View Full Version : DM Help Help Requested: Magic Item Price For Unique Effect

2020-09-22, 05:39 PM
Hi there,

I'm looking for a bit of a steer from the community. I'm trying to create a set of robes which are created from the shells of Pathfinder Flail Snails (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/flail-snail/) (although I'm playing 3.5). The ability they have is:

Anytime a spell targets a flail snail, there is an 80% chance that it produces a random effect instead of affecting the snail. Only spells that directly target the flail snail are warped; area effect spells are not affected.

If a spell is warped, roll 1d10 and consult the following table.


Spell misfires. For the next 1d4 rounds, the caster must make a DC 15 concentration check to successfully cast spells.

Spell misfires. The creature nearest the flail snail is affected as if the spell had been cast on it instead.

Spell fails. Nothing happens.

Spell rebounds on caster (as spell turning).

The item I'm proposing is:

Price (Item Level): 70,000gp
Body Slot: Torso
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 17) abjuration
Activation: -
Weight: 2lbs

The robes are crafted from thousands of shards of Flail Snail shells, shimmering in pearlescence. Those shell shards hold a measure of the magic warping properties of their former owners, and respond to the vitality of the wearer. When wearing the robes and targeted by a spell, 1/day per point of Constitution bonus of the wearer the lingering magic warping properties will take effect. Roll 1d10 and follow the rules for Flail Snails Warp Magic. Unlike Spell Resistance, this Warp Magic effect cannot be voluntarily dismissed and thus will take effect even when friendly or non-hostile spells target the wearer. In addition, the robes are both heavy and highly restrictive in movement, incurring a -5 Dexterity penalty whilst worn. Further, due to the jangling of the shell shards and the way they catch the light, the wearer has a -10 penalty to both Hide and Move Silently checks (already impacted by the Dexterity penalty).

I was looking at a Ring Of Spell Turning and that's 98,280gp for 3 uses and an immediate action each. On the other hand you have Mantle Of Spell Resistance (21) for 90,000gp that's always on and can be suspended for friendly spells. I've tried to place it at 70,000gp as I think it's less reliable but more frequently used than a Ring Of Spell Turning, and has the "always on" nature of the Mantle Of Spell Resistance but with the drawback of not being able to suspend it for friendly spells. The negatives to Dex and Hide/Move Silently are fluff based; I don't think they necessarily impact the cost of the item, although perhaps they might make it cheaper? The intention is to have a "boss level" item that the PCs can use should they wish. I don't want it as a permanent effect as I suspect it's useful on Flail Snails themselves because they pose so little threat - that's not the case with PCs! But I don't want it to be trivial loot either.

Final caveat - sincere apologies if there is already anything comparable in Pathfinder. As I said, I play 3.5 so I'm not familiar with the system, they just caught my eye in a random Google of something else.

Thanks for any and all help!