View Full Version : Girl Genius XXVIII: Dancink! Ve is here for de dancink!

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Manga Shoggoth
2020-09-24, 09:24 AM
It is a world ruled by Mad Science! Things happen. Usually, they happen to other people. This is entertainment. That's when the front door gets blown in- And you belatedly realize that, once again, you are doomed to be the entertainment in another exciting installment of: GIRL GENIUS (http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php)!

Many elegant, finely-crafted, and vintage links follow:

Links to Previous Threads
Girl Genius! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4818) (thread)
Girl Genius II (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80718)
Girl Genius III: Nize Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92541)
Girl Genius IV: Because SCIENCE! is my mistress (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102230)
Girl Genius V: Madre de Diodes! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=112305)
Girl Genius VI: Der Pestle in Der Kestle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128538)
Girl Genius VII: Get on the Slab, I Want to Get to Work! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143909)
Girl Genius: VIII Will Show Them All! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=159600)
Girl Genius IX: The Unstoppable Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=173582)
Girl Genius X: The Othar Shoe Drops (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=189632)
Girl Genius XI: Ding Dong, the Baron's Dead! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207223)
Girl Genius XII: For Doom The Bell Tolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=227697)
Girl Genius XIII: "Gott's Leedle Feesh in Trousers!" (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=245508)
Girl Genius XIV: A Lightning Arc in All But Speed! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=266978)
Girl Genius XV: The Weasel, the Spark, and the Wardrobe (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287759)
Girl Genius XVI: The Wrath of Klaus (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?322309)
Girl Genius XVII: And Then He Had Pie (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?365866)
Girl Genius XVIII: Invisible Hand of the Legendary Smoke Knights (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?412897)
Girl Genius XIX: Worth a Third of Your Grade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?458545)
Girl Genius XX: Endothermic Life Forms Are Inherently Heretical (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?488904)
Girl Genius XXI: Cancel the Jugglers (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?510316)
Girl Genius XXII: Paris Needs Pants (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?529521-Girl-Genius-XXII-Paris-Needs-Pants)
Girl Genius XXIII: Screaming, Ranting and Egregious Violence (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?554543-Girl-Genius-XXIII-Screaming-Ranting-and-Egregious-Violence)
Girl Genius XXIV: Ask Vit a Bit More Terror (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?567668-Girl-Genius-XXIV-Ask-Vit-a-Bit-More-Terror)
Girl Genius XXV: It needs work! BUT THE CONCEPT IS SOUND! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?579254-Girl-Genius-XXV-It-needs-work!-BUT-THE-CONCEPT-IS-SOUND!)
Girl Genius XXVI: Madness is the best possible response (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?593272-Girl-Genius-XXVI-Madness-is-the-best-possible-response)
Girl Genius XXVII: Hoy! Hennybody else not dead? (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?607417-Girl-Genius-XXVII-Hoy!-Hennybody-else-not-dead)
Girl Genius XXVIII: Dancink! Ve is here for de dancink! (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?619421-Girl-Genius-XXVIII-Dancink!-Ve-is-here-for-de-dancink!)

Comic Links
Link to current comic (http://girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php) and link to the beginning of the strip. (http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20021104) (Updates MWF, usually after Midnight [Eastern Time])
The Continuing Adventures of Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer! (http://twitter.com/Othar) (back on hiatus, may update in the future)
A compilation (and much easier to read if you're just catching up) of the first three chapters can be found here at the GG website (http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/fun/twitter_othar_01.php).
And if one goes to snapbird.org (http://snapbird.org/) and types in "Othar" in the 'Who?' field, all of Othar's adventures can be read on one page (albiet in reverse order of posting - Now must have a Twitter account to use).
Mirror of the comic found on LiveJournal (http://girlgeniuscomic.livejournal.com/) (No longer being updated as of Mid-May, 2017)
Mirror of the comic found on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Girl-Genius-Webcomic/28371352860?ref=nf) (Will occasionally have Girl Genius related news)
And one can find mirrors of Girl Genius on deviantArt as well (http://girlgeniuscomic.deviantart.com/). (Occasionally Kaja will put up or link to interesting GG related art that is found on dA)

Reference Links
Wiki Project devoted to to Girl Genius (http://girlgenius.wikia.com/wiki/The_Department_of_Almost_Certainly_True_History)
Wikipedia entry on Girl Genius. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_Genius)
TV Tropes page on Girl Genius. (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Webcomic/GirlGenius)
The Secret Blueprints (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4272360&postcount=1478) (NOTE: Contains background information on the GG Universe, so it should probably be read after "catching up" to the newest comic, as it contains many spoilers.)

Social Media and News Links
Phil Foglio's new Wordpress art, news, and blogging website. (http://girlgeniusadventures.com/)
Kaja Foglio's LJ Page (http://kajafoglio.livejournal.com/) and Studio Foglio News LJ Page (http://studiofoglio.livejournal.com/) (Not currently being updated)
Kaja & Phil's Personal Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kaja-Phil-Foglio/196305144555) (Not currently being updated)
A twitter account that basically is a catch-all feed for Girl Genius related news. (http://twitter.com/girlgenius)
Cheyenne Wright's Twitter (http://twitter.com/CheyenneWright) and LiveJournal Accounts (http://cheyennewright.livejournal.com/) (The colorist's twitter and LJ pages)

And finally,
Phil's old LJ page. (http://philfoglio.livejournal.com/) (Occasionally contains crossposts from the Wordpress website)


Q: What is this "Sneaky Gate" y'alls go on about?

Sneaky gate: Named from this hidden gate in comic (http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20071219), it has become a name for viewing new comics early. Remember, if you're going to discuss the new comic, put it in spoiler boxes until the release time (12am EST).

Sneaky Gate 101:

Right click the comic image.
Select view image or copy paste the image location into the address bar.
Modify the date to be the day you're trying to look at. (ex. 20120111 -> 20120113)
Go to the modified url.
Be disappointed when there's no early comic to read.
Alternately, enjoy the comic!

2020-09-24, 10:57 AM
Is it just me, or is Bang posing like she's part of the exhibition?
It almost looks like she took the place of a Bangladesh DuPree sculpture that should actually stand there.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-24, 11:10 AM
Well, she did disguise herself as a regular pirate when she was sneaking in on the Mopey Tortoise. It could just be that Queen's Privateers have to put in a little time in the museum when they're in port.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-09-24, 12:18 PM
Perhaps she has realised how empty her life will be after her revenge quest, and is setting up another ongoing interest for the public good.

Or perhaps I need some sleep. That sounds more likley.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-24, 01:55 PM
If I had to guess, she's trying to stalk Zeetha and learn more about her habits, and failing. Because, well, Bangladesh Dupree.

2020-09-24, 02:00 PM
Just marking this for later. I will wait till something happens to talk about it. :p

Agi Hammerthief
2020-09-24, 04:15 PM
I wonder if the price tag is plot relevant or just a quaint little detail.

2020-09-24, 04:38 PM
Perhaps she has realised how empty her life will be after her revenge quest, and is setting up another ongoing interest for the public good.

Or perhaps I need some sleep. That sounds more likley.
Well... she would make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts - it's a common career after such a long time spent in revenge business.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-24, 05:42 PM
I'm pretty sure Bang is planning on some other filling with Vole once the revenge thing is out of the way.

Squire Doodad
2020-09-24, 11:24 PM
Dan's sink? Who would be after Dan's sink?

2020-09-25, 12:16 AM
New comic

A sale on first aid kits?
You guys are pirates.

But Bang's face when Gil shouts at her...:smallbiggrin:
:smallsigh:"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You know I'm a psycho.":smallamused:

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-25, 12:17 AM
Gil sounds like so many little brothers I've heard yelling at the big sister. Those really are found family, even if they'd probably rather be eaten by rabid mimmoths than admit it.

2020-09-25, 02:37 AM
Wow. She's going to kill him last, *and* make it quick? She really does like him!

2020-09-25, 05:45 AM
For an absolutely insane murderous psychopath, Bang is an amazingly likeable character.

Also, Tarvek, you've been stabbed how many times now? You need to bump up your con score or something if that's enough to knock you flat.

2020-09-25, 06:36 AM
Who was asking for Buck Godot earlier? Looks like the PDFs have just been added to goodies for the Rain Games Girl Genius game Kickstarter, at the $30 backer mark - along with Girl Genius Volume 1-20 PDFs.

2020-09-25, 06:41 AM
Bang is a Axe Crazy Genki Girl who is always Affably Evil. Considering that Bang knows she has to control herself a bit while in England it seems that there has been some kind arrangement made and Bang probably wouldn't go around slaughtering English crews. And really wouldn't go after Crown expeditions like the one that found Skif.

You know, we never really did find out why some of the conspirators wanted to know Skif's location. :smallconfused:

I guess that big old Chekov's Cannon last page still has to fire.

2020-09-25, 07:11 AM
So either Bang really likes that particular makeup, or someone really did very seriously cut her throat once.

I wonder who.

Shining Wrath
2020-09-25, 07:17 AM
Yes, Bang is clearly not acting when she acts like a sociopath.
Gil is embarrassed, but Agatha is not having it. In fact, I'd say Agatha is already starting to suspect something.
And I'll reiterate - Tarvek is a master of sneaky. Unless Bang has gotten help from someone on Tarvek's level, he's going to spot her plot any minute now.
Madwa or Grandma. Or Albia, of course, but I think Albia would have strong opinions about someone offing a member of the Skifander royal family in England. In fact, I think Bang has to get Zeetha out of England if she wants to kill her and live.

2020-09-25, 08:07 AM
Who was asking for Buck Godot earlier? Looks like the PDFs have just been added to goodies for the Rain Games Girl Genius game Kickstarter, at the $30 backer mark - along with Girl Genius Volume 1-20 PDFs.

Do you have a link? I checked the Kickstarter page and I didn't see any mention of PDFs for either Buck Godot or Girl Genius at any of the tier levels.

Squire Doodad
2020-09-25, 10:26 AM
Yes, Bang is clearly not acting when she acts like a sociopath.
Gil is embarrassed, but Agatha is not having it. In fact, I'd say Agatha is already starting to suspect something.
And I'll reiterate - Tarvek is a master of sneaky. Unless Bang has gotten help from someone on Tarvek's level, he's going to spot her plot any minute now.
Madwa or Grandma. Or Albia, of course, but I think Albia would have strong opinions about someone offing a member of the Skifander royal family in England. In fact, I think Bang has to get Zeetha out of England if she wants to kill her and live.

"You can kill her as much as you want, but you have to put her back together once you're done! I am not cleaning up Skifander blood again."

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-25, 11:17 AM
Do you have a link? I checked the Kickstarter page and I didn't see any mention of PDFs for either Buck Godot or Girl Genius at any of the tier levels.

Kaja has an announcement about the GG pdfs below the comic. I haven't seen anything about Buck though.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-09-25, 11:25 AM
Well... she would make a wonderful Dread Pirate Roberts - it's a common career after such a long time spent in revenge business.

How true. It is inconcievable that I forgot this.

And Bang getting sentimental? That doesn't happen often.

Zazu Yen
2020-09-25, 01:40 PM
Bang knows this group very well, particularly Gil. She knows attempts at kidnapping or an ambush would most likely result in her having to fight everyone, and losing badly. No, I'm thinking she's going through all this trouble to make her move above the board, get the Empires official pirate guild on her side and then use their rules to get Zeetha into a regulated and 'fair' (for pirates anyway) 1 on 1 combat with no outside interference allowed. That would be her best shot.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-25, 02:24 PM
Apropos of nothing, nice Girl Genius avatar.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-09-25, 02:43 PM
Bang knows this group very well, particularly Gil. She knows attempts at kidnapping or an ambush would most likely result in her having to fight everyone, and losing badly. No, I'm thinking she's going through all this trouble to make her move above the board, get the Empires official pirate guild on her side and then use their rules to get Zeetha into a regulated and 'fair' (for pirates anyway) 1 on 1 combat with no outside interference allowed. That would be her best shot.

I like that theory!

It's not like she couldn't challenge Zeetha directly, but this would spike Gil trying to stop things. Directly, at least.

2020-09-25, 05:53 PM
Tagging the new thread.

