears. Beautiful tiara and snowflake cutie mark.
The snow nearby had red patterns.
There were a lot of activity around the stage- after all, the Winter Victory Celebration come in two days.
What our heroes are going to do?
(Nobility's mansion is above the Golden Stable)

2021-05-18, 09:30 PM
Robbin glances to Swift and then back at the mailpony uniforms on display.
"You wouldn't happen to have any coin on you for the cause, would you? ...Agh, the onions are already coming back to haunt me."

Robbin facehoofs before looking around at the crowd. He pays close attention to what everypony is buying and what is running out the fastest. Time to use the capitalists' own weapon against them perhaps.

If he can find a good that is about to run out for a relatively cheap price, he will use the little pocket change he still has to buy it and then try to strike a deal with somepony to sell it for more than he bought it: ideally making enough to buy the disguises after a few runs of this or so.
Adding Perceptive to see when something is about to be sold, Quick Reflexes to act before somepony else can, Connections with the Common Folk to find buyers, and Charismatic rabblerouser and Fiery speaker to persuade ponies to buy his intermediate goods.

Total +5

2021-05-19, 01:26 PM
Swift stands by and watches as Robbin takes off, curious how well his friend will do at haggling. The costumes and pieces he's picked out for the two of them seem like they should work well enough, and he's impressed at how quickly he's found them, though their currently low funds make taking advantage of the city's endless opportunities rather a bit of a chore.

"If he weren't so opposed to it on principle, he could some good coin..."

After a few minutes of observing Robbin's chain of trades and exchanged promises, the sheer amount of which would boggle the mind of a less mercantile ponies, Swift grows bored and decides to utilize his time more helpfully. Spending a few bits on a mug of mulled wine, he cozies up to the nearest group of travelers, striking up light conversations and telling anecdotes both fake and conveniently non-identifyingly real.

Of course, his intent is to steer the dialogue towards recent events and odd sights near and around the Clover Heart, as well as Nobility and her mansion. Carefully, he brings up local news and feigned curiosity at the splendor of her villa, acting the part of the ignoring, recently returned traveler. If nothing else, those guards that took Golden must have passed through the area surely, and most likely in a haste to transport her to safety. Somebody must have seen something! Hopefully, it will even be of use.

For this, I will count Inquisitive to help get people to talk, knowledge as a traveling Merchant to mingle among the right people, Making Contacts to get along with these strangers, Perceptive to pick up on any cues that I'm making others suspicious, Educated to recall any bits of local lore and history that could help me steer the conversation, and Silver Tongue for that extra bit of Glibness.

Some of these may be a bit of a stretch, so feel free to dismiss them if they don't fit. :smalltongue:


Well, not like it matters this time around. >_>

2021-05-21, 08:04 AM
(Chort. kakiye kubiki!)
It seemed, that talking into the hearts of ponies is expertise of our both heroes.
Robbin surely has anothet tale to tell- How he has turned beetroot into a new mail pony AND a boyar* outfit.
Boyars are secondary nobles, the merchants on the front, who actually do the selling and buying for the merchant princes, the same way, knights will fight the fight of their lord.
Those kind of second class nobles more or less could go everywhere, carrying messages and deals.

All Robbin had to do, was to get the finest beetroot, switch it for pair of a very green cabages, which turned into three bottles of wheat cider, which have turned into four silver(!) horsehoes.
the silver horseshoes have turned into a wing jewelry, which easily bought mail pony uniforms, AND the merchant was eager to get rid of a boyar clothes which had a certain red stains which the merchant has refused to explain beyond mables about "tragic beetroot accident"

Swift's tongue also got him to places:
Nobility is an easy topic to make ponies to talk about.
This years she she poured unprecedant resources into the Winter Victory Festival. Also she was VERY generouse toward the oprhanage, both with resources and visiting there often.

But she went harder then ever on the Trash ponies. ("tphu Stinking useless ponies")
They talk about the mansion, and it's extreme securities, and mention, how Nobility basicly gave a hill of gold to an unicorn wizard to do enchantments so any guest Nobility invite could come.
At Clover Heart, the character of Nobility is described as a very succesful and admirable noble.
AND she had been rumored to have personal meeting with Blizzard Weeps herself.

Though, there were a scandal of her neice get kidnapped by criminals, but her brother Paladin Spirit has saved her with ease.

based on the Boyar status. In historical russia, they were nobles, usually the court nobles, which were secondary nobles at the capitol, and most of then were the goverment.

2021-05-22, 10:07 PM
Robbin, looking much spiffier in his new outfit, sheepishly canters over to a separate table near Swift's and takes a seat, not wanting to disturb his friend's work.
He sits deep in thought for a good minute before sighing and pulling out a scroll of parchment he acquired for the letter for Golden Promise.
Princesses' tears: what would Trot Sky and Lemon think of me right now... Well I guess there's no rule saying a socialist has to be a bad merchant...

He is about to begin writing the letter when he remembers that who the letter is from will be important: it will have to be a pony whose correspondence they would let Golden read. He pauses for a few moments, tapping his quill to his chin.
Her brother? No: they would see through that too easily. Hmm, any noble's seal would be difficult to fake... Does she have a tutor perhaps? This might require some asking around...

He spares a glance at Swift before settling into his seat and waiting for his friend to finish. Once he has, he gestures to the changing rooms in the tailor's shop and hands him his new outfit.

When the two apparent boyars next meet, Robbin pulls up a seat for Swift and sits down opposite him.
"It looked like your discussion back there went well. Heh, you've always had a talent for that. So, quick question: whom do you think our letter should be from? Our little friend has strict parents: I'm not sure just anypony will do. Does she have a tutor perhaps? That was my best thought so far..."

2021-05-24, 08:59 AM
Swift, soon after he spots Robbin, excuses himself from the small group of perfume-stinking nouveau riche he's been chatting up. A quickly made-up excuse about not wanting to miss out on a nearby carrot pie sale frees him long enough to dodge into the tailor's shop. There, he switches into his new clothes and takes a moment to groom himself, just enough to not look utterly out of place in his disguise.

Once back outside, and seated next to his partner in crime, he gives a quick summary of all that he's learned.
"Something is most definitely off about that orphanage. The more I hear about it, the more suspicious it gets. If Nobility was just trying to look good for the community, why focus on this one place so much?" For a moment he leans forward, head between his legs as he ponders the situation. So deep is he in thought that he even completely overlooks Robbin's complement.

Still, when he eventually perks up and rises again, there is a flicker of a plan behind his eyes. "That does, however, give me an idea! Say, Robbin, would a foal at that orphanage not be very thankful for Nobility's generous contributions? And especially towards the kind daughter of that noblewoman, who visited a bunch of dirty stragglers like them? Why, if they had the privilege of learning how to write, they certainly would use their first letter to thank their benefactors, would they not?" With a smirk, he knocks at the side of his head, as if to emphasize how much he likes the idea.

2021-05-26, 11:07 PM
Robbin listens carefully to Swift's discoveries, nodding and furrowing his brow as he describes the anomalous orphanage.
"That... does sound unusual for her. Perhaps as a publicity stunt when necessary, but often? That's suspicious..."
He sighs and rubs his temples.
"It's amazing how much can change in six months or so..."

Then Swift shares his idea: Robbin listens to it with a raised eyebrow that slowly changes into a broad grin.
"Haha! That's brilliant! By all the scarce warm sunny days in the world I'm so happy I met you Swift! Now then: let's try this out, shall we?"

And with that, Robbin will begin writing a letter in his best imitation of a foal's hoofwriting (a strange misnomer considering that writing is usually done with the mouth). This is the first draft he proposes to Swift:
Dear Princess Promise,

I know you're not a princess, but I've always wanted to write to one. You're a noblemare, so that's close, right?

I wanted you to know how glad I am for your support of my home: well, me and my friends' home. Because of ponies like you, I even learned how to write!

My friend Swifty is learning how to write too, but he's not quite there yet. They say he's from the Trash Stable, but you'd never know! He's such a sweet colt. He would really like to meet you some day, and I would too! But I know that noblemares sometimes can't go out and play because their parents are strict...

Still, if you ever get to come out and play at the winter's-crest park, and if your parents let you play with less noble ponies, don't be shy! Deft Hooves is a great ice skater: do you know how to skate? He'd be happy to help. No, really: he's happy to help with anything.

But anyway, thank you so much again, and I hope you have a very warm winter!

All the best,
-Clever Calculus

Robbin looks to Swift once Swift has finished reading this draft.
"So what do you think? Too opaque? Too indirect? Too adult in diction? Actually, maybe you could write the next draft and I'll critique it: we can go back and forth if we need to."

2021-05-27, 02:25 PM
Swift accepts the complements with a generous lack of humility, his smirk getting more smug by the second. What can he say? He's gotten very good at this hero business by now.

