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2020-09-25, 10:33 PM
Chambers of a Stalker
A slight tap upon the door of your chambers, "Apologies for the disturbance Stalker." The soft voice is firm but respecting. "Thorn Korvus has summoned you and others, he instructs that you meet in the upper atrium." Soft foot steps recede down the hallway. The room is simple, stone walls with wood beam frames, a well built feather bed sized for two with a set of white silk sheets and grey woolen blankets. A heavy oak chest with glowing runes on the finely crafted steel lock sits at the foot of the bed, a ring of three keys laying atop it. A simple writing desk adorn with a dozen or sheets of parchment, an ink well and 2 quills. The back corner contains a set of several brass pipes, some bringing hot & cold water, while others are for hygienic uses, a basin lies between these pipes and the bed.

Upper Atrium
Wooden benches with pairs leafy plants adjacent . A table sits beneath a skylight, 8 chairs scattered around it perimeter, two occupied, one by a red robed gnome, a blood brother, the other is filled by a dwarf with a drape of a red beard and a mane of similarly colored hair. A set of iron earrings pierce his ears, and he has a rather disturbing grin as he beholds you, his hands keep checking the pile of scrolls before him.

Good afternoon my.....friends, hope you're all well rested. I've been instructed that you are now trusted enough to begin working for our long term clients. He pushes out a pile of scrolls, these jobs need to be accomplished in the next six months, I will give you 5 to complete them. His gaze lingers on each of you, a sneer forming as he finishes, "you're free to continue taking those lesser jobs, and accomplishing them however ya like, but these he waves his hands across the scrolls "disobey them and you'll have a contract written for you". He pushes back from the table, and sets his feet up, Any questions?

2020-09-26, 12:06 AM
https://imgur.com/pjJemWj.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Having heard the news, Zephyrinque is glad she left her poisons brewing back in her chambers... This is my chance to start making REAL money! As long as these are REAL jobs, anyway...

"Always good to see you in high spirits, friend! How has the harvest been, lately?" Zeph slips over the back of one chair and into it, landing heavily before leaning in to swipe up the closest rolling scroll. "So tell me, what are we looking at, here? Statements? 'Accidents'? We making some noise or were we never there? Little mix of both?" Zeph tilts her head and raises an eyebrow at the little man over his feet, watching the other peripherally for any interesting reactions...

Listening, trying to get him talking, see what info we can get, and if there's any funny business going on...

Taking 10 on Sense Motive as a Move action for a Hunch, DC 20 to see if something is ... off. Is this a trap? Is he being generally dishonest?
Sense Motive 21; 23 if he's an Arcane magic user.


Taking 10 on Sense Motive throughout this conversation, listening for any Bluffs...
Sense 21; 23 if the speaker is an Arcane magic user.

2020-09-26, 08:20 AM
Walking over to the pile of scrolls, Dawn looking them over. Well then five months to do what you say needs done in six that is a challenge. Are we to work together on all of these or do you expect us to divide these up and resolve them singularly?

2020-09-26, 08:52 AM
"I slept..." was all the Lady said in response to whether or not she was rested. Her ice blue mask was already in place, waiting for her turn to look over the scrolls. Zeph and Dawn had already asked a few important questions about the jobs. "How many targets and where are they situated?"

...may these be righteous kills deserving no mercy...

2020-09-26, 02:54 PM
Haram arrives last - ever since the ritual of Bonding, he is in a constant state of pain, which forces him to adopt a rather slower pace of walking. Slightly hunched and limping, he is draped in a heavy cloak to hide his hideously deformed face. Somehow, he must have made a mistake in the ritual, because he seemed to be rejecting the skin...
Distracted, he sits around the table with the others.
'Hopefully, a contract worthy of my time... the Voice demands blood and I grow weary of waiting.'
Haram was hoping that indulging in the violent impulses of the Voice in his head may help him to better bond with his new skin... The Voice was always whispering to him and, sometimes, he felt like it was even trying to take over. But every time he did what it demanded, he felt like some of his pain was alleviated and the Voice receded for a short while.
There was still so much he didn't understand about his new self... Some days, he even wondered if he hadn't made a terrible mistake. He was promised power beyond mortal comprehension and, instead, he finds himself deformed and prone to a terrifying blood lust. Perhaps there was a reason why this ritual was declared so blasphemous by the Church of Golonar?

His thoughts came back to the matter at hand. Haram remained silent as he read the scrolls, awaiting for further instructions, already feeling a strange eagerness building up inside of him.

2020-09-26, 04:37 PM
Vibax quietly takes account of the other assassins in the room as Thorn speaks, musing about this situation.

What circumstances could've pushed the guild into bringing this group together and handing off so many quality contracts to newer recruits?

"May I?" Vibax asks, not actually waiting for an answer as he picks up and unfurls one of the scrolls to investigate its contents. Perhaps its best to read the written materials before bothering someone of Thorn Korvus' station with questions to which the answers are already provided. Vibax thinks to himself.

Vibax absentmindedly and quietly mutters his thoughts without realization of his actions as he hears questions from his new allies, as if the part of his brain used for impulse control was totally consumed in the act of reading the contents of the scroll he picked up. His words aren't of sufficient volume to interrupt the flow of conversation, but are audible to those who care to listen.

To Zephyrinque's inquiry he says "Perhaps that information is on these scrolls."

To Dawn he responds "We can probably choose how to handle it as long as we successfully complete the contracts within the given time frame."

To Lady he retorts "Maybe the scrolls will answer that."

One eyebrow ascends Vibax's face at Haram's comment, but he doesn't respond out loud this time as there wasn't a question.
It sounded like these would be on a different level from the work I've had so far. Let's see what they say.

Vibax's primary focus at the moment is scouring these scrolls to determine what information is on them to help determine what questions are even worth asking.

2020-09-26, 06:12 PM
https://imgur.com/pjJemWj.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zephyr rolls her eyes at the oblivious teenager cutting her off... What is it with human males and interrupting women, even when they are a quarter of their age? Zeph cuts in before he can ruin the opportunity any further...

"Is this your first big boy job? Sometimes the preferences of Stalkers are more important than the client's in the contract. It's important to know what your real client wants, youngling."

Rude 19 y/o mansplaining to literally every woman in the room, hahaha :smalltongue:

2020-09-26, 06:22 PM
Korvus chuckled, His eyes both leering and scornful as he surveys the women, before answering. His eyes flicker annoyed at Vibax's presumption, then in return to a stare towards Haram.

You've got 5 months, because the guild has 6 and if you muck it up we need cushion to accomplish the job. The exact manner of the jobs are listed in the scrolls... if relevant at all.

He lifted his legs from the table, returning them to the floor and standing. He walks around the table towards the door, raising his hand in nonchalance.

As for how you accomplish them, I don't care, but you'll be held responsible as a group. Though I recommend that you don't separate beyond pairs, remember if any of you is captured, you'll have 24 hrs. to escape or be rescued before the guild renounces & removes you.

He stops at the door, Blood brother Varl will supply you with any resources you require....for a price of course. As he leaves, "try not to screw it up, I'm not in the mood to clean up messes."

Target - Ilyana Freise
Description - Female Elf, Honey Blonde
Occupation - Educator for Governor Golurnum's Children
Location - Governor Golurnum's Estate, Mournstead
Threat Capacity - Minor - Arcane & Divine casting 1st level
Guard Capacity - Significant - As a member of the Governor's staff, target is protected (though not specifically) by guard staff during all likely hours while located on the estate.
Restrictions - With the exception of target & estate guards (as necessary), no one onsite is to be harmed during the operation. Under no circumstances is the Governor Golurnum or his family to be harmed.
Payment - 6000 gp
Bonus - Retrieval of a silver amulet with emerald, and elven inscription. - Successful retrieval and delivery to guild representative - 3000 gp.

Target - Derrek the Bald
Description - Human Male, Bald, brown beard.
Occupation - Sellsword\Mercenary
Location - Mournstead, likely at an inn or tavern
Threat Capacity - If engaged significant, if caught unawares minor.
Guard Capacity - Nonexistant
Restrictions - Target is to be killed in public during daylight hours.
Payment - 6000 gp
Bonus - 2400 gp - if target grovels or begs for their life.

Target - Cedrik Fourfinger
Description - Halfling Male, Brunet, four fingers on right hand.
Occupation - Propriator of the Stone Pot Tavern
Location - Mournstead merchant & housing district
Threat Capacity - Significant - Target is leader of the Ants thief den.
Guard Capacity - Variable - Target's establishment is frequented by city guards and members of the Ants guild.
Restrictions - Target's corpse is to be brought to guild hall within 3 hrs of initial engagement.
Payment - 6000 gp
Bonus - Target's office in basement of establishment is den of a guild leader, any ledgers or contracts will be award 1000 gp per. Any hard assests are permitted salvage.

Target - Herska the Cyclops
Description - Half-Orc Female, Left eye blinded
Occupation - Bandit Raider
Location - Outpost between Kestalir & Augren
Threat Capacity - Unknown, expected to be Significant - Contract established by Governor of Kestalir
Guard Capacity - Unknown, expected to be minor to moderate - additional bandit forces expected.
Restrictions - Target's head is to be covertly mounted on a spike at the outpost.
Payment - 12,000 gp
Bonus - 500 gp for each additional bandit head covertly mounted on a spike at the outpost.

Target - Jorg the Blue
Description - Gnome Male, wears bright blue clothing when in public.
Occupation - Minstrel
Location - Kestalir - Frequents mid-high class taverns
Threat Capacity - Unknown
Guard Capacity - Minor - Target is usually surrounded by admirers who may or may not be combat capable.
Restrictions - No damage or casualties to others - barring significant personal safety.
Payment - 12,000 gp
Bonus - Target is removed discreetly. - 4000 gp

Target - Ilkar Skywing
Description - Raptoran Male, Yellow Leather
Occupation - Kestaliran Guard Captain
Location Kestalir - Southern Guard Tower
Threat Capacity - Significant, Combat Cleric
Guard Capacity - None to Significant - Target engages in aerial reconnaissance around the city, ambush will signficantly reduce chances for allied intervention
Restrictions - None
Payment - 10,000 gp
Bonus - Retrieval/Extraction of targets wings, coupled with delivery to the guild. 10,000 gp.

Target - Garam Ignarum
Description - Dwarf Male - Unknown appearance
Occupation - Unknown
Location - Kestalir, likely location - Slums & Sewers
Threat Capacity - Unknown
Guard Capacity - Unknown - Expected none
Restrictions - Target's corpse must be destroyed within 1 hour of death.
Payment - 8,000 gp
Bonus - Target is believed to carry a tome or spellbook of significant value. 8,000 gp

Target - Vera Freewind
Description - Half elf female - Unknown description - Target routinely dyes hair and changes clothing styles
Occupation - Sailor - First Mate
Location - Aboard the Gulf-Skipper - Ship location unknown - Typically traverses Jurdisport to Balisport.
Threat Capacity - Moderate
Guard Capacity - Moderate to significant - Crew often fights pirates and close shore sea monsters.
Restrictions - Ship and crew is to be spared in all ways possible barring direct interference.
Payment - 10,000 gp
Bonus - Target is secured to anchor and drowned. 5,000 gp.

Target - Pearl
Description - Female (race unknown)
Occupation - Prostitute
Location - Augren Brothel - The Jewelbox
Threat Capacity - Expected None
Guard Capacity - Moderate - brothel guards and capable patrons are likely to interfere.
Restrictions - Target is to be killed with piercing weapons only
Payment - 9,000 gp
Bonus - No bodily damage 9,000 gp.

Target - Lord Olim Ironheart
Description - Dwarf Male, Grey hair and beard
Occupation - Council Lord
Location - Augren
Threat Capacity - Significant
Guard Capacity - Significant
Restrictions - Only target and direct interferers can be harmed.
Payment - 20,000 gp
Bonus - Only Target is harmed. 10,000 gp.

2020-09-27, 12:46 AM
Dox puts down a scroll Tracking a sailor will be simple but time consuming. I suggest we travel to Jurdisport or Balisport and check the port records to see when the Gulf Skipper, Vera's ship, last traveled there to best predict her location. It may take a month or two for her to return to port, but in that time we could do a near by job and set and ambush for Vera. If we miss her shp it may be months before we have another reliable chance. She offers her scroll to any others that wish to read it. [Scroll 8]

2020-09-27, 02:43 AM
Haram goes over a few scrolls before setting one down. When he talks, his voice is deep and raspy:
'4th scroll. Reads like there would be a bit more carnage. More to my... Tastes. Pays well, too. Anyone on board?'

