View Full Version : DM Help class Limit breaks

2020-09-25, 06:51 PM
Alright so I am putting together a homebrew game that is going more towards the 'combat as war' side of the spectrum. named enemies will be ready for heroes, scouting is going to be important. splitting enemy forces and messing with supplies is going to be necessary for some foes. However this is going to be the first time for most of my players playing such a campaign. Mistakes pile up quickly and a simple scouting mission can become absolutely lethal without the proper preparations so I want to give the players a couple of panic buttons.

It already fits the lore for my campaign setting for them to be empowered by [plot device] so it will not be too awkward to work in. So here is the idea. At level 5 (where the campaign opens up from railroad to wide open sandbox) the party each get one "crowning moment of awesome," limit break, desperation move, "dangerous forbidden technique," or whatever we want to call it. they only get one to use throughout the whole campaign and they will know that they cannot be used against the final boss so there is no reason to hold on to them that long. Each one takes an action to use unless otherwise noted and players will not be told the details until they are given to them, so they won't be able to make build choices around them. (If you multiclass, you only get one.)

I am focusing most of my efforts on class flavor and feel for the player so balance isn't the biggest issue but I would like to make sure no one feels cheated.

Barbarian "primal Juggernaut"
super rage (bonus action to activate does not consume a normal rage)
•rage does not end until time wears off. not even for death or disintegration. (those take full effect once it does end though)
•immunity to BPS damage.
•immunity to abilities that would remove your ability to take actions or force you to use your action in a specific way
•can break through constructs of magical force such as force-cage with an athletics check of DC 10+spell level. (they reform behind you)

Bard "turn the tide"
lasts until end of next turn
•allies get +[your bardic inspiration die] to all their attack rolls, ability checks, saving throws, damage rolls, and rolls that recover health.
•death saves are made with advantage and any combined roll greater than 20 is counted as a natural 20.
•enemies get -[your bardic inspiration die] to all their attack rolls, ability checks, saving throws, damage rolls, and rolls that recover health.

Cleric ??? need help on this one

Druid "Nature's defenders (assemble)"
nothing seems to happen initially.
•DM rolls initiative in secret (fudging in party's favor encouraged)
•on that initiative a pack of environment appropriate low CR beasts appear that help the druid.
•on that initiative next round a small group of higher CR creatures (not restricted to beasts) show up to help.
•on that initiative on the following round fey of some kind with healing abilities show up to help/clean up.
•adjust creatures to Party level and environment.

Fighter "heroic second wind"
bonus action instead of action to activate (one liner mandatory)
•clear all exhaustion levels and dispell all hostile spells, charms, poison, and fear effects currently affecting your character.
•you take a short rest over the course of one bonus action action.
•maximize hit dice you roll as part of this short rest.
•this can also be activated instead of rolling a death save and can even be used if a spell, charm, poison, or fear effect prevents you from using your bonus action.
(yes you can action surge twice in one round with this.)

Monk ??? need help on this one

Paladin "SMITE EVIL!!!"
bonus action cast
•You cast every smite spell available to your level without needing concentration (they do not need to be prepared).
•the next attack that hits also activates a divine smite at the highest level spell slot you have without actually spending a spell slot.
•Damage dealt by this attack is converted to healing healing distributed as you wish among any number of allies within 120 ft. (or you recharge your lay on hands by the same amount.)

Ranger ??? need help on this one

Rogue "one in a million"
this may be used as an interrupt even on other people's turns (any dice already rolled cannot be taken back)
•you attack a creature you can see within 120 feet. (melee rogues flash step for this)
•sneak attack applies
•you critically hit, don't even bother rolling.
•you rolled max damage on all dice.
•if used as an interrupt, the target must make a CON save DC=½ damage dealt or lose the action.
XOR you auto succeed one ability check/saving throw and can redirect the thing that forced you to make the save to target a creature of your choice.

Sorcerer "nova"
•for one minute, you have unlimited sorcery points.
•for the duration you have access to all Meta-magic options
•any spell slots you create with this feature disappear at the end of the minute.
(should their sorcery point be recharged to maximum at the end or just keep at previous?)

Warlock "summon Patron (or patron's representative)"
depends on patron
•doesn't even have to be a combat thing.
•If it is combat it will probably be a representative
demon worshiping cult? bring in your Devil patron to show them who they should really be worshipping. etc. (very DM dependent)

Wizard "shrodinger's spellbook"
you cast a spell of a spell level equal or lower to your highest level spell slot.
answers to frequently asked questions
•yes it is on the wizard spell list.
•of course you have it prepared.
•Its casting time is totally one action, don't bother looking it up.
•yeah you got the spell components last time you were in town.
•You wouldn't say you were casting the spell if you didn't have a spell slot for it.
•Concentration? yeah I've been tracking it, don't worry about it.
•No you can't look at my character sheet!

design ideas. the ones that only take bonus actions are more selfish than others, the rogue only gets to interupt one action but is also a pure increase to action economy. the Druid's takes longer to take effect and ends up being rather powerful as a balancing point.

and yes Schrodinger's wizard is a jab at a player that we no longer play with.

ideas, adjustments, balancing points, cleric, monk and ranger ideas welcome.

2020-09-25, 09:27 PM
For Cleric, an automatically successful Divine Intervention would probably be good, if not terribly exciting.

Monk could have a limiter unlock, converting HP to Ki. Action and ratio of HP:Ki would be balancing knobs. Another idea would be a super flurry of blows.

For Ranger, maybe a trick shot/hitting a weak point. The most powerful example would be something like "kill an enemy within range of a ranged weapon you're wielding" nerf from there as needed.

2020-09-26, 01:13 AM
they only get one to use throughout the whole campaign and they will know that they cannot be used against the final boss so there is no reason to hold on to them that long

And yet people will almost certainly hoard them anyways, because that's human nature.

More to the point - for the ones you are unsure of:

Cleric: I'd go for straight up divine intervention. Your God fixes [the thing].

Monk: play up the super-human agility angle. Gives them a set of Legendary Actions so they can zoom around and kung-fu everything. Throw on unlimited ki if that isn't enough for you.

Ranger: I'd reckon your best bet here is to take inspiration from the old bane blind armor quality. Pick a creature, add it to favored enemies for duration, and you have improved invisibility/immunity to detection by special senses for duration.