Still, it remains tough for the stallion to not snicker and laugh when he sees just what Robbin is writing up. Goodness, the nerve of him! Sure, the little hints he's dropping are going to clue in Prosperity on what's happening, but he's just about planning to rub his actions in Nobility's face. Swift has to press a hoof against his mouth to stop himself from drawing attention, and takes a deep breath before he manages to speak up about the writing.

"No, no. I believe this will do quite nicely. However, if you'll allow..." Grabbing the pen in his mouth, Swift gets to work on a paper of his own, writing in the kind of scraggly chicken scratch only an earth pony could accomplish. For the most part, he copies down exactly what Robbin wrote, only he allows himself a large amount of entirely intentional spelling errors. Once done, he spits the pen to the side, and proudly presents his first forgery to his friend.

"There we go! That should complete the peasant image! Now, shall we go ahead with the plan?"

2021-05-30, 01:28 PM
Robbin chuckles at Swift's typical response to praise, but is himself a bit confused by Swift's own laughter at the letter. ...Was it a bit too much?

He is, however, relieved to learn that Swift thinks it will work.
"Oh! Aha, well I'm glad you think so! I know I can be a bit heavy hooved sometimes. I'm curious to see what you intend to add."

Robbin smiles as he observes Swift rewrite the letter in messier script with deliberate errors.
"Clever! It's been too long since I was a colt I guess... which isn't to say you're foalish, or more so than anypony else I know, heh."

Robbin claps a hoof on his friend's shoulder once he's finished, and nods emphatically when asked if it is time to proceed.
"But of course! Let us deliver our message like the proper Boyars we are! Follow my lead then."
He winks as he finishes that sentence, puts the letter in his mailbag, and begins trotting along slowly and methodically, not rushing or making haste. Basically acting as if he simply belongs and has a job to do.

However, there is the problem of not knowing where Golden's house is exactly, which is something a Boyar would likely know. Thankfully, nobles are rarely subtle when it comes to putting their names on things, so he keeps his eyes peeled for any road sign names that are similar to Golden Prosperity's name or her family members'. Moreover, Robbin is good at avoiding notice in crowds, so when he has a crowd to retreat into, he will risk asking somepony for directions before deftly retreating.

The roll
Adding Perceptive to follow road signs, Charismatic Rabblerouser and Fiery speaker to get directions when he can, as well as Quick Reflexes and Blend into Crowds to avoid drawing attention to him and Swift.

This totals +5

2021-06-07, 12:20 AM
The pair of the fake Boyars pass through the Clover Heart.
As Boyars any pony lesser then them in class lower their head in respect if they pass close enough.
They reach the Gold-Heart bridge which connect the Heart to the Golden Stable.
Here no less then dozen guards, sharp looking, in high quality gear stand stern, aware and seriouse. Quite opposite of the guards of the Iron Heart.
An eldery unicorn mare is before them in line
"What an ugly crone like you, has to look in the Golden Stable? Your appearancr is an insult to the astetics of the Golden Stable! Are you plotting to hurt the gentle eyes of the nobility?!" A pegasi guard question her harshly.

At first the eldery mare lower her head and fold her ears and prepare to walk away, but then she raise her head.
"...Ma'am. My son is a wizard in service of Nobility. He has asked of me, to bring piroshki (https://valentinascorner.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Russian-Piroshki-2..-760x1140.jpg) he... told me, he miss them. His name is Bronze Zenith."
the guards murmur between them. They let her in. Not before each of them grab one of the steamy fried breads with tasty fillings.

Robbin and Swift, how ever, as Boyars are simply get a salute.
But their job is now easy-, simply to follow the eldery mare apparently.
Not only that,they have found they way- they are ALSO(and) found a pony with a contact inside who likely to has an important intel.

The Golden Stable. Is blindingly beautiful.
Golden "onion" roofs, colorful cravings, very organized and harmonic streets, and even the smallest homes are mansions.
There almost no snow on the roads, as unicorns keep melting them.
It's even warmer here- pillars with built in ovens are warming those streets.
There also sense of advance and hope here- another mansion is built. Anothet is rebuilted to be even taller.
foals here play safely, with grown up servants who keep an eye over them.

Would they follow the elery mare silently, or apporach her before they get to their target? Or interact with anything else here?

2021-06-10, 11:08 PM
Robbin does his best not to wince at the cruelty of the guards, but is relieved when she makes it past them. As he canters down the streets of the Golden Stable, he can't help but feel... sad. This is what our country could be for everypony: why can't they see how beautiful that would be?

He sighs, and looks ahead again, thankful for the elderly mare's guidance, though also curious about her. Most mares her age would be bundled up in a cozy babushka on a night like this: something more than piroshki must motivate her...

He gently increases his pace to match hers and turns his head to face her, nodding respectfully in her direction.
"As a fellow deliverer of messages and gifts, I must apologize for that display back there: if I had a bit for every surly manor guard I've had to explain the importance of my job to, I would have half the wealth of Nobility herself, hah! But no matter, the night is cold babushka: you are brave to weather it."
He smiles at her before continuing.
"We, too, make our way to Nobility's manor this evening, carrying a message for a foal of all things. It seems this is a night of many small kindnesses... Were there more, perhaps the night would not be so cold, but such is life I suppose."

Robbin increases his pace slightly so that he is walking just ahead of the old mare before looking back to speak again.
"Let us handle the surly guards for you tonight babushka: you have come too far to be turned away! Might I ask your name good mare?"

2021-06-12, 05:09 PM
Is it odd that Swift finds himself scoffing? Scoffing at the mansions and the safe walls that cage in their inhabitants. Scoffing at all the fat, wealthy nobles who would sooner lock themselves away from the world than they would learn a single thing beyond thing beyond their inherited wealth? It's not like he hates them. He's no rebel, nor is he concerned with how much or little good others do. Rather, his ire is with how quaint it all is.

Can these ponies imagine no other pit for their wealth other than ever larger towers and mansions?

What their thuggish guards do to the old mare is but a symptom of that self-indulgent dullness. She has his sympathies, truly, even if he does not dare step in for lack of a good opportunity. The nerve of them, to rob her of the pastries she baked for her own son! He puts their faces to memory, if only for a day that may never come, where he may teach them a lesson about how to treat others.

For now, he allows Robbin to do most of the talking with the crone, seeing that his friend already seems to have a plan in mind. At most, should be prove to be receptive to them, he will offer her a ride on his back. She's a small, frail thing, even for a unicorn, and he's got strength to spare.

2021-06-15, 01:42 AM
The eldery mare flinch at first when, the Boyars aporach her, huggiing the piroshki bowl protectivly.
She soften up with the surpringly kibd words of Robbin.
"Ah. How noble of you." she say, her eyes shift to the sides as if examining potential escape routes.

"Bronze Medal... if it please you." she day and bow her head.
"If it isn"t much of a bother..." she relucantly accept their offer.

2021-06-17, 06:41 PM
As he stoops to allow the old mare onto his back, Swift exchanges a conspiratory glance with Robbin. Bronze Medal, huh? Her son must be that same hired mystic that everypony has been talking about. More than just a chance to help out a mother in need, this is starting to turn into a real opportunity.

"Believe us, it's no trouble at all. We're going the same way, after all, and we are young and strong!" He plays up the boisterous bogatyr nature a little, knowing quite well how to act the part. Once she is sat firmly on him, he'll follow her directions with a confident stride, deterring any interruptions by sheer spectacle. Who would want to stop something as ridiculous as this?

2021-06-17, 11:23 PM
Robbin smiles at Swift's act of kindness, and successfully stifles a chuckle at the sight. This may be the one time in his life that he gets a mare to ride him... not that I'm anypony to speak, hah.

Once Bronze Medal is seated, and has divulged her name, Robbin nods again in her direction.
"Bronze Medal: it is an honor to make your acquaintance brave mare! I am called Brass Hooves. As for your company, it is not a bother at all! To be completely honest, Nobility's manor is not often our destination, so your guidance on this path will be most convenient."
Robbin smiles as he finishes speaking before cantering forwards a ways more. He speaks a few moments later, giving the conversation a calm and natural tone as best he can.
"I could not help but overhear that you are parent to a wizard. Your family is blessed: I can only imagine your pride for your foal! Yet the night remains cold, and it is rare for even the most devoted mothers to weather it..."

Robbin slows his pace so he is closer to Bronze Medal before speaking his next words in a hushed tone.
"If you have any other goals you wish to accomplish this evening, our ears are open. The display of the guards back there was indeed shameful: it was honorless and selfish, and it is my deepest regret that such acts are so common amongst the nobility. If we can help to make amends for this, we will endeavor to do so."

Robbin smiles at Bronze again, keeping pace with Swift if she wishes to reply. He studies Bronze's reaction to try to get a sense of what she may be here for, while also attempting to make a good impression.