Seemingly winded after these few sentences, the man tosses the scroll in the middle of the table for the others to take a look. They can hear him wheezing as he catches his breathe.

2020-09-27, 05:18 AM
https://i.vgy.me/3ZqFJQ.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)

"Good point, Dox... Thankfully, I know that little boat. She usually passes through Kestalir every other month, so if we time it right we should be able to catch her land-bound. And hopefully rather drunk!" Zeph smiles at the blue woman, excited at the chance to run more jobs with her.

Zeph bounces lightly as she reads through one scroll after another, checking the 4th after Haram piques interest. "Nice, a public service posting! Locals love it when you pop a bandit nest. I'm down to dance! Hells, we can all jump on that one, even if we split up Augren and Kestalir..." As to the rest...

Having read through the rest, Zeph stretches before leaning in to make a plan with everyone. "Looks like the usual mix of scorned lovers, perverts, and power-grabs. We'll need some Unguent to store the body parts for travel, and I bet we'll get a platinum star if we can bring back the bed-roller's body in near perfect condition."

Setting aside three of import, "We can take care of at these three in town before we leave, and check the port for the Gulf-Skipper or it's travel records. We can scout out, prep and I'd bet finish these by week's end, then head out for that bandit camp!" Zeph beams, excited for a good start. The worst of these will be the Capital's Council head... That's most likely the reason for the death threats, and the piece that Blood Orchid wants most. The rest are all window dressing... right?

2020-09-27, 06:41 AM
Dawn reads through each of the scrolls carefully noting the restrictions and other small details.

Scroll 1 Target - Ilyana Freise - go in undercover as part of the staff get close to the target and eliminate her.
Bonus - Retrieval of a silver amulet with emerald, and elven inscription. - Successful retrieval and delivery to guild representative - 3000 gp.

Scroll 2 Target - Derrek the Bald = find the target at the bar hopefully drunk. buy the target drinks and then humiliate and eliminate
Bonus - 2400 gp - if target grovels or begs for their life.

Scroll 3 Target - Cedrik Fourfinger - go to the guild area and pretend to want to join to get close to the target follow target and wait for opportune time eliminate and transport
Bonus - Target's office in basement of establishment is den of a guild leader, any ledgers or contracts will be award 1000 gp per. Any hard assests are permitted salvage.

Scroll 4 Target - Herska the Cyclops - find target near Outpost between Kestalir & Augren, remove targets head intact and transport
Bonus - 500 gp for each additional bandit head covertly mounted on a spike at the outpost

Scroll 5 Target - Jorg the Blue - find target in Kestalir clothes should mark him lure target away from all others or follow target until able to eliminate discreetly
Bonus - Target is removed discreetly. - 4000 gp

Scroll 6 Target - Ilkar Skywing - Southern Guard Tower, Kestaliran Guard Captain, aerial reconnaissance - wait for the target to land and sleep then eliminate
Bonus - Retrieval/Extraction of targets wings, coupled with delivery to the guild. 10,000 gp.

Scroll 7 Target - Garam Ignarum - Kestalir Slums & Sewers, find and eliminate, corpse must be destroyed
Bonus - Target is believed to carry a tome or spellbook of significant value. 8,000 gp

Scroll 8 Target - Vera Freewind - First Mate of the Gulf-Skipper check ports Jurdisport to Balisport locate target and eliminate
Bonus - Target is secured to anchor and drowned. 5,000 gp.

Scroll 9 Target - Pearl - Prostitute, Augren Brothel, The Jewelbox, Infiltrate brothel as pearls customer and eliminate
Bonus - No bodily damage 9,000 gp.

Scroll 10 Target - Lord Olim Ironheart - Council Lord, Augren follow target wait for opportune time and eliminate
Bonus - Only Target is harmed. 10,000 gp

Well then, With ten targets and five months we should probably split these that are local up and scoll 8 might take some time to actually find them as they are on a ship I would suggest that other than the local targets that this be the next target as it could be difficult to locate. the rest short of scroll 10 should be able to be done in pairs.

2020-09-27, 07:28 AM
The Lady noted with some curiosity how odd it seemed that a governor would offer a contract to assassins rather than with some mercenary group to deal with a bandit outpost. Still, to wet my blades gutting scum like that would be most promising... Profitable, too. It could help recharge the wand when needed.

"I admit some interest as well in that fourth scroll..." The barest trace of a smile crossed Lady Winterhawk's face. "...having a governor beholden to the Guild could be useful as well. I'm sure he would not want word spreading that he had to 'get help' from us to take care of bandits for him."

She paused.

"Though, the challenge of the second scroll is intriguing to me. Hearing a maggot beg is...exhilarating."

2020-09-27, 01:38 PM
Haram let's out a strange hiss before speaking:
'The overly enthusiastic woman makes a good point: we can settle the hits here before moving out. Pearl or Cedric should be the easiest to find and dispose of, so I suggest we start there. As for preserving corpses, no problems. I can handle that easily with my magic, I just need to prepare the right prayers and a few copper pieces.'

Lastly, he nods approvingly at the Lady when she mentions hearing the maggot beg: 'You sound very... interesting', he adds.

2020-09-27, 05:54 PM
Vibax's muttering seems to get under control as his curiosity is satiated by close examination of what information is provided on the scrolls. However, the satisfaction of knowing the the level of details on the scrolls is short-lived, and thus the teenager opens his mouth with what may be unearned confidence once more.

"While splitting off into pairs would allow us to complete the contracts more rapidly, I believe providence guided this particular group with this particular skill set together for this purpose. Each us will have important roles to play in each of these contracts. I think it's best if we take a quality over quantity approach and work together not just to do these jobs right, but to really show the guild what we've got."

Impassioned by his own words, he continues his attempt at a pep talk for a group of assassins of which he is the youngest. His speech entering a crescendo as he begins to gesture and gesticulate almost as if he was preaching.

"Let's show them who we are. That we're the best! By completing each of these contracts flawlessly! Together!"

Exhaling strongly and lowering his hands indicating he's done speaking, he looks around, interested to see the reaction that may have been elicited. Vibax's mind races as he observes the others in the room.

I'll need their skills if I wish to exalt Verebaz and continue gaining his favors. Our interests are aligned so maybe I can convince them with passion. After all, coercing them would be dangerous... they're all assassins. I'm pretty out of practice at this kind of persuasion, they'd better not laugh.

2020-09-27, 07:57 PM
https://i.vgy.me/3ZqFJQ.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zephyr laughs, caught up in the excitement herself. "Alright, then! I admit I'm looking forward to frequenting the Jewelbox again. An hour with Pearl, a vial of atramen body oil and a bottle of taxine-laced elven mead..." Zeph trails off into her own thoughts for a second. "But I agree that giving Derek his comeuppance is the most exciting game in town! I know this one and his tavern of choice, we can catch him at the Trough or in-between from the Hen's Coop."

Zeph leans back to muse a bit. "A public execution means we need disguises or risk putting our faces out there... I can glamer myself, as long as we can get in and out before it runs out. We'll want to distract the guards while we break him, or perhaps break him first and drag him out for the encore? Maybe beg for an antidote?" Zeph dances her brows in thought.

I'm down to do Derek first, then the other two before heading out!

Zeph / Vibax / Lady all have Intimidate/Fear and Poison Use to take turns violently dosing him. That gives us a minute before he has to start making several secondary poison saves or (potentially) die... during which we can scare him into begging? Best case scenario, we can quickly beat him, scare him, and leave him to beg at our backs as we leave him to die in the street.

The hardest part may be in not killing him before he actually begs. Lady hits HARD with those weapons, and may Oops-Crit him dead!

We'll want a map of the route between the Tavern and the Inn, so we can plan a trap, escape routes, bottleneck guards... Zeph can turn Invis / Teleport via Shadow Hand to get away, drop her disguise and change clothes to 'fade out' afterwards. Not sure how everyone else handles public jobs?

2020-09-28, 09:33 AM
The Lady's face creased into a thoughtful frown.

"Perhaps a toxin slipped into his drink or food that 'encourages' him to answer a call of nature into an alley." Having the kill happen outside gave better chance to escape cleaner. "Couple it with some sort of soporific that saps his will and or strength. Or a mild hallucinogenic to increase his susceptibility to fear. He doesn't need to know that he's not in danger of dying from that..."

A beat.

"Goad his manhood into duelling right then and there, toy with him, make him mewl like a blind pup...maybe even the guards think he deserved killing then." Tears and a gifted tongue could aid with that.

The Lady might be a damage dealer -- but that's only if she really is in a position to take advantage of SA damage. One on one could be tough if she can't stack the deck in her favor. Since we need to assume that this target is also a lvl5 gestalt in some way, we gotta figure out what he could be capable of if things go pear-shaped.

2020-09-28, 09:45 AM
Dox listened to the thread of conversation. "Is a duel wise? We would need to obey standard laws: so the appearance of one on one combat and an appropriate weapon. He is listed as a reasonable threat to us if he is aware, and while I am confident in my ability to fight one on one I can not use my fangs in this case. Still if one of you stalkers is confident in your blade, and we can secure an unfair advantage for that person I'd be willing to risk it. Otherwise I suggest fear magic, an ambush, and a well crafted disguise."

2020-09-28, 01:57 PM
Haram looks towards the excited youth, but mostly ignores him. He says:
'Fear, intimidation... yessss. I think I can handle that. While you scout, I shall take time to prepare the proper spells. If need be, I can handle a duel, too. I can even spread certain maladies that would give our target the shrieks, set his brain on fire or transform his insides to goo, if it comes to that... Pain is a tool I understand well. Once the scouting is complete, we should regroup and plan accordingly, what say you?'

2020-09-28, 10:50 PM
After praying to his still mysterious demonic patron, Haram decides to set out towards the Trough. He steps inside and chooses to sit in a corner from where he can see the door and most of the tavern without attracting too much attention (OoC: that bench in the lower left corner). He orders an ale, some stew and bread and starts poring over an old tome he had borrowed from one of his fellow stalker's private collection.
After a few moments he finds himself having a hard time concentrating, as his thoughts are becoming confused, garbled, and the Voice is almost screaming for blood in his mind, the thrill of the kill starting to overcome them...
'Calm down' he thinks to themselves. 'The others aren't even here yet.'
Haram decided to arrive early because ever since the Bonding, he takes a sadistic pleasure in stalking his prey, in waiting for the perfect moment to strike... There is something almost jubilant in the anticipation of the kill. Perhaps it had something to do with the babau he had conjured for the ritual - and with whom he was now most likely sharing a body - since he found himself developing some of the demonic assassin's proclivities...
Focusing his mind again, a calm, cold and ageless patience takes hold of him. He knew the wait could be long - the others had devised some foolhardy plan to trick the idiot into getting himself drunk - but he thought these strange new allies could be trusted to accomplish their part of the job... so it would be well worth the wait in the end. Somewhere deep under Haram's heavy dark hood, a twisted smile adorned his ruined lips.

2020-09-29, 10:43 AM
https://i.vgy.me/giEUmJ.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zephyri waits outside the tavern in plainclothes and cloak, glancing up and down the street as if waiting for someone, then wistfully eyeing up the millinery displays. No additional guards yet... And no competition on the job that I can see. With the Bald confirmed inside, and the shift of the guard starting any minute now, it's just about game time. Zephyr sips slowly at her sweet hot tea, gently masking the taste of the Vodare as she feels it slowly start to warm her veins.

Looking back at the Millinery, she wonders for a moment. Maybe I'll get something for Ethne before I leave town? It will be months before I come home this time... I know humans can struggle with that.

Currently - Waiting outside, Alley between the Estate and the Jade Dragon, traveler's outfit (Non-descript) under hood of Travel Cloak. If asked, waiting for friends to check out new fashions in the millinery.

Should be just before 3:30pm, with the afternoon changing of the guard. Keeping an eye out on the streets for guards / issues. If she sees Dawn and the target leave, she'll follow... otherwise she can be signaled from the either window out of the tavern, and can be there in a round and a half:

Readied action, on signal:
Swift: Invisibility for one turn
Standard: Disguise Self (As below)
Move: Across street to Tavern doors

From there, she'll change her clothing as a swift action and Move inside, with a Standard action available to help!