Fion MacCumhail
2020-09-25, 07:09 PM
Kaja has an announcement about the GG pdfs below the comic. I haven't seen anything about Buck though.

The bit about Buck Godot was edited in later on (above the cover art).
EDIT: And it's also on Twitter (https://twitter.com/girlgenius/status/1309354962325876736?s=20).

2020-09-25, 09:29 PM
So either Bang really likes that particular makeup, or someone really did very seriously cut her throat once.

I wonder who.
Since it's gone after she stabs Tarvek, I assume that it's actually a pirate game akin to tag, but called "stab", where the scar is passed on to the one you stabbed.

2020-09-26, 04:36 AM
Thanks going for it :cool:

2020-09-26, 05:46 AM
Since it's gone after she stabs Tarvek, I assume that it's actually a pirate game akin to tag, but called "stab", where the scar is passed on to the one you stabbed.

That would mean someone walked up to Bang and poked her with a pointy stick.:smalleek:
If they survived I wanna meet them.:smallcool:
Or not. They sound scary.:smallamused:

2020-09-26, 07:31 PM
Looks like they're 3/4 of the way to their Kickstarter goal. Really hoping they make it; I'm in at Devil Dog. I've been sharing the comic with my daughter for years now, and I'm really looking forward to the Switch game.

2020-09-27, 02:56 AM
Just checked to make sure Switch wasn't a stretch goal - it isn't. It's an option for all backers above $US60 (although I'm not sure if that includes the Artful Scholar Clank pledge, which switches out the physical copy for the Art Book). I went for the Devil Dog as well. The stretch goals do look delicious, though...

And it looks like Rain Games backers don't skimp - there are already 26 backers at the $US1000 level! Hope it makes it over the line...

2020-09-28, 02:29 AM
Gracious, when was the last time we've seen Agatha go full on Mama Bear on someone?

2020-09-28, 03:28 AM
Gracious, when was the last time we've seen Agatha go full on Mama Bear on someone?
The bigger question is: when did she get so sneaky and frightening? Did she get a copy of Wulfenbach's book on workplace communication?

2020-09-28, 03:36 AM
Tarvek and Gil are rubbing off on her, it seems.

2020-09-28, 04:27 AM
Tarvek and Gil are rubbing off on her, it seems.
Ha! They wish! :smalltongue: Well... so does she I guess.

2020-09-28, 06:21 AM
I'm still not sure what the dingbot did....

2020-09-28, 06:28 AM
I'm still not sure what the dingbot did....

Paralyzing poison i think. Looks like he poked her with a pin. And wow, Agatha got terrifying for a second there. not spark out of control terrifying but supremely lethal and dangerous woman making a point terrifying. So much so I think BANG got the message.

2020-09-28, 06:51 AM
It kind of looks like it maybe, but it's not obvious.

And now I wonder if it's on standing orders to protect/defend Agatha's people ... and how many of them there are...

Shining Wrath
2020-09-28, 07:27 AM
Agatha to Bang: "I am one of the greatest Sparks alive, and The Heterodyne. Let me help you understand what happens to people who hurt my friends."
Bang, internally: "This does complicate killing Zeetha".

Agatha was not going Mama Bear ... she was going Full Heterodyne Queen.


Bang's throat-cut scar is visible in every scene. I think it's real, and permanent, and I wonder how she survived an injury like that, and who inflicted it, and who treated it.

2020-09-28, 09:04 AM
I suspect decapitation.

Paralyzing poison i think. Looks like he poked her with a pin. And wow, Agatha got terrifying for a second there. not spark out of control terrifying but supremely lethal and dangerous woman making a point terrifying. So much so I think BANG got the message.
Agatha already should have had a grudge against Bang, if she was informed of Zulenna's death. Bang almost got killed there, too, by von Pinn.

The problem with Bang here may be that she wasn't expecting Agatha to be normal, while she's used to dealing with Gil and Klaus, who let her do whatever she wants and treat horrid crimes like juvenile pranks. And she also could not have foreseen that Gil is just another servant of Agatha, and won't lift a finger to stop her, even when Agatha threatens his own (unless something happens next strip).

2020-09-28, 09:16 AM
I suspect decapitation.

Agatha already should have had a grudge against Bang, if she was informed of Zulenna's death. Bang almost got killed there, too, by von Pinn.

The problem with Bang here may be that she wasn't expecting Agatha to be normal, while she's used to dealing with Gil and Klaus, who let her do whatever she wants and treat horrid crimes like juvenile pranks. And she also could not have foreseen that Gil is just another servant of Agatha, and won't lift a finger to stop her, even when Agatha threatens his own (unless something happens next strip).

Agatha isnt exactly friends with Zul. Plus they knew each other for like, a week. And maybe 30 seconds of that time was spent in a positive manner. But man, I was not expecting agatha to pull some smoke knight moves here. She just appeared behind bang with no warning and her already paralyzed and gave her whispered threat then backed away.

Shining Wrath
2020-09-28, 09:16 AM
I suspect decapitation.

Agatha already should have had a grudge against Bang, if she was informed of Zulenna's death. Bang almost got killed there, too, by von Pinn.

The problem with Bang here may be that she wasn't expecting Agatha to be normal, while she's used to dealing with Gil and Klaus, who let her do whatever she wants and treat horrid crimes like juvenile pranks. And she also could not have foreseen that Gil is just another servant of Agatha, and won't lift a finger to stop her, even when Agatha threatens his own (unless something happens next strip).

That scene with von Pinn remains amazingly creepy. "I live with pain" as she presses her hand down Bang's blade.
I think Agatha is whispering, so Gil (who is busy patching up Tarvek) may not know. And Gil is already angry with Bang for embarrassing him. I doubt he'd lift a finger if all Agatha does is paralyze Bang.

If Bang was decapitated, maybe she was "improved" when they put her back together. Was she decapitated while in the Baron's service? Or earlier? It would be a plot twist to learn she was repaired by Lucrezia and is awaiting orders to kill Gil, or some such. The list of people who can fix decapitation is actually not that long and all Sparks, and most major Sparks are at least somewhat conniving.

I think Gil is fond of Bang as a longtime loyal servant of House Wulfenbach, but he's not going to put up with her doing anything that even mildly annoys Agatha.

2020-09-28, 09:36 AM
I love this touch of sobriety. Gil may feel too loyal to Bang to do anything, Tarvek may be afraid of her, but Agatha will not put up with her sociopathic nonsense.

A nice reminder from Agatha that while she isn't the villain, she isn't the do-gooder her father was.

2020-09-28, 10:01 AM
The problem with Bang here may be that she wasn't expecting Agatha to be normal, while she's used to dealing with Gil and Klaus, who let her do whatever she wants and treat horrid crimes like juvenile pranks. And she also could not have foreseen that Gil is just another servant of Agatha, and won't lift a finger to stop her, even when Agatha threatens his own (unless something happens next strip).

While Gil and Klaus let Bang get away with somethings, there were lines she didn't cross with them either. As for Gil being a servant of Agatha? No, just no. He way be running around like a lovestruck fool at times, but that is not a servant makes.

Scarlet Knight
2020-09-28, 10:36 AM
So now Dupree knows she will have to kill Zeetha quick in order to make an escape. She will then have Higgs and Agatha out to rip her heart out and perhaps Gil also if he finds out Zeetha is his sister.

So this is almost certain to happen.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-28, 10:39 AM
So, Bang may be a high end construct like Klaus. That would help explain a few things, while raising so many more questions needing to be answered. I suspect this is true just because the Foglios like doing that.

Shining Wrath
2020-09-28, 11:17 AM
So, Bang may be a high end construct like Klaus. That would help explain a few things, while raising so many more questions needing to be answered. I suspect this is true just because the Foglios like doing that.

My current bet is she got decapitated in the Baron's service and he repaired her. She perhaps has some loyalty from that, but maybe the circumstances of her decapitation were such that she could argue being restored to life was owed to her. I don't think the Baron would want someone close to him and his son who had been restored to life by someone else, because who knows what else they did?

2020-09-28, 12:09 PM
Did anyone else notice Bang moving?

Full paralysis of somepony standing up will probably result in their falling over -- two legs is not a stable platform without constant balancing muscles. We see her leaning left in one panel, right in another; we see her eyeball position and size change slightly.

So she has non-voluntary muscle movement.

Now, people with enough meditation training can control their non-voluntary muscles to some extent, and it would not surprise me if there's a way for those meditation people to override medications that shut down the voluntary ones.

Anyone want to place bets that Bang will consider being able to surprise Agatha next time will be important enough that she develops this skill off-screen panel?

2020-09-28, 12:22 PM
I dunno, Bang doesn't strike me as the type to meditate.
She might try, sure, but I'd expect that to end with her stabbing her teachers than her picking up that skill.

Mind you, she might manage it anyway, but not through deliberate training.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-28, 12:33 PM
It's D&D paralysis, keybounce, which has no relation to actual paralysis. It's more of a soft petrification.

2020-09-28, 12:43 PM
some pony
That moment when your autocorrect tells everybody in the forum what fandom you belong to.

Did anyone else notice Bang moving?

Full paralysis of somepony standing up will probably result in their falling over -- two legs is not a stable platform without constant balancing muscles. We see her leaning left in one panel, right in another; we see her eyeball position and size change slightly.

So she has non-voluntary muscle movement.

Now, people with enough meditation training can control their non-voluntary muscles to some extent, and it would not surprise me if there's a way for those meditation people to override medications that shut down the voluntary ones.

Anyone want to place bets that Bang will consider being able to surprise Agatha next time will be important enough that she develops this skill off-screen panel?
Muscle parylisis don’t work like that, you can’t just freeze a person or a limb in place. The brain is constantly telling muscles how much force they are to exert even to stay in place. When the connexion with the brain is shut off the muscles just go flaccid. Like when people in real life have paralysed limb for some reason they just hang there uselessly. Maybe you could make a poison that contracts all muscles but then the victim would just curve into a ball (and probably rend a few tissues). And of course if all muscles are paralysed, that includes the heart and lungs, so the victim dies.

The poisons are just like the dingbots or the mind control, don’t try to work out the kinks.

2020-09-28, 12:52 PM
My current bet is she got decapitated in the Baron's service and he repaired her. She perhaps has some loyalty from that, but maybe the circumstances of her decapitation were such that she could argue being restored to life was owed to her. I don't think the Baron would want someone close to him and his son who had been restored to life by someone else, because who knows what else they did?
Maybe she's Banglades Selnikov, Pirate and Adventurer!

Shining Wrath
2020-09-28, 12:55 PM
That moment when your autocorrect tells everybody in the forum what fandom you belong to.

Muscle parylisis don’t work like that, you can’t just freeze a person or a limb in place. The brain is constantly telling muscles how much force they are to exert even to stay in place. When the connexion with the brain is shut off the muscles just go flaccid. Like when people in real life have paralysed limb for some reason they just hang there uselessly. Maybe you could make a poison that contracts all muscles but then the victim would just curve into a ball (and probably rend a few tissues). And of course if all muscles are paralysed, that includes the heart and lungs, so the victim dies.

The poisons are just like the dingbots or the mind control, don’t try to work out the kinks.

Spark technology is totally not magic and don't you dare suggest it works like magic does (that is, you can handwave away the tricky parts). But to your point, people with spinal cord injuries do not gain the ability to sleep standing upright. A paraplegic's legs are pretty much useless, not rigid. Now, maybe Agatha devised a drug that limits the size of the signal that can get through in some fashion. You can twitch, or maintain the current state of a muscle, but cannot command large-scale changes.

At any rate, Bang now knows she has to watch her surroundings for tiny little bots any time Agatha is near. Which is likely to make her even more twitchy than usual.

Agi Hammerthief
2020-09-28, 01:13 PM
I think she likes Dupree: That friendly warning is delivered with enough punch that it might be taken seriously.
Rather than an empty sounding threat, followed by death ray.

2020-09-28, 02:36 PM
At any rate, Bang now knows she has to watch her surroundings for tiny little bots any time Agatha is near. Which is likely to make her even more twitchy than usual.
If she thinks that the threat is real only when Agatha is near, she makes a grave mistake.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-28, 02:40 PM
And now I'm picturing Bang waking up to find the Dingbots have chained her down like the Lilliput soldiers did to Gulliver.