For this, I'll be adding Charismatic Rabblerouser and Fiery Speaker to get on her good side, hid drive Easy Inequality to show his sincerity in this case, and Perceptive to pick up on subtle body language clues.
This totals to +4

2021-06-24, 06:53 PM
Bronze Medal smile somberly.
"We spent all our savings and then some, to get him appernatice status for a wizard. My little Zenith. Both me and my husband are coming from unicorn families, but we never had the resources to educate a wizard.."

she shake her head.
"I am just missing my son. He has been so busy latelu. He always so nervouse around this time of the year. My lil' Zenith so caught up in his work, that he forget to eat." she more and more open up.
"And... he is already a grown pony, and I need grandchildren.. So I want also want to remind him of that."

Bronze Medal guide them to the biggest on ground mansion, it's probably bigger then the city council building. Wooden painted walls, guards... right below the cloud mansion- it seems there is still a lot of activity here.

An Earth pony stand at the gates. With a colorful and fancy armor. the armor has wings and he has impressive moustach.


Robbin know this pony. He is Guy Geesborn.
The pony who has cornered and arrested him.
The Captian of the private guard of Nobility.

He might see beyond the costume of Robbin.

2021-06-29, 10:01 PM
(Sorry for taking so long to respond! I got distracted >.<)

Robbin nods somberly at Bronze Medal's story, though cheers up when he hears about her desire to see her son... and chuckles when she mentions grandfoals.
"I am sure your young Zenith will be delighted to see you, and will absolutely devour those Piroshki! Grandfoals may take time, but I expect they will be brave like their grandmare, and clever like their father."

He winks and turns to face the road... which is when he sees Geesborn.
Of course it's him: he couldn't take the night off and leave it to a rookie could he, nooooo.

Robbin approaches Swift while they are a ways away from the checkpoint and hoofs over the letter.
"Swift River: I can carry our brave Babushka for now. You may be strong, but all creatures tire. You may be best suited to deliver our message and state our business here, and that of Bronze Medal too."
He jerks his head in the direction of Geesborn and gives a near indiscernible shake of his head before moving to catch Bronze Medal.

Robbin will otherwise stand back at a distance so as not to attract close scrutiny from Geesborn and will try to remain unnoticed using his Blend into a crowd talent.

According to the rules, this can either allow me to attempt stealth where others may not, or automatically succeed if the GM says that's ok. Since I'm not talking to Geesborn and I'm not close to him, could we do that for now?

I will roll here just in case, adding Quick reflexes, Blend into a crowd, and Perceptive (checking where he's looking) to add +3 to the roll.

2021-07-01, 02:17 PM
Swift, for his part, has a fantastic grandstanding and blending in by the most conspicuous method possible. Entirely oblivious to Robbin's sarcastic inner monologue, he cranes his back as much as he can, letting the old mare see the Golden Stable from up high. Any passersby he greets with a cheery, disarming shout, and a flex of his legs. It's a good thing the bogatyr clothes are quite so wide cut, for they completely hide the fact that his muscles lack severely in tone. Though he may be stout, he's no real workhorse, after all.

Grandmare,-" he starts, with a tone that is half laughter and half talking. "-if your boy does not chase the pretty mares that live here, he'll be holed up in that tower forever before he finds one to call his own! You've got to lure him out, no? There has to be a lonely devushka around that a proper wizard like him will sweep of her hooves!"

I tried for some Russian. :smallredface:

His grand, galloping showboating only stops when he notes his friend grow pale out of the corner of his eye. Pretending to hum to himself for a moment, he waits, and immediately reacts when he is ushered aside. Though having spent so much time out of town he has no idea what Robbin's history with that particular guardspony is, it doesn't take his usual genius to figure out that it can't be good whatsoever.

"Ah, you just want to impress the mares yourself, do you not? Make sure to leave some for Zenith, you Diamond Dog!"

He swings around, but then slows to gently deposit Bronze Medal on his friend's back. Once he's given her a moment to clamber on over, he turns to head to the ever so curiously dressed guardspony. This stallion certainly looks impressive. Whether or not he has the authority or guts to back it up, Swift will have to determine by getting in close.

"Privetstviye, guard! I hope the winds treat you well out here! I bring you a letter, for the mistress of the house and her foal!"

2021-07-02, 06:44 AM
ooc- Theo- great! It add to the flavor!
Blueham- Geesborn, if you have noticed the refrence is Robbin's sworn enemy, so against him you would have to roll. But you have succeeded.

Bronze Medal chuckle.
"You two are far too kind for your status. I... would try. There is this sweet baker mare from the Iron Stable.."

Robbin notice Geesborn in time, and blend into the crowd of boayrs trotting at this afternoon.

The guard laugh with a very loud voice.
Haha!" his laughter boom.
"Zenith is far too seriouse and sad to let mares enjoy him! But, I guess this is just how wizards are!"
he look at the eldery mare and the letters.
"Very well. I recongnize Zenith's mother, and you seem like a decent pony- come on in! It warm and nice over there!"

2021-07-06, 03:08 PM
"Ah, thank you! Thank you!" With a smirk, and a short bow of his head, Swift steps past the guard, doing his best to draw his attention all the way. Once inside the gates, he takes a moment to take in his surroundings and allow Robbin to catch back up with him. This place seems almost more like a fortress than a house to him, so great is its opulence and security.

After his friend is back at his side, he'll direct some words at him. "Brass, let's put grandmare down on her hooves, no? It's kind to carry her, but she should greet her son with her face!" And also, inside the mansion is where they want to stop drawing attention.

From there on, he's ready to let Bronze Medal lead the way a bit. He does not actually know the place or where to go, and her son may just provide some interesting information if he's as socially incapable as she suggests.

2021-07-07, 10:39 PM
(Sorry for another late reply: I've been having some trouble finding energy for all my games lately >.<)

Robbin would breathe a sigh of relief when Geeseborn's attention passes over him, but he remembers his role and chuckles at his friend's amusing accusation.
"Says the pony who cannot go two paces without testing his strength for the mares standing by."
He winks through his stress, but he's used to staying cool.

Otherwise, Robbin is happy to watch a master class in oratory and acting. Perhaps Swifty has a noble's soul... heh, I could see it. Chudesnyy my good friend.

Robbin follows Swift into the manor, keeping his head down metaphorically speaking if not literally so. When Swift approaches him and requests he put Bronze Medal down, he nods and does so gently.
"My apologies Mrs. Medal: I did not mean to put you in an undignified position. Let us go meet your son then."
He smiles, and will let her lead the way.

2021-07-12, 02:31 PM
Robbin manage to sneak in. For now.

The mansion is beautiful and golden from the inside, even if a bit dusty- it looks like it was less used then before.


And yet, golden curves with beautiful tapastries.
Bronze Medal, kept thanking them.
'Well, it the least I can do, and he could use some socializing...'

There aren't many servants here. and those who they meet, are old and earth pony. They try to avoid the boyars.
Bronze Medal lead in staircase of a tower, panting, but in the end getting to a wooden door with runes and magical symbolica. Bronze Medal knocked
'Zenith?' her voice croak.
'It's me. I have brought, piroshki for you.'

A whine is heard.
'Ugh. Fine.' and a grey unicorn (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/de5b6ca8-edd7-4a4e-9b92-4f7b9f1cb965/d66hh00-25a188d9-0058-422d-a117-f5483fd4bc4d.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2RlNWI2Y2E4LWVkZDctNGE0ZS05Yj kyLTRmN2I5ZjFjYjk2NVwvZDY2aGgwMC0yNWExODhkOS0wMDU4 LTQyMmQtYTExNy1mNTQ4M2ZkNGJjNGQuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.Od_9mPHV UCHUbedB2zA3qsxbeUW61m9jEra2ocSMsQI) open the door.
He frown.
'I told you mom, not to come here so often. It's been a week already.'

'Two weeks' she correct Bronze Zenith weakly.

'Too soon, one way or another. But if you came here, anyway, come on in.' The unicorn sigh, let her pass through.
'And who are you two?'

2021-07-17, 09:55 PM
Robbin canters along with some concern, partially because of where he is, and partially because of Bronze Medal's obvious fatigue.

Nonetheless, he is relieved when they make it to Zenith's chambers, though he raises an eyebrow at Zenith's ambivalence.
"My name is Brass Hooves, and this is my colleague Swift River: we came to deliver a letter, but decided to help your mother when we saw how little the guards respected her delivery job."

He gestures to the package Bronze Medal is carrying.
"You have a very brave mother to brave the ice and snow tonight to bring you Piroshki, though some of them were taken by the guards at the city gates... the life of the courier is regrettably often troubled by such things. Thankfully, we can vouch that the rest of Bronze Medal's delivery has made it to you undisturbed."