Disguise (once activated) - Human woman, brunette, in a Courtier's outfit (Influence other Courtiers/Nobility at no penalty) with enough jewelry to seem well-stationed.
Sipping tea with Vodare, for +2 Intimidate, -4 Bluff/Diplomacy. Mmm, Drugs!

2020-09-29, 01:42 PM
The clamor of the tavern seems magnified near the doors, but evens out once past the threshold. The bar along the back wall is packed with only a few open seats, the occupants engaged in conversation and mild drinking.

Music streams from a piano in the corner, atop which sit a pair of singers, adding syllable to note, the song a familiar one about the coming harvest.

Of the four tables, one is packed with what seems to be generations of a single family, their brilliant auburn hair distinguishing the old trait they share despite the age differences.

The adjacent table features a pair of men engaged in an arm-wrestling match, a youthful female spectator seemingly the object of such a contest.

Behind the crowded table a group of dwarven women seem to be engaging in a belching contest, much to the consternation of the eldest red head who is seated closest.

At third table 2 women likely mother and daughter by their shared blonde hair and facial features, sit while a boy glances towards a few doors with mounted deer heads, despite the noise a faint retching sound can be heard.

At the last table sits Derek the Bald with two brutish looking men, they quite possibly have orcish heritage.

Look I told Mandel last week. It's over. I'm done and out. Derek's voice cuts quite plainly thru the nearby noise, but obviously fades as adjacent tables take no notice. The pair at the table reply, though with their backs turned it's hard to make out their words, enhanced by the fact they are speaking goblin. Derek's face turns from decisiveness to anger, lip curling he pulls a Dwarven waraxe from where it hangs at his waist, and sets it on the table. "Are you sure you want to do that?" He leans forward slightly in the chair, one hand resting on the axe, but the other holds the mug where he'd have a good angle to pitch it at the pair. "I'd think carefully if'n I was you, what's more likely to survive, my reputation or your necks."

After a few tense moments the two figures stand, one of them dropping a handful of silver as he does. Both figures push their chairs in and turn towards the door.
They brush past leaving a distinct odor - of musk, sweat and dirt.

Damned ingrates - Lifting the mug to his mouth he downs the contents, but hollering - "Oi Sally. 'nother round here, quick as you can. After a short pause he adds, and you're welcome to join me now i'm done with my business.

You're supposed to crap in the privy not out here you lout. The response called by homely mid-age waitress with an overabundance of makeup, evokes a raucous laugh from the barman as he fills a mug with a stout dwarven brew, and passes it to her.

She brings the drink with unusual directness to Derek's table. Pay up! I told you they'd be by today. You Bitch he grumbles, reaching into his shirt pocket, he pulls out and flips a platinum piece to her. She catches it, and inspects it against the light then drops it down her blouse. And the drink? Derek gestures to the small pile of coins on the other side of the table. With a bit of a glare she sidles over, sweeping the lot into her hand then an apron pocket, then scurries towards another customer.

Derek returns his attention to the mug in front of him, "Lucky bitch".

Listen check to hear what the pair said to Derek (only relevant if you can understand goblin)

2020-09-29, 03:01 PM
At least in terms of hair -- she's wearing a traveler's cloak as well.

The long blonde wig felt itchy, but the Lady ignored it. Once she saved up enough funds she supposed one of those Hats of Disguise might be worth investing in (at least if she did more "subtle" jobs like these) but for now more mundane methods would have to do. At least it was another mask, though not the one she preferred. That was in the pouch under her cloak.

Would that I could just burn this pit down... The stink of the Trough clogged her nostrils as she entered the place. ...too many bodies...

Lady Winterhawk spied Haram in the corner but did not approach him. Instead, she made her way to the bar and quietly ordered an ale. Dawn was the one who wanted to be bait, but just in case the mercenary didn't rise to take it, she was ready to play back-up. Her eyes carefully scanned the room, dancing a little at the where the target was.

Already, she was disgusted by him.

The Lady is here to either back-up Dawn or Haram or hinder the guards by playing the "emotional drunk" card. She's also ready to Intimidate any hapless NPCs in the room if they also try to interfere...

2020-09-29, 08:57 PM
Vibax, disguised in rather plain traveling clothes, makes his way over to one the seats just vacated by the two individuals who were seated with the target.

Falling into the one of the chairs without hesitation Vibax leans forward placing his elbows onto the table and hands under his chin.

"You really handled whatever the situation was with those two well. I've been watching the room and I'm not sure you noticed, but I'm quite certain you caught the interest of some rather stunning ladies managing to clear that up without actually resorting to violence."

At this points Vibax leans back a bit, his hands begin moving about unconsciously as he speaks.

"Probably something about wanting to feel safe and protected. I'm Zaheed, by the way, and I'd be willing to help you out if any of them catch your fancy. After all, I don't think I've ever spent a night alone after successfully helping someone else find a partner or two to warm their bed for the night. What do you say?"

Vibax beams a smile from ear to ear, making it clear he's got the confidence of youth to go make a fool of himself in an effort to pick up women for the two of them.

Let's see if he's interested, or how much more working over he needs before he trusts me.

2020-09-29, 11:48 PM
Over hearing this Dox lets her eyes linger on the target long enough to get noticed and coyly turns away.

If he approaches I'll compliment him at being so strong he doesn't need to fight.

[roll0] edit: Forgot to say this is a bluff roll, it is the attempt to be caught peeking and then act coy.

2020-09-30, 12:01 PM
Derek the Bald looks surprised then slightly confused, however as he notices Dox's lingering gaze then watches as she turns away, his face lights with understanding and he turns back to the young lad in front of him.

I thought she was new.... look kid, she's attractive enough I'll give you that. But I don't need any help to getting a woman to bed or spread. Pausing his voice turns to slightly mocking. And I'm certainly not going to pay some wet-behind the ears welp for the privilege of screwing his pimped up sister.

He lifts his mug and takes a long pull. Lowering the mug he looks around at the various women scattered throughout the bar. I'm not inclined to pay women for something that they'll do naturally given half a chance. He tilts the mug back again and drains the contents. A few drops escape into his beard, the amber liquid evident at the muddy brown. He raises an arm and wipes his mouth.

Now then, returning his gaze to focus on Vibax - you can either be my friend, stay at this table and buy me another round, we can discuss possible purchase of other things, or you can sod off.

2020-09-30, 12:47 PM
Dawn noticing the situation with Vibax & Derek wanders over to the bartender / waitress, Give me a bottle of your strongest stuff paying what ever price they ask, if they will let Dawn deliver it. -

Grabbing the bottle wandering around so as to come from the side of Darek & Vibax - A drink for the hardy and I would lay wager that you sir can not down that entire bottle in one swallow. laying down 5 GP on the table

2020-09-30, 01:45 PM
Dox turns her head away from the table but keeps listening. Oh he thinks I am a whore? Well this job just got to be more pleasant. She stays in her seat and makes polite conversation when it comes up.

2020-09-30, 04:34 PM
Vibax laughs from his belly "My sister! Ha, that's rich. I'll consider it a compliment though. You know, she's not the only one that has their eye on you."

This could work. I guess I'll play along.

Vibax's hands gesture to Dawn as she approaches and proposes the wager "You said we could talk if I buy you another round, if you're up for her wager I'll sweeten the pot if you succeed. Or this will cover the wager, if you're not up to the challenge." digging into his cloak, Vibax places 5 more gold pieces onto the pile

"If you still want to keep going afterward, I'll buy you another round and we can discuss 'other business'. If you succeed though, you're probably leaving with a belly full of spirits, coin in your pocket, and a woman on your arm. After all, it's none of my concern what anyone does outside of working hours." Vibax's smile still beams as he shrugs to emphasize his last statement.

He leans forward a bit and more quietly adds "I know you don't need the help. I can see that just looking at you, sometimes though, it's nice to be pampered. Plus, once you've had a taste, you'll know it's worth every copper next time. Satisfaction guaranteed." Vibax leans back, placing his hands behind his head, the confidence of youth blinding him to any possibility this could go wrong.

"Since we're going to be friends, what's your name?"

2020-09-30, 06:14 PM
Name's Derek, some call me Derek the Bald....not sure why that's what I got known for but hell, its better than other options that would be deserved.

Looking at Dawn then at bottle and then the coin, Derek chuckled - Darling I doubt an ogre could down that in one swallow, if you'll change the wager to "session".... he looks back to Vibax, I'll let my new friend here cover my end.

Derek reaches across the table and grabs a discarded jigger, wiping it out on his shirt, then he pulls a knife and breaks the wax seal on the bottle, then pours himself a rim full drink. He raises it nods at Dawn's breasts' more than her, Cheer's. and tilts it back. He swallows giving a small cough. Oh man that's smoother than I'm used to.... he quickly pours a series of refills keeping the bottle in one hand the jigger in the other.

After 6 more consecutive drinks, he finally pauses. Looking at both Vibax and Dawn refills the jigger and makes an offering motion. That wassn't verry polite of me wass itt? Pleasse jjoin me, he looks at Dawn, It'sss your botttle after alll.

2020-09-30, 08:33 PM
having been invited dawn sits on dereks non drinking hand side, next to derek allowing her leather skirt to show a bit more leg than normal. No I am sorry derek the wager was for you to drink that bottle not for me.

2020-10-01, 09:36 AM
Ssuit yyoursellf. Nodding at Vibax, he slurs out - iff'n you want any, say sso. He then pours another quick series of drinks, downing them back to back.

Damnnattion. That's good rummm. Smacking his lips he looks toward Dawn, eyes traveling down, and slowly back up, before flickering to Vibax. Lad why don't you take this, and go wave down a carriage or buggy. I have a feeling that after I'd finnished this. He swirls the contents of raised the bottle, my friend and me, he pats the exposed skin of Dawn's leg. Are ggonna need a riide to my innn for a diffferent kind of funn. Pausing and shaking his head as if to focus he grunts then adds, you'll be welcoome to jjoin us too. Ain't thaat right Darlin'?

2020-10-01, 10:42 AM
Ssuit yyoursellf. Nodding at Vibax, he slurs out - iff'n you want any, say sso. He then pours another quick series of drinks, downing them back to back.

Damnnattion. That's good rummm. Smacking his lips he looks toward Dawn, eyes traveling down, and slowly back up, before flickering to Vibax. Lad why don't you take this, and go wave down a carriage or buggy. I have a feeling that after I'd finnished this. He swirls the contents of raised the bottle, my friend and me, he pats the exposed skin of Dawn's leg. Are ggonna need a riide to my innn for a diffferent kind of funn. Pausing and shaking his head as if to focus he grunts then adds, you'll be welcoome to jjoin us too. Ain't thaat right Darlin'?

oh for certain, - bartender ready another bottle if you would it looks like this one is almost empty

2020-10-01, 11:04 AM
(after third drink)
Noticing Derek's stunning constitution (and being quite impressed by it), Haram decides to try to tip the scales in the team's favor.
He starts gesticulating and reciting words of power under his breath - since the patrons in the Trough are so loud he isn't too concerned about being noticed, but better safe than sorry.
He conjures up in his mind a moment of personal, traumatic grief; he recalls being sent away by his family to the Church of Golonar - as he was a sickly child, they could not take care of him and thought it would be better to simply get rid of him. He remembers the faces of his parents, stone cold as their child was being taken away... most of all, he remembers his father's back as he simply walked away, and the feeling of betrayal...
The memory starts to overwhelms Haram as the power of the spell being conjured creates a thrum in his mind audible only to himself. A single tear drops from his eye, immediately evaporating, consumed by the power of the spell, fueling it. Now focusing on his incantation, Haram clears his mind and projects the feeling outwards, towards their target...
Finally, grasping at the residual mana of his spell upon it's completion, he uses his pearl of power to recall it to his mind.

Casting Sorrow on Derek; he has a will save of 14 to make and if he fails he will have -3 on attack, saves, ability and skill checks for the next 5 rounds (which will do nothing at all, but maybe he'll be a little sadder when he invites Dawn over xD); In case y'all were wondering, the tear is the material component for the spell, lolz :P I think it's a safe enough spell to cast at a drunk guy, because drinking sometimes makes you really emotional - shouldn't notice someone tampered with his mood

2020-10-01, 12:24 PM
Luck of the stupid, that one has... Nursing her own ale, the Lady had been certain the target had guzzled down enough liquor to fell an ox. Yet, still he stood. Idly, she wondered if the barkeep had watered the bottle down -- a trick done by less scrupulous publicans in order to sell more booze.