Agi Hammerthief
2020-09-28, 02:55 PM
And now I'm picturing Bang waking up to find the Dingbots have chained her down like the Lilliput soldiers did to Gulliver.
nah, the bots will just go wheeeeeeee! (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20070101#.X3I-g09HmhA)

Agi Hammerthief
2020-09-28, 03:02 PM
Tarvek and Gil are rubbing off on her, it seems.
just aftermath of Lars dying (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20070117#.X3JARU9HmhA)

Shining Wrath
2020-09-28, 04:17 PM
just aftermath of Lars dying (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20070117#.X3JARU9HmhA)

So what Bang just experienced is a Heterodyne who cares about other people. If that doesn't put the fear of all GGVerse deities in her, she's nuts.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-28, 04:50 PM
We already know she's nuts. What that would show is that she has the survival instincts of a squirrel sugared up and on a vodka bender while huffing paint and popping shrooms.

2020-09-28, 05:06 PM
So what Bang just experienced is a Heterodyne who cares about other people. If that doesn't put the fear of all GGVerse deities in her, she's nuts.
Where Gilgamesh went for grand threats of utter destruction (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20060306#.X3JddmgzaUk), she presented chillingly calm and very focused 'friendly warning'.

2020-09-28, 05:41 PM
I think she likes Dupree: That friendly warning is delivered with enough punch that it might be taken seriously.
Rather than an empty sounding threat, followed by death ray.

I suspect if Dupree had stabbed Tarvek in a dark alley on mainland Europe, Agatha might have used the death ray.

As it is, Gil is watching. The Queen is keeping tabs on her. And there are diplomats waiting for her in a nearby room. So Agatha chose a subtle threat instead.

2020-09-28, 07:09 PM
We already know she's nuts. What that would show is that she has the survival instincts of a squirrel sugared up and on a vodka bender while huffing paint and popping shrooms.
That would explain the scar. :smallbiggrin:

2020-09-28, 07:40 PM
And of course if all muscles are paralysed, that includes the heart and lungs, so the victim dies.

Curarae paralyses all muscles except the heart, which makes it incredibly useful for performing surgery on people. I am going to assume that this poison sets the current state of the body as what the brain is trying to achieve, consciousness be what it will.

Scarlet Knight
2020-09-29, 03:37 PM
Bang's throat-cut scar is visible in every scene. I think it's real, and permanent, and I wonder how she survived an injury like that, and who inflicted it, and who treated it.

I just always assumed it was it was a botched or last minute escape hanging.

2020-09-29, 04:20 PM
I suspect decapitation.

Agatha already should have had a grudge against Bang, if she was informed of Zulenna's death. Bang almost got killed there, too, by von Pinn.

The problem with Bang here may be that she wasn't expecting Agatha to be normal, while she's used to dealing with Gil and Klaus, who let her do whatever she wants and treat horrid crimes like juvenile pranks. And she also could not have foreseen that Gil is just another servant of Agatha, and won't lift a finger to stop her, even when Agatha threatens his own (unless something happens next strip).

The problem with Bang is that she's used to being considered useful, and it hadn't even occurred to her that Agatha might consider her dangerous instead. The Wulfenbachs treat her like a weapon of mass destruction and deploy her to areas where her particular blend of psychotic violence is useful,, but she made an enemy of Agatha through her treatment of Zulenna and the Circus, and Agatha also has indirectly heard what Bang did to her Chief Minion and his landship crew and almost definitely has put that particular 2 and 2 together. Basically, Bang needed a lesson in manners.

This little backlash, and really compared to some of the things Bang's done it's pretty reasonable, is to remind Bang that Agatha's circle of friends is to be taken seriously and that her casual violence is not going to be tolerated when it threatens Agatha's court, of which Tarvek is absolutely a member at this point. Prince "How Dare You" is off the table for now.

Also Bang and is no longer under the direct protection of the Empire which was a sweet deal for her and she's seeing what happens to independent pirates when they cross powerful rulers.

2020-09-30, 01:28 AM
Can't help but wonder how that little meeting would have gone if Agatha hadn't said her piece in the previous episode, given what we know about Bang and Zeetha...

2020-09-30, 01:42 AM
And we see now that while Bangladesh Dupree is many things, suicidal is not one of them. Threat received and processed!

2020-09-30, 02:29 AM
Zeetha actually believes Agatha can stay in one spot for a long time. How quaint.

2020-09-30, 03:03 AM
From today's page I love how Zeetha really considers Bang at least as a fun acquaintance if not a friend. Once she learns, who Bang is, things will get very emotional.

2020-09-30, 05:37 AM
So, what are the chances Dupree joins Agatha's entourage as they travel around the world and grows more and more frustrated at her inability to subtly kill Zeetha while she simultaneously bonds with her until she finally snaps and admits the truth?

2020-09-30, 05:59 AM
Just a note, is the Iron Sheik a reference to the professional wrestler (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Iron_Sheik), the Iron Sheik?

2020-09-30, 06:11 AM
The Young Ladies Cake and Mayhem Society has its priorities in order. :smallbiggrin:

2020-09-30, 06:56 AM
Woohoo, looks like they made the Kickstarter goal! Only three days left, so I'm not sure we'll be getting any of the stretch rewards, but it looks like the game will be happening.

Shining Wrath
2020-09-30, 07:20 AM
So, what are the chances Dupree joins Agatha's entourage as they travel around the world and grows more and more frustrated at her inability to subtly kill Zeetha while she simultaneously bonds with her until she finally snaps and admits the truth?

I like this - but I'm afraid it's more likely to be "I'm going to cry as I kill you".

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-30, 10:06 AM
From today's page I love how Zeetha really considers Bang at least as a fun acquaintance if not a friend. Once she learns, who Bang is, things will get very emotional.

Well, Zeetha does hang around the Jaegers, so some allowances must be made in calibration.

2020-09-30, 11:20 AM
Bang may end up losing her hat.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-09-30, 12:20 PM
So, what are the chances Dupree joins Agatha's entourage as they travel around the world and grows more and more frustrated at her inability to subtly kill Zeetha while she simultaneously bonds with her until she finally snaps and admits the truth?

That would be hilarious, but I don't quite see Bang in that.

Woohoo, looks like they made the Kickstarter goal! Only three days left, so I'm not sure we'll be getting any of the stretch rewards, but it looks like the game will be happening.

So close to the wire... I'm looking forward to this, and even if it doesn't pan out, at least I will have a full set of GG PDFs and the Buck Godot GNs.

Bang may end up losing her hat.

Dot's right. Und any plan vere you lose your hat iz?

A bad plan? (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20031017)

You mean dis is vun of dose plans vere ve don't kill anybody? - Look Minsk - Gorb iz Jager profit!

2020-09-30, 12:28 PM
Wasnt there those time panels from all the way back early on where gil and agatha are looking at dupree and calling her a maniac or something? Basically, it suggested they were not on good terms any longer. Its entirely possibly bang is going to do something bad that turns even gil against her. So the warning is currently under consideration, but eventually her desire for revenge will take over.

Zazu Yen
2020-09-30, 12:50 PM
Yeah it looks like Bang is having to reconsider her plans after Agatha's gentle warning. But Zeetha's "let's go spar someplace" is a gift, Bang is just going to have to pick the time and place carefully. Doing a public challenge for a battle to the death probably won't work now as Agatha would almost certainly pull a favor from Alba to neutralize any such thing. Or take out Bang herself figuring it's better to apologize than risk Zeetha's death, particularly since a warning has already been given.

2020-09-30, 02:12 PM
Wasnt there those time panels from all the way back early on where gil and agatha are looking at dupree and calling her a maniac or something? Basically, it suggested they were not on good terms any longer. Its entirely possibly bang is going to do something bad that turns even gil against her. So the warning is currently under consideration, but eventually her desire for revenge will take over.

This Page (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040126#.X3TXdGhKgdU). Agatha seems to know Bang and Gil calling Bang a maniac isn't that strange. He just seems irritated about what she is doing than anything else.

2020-09-30, 02:18 PM
This Page (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040126#.X3TXdGhKgdU). Agatha seems to know Bang and Gil calling Bang a maniac isn't that strange. He just seems irritated about what she is doing than anything else.

Also, keep in mind that those two windows in time happened in reverse order to what we see chronologically. That is, Gil called Bang a maniac after she pointed a gun at the lot of them, even though that technically only happened afterwards.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-30, 02:21 PM
And that was back before she understood that Gil was not the buffoon she took him to be.

2020-09-30, 05:04 PM
Now i wonder if they're going through the time windows to track Bang back to her lair. And then to follow her crew and find where they met Zeetha. And then to track her back to Skifander...

Zazu Yen
2020-09-30, 05:23 PM
Now i wonder if they're going through the time windows to track Bang back to her lair. And then to follow her crew and find where they met Zeetha. And then to track her back to Skifander...

That's a pretty interesting theory, I like it. Strange that Zeetha isn't in the windows if that's the case, but that would also give her plot immunity and erase all the tension between her and Bang. That'd be no fun.

2020-09-30, 06:54 PM
Now i wonder if they're going through the time windows to track Bang back to her lair. And then to follow her crew and find where they met Zeetha. And then to track her back to Skifander...

It's a nice idea, but it assumes that Bang intercepted Zeetha's ship at or near Skifander. Then again, I guess you could track her ship after/before the piracy.

2020-09-30, 08:20 PM
Zeetha actually believes Agatha can stay in one spot for a long time. How quaint.

Counterpoint: Castle Heterodyne

2020-09-30, 08:26 PM
So, what are the chances Dupree joins Agatha's entourage as they travel around the world and grows more and more frustrated at her inability to subtly kill Zeetha while she simultaneously bonds with her until she finally snaps and admits the truth?

I see it more like Bang keeps shadowing the gang looking for revenge on Zeetha and winds up helping and getting helped a lot until she comes to the rescue because only she gets to kill Zeetha Skifander!

2020-09-30, 09:46 PM
Zeetha actually believes Agatha can stay in one spot for a long time. How quaint.

They aren't going to leave England any time soon. They still have to confront Steelgarter and Mawda (or whoever has the Lantern now), have the big showdown with Albia, as well as solve the problem of England's sinking. And yes, I know that Agatha doesn't particularly care about that last one, she's still gonna solve it before she leaves.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-09-30, 11:15 PM
Now i wonder if they're going through the time windows to track Bang back to her lair. And then to follow her crew and find where they met Zeetha. And then to track her back to Skifander.
No need to do that. They can just track Zeetha backwards. Of course, before then they need to break the timelock on Mechanicsburg so they can extract Von Zinzer.

That's a pretty interesting theory, I like it. Strange that Zeetha isn't in the windows if that's the case, but that would also give her plot immunity and erase all the tension between her and Bang. That'd be no fun.

There wasn't yet a character named Zeetha back when we saw Klaus and Bang discussing the time windows. She was created with the rest of the circus about the time the wasps got loose on Castle Heterodyne.

2020-10-01, 06:40 AM
There wasn't yet a character named Zeetha back when we saw Klaus and Bang discussing the time windows. She was created with the rest of the circus about the time the wasps got loose on Castle Heterodyne.

Just no. While Zeetha was introduced with the Circus, the Professors had the general storyline, major plot points and characters created a long before the series started. Zeetha was likely created not long after the Baron and Gil.

2020-10-01, 07:07 AM
Just no. While Zeetha was introduced with the Circus, the Professors had the general storyline, major plot points and characters created a long before the series started. Zeetha was likely created not long after the Baron and Gil.
Still, her being present in those time windows would be a massive spoiler of her role in the story. They had to keep the number of people to the minimum there. For the same reason Tarvek was not present either. I would guess von Zinzer was there only because there had to be a reason to look at those specific moments and places.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-01, 07:16 AM
Having looked at those old strips, I was struck by Gil calling Agatha ""Mistress"" - with quotes in the original. That almost implies that Agatha has control of Gil in some fashion.

2020-10-01, 07:21 AM
Counterpoint: Castle Heterodyne
That lasted, what, 48 hours tops?