Robbin nods respectfully in the direction of Bronze Medal upon finishing his sentence before looking back to Zenith and sighing.
"The hour grows late, and we can understand a desire to speak in private, though your mother had mentioned socialization, which... honestly we would not be averse to if it was not too much of a bother. Our delivery is not terribly urgent, and we could use a minute to catch our breath.

However, if you wish us to leave you to converse privately, we will respect that... though I would ask you to find us or requisition a guard when your mother wishes to leave to ensure her safe return. A kind and brave mother like yours is a blessing... do not take that for granted."
Robbin smiles as he speaks those last words: he speaks from experience. His parents may not have fully approved of where he wound up in life, but he could not blame them, and could not have asked for a better family all things considered... now if only they had had more bread.

2021-07-18, 05:08 PM
Swift shares some of Robbin's concerns, mainly over just how many stairs make up the only path to Zenith's wizardly abode. It is no easy path, this, for an old mare. The layout is quite clearly made for a less vertically movement-challenged species. Whyever wizards swear by making their homes in towers, he will never understand.

Nevertheless, it doesn't stop him from giving the magical sigils at the door a thorough lookover. Swift is no mage, but he's read more books than some braggard nobles claimed to. Do these symbols perhaps tell him something about their creator?

Either way, he for once respects somepony's privacy, if only because Robbin has insisted on asking for permission to enter first. For now, all he does is stick his head through the door to take a deep, curious glance at the living conditions of this hired hexer. What books and equipment does he keep, and how much is he risking their destruction through inadequate care?

"Sounds to me you've had plenty of talks with just your mother already." he suddenly perks up, an idea entering his head. "If nothing else, it'll be interesting to hear someone else talk, da? Besides, I just remembered something you might like to hear. You are a wizard of some kind, no?"

The opportunity for business has arisen. An antisocial loner with a disposable income may just be the perfect client for something he's left in Mata's hooves.

2021-07-29, 03:43 PM
Zenith is relucntant, but nod.
His lab at first is an exprience for the nose: Smells of herbs and spices and sulfur.
The lab is a complex of bottles, vials, herbs and books.

He levitate chairs, and kick away books to clean room for the piroshki.
"Yes. I am a wizard." he finally answer.
"Are you looking for my services?"

2021-07-30, 11:20 PM
Robbin nods respectfully and enters, being careful not to touch anything despite his usual curiosity around shiny objects. When it was gold in a vault, or an arms cache in an armory, you could be reasonably certain that it wouldn't explode on you, but baubles in a wizard's abode? Hah! You would have to be a real foal to mess around with those unsupervised... or maybe just really really curious... and not currently pretending to be a Boyar.

Robbin shakes his head and will sit where directed, though when asked if he is seeking Zenith's services, he chuckles and shakes his head.
"As unusual as it may be, we did not come here seeking you services: as a matter of fact, we did not plan on meeting you tonight Mage Zenith. It was purely by chance that we encountered your mother.

No, tonight we mainly wished to see Bronze Medal's package safely delivered, to learn more about her wonderful son, and perhaps if you are so inclined, get some directions to the proper delivery site of this letter''s recipient."

Robbin will show the name on the letter he and Swift made to Zenith before sighing and shaking his head.
"We have not delivered messages to the estate of Nobility as often as some, and the sender neglected to include a specific room number. I suppose it is to be expected: it is from the orphanage Nobility has been sponsoring recently, and while they benefit from her favor, I do not expect many ponies there are familiar with the layout of this mansion."

2021-08-01, 12:38 PM
Oh dear oh my. This pony has got quite the mess of a room. Not just that, but he seems altogether like he doesn't care much about the state of his collection at all. He really is the perfect target to get rich off!....If Swift were inclined to spend his time with the busywork involved in such a goal. And right now, he has different aims altogether.

Careful not to step on or bump into anything too expensive, he bumbles over to whatever seating he can find. Lacking the in the kind of grace a practiced thief has, he can only give a sigh of relief as he plants his plot down, and allows his friend to guide the conversation a little longer.

"Yes, indeed. That's why we're here. It started out as just a tiny errant, and then we ended up having Pirogi with a wizard!" Bumping his elbow into Robbin's side, he gives a short, but loud laugh. "All because we stopped to help a nice old lady!"

He'll lean forward a little, putting a hoof on the table. "And speaking of chance, I just happened to remember something as saw all these books in your room. Something to make this all worth your time, no?" For a second, he'll lean over to old Bronze Medal, whispering to her loud enough for everyone to hear clearly. "And to lure him out of this dusty room for once..." With a chuckle, he returns his attention to Zenith.

"Well, I've only heard rumours about this, but some drinking friends of mine told me about this yak merchant. Mata...something. Furry? Shaggy? Ah, I do not quite recall. But they say she's gotten ahold of some genuine antique books. The kind full of magic and science. Said the wizard that hired them was talking about it all excited."

2021-08-03, 03:48 AM
Bronze Medal sit and make tea. Humming to herself.
Seemingly just happy being near her son.

Zenith look a bit cranky as he eat.
"Huh. Yes. She wouldn't want some filthy orphans to know how to get to her. Her neice hanging out with one, is already a gossip material for the rival merchant princes." Zenith shake his head.
"And yeah, I made sort of of a special lift and have enchanted boots so no pegasi could step in her cloud mansion. Hm."
He tap his chin.
"I think she is in a worse mood then usual- rumors are, that this crazy bandit Robbin has escaped the labor camp... and somepony tried to kidnap her neice. So just be careful." Zenith warns.

A shine finally light in his eyes.
"Really? A Yak?! Having books to sell? Where do I find her? Its so hard to find good books! They are so rare!"

2021-08-07, 07:50 PM
"Where was she? Oh, where was she?" Swift taps his hoof against his chin, pretending to think deeply about the matter. "Somewhere on the corner of Trash Stable? I think hers is called the Wheel'n Dealership, or something like that. You'll find it with the name, I'm sure." He'll trust that this wizard will not be stupid enough to flaunt his wealth or go alone in the rough parts of town. He's got the money to afford some guards and a cloak, after all.

While he won't ask any further questions about the lift that Zenith has enchanted, he still takes note of it, and the shoes that allow even earth ponies to take it. If that device is for guests, then there should be more than one pair of shoes. Which means nobody might notice if a few of them go missing. "Well, I imagine those books would have to be rare if they're so old. Whoever brought those to the yak is sure to make a fortune! Lucky bastard....I can only imagine how many more books he'll bring in to sell!"

He gives a little chuckle, exchanging a glance with Robbin. "Say, you've mentioned some robber escaping? Hah, that might explain those griffons we saw yesterday. The whole band of them looked to be in a real sour mood too. No wonder, if they can't catch a single little thief! They'll be in some proper trouble with Nobility I bet!"

From there on, he just makes a bit more small talk, letting his friend try and sneak in some questions if he wants.

2021-08-15, 02:57 PM
(My god: I've delayed this a week! I'm sorry about this 0.0)
(In other news, I defended my masters thesis successfully! ...Which was why I was busy ^^;)

Robbin listens impassively as Zenith, Bronze, and Swift speak, though a close observer would notice his eyebrow twitch when Zenith speaks of "filthy trash orphans."

When Zenith speaks of the kidnapping, Robbin nods gravely.
"Yes, I've heard all sorts of crazy things about the kidnapping. I haven't gotten a clear answer out of anypony I've talked with, but one of them said a mare with a flower patterned dress was spotted nearby... it makes a pony fear for the future to hear such things, but at least we can rest easy knowing four things."
Robbin takes a sip of tea and looks Zenith in the eye.
"The sun will rise, tithes will be levied, one day we will die, and the mail must be delivered."

Robbin chuckles and nods to Swift.
"We are accustomed to delivering messages that ponies do not wish to see, but deliver them we must. Is there any way you know of completing this task? If not, do not worry yourself: we will find a way. It is our job after all."

2021-08-16, 04:29 AM
Zenith look excited. "I'll make sure to look for her!" He say quite hyped.
"Nobility is smarter then going murder happy over incomotence-such behavior motivate betrayal" he shake his head.
"It's more simple. She is merchant. She calculate it off their salary. I bet the commander end up a debt slave himself." he explain.

To Robbin he shake his head again.
"If you are ain't pegasuses,you can't reach the sky mansion without my guidance. Nobility paid me a good money to make sure of that. I will guide you, once we are done with our meal"

2021-08-25, 11:30 AM
Swift, just as Zenith is looking away for a moment, exchanges a knowing glance with Robbin. Nobility really has a talent for getting her grubby little wings into everything, doesn't she? "Well, remind me not to get on her bad side." How little loyalty do her servants really have for her, he wonders, if those are the kinds of webs she weaves?