However, none of the regulars seemed concerned about the status of the target, so they had that going for them.

2020-10-01, 12:30 PM
As he fills the jigger yet again, a long moaning sigh, almost sob escapes Derek. He gasps before taking the jigger and tilting it back, as he lowers it back to the table he fumbles, the diminutive glass clatters to the table, rolls and teeters of the edge, rashing into shards on the slate floor. Damn idt. He works his jaw for a moment before shrugging, Screws itz he says almost to himself. He raises the bottle and glugs the remaining contents in 4 short swallows.

Suddenly lurching to his feet, his chair falling back wards with a clatter, his hand still holding the bottle flails as he moves to keep his balance, and he reaches with his other towards the stack of coins Dawn had laid out. Sheea Draling - I twold ya I quid do it. He staggers around the table toward Vibax, kamon ladd, letchs gou.
He turns to Dawn, grabbs me axche wohmunn. Taking his arm and attempting to put it around Vibax's shoulder, he lowers his bearded face and whispers.
shee kann joint us's whenz weird done. With that he heads towards the door with Vibax in toe.

2020-10-01, 04:57 PM
What have I gotten myself into?

"I'm impressed you were able to drink that entire bottle. Where do you want to go?" Vibax asks, supporting his new "friend" as they start to make their way to the door.

2020-10-01, 07:51 PM
Dawn gathers up the empty bottle, waiting just long enough for derek and vibax to start out the main doors, then catching up to walk near vibax but behind derek, waiting for derek to get out side a bit - oh my derek you seem to have this bottle, you have not yet won the bet

2020-10-02, 01:56 AM
https://i.vgy.me/j68Zsb.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zephyri sees Haram's quick signal from the window, much earlier than expected... Not good, it's barely even been 5 minutes. Damage control! The fey quickly dons the glamer of a dark-haired human courtier, shifting her clothing to match, and dashes through the Tavern doors before their prey can leave.

Haram's simple signal gave Zeph no expectation when she burst through the door, but she was still taken aback by Derek's chosen target, seeing Vibax underneath the massive man's swaying arm. How did they get him this drunk already? Zeph relaxed, seeing that her companions simply sprinted the job, with only minor course corrections. I can work with this...

Standing by the doorway, Zeph draws her polearm dramatically, pointing it at Derek just within reach. "Oy, you lout! LET GO OF MY MAN." Zeph needed to fake none of the murderous intent in her voice. This man would die here, today.

Responding to Haram's signal in OoC, before they manage to leave the establishment. Lets trap him in here!

Intimidate, Taking 10 to Demoralize Derek in 10' with Zephyri's Glaive: 26

Plan: (Copying from OoC)
Blocking the door, 10' radius 'Zone of Control' with her Glaive + Unarmed attacks

If he moves, AoOs to Trip + follow-up:

Immediate: Invisibility, for 1 Round (Cooldown, 3 Rounds)

With Glaive:
Touch attack: 26 vs flat-footed AC (invis)
Trip attempt: 37

Touch attack: 22 vs flat-footed AC (invis)
Trip attempt: 37

Touch attack: 13 vs flat-footed AC (invis)
Trip attempt: 25

Touch attack: 22 vs flat-footed AC (invis)
Trip attempt: 22

Touch attack: 17 vs flat-footed AC (invis)
Trip attempt: 20

and, follow-up attack if he gets tripped:

With Glaive:
Attack: 16 vs Prone, flat-footed AC (invis)
Confirm: 21
Damage: 10 +1 Fire

Attack: 27 vs Prone, flat-footed AC (invis)
Confirm: 22
Damage: 9 +1 Fire

Current Condition:
Disguise Self, 50 min
Concealment (20%) via Child of Shadow
Invisible, 1 Round (if AoO triggered)
+2 Intimidate, -4 Bluff/Diplomacy (Vodare, (1d4)[3] hours)

2020-10-02, 10:30 AM
...so much for subtlety... As everything went into chaos, the Lady immediately readied herself to intercept any idiot guards or wanna-be heroes among the regulars who attempted to intervene when they heard the clamoring.

And, for that, her hand dropped to a bag of marbles hidden under her cloak...

If any NPC tries to rush in to aid Derek, she's letting loose her bag of marbles to impede 'em. They'll need to make a Balance check of 15 or they'll fall (A&EG p24).

2020-10-02, 11:46 AM
Huhh? Derek looks up from the floor, one arm still using Vibax as support. His dull drunken eyes take in the glaive wielding figure ensconced with shadows. Yur man? He looks down at Vibax with a frown. hic...ladd ye shuda warnnened me you'd bein' wit sum oned elsed. He lurches forward off of vibax hand moving to brush the glaive out of the way. Wutch it womanz i'm gonna beez ick.

As he attempts to pass Zeph's glaive flicks under his already unbalanced feet, be returning to its previous location as part of the fluid motion and continuing down in a fierce slash. The blade catches Derek on the inside of one of his legs, slicing through the trouser legging and into the meat of his calf. As the blade withdraws upward there is the sudden scent of searing meat, and a spurt of flame erupts between the metal and the bleeding wound.

Derek howls with pain. but seems to focus, his eyes regaining a spark to them. Realizing he's under attack he lets out a bellow.

The music and singing in the room stops, all eyes moving to the figures surrounding the door, everyone appears shocked and unmoving, a moment passes .....

2020-10-02, 01:37 PM
initiative 42 - bringing the bottle up narrow end pointed at derek - the bet was you could not drink the bottle and here is that bottle - shoving it as far as she can into dereks mouth

drawing dragonsplit holding attack

2020-10-02, 03:42 PM
'[I]Fools! The gall.. how is this subtle?' Haram thinks to himself as he moves towards Derek. 'Well, time for some damage control before this gets out of hand'
He hisses a terrible curse in the Abyssal tongue and reaches out for the man sprawled on the floor, touching his bald head (is he actually bald?)

Casting bestow curse (will save DC16) using the following curse: 'The next person introduced to him/her will hate the accursed uncontrollably and forever' BOVD p.28; the idea being that probably some guards are on their way (I think there's even one in the bar already?) So they would immediately side with us against Derrek, hating him uncontrollably. Other guards, seeing one guard going up against Derrek would also probably tend to side with him/us. This guard would probably even applaud at us executing him.

2020-10-02, 04:33 PM
https://i.vgy.me/j68Zsb.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zeph watches Derek fall to the floor, her glaive cooling down in his blood. As Dawn plugs his mouth to quiet his hollering, she notes that Dawn is between Derek and his signature Waraxe, sitting on the table behind her. Well, this is going to be much easier, now!

The Courtier sneers at the man on the floor, tossing her hair and earrings as she leans on her polearm. "Ah, so you DO know your place." The woman snaps her weapon up against her back, smiling. "You've laid hands on what's mine. I can be quite handsy too."

Initiative 24

Turn: (Copying from OoC)
No Swift (Immediate)
Full-Round: Flashing Sun(-2) Two-Handed(-2) Full Attack

Total: 1x Glaive attack, 3x Unarmed, at a -4 penalty each (Unarmed with Legs / Knees)

Glaive: 22 vs Prone, flat-footed AC
Damage: 10

5ft Step north, into close range, still blocking the door

Unarmed 1: 15 vs Prone, flat-footed AC
Damage: 10 Non-Lethal

Unarmed 2: 17 vs Prone, flat-footed AC
Damage: 7 Non-Lethal

Unarmed 3: 12 vs Prone, flat-footed AC
Damage: 10[/B] Non-Lethal

If Derek stands, Unarmed AoO attack
If Derek crawls, Unarmed AoO attack
If Derek runs, Unarmed AoO trip, then Glaive AoO trip
If the Guard through her zone, Glaive AoO trip

Current Condition:
Disguise Self, 50 min
+2 Intimidate, -4 Bluff/Diplomacy (Vodare, 3 hours)

2020-10-02, 05:53 PM
Gods above and below! Lady Winterhawk resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Instead, she took a step forward, grateful that the wig now obscured her features. "Don't. Get. INVOLVED." Hand ready on the bag of marbles, her voice was pure ice as she growled at the nearby patrons.

2020-10-03, 12:53 AM
Dox acts like she is casually walking away from the fight and ends up at the table with the battle axe. No point leaving a perfectly good axe laying around. She grabs it and holds it casually at her side like she had always been holding her axe. "Just in case, I better have my axe in hand." Immediately after saying that she wished she hadn't.

2020-10-03, 12:38 PM
Vibax casually walks behind Derek, leaning down as he is unexpectedly pummeled. Vibax's beaming smile now something entirely sinister to behold, Vibax says quietly enough that Derek can certainly hear him, but hopefully the patrons of the tavern can't make out everything clearly or easily.

"Have you ever been betrayed by a lover? Do you know the depths of revenge a scorned heart can wish upon another? You're about to find out. You messed up one too many times, Derek, and now your day of reckoning has arrived. What will it be like? No longer able to hold another in your arms or experience the pleasure of a partner in bed. No longer be able to see the ones you love without their faces twisting in horror and disgust at your presence. To hear the screams and shrieks of fear when they behold your new mangled visage. All you have to do to prevent that, is beg for mercy and forgiveness. What will it be, Derek?"

This is exhilarating. I can't wait to hear him beg for his life.

Vibax's sinister grin looms upside down in Derek's line of vision as the young man leans over and attempts to intimidate the powerfully built bald man.

Actions and rolls here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24736166&postcount=118) for reference.

2020-10-03, 03:50 PM
Derek looks up into the grinning face of the youth....to think that he had thought the boy naive and unwitting an easy target for his darkest desires....

He choked and gagged and he extricated the bottle that one of the women had so casually forced into his open mouth. Pulsee - stahp. I'mm sahwry. I donn't knouw whaat I ddid ta ya, but plesse don-don't khill meh. He spins on the floor clutching at Vibax's boots, Ihm Sarree. Whut'en evvur I deid ta ya Ihm sarry.

He looks up at the lad tears glistening on his face, spittle surrounding his mouth. There is a look of true desperation, in those eyes.... mixed with pain, confusion and despair.

2020-10-04, 06:35 PM
Dawn from behind stabbing her +1 dagger in the back of dereks neck just below his skull
roll to hit (1d20+7)[20] damage (1d6+3)[7]

2020-10-05, 11:19 AM
The eyes of their target roll back in his skull, the second swipe from the glaive, renders the mewling wreck unconscious. Dawn's following blow to the base of his neck seals his fate. His already limp body gives a final shudder before the slumping to the ground.

Zephyr darts forward savaging the body with two quick blows to the legs, before reaching to the figures waist and undoing the weapons belt slung their, two small leather pouches still tied to it. As she finishes extracating the belt, her fingers snag his trousers and bring them to his ankles.

While this final insult may leave the targets memory even more humiliated, the unexpected scent of feces and urine accompanied the removal of the trousers. The target was well and truly dead, his bowels having relaxed and spilled their contents.

As she withdraws from the corpse Zeph makes a quick leap through the still open doors of the tavern, despite her natural agility, she was unable to avoid her foot landing on then crashing thru and up-turned bucket upon landing. Her foot smashed through the bottom and she wobbled dangerously before catching herself, though she now had a tangle of wood, metal and splinters sheathing her right calf.

Haram remains standing with a bloody glaive, Dawn a dagger similarly dripping blood. Dox is standing a little back, holding the dwarven axe. Vibax is standing near the ever growing pool of blood and bile that is oozing across the wooden boards, soaking into every minor crevice.

Several patrons who had been looking between the altercation and the Lady returned to their seats, though their demeanor indicated they'd much rather disperse. The lone guardsmen remained half standing half sitting at his stool, obivously straining to do what was both right and his duty, and the fear of interfering with a half a dozen figures....His hand is clenched white knuckled on the cudgel he wears.

2020-10-05, 12:46 PM
https://i.vgy.me/Pzip9t.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zephyri's catches her breath as the job starts to wrap up. And, that's the show! I can't wait to hear how they all did this so quickly... Her adrenaline spikes right back up again when she crashes through the bucket she failed to notice behind her.

Zeph sighs first inwardly, then lets the Courtier sign outwardly at the bucket on her foot. And the show must go on. Encore! The Courtier smashes the bucket against the floor to free herself, sheathing her glaive in place on her back. Catching the nearest waitress' eye, she smiles wanly. "My apologies for the mess," The courtier retrieves 5 platinum coins from her belt, dropping the coins by the body and bucket on the floor.