They aren't going to leave England any time soon. They still have to confront Steelgarter and Mawda (or whoever has the Lantern now), have the big showdown with Albia, as well as solve the problem of England's sinking. And yes, I know that Agatha doesn't particularly care about that last one, she's still gonna solve it before she leaves.

Right, so they'll leave in the evening then?

2020-10-01, 07:24 AM
There were clearly looking through the time windows to see if von zinzers buddies survived (it seems they did) Im guessing they are testing how the time lantern (or other device they will eventually discover or create) works by using it to locate specific instances they know about to sort of dial in the controls better. They may try to help zeetha but remember she was totally out of it during the whole pirate thing so it would likely be difficult and time consuming to track an air ship through time when the best they can come up with is a general time frame and the location of the base itself.

2020-10-01, 07:40 AM
Having looked at those old strips, I was struck by Gil calling Agatha ""Mistress"" - with quotes in the original. That almost implies that Agatha has control of Gil in some fashion.

Unlikely. The quotes around Mistress indicate a sarcastic tone to me. My reading is that Agatha is under cover, pretending to be The Other. Either that, or the Geisterdamen are insisting on proper address. Whatever the reason, Gilgamesh is pretending to be a subservient lackey and is not enjoying the experience one bit.

2020-10-01, 07:57 AM
Unlikely. The quotes around Mistress indicate a sarcastic tone to me. My reading is that Agatha is under cover, pretending to be The Other. Either that, or the Geisterdamen are insisting on proper address. Whatever the reason, Gilgamesh is pretending to be a subservient lackey and is not enjoying the experience one bit.

Yep. Of course that may be from a different timeline. We have yet to see anything like Gil getting "bulked up" like that so far.

2020-10-01, 08:00 AM
Oh hey, would you look at that...

I got sucked into an archive trawl after re-reading the scene with the time portals. It brought me to this page (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040308#.X3XR12hKiUk).

Same tone, directed from Agatha towards Gil, also dripping with sarcasm. Seems like intentional counterpoint given how closely it follows "Mistress" quote.

2020-10-01, 10:58 AM
Oh hey, would you look at that...

I got sucked into an archive trawl after re-reading the scene with the time portals. It brought me to this page (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040308#.X3XR12hKiUk).

Same tone, directed from Agatha towards Gil, also dripping with sarcasm. Seems like intentional counterpoint given how closely it follows "Mistress" quote.
And then this https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040326

The reason that guy (whose name is apparently Rovainen) activated the engine seems to be that he believed that Agatha's words were orders from the Other.

2020-10-01, 01:09 PM
Having looked at those old strips, I was struck by Gil calling Agatha ""Mistress"" - with quotes in the original. That almost implies that Agatha has control of Gil in some fashion.

I took it to mean he's pretending to be her servant, hence the out fit and the quotes.

2020-10-02, 05:28 AM
New comic

Those three drunk can't end well.:smallamused:
Although... Who of them is actually drunk and who's pretending? And even if they are, how much would it affect them?

2020-10-02, 08:32 AM
Huh. You know, prior to today, if you had asked me if rum cake could make you drunk I would of said it was not possible. That the rum is baked in and thus loses the ability to have that effect.

But 30 seconds of Googling says otherwise. Interesting.

I shall have to make some rum cake and investigate this further. For science of course. :smallwink:

New comic

Those three drunk can't end well.:smallamused:
Although... Who of them is actually drunk and who's pretending? And even if they are, how much would it affect them?

As a pirate, I suspect that Bang has drunken so much rum in her life she's not effected.

Violetta probably has some instant sobriety formula on her. And I wonder if her immunity to poisons even lets her get drunk.

2020-10-02, 08:59 AM
As a pirate, I suspect that Bang has drunken so much rum in her life she's not effected.

Violetta probably has some instant sobriety formula on her. And I wonder if her immunity to poisons even lets her get drunk.

Zeetha probably has some way to deal with it too.
Even if it's just “can fight drunk".

But yeah, that was basically what went through my head.
„Those three getting smashed together is not a good thing for anyone involved*.:smallconfused:
Wait a moment. How is either of them drunk?:smallconfused:”

*Large parts of Europa if they really get going.:smallamused:

2020-10-02, 09:18 AM
Zeetha probably has some way to deal with it too.
Even if it's just “can fight drunk".

But yeah, that was basically what went through my head.
„Those three getting smashed together is not a good thing for anyone involved*.:smallconfused:
Wait a moment. How is either of them drunk?:smallconfused:”

*Large parts of Europa if they really get going.:smallamused:

Europe is lucky Agatha isn't drunk. (yet) :smallbiggrin:

Shining Wrath
2020-10-02, 09:27 AM
I think that none of them will get drunk enough to affect their ability to fight. Not in public, not even in Albia’s England. They are all too professional, for want of a better word.

2020-10-02, 12:14 PM
Bang's neck was recently bare in the comic from 20181003

And also lightly less recently bare back in 20150610

I think the neck scars are new, if not fake. Bang didn't have them before she heard about Zeetha, and I feel like we would have heard about it if she'd been decapitated since then.

Zazu Yen
2020-10-02, 12:25 PM
Having looked at those old strips, I was struck by Gil calling Agatha ""Mistress"" - with quotes in the original. That almost implies that Agatha has control of Gil in some fashion.

The quotes could make it sarcastic, implying he's playing a role he's not entirely comfortable with. This just gave me the idea that the entire time window thing was staged to look a certain way. The giesterdamen, the outfits, even making it look like they're checking on Von Zinzer's mates when they're trying do something else. Maybe they want whoever sees them in the time windows to think Agatha is still under the control of her mother.

Or this is all being retconned as the Foglio's evolve the story as they go.

EDIT: Ah, I see Rodin pointed this out too. Well, great minds etc. etc.

Thomas Cardew
2020-10-02, 12:28 PM
Bang's neck was recently bare in the comic from 20181003

And also lightly less recently bare back in 20150610

I think the neck scars are new, if not fake. Bang didn't have them before she heard about Zeetha, and I feel like we would have heard about it if she'd been decapitated since then.

I don't think it's new, just the sort of detail that's not always included. Heck in the comic from last Friday (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/ggmain/strips/ggmain20200925.jpg) 20200925, it disappears in the last panel but was included in the first 3. Some of the middle ones are wash because of angles so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-02, 12:39 PM
Bang's neck was recently bare in the comic from 20181003

And also lightly less recently bare back in 20150610

I think the neck scars are new, if not fake. Bang didn't have them before she heard about Zeetha, and I feel like we would have heard about it if she'd been decapitated since then.

She had them when she arrived in England on the Mopey Tortoise, well before she heard about Zeetha wrecking her hideout.

2020-10-02, 07:59 PM
Europe is lucky Agatha isn't drunk. (yet) :smallbiggrin:

Have we ever seen a Spark trying to invent while drunk? We know Agatha and coffee leads to chaos (and more coffee) so I'm curious what booze would do.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-10-03, 04:57 AM
Have we ever seen a Spark trying to invent while drunk? We know Agatha and coffee leads to chaos (and more coffee) so I'm curious what booze would do.

Judging from what happened with the coffee, it will be a very good year.

(There is a footnote in one of the novels based on a scene in the comic about someone who brewed lingonberry liquer, a particularly potent spirit, drank a load of it every day of a very long life, and when they came to cremate him it took them a week to put the fire out. Oddly, he wasn't a spark)

2020-10-03, 07:10 AM
New comic

Those three drunk can't end well.:smallamused:
Although... Who of them is actually drunk and who's pretending? And even if they are, how much would it affect them?

We can be reasonably certain that Violetta isn't quite as drunk as she appears. Frankly I think all three of them are playing to an extent.

2020-10-03, 07:56 AM
Have we ever seen a Spark trying to invent while drunk? We know Agatha and coffee leads to chaos (and more coffee) so I'm curious what booze would do.

Since coffee is a stimulant and alcohol is a depressant, I'd guess that getting drunk would have the opposite effect on a spark (or at least, on Agatha) as drinking coffee, i.e. it would inhibit her sparkiness for a while.

2020-10-03, 09:10 AM
None of them look drunk, though. Tipsy, yes.

Scarlet Knight
2020-10-03, 10:37 AM
Since coffee is a stimulant and alcohol is a depressant, I'd guess that getting drunk would have the opposite effect on a spark (or at least, on Agatha) as drinking coffee, i.e. it would inhibit her sparkiness for a while.

The first thing alcohol depresses is inhibition. Thus, tipsy people at a night club or party behave in risky behavior, leading to morning regrets.

Now imagine that with Sparks. "Here; hold my Death Ray."

Fortunately, I don't believe Zeetha, Bang , or Violetta are sparks. But that doesn't mean there won't be regrets.

2020-10-03, 11:08 AM
Fortunately, I don't believe Zeetha, Bang , or Violetta are sparks. But that doesn't mean there won't be regrets.

Zeetha isn't a spark now. But there certainly is a chance she just hasn't broken though yet. Now I rather hope she does not as I don't think she would like being a spark and it wouldn't add anything to the story and would likely take things away.

2020-10-03, 11:26 AM
Sparks and alcohol (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20081006).

Shining Wrath
2020-10-03, 11:39 AM
Sparks and alcohol (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20081006).

That's not just alcohol, it's Spark alcohol. And it knocked Gil out.

2020-10-03, 12:48 PM
Judging from what happened with the coffee, it will be a very good year.

(There is a footnote in one of the novels based on a scene in the comic about someone who brewed lingonberry liquer, a particularly potent spirit, drank a load of it every day of a very long life, and when they came to cremate him it took them a week to put the fire out. Oddly, he wasn't a spark)

He wasn't.
The guy who build the funeral pyre though...:smalltongue:

Agi Hammerthief
2020-10-03, 02:51 PM
I wish the Foglios would remove all the bonus, extras and holiday specials from the archives, it really breaks immersion.

2020-10-03, 03:49 PM
I wish the Foglios would remove all the bonus, extras and holiday specials from the archives, it really breaks immersion.

The paper-doll/Tailor-bot cutins and the 'We made a deck of cards, here's ten pages showing all the suits' ones are particularly bad.

2020-10-04, 12:38 AM
That's what the PDFs are for! :smallbiggrin:

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-04, 12:15 PM
I wish they'd drop the cut out dolls and cards and replace them with the Jaeger comics from the back of...Volume 9 was it?

Agi Hammerthief
2020-10-05, 12:59 AM
now why doesn’t he look happier about going hunting? :smalltongue:

Shining Wrath
2020-10-05, 07:17 AM
It appears that Martellus is happy with hunting things that can't fight back, or when he has a pack of his knights with him to help him fight.
Unknown enemies who might very well be more than he can handle? That's scary.

2020-10-05, 08:10 AM
This is very hard to connect with the Martellus who fought the body of the Storm King and showed no fear against Gil, the Other, and, as far as I remember, the Train. Maybe he's a reverse Lars -- Lars was scared of things in the past, Martellus of things in the future?

2020-10-05, 08:15 AM
This is very hard to connect with the Martellus who fought the body of the Storm King and showed no fear against Gil, the Other, and, as far as I remember, the Train. Maybe he's a reverse Lars -- Lars was scared of things in the past, Martellus of things in the future?

He thought he had the advantage over Gil because of his Sparkhounds. Against Andy he literally said "I don't plan on fighting fair!" and only fought one on one because he had too (Remember he had Andy poisoned before the fight but it didn't do any good.

Agi Hammerthief
2020-10-05, 08:20 AM
he’s probably also not happy about being ordered around.

2020-10-05, 09:03 AM
Question: those extra books seem to be allusions to some titles for children, but I cannot quite catch specific references. Am I wrong, or can someone help me find the right ones?

2020-10-05, 09:31 AM
All I can think of is
"Martellus! It's 5 PM, time to fight evil sparks and stuff!"
"Yes honey"

2020-10-05, 10:25 AM
Question: those extra books seem to be allusions to some titles for children, but I cannot quite catch specific references. Am I wrong, or can someone help me find the right ones?

Big Book of Animals is a children's book which is exactly what it says on the tin. Moreau is from The Island of Dr. Moreau, a novel by H.G. Wells about a mad scientist creating human/animal hybrids.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a children's book about, well, a caterpillar who is very hungry.