Then, when the unicorn makes his offer, he perks up again, rising a little in his chair. "Really now? I've never used a magical lift before, so I guess I'll take your word for it! Thank you for the help, anyways!"

2021-08-25, 11:08 PM
To Swift's brief look, robbin only nods gravely, having experienced Nobility's bad side first hand...
And she wonders why so many plot against her...

When Zenith reveals he is their method of entry, Robbin's expression brightens and he gives Swift a gentle jab in the ribs.
"Really? Excellent! Our fortunes seem to be excellent tonight are they not Swift River? To be honest, neither of us had delivered here since the manor was renovated, though in retrospect, this makes a lot of sense. We will be sure to remember this for future reference."

Robbin pauses for a moment as he munches on a bite of his piroshki before swallowing and looking between Zenith and Bronze Medal.
"Will your mother be staying with you tonight? If not, we would happily escort her home, the night being cold, and guards being ornery as they are wont to be. Aiding ponies in ascening to the manor is a part of your job, but you strike me as the type who prefers time in the study to time ferrying ponies about. It would be the least we could do in exchange for interrupting your evening."
Robbin then turns to Bronze Medal and smiles.
"Assuming you are not against this yourself of course Ms. Medal."

2021-08-27, 09:17 AM
Zenith look at his mother, who were already very tired.
Her muzzle wobbled as she was half asleep already.
He grunted. "Ugh. No... it's too late and cold... and Robbin might be out there, if he knew my role, he wouldn't hesitate to take my mother as a hostage... I should consider to rent her an apartment at the Golden Stable. Ugh"
He levitate her with ease to bed and cover her.

"Follow me." Zenith say as he lead the way at the corridors and then up the stairs. He is known figure here, servants move away, guards nod to him.
He get them to the roof, where cold wind whine, as sharp contrast to the warmth inside the mansion

Zenith pull out a crystal, with a lock hole. He enter his horn into the crystal, and both glow

A horn lock, with a specific mental code. Then the crystal shard expand and grow... like a tree in fast motion, to a beautiful chariot, which attract clouds underneath it.

Inside the chariot three sets of crystal/ice horseshoes are waiting them
"Wear them." he say as he wear them himself. "They will grant you pegasi walk. Don't try to steal them- they melt in hour after leaving the cloud mansion. Any questions?"

2021-09-07, 02:11 PM
As Zenith turns from them, Swift throws Robbin a deeply amused smirk. "Why, he does sound like the kind of ruthless sort who would do something like that. It's a good thing Lady Nobility's walls keep what we're saying far from his prying ears!" For a moment, a fit of laughter almost overcomes him, but a swift bite to his own hoof (or perhaps some amusing physical abuse from Robbin?) keeps him from exposing their charade. In the aftermath, he smiles sheepishly for a moment before he quickly stumbles after the departing wizard.

Doing his best to blend in, he follows quietly and just memorizes as much of the route they take as he can. The place sure is expansive, even if it's not exactly labyrinthine. Considering all the artwork and heating, the costs for each inch must have been exponential!

But what really gets the disguised merchant to open his eyes wide is the artifact that Zenith eventually shows him. Some might call it a bauble, and perhaps to mages of a more civilized age it would have been, but the complexity of the chariot's crystal construction and the interweaving of weather effects within an arcane-locked cylinder the size of an apple....this unicorn knows what he is doing. And as always, it is truly fascinating to witness the kind of mystical science that an earth pony like Swift cannot hope to master in such a way.

Carefully, he slips onto the provided horseshoes, struggling for a moment to fit them onto his broad hooves. Their smooth sensation puts him off for a moment as he fears even one step may shatter them, but he quickly calls to mind that their magical construction will surely prevent this.

"Well then." Swift motions for Zenith to step ahead, making room on the small platform for him. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be to fly!"

Phew. Finally managed to write up something. It's been a busy few days, though by now I think I'm through the worst of it. Additional complicating factors did hit me at the worst possible time, so this post did come later than expected. >_>

2021-09-12, 11:19 PM
Robbin sighs and shoves a Piroshki into Swift's mouth before he makes a foal of the two of them and sighs.
"Have one for the road friend."
He then looks to Zenith and shrugs.
"Given the difficulty your mother faced entering the Golden stable, I agree that it would be wise to arrange for lodgings to be provided for her here. As for this 'Robbin' fellow... All I can say is that I can only hope that there is some honor among these thieves yet, though it seems honor and goodwill are rare commodities these days."

Robbin is somewhat distracted as he approaches the chariot: Zenith's words struck an uncomfortable chord with him.
Would I actually do that? I don't think so... I've killed ponies before, but they always were out for my blood as well... Sun Burn and that madmare of his cannot be right here: change carried in on the back of wanton cruelty can't last, not in the way we'd like, but still... Who am I to tell the angry and the downtrodden which of the rich they should eat when they have no food left...

He thinks back to Bronze Medal's encounter with the guards and narrows his eyes.
To them, she was no better than one of us "trash ponies," and she won't escape that by living here. Perhaps that's where we find common ground... Blood will be shed when the ponies rise up, but not hers if I can help it.

He is woken from his reverie when they reach the chariot; he eyes the horseshoes with mild bafflement, but nods as Zenith explains how they work.
"Understood: we will be careful. Nobility truly outdid herself here: it reminds me of that old tale of the castle in the sky from that collection of stories by that southern pony, Galloper's Travels I believe they are called."
And like that castle, it's not terribly practical is it when you think about it. You may reign from the skies, but eventually, you will need resources from the land. As always, whomever controls the food is the one who actually rules... and perhaps that will be Nobility's downfall.

Sorry for my super late reply: I had an insanely busy week with back to back teaching, labwork, meetings, and courses. Not helping things was that constant anxiety I mentioned before... But I'm glad I finally got a post in: thank you so much for your patience!

2021-09-22, 05:49 PM
Maybe at ancient times...such tales were possible. I am not sure, what Nobility had to do, to make the winds weak enough around to make this castle possible- usually the winds are too strong to let cloud structure to stay in one piece.. anyway." Zenith say as he start to activate the chariot.
In a minute or say, they are getting into the gates of this even COLDER.
Pair of pegasus guards, from the elite unit led by Paladin Spirit are standing guard with bardiches made from Princess-Tear- glass-ice like material, but stronger then diamond.

They frown but Zenith raise a foreleg. "They have a message for the Merchant Princess."
They raise again the bardiches and offer fur coats.
The open the double doors into a dreamy and royalty worth entrance room-
(ponify in your imaganation any human-ish characters)
the floor feel so.. light. You can hear the wind howl right underneath. It were shaped to look like stone.. but it was cloud. Touching the staircase or the walls feels, like sinking ingo wet cotton. The mansion is more empty. Few servants, shich even them looks from the Boyar class, give shifty glares as they pass through the castle. Passing through golden halls


beautiful ceilings with chandeliers:

and Zenith stop at a corridor that would lead to the main hall.

a character get out to their direction. Beautiful and terrible, clad fully in full plate armor made of princess tears, which the lights shined in rainbow over their armor.
Wings made of ice and snow are folded, blue cloak with a snowflake clasp wave as the knight step.
He stop and give a glare at the two earth ponies.
"I sense lies." the knight wishper.he turn his head to Zenith.
"I sense arrogance."

Zenith look... pale, and fall to his knees bow deeply.
"I-...I have sinned. I have crafted those horseshoes and chariot.. sense of greatness has dared to enter my heart."

"Rise up. Just remember, that only Princess Blizzard Weeps can be great, else she will have to mourn you."
he turn his shiny mask toward the Earth ponies as if expecting a certain kind of reaction.

2021-09-30, 01:36 PM
"Yes....I wonder what, indeed..." Nobility, that bloated toad. Hidden away in her high castle, cowering for Blizzard Weeps. She has long enough served as that secluded princess' representant, employing her cold-hearted knights with no regard for their lack of empathy. Yes, if there is anyone who would gain any sort of reprieve from a princess that seeks to seclude herself from the world, it would be the kind of pony who rules on her behalf. And what a minor reprieve as well! Just a little less storm here, just a little less cold. All to build her own little fortress, her testament to isolation.

Swift nestles himself into his clothes, stoicly holding against the cold as blasting winds and flecks of snow conceal his vision during much of the flight. Only barely does he get a sight of the heights to which he has risen, and though it is breathtaking in a way his mind is too distracted to contemplate much. It is once he is inside, wrapped in a much warmer fur coat, that he is able to take a deep breath and take in his surroundings.

Yet even the fanciful interiors offer only a mixed sort of comfort. Swift is not used to walking on clouds, to the way everything bounces and sinks as he steps. Years of travel in the cold winterlands of Gallopardia make him shudder at each step, as he thinks he is about to fall through a blanket of snow into a sinkhole. He did not expect it to put him on edge quite so much. He has only just started to get used to the feel and unreal strangeness of the mansion, when another danger presents itself in the form of one dangerous looking knight.