The Courtier points at Vibax, the only other actor whose role she knows, "You! We're leaving. Now." And with that, she heel-turns to make her exit. And, scene.

Alright, let's see if we can't play ourselves out!

The rich aristocrat that knows she's above the law, leaving and causing no more trouble. Hopefully the coin payment alleviates the guard's conscience... That and knowing he would likely die if he steps up. No-one else seems interested in helping either, seems like Haram's spell may have worked to not make him any new friends.

Heading out of the bar, with whoever else. Once we're clear, swift invisibility, teleport a ways, and drop the glamer... The alter ego should seem to simply disappear, with a different person suddenly appearing in an alleyway 50' away. Scatter, and regroup back at the X-Mansion?

Standard/Swift/Both(?): Shake this mess off of me? If not, break the thing the rest of the way? Maybe just kick the wall with my encased leg to break it off... Let me know and I can re-flavor the above.
Move: Getting out of Dodge!

2020-10-05, 05:52 PM
Vibax's need for sacrificial objects results in a simple grunt of acknowledgement at Zeph's command as he carefully undoes the bracers off the victim, surprisingly unconcerned that there is a guard nearby. If Derek's bald head sports any kind of fancy head wear, Vibax also takes it.

Once he has the bracers in hand, he casually stands, stuffing the taken objects into a pouch under his cloak, carefully stepping around the expanding pool of bodily fluids and casually walks through the door into the daylight without turning to face the guard.

Time to get lost in the crowd.

Vibax leisurely strolls a scenic route as he makes his way back to the Hall. If he finds himself sufficiently alone, he makes some changes to his disguise in case there are any parties interested in following up on the day's events.

2020-10-05, 06:05 PM
Dawn wiping the bloodied blade on what was left of derek's clothes, sheathing it and following the others outside.

2020-10-05, 06:58 PM
The Lady casually took one more sip of ale as the primaries made their escape first. Then she skulked out with a few of the more fleet of foot bar patrons. Best to leave before the guard could find his stones.

She took the scenic route through the city, however, making sure to spread the shocked gossip here and there in the streets of how the bald man died as a blubbering drunk coward at the Trough, bawling like a baby all the while.

2020-10-06, 11:23 AM
Covered in gore, Haram feels delighted. 'That was easy. Almost too easy' he thinks.
He decides to take Derek's bracers before leaving, then steps out into the street calmly. He let's out a sigh of relief: the Voice in his head has calmed down. For the time being, it feels like there is only Haram in his body right now. As it often happens right after a satisfying kill, Haram is feeling healthier, too. He walks without hunching or limping and his breathing is easier. Whistling, he finds an alley nearby and walks into it. He casts a spell, which causes detritus and loose debris to form a small vortex around him, lifting him suddenly into the air. He descends slowly, moving laterally to land on a nearby rooftop. It'll be less conspicuous to head back to base covered in blood from the rooftops.
He resumes whistling with glee.

Haram casts Updraft (assuming the roofs aren't higher than 50ft)

2020-10-06, 04:38 PM
https://i.vgy.me/3ZqFJQ.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zephyri slips into the streets without notice, free from the turmoil left behind inside the tavern. After a few buildings, she flickers into a nearby alleyway to throw off pursuit, no longer the Courtier in lavish clothing but just herself in light cloth and cloak. She waits for some time alone before jumping over the alley fence and into the back-ways she's outlined in their previous area recon, making her way back to the mansion without trouble.

Zeph swings by Wren's first to have the belt and contents identified, exchanging her usual innuendo-filled banter with the gender-fluid fence. "Must be nice to be gorgeous in any form you want to take..."

After that bit of fun, Zephyrinque takes her spoils back to her chambers before heading right back out to Velska's to see if she's got a new batch for her. I've earned some beautiful downtime after how well that mission went! That half-elf may well be her favorite person in the entire mansion...
Happy to expand upon the above interactions w/ DM, I don't know how much we get to sandbox these NPCs and don't want to go too far :smallsmile: Feel free to workshop with me in OoC / PM and we can paste over the above with her downtime fun!

Getting high on Dream Mist, and collecting however many doses Velska made for her as part of her starting package!

Loot Management:

Discover Belt properties
Discover Pouch contents (Coinpurse? Tools?)
Decide keep / give-away on above
Purchase orders for any spending on the next job

Then, begin planning/recon on the Tutor mission!

2020-10-07, 02:29 PM
Arriving back at the guild waiting for the others to filter in. Eventually looking over the things that were brought back as bounty, Dawn looking closely at a belt, Anyone mind If I have this?, When it comes time to sell that which is not kept dawn offers her silver tongue skills to try to get the best deal possible for each item.

2020-10-07, 04:24 PM
After washing his hands and face and donning his preferred garb, the ceremonial clerical garb of Verebaz, Vibax joins the others looking over the haul.

To Dawn's inquiry he responds "I think it would suit you better than me, at the very least." then to no one in particular he talks, his hands in constant motion as he flaps his lips "That was exhilarating. The way he grovelled and begged for mercy was just wonderful. A job well done, team. Let's keep the momentum and complete our next job perfectly as well."

2020-10-07, 08:01 PM
https://i.vgy.me/3ZqFJQ.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zephyri returns to the mansion later that night, after spending some time with Ethne. Collecting her things from Wren first, she heads up to their usual meet-up room in the back recesses of the mansion, listening outside the door for a good moment to make her entrance.

Zeph struts in, modelling her belt and boulder pouches. "Shiny, no?" After an exaggerated pose, she smiles and takes the pouches off and places them beside the rows of coin on the table. "Stone bullet pouches, good for breaking windows, skulls, or making a quick two-eighty plat."

Gesturing at the belt she's wearing, she continues, "Now this, is your standard Belt of Living-Long-And-Prosperous, 200 Plat. I'll be taking this part of my share, unless we got something even more athletic to trade?" Zeph flexes a bit, winking at her recently-divorced-fake-lover Vibax before cracking into laughter.

Falling into a chair, she agrees with what she heard Vibax say through the doors. "That was excellent. You guys did an amazing job of watering him and then wringing him dry." Zeph starts re-sorting the coins to account for her new accessory, re-aligning them into uneven stacks. Never shrift your new life-lines...
Bringing in her loot and claiming her portion, as already discussed in OoC. Zeph is keeping the belt unless she can trade for the bracers, happy to RP the discussion here as we see fit :smallsmile:

Split the loot (IC or OoC)
Begin planning/recon on the Tutor mission!

2020-10-07, 10:53 PM
Dox enters the room late holding the axe in the form of a man before shifting back to her usual appearance.. "Sorry I am tardy. I got stuck behind the crowd and took a more scenic route back changing disguises before returning. She holds forward the axe and looks at Dawn You left this on the table back there, I am willing to bet it is magical She eyes the table with the pile of coins the guild was always so efficient with payment. A smile crosses her face.

2020-10-08, 10:09 AM
"I trust the client was more than satisfied with the job..." A statement rather than a question. The Lady was free of the damned wig and her pale blue mask was back on her face. The gossip she had spread about a "crazed and jealous half-orc woman" responsible for the crime hopefully would muddy the waters if anyone in authority actually gave a rancid fart about the death of a lout.

The Lady's mind turned towards the other targets in Mournstead. Assaulting either the thieves' den or the Governor's manor would need careful planning, but (in theory) the tutor might be the less harder target.

"The childrens' tutor would probably be easier to do reconnaissance on at least. Would she stay in the manor all the time? Does she run errands in town...visit friends or family? Getting her outside and away from the governor's protection is less risk to us, easier to pass as a random assault and robbery..."

If, however, the target did never leave the manor, then they would need somehow to get plans of the building, figure out where the tutor frequented, where the best exits were and how the guards patrolled (not to mention what, if anything, else lurked as security). And, more and more, the Lady was thinking her share of the first contract would probably go towards one of those Hats after all.

2020-10-15, 12:56 PM
https://i.vgy.me/c7KZtY.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
When Dawn offers to trade the Bracers of Strength for the Belt, Zephyri happily unstraps and claps the bracers on instead. "Who needs exercise, when you can just dope up with these?" Zeph counts coins out of Dawn's share to make up the difference, sliding them into hers while the others are content with their triple-sized piles of coin and soon-to-be-liquidated loot, the Axe sitting proudly on top. She smiles at the Shapeshifter, "Shiny catch, Dox!"

Listening to Lady start the planning session, Zephyri muses on the next two as well. "We can trade shifts, watching over both of the next two targets? Keeps up our momentum," Zeph points at Aegis, "and one may have a better window of opportunity than the other. Always love to crash a party!" Zeph recalls her time at the target tavern, with nothing immediately jumping out to her. "I can certainly spend some more time at the Ants' apparent Tavern, keep an eye for any thieves' signals or signals or code words that might grant us access."

Leaning back, Zephyri grins at Lady. "For the tutor, we may want to see when and where she sneaks off with the Governor. I'd bet my pointy left ear she's getting some special treatment... and that our client isn't very happy with her husband right now." She winks, continuing, "They may even slip their personal guards for extra privacy, or just have a secret room where we can set a trap?"
Trading the Belt and Bracers per OoC, taking the second-smallest share next to Dawn.

Plan (Tutor)

Zeph can disguise herself 1/day as someone else, to get inside / closer via a delivery service / cleaning service, or perhaps something a bit more involved if the guild has resources to get them a more inside look (Party catering? IDK). If she can overhear info on an upcoming event / repair that they can use as cover to infiltrate, that'll be useful

Inside, she'll focus on learning the exact whereabouts of the target's room, the guard stations, and the family quarters. If she sees the Tutor, she'll check if she's wearing the bonus necklace on her person.

From outside, she'll watch for guard patrols, daily schedules, who leaves and for how long (The mayor, the wife, the tutor, the children), and see if her assumption that the Wife put out the hit on the Tutor is correct (Is the tutor sleeping with the Husband? Is there tension between Wife and Tutor?) and see if there's any decent window where the family is out but the Tutor stays home.

Plan (Thieves' Guild)

Zeph can get by without disguising herself, just another Tavern she can drink in and play around. Inside, she'll want to watch for any notable behavior from the target (When / How does he usually slip away for guild business), any notable patrons (Guild Members, Guards), and any secret phrases to 'get inside' (She does speak Thieves Cant, as well as Drow Sign, so she's got a decent chance at picking up secret phrases to entry.)

From outside, she'll watch for back/secret entrances for guild members, lights for when the guild is active / meeting downstairs, and any delivery schedules (liquor / illicit goods) that we could use to infiltrate!

Plan (Overall Timeline)

I assume we staked out the last guy for two days, and just killed him on day 3/150 ? To save time, we should alternate stake-outs for these next two hits, since we'll need 3+ days to be comfortable that we know the daily routines. Zeph can alternate as needed with whoever else, her plans are vague.

If we aim these hits for the end of this week, we should have closed 3/10 jobs in 7/150 days, which is a solid start! We'll have to get to the Port city first (Bandit camp along the way?) to time the Sailor, then hit up the Capital on the way back to the Guild.

2020-10-15, 06:27 PM
after garnering the information and taking the time needed to adjust to the belt's magic, Dawn sets out stealthily towards teh mansion and the tutor target, stealthily going around the entirety of the property looking at all the walls, windows and doors. around the garden area looking at all the possible spots to ambush from. looking around the property for any other tall structures or trees that would give a line of sight towards the garden.

2020-10-16, 03:00 PM
--- During the division of the spoils ---

Blood Brother Varl steps into the room. His short stature does little to announce himself, but still, upon entering all members divvying up coins can sense his presence.

....Congratulations ...on ...your ...success. Each word is said along with an inhalation of breath, giving the phrase a gasping and wheezing quality.

...I...must...inform...you...that...your....associ ate....haram....will....no....longer....be...joini ng...you...He ...suffered...an...accident...on...his...way...hom e...from...your...misson.

...his...responsibilities...and...compensations... are...now...yours...

Barring questions the short figure turns to go, and as he does a wave of relief seems to leave with him.

Will Save 22 or be shaken when Varl enters the room, the feeling dissipates when he leaves.

It is enjoyable to shift my shape to whatever suits me or is useful...but I find that I often am required to BE what is needed for a task rather than what I want to accomplish the task. I cannot tell you how often I have tried to be an Orc of charm, decorum and flattery at a gentlemen's club, using the same lines I would as an elf or human, and yet the result is mockery. If you wish to discuss stonework you'd best be a human, gnome or dwarf if you wish to make headway - try it as halfling or an elf and they laugh at for trying to "keep up". A shake of the head and grunt of frustration.