Busy, Busy Empire appears to be a reference to Busy, Busy World. Another children's book, this one with stories about different people from around the world.

2020-10-05, 10:37 AM
It appears that Martellus is happy with hunting things that can't fight back, or when he has a pack of his knights with him to help him fight.
Unknown enemies who might very well be more than he can handle? That's scary.

Or maybe he does know. After all he was a student of Dr. Dim. The same guy whose motive in life appears to be wakening epic monsters and who seemed very familiar with the monsters under the sea.

Plus Martellus probably considers hunting on foot more to his liking than...

hunting while inside of a tin can,
surrounded by tons of water,
and with several of his enemies/rivals who are only working with him because they currently have too.

2020-10-05, 11:02 AM
He was in the middle of a good proper rant about how much it sucks to be him right now and got the floor cut out from under him as he is about to get everything he currently wants.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-10-05, 11:07 AM
Question: those extra books seem to be allusions to some titles for children, but I cannot quite catch specific references. Am I wrong, or can someone help me find the right ones?

Big Book of Animals is a children's book which is exactly what it says on the tin. Moreau is from The Island of Dr. Moreau, a novel by H.G. Wells about a mad scientist creating human/animal hybrids.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a children's book about, well, a caterpillar who is very hungry.

Busy, Busy Empire appears to be a reference to Busy, Busy World. Another children's book, this one with stories about different people from around the world.

And to top it off, Forbidden Planet is a real fantasy bookstore/franchise that started off in Denmark Street, London. Named, of course, after the 1956 film. I first visited the London branch in New Oxford Street, and now it is down Seven Dials way.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-05, 11:13 AM
I just realized that the poisoned waters are probably connected to England sinking, so that you'll have to fix both problems at once.

2020-10-05, 11:34 AM
Big Book of Animals is a children's book which is exactly what it says on the tin. Moreau is from The Island of Dr. Moreau, a novel by H.G. Wells about a mad scientist creating human/animal hybrids.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a children's book about, well, a caterpillar who is very hungry.

Busy, Busy Empire appears to be a reference to Busy, Busy World. Another children's book, this one with stories about different people from around the world.
Thank you! Just as with songs there is an irritating itch, if I cannot find the proper name.

He was in the middle of a good proper rant about how much it sucks to be him right now and got the floor cut out from under him as he is about to get everything he currently wants.
And it is always the worst, when life is as good as it gets, right? ;) Also, he might want to join the chorus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6ALzUGZsOQ).

And to top it off, Forbidden Planet is a real fantasy bookstore/franchise that started off in Denmark Street, London. Named, of course, after the 1956 film. I first visited the London branch in New Oxford Street, and now it is down Seven Dials way.
Foglio's always put so much attention to little off-hand background details.

2020-10-05, 11:45 AM
I love how the bookstore's just openly trolling Tweedle.:smallamused:

2020-10-05, 11:58 AM
I love how the bookstore's just openly trolling Tweedle.:smallamused:
The bookstore or the dear sister Seffie.

2020-10-05, 01:22 PM
The bookstore or the dear sister Seffie.

At first I thought it was Albia trolling Tweedle. But you're right, it does make more sense for Seffie to be trolling him.

2020-10-05, 02:17 PM
And to top it off, Forbidden Planet is a real fantasy bookstore/franchise that started off in Denmark Street, London. Named, of course, after the 1956 film. I first visited the London branch in New Oxford Street, and now it is down Seven Dials way.

Also one on Broadway in New York City. :smallcool:

EDIT: Othar's Twitter (https://twitter.com/Othar) has been getting updated lately. Three times in the past 2 days. Othar somehow got dumped into the vaults of a Corbettite Monastery near Paris. And of course Othar blames Gil.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-05, 04:07 PM
At first I thought it was Albia trolling Tweedle. But you're right, it does make more sense for Seffie to be trolling him.

Look, it's Tweedle. So far as I can tell, everyone in the GGverse wants to troll him. It could be a group effort.

2020-10-06, 10:18 PM
So, who would win: Othar or Tweedle? Othar is pretty much unkillable and has taken out a long string of mad-boys. Tweedle is also nigh-unkillable and is a first rate mad-boy who can give Gil a run for his money, and Gil can handily beat Othar senseless. On the other hand, Othar did do some marvelous sabotage of Castle Wulfenbach (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040917) back in the day...

2020-10-06, 10:36 PM
So, who would win: Othar or Tweedle? Othar is pretty much unkillable and has taken out a long string of mad-boys. Tweedle is also nigh-unkillable and is a first rate mad-boy who can give Gil a run for his money, and Gil can handily beat Othar senseless. On the other hand, Othar did do some marvelous sabotage of Castle Wulfenbach (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20040917) back in the day...

Othar would wipe the floor with him.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-06, 11:31 PM
Yeah. Whatever else Othar may be (and I have a list), he's very good at taking down Mad'unz who've gotten a little too full of themselves.

2020-10-07, 02:47 AM
Othar hands down. After all he is "Othar Tryggvassen, GENTLEMAN ADVETURER!" While Tweedle is just a pretender to the throne of the Stormking. No contest.

2020-10-07, 05:50 AM
Othar? He was defeated and captured by Grantz, and defeated by Gil and the Baron, and tricked by Agatha while he had a gun pointed to her face. Really, what does he do against the heavyweights, beside barging in, being defeated, and giving motivational speeches? His strength is being oddly wise once he gets to know people, like when he captured the Jager with a game of hangman.

However, Martellus wouldn't just throw him off a building or capture him, he would try to kill him for good, and THAT could trigger those hero survival powers and make him more dangerous.

At the same time, since Martellus is a public spark, and he is still alive, it's likely that Othar knows better than to try to go after him, or he already tried to kill him and failed.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-07, 07:20 AM
I think both Othar and Martellus have too much plot armor to die; therefore, their epic throw-down would end with Othar experiencing something that ought to kill him, but doesn't, after opening a fairly large can of whoopin' on Martellus. In other words, the winner would be the audience.

It's WAY early, but I propose "Does the jungle have a wine list? It does not" for Girl Genius XXIX.

And I wonder if Agatha really left Martellus unsupervised in a lab for hours. Mini-clank spies? A Jager? Violetta?

Scarlet Knight
2020-10-07, 08:40 AM
I think both Othar and Martellus have too much plot armor to die; therefore, their epic throw-down would end with Othar experiencing something that ought to kill him, but doesn't, after opening a fairly large can of whoopin' on Martellus. In other words, the winner would be the audience.

It's WAY early, but I propose "Does the jungle have a wine list? It does not" for Girl Genius XXIX.

And I wonder if Agatha really left Martellus unsupervised in a lab for hours. Mini-clank spies? A Jager? Violetta?

I suspect this is another salvo of the plot twist where Agatha falls for the "bad boy" and has anger sex with Martellus. Maybe due to the influence of Lucrezia, a side effect of his King's Touch, or just her Heterodyne blood, but we read too many stories of smart women falling for a really wrong guy and hurting the people who truly love them.

"I don't understand it, Zeetha. Gil loved me before he knew who I am. I know Martellus sees me like a common bauble and yet I am helpless when pressed against that massive chest!"

The hints are dropping like autumn leaves.

2020-10-07, 09:13 AM
I suspect this is another salvo of the plot twist where Agatha falls for the "bad boy" and has anger sex with Martellus. Maybe due to the influence of Lucrezia, a side effect of his King's Touch, or just her Heterodyne blood, but we read too many stories of smart women falling for a really wrong guy and hurting the people who truly love them.

"I don't understand it, Zeetha. Gil loved me before he knew who I am. I know Martellus sees me like a common bauble and yet I am helpless when pressed against that massive chest!"

The hints are dropping like autumn leaves.

Oh stars, I hope not. That's way too far overdone, and I don't want "yet another" anything that's been done millions of times, unless they're subverting it.

Edit: Besides, if Agatha is going to fall for anyone it's going to be Commander Rakethorn - at least she seems attracted to him. Tweedle has got to be way down her list.

2020-10-07, 10:07 AM
I'll be very disappointed if Agatha ever has anything to do with Martellus. "Enemy Mine" works well enough when combating the Other. Anything more than that is repugnant after his attempt to force her into marriage.

Frankly, I dislike even the limited rehabilitation the Foglios have given him.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-07, 10:38 AM
Besides, if Agatha is going to fall for anyone it's going to be Commander Rakethorn - at least she seems attracted to him. Tweedle has got to be way down her list.

I think Agatha is more likely to start a relationship with Trelawney Thorpe (Spark of the Realm) than Rakethorn (discount Wooster, can't compete with Gil, Tarvek or Zeetha for Sparkiness or action-adventure motifs).

Manga Shoggoth
2020-10-07, 11:17 AM
It's WAY early, but I propose "Does the jungle have a wine list? It does not" for Girl Genius XXIX.

Saves me doin' it... Noted. Although it might be better as "Does this thread have a wine list? It does not"

I think Agatha is more likely to start a relationship with Trelawney Thorpe (Spark of the Realm) than Rakethorn (discount Wooster, can't compete with Gil, Tarvek or Zeetha for Sparkiness or action-adventure motifs).

Whilst I agree about the relationship (or lack of) with Agatha, I think it's a bit early to discount Rakethorn on other terms - he is good enough that his name is known at the highest levels (Lord Womble, if not Albia herself). I get the feeling that most of his adventures have been in England and in the Ivory Towers. Let's see what he is like once he gets his feet outside...

I'll be very disappointed if Agatha ever has anything to do with Martellus. "Enemy Mine" works well enough when combating the Other. Anything more than that is repugnant after his attempt to force her into marriage.

Frankly, I dislike even the limited rehabilitation the Foglios have given him.

He is hardly being rehabilitated - he is being kept around because he is, or may be, useful. Agatha probably still needs him to get rid of the Kings Touch even with the weasel workaround, He is staunchly against the Other (to the length that he has stated he would give up his crown and everything if it meant taking the other down), and he knows something of Vapnoople's work.

Scarlet Knight
2020-10-07, 11:46 AM
I think Agatha is more likely to start a relationship with Trelawney Thorpe (Spark of the Realm) than Rakethorn (discount Wooster, can't compete with Gil, Tarvek or Zeetha for Sparkiness or action-adventure motifs).

These are the Foglios; I would not be shocked if she has a relationship with Rakethorn & Miss Thorpe - at the same time. If not in the main story, at lease in the eventual Xxxenophile edition.

I'll be very disappointed if Agatha ever has anything to do with Martellus. "Enemy Mine" works well enough when combating the Other. Anything more than that is repugnant after his attempt to force her into marriage.

Frankly, I dislike even the limited rehabilitation the Foglios have given him.

It may be as simple as during Covid the Professors re-read "Richard III" and thought, "Hmmm. How can we work an ugly but seductive villain into the plot? Martellus fits!"

2020-10-07, 12:06 PM
These are the Foglios; I would not be shocked if she has a relationship with Rakethorn & Miss Thorpe - at the same time. If not in the main story, at lease in the eventual Xxxenophile edition.
Which will not happen at least until their kids are old enough (I think they did give this kind of an answer at some point concerning XXXenophile). I kind of hope they will return to that series as it was a very fun and positive read.

2020-10-07, 01:16 PM
Frankly, I dislike even the limited rehabilitation the Foglios have given him.

Yeah, I agree with this. Agatha has enough friends as is. I hope they move Martellus more towards the villians category and less in the direction of frenemy.

And there is hope for this. He obviously has something planned involving Krosp. And his maniacal laugh when Agatha pointed out her weasel sounded like foreshadowing.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-07, 01:19 PM
Look, Martellus can't betray Team Agatha unless he's inside. This is not a twist, it's a rerun of Curse Your Sudden Yet Inevitable Betrayal.

2020-10-07, 02:49 PM
I think both Othar and Martellus have too much plot armor to die; therefore, their epic throw-down would end with Othar experiencing something that ought to kill him, but doesn't, after opening a fairly large can of whoopin' on Martellus. In other words, the winner would be the audience.

I suspect that if Othar and Martellus faced off in an arena wearing their skivies you would be right. Martellus does tend to have plenty of minions around, so I don't know that Othar would be able to have his typical brawl.