Time to improvise. Mimicking what Zenith has done, he quickly drops to his knees, almost jumping back up in fear as he sinks in. His mind races, looking for words to say that will not give him away. "I have...sinned! I've..." He hesitates for a split-second, then blurts out the first thing that he can think of. "...eaten on duty! I let my gluttony distract me from my purpose!"

2021-09-30, 10:58 PM
Robbin shudders at the sight of the Blizzard Knights.
Ah, right: these ponies hang around here... Well, bizarre corpse-like creatures of ponies at least.

Robbin steels himself against the cold and opts to tell the honest truth... to a point.
"All ponies sin, all ponies fall short in time, but the mail must be delivered come rain or snow or gloom of night. A messenger stands before you: for tonight, that is all."

1.) Charismatic rabble rouser (for making a short speech)
2.) Drive: ensure equity (because this is for Swift Hit, and he is just as much a victim of this system as any)
3.) Fiery speaker (again, for making speeches)
4.) Perceptive (for reading the room and deciding a partial truth is safer)

So +4 total. If the -3 for lying applies to half-truths (Robbin is simply acting as a messenger here as he said), feel free to deduct that from the total!

2021-10-06, 01:50 PM

The eye holes shine behind the helmet.
'I see.' he say quitly, his head stare at Robbin.
'Yet. Something you hide. I'll think of you in my dreams.'

Then he turn to his head toward Swift. Suddenly the hall feel colder.
Swift feel the chill enter his bones, and somehow... he feel bitter hatred within this chill- it's no blind weather.
It angry.

'Lier' the voice echo sharply as a breaking window, and his horn glow, as the knight form set of ice shards.
'Give me a reason, not to let the Princess to mourn you?' it echoes.

Zenith gasp in horror, even the few ponies which were around start to run away

2021-10-11, 11:04 PM
Robbin freezes for just a moment before regaining his composure and sighing. He looks to the knight and raises an eyebrow.
"Is it so uncommon for a pony to fear you so much that they lie in terror? Yes, that was a falsehood, the reason for which is simple: we are both messengers, but we expect the message we bring may be unwelcome. But the mail must be delivered: this message in particular. We suspect a foal's life may depend on it."

He meets the knight's gaze, somewhat unnerved as always, but not as frightened as he expected. As a matter of fact, Robbin's mind was racing, and he was loving every second of it. You walk a knife's edge Hooves, between truth and lie, life and death: one of these days you'll cut yourself, but I'll take death over slavery, and what a death it will be.
"You wish to know why you should spare my colleague? The answer is simple: neither of us are worth sullying your blade this day. It was a white lie spoken in what was a reasonable panic. Neither of us have come today to cause you or yours any trouble: we come to deliver a message, nothing more and nothing less, so please: stay your wrath for one more deserving."

And with that, Robbin continues to stare down the knight, unwilling to glance around for an exit yet: he mostly tells the truth, but he still doesn't want to come off as being any more suspicious than he already is.

1.) Charismatic rabblerouser for delivering a speech
2.) Fiery speaker because he means what he says
3.) Drive: help the little pony, because this is for Swift Hit
4.) Perceptive for keeping track of his own truths and half truths to avoid directly lying
And if this is ok with you Igor,
5.) Flaw: hot headed and impulsive because talking even the politest smack to a blizzard knight is something that can get you in trouble and that most ponies will avoid doing.
[roll0] +4 or +5 (Igor willing) -half truth penalty (-1 IIRC?)

2021-10-12, 03:11 PM
"Oh, horseapples." Swift staggers back, away from the hellknight, suddenly feeling like he's very far out of his depth. His prone position, however, ensures that he does not get very far before stumbling, leaving him exposed and staring up at the monstrous armed figure. Opening his mouth, he tries to get the words out, but something cold and vicious takes ahold of him, freezing him in place. A feeling similar to plunging into ice water through a thin lake surface prevents him from thinking clearly, even with the little time he is given.

Luckily, Robbin steps up before Swift has to see if he can escape from an Ice Knight with a trio of icicles stabbed in his back.

"Da, it's as he said!" the earth pony shouts, playing along as well as he can. "I'm so sorry, I just felt I had to say something of value!" Which is pretty much the truth, all things given. The way he bows down and kowtows to the imposing knight over and over is perhaps a bit overdone, though, even if it is completely serious. "I couldn't just stand here and act as though I was without flaw in the face of the Princess' judge!"

Within his mind, Swift keep hoping that his explanation will be accepted for what it is. Embarrassingly, it does seem like making something up was not even required. Sometimes he really wishes there was an etiquette manual for how to deal with these fiends in shining armor.

2021-10-16, 12:18 PM
There is a moment of long and dead silence.
The ice shards fall on the floor and shatter, the hatefull chill drop and the normal cold return.
"I see." a voice soft as broken glass echo.
"Coward. Ignorant. Yet, dedicated for your quest." It add "Useful. Go. Do your quest. I'll have my quest for you, when you are done. If you wish- I shall not force a quest upon you, my little ponies"

2021-10-20, 04:11 PM
Swift stays quiet for a good few seconds after the Ice Knight has spoken, needing a moment to process that Robbin's gambit actually worked out. That was heart-pounding just now, more dangerous than any bird-brained griffons or villainous noble. And what makes it all the more baffling is that it has all concluded in an offer! An offer, from an Ice Knight! What an oxymoron to even think, yet it's exactly what is happening.

"A....quest?" The words tumble out of his mouth, still staggered.

Slowly, his head rotates, turning to face Robbin. There's that expression again, that annoyingly curious expression. It's almost like he's begging to make time for this.

"...I...how generous of you to offer." And he means it. It's oh so unusual to see any generosity from the princess' minions. "We, well...I must think how much time we have.....I would love to hear what you'd ask us to do."

2021-10-31, 01:49 AM
"I shall wait you." The Ice Knight say.
"Right here. If not you, I shall find other messengers, but they probably won't be as ignorant and coward as you two, and that would be a shame.'

You two walk to the throne room of the Merchant Princess Nobility. Before going there, whines of begging, and sobs are echoed.

it look something like this:
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/OKIkBTc-e561pW-zGU_eXf3s2w_2o-054ZAV6FEnDQQDMqAAzgQNW6A6IHz0Fh5MV9QBzMCLr7uOKNJY N0g-st5dRvNgNtpsarvnqCd9SWL_U3HAtfN8wzTwsBoXzRKNLNzDEm vtPUcnM960OUggQ4YTczD5U-eums2DYZvSqtBLqZXpith6

In a cage a pegasi mare, cyan coated just like Golden Propety the filly- despite her pink mane,it clear this noble mare deeply related to Golden Property.

Golden Property cry. "Please, auntie! This isnt her fault!"

And sat on the throne, is of course none other then Nobility.
Golden coated,with a rare fluffy coat, with fluff swell from her crimson-golden dress, with wings so feathery that almost like they are made from cloud.
her purple eyes, are under heavy make up with long eyelashes, with cold and cruel expression.
Her cyan silver mane is collected under gold-and jewel headress

She is well fed pony, but she carry it with a certain royalty, sit heavy in her throne, sarounded by six guards of the highest calliber.
"Your mother has failed. She didn't kept an of you. She turned you into a weakness for me."

The mare cry. "I am sorry! I didnt meant to let Golden Property out of sight! I was worried sick!"

Nobility raise her foreleg. "Silence wench" her eyes travel iber the two Boyars.
"Well. I have heard you two have a message for me?" she ask

2021-11-04, 03:46 PM
"Yes...we....right you are!" And with barely a glance back, Swift makes himself scarce, ushering Zenith to come with him. Robbin, he's sure, has the good sense to come too. Only once the Knight has disappeared behind a whole series of corridors does he let out a sigh of relief, very glad that he's survived this one.

Though he may be more than sure of his capabilities, Swift would be foolish to think that he can take on an Ice Knight, even with a fierce companion by his side. His life must have flashed in front of his eyes at least three times during that exchange, each time more slowly than the last. Now, he exchanges some glances and nods with his friend, letting him know that he is alright, just very much shaken. It's a shame that Zenith is around right now, as otherwise he would have some very choice words about the Princess in that moment.

Keeping himself from wavering, he follows the path to Nobility's throne room, only to be taken aback by what he witnesses in there. It appears that Nobility has crafted herself her own little court in her, complete with herself in the role of judge and jury. And how sickening it is that the victim of her mockery of justice is the very mother of the little filly this case revolves around. From within him, a new strength fills up, full of righteous indignation at this self-indulgent, bloated crow.