Wren's form today is that of a half-elf, likely an effeminate male, but without checking between the legs or asking you'd never know for sure. While talking, they reach across to take the bits of coin and exchange it for the monocle. I figured now that you lot are doing real jobs, that you'd be buying one of these, I don't mind the lack of work mind you but do stop by, you lot have been one of my favorites groups.

Phosphorus, ammonia, a hint of dung and ash. The smell envelopes Zeph as she enters the laboratory shed, inside is a series of glassworks that must have cost a fortune. Despite the amount inside, it is organized and well secured, no flash or bottle was accidentally going to roll somewhere and fall. Velska had her back to the doorway, she appeared to be gesturing with her hands, & further inside you can see a shimmering wall of force, a cylinder sits in the middle of the lab, an circle of runes pulsating slightly outside the perimeter of the wall. Inside, the enclosure several flasks full of liquids are hovering, some pouring others being filled. Upon seeing Zeph thru some reflection, Velska ceases mixing the fluids, lowering them to the ground with a wave, before touching the runes. With a small hum the wall of force dissapates. Velska moves to manually lift the various bottle up and place them on a table.

Good evening Sanayd - I'm guessing one of your assignments went well, given that put in an order for more recreational uses of my time. She points to a wooden box on a counter near the door.

Dawn's Surveying

As fifth's day morning approaches, Dawn locates a towering obelisk colored white. The monument towers close to 30' tall, 4' wide and deep at the base, it extends upwards before joining into a small pyramid a foot or so from the top. The brick work provides easy hand holds, and upon ascension, shows that a good view of the Tutor's preferred spot is easiy visible from the obelisk. She'd be about 50' away hornizontally, but with 3 differing hedge rows interposing, slowing any direct pursuit. The hedges themselves might be traversable by a well balance & lightweight individual, as they are 10' high and form their own network of walls & paths.

OOC - Weeks have seven days, starting with "first's day (monday), working days end after fifth's day, with a day of rest (Saturday) then a day of renewal (Sunday). This all based off the religious aspects, but typically there is a 'weekend' in game, and today is "Friday"

2020-10-16, 03:19 PM
https://i.vgy.me/JTDSat.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Flashback: Watch Duty

Watching the Governor's mansion, Zephyri sighs at Vibax. "Boring... How have we still not caught them sneaking off together?" Their shift had been going long, but she was grateful to have the young human around to watch her back. One less thing to worry about, letting her focus on the work.

Vibax puts a hand to his chin while his other wanders to his elbow. They stay there only a minute before beginning to wander again while he speaks. "Perhaps they're not together. Or not by choice, anyway. What if the governor is keeping her here against her will? Not especially likely given this place provides security and a lavish lifestyle, but perhaps there's more going on here than just what we can see from a distance. If we found out more maybe we could use it to our advantage."

"A good point... This could be more prison than paradise." Zeph smiles, reminiscing. "You guys did great on that last job, by the way! That was over much faster than we planned. Was it you that scared him, or just your smell?" Zeph jeers, sticking out her tongue. "It's off-putting for something so young to reek so much of death," she wrinkles her sensitive nose.

Vibax smirks as his hands gesticulate. It seems apparent from his face that being told he reeks of death isn't objectionable to him and has probably stoked his ego a bit to hear it from another assassin. "I've certainly claimed some souls for Verebaz. Though I prefer to accomplish my objectives without unnecessary violence whenever possible as violence draws undesirable attention. Undesirable attention often leads to more violence and in the end, there's a roll of the dice on whether that violence prematurely sends my soul to Verebaz, which is something I'd really rather avoid while there is still work to be done. Admittedly, when there must be violence I'm not going to deny myself the pleasure of it. Would you? Though, if you find my cologne unbecoming I will certainly take that under advisement." Vibax's tone shifts with the last sentence indicating an attempt at humor.

Zephyri laughs under her breath, "Death is inevitable, and the only way we get paid by out current employer. I do enjoy the work, but the bodies?" Zephyri squirms, making a face in his general direction. "I prefer the company of the living. Warm bodies, soft flesh, and all associated pleasures. If I wanted something dead, I can just start from there anyway... it takes longer for the stench to set in!"

"Gross. What do you take me for, a necrophile? Those I kill belong to Verebaz." Vibax's voice seems generally disgusted by the idea of attraction to corpses. "If Verebaz's will requires, I won't hesitate to conjure the dead, but it would absolutely blasphemous to use gifts from Verebaz for that kind of base purpose." After just a brief pause Vibax softly reiterates: "Gross."

Vibax seems to think for a moment a hand idly wandering up to scratch his head as he faces Zeph quizzically "Unless you're implying...?" his voice cracking slightly, giving an obvious reminder of just how young and, in some ways, inexperienced he is. His habit of speaking with his hands continues even as his tongue miraculously stops momentarily, his hand gesturing by pointing back and forth a couple of times between the two assassins as his face visibly flushes.

Zephyri shrugs, backing off. "Hey, far be it for me to judge. I know what I like, you've got you own thing going on, we all just try to enjoy what little time we've got here. Gods know we've more left than most." Zeph rolls back over on the roof, eying up the mansion again, lights slowly winking out. "Especially compared to this one."

Vibax seems to regain his composure, his face taking on a bit of a grim expression as he says simply "Verebaz's will be done. I wouldn't mind if she put up a bit more of a fight than the last one. I did enjoy that fool's blubbering though."

2020-10-16, 07:59 PM
The Lady shrank away from Brother Varl's gaze suddenly, feeling her chest tightening all the while. Unconsciously, she tapped at the side of her mask, trying to reassure herself that it was still there. In the meantime, she tried to distract herself with the news that Haram had not returned.

They had not been asked to cause any "accident" of the man, so it was best not to press for details.

Instead, she tried to focus on the other targets in the city again. Either way, she wanted clear escape routes. A manor and a thieves' guildhouse would be tougher to get away from than a pub.

Part of her recon will be finding the better escape routes for a getaway -- especially when it comes to the Ants. Hell, they probably have that potentially trapped for their own protection!

And afterwards, touch in with Wren about purchasing the Hat of Disguise and recharge costs for her wand of deep slumber. She's good for now, but once the team is on the move away from Mournstead, it's something she'll need to be concerned about.

Likewise, reminder here -- I'm MIA from the 20th-23rd.

2020-10-17, 05:10 PM
Waiting until everyone was present Dawn goes over a plan for the tutor.
First of all this should be done when the tutor is in the garden there is a spot some 50ft away that a shot can be had with nothing blocking, there are several hedges that one would need to traverse to get to her and that could be difficult so I have acquired some poisons htat will cause further damage to the tutors health potentially it alone could kill the tutor but we must be certain and need someone with excelent acrobatic skill to traverse those hedges rapidly once the shot has been taken.

2020-10-18, 07:23 PM
https://i.vgy.me/3ZqFJQ.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
When Blood-Brother Varl walks in with the news, Zephyr notices the others all pale at the man's presence. Her own neck prickles in excitement, hoping to one day be able to command a similar presence. She's going to have to keep an eye on that one. Two less mouths to feed... Just us girls and the boy, now!

After the session, she leaves to see Pei'la to continue working on kicking through that thrice-damned board... Half my size, and she always makes it look so simple! After some small progress, she starts brewing up more Drow Poison before going out with Vibax to the Stonepot Tavern. He's barely even of Age to be in there with me. I wonder how he'll handle his spirits?
Zephyri nods at Dawn, "Vibax and I did see that the Elf spends each evening in the garden, like clockwork. We didn't see any guards, so this sounds like a good opportunity!" Zeph smiles, before continuing "If you can get a clean shot, I can jump in and take care of the rest! Clean up any left-overs, grab the body and get out."

Zephyr thinks for a moment, before musing aloud, "But what about the amulet? If she has it on her, we're covered, but what if it's upstairs?" Zeph looks at the others, "If we split up, we can loot her room at the same time? Make it look like a run-away instead of a murder?" Zephyri flashes a mischievous smile.
Working on learning Mountain Hammer strike (next level), to kick right through doors!

Support Dawn on the Tutor Mission (Sneak/Grapple/Grab'n'Go)
Crafting two Drow Poison (OoC Rolls)

Plan the Tavern Job: Bluff an Infiltration w/ Lady(?) to get in melee range in basement, and help Lady kill erryone?

2020-10-18, 07:34 PM
okay I will need some help with a disguise to blend into the monument. As for the amulet yes split up, make entry and search the tutors area for it. sounds like the best plan


Once disguised and everyone gets into position dwan quietly sneaks around to the monolith and begins her silent climb hiding against the face to expose as little of herself to the target, reaching near the top drawing out her wand quietly uttering its incantations before drawing her bow and dipping an arrow in some very deadly poison seeing her target, in the most vulnerable of positions sitting there as the arrow flew through the air towards the targets exposed head/neck.

2020-10-22, 10:59 AM
The evening air was heavy with the residual heat of the day, despite this, Ilyana shivered. She had the uncomfortable feeling she was being watched.

The feeling had been present for the last few days, at first she'd thought one of the guards was leering at her, it wouldn't have been the first time, but she hadn't noticed any members of the patrols loitering, nor had her employers, Governor Golurnum or his wife been reviewing the lessons as they had during her first few weeks.

Besides even then the feeling hadn't been so ... invasive, pervading her thoughts and causing the goose flesh to ripple down her neck.

Relax, she thought. It won't due to get stressed a few months into such a prestigious position. Her fingers traced down her neck and feeling the light chain and the expanding form of the amulet against her bosom.

She closed her eyes, and took a slow deep breath, her elevated pulse slowed, and the raised hairs on her neck lowered....just as the arrow cut into her cheek, and struck the bone of her jaw.

Her body went limp head dropping to her chest, as blood flowed freely from her mouth. her hands sat loosely one across her chest, the other on her lap.

She might have been mistaken for napping in the warm evening air, if not for the crimson spilling from her mouth as though some kind of perverse fountain.

2020-10-22, 11:47 AM
https://i.vgy.me/SxuCue.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zephyri watches as the Tutor is knocked out instantly, sneaking over to check the body as it stains the earth. Feeling for a pulse, she finds that she's still alive, just knocked out. So much for something so simple. Why? Zeph's curiosity is still piqued, wondering what more there may be to this particular job.

Taking out a bandage, she quickly (but carefully!) wraps the targets face, covering both her mouth and the wound, to staunch the blood flow and keep the mage from speaking. We can take a little detour after getting out of here. Now, to get out here...

Well, alrighty then! Our Sniper got it in one!

This Turn
Swift Invisibility
Move: Move to body, Move Silently: [roll0]
Standard: Use Heal, taking 10 for 15 to stabilize the dying

Escape with the body in the bag (10 min until suffocation)

Standard: Slide Tutor into the Bag of Holding
Move: Get back into the Hedge maze

Then, teleporting out of the maze onto a nearby roof, jumping down into a nearby alley and merging into foor traffic

Interrogate the Tutor for Story details, then dispose of her.
Plan the Tavern Job: Bluff an Infiltration w/ Lady(?) to get in melee range in basement, and help Lady kill erryone?

2020-10-22, 12:17 PM
Seeing her arrow strike true and her comrade taking care of the tutor, Dawn quietly climbs/slides down the monolith once at the bottom hides for a few moments to make certain no one heard her or her comrade looking out and listening for anything unusual. then after a minute quietly leaves the grounds of the mansion, taking several side streets and back alleys to make sure no one was following, before returning to the guild to where she undoubtedly knew her target would end up.

2020-10-23, 01:14 PM
Vibax hides outside the garden compound and completely misses that the arrow was loosed, his inattentive nature getting the best of him. Vibax wrings his hands nervously, the need to keep his mouth closed for the sake of stealth filling him with anxious energy as the anticipation for the assassination built-up within him.

When is this thing even going to happen? Was there going to be a signal? I probably should've paid more attention.

He elects to take action to prepare further and casts Detect Magic as quietly as he can manage, knowing that the hedges are likely to block his vision. Then he fetches his wand of Detect Magic offering it to anyone who would like to use it before approaching.

2020-10-29, 06:01 PM
https://i.vgy.me/3ZqFJQ.png (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Zephyri gets clear of the mansion with the body, making her way back to the orchid with her usual flicker-change-flicker plan to hide her path. When she sees that noone is on her tail, she checks the body and finds that the poison has taken it's course, killing the tutor outright. With a shrug, Zeph cleans the body, finding the amulet (Score!) and leaving the rest to the Otyughs in the sewers below...