Which leads me to question how Othar manages to take down any sparks. The only time I have seen him actually fight a spark was in "Revenge of the Weasel Queen", and he did not do well.

It's WAY early, but I propose "Does the jungle have a wine list? It does not" for Girl Genius XXIX.

This intrigues me and I wish to explore it further.

Saves me doin' it... Noted. Although it might be better as "Does this thread have a wine list? It does not"

That might make a better title. I am provisionally in favor of one of them. I doubtless will find other titles to propose (I have to keep up my status as most prolific title proposer after all).

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-07, 02:59 PM
Meh. We have another 40 pages to go before we need to start worrying about it, and history says the one we'll pick will be from one of the last couple updates.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-10-07, 04:16 PM
Besides, you can always vote for both - but let's leave the actual voting for when the page count gets to the high 40's.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-07, 04:17 PM
If Agatha has sex with Martellus I'll probably be done with this strip, unless that's how she kills him. That would be very Heterodyne - death by sexual exhaustion.

I personally think she'll wind up in a open love triangle with Gil and Tarvek, although who beds her first is up in the air. There's precedent - consider Horatio Nelson.

I think Othar might have allies of his own, and if he were going to try for Martellus' head he might be cunning enough to bring them along.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-07, 04:30 PM
Nelson wasn't in a love triangle. He was cheating on his wife with a married woman, whose husband tolerated it because being an associate of Lord Nelson was good for his career.

2020-10-07, 05:17 PM
I suspect that if Othar and Martellus faced off in an arena wearing their skivies you would be right. Martellus does tend to have plenty of minions around, so I don't know that Othar would be able to have his typical brawl.

Which leads me to question how Othar manages to take down any sparks. The only time I have seen him actually fight a spark was in "Revenge of the Weasel Queen", and he did not do well.

Othar has some pretty good fighting chops. He was able to tire the Baron in a fight that took them all over Castle Wulfenbach, although it is implied the Baron was going a bit easy on him. He would have shot Gil dead if Agatha hadn't grabbed his gun and then distracted him until Gil got the drop on him. He kept up with Tarvek and Violetta doing a full Smoke Knight evasion routine without even breathing hard. He's also a Spark himself who dismantled a giant clank barehanded to get Agatha a component she needed.

The reason Othar seems underpowered is that we only see him fight against the absolute top tier - the Baron, Gil, Jenka and Fust, etc. For the average tin-pot madboy he will have been an absolute terror.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-07, 06:03 PM
Yeah, you'll notice that I included a caveat for Madboys getting too full of themselves. That doesn't tend to happen with Klaus and Gil, who are almost eerily calm and collected for Sparks.

2020-10-07, 06:27 PM
Yeah, you'll notice that I included a caveat for Madboys getting too full of themselves. That doesn't tend to happen with Klaus and Gil, who are almost eerily calm and collected for Sparks.
Regular madboys are like campfire, Klaus and Gil are like a well adjusted cutting torch. But they are not the only ones, who can focus well (maybe not as much, but still) - any spark needs to be able to do that, if he/she wants to live long. We have seen that recently in how Agatha delivered her warning to Bang for example, or consider Master Payne and how he needed to keep everyone alive and hidden for most likely many years.

2020-10-08, 06:31 AM
We have seen Othar fight a (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20120326#.X374HGhKgdU) couple of time (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20121121#.X374Q2hKgdU) and after seeing him ripe the arm off a giant clank and then use that arm to clobber the clank... Yeah, Tweedle is out of his class.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-08, 07:28 AM
Hey, I bought a bundle of GG stuff from a place - probably can't say where because of site rules, but use your Google skills.

Included in the bundle was a Secret Blueprints file, which included brief descriptions of the dramatis personae of GG.

They did have a sketch on Bang.

And what that indicates is that her oath to "her family's unpleasant God" is to kill not only the person who destroyed her base, but their families, and their friends. So ... Bang is not out to kill Zeetha. She's out to kill Zeetha's entire family, which means she'll help find Skifander so she can kill them. And of course, Agatha, and Higgs.

She'll need help to pull this off.

So ...

Either the Secret Blueprints overstates the level of vengeance Bang wants (unlikely), or ...
Bang will decide to break her oath and forego her vengeance (unlikely), or ...
Bang is going to have to ally with someone willing and able to kill Agatha and Higgs. Such as The Other.

2020-10-08, 07:59 AM
Well, you have to remember the stuff in the Secret Blueprints was just the start of things and the story has evolved. IIRC Klaus was a lot more evil originally and I'm sure other things have changed since then.

Also killing all of Zeetha's family also would include killing Gil and Klaus.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-08, 10:09 AM
Well, you have to remember the stuff in the Secret Blueprints was just the start of things and the story has evolved. IIRC Klaus was a lot more evil originally and I'm sure other things have changed since then.

Also killing all of Zeetha's family also would include killing Gil and Klaus.

Not until the Big Reveal that Zeetha is Gil's sister. Bang doesn't know that, yet.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-08, 10:21 AM
It's not a secret that everything except the last two PDFs are on DriveThru.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-08, 02:18 PM
Yes, but I got them for pay-what-you-want (above a minimum) elsewhere.

2020-10-08, 09:37 PM
Yes, but I got them for pay-what-you-want (above a minimum) elsewhere.

So long as it is neither illegal nor overtly political/religious, you should be okay to post it. I suppose if you literally cannot post the link because the site would get filtered that would also be a reason not to post it. Or if the pages are plastered with images drawn from Phil's risque work (or similar). Yeah, if you don't feel comfortable posting the link, don't feel like you need to tell us.

edit:And I could swear that the Secret Blueprints used to be on the Girl Genius site somewhere. Or maybe they are in the GG wiki.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-08, 11:27 PM
They used to have a link where you could get them for like a penny at Topatco (whose system apparently doesn't do the $0.00 thing).

2020-10-09, 12:13 AM
Getting back to the actual comic, prepare to meet

Mrs. Krosp.

2020-10-09, 06:19 AM
Getting back to the actual comic, prepare to meet

Mrs. Krosp.

Oh dear. I was wondering what it would be, and that makes a scary amount of sense given what Martellus says in this strip and his history.

2020-10-09, 06:40 AM
Oh dear. I was wondering what it would be, and that makes a scary amount of sense given what Martellus says in this strip and his history.

And what he was on this page (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20200217#.X4BL49BKgdU). No, there is no "reforming" Tweedle. :smallfurious:

Shining Wrath
2020-10-09, 07:24 AM
And what he was on this page (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20200217#.X4BL49BKgdU). No, there is no "reforming" Tweedle. :smallfurious:

Oh, you are quite right. That smile ... and what he says about the arrogance of Krosp today - yes, Martellus has modified a cat to be Queen of the Beasts. And she has the arrogance of her kind, amplified by the arrogance of Martellus.

BTW, the fact that Martellus acknowledges that Tarvek's claim is stronger on paper - that is, by law - and still intends to claim the throne makes him a traitor to his own kin, does it not? Seffie, you might want to consider the possibility that if circumstances require it YOU'LL be under the - er, not bus ... steam locomotive.

2020-10-09, 08:00 AM
BTW, the fact that Martellus acknowledges that Tarvek's claim is stronger on paper - that is, by law - and still intends to claim the throne makes him a traitor to his own kin, does it not? Seffie, you might want to consider the possibility that if circumstances require it YOU'LL be under the - er, not bus ... steam locamotive.

Have you seen his kin? (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20130628#.X4Beuu3gq00)

2020-10-09, 08:24 AM
Look at those old pages I noticed that Xerxsephnia is much more pale when she first showed up.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-09, 08:26 AM
Have you seen his kin? (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20130628#.X4Beuu3gq00)

He's willing to kill anyone who gets in his way, including Uncle Julius. My point is that Seffie should not consider herself in any way immune.
Of course, Tarvek will probably kill Martellus if he can see a way to do it without offending Agatha. 'Tis a Game of Thrones, and we know how those games are played.
I do wonder which of them Grandmother Sturmvarous really wants to see take the throne.

Possible ironic twist: neither Tarvek nor Martellus ascends; through some twist of fate, Violetta winds up Storm Queen.

2020-10-09, 08:49 AM
My point is that Seffie should not consider herself in any way immune.
Seffie already has played high-stakes games over Martellus's hide. https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20130930

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-09, 10:26 AM
Look, Martellus can't betray Team Agatha unless he's inside. This is not a twist, it's a rerun of Curse Your Sudden Yet Inevitable Betrayal.

Yup, called it. And now it looks like we know the method he'll use.

Then again, Krosp and Da Bearz are too powerful an ally for Agatha to have and realistically struggle, so they do need to be stripped away for narrative reasons.

2020-10-09, 10:31 AM
Yeah seffie is under no particular illusions about martellus. Im sure she is well aware that if she ever moved against him he would target her with little regret. Thats how their entire family is. She would do the exact same thing to him. At most you have 1 or 2 people you can really rely on, the rest are pawns in the game of power. This family is very much so NOT NICE. Even their granny treats the endless slaughter and backstabbery of her kids, grandkids and great grandkids as normal business.

2020-10-09, 12:44 PM
Seffie already has played high-stakes games over Martellus's hide. https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20130930

Not as much as you might think. She knows Gil very well and that he wouldn't kill Tweedle unless Tweedle forced him to.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-09, 01:05 PM
Yeah seffie is under no particular illusions about martellus. Im sure she is well aware that if she ever moved against him he would target her with little regret. Thats how their entire family is. She would do the exact same thing to him. At most you have 1 or 2 people you can really rely on, the rest are pawns in the game of power. This family is very much so NOT NICE. Even their granny treats the endless slaughter and backstabbery of her kids, grandkids and great grandkids as normal business.

Granny is perhaps the most evil of the lot. It's not that she doesn't care, it's that she raised them that way.

Yup, called it. And now it looks like we know the method he'll use.

Then again, Krosp and Da Bearz are too powerful an ally for Agatha to have and realistically struggle, so they do need to be stripped away for narrative reasons.

Krosp is fun but not powerful in combat. He's a good spy, though. Da Bearz, OTOH, do have to be left behind somehow.

Not as much as you might think. She knows Gil very well and that he wouldn't kill Tweedle unless Tweedle forced him to.

No, but he might very well have turned Tweedle over to his father for ... "examination".

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-09, 01:20 PM
Or Klaus could have just taken over and brought Martellus to his brain coring lab. Like mentor, like student.

2020-10-09, 01:38 PM
Getting back to the actual comic, prepare to meet

Mrs. Krosp.

That's my guess as well.

2020-10-09, 03:00 PM
Or Klaus could have just taken over and brought Martellus to his brain coring lab. Like mentor, like student.
"Must... drill... holes..."

2020-10-09, 03:03 PM
Not as much as you might think. She knows Gil very well and that he wouldn't kill Tweedle unless Tweedle forced him to.

I'm not so sure about that. I mean he does order Bang to kill him (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20131118#.X4DAC4uSnIU)knowing full well she is not the type to hesitate. And then attempts to do himself.

And while Gil isn't exactly himself at that moment as a result of his father's overlay, Seffie has no way of knowing that.

2020-10-09, 05:00 PM
Martellus's attitude also makes it more dangerous. He doesn't want to leave until he has killed Gil, and he has to be carried away by force by the flying clank. But Gil was never going to show up without the equivalent of an army, as he is the current baron.

2020-10-09, 05:14 PM
I'm not so sure about that. I mean he does order Bang to kill him (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20131118#.X4DAC4uSnIU)knowing full well she is not the type to hesitate. And then attempts to do himself.

And while Gil isn't exactly himself at that moment as a result of his father's overlay, Seffie has no way of knowing that.

Also suffering from three days without sleep constantly in the madness place.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-09, 07:46 PM
Martellus is alive only because he's useful, and he'll remain alive for exactly that long. I don't know if Agatha would kill him outright, but Tarvek and Gil can each claim pre-emptive self defense, as it were, plus revenge for Tweedle's prior attempts to kill each of them.

And given that Albia has some sort of mind-reading ability, I would imagine that she'll end Martellus quite casually as a bad person who intends to do bad things.