"Yes, a message..." he responds to her demand, doing all he can to keep himself from glaring. Instead, he turns towards young Prosperity, letting the filly get a good look at his face before bowing. "We've come to deliver a letter to your youngest niece, from the foals at your orphanage, your highness."

His head raises up just a little, flashing the most affable smile a merchant can offer. "I hope their well-wishes come at a good time, when it must have been a dreadfully frightening day for her."

2021-11-05, 10:39 PM
Robbin keeps his gaze even as the ice knight relents, though internally, he is anything but calm. What began as excitement has since turned to a sort of desperate anxiety, though it slowly begins to dissipate as he helps his friend to his hooves.

He nods to the ice knight.
"If you have a message you wish delivered, then deliver it we will. We will return shortly."
And with that, he gives the knight a brief yet formal bow before turning about face to continue on, not daring to look back at the knight or his friend as they canter forwards.

Once they are out of sight and are a decent distance away, Robbin leans against a wall and collapses against it, taking long, ragged breaths as he recovers from what just happened. He gives Swift a somewhat manic grin and chuckles.
"It worked... that was a miracle! ...I'm glad you're ok: come on, let's finish our job and then see what this next job is... Blin! I was not expecting that!"
Robbin steadily rises to his hooves and then continues to the throne room with Swift. How long has it been since I've been here? Seven months? I wonder how the old vedma has redecorated the place: it probably can't be more garish than last time.

...And then Robbin enters the throne room and is immediately sick to his stomach. It takes all he has to suppress a gag and possible a bout of vomiting.
Oh... Princesses... Her. Own. Daughter... Why...
Nonetheless, Robbin remains aware enough to realize that speaking up is probably among the worst things he could do right now: his is a known face, especially to her. He stays back and lets Swift deliver the message, though he is not idle. He scans the room for alternate entrances and exits as well as any obvious means of opening the cage... and for any staff whom he may have done a favor for in the past. You never know who may be willing to spill a secret once you've hidden in their closet a couple times.

If our little friend runs away again... I have to make sure her mother is safe.

To stay unnoticed I apply:
-Blend into a crowd because similar skills are applicable.
-Quick reflexes for stealth.
-Charismatic rabblerouser with emphasis on "charismatic" there to control his body language.

To search for a way to free Golden Property's mother at some point:
-Perceptive to perceive clues and hidden details.
-Drive: protect the downtrodden because while her mom is a noble, she is being mistreated.
-Connections with the common folk because he can't have snuck in this many times without making a friend or two: maybe one of them is nearby and may have useful information later?

2021-11-11, 10:27 AM
Zenith show them the way, but keep a distance with a clear expression on anxiety, as if they caught a plague.

Nobility lean her head on the foreleg which she lean on the arm of her throne.
Her mouth curve into an amused smile.
"That bound to be entertaining."

She doesnt seems to recongnize Robbin, despite their enemosity. More then that- her attention is fully centered on Swift.
Robbin is near invisble.

"Really?" Golden Property stop to cry for a moment and perk her ears. Her eyes wide with hope for.. something. Anything.

Robbin see that the cage, was mostly made for show- the lock is even weaker then the simple kind of locks- but who would dare to get out of a cage without Nobility's premission?
A good kick should break the lock easily.

The guards are focused on guarding Nobility, from all angles. And again, they dont seem to expect Property's mother to get out without premission.
They do expect assasians, so they would be distracted of they believe Nobility is in danger.

2021-11-24, 05:23 PM
"Why, yes!" Swift turns to pull the letter he carries from his saddlebags, pullimg it from them with his mouth and onto his hoof. Every move now is slow and deliberate. There's no threat from him, right?

Oh, how well he caught all these rich suckers, hook, line and sinker! "Those dirt ponies must have been really happy to see some proper shine in their lives for once! They gave us all they had, just wo they could say 'thank you' for playing together."

Comfident that after his little run-in with that ice knight earlier everything is going according to plan once more, he sinks his teeth into the letter and carries it over to Golden. With a wink, he leans down to let her take it, close enough for her to perhaps unexpectedly grab lnto his saddlebags.

Of course, what Swift is so confident of is that they'll give Golden the letter and then think of a way to do more before they leave. Why, it would be unthinkable for snything about this situation to be out of his control. He eould just be utterly unprepared, were Robbin to make a decisive move.

Hey everyone, I'm back. It took me a few days to get over my jetlag, but I'm back in form and ready to keep writing.

Hope you dont mind me tempting fate while I'm at it. :p

2021-12-12, 03:31 PM
Robbin is mostly oblivious to Swift's actions as he examines the lock from a distance. He is at first shocked by its shoddy construction, which is when he remembers where he is, and why it doesn't have to be strong...

He looks to the elaborately decorated ceiling as he thinks over a conundrum that he and Swift hadn't considered: the letter is supposed to get Golden out of the castle to meet with them, but if her mother was punished the last time she left... she may not want to again.

But there doesn't seem to be much to do about it: the imprisoned mother may not even wish to flee for fear of even greater retribution.

Robbin looks over to Golden and just... waits. It's painful, but what else is there for him to do? For now at least.

Oof! It's been a month or so since my last post! Sorry folks >.<
On the plus side, I'm very nearly done with the semester, and I expect the next semesters I have should be a bit more manageable.

2021-12-17, 02:37 AM
Nobility open the letter.
Her sneering expression, soften to be somber.
For a moment, she look very sad, and put a wing over her stomach.
She exchange look at the letter, and then at her neice.

Her expression turn spiteful, as she glare at her sister in-law, caged.
She roll the letter.
She look at Golden Property.
'Well. If you want to take responsbility for your mother's failure- then all your toys will be given to those urchins you are so fond of. I will also place somepony more competent to watch over you, beside your mother."

Golden Property hestitated just for a second.
"Thank you auntie! Everything!"
Nobility nod.
"Very well. Guards,you may release this mare"
the guards open the cage, and mother and daughter embrace each other with a double hug, that only pegasi can give.

"Now now. Time for your part in the deal"
Nobility say.

She look at the messengers.
"You have earned a generouse payment. But I can be more generouse- if you would take the toys and my reply to the orphanage.' she offer.

2021-12-28, 11:38 AM
Robbin breathes a silent sight of relief at Nobility's response. Half way through Swift's delivery, he noticed the slight recklessness with which his friend had approached, but there was little he could have done at that point.
He does raise an eyebrow at Nobility's response. This was supposed to go to Golden... but Nobility's mood seems to have improved? Something seems wrong... at least her mother is free.

Robbin closely examines Nobility's body language: having been at her mercy so many times in the past, it was inevitable that he pick up a few of her tells, though usually he was much closer to her face than this...

Adding Perceptive to get insight into Nobility's motives.

When Nobility offers Swift an additional job, he subtly nods to his friend in approval. Otherwise, he puts on the air of a senior Boyar supervising a trainee.

2022-01-02, 01:17 PM
Like Swift thought. Hook, line and sinker. Yet, the sweetness of his success comes tinged with just the slightest bit of oddity. Nobility's reaction is entirely outside of what he expected, almost as though she cared what a bunch of little foals at some orphanage really thought about her. If that truly was the case, it would throw a monkey wrench into his currently standing hypothesis. Or perhaps just reveal an opportunity?

Either way, Golden is reunited with her mother, and the self-proclaimed hero has kept his word. A proud smile graces his face as he watches the two of them, until Nobility's shrill voice calls him back to attention.

"Of course, we can make time for your wishes, your benevolence! Just show us where the toys are and we'll get right to it!" A quick glance over to Robbin gives him the certainty that his friend is following along. Of course, this means they are now responsible for the errands of two very dangerous and powerful individuals, but if that's the price for information then so be it.

2022-01-05, 02:57 PM
Robin can read that something about the orphans, and Golden Property are triggering a trauma for Nobility- a physical one potentialy, by the way she held her stomach.
AND she glare at Golden's mother with spiteful envy.
* * *
Two guards alongside Golden Property and her mother Golden Standard accompany the two "boyars', the guards dragging a cart.
Property flutter her wings happily, helping her to skip. This cyan coated golden maned filly stare at her mother, so thankfull that she is ok!
She seems too distracted to pay attention to the Boyars. Boyars come and go.

Golden Standard like her daughter has a cyan mane and purple eyes, but the braids of her mane were pink.
She was a merchant princess, even if a minor one. She was overweight as well, but she didnt added her presence like it did for Nobility, she looked swollen and panting, clad in crimson silk dress and matching headress. Both dress and headrss carried her cutie mark- scales with a golden bit burdening one side.
Her tired bloodshot eyes and redd-ish muzzle hinted at deep relationship with wheat cider.
She swallowed weeps, and looked unfocused, seems lost in thoughts, maybe self pity.