Arriving back at the Orchid, Zeph drops off the Amulet with Varl, enjoying his chilling company before swinging by Wren's to get those gloves she's had her eyes on all week. Wren had 'acquired' them just for her, clean record and all, and she loves the look and feel of the black leather on her skin. "I just adore these, Wren! You just have the best taste in gear." Sliding her Glaive into her glove, she checks on her potions before heading back to the Orchid's meeting room.

Sitting back around the table, Zeph shares what she knows about the Stonepot Tavern. "Vibax and I spent a few nights watching the tavern, and I caught some of their usual phrases for requesting a meeting with the boss. I can get us close, but they may need a little persuading to seal the deal..." Zeph nods at Lady, who spotted the office key."They've got a big inter-guild meeting coming up, so they may be on edge... but we could use that to our advantage, if we can find a good reason? As long as we can get into the back office, we can clean them out of their job requests for the extra purse!"

Looting + Dumping the body, taking the Amulet and anything else of value

Buying the Gloves of the Master Strategist (OoC Approved) hiding her Glaive in Hammerspace

Plan the Tavern Job w/ Everyone:

Disguise, as a common thief archetype
Infiltrate via bluffing on the Thieves Cant with her overheard snippets (25% / DC 16)
Let Lady and/or Dawn cover if/when Zeph missteps in the attempt
Murder in the office, clean out any files
Sneak the body out via Bag of Holding ... 1 Hour timer to get it back to the Orchid

2020-11-02, 06:36 PM
"If we move during the inter-guild meeting, there should be enough other individuals there to assuage some suspicion off of us. Though it would be best to try to get our target alone in his office I think and I have an idea how we can do that."

Vibax clearly gets excited as he lays out his idea to the group. His excessively exaggerated hand gestures betraying his enjoyment in the act of plotting the demise of another.

"We take a small team, probably no more than two, to the halfling and convince him a faction has emerged within the guild under the leadership of another prominent member and they are hatching a plot against his life and we don't agree with that, but we don't know who all is spying for the other group so we need to speak him privately.

I'm sure we can find the name of another prominent member of the Thieves Guild without too much headache, and I know of a potion that can give anyone a tongue that spin illusions like drool made of silver.

Once we have him alone, we kill him. If he took us to the office, we ransack it. Otherwise one of our stealthiest should tail us so we can hand off any keys he might have on his person and then go ransack the office while we hide the evidence."

2020-11-02, 06:44 PM
The Stone Pot tavern was still bustling slightly, the evening crowd had come for the food & drink, then cycled out after a few hours. The namesake of the establishment sat bubbling behind the bar, an aging orc madam serving the contents into metal bowls then distributing them to the various barmaids, who cycled them out to customers.

The stew (as it was an evening meal) was thick with potatoes, carrots, onions and other assorted vegetables, the meat was pieces of beef and venison, rabbit and chicken and other assorted bits, but no rat. Olbira (the cook) always insisted that she'd use almost any meats, but dog, cat & rat would never be among them. One's for herdin', one's for vermin, and the last is to feed the pair, she'd always said.

There's about a dozen people remaining in the tavern, mainly two's and three's, each either at the bar or at a table, drinking and passing the time. A staircase leads to the rooms upstairs, while another descends to the cellar below. A dwarf with a rich brown hair and beard leans against a door at the back. He doesn't look particularly bored or focused, but he projects a presence into the room, the sign over his head says "Member's Only". A second door sits next to him, and leads out from this private area.

He's let a dozen or so folks in usually in groups of three or four, each time asking them varied questions prior to granting them access, their words are difficult to hear at any distance. The bells sound, signalling the tenth hour of following, the guards who had been drinking hastily stand, leaving a bag of coin on the table and shuffling off to their duties.

A lone figure sits in a corner booth, idly levitating a dagger with his finger, his eyes seem to shift from one patron to another, in an endless shifting sequence.

2020-11-06, 01:17 PM
https://i.vgy.me/mMZlL4.jpg (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
As the bells sound, Zephyri waits for the guards to leave before entering the tavern with the others. Usually she would lock eyes and greet the barmaids that know her all too well, maybe swing into a seat at a table with some regulars. A glass or two, a game here and there... But she isn't her usual self tonight. Right now, she isn't Zephyri at all.

In the glamer of a nondescript human female, wearing the triple-band signal of 'rogue-for-hire' around her neck, Thelma enters politely but firmly, looking around not for a table but for something else. Finding the bouncer at the back door, she walks over with her group to bargain for access, with a patient but imperative tone quietly expressing her urgency.

Glaive hidden in Glove's Hammerspace

Disguise Self, as Human Rogue (See Image)
Disguise: [roll0]

Look+Listen as she enters the Tavern
Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]

Sizing Up the bouncer:
Sense Motive: Taking 10 for 21

Attempting to use Thieves' Cant with the overheard secret codes...
(Apparently this move to Bluff/Sense Motive in 3.5, and I missed it)

25% Chance, on a 4: [roll3]

Bluff: Taking 10 for 20, either to Cant or to Convince that we need to discuss a threat with the Boss

I don't know if you have a script or if we want to RP this out, let me know! :smallbiggrin:

2020-11-06, 02:17 PM
The Lady had her own glamer activated, taking on the appearance of an older human woman of roguish intent. Someone whose "glory days" were probably far behind her. The benefit was that would hide her mask. Too much to keep track of in a disguise led to potential problems. Internally, she frowned. Again, subtlety wasn't something the Lady was an expert on -- she was more interested in terrorizing the target.

But this was a case that showing off as yourself wouldn't be a good idea.

Her own eyes scanned the room. The man levitating the dagger was on the top of her list of people to potentially watch out for if things went pear-shaped. Still, she kept her ears alert to assist Thelma with the Cant and their reason why they needed to see the boss if it was required (potion or not).

[roll0] Bluff (Aid Another)
[roll1] Listen
[roll2] Spot
[roll3] Sense Motive (dagger guy)
Taking 10 on Disguise (for 14)

2020-11-06, 02:17 PM
As "Thelma" approaches the dwarf stands, planting himself solidly. After hearing her give the password he smiles & looks her up and down.

Look love, you look the part, and you've got a correct password, but not THE correct password. What are ya? A noble lass looking for some fun? A merchant's daughter here to make a deal to save Daddy?

Or some stupid peasant bitch in over her head? He finished by crossing his arms, and starting up into her eyes. Then leans forward, beckoning her to bring her ear closer,

I haven't seen you in here before, but that's the password MEN give in the MORNING, so.... I'll give you three choices, first, you turn around, walk out those doors and I neverr see your face in here again. Second, I let you thru this door, but I ring the bell as you go in, meaning everyone in there will be ready to skin and loot you, then dump your corpse, or third, you can tell me what you were hoping to accomplish, and if I believe it & its to my benefit, you can pay the nonmember fee, and we'll go talk to whomever you came to see.

He stopped whispering as she stood back up, then his tight grin of importance changed to one of hormonal leering. I guess there's a fourth option, you go over to the bar keep, tell him Hilan sent ya, and go wait for me in my room upstairs. He patted his groin, I'll give a taste of the thieves life.

2020-11-09, 10:57 AM
https://i.vgy.me/mMZlL4.jpg (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Thelma roll her eyes, annoyed and visibly a little put out.

"Alright, listen. This is not our usual family gathering." Thelma starts, implying she's from a different Thieves' guild... But she tried, right? "But, my best-friend's godfather is throwing a surprise party here soon, lots of distant relatives coming in from all over. I just need to run some things by him first. He's got a strong heart, but I worry one of the surprises may well be the death of him, if he isn't prepared for the shock." Thelma gets across that she knows about the upcoming inter-guild meeting being hosted here, and that there's a 'surprise' that threatens the leader's life.

"Last I heard he's hanging around back here. Charming old halfling, about four feet tall?" Thelma motions with both hands the number four and the height off the floor, emphasizing both the size and numerical name of Cedric Fourfinger, to let him know we know who he is, that he's in charge, and that we need to speak to him directly.

Bluff: Taking another 10 for 50, with the Potion of Glibness from Vibax she quaffed in advance, on his suggestion!

Using Thieves' Cant to get across that we're from another guild, we know about the upcoming secret meeting, that Fourfinger is the local thieves' guild leader, and that we need to talk with him about an upcoming plot surrounding it that he should REALLY know about.

2020-11-09, 04:21 PM
Dawn wandering in, noticing the interactions of the others and takes a seat near the door facing so she can keep an eye on the door , ordering a light mead

2020-11-09, 06:49 PM
Vibax stalks up next to "Thelma" as if from nowhere and simply adds in a raspy whisper "It's truly quite urgent. And it's in your personal interest this message gets to the intended ears quickly."

Instead of thieves' cant, Vibax relies instead on bribery, lifting a small coin purse (50gp) and jingling it softly for the dwarven bouncer to see and hear while keeping the purse obfuscated from the tavern at large. Perhaps once the dwarf knows there's coin in it for him he'll let us pass. After all, you don't go into a life of thievery unless you want riches.

In that brief silence waiting and sizing up the dwarf's reaction Vibax thinks to himself I hope I this doesn't make me a mark to be stolen from.

2020-11-10, 10:44 AM
Hilan's lecherous smile has dimmed considerably, his eyes darting between Zeph. & Vibax, after several moments of hesitation he turns, rapping on the door twice before stepping out of the way and pushing it open. As he does, his hand passes swiftly over Vibax's hand, and depositing the pouch of coins in his pocket. An elvish head sticks out quickly, looking Zeph & Vibax up and down, before glancing at Hilan for instructions, "They say their concerned for the boss's health & have come to offer their advice. Take 'em back an' tell 'im I sent ya if he asks." Returning his gaze to the pair in front, he then lifts it to survey the tavern, "Boss doesn't want anyone to feel intimidated, you're free to bring one more if ya want to."

OOC - Dawn may join or remain at player choice/post.

The elf pulled her head back, whispering "follow me" in a lilting voice, she turned and after the group had passed through the doorway, proceeded towards the far wall.

The back room appears to be a combination gambling den, bar, library & mail room. The right wall holds a long bar with a dozen stools spaced equidistant, its similar to the one in the front room, though interestingly, these stools are fixed to the floors with the post embedded in the stone. About 2/3 are occupied, most pairs are facing each other and appear to be immersed in conversation. The center of the room is filled with various miniaturized tables housing card & dice games, though a few have other more exotic choices. About a dozen individuals are grouped around such a table, the other games forgotten for the moment, though such a grouping prevents you from seeing the details.

Three large tables sit against the left-side wall, though only 1 is occupied, 4 bulky cloaked figures watch as a gnome standing on the table uses a pointer to indicate certain points on a map pinned to the wall.

The back wall is split between a large booth and table on the right, while the left is a wall of mail cubbies behind a desk where a tall (8') emaciated figure stands. The woman guides you back towards the booth. The table is recessed into the wall & building, with an overhanging roof 6' above the table top.

At the table sits an aged half-ling, before him is a ornate set of weighing scales, 3 large glass beaker with a green, blue and clear liquid respectively, and a pile of coins nearly a foot tall, its contents appear to be a mix of coppers silver & golds, with a few shiny pieces of platinum.

The elf gestures for you all to sit at the table though she does indicate that you should sit on the opposite side of Cedric.

She then states - Sir, Hilan states these individuals have information for you regarding your health habits, and encourages you to listen to them. She then departs.

A few moments pass, the figure continues his work, he weighs coins of a like type 10 at a time, if the scale balances, he nods before placing them into one of 4 leather satchels hanging from the table, if they don't match he uses a set of tongs to lift the stack and dip them into the green liquid, which fizzes and releases an acrid smell every time he does this.

After dipping in the green he dunks them into the blue, then the clear, then back to the scales after a small shake to dislodge moisture. If they don't weigh correctly a second time, he drops them into a 5th satchel.

OOC - Checks to be made
Spot - (x3)
Listen - (x3)
Knowledge Local - (x1)
Knowledge Arcana - (x1)
Knowledge Nature - (x1)
Sense Motive (Assess Opponent) - (x2) - Cedric, Average Thug,

2020-11-10, 12:58 PM
dawn picking up her mead follows the group in.

2020-11-10, 02:10 PM
The thugs were an annoyance, should they be forced to fight in here. No real threat on their own, but enough of them that they would get in the way and hinder the Lady and her associates and either assist Cedric or hold them up while he tried to escape.

('Thelma' might -- might -- be able to convince them to aid us instead if we're lucky. Claim he set up the meeting to sell out everyone here. Risky though.)

Her nostrils crinkled at the acrid smell. Whatever it was, it probably wouldn't be pleasant to have splashed in one's face. If they could get the mark to lead them down to his office -- or, at the very least AWAY from prying eyes -- they might have a chance to dogpile him before he left the silence bubble.

And that task would be left to 'Thelma' to convince him of that...

2020-11-11, 02:03 PM
https://i.vgy.me/mMZlL4.jpg (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)
Thelma follows the elf with the others, the outsider thief soaking in as much as she could as they walked through the back rooms. The tabled gnome is discussing an Augren mansion job of little interest, but a conversation at the bar tweaks her ears. We happen to know a thing or two about a disappearance at the Governor's mansion...

Arriving at the booth, Zeph's hidden faerie ears pick up on the distinctive muffle of a silence spell as she passes into the booth's recess, shaped as a bubble to keep sounds safely inside. Gods damn it... There goes our excuse that we need privacy for our discussion to not be overheard. Thelma glances around the booth, noting the buttons on the side before it dawns on her the booth itself is mobile! Ah, this whole area sinks into the ground... A panic room? An escape route? Visual privacy? We could target that last one...

Thelma takes her seat in the booth, watching Cedric count his coins in silence... Making them wait, a quiet power move to show that he's in charge. A familiar dance. Time to follow my steps... Seeing him chewing his own vice, Thelma produces a flask from her cloak, and a clear vial of brown powdered Vodare to tap into it. The sugared hot tea perfectly masks the bitter taste, giving her a welcome rush of confidence for the conversation ahead. This should relax him. A cautious thief, drinking from only her own flask, openly taking drugs... And should he know about Vodare's penchant for blunt honesty, a clear signal of her intent to tell the truth. Who lies on Vodare? Honestly?

RP'ing the walk and Zephyrinque's successful checks <3

Taking Vodare:
[roll0] Hours: +2 Intimidate and +2 vs. Fear
[roll1] Hours: -4 Diplomacy and Bluff

The +30 Glibness should cover the intentional -4, for a total +26...
Hopefully it lowers Cedric's guard (to her, anyway) intentionally taking a 'truth drug' right in front of him... :smallconfused:

Wait for everyone to get situated, and for the boss to initialise the conversation.

From there...

Zeph is just a fountain of blunt, seemingly honest lies, not solutions. Someone else is going to have to cover the Diplomacy piece :smallsmile:

Maybe convince him to get us all alone in the recessed booth? Say that he needs to see something private?

2020-11-12, 01:44 PM
as dawn walks she attempts to slip some poison into her mead, then a few minutes later on spotting the target after others have talked she offers the target a drink to sooth them over somewhat.

2020-11-13, 11:39 PM
Cedric pauses his work with dwindling pile of coins, to look at the mug offered by Dawn.

That is from the front room, and as such is likely filled with the watered down swill that Obira keeps on hand. My tastes are more refined, elvish wine, a gnomish brandy perhaps, then I might accept.

He continues working with coins in front of him as he talks, swiftly stacking, weighing and either depositing, or dipping thrice, weighing again, & then depositing.

Now then, as to my health, unless you are members of the church hear to offer me reincarnation, I highly doubt you're a hear as a magnanimous party, which means you're hear either to kill me, swindle me, or offer me a deal. Since you waited for me to speak, I doubt you're hear to sell something, even the most focused thief couldn't help trying to swipe a coin from this table, so that leads you away from being here to swindle me, which means you either want to kill me or you want to buy something from me.

He let his eyes pause on each of them, before returning his attention to the coin pile (it was almost gone now, only a hundred or so remained.)

For those of you without magical aptitude, there is a silence veil between us and the rest of the room. Feel free to speak plainly,

2020-11-14, 09:30 PM
Dawn finding a spot to dump the mead out (such as a plant or drain) and then walking to that and emptying the mug. saying nothing.

2020-11-16, 06:45 PM
A bead of nervous sweat rolls down the side of Vibax's head as he watches Dawn's actions silently, as he literally holds his tongue still with his teeth. Despite his easily distracted nature, the number of potential enemies in the den had not gone unnoticed.

I used a lot of my last haul on that potion of Glibness. Zeph better use it well or we might be in a serious pinch. I really hope we don't end up fighting our way out.

Vibax waits anxiously for Zeph to initiate keeping to the plan of playing supporting role to his magically aided Fey ally.

2020-11-18, 12:19 PM
https://i.vgy.me/mMZlL4.jpg (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)

Thelma barks a short laugh, smiling darkly at the halfling's blunt accusation. "Oh, we're certainly here to buy something. We're looking for a new club membership." Gesturing at her group, Thelma gets to the point. "See, my friends and I have information about your upcoming group meeting, and the timing is just right for a career move. Working conditions have been poor recently, and we're looking for a change."

"So, we want to sell our services, permanently. We trade this information, we want in on the Ants. Right to work, job opportunities, and the usual sign on bonus for our proof of loyalty." Thelma pauses to take another swig of her intoxicating tea. "For that last part, we know someone is looking to expand territory through you. I'm sure you're aware of the recent issues with the Governor's staff opening?"

"Hire us on, we'll help solve your usurper problem, and permanently solidify your position here in Mournstead. It's a win-win." Thelma tips her flask at Cedric, pointing at the Halfling with a wry smile. "Once we're on your payroll, of course."

Child of Shadow: Concealment after 10' Move
Disguise Self: +10 Disguise, as Human Rogue
Glibness: +30 Bluff, to convince truthiness
Vodare: -4 Diplomacy and Bluff
Vodare: +2 Intimidate and +2 vs. Fear

Bluff: Taking 10 (Social Intuition) for 46, with Glibness -Vodare

Present the problem, convincing Cedric we're on the up-and-up...
Allow Lady to barter a price / get him to take us somewhere more secluded?

If we're really lucky, we could even get an upfront payment from the victim himself!

2020-11-18, 01:16 PM
"Indeed..." spoke the "older" woman. Her eyes drifted purposely towards the two figures bemoaning the "lost opportunity" at the Governor's manor, then over to the gnome and his pointer before focusing on Cedric and giving him a respectful nod. "We don't doubt the magic, Guildmaster...but curious peoples' eyes still have a way of wandering where they shouldn't be."

2020-11-18, 10:47 PM
Cedric's eyes flit between the party as they sit across from him. His tongue pokes out as he yet again re-adjusts his jaw. Fine then, but you'd better not be wasting my time. As he finishes the last grouping of coins, he pulls each sack of the ring holding it, drops each sack into the larger fifth sack, then pulls the strings tight. He presses the button with a circle, before raising his voice, Ka'gah'ta!

At his call the emaciated goliath steps around the counter, and towards the table, reaching as they move. Cedric hands both the sack and the scales over to the looming figure. I'm going to take these 4 downstairs for a private meeting, if they come back up without me KILL them.

Turning back to the group he smiles before hovering his finger over the 1st button, the one pointing towards him. Last Chance, anyone want out before we make decisions with consequences?

Cedric's finger presses the button pointing towards him, the booth shook just for a moment, before slowly lowering into the floor. With the exception of the watching Ka'gah'ta, no one seemed to notice. Apparently the moving booth was a common enough occurrence.

As the ceiling descended with the booth, the gap to escape it quickly lessened before vanishing entirely, a few moments after light slid in from behind the backs of all the benches, as they were lowered into a well lit 30' x 30' room.


2020-12-02, 01:12 PM
https://i.vgy.me/mMZlL4.jpg (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)

Thelma notes the loud and clear threat via nodding at Ka'gah'ta as Cedric starts the booth's descent, watching as their surroundings shift vertically into the unknown. As the light fades, Zeph instinctively refocuses her senses, acutely scenting the cramped booth before it opens up into the fire-lit chamber below, picking up the domestic wood tones and a hint of cleaner. These must be his living quarters. She mentally connects the fire pit to the piping she saw above, leading out through to the tavern roof, mentally marking it as a potential exit... and perhaps the only way to escape unnoticed.

When the booth stops, Thelma stands and wanders over to the fire pit to warm herself while remaining in earshot of the circle of plush chairs, the only group seating in the chamber. The position also provides a good blockade of the exit booth, should she need to block their target's own escape, but that only matters if it matters. Her eyes note the safe and scroll rack across the room as potential sources of secondary income, from the guild or otherwise, though again she is getting ahead of herself. The Halfling, first. One hurdle at a time.

Hunter's stance: Scent, 30'
Disguise Self: +10 Disguise, as Human Rogue
Glibness: +30 Bluff, to convince truthiness
Vodare: -4 Diplomacy and Bluff
Vodare: +2 Intimidate and +2 vs. Fear

Her Passive checks, from the OoC:
Spot: 16
Listen: 26
Initiative: 23

Wait for Cedric to settle in, and then spin a web / barter payment!

2020-12-02, 01:32 PM
"Thank you for understanding, Guildmaster..." Again, a respectful nod from the woman as the Lady allowed herself to appear relieved. Still, she waited for Cedric to approach and sit in the plush seats first, wondering what sort of toxin or torture that goliath had been put through to look so emaciated. Perhaps it was a way to break its will.

If that was the case, then there was more sin on Cedric's soul -- and more reason to deserve death.

2020-12-02, 10:47 PM
Vibax waits quietly, though holding his tongue is figuratively killing him.

I know that potion can work miracles. Trust your comrades, Vibax.

Vibax keeps his seat in the booth, looking around with interest as the booth descends. Seeing the more comfortable seating in the chamber below, he waits to see what hospitality Cedric might offer to his guests.

2020-12-04, 01:09 PM
Cedric moved from his spot in the booth, carefully keeping his distance from the members of this strange group.

He moved past them casually, but carefully keeping them in view, never once turning his back to them. He sits in a chair and waving his hand. Churl - bring us some wine.

A bottle of wine and a tray of glasses lifted from beside the bed, and moved gently through the air, as the tray of glasses approached Cedric he plucked one, and held it while the bottle filled.

The floating drinkware continues and halts before each member of the party.

Now then, what do you think you know that is so very important to me?

Spellcraft/K. Arcana check (either or both)

2020-12-11, 06:49 PM
https://i.vgy.me/mMZlL4.jpg (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2308128)

Thelma watches as 'Churl' moves towards her at the fireplace with a glass, her flask of Oil of Taggit on her hip reminding her to keep to her own drinks. Thelma waves it away, jiggling her flask at the floating bottle before it continues on it's merry way. She's seen this magic before, but just in case she breathes deeply as it leaves, confirming for herself the lack of any living smell.

Satisfied that they are indeed alone, Thelma returns her focus to the Halfling sitting across from her in his chair, content in his own lair to have his own way.

Warming herself by the fire, she raises an eyebrow, the thief reminds the man that this is a negotiation... Her demeanor shifting from curiosity to resolve. "Information isn't free, you know. Especially when we're all taking such a big risk in getting it to you."

"How can we trust you to hold up your end of the deal?"

Punishing Stance: -2 AC, +1d6 Dmg
Disguise Self: +10 Disguise, as Human Rogue
Glibness: +30 Bluff, to convince truthiness
Vodare: -4 Diplomacy and Bluff
Vodare: +2 Intimidate and +2 vs. Fear

Initiative: 23

Skill Checks, if needed:
Bluff: Taking 10 (Social Intuition) for 46
Intimidate: Taking 10 (Social Intuition) for 26

We need to know that we'll be safe, paid, and permanently hired. We're taking a big risk here, and we need assurances!

Or, at least we would if any of this was true...

Would be fun to get him to pay us for his assassination, too :smallsmile: Or maybe he'll trade info, and we can learn more about what's going down behind the scenes with the Governor?

Switching stances to prepare for a kill, if we go that route...

2020-12-12, 10:32 AM
The Lady nodded respectfully (though with some look of confusion) towards the air as she took the offered glass. She raised it to her lips and gave it a cursory sniff, not daring to drink just yet, but making sure for politeness' sake that propriety was observed. At the very least, it would provide contrast to "Thelma's" brusqueness.

And all the while, she watched Cedric carefully, looking for any social chink in the armor they could exploit or be wary about...

If he's capable of magic, this changes things...