2020-10-09, 08:02 PM
And given that Albia has some sort of mind-reading ability, I would imagine that she'll end Martellus quite casually as a bad person who intends to do bad things.
Assuming that she's against doing bad things... :smallwink:

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-09, 08:17 PM
Given how she reacted to Vapnoople, yeah, she doesn't like bad things.

2020-10-09, 08:26 PM
Bad things vs things that are bad for her kingdom. What I mean is that, if she had a use for Martellus, she may keep him or even unleash him. Wooster explicitly said that destabilising a rival was good for England.

EDIT: You mean drilling holes into people heads? Yes, she really didn't like that. Could she have a personal advantage from not letting other sparks know the secrets of the brain? Mayyyyybe. But I could be reading too much. Gil seemed to consider her a terrible tyrant when he was in Mechanicsburg, but that characterisation might be gone, or she simply may have got too agreeable or likable to keep it going. I personally hope it surfaces again.

2020-10-09, 10:13 PM
For the list of thread titles (in 40 pages): "The Promised Hat Rack (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20131120)
Or "Still Working on the Harmonics (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20130701)"
Or "Teach it some Manners (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20201009)"

Okay, so none of them are super great, but we do have 20 years of GG to draw from.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-10-10, 05:05 AM
Noted. By that time Bang may well have her promised hat rach.

2020-10-11, 02:02 PM
I was guessing that Martellous' creation is his version of Agatha's King's Touch Waspeater, but Krosp Mk II probably works as well. Or both, Spark Efficiency, two birds with one cat and all that.

Agi Hammerthief
2020-10-11, 02:45 PM
I was guessing that Martellous' creation is his version of Agatha's King's Touch Waspeater, but Krosp Mk II probably works as well. Or both, Spark Efficiency, two birds with one cat and all that.
he‘d have better designed a dog for that job.

2020-10-11, 11:13 PM
Wow, Martellus is evil. I don't mean because he may be plotting to kill Tarvek. I mean because he wants his sister to teach a cat manners.

Fiendish, I tell you, truly fiendish.

2020-10-12, 12:09 AM
I'm saying this with low confidence, because the Folgios really like to accumulate more and more characters, but I feel like they might be setting up Martellus's death (or unpleasant and indefinite sidelining) here. He's going with the heroes into a dangerous place from which there's a limited number of ways out, and he's implied to be scheming to kill Tarvek, which is a dangerous hobby, even when Tarvek isn't standing next to two uber-sparks who are very protective if him. He's started the project of Krospette, but hasn't detailed all the work he's put into her, meaning that if he dies, we get a pretty big wildcard character in the Queen of the Cats. The characters he brought to focus, such as Seffie, by this point have connections to other people on the cast. I feel like the biggest loose ends to Martellus are the ones the Folgios would prefer not be tied up by his continuing presence.

As I said, the Folgios are reluctant to kill off major characters, especially after the early arcs (and in this setting, apparent death doesn't always stick), so I'd still bet that he lives. But of all the characters, he feels like he has the most omens of doom.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-12, 12:39 AM
He has to stick around for quite a while to keep the whole Storm King circus in motion. If he dies, everything neatly devolves to Tarvek and a major source of pointless conflict is removed.

2020-10-12, 03:17 AM
Why am I more afraid of that cat than of Martellus? :smalleek:

2020-10-12, 05:46 AM
So Martellus managed to re-create his master’s crowning achievement (said master being the kind of guy that makes Albia stop pulling any punches) in a few hours without any of the blueprints or examining said achievement.

That’s really impressive, actually.

2020-10-12, 06:02 AM
You know, even if Martellus lies through this expedition, and even if his experiment with Miss Cat is successful and he no longer needs Agatha, and even if he is able to get away and start mustering his forces as the Storm King...

Odds on Miss Cat staying as close to him as necessary?

I mean, he may have replicated his Master's work (or not - he may just have made a talking cat without the leadership abilities. He's certainly not giving her copious amounts of reading material. And apparently the shiny thing is important too). But his main aim was another function entirely - for which a weasel who just looooves you is ideal - yet he chose a cat. IMHO he chose poorly.

2020-10-12, 06:12 AM
So Martellus managed to re-create his master’s crowning achievement (said master being the kind of guy that makes Albia stop pulling any punches) in a few hours without any of the blueprints or examining said achievement.

That’s really impressive, actually.
On one hand, recreating something is easier than doing it from scratch as you have an example to guide you even if you could not study it in details. On the other hand, we do not know, if he truly recreated Krosp's whole set of abilities. The cat lady can talk, but we do not know if she has the same high intelligence as Krosp or will be able to attain it through experience. All the more reasons to doubt that she has the ability to command the bears. At the end of the day she might be no better then the spark wolves, but I do think Martellus planned something special with her. If anything, he might plan to control Krosp indirectly in the oldest way known.

2020-10-12, 06:39 AM
On one hand, recreating something is easier than doing it from scratch as you have an example to guide you even if you could not study it in details. On the other hand, we do not know, if he truly recreated Krosp's whole set of abilities. The cat lady can talk, but we do not know if she has the same high intelligence as Krosp or will be able to attain it through experience. All the more reasons to doubt that she has the ability to command the bears. At the end of the day she might be no better then the spark wolves, but I do think Martellus planned something special with her. If anything, he might plan to control Krosp indirectly in the oldest way known.

The thing is, its not about commanding bears, krosp was designed to command CATS. He was given command of the bears afterwards by vapnoodle as a backup for himself iirc. And even then its less about krsp and more about "the shiny thing." As for crowning achievement, while technically it worked, commanding cats is a failure because cats are stupid and cant remember or obey orders more than a minute after getting them so overall it was a failure. No, this cat isnt so much meant to be queen of cats as it is to be martellus's weasel. Its there to break his dependence on agatha so he wont be forced into a subservient position to her. For some reason he had to make it a cat as its "what was available" rather than one of his normal sparkhounds which would have been a way better idea for all sorts of reasons.

2020-10-12, 07:14 AM
The thing is, its not about commanding bears, krosp was designed to command CATS. He was given command of the bears afterwards by vapnoodle as a backup for himself iirc. And even then its less about krsp and more about "the shiny thing." As for crowning achievement, while technically it worked, commanding cats is a failure because cats are stupid and cant remember or obey orders more than a minute after getting them so overall it was a failure. No, this cat isnt so much meant to be queen of cats as it is to be martellus's weasel. Its there to break his dependence on agatha so he wont be forced into a subservient position to her. For some reason he had to make it a cat as its "what was available" rather than one of his normal sparkhounds which would have been a way better idea for all sorts of reasons.
I think the whole "king of the cats" was a smoke screen actually as the bears were Vapnoople's last secret that he actually was able to keep from the Baron. Krosp would be in severe danger, if he was not considered a failure. Besides, bears recognised Krosp as the leader regardless of the shiny trinket (reference (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150220#.X4RH2GgzaUk)). It also is important here, that Krosp was created while Vapnoople was already Baron's prisoner (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150220#.X4RH2GgzaUk). All the more reasons to obfuscate the true purpose and range of abilities.

I do agree that the lady cat does not have to be anything more than Agatha's weasel. It is still something worth keeping secret.

2020-10-12, 07:30 AM
Something I noticed in this page: https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150318

Non est frigidus. I just understood that it's a literal translation of "it's not cool" in Latin.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-12, 07:31 AM
Krosp may have been Vapnoodle's final achievement, but that is not the same as crowning. He created Krosp while already a prisoner, so probably had access to fewer materials, fewer animals, less time, and so on. And Krosp told Agatha early on that he was considered a failure and was lucky to not be destroyed.

It remains to be seen whether or not the femKrosp is as smart and useful as Krosp is, or just becomes a way to not need Agatha's touch.

The fact that the femKrosp means Martellus does not need Agatha to my mind means that Martellus is going to leave Agatha's party after this next arc and return to his evil ways of total evil behavior.

Seffie really likes cats. The cat will probably wind up with more allegiance to Seffie than to Martellus, which is another indication that for a uber-Spark Tweedle is pretty dumb.

2020-10-12, 07:53 AM
I think it's very telling abut the personalities of Seffie and Tweedle in how they refer to the cat. Seffie says "her" immediately. Tweedle refers to the cat as an "it" which I suspect is how he tends to look at nearly everyone else. They are things, tools to be used. Yeah, Tweedle is a monster through and through.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-12, 10:54 AM
Heh. I just realized that this means the best way for Tweedle to keep the effects of the Kings Touch at bay is to sit in a chair and give the cat scratches. No doubt the cat approves.

2020-10-12, 11:52 AM
If we are accumulating possible titles:

"What is this worthless thread?"

2020-10-12, 12:26 PM
Odds on Miss Cat staying as close to him as necessary?

I mean, he may have replicated his Master's work (or not - he may just have made a talking cat without the leadership abilities. He's certainly not giving her copious amounts of reading material. And apparently the shiny thing is important too). But his main aim was another function entirely - for which a weasel who just looooves you is ideal - yet he chose a cat. IMHO he chose poorly.

Pretty much my first thought.
You need something that will stick close to you, listen when you call it and come when you need it.
And you use a cat.

I mean, it's not the worst choice- not aquatic, no venom, no spines or stuff -but, yeah, pretty much anything else'd be a better pick.

And if you absolutely have no other choice at least give your new best friend a good reason to help you when you need her.

The way he's acting towards her the most likely reaction to Tweedle needing a poke from Miss Kitty will be „Huh. Creator doesn't look good. I better make can opener Seffie give me some tuna.”

Okay, that's the most likely reaction anyway:smalltongue:, but there's no reason to push it into the triple digits.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-12, 12:39 PM
A cat's priorities (not in order of importance, for they are all equally important):

Food provider (Krosp: "Food Lady!")
Comfortable lap for napping

We've already seen Martellus fail one of these, and I'm going to provisionally award a second to Seffie as well.

2020-10-12, 01:32 PM
A cat's priorities (not in order of importance, for they are all equally important):

Food provider (Krosp: "Food Lady!")
Comfortable lap for napping

We've already seen Martellus fail one of these, and I'm going to provisionally award a second to Seffie as well.

I don't see Tweedle winning a consolation participation price in either of those categories, not with his showing so far.

Zazu Yen
2020-10-12, 01:53 PM
Really Tweedle? A cat? A female cat? And Krosp is quite literally the King of Cats?

Yeah, that's is going to work out just great for you. Seems like you're inadvertently
making Krosp a potential Queen and tying yourself to her.

In other news, it sounds like he's going to make another attempt on Tarvek's life and possibly make it look like an accident. How else can he "secure his claim to the throne".

Agi Hammerthief
2020-10-12, 03:08 PM
Or maybe he is advertently making trying to make Krosp a potential queen with the goal of tying Krosp to him.

isn’t that the cat from earlier that recognized Krosp as king?
if that was on a genetic level no amount of added brain will help to delete it.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-10-12, 04:38 PM
If we are accumulating possible titles:

I have 610GB disk space free ... bring it!

"What is this worthless thread?"

Also, noted.

2020-10-12, 04:58 PM

isn’t that the cat from earlier that recognized Krosp as king?
if that was on a genetic level no amount of added brain will help to delete it.
As was proven with Krosp himself here (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20070917#.X4TLAWgzaUk).

Divayth Fyr
2020-10-12, 05:27 PM
Krosp may have been Vapnoodle's final achievement, but that is not the same as crowning. He created Krosp while already a prisoner, so probably had access to fewer materials, fewer animals, less time, and so on. And Krosp told Agatha early on that he was considered a failure and was lucky to not be destroyed.
Tweedle states (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150223) that the intended leader/ruler of the Bears was to be Vapnoople's Masterpiece. Incidentally, the dialogue also suggest the work started before Baron got to the Doctor...

2020-10-12, 11:28 PM
Tweedle states (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150223) that the intended leader/ruler of the Bears was to be Vapnoople's Masterpiece. Incidentally, the dialogue also suggest the work started before Baron got to the Doctor...

One of the old cast pages hinted that Kris might have been built before the baron started coring Dr dim's brain. Okay, so it actually implied that he had been built mid brain-core, but I suspect that it was hiding the truth by implying the converse.

2020-10-13, 03:43 PM
This actually puts Martellus is a more positive light to me, because I suspected (back when Krosp and that female cat were shown) that he was going to use the female cat to somehow control Krosp and either wrestle control of the bears or use it to manipulate Agatha. Now, he might still do that, I admit, but this shows a much more... nice or at least reasonable motivation: to have a creature that emulates the 'Touch of the King' and thus lets him live away from Agatha if they can't undo the process.

So, just that it isn't obviously something evil and manipulative seems a point in his favor.

2020-10-13, 04:10 PM
Martellus is going to wind up in the thrall of Krosp via this kitty. That is what will happen.

2020-10-13, 04:16 PM
Tweedle states (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150223) that the intended leader/ruler of the Bears was to be Vapnoople's Masterpiece. Incidentally, the dialogue also suggest the work started before Baron got to the Doctor...

That's easy to navigate. The bear army came first, and always meant to be culminated in a masterpiece creature. Then Krosp was created -- a masterpiece of misbegotten genius and a failure, but only after the fat. And only a failure in design, not in execution, as krosp is exactly what he was built to be.

Also in many ways Krosp WAS Vapnoodle's masterpiece, He's the Vapnoodle creation that finally transcended Vapnoodle. And he was also the Vapnoodle creation that revived his master's mind. From a creative standpoint Krosp is a complete work of genius -- a little vapid and arrogant but highly functional and even clever in his own way

2020-10-13, 04:28 PM
TAnd he was also the Vapnoodle creation that revived his master's mind.

What? Kosp didn't "revive" his creators mind. That was done by Karl. And Kosp always though of Vapnoople as "Papa" not "Master" and has proven that he's is independent from him by attacking him to save Agatha and calling him a nut.

Manga Shoggoth
2020-10-13, 04:29 PM
And he was also the Vapnoodle creation that revived his master's mind.

Really? That's not how I remember it (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20190417).

Scarlet Knight
2020-10-13, 04:40 PM
Really Tweedle? A cat? A female cat? And Krosp is quite literally the King of Cats?

Yeah, that's is going to work out just great for you. Seems like you're inadvertently making Krosp a potential Queen and tying yourself to her.

And how many tales do we have of a King being brought down by a woman?

Zazu Yen
2020-10-13, 05:34 PM
And how many tales do we have of a King being brought down by a woman?

Well, Krosp was shown dancing with the ladies of the court as a prelude to this, so that could be foreshadowing him being susceptible... It's certainly going to set up a power struggle between them, I'm just fairly certain Krosp will come out on top in a battle of wits with Tweedle.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-13, 06:24 PM
A dead drunk goose could win a battle of wits with Tweedle.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-13, 07:45 PM
Martellus is smart about some things. His Sparky science, certainly, and he's a lethal fighter and ruthless in his pursuit of power.
But then he goes and botches "The Touch of the King" and winds up needing Agatha alive and nearby when there's a few good reasons to kill her.
He winds up in England with no allies except a non-spark non-fighter (Seffie) and a whole bunch of people who refrain from killing him only because he's momentarily useful. And under those circumstances, he's still plotting to kill Tarvek (my interpretation), despite the fact that Albia can very likely read his mind if she puts out the effort.

He's brave and Sparky and lethal. He doesn't always think things through.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-13, 07:56 PM
Case in point, the whole 'Zola as fake Heterodyne' scheme.

Shining Wrath
2020-10-13, 08:32 PM
Case in point, the whole 'Zola as fake Heterodyne' scheme.

Was that Martellus' idea, or one of the Knights of Jove, or some other Sturmvarous?

2020-10-13, 08:51 PM
Before England, there was no reason to see Tweedle as incapable. He was a tough opponent who had been bested by Agatha, as many others had been, but still was at large and dangerous. After he showed up with his self-made problem, however, he became much harder to take seriously.

At the same time, I think that he generally is insensitive, rather than stupid. Like not getting girlie things that he doesn't care about anyway. Or being rude with the muse; that one bordered on stupidity.

Looking back, he is a massive risk-taker. He would have bet for killing Gil rather than running away, he tried an extreme procedure that altered his own chemical balance to bind Agatha, he entered besieged Mechanicsburg, he meleed the Storm King... Only the last one went really well. The other two bets he lost, and Mechanicsburg ended inconclusively (he lost a hand and two years, but those were the years when Gil was hunting his Order, and he temporarily got Agatha as a prisoner).

He also seems to be at ease with and maybe even like war, and that could be why Tarvek spoke so badly of him, and why the Jaeger like him. The Baron went to war to enforce peace and end squabbles, so out of a necessity that would benefit others, while Martellus would go (or goes) to impose his right and gain glory and power for himself. This would be a very negative trait.

It's interesting to consider what would have happened, if Martellus hadn't taken Agatha away. Agatha would have been stuck in the time-frozen city. Once Gil had found a way to get close to her, the Klaus overlay would have killed her.

2020-10-13, 09:11 PM
Looking back, he is a massive risk-taker. He would have bet for killing Gil rather than running away, he tried an extreme procedure that altered his own chemical balance to bind Agatha, he entered besieged Mechanicsburg, he meleed the Storm King... Only the last one went really well.

And even that only worked because The Master was there to melt Andronicus's weapons.. after Tweedle brought one of them into the battle.

2020-10-13, 09:22 PM
I just realized:

Part 2 is 8 years old.

The whole thing is 18 years old.

How old are the experiments again?

2020-10-13, 11:31 PM
I think it was in comic commentary that the eldest celebrated a significant birthday recently, and is writing his own comics. There might also have been a comment about it in the Discord interview.

2020-10-14, 12:01 AM
He's 18, and so can now be known as Victor. Experiment #2 is still underage.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-14, 12:25 AM
Gil, that was a nasty trick you should have used on Tweedle. Krosp won't learn anything about respecting other people's food, as he is a cat.

2020-10-14, 12:58 AM
He's brave and Sparky and lethal. He doesn't always think things through.

Recklessness is certainly Martellus's fatal flaw. But he is very politically savvy and cunning, so I think calling him dumb is inaccurate.

He winds up in England with no allies except a non-spark non-fighter (Seffie) and a whole bunch of people who refrain from killing him only because he's momentarily useful. And under those circumstances, he's still plotting to kill Tarvek (my interpretation), despite the fact that Albia can very likely read his mind if she puts out the effort.

To be fair to Martellus, his current predicament stems solely from the King's Touch fiasco - if he hadn't done it in the first place, he wouldn't be in England. And assuming Tarvek's death is his current motive - which I don't think he's in any position to pull off, as he's struggling just to stay relevant right now - I doubt he'd be foolish enough to attempt a high-profile assassination right under the nose of a god-queen.

2020-10-14, 03:42 AM
"Thanks, chump!"

Is Zeetha about to make a connection? (Probably not - that's more than tenuous - but it might be enough to plant the seed).

2020-10-14, 05:11 AM
"Thanks, chump!"

Is Zeetha about to make a connection? (Probably not - that's more than tenuous - but it might be enough to plant the seed).

Zeetha knows what a chump is and it's clear she knows that Gil is her bother. For some reason she is going out of her way not to let Gil know it though.

2020-10-14, 06:11 AM
Zeetha knows what a chump is and it's clear she knows that Gil is her bother. For some reason she is going out of her way not to let Gil know it though.
Why is it clear? Would we even know, weren't it for external information?

2020-10-14, 07:35 AM
Martellus is smart about some things. His Sparky science, certainly, and he's a lethal fighter and ruthless in his pursuit of power.
But then he goes and botches "The Touch of the King" and winds up needing Agatha alive and nearby when there's a few good reasons to kill her.
He winds up in England with no allies except a non-spark non-fighter (Seffie) and a whole bunch of people who refrain from killing him only because he's momentarily useful. And under those circumstances, he's still plotting to kill Tarvek (my interpretation), despite the fact that Albia can very likely read his mind if she puts out the effort.

He's brave and Sparky and lethal. He doesn't always think things through.

The thing with Agatha was an offshoot of the original plan. His family setup the zola deal to have a "heterodyne" the storm king could marry to give them legitimacy in the eyes of the people, because thats what the setup was for the original storm king. When he did the touch of the king thing, I dont believe he was aware of the time skip yet so he was enforcing the plan by enslaving the actual heterodyne to his will. He literally threw it together overnight with one hand cut off, so its not surprising there are bugs with it. Not that he would have likely noticed for a long time had she not managed to escape. As for being stuck in england, I dont think that was his choice. Im pretty sure seffie put him in stasis and dragged him to england to get to agatha. Im really not sure why she didnt bring any of his people with him, maybe to keep his infirmity a secret? And he kind of HAS to kill tarvek. if word gets around that someone with a superior claim to the throne is there and also wants the throne, it will make things very very messy. (doubly so since he has a connection to the heterodyne)

His greatest strengths are political games backed by overwhelming lethality. He sees things in big power moves rather than subtlety. Hence the whole show in paris where he had the big plan thrown together to establish his right to the throne backed by a sparky parade celebration, or getting one of the popes to back him to put pressure on the corbittes. We also see that he personally is a very lethal man both in dealing with the attempts on his life by his family, and dealing with gil and bang who, while loopy from lack of sleep, is still a very dangerous and deadly woman. He doesnt really use clanks, he does biological sparky weapons which makes him fairly unique among sparks as his first response isnt to build a death ray or giant robot, its to genetically engineer a solution.

2020-10-14, 08:05 AM
Why is it clear? Would we even know, weren't it for external information?

Here (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20090318#.X4b1qNBKgdU) and here (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20191125#.X4b1ONBKgdU) are couple examples. The first is Zeetha referencing techniques leaned in Skif. The other is Zeetha being nervous that Gil might remember something. It's not stated clearly, but there is a lot of subtext to what Zeetha does and how she acts around Gil. Also to be sure Zeetha does know for certain Klaus is her father and he knows Zeetha is his kid. But for some reason Klaus isn't telling Gil about it all.

2020-10-14, 10:51 AM
Here (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20090318#.X4b1qNBKgdU) and here (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20191125#.X4b1ONBKgdU) are couple examples. The first is Zeetha referencing techniques leaned in Skif. The other is Zeetha being nervous that Gil might remember something. It's not stated clearly, but there is a lot of subtext to what Zeetha does and how she acts around Gil. Also to be sure Zeetha does know for certain Klaus is her father and he knows Zeetha is his kid. But for some reason Klaus isn't telling Gil about it all.
While I don't get where this certainty is coming from (novels?), it is very odd that Zeetha, knowing that Klaus even speaks Skifandrian, isn't asking Gil to have someone search in his papers for the location of Skifander. So she might know more than she allows Gil (and anyone else?) to know.

The impression I got here (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20070716), however, is that Klaus thinks that Zeetha is an assassin sent to kill Gil, no need for her to be his sister (unless there's a specific Skifandrian law about it). However, he probably would have wondered about her being his daughter, if only because he knew it was possible.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-10-14, 11:05 AM
It makes you wonder how common green hair is in Skifander.

2020-10-14, 11:48 AM
It makes you wonder how common green hair is in Skifander.
Good question, I had assumed that it was ubiquitous. Zeetha's trinkets are also interesting, and, if they were rare, they'd give Klaus a good hint. Was there any mention of the swords being heirlooms?

Manga Shoggoth
2020-10-14, 12:17 PM
See here (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20070716)...

The missing part to all this is that the Skifandrans think twins are unlucky, and the implication is that when Klaus fled Skifander he was doing it to keep Gil alive. So, when he discovers a Skifandran with Agatha He thought Zeetha might have been sent to kill Gill.

Of course, Zeetha hadn't, and she has spent long enough outside Skifander to lose the "twins = bad" part of the equation, and by the time she meets Gil she is just thinking in terms of "Hey - little brother!"

Klaus intended to tell Gil what was going on afterwards, but afterwards never had a chance to materialise.

EDIT: In the novel it is clear (more so than in the comic) that Klaus doesn't want to kill Zeetha, so it is very likley that he knows who Zeetha is to him.

2020-10-14, 01:08 PM
New comic (https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20201014) is up and yup Krosp is a cat 100% confirmed. From personal experience, my cats aren't quite so daring to eat a sandwich out of my hands while I'm still eating it, but they also aren't bipedal or as sapient/intelligent as Krosp.