(You may roll to see if you recall rumors/knowledge. She is relativly an important and famouse pony)

The living quarders while beautiful, but softer in a sense-- many carpets and furs, mostly patterned with Nobility's cutie mark- a crowned blue heart.
Nobility also has filled the art: Most were potraits.
Of Nobility of course. In most she was drawn much slimmer then she is. Often, drawn holding a clover- straightforward allegory for her holding the city Clover River.

The few paintings that werent her potraits, were a view paintings of buildings she has funded, or darker single painting, that made Merchant Princesses Standard to stop in her tracks:
It looked like.. Tartarus?
Twelve ponies with flower cutie marks being tortured. Two of them look like Sunburn and the unicorn mare who has caged Property.
Each of the ponies in the painting suffer-
Sunburn is shackled and his face bitten by a frost dragon, and the mare's head pushed into a pot of boiling oil.
and so on.
In the painting Nobility as filly stand proud in the middle with spread wings, looking vengful.

Standard hug Property with her wing.
"This time, when we catch them, this will look to them like a sweet memory" she promise.
"Mommy. I dont like this painting.' Property squeak.
-"You should sweety. Nobility was barely older then you, when she had to do what need to be done. Your actions have results sweety. If we appear weak, they will do to us much worse. The filthy peasants want to destroy us. They want to eat us."
-"Mommy! Stop! I dont want to hear and see this!' Property shake her head.
Standard pull a tiny bottle of wheat cider and sip from it with a loud gulp.

* * *

At every corridor corner stand a guard, and near Property's room stand two guards. Near the door is the only potrait of Nobility with another pony;
In all her portraits, she is potrayed as majestic and powerful, here she simply cradle baby Golden Property in her wings.

"Here we are.' Golden Property show her room- it is as big as a whole hut from the Trash Stable, big royal bed in the middle, covered in big plushies; On the floor there is a doll mansion, so big, that Property could squeaze inside with beautiful dolls in gowns and coats.
The doll mansion had wardobe filled with doll clothes.
Red shining ball lay at the corner, a rocking dragon (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/41/79/90/4179903e53938ee866c5a6776ac1796e.jpg)
a swing shaped like a cloud hanged from the colorful ceiling.
A shelf filled with picture books.
The floor was covered with carpets with colorful imagery. This room looked like heaven for foals!
Property has folded her ears, realizing she would have to say good bye to all that.

Her mother hugged her.
"I am sorry.' she has wishpered.

2022-01-12, 06:11 PM
Robbin cannot help but show surprise as he realizes what the combined clues mean. Nobility had been, and still mostly was, a simple thing in his mind: a cruel tyrant to be deposed. But this...
Robbin shifts his hooves and focuses himself on the task at hand, following the two royals to Property's room.

Robbin, despite his many journeys into Nobility's mansion, had never found his way to the bedrooms before. It had seemed... indecent somehow. Even a mare as cruel as Nobility had a right to at least some privacy. Besides, Robbin had never needed to go here much... and had never been able to before. Ha! Who's laughing now Geeseborn!
He cannot help but smirk as he explores this formerly forbidden territory... right until he sees the dark painting. His smirk breaks as he recognizes familiar ponies... and a strange thought occurs to him.
Is this cyclical? We rise up, we hurt them, they take vengeance, we rise up again? ...Why is this my first thought: the rebels had it worse. ...What happened here?

His cantering cannot help but become agitated after seeing that. Facts: Robbin tries to distract himself with facts.
What was the story behind Golden Standard again?

Drive: ensure equity because Robbin makes a point of knowing his enemy.
Connections with the common folk representing stories he has heard from fellow commoners.
Perceptive representing his ability to notice behaviors and features of Golden Standard that might remind him of facts about her.
For a total of +3

And then they arrive at Golden Property's bedroom... Robbin's jaw drops.

He isn't disgusted by the opulence, hay no! He's against wealth inequality, not wealth in principle, and this is the coolest foal's room he has ever seen!

Robbin can't help but feel a small connection with his younger self in this place... which partly brings him back to reality, since his bedroom as a foal was barely warm, and his fondest foalhood memories involve playing street games with his many friends... some of which are dead today. None of them by violence, but by starvation.

He remembers the first time he stole: it was a freshly cooked piroshki. He gave it to his grandmare when she was sick and was losing a lot of weight. She survived, barely... that piroshki may have made all the difference. He still got told off for it: Babushka still had standards even though she was poor, though she hadn't had the same conviction in her voice when she did it that time.

He blinks and takes a deep breath. Without thinking, he canters over to Golden Property and gives a grim nod.
"Toys come and go: family and friends are for the rest of your life. You have your mother. I'm sorry, but this will pass."

...This may not have been the smartest move since Robbin's face is not terribly well disguised, and his voice certainly isn't. And young Ms. Golden Property is the only pony here other than Nobility who would recognize those things.
Does this count towards a drama point from Robbin's flaw of recklessness? ;)

2022-01-13, 02:39 PM
It would be a mistake to think that Swift, for his part, had suddenly developed any new sympathies towards Nobility, or indeed would if in that moment he knew as much as Robbin had realized. The fact that there were more, sweeter layers to this particular onion did not make the outer ones any less rancid, nor did they take the edge off her innate dullness of mind and character. Though the stallion rarely passed a moral judgement on the actions of others there were qualities he found favorable and disfavorable, and to him the great merchant queen of Clover River lived the very antithesis of what he considered a good life.

Unlike Robbin, he is not shocked when he sees the paintings depicting her cruel actions. Ponies like her, with a lack of wit and imagination always were oh so quick to glorify their crude, brutish solutions. Surely she had thought it would even teach the child, but alas....it appears that Golden Property has a mind of her own. Even if her mother does not.

He exchanges a quick glance with Robbin as they move past these dark attractions. It's trivial to see how his friend is bothered by what he has seen. And though he cannot truly offer any measure of comfort right now, his eyes express that he is of the utmost confidence in his ally.

As they move towards Property's room, however, his eyes pick another incredible peculiarity. The one and only portrait of Nobility alongside somepony else. And it is the very filly they are escorting. The filly her minions fought tooth and nail to rescue. The filly whose (invented) friends and adorers had moved her cold heart. Against whom even her harshest action was a genuine act of disinclination.

Swift inhales expectantly as he steps into the room. Then, he smiles, with just a hint of pride. Everything is starting to click into place. Somepony without an heir is deeply eager to gain the favor of a certain young foal.

For a moment, he takes in his surroundings. It's overdone, yes, and a display of utter decadence. But it's also the first time ever since he's gotten to this palace that he's actually approved of a room. These toys, they are things to enjoy! To use! To experience! Children know too well the perils of dullness, and it is a shame that so many of them grow up to forget them.

Then, his ears pick up on what Robbin is saying, and he reflexively stumbles over towards his friend and puts a hoof on his shoulder. Goodness, no! Robbin, that is exactly what Nobility wants her to think! The disguise doesn't even instantly enter his mind, since he's once again put the possibility of danger out of his mind.

2022-01-26, 05:02 PM
Robbin see from Golden Standard attitude part of the rumors- her family was family of bankers. She didnt do anything special, she only known as she married Paladin Spirit, the brother of Nobility, and came drunk to her own wedding and did a scene.

She known to be depressed and repressnt everything that is rotten about the rich, and they themsleves despise, what Robbin can't clearly tell, what Nobility has earnes from this.

)Robbin do get a point!)

Golden Property gasp. "Deft Hooves!" And jump and hug Robbin.
"What?" Her mother is confused.
"Do you know this pony?" she ask.

"Yes! He saved me from the metal teeth pony and the crazy flower unicorn!"

Golden Standard's eyes widen. "Wait. But the guards have reported..."
"What the problem mommy?" the filly ask.

"Who are you two?!" Golden Standard demand to know

2022-02-02, 03:35 PM
Ah. Well. This is a problem. For a moment, Swift freezes, staring at Golden Property as contemplates whether to answer or run.

Eventually, he settles on answering.....in STYLE!

He smiles affably, a flair of showponyship he's adopted for his trait. "Well, Deft, it appears we've been had!" he says, jovially as ever, before giving the noble mare a quick bow. "Do allow me to introduce ourselves properly, as we indeed are no simple bogatyrs."

He takes a step back, and straightens out his back. "I am Swift Calculus, consulting detective. And this-" with a one-hooved gesture and the turn of his head, he points at Robbin. "-is my dear friend and assistant, Deft Hooves. Our most recent investigation had us cross paths with your lovely daughter and her pursuers." Allowing her a moment to let that much information set in, he only continues as she is about to speak up again.

"If you would not mind, we would like to ask your discretion in this matter, as we currently are not just investigating our own case, but have also been employed by her majesty the Princess' frost knights in a separate matter." Okay, it's somewhat misleading. But it sure sounds impressive, doesn't it? "In return, we would happily answer any questions that would not interfere with our investigative efforts. I am sure you have quite a lot